xt7wpz51k863 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7wpz51k863/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1971-10-21 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, October 21, 1971 text The Kentucky Kernel, October 21, 1971 1971 1971-10-21 2020 true xt7wpz51k863 section xt7wpz51k863 an independent newspaper published by students at the university of kentucky .
Thursday, Oct. 2|, 1971 LEXINGTON, KENTUCKY 40506 V0! LXI“. \o. “r * 'Vj ‘15
II— -I_ . . . . l l
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Emer BHC Room iii; ‘ .
y ,- .5}? ii? i ~ 7}”; . '
' , 5 t t - 5i “ "
» .5 " . 3. r , ~ .‘ '-
Problems, confusron 555Q 5.. EV - «g? 7 h t. , 7}, = .. 5 .
. 5 5. . *. ~ ‘75 « 5 "
surrOllnd treatment "--.:.5.- is V A V} >55:r5‘ 5 g A... V :5. V .--‘ VVVVV‘ . ‘
5.1.5.... Non» m an mm 50 mm» the 5335 - ,5 .. . .5 ' - - 7 53% ' .-
' common opinions and fears held by Emergency 57§°§flfr .’ 7 ,. V L. 7 _ 7 , ,5." " J _ :, .
Room patients on long waiting periods, poor ' a,» , ‘ I; 7i. , . 7 ;_ j, ,3 5 :7.7. " \f' : , .L "
. . . . . . . .W‘ 2 -’ “i ‘% .-. '- ;' 5 ‘ ' '
sewn-es. and the ararlabrlrry or medrcal records. . 5. W W 3 55 3r. ’ ‘
the Kernel senr staff wrircr Dan Mysock ro ralk ro .5 '. “ 5""
hospital administrators and to observe Emergency ”h - t- "if f , l 93.7% V .- ' ,. ”V" 57 7.2
Room procedures. These are his observations. ' ,7 j i 7 er-Vfiier‘ V; fig & ‘ ’ .~‘. ‘ ' V
. " ‘ 35s ‘ ~ , ' -. ' 5 "first 335 ' "
By DAN MYSOCK, Kernel Staff Writer %&fl .. i. 3,47%" ' a “it: ‘ 7' "

“After waiting six hours in the crowded Med $33? a «V \ I.
Center’s Emergency Room, I actually saw a "r --' -. ' ' 1 A\ ,L".
doctor. During the next hour I had my arm ' _ y
x-rayed, put in a cast, and I finally left thoroughly See It my "703“ V' _5V‘
disgusted,” said astudent discussing the services at Tom Newman, standing, tries to convince Dr. Robert Zumwinkle, foreground. that ‘7
the Emergency Room. expanding UK’s open visitation policy will not harm the University. The 50 students at , 7
:3as:2325555555asz;s5:s;sg5:3gigsgsgsgzzsgagzgzgas;sgsgsgsgsgzgzg32323255252325233353;5532;355:5352;s33252323255235;55255;;35:37:55232332;2553:5255:5752:55532323:3273;g2;2353735532533;53:, Student Govemment’s Open Visitation Forum Wednesday were UHSUCCCSSfUL 35 5 '-

0 inion Zumwinkle predicted there will be no policy change this year. (Staff photo by Ken Wilson)
::;:::::::::.-::::::5:::5;:::::5:53:53::;:;:::::;:;:;:;:;:7:7332:5—35.2;.:-:.:-55:55:15:5555:.:.;5.5;75.5;3.5.55:55455-323555.:.z.:.:.:.-.:.:.:.-.:.:.:..~.-735:.:53:5-3-5-5-55. S . l t . t . - V

These complaints are not uncommon. On a lng 8 art} app in S C mmlttee
typical Saturday, their busiest day, the UK L’
Medical Center’s Emergency Room treats over 200 i.
to e p so act ean ~

Major complaints :f'V
Some of the man s rained ankles b ken m . . . "
lacerations upset slorlhachs ambulalncbocasesuansd A search committee was appomted yesterday by Dr. Wagner said as far as he knew, the - VV

3 ’ President Otis A. Singletary to advise him on the committee could look for candidates both in and j

even occasronal drug users are UK students, whose selection of “an able erson" t 6 ve a th (1 out of the Universit ‘

major complaints are long waiting periods, high ftheC lle e fA t g d S . O s r S C can y. " 7
costs, poor services and police records. 0 0 g .0 r. s n cViences. The Arts and Sciences office will become vacant '- 5

- - ' The committee ls comprised 0f three tenured July 1972 when the present dean Dr Wimberlv '

But the pohcres taken by hospital administrators and two untenured faculty members from Arts ’ - . ’ '. ' 1

. _ _ C. Royster Wlll take over as the Dean of the 7

serve as a warning to those who might normally and Scