xt7wst7dsb12 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7wst7dsb12/data/mets.xml Historical Records Survey (Ky.) United States. Work Projects Administration. Kentucky 1942 "There are 120 counties in Kentucky and it is expected that a guide will be issued for each county."--Letter from Work projects administration of Kentucky dated Sept. 8, 1942. books This digital resource may be freely searched and displayed in accordance with U. S. copyright laws. Kentucky Works Progress Administration Publications Associations, institutions, etc.--Kentucky--Webster County--Directories Kentucky--Webster County--Civil defense Guide to civilian organizations. Webster County, Kentucky text Guide to civilian organizations. Webster County, Kentucky 1942 1942 2012 true xt7wst7dsb12 section xt7wst7dsb12 HIHIIIMllWWmUUW HH1WH| |? |N  
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 The Webster County Defense Council is Affiliated
with the Kentucky Defense Council
Frankfort, Kentucky
Honorable Keen Johnson, Governor of Kentucky
John J. Greenleaf, State Director of
Civilian Defense
V Dixon
- Carroll E. Tithers, Chairman
This uide is oreoared for the official use
~ ». L .
of the Defense ¤ouncil of ,  , ? V
< MOTZERS CLUB OF HXOVIDENQE, c/e Hrs. B, D. Robards, 257 Cedar Street, I
, Providence. Founded l9l&. President, Hrs. L. D. Robards, Telephone ~·
L SO. Secretary, Irs, O, D, Austin, Locust Street, Providence, Terms
- , expired April, 1942, . ·
Q lbnbcrship: 'l6. Open to reputable mothers interested in civic rights,
-- } child welfare and public relations.
3 Committees: Executive and Public Relations hrs. 1. D. Robards
________ ____ ____ ____ I .9
" Providence, A '
.g Purpose: The betterment of humrn relations. _ `
Q Normal Civic Activities; Coeperates with all city organizations.
Q Defense Activities: Training for Hospital and Clinical Assistance,
T Sewing and Pyeparation of surgical Dressings, jntertainment, hecreation,
‘f Collecting Books, Discussion Loaders. Interested in Operation of --
I Canteens, — _ '
is Local Publications; Year Book. "’ l
f ORDER O? EASTERN STAR, DIXON CIAPTER=}582 (Kentucky Grand Chapter). ·· ~
? Founded l924. Worthy Eatron, Hallie J. Gentry, Dixon, Secretary, Kary
§ A. Crouse, Dixon, Telephone QC, Terms expired October,·lQé2,
{ Membership: 32. Open to white persons t3 years of age, rclrtives of
P affiliated Masons (wife, widow, mother, daughter and sister) and·
E lhsons in good standing.
E Committees; Refreshments, Iallie J. Gentry; Entertainment, Laura
I Asher, both of Dixon,
_ Purpose: Social and moral advancement, _ I _
‘ I' · t .. . - . ‘ · . wrt  
; Normal Civic Activities: Coopcrates with the Qixon Lasonie Lodge ,9ll,
} Defense Activities: Qngaged in.}cd Cross fssietmncc. it V
I Local Publications: None, _ . .— · ‘ \

 A     )   7
I -lO- .
»v ORDER OF EASTERN STAR, PROVIDERCE CEAPTER #504. (Grand Chapter of Kentucky, ` .,6
Order of Eastern Star), c/e Hrs. John Pike, Providence. Founded l920. ~
Worthy hatron, Hrs. Vivian Green, Providence. Telephone 299. Secretary, `
Irs. John Pike, Terms expired September, l942. ' Pu
Membership; 74. Open to daughter, Wife, widow, sister or mother of a No
Lnster Nason in good standing. * l EE
Committees: Flower, Hrs."Iillie Cowan; Entertainment, Mrs, Ruth Lofton; DS
1 Finance, Thurman Phelps; Sick, Hrs. l@rtle Frye, all of Providence, Ep
. Pur ose; Christian welfare work amonz members, l
, ...jii., L Lo
\ Normal Civic Activiticsi `Goopersting with Ped Cross.
Defense Activities: Encased in Sewin. and Preoaratien of Sureical Dressin s , 1
....l..  ,, . ..-.-.- - . . --   __9.,~?........... _ -· ¤ ¤ Au
Red Cross Assistance, Collection of Scrap netals and Other netals. SG
Local Publications; None. ~ ·` V _
“ he
of Parents and Teachers Lssociations), c/o Hrs. C. E. Barnhill, 205 Rose- I CO
ment kvenue, Providence. Founded l9l7. President, Irs. C. E. Barnhill.
Secretary, Irs. Richard Lampson,`Hest Iain Street, Providence. Terms ex- Pu
pired September, lQd2, y ,EE
Membership; 75. Open to parent or teacher of child attending the school. NO
Committees: ‘Financial hrs. J. L. Een’amin- Pro ram Hrs. Pauline Kuwken-
_______ ___ __ _ _ __ » . J s 1 . D9
dall, both of Providence. . .. , ` _ {E
· E6
Purpose; Cooperation between heme and school for improvement of child
welfare. . , ‘ LO
Normal Civic Activities: None reported,
I ‘ ' WE
Defense Activities: Training for Tirst.Aid, Preparation and Serving of .FO
Food Child bare' Colleetin. Books Discussion Leaders. Interested in
> -• » _   ..-. -.-.. ... Pr
hospital and Clinical nsslstance, Sewing and Preparation of Surgical pg
Dressings, Family Social Service in Industrial Areas, . _ ti
7 Local Publications; hone. . YO
7 WEBSTER COUNTY FKIY BUREAU (State & National Farm Bureau Federation), CO
c/e Dorothy Helton Dixon. Founded l953, President, Leteher Marks, Clay. {E
Secretary, Dorothy Felton. Vice-President, Luther Jackson, Providence. - in
Telephone l67- . Terms expire October, 1943. » Di
lkntprship; 275. Open to persons engaged in agricultural pursuits. O Pu
i Committees; None reported, in ’ NO
·· EEZ

 V ` ‘ - ‘ ..1],.. »
Webster County Farm Bureau (Continued) -
Purpose: To.cnéourage improved practices in farming.
Normal CiviE_§etivities; Cooperating with legislative groups for -
equable insurance and livestock protection,
DeQense_&ptiyities; Interested in Collection of Scrap Metals and`
I Other,Metals, Consumer Protection Activities, »
Local Publications:· None,
WEBSTER~COUNTY 4-H CLUB (State and National &—H Clubs), e/o Hrs. Eva
ES: » Adams, Sebree. Founded l920._ President, 'l.` Eallace Harmon, Dixon.
Secretary, Hrs. Eva Adams. Terms expire January, IQIS. County Agent,
. J. L. Wheeler, Dixon. Term indefinite, ,
I Membership: 550. Open to rural_boys and jirls between the ages of
‘ IO and l8 years cf age, who are carrying some farm project.
S ' .» ‘ .
1 Committees: 4-H Council lalkioe Harmon Dixon,
_ I }
‘ Purpose: Traininr routh in aooroved methods of reduction of a rie
. .. n, ( .. L
i ·cultural products, _
, Normal Civic=Aetivities; None reoorted, · r M
‘ i Defense Activities; Training for Preparation and Serving of Food.
_ Interested in Emergency Repair Service, ded Cross Lssistance, Collec--
tion of Scrap Ietals and Other Metals.
E Local Publications: None., ‘ » __
·Pederation), c/o Hrs. Willis Haywood, Slaurhterville. Founded l957,
President, Irs. Gus Dunville, Slaughtersville. Telephone 53, ‘Secre-
tary, [rs.` illis Haywood, Terms expire January, IQQB. Home Demonstra-
tion Agont, Mary Jordan Odor, Dixon. Torn indefinite,
r lbrhership; 250, Open to women of rural communities and farms interest-
ed in the problem of Nome Economies, · . _
• ' .
T Committees; Kemborship; Hrs. Simpson Hammock, Diamond; Library, Mrs,
Loreno Blankenship, Dixon; Foods, Hrs. Veston Powell, Lisman; Cloth-
¤ ing, Hrs. James Horner, Sebree; Publicity, Hrs. Hilber Jehnson,_ y
‘ Diamond, l » r
Purpose; Teaching home economics to rural housckecpcrs.
Normal Civic Activities; Cooperating with P»U Cross, religious organi-
?@%T6h§ and G-i"Clubs,

