xt7wpz51k952 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7wpz51k952/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1979-04-24 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, April 24, 1979 text The Kentucky Kernel, April 24, 1979 1979 1979-04-24 2020 true xt7wpz51k952 section xt7wpz51k952 ' I
Vol. LxxL No. I48 Ker 2] ”limit! of Kentucky
Tuesday. April 24. I979 an independent student newspaper Lexington, Kentucky
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' causes concem fstudent’s father
p . By ELI SIMPSON content of books and assignments his lawyer and I don‘t want to get involved
.( - M - ., ' ' Spectal to the Kernel son was required to read in his English in academic problems down here. but.
. , goddamn. I am going to stick up for
- 1 . » ,. 3i ., Eugene Goss. the Harlan lawyer composition class. my son. What parent wouldn‘t?"Goss .
it ' , . 19‘ ~ who complained to English (loss also said he believes his son. said. ‘ .
i . M _‘ ~ it - it, Department Chairman Joe Bryant Arts & Sciences freshman Mark Goss. Goss said his son is a Christian and
i . ' .. I “n. ., , about the books his son was required received an unfair grade from English if Miller‘s or Faulkner‘s book (Black . '
>- - “a, ' to read for English l0l. thinks he made teaching assistant Betty Jean Gooch. Spring and Light In August
a”: y the right decision, “My son gota B-minus on an A-plus respectively) contained only “some i
. t: ‘fgygéiwfiiogw "If this paper my son wrote and her paper.“ Goss said. “He got four A‘s sexual paragraphs and cuss words.
- 3) “MM (.llFrON/Kflml m" (Goochfs) comments reached the and two B‘s in the course. and I don‘t then my son would not have objected.
» nghba" people in the (state) legislature that know where or how Ms. Gooch gets a The Holy Trinity 15 the touching stone
supply the money for this University, B for his final grade out of that." of his religion and he was offended .
The baseball eludes Kentucky's leaping second afternoon at the Shively Sports Center. UK won the there‘might well have been political .0055 said he thought his son was when Miller compared the Trinity to
baseman Chuck Long as the Wildcats tried to nail the game l7-l2. Kentucky hosts Xavier tomorrow afternoon ramifications and economic sanctions given lower grades in his English l0l the male penis (In Black Spring). My
Cincinnati baserunner at second base yesterday at l p.m. against this institution." class last semester because he didnot son told Ms. Gooch that these books _
He added. however. that he agree With Gooch‘s personal opinions offended his moral and religious
86 t t estmctu I F0 8’ t I wouldn’t pursue such actions himself. and views 0f author Henry Millfl- beliefs and he tried every way in the - »
V0 es 0 r re cu con r0 “You cannot blame this whole (Gooch could not be reached for world to get a different assignment. '
institution for the indiscretion of comment.) but she wouldn‘t let him. This is the A
By SUE TEETER week. “I don't want to waste any more patronizing and (showed a) one teacher‘s aid they“ said Goss. “lt “it is not the grade that matters." ‘ '
Staff Writer money on it." one senator said. contemptuous attitude toward would not be fair, I am not a very said Goss. “it is the content of the '
“Although maybe it has promise. it students, including graduate political animal." books and the assignments that .
Citing a “pressing and urgent need really hasn‘t worked." assistants." Goss. however, has worked in a offended my son's morality and . " s L
for Focus to be independent from Senator-at-large Bobby Dec A&S Senator Mark Koopman said number of state appointed positions. religious convictions.“ -=
undue influence of Student Gunnell disagreed. saying “People do Bryant‘s action threatened “freedom A I959 UK Law School graduate, the And it was those comments written ,
Government senators,“and a need for pay attention to what we print in in education on this campus.“ 5l-year-old Goss served during the by Gooch on Mark‘s returned theme .
more efficiency and accountability. Focus. Overall. l think it‘s gained us 50 Press Secretary Mike Breen Louis Nunn administration as state paper which caused Goss to complain a " 5 '
50 Voted last night to YCStYUCture some publicity.“ (who is an English major) said he Commissioner of Economic Security to English Department Chairman Joe “ L,» ;I. is
supervision of the newspaper. SCB received most of the space in agreed with Bryant because the books from I968-69 and state Commissioner Bryant. The comments were actuallya ta ff.
The publication has been controlled this semester's final issue of Focus “reallyare abovcthe levels offrcshmen of Highways from l969-70. quote from Henry Miller's World of Tr“ i i
. by SG‘s Public Relations Chairman because“they have been slighted.Thcy They aren't being properly taught Although he claims to be “non- Sex. The quote from Miller‘s b00lt " ~
Brad Sturgeon. There was no official have not had the coverage. We (30) until the upper level.“ He also said the political.“ Goss was a UK trustee said: w '
accountability for material presented didn‘t havethat much copy.‘"Sturgeon purpose of English lOI. l02 and l05 is appointed by the governor. and served No matter how attachcdlbecamc to ' .. .
inthe paper. The bill providesthat the explained. to teach composition and he said he from l972 to 1974. Goss was also acunt. I was always morcinterestedin " .. ‘ '. I
Focus editor is responsible to 3 Later SG voted to allocate $275 for thinksthe books are not good subjects. active in Nixon‘s 1972 re-election the' person who owned it. A cunt ' g ‘ ' ' V
committee comprised of the $0 the summer edition. Some senators said they object to campaign. doesn't live a separate independent fi. -
president and vice president and A late resolution to “Strongly Bryant's statements that freshmen existence. Nothing does. Everything is . ~
selected senators. The committee disapprove of actions and comments" were “too immature“ and that interrelated. Perhaps a cunt is one of . '
WOUld only oversee 505 part Of the concerning books banned from classes teaching assistants lacked proper 0085. whose Complaints led to the the prime symbols-for the connection
joint SG-Student Center Board by English Department Chairman Joe judgment in choosing books. Others bOOltS being banned. said in an between allthings. Toentcrlifeby way EUGENE GOSS '
publication. Bryant failed. The defeated resolution said they thought the remarks were interview last week that he thought hiS ofthevaginaisasgoodawayasany. If
The change WOUld “keep it from said Bryant's comments reported in “verydisparaging both ofstudents and “son‘s morality and TCliSiOUS you enter deep enough, remain long foundation of the whole objection,” '-
hCihS abused" by senators attempting yesterday‘s Kernel were “exceedingly of graduate assistants." convictions“ were offended by the enough. ,t‘Oll will/ind what .VOU 599k Goss said. '
to “benlefit and) Iexploit FocusB for but you go! to enter with heart and (Yesterday‘s Kernel reported that
persona use.“ il co-sponsor rad ' ' soul and check your belongings Gooch su ested. and later re nested, . -
Sturgeon said. Other bi“ sponsors For m er U 0f L Editors 868k r gins ta t em en t OUtSid9~ 3." belongings I mean fears, that Marlngoss choose anotliler topic
I, were SC 8' member Scott Whonsetler. prejudices. and superstitions. for his paper. She said that none of the
-\ goats editor and Arts & Seiences oomph“, ham “mutton, of Murray‘s removal. U of L Vice (The First Amendment guarantees . Goss claims his son’s constitutional students objected to her plans to use
enator Mike Whitlock. ' ‘ , President for Student Affairs Edward the freedoms of press. speach. religion rights were Violated by Gooch and his the Miller and Faulkner books when _ ‘
~ F9014“ SG pre-election edition. The dismissed editor and managing Hammond dismissed Murray and and assembly. The Fourteenth 50“ “Will have received a better grade she presented a detailed introduction _
1 published for April 3. ran stories on editor of the University of Louisville’s Floyd. Amendment provides for“due process if his theme paper agreed with her to the course at the start of last
two candidates for preSident and their student newspaper. The Louisville ‘ of the law") views and opinions of Miller. “Faculty semester. In addition. she said she had
running mates. omitting the names of Cardinal, are going to court this Murray and Floyd 5 att9ihhy- Dan At its regular meeting yesterday. the and teachers should realize that used the books for the previous three , ' .
' the other three presidential and two morning to try to regain their jobs. Taylor. Will 8°t° federal dlStilCt CW" U of L Board of Trustees decided it students have rights too.“ Goss said. semesters.)
; vice presidential candidates. 86 Editor 10m Murray and Managing today _to 35k. for a tehiPOiaiy wouldn‘t take any action on the Goss said he wants an academic “Ms. Gooch is learning, but she is "
. elections were April 4 and 5. Editor Don Floyd were fired last week ihlllnCtiOH 383"?“ the university‘s controversy. Instead. the board left it policy “that will not force students to going to have to learn that college is .
, Funding for the summer edition of after Murray refused to apologize for actions. Floyd said heand Murray are up to the school‘s administration to take assignments that offend their not a sewer. I am not paying a .
Focus. to be mailed to incoming several items in the paper‘s April Fool asking to be "”1“"th and to be given resolve the problem under the rules set moral and religious beliefs." thousand dollars a year to expose my '
freshmen. was also discussed. Some issue. One story in the issue falsely batik pay. forthin The Redbook.UofL‘sstudent “Maybe teachers ought not be son to the sewers and fecal matter. I
, senators VOICed opposition to stated that the entire U of L football Floyd said their argument will be guidebook. permitted to assign what they want to sent him down here (to UK) to get an i: ' .
. additional funding because 0i the team had been “arrested for dope. that in firing them. U of L violated According to a spokesman at the assign.” Goss suggested. education and to learn how to makea '. ‘ ‘
small number of editions published sodomy and subversion.“ their rights under the First and newspaper‘s offices.the finaledition of “We are not people trying to create living for himself and how to broaden .
. this year and the lack 0i space devoted After a 5 to 3 vote of the U of L Fourteenth amendments to the the Cardinal. a weekly. Will appear problems 0i make trouble. hilt what himself intelligibly and how to get ‘» i .
to SC in the issue distributed for LKD Student publications Board in favor Constitution. tomorrow. could my son do about this? I am a along with people." Goss said. - - .
1 UNITED MINES WORKERS STRlKERS from Stearr‘s which currently are shut down for refueling. maintenance or Baghdad Arab summit decision last month to impose
Mining 03- attempted yesterday to build rank-and-file safety reviews. sanctions against the Cairo goverment.the official Saudi news ‘, . . .
opposition to a tentative settlement in their strike that UMW agency reported. ‘. ’ i '
’ leaders apparently feel is the best that can be obtained. The sanctions are intended to punish President Anwar ; j
Representatives of Stearns and the UMW agreed to a BILLY CARTER. ONE OF AMERICAS MOST Sadat for signinga peace treaty with Israel. . ‘ . -
state settlement calling for a May 3 representation election at FAMOUS BEER drinkers. admitted yesterday that he is an The agency said thedecision wastakenataCabinet meeting I - .
Siearns‘ Justus Mine in McCreary County. site of one of the alcoholic. He added that swearing off alcohol was like giving in Riyadh under Deputty Premier Prince Abdallah bin Abdul ii , .
OFFICIALS OF LESTER MOTORS, INC. OI“ Central longest strikes in union history. up “one of my best friends.“ . Aziz. also commander of the Saudi natitonal guard. 2
City delivered state Finance Secretary Roy Stcyens a check The strikers believe terms ofwho will beallowed to vote will “The toughest part was when i made up my mind never to Kuwait announced "flier yesterday that it had broken :4 .
. for 524.548 yesterday representing money the state claimed it favor Stearns employees who have been crossing their picket drink again God knows I gave up one of my best friends.“ diplomatic relations with Egypt for the same reason. e .
was owed as a result of a school bus chasm transaction. lines to work at the mlnc. President Carter‘s brothter said at a'news conference atthe . g, . ‘
t Stevens had sent the firm a letter by certified mail yesterday US Navy‘s "3'0“" medical center In Long Beach. Calif. f; ' iv
_ morning demanding that Lester Motors reimburse the state FIFTY'THOUSAND CAM'ODIANS FLEEING . 3 ~ i
t by May 3 for S22.li73 plus interest dating from Aug. I. I978. _ majt: llmmlincfu otfcnflVFdlnTthr 31w“ counttrly "egg: 3‘ »
and he sus nded the com an - from biddin on state soul a on t e rontier. inst e ai an .apparen yon i z. .. .
contracts fort“, years. p y g nat'on world way to senzctuary in the rugged mountains of southwestern :
Stephens said he made his dccmon on the basis ofa review Cambodia. newsmen It the scene “id yesterday. . . i i ‘l
°.l ”“ “mm“ ”9“” 0‘ “l““l' b‘” ”“5"“ by “Palm“ NUCLEAR rowan PLANTS BUILT in THE FIRM ousrm DICTATOR lDl AMIN VISITED mo over h"“ “'3‘ 3'2”" °£'imtn‘:cwfl:’or;gfd:::we: ‘~ _ '
, General Counsel (harles wwkhm' that constructed the Three Mile Island plant are hard to the weekend on an Arab-states shopping tour for weaponsto ! e new pr: Iced“? f. it ‘led ro-China Premier ’ ' ‘
control and should be shut down until their safety can be make a comeback in his tribal birthplace in northwestern [S’atlngn m "m" i. e or“ 0' opp. :estern ()th . _
- . assured. the staff ofthe Nuclear Regulatory Commission said Uganda. Arab diplomats said yesterday. 0 . 0‘ were su eneng eavy osses m . f . ' .
APPROVALOF A Pnorosrosus MILLION out-of- yesterday, Their repons raised the prospect ofprotracted fightingthat , .thetn'm; IPP-rent'y "8°00 9““ it“ °°“'Y F°““'°‘ " ' ' ‘
' court settlement was taken under adusementyesterday bythe I NRC Chairman Joseph M. Hendrie said the commission could drain the energies of provisional president Yusufu 'hill‘ted With'Chmtm" Dayinvasion ofCambodia.beganI ‘
. two judges handling litigation from the May. I977 fire at the would decide Tuesday or Wednesday whether a temporary Lule's two-week-old government as it seeks to repair hut” offenswe lutmonth l° W‘ll’e 9‘" the PM Potguemllu ' V A. , ‘
m Beverly Hills Supper Club which killed I65 persons. shutdown of the plants. built by Babcock a Wilcox. should be economic damage caused by six months of war. two weeks of in western Clthdil before the rainy ”“0“ starts. ~
. . Campbell Circuit Judge John Disking and l'.S. District ordered. looting and eight years of Amin's rule. '
, JUd8° Carl Dubin. after h0l_ I’I‘ \\ pp his." I“ . I l ”’6‘"
, - - ? my . .\:‘r—‘-\ F . ‘--‘*"=‘ "d , . .5, .x as.
e ._ it. i \ . . ~ l\ , .
basement filled wrth clean I N l . 2 ‘\ t - ~ A! Rica ., s, “w . a
.9 . . "III‘ ,.-‘ k t ‘f>‘\\. I j .
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Our crazy political life is such ajoy gauntlet ofcontinual risk eachtimc lightning. But most of us would still it. . . N ’ \V ‘C \,\ .5. ‘
to watch. By selective quotation. it we crossthe street.climbaladder.deal rather consort with the former than WW 1* I \ \. “i at!) i
would be easy to represent a great with substances from gasoline to the latter. ! 5 ' ‘ L. ,
number of Ralph Nader‘s old tobacco. But the problem here is not W \ I S THEY ALL KEEP WWW T07, i
predictions as having undergone a one of accumulated past dangers Garry Wills is . syndicated columnist WHOS THLS SNNT HOW THE OAR“ ' L
sudden conversion to most of his confirmedix number havediedincoal writing out of Boston. His column lI
. crusades. mine caverns). It is a matter both of appears every Tuesday. __—_—___—————— II
Just yesterday. these people were ’_“"_T _ —_ ““"‘—_“‘— — i ‘
inveighing against seat belts. air bags. outrldef -..i I
I, surgeon generals‘ reports. air quality .
controls. and saccharin bans. But by garry WI/IS '
today they are telling us. just this side “""""—‘ “flu“—_— i
of exaggeration. how truly dangerous scale and of control: How many might i
are cars. pollution. coal mines. die if the statistically slight possibility i
cigarettes. and cholesterol. Risk and takes its numerically huge toll? " '— '_'—_ " ""‘_""' ” "T'W‘ ‘
danger ISI the” theme; ‘hey SOIuInd fully Suppose a person Comes to you and send him a copy of the best-selling and SOCTatCS [0 Karl Marx [0 Buddha piece of literature andjustify it. I could ‘
_ 35 alarmist aSIhemaniheny"'C”ed‘a says:“lwanttofillyourbasementwith 'Silent Majority' book(non-fiction.ofcoursc):TheP-- Again. no objections here since the do it. but it‘s not the TAs'
short while ago. for alarmism. live TNT. [‘11 pay you well for storing ~ , Principle. University fulfilled its obligations in responsibility tojustify anything. They i
What brought about this striking in and l‘ll pack and cushion n so that We at the headquarters ofStudents this respect. I have no right of decision in this i
change? it might be called the politics the . P955'b‘l'W °f "5 80“"! °ff is for Nuclear Annihilation would liketo 6"“ A- WM“ To ”w“. Wh" 0mm ‘9 being mam" . . . . . ‘
. of inoculation inject a little statistically very slim , slimmer than express our heartfelt thanks to Dr. A a S senior exposed to ideas that conflict wrth Whose responSIbllity is it to screen i
Naderism to fend off Nader. All the the chance that a ““0"“ or a faulty Joseph Bryant for clearly proclaiming. Phe" own. or even V5013“ the value boon for entering freshmen? And
talk ofdanger.elsewhere used totell us wire would start a fire in your house." at long last. his department‘s What's the fuss? Judgments oftheir belief systems. why should that responsibility rest on one
that nuclear plants are. by comparison Even if the statistics alleged should commitment to free itself and the UK are you attending a universny? . man‘s shoulders? Bryant Is “87”"
very safe. The scare-talk about smaller prove sound wouldn‘t you hesitate to community from influence by pinkoes. Concerning the controversy Perhaps these people are followrng cite Betty IJean Gooch for requiring
things is meant to pooh-pooh scare accept that. proposal? Sure. one artists. and other sex maniacs, His surrounding the reading of specific the advtcc of a well-meaning person Henry Millers Illlaek Spring and
talk about a great concern. cigarette can destroy a house. But it newly announced policy of “consistent works of literature in the UKfreshman :‘hii tOId meIupon my departure from Wliilam Faulkner 5 “I," in if?“ I“
To bless nukes. the celebrators of might smolder out; and even ifa fire unilateral novel termination" is composmoIn courses: Whatsthe “.158? '8 “"001 or college. Now. you do h." English [05 class. 0 one
our technolo 'will reversethemselves starts one can esca e There will be welcomed by my subcommittee, the SO certain materials were "'qu rcalgood and make good grades down disapproved Of her use Of the same.
gy ‘ , . ‘ p ‘ . P t i All’ f B ~ h t f reading. This is surely nothing new to there. but don‘t let them put any new books forthethrcc previousscmestcrs.
and curse cars. No one has died from many more firesthan TNT explosmns; aren a. '3"ch or ““5 men I0 . . l' h . ideas in your head .. However his comments reflect an ‘
a nuclear plant‘s presence in the but the fire hazard is often Undesrrable Literary Material the UniverSIty socnc. Asa res man m ' . ‘. . It f .
~ . . - ~ (PABLUM). The Alliance has been the fall and spring of l970-7l. l was authoritarian attitude that rec s o
neighborhood. Who can say that for a controllable. even if it occurs. I I . Cr C rt . . d ll f h
coal mine? Or even for the neighbor‘s working for some time now to protect required to read more than a dozen 9!! l er prcyudice towar a res man comp
car"" if a major nuclear emission occurs. our young people from experience books in my composition courses. The Physics graduate student "“1 TA TA 5- ,
t it i5 "0‘ similarly controllable; and its until they‘re experienced enough to ideas covered ranged from dogmatic Bryant has “0t onlyItaken away the i
That argument has become a song. effect would be on a scale to dwarf know and to tell others what to Christian ideology to Vonnegut's lee "I f TA‘s freedom of deeision in choosing
the top one on the right wing's hit eVen the fires that burn down whole experience. Nine to the spiritual/ philosophical ' ated effects texts for freshman comp courses. He
parade. But one can nod yes to the Cities. MOS! people can run from a AS a token of our appreciationV we Virtues 0f LSD-25.N0 objections here. . has obliterated any 311er Of morale
“argument“ and remain uncomforted. burning city. but not from radiation would like to announce the as the University‘s role in this respect lnIprotecttngthe sons and daughters Ipossesscd by the TA s in the English
Just consider; 60‘000 people have wafted on the wind. nomination of Dr. Bryant for our was to cxposethestudcnttoas broada Of his {CHOWIKcntUCklansi JOSCPhIA- department. . I
never evacuated the entire vicinity of a The point of fears raised over R.M.N. “Silent Majority“award.This range of viewpoints as possible. .Bryant. chairman 0f the EthSh One would think thataI man of Dr.
coal mine. as they did the Three Mile nuclear plants is not that they present is the committee‘s highest award for without the introduction of departmehtiI has neglectch to Bryants profound experience would
Island area. Nor was that a panicky higher dangers in quantitative. service in Saving Immature Minds discontinuities in the spectrum. while recognize the importance 0f TAS on have enough insighttosectheill-fated
reaction. Would you have wanted cumulative terms; butthat they offera from Perversion (SlMPing). Also. in still accomplishing the goals of the the UK campus. effeCtS Of his comments.
your family there when the possibility qualitatively different danger. We are recognition of the nomination and of course in question. Commenting 0“ the fresahmar:
0f emitted radioactivity was IVCYYI real? more likely. perhaps. to choke on a Dr. Bryant‘s interest in bureaucratic lnI Introductory Philosophy. the Icomposmon b°9k controversy kryan :M'I'tho'?“m i
It is true that we run. in life. a lightning bug than to be hit by channels ofauthority.wewouldliketo required reading ranged from Plato IS QUOth as saying. COUd t3 eany “I 3 Jun 0" - I
2 . I \gNTAM I SUNSH'NE/ ENTAU/ ' emem .er to reg|ster The Kentucky Kernel, 210 Journalism Building. ’
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 Cats not fooled by UC uniforms ""1 "N" m “mu. rum-t. April u. ton—t
UK W76! 1‘ b ball 2‘ t ' nt/ /k t 7 72 ' C ' '
eam a I9 W3 -
, I ca ase p y s o 7 v/ctory over Incy Bearcats
3y IRIAN mcxuu) patience at the plate for the Wildcat httttng machtne that hammered tn the ltnal natl tn number of walks caused 50mg one ol hts better perlormances. Dtvmon I team Itke (‘tnctnnatt
Assistant Sports Editor Cats. . came "“9 ”“3 contest mm a ”l? seventh frame. ”19 slopptness in the field by both "He was wild.“the l7Kcoach could help us getanat-large bid
UK‘s I7 runs came ontust l0 team batting average of .3l5. Wildcats tallied seven runs on squads. satd ol Icktwtskt "He “at to the NCAA tournament.“
. l . ‘ bl ' l ‘ ' ' _
The Cincmnatt Bearcat hits. When the Bearcats They are very disc1pllned. I live walks. a sacrifice fly. plus ‘ ‘ getttng cyemhmg up He ,3 a Madison 53th
baseball team came into town pitchers were able ‘0 get the "llnk I almost expect them ‘0 three timely hits one Ollhem “When a pitcher isn‘t getting much better pttcher than he
wearing uniforms that were ball over the plate. Kentucky hlt well now. being a three-run homer by the ball over the plate. your showed today “ 't he thdcats host Xavrer
exact replicas of the ones worn usually solahlt. but when that The “V0 teams (faded runs {TeShman Mike Botkln. infielders tend to relax.“ tomorrow afternoon tn a
1 on the road by the Cincinnatt :asnt the Ease. hthe thdfcat tThllou'Sh the “dudstllx9mnlllnl? Th b Madison explained. Although the \Mn was not twtnbtll that will get underway
Reds. That. however. was the itters watte tot etuneo lit at inning en e - as s e out urst appeared to Despite the high score. over a SH‘ opponent
." only resemblance of the major walks. starting. pitcher. Mike .finally discourage the game Ickowski, 2-l. lasted through Madison satdthe \‘IClory could at l p.m Kentucky ace Tim
._‘ league club as UC dropped a . lckow