Q` -13-
V . . . . RL
L Webster County Homemakcrs Association (Continued) ‘
. l D·
Defense Activities; Engaged in Sewing and Preparation of Surgical Dress- —-
ings, Red Cross Assistance, Preparation and Serving of Food, Family “ _ L,
Pceial Service in Industrial Areas, Child Care, Entertainment, Recreation,
Library Service, Discussion Leaders, Public Speaking, Consumer Protection‘
Activities. · yn
, _ _ .. ..  ` S<
Local Publications: homcmakers News °heet. .
f ___e,_ _,, , ______--- .. L-, A.
KJ .
L --.T. .- , . . ‘ , ,- . W
‘ WOLAm'S CLUB OF DIXON (State and National Federation of nomcn‘s Clubs), .
c o Irs. C. I. Lisman Dixon. Founded l927. President Hrs. C. U. M
. ` ,. . . . . , - . · he
Lisman Tclenhone lC. Secretar lms. Crystal Lciarland Dixon. Tele-
3 .. ~ I ./· 3 · Pl
phone 77-J, Terms expire lQ%5, _· ·- A
· Membership; @2. Open to women interested in the social and civic wel- jj
Tarewdf Dixon.
" . . Pl
Committees; Literary, hrs. L. L. Dleckwell; Garden, nrs. G. L. Jithers;f I F;
Fine Arts hiss Helen Lisman• Librar· Miss Eva Mauz all of D`xon·v ·
1 s y I ya l • .
W t N:
Purpose; Jor civic betterment, education and social life. "
‘ ` · V D<
Normal Civic Activities; Cooperated with civic organizations in.obtain-` it
ing a Public Library for Dixon. Q S-
Defense Lctivities; Engaged in.Red Cross Assistance, Library Assistance;. ; L,
Interested in Sewing and Preparation of Surgical Dressings, Collection f "
of Scrap letals and Other Metals. `V`
, _ A VK
Local Publications; None. p U,
· 2 ; ILE
¤ bc
NOLAN'S 2OTH CENTURY CLUB (Kentucky Federation of Uomen‘s Clubs), LJ
Providence. Founded l9B9. President, Hrs. Z, 1, Rayburn, 228 Cedar
Street Providence. Secreter hrs. Herbert Fraser Ta le Ptreet v
_ 2 : · r J P · : ax
Providence. forms expire Key, l943, _ EH
Membership; ll; Qualifications, an interest_in literature and eultu- CC
ral improvement, V yr
Committees; Program, Hrs, lm A, Treylpr; Music, Irs. Frank Taylor, " `" A P,
both of Providence, E;
Purpose: A literary, study and social club, . { , -`" NC
. . . . . , u . - H · · V- iT
Normal Civic Activities; Cooperetes with nee Cross and other worthy i
I`- · J I! ·
ente crises, V DG
· ` A 1 · , Dr
‘ _
Q _ Q . ,_,

 ‘ ..]_§..
_ "Uoman's 20th Century Club (Continued) V
°, Defenseuectivitiesg Engaged in Red Cross Assistance.
· Local Publications: Program folder annually,
Southern Baptist Convention), c/e Irs, Ollie Warren,,lllO Kentucky
Avenue, Providence. Founded l958, President, Mrs. Ollie Uarren.
1 Secretary, Hrs. Goldie Winsted, Church Street, Previdence.. Terms
g expired August, l942, .
E _Membership; l2. Open to members of Baptist Church and interested in
Q public welfare,
; Committees: Civic, Hrs. Nell Frederic; Thite Cross, Irs. Ella
} Philpot; Reading, Lrs. Lem Killang, all of Providence, e
Q Purpose: Public Welfare, Religious Education and promotion of . -
E missionary work,
€ Normal Civic Activities; Extension and support of missions,
j Defense Activities: Training for Sewing and Preparation of Surgical
· Dressings, Library Service. Interested in Hospital and`C1inical As-
* sistance, Red Cross Assistance, Child Care,
A if Local Publications; None. y
Q Union of ¤outhcrn.Saptist Convention), c/e Irs.·S. D. Palmer, .
i East Main Street, Providence. Founded l900. President, lbs. A. J.
* Fortenberry, `Uillow Street, Providence. Telephone 274JEh Secretary,
T Lrs. S, D. Palmer, Telephone 222. Terms expire December, 1945
Q Membership; 16. Open to women who are interested in the organization-
Q al work of the church,
  • . ·
Q Committees: Personnel 5ervice, Irs. J. E. Lorgan; fission Study, Mrs.
f A. L, Loyd; Yeung People's Work, Irs, Paul Austin, all of Providence, ·
{ Pur osei Studv of the Tiblc and missionary activities at home and
.; P ____‘ U .. I
1 abroad,
l Z Normal Civic Activities; Cooperating with charitable organizations .
` ·é in providing food, clothing and funds where needed; y
.1 w
i Defense Activities: Engaged in Sewing and Preparation of Surgical y
; Dressings, lntonestcd in Red Cross Assistance,

,_ ...14.. '
Uomen's Missionary Union of Baptist Church (Continued) `
Local Bublications; None, ` · ,
J UOIEN'S SOCIETY OF CHRISTIAN SERVICE C .`.` . S, C, S. Methodist Church, _ A_
- .¤ ~ - , . N - ]
U. S. A.), c/b lms. w. O. Crow, Dixon. *ounded l935. President, A
hrs. J. Ross Ramsey, Dixon. Telephone 79-J. _Socrctary, Irs. YL O. — J
Crow. Telephone SSAN. Terms expired October, 1942. Executive ‘ I it
2 Secretary, Irs.Ci. L. Jackson, Dixon. Telephone 52. Term»indefinite. g O;
_ < I V 2 ,, .
Kewbcrship; 15. Open to women members of the hcthodist Church. . g in
· ""“""""‘ . .   ec
. T F
Committee; None reported, g “C
.1...-...- -..... .. ' V l . ·, CC
Purpose: To enable church women to better perform church duties and , gl
Christian services, ` Q jl
- A v_ · g Em
Normal Civic Activities; None reported. ‘ § gx
In - . [ »· ·t-,. va. N w · cmu ` no · » 1 t `. L 1·· } Fl
Defense reeivi iesL nngaéec in.nee Cross .,-. csistance, in_erestce_in. J T
First Aid, Preparation and Serving of Food, 3 *°
» ·   Ir
_ __ _ T ‘ , .... . -· _;- - . ‘ _ * I~
Local Publications; None. · - V · · ' { Ii
·-••—-—-·~--·--—-»—·——··-- •——-··· _ ` __ . .' ..... · »- · ·· · · J J]
. { . ` A   P
~ ' ‘ - g lx
Society of Christian Service), cjb Mrs. A. H. Traylor, Providence. f
Founded 1940. President, Hrs. T, R. Yard, Providence. bccretary, Mrs. _Q it
L. E. Traylor, Providence. Terms expire January, l945. Executive Score- i QC
tary, Hrs, Vert C, Fraser, Providence. Telephone 254JH. Term expires Q QE
April, 1944,, ' n 4 · ` S hi
~ · , , Q R<
Ixmberehio;· 25. Open to any woman member of the Methodist Church,i 2 gi
Committees; Christian Social Relations, Yrs. Joe Teague, Providence, I $3
**“"‘t"“"“ ‘ r I c
Purpose; To further extend missionary work and te wrovide aid to { SC
those in need, V I · i TC
_ ··. Q Ta
Normal Civic ictivities: Cooperotes with Ted Cross, local charities J Ti
and community organizations, - I TY
Defense Activities; Engaged in Red Cross nssistance,
A Local Publications; None, ~_ · z C
Y ;

 —l5~ _
{ Air Raid`Warden Service
{ Ambulance Service
i Auxiliary Fire Protection
I Auxiliary Police
V { Child Care
Q Civilian Aircraft Warning Service
l 2 Collecting Docks
g Collection of Scrap Ketals and Other Hetals
E Consumer Protection Activities
Q Discussion Leaders
>¥ Drafting
2 Emergency Repair Service
j Entertainment
I Family Social Service in Industrial Areas _
E First Aid
jg Hospital and Clinical fssistance
{ Interpreting
» Q Interviewing
l {P Library Service .
I Motor Corps Service
Q Operation of Canteens
I Preparation and Serving of Food
é Public Speaking
C_ i Radio Operation and Repair `
E Recreation
i Red Cross Assistance
E Research Assistance -
i Salvage Demolition Service
ij Sewing and Preparation of Surgical Dressings
g Signal Services
I Teaching imericanization Classes for Aliens and Others
g Teaching Classes in Lechanical Skills needed in Defense Industries
5 Teaching Classes of Hap Reading and Sketching
I Teaching Literacy Classes for Aliens and Others
§ Teaching Jpanish and Portuguese
4 T Typing and Other Clerical Assistance
4 K

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`. I

American Legion, Clarence McCoy Post=}llO, Providence, 1
American Legion Auxiliary, Clarence Kc°oy Unit jilO, Providence, l
American Red Cross, Providence Chapter, l
Baptist Women's Iissionary, Providence, 2
Baptist Wemen‘s Missionary Union, Dixon, 2
‘ Book Club of Providence, 5
Boy Scouts of America, Dixon Troop, 5
Christian Missionary Society, Providence, A
Cumberland Presbyterian Missionary Society, Providence, 4
Dixon Civic Club, 5
, Dixon Figh School Alumni Association, C
Dixon Parent-Teacher Association, 5
‘ Free and Accepted Masons, Dixon Lodge-f9ll, 6
_ Free and Accepted Kasons, Providence Lodge-fl43, 6
Future Farmers of America, Dixon Chapter, 7
_ Garden Club of Providence, 7
Girls' Auxiliary, Victory Eaptist Church, Providence
Q Kiwanis Club, Providence, 8
Kissionary Society of Presbyterian Church, Providence, 8
Mothers Club of Providence, 9
Order of Eastern Star, Dixon Chapter #582, C"
Order of Eastern Star, Providence Chapter ,504, 1O
Providence School Parent-Teacher Association, lO
Hebster County Farm Bureau, Dixon, lO
`Jebster County 4-E Club, Sebree, ll
, lobster County Homemakers Association, Slaughtcrville, ll
Ueman*s Club of Dixon, l2
Toman's Twentieth Century Club, Providence, l2
Uomen's Missionary Society, Zaptist Church, Providence, I5
Uomcn's Missionary Union of Baptist Church, Providence, 13
Women‘s Society of Christian Service, Dixon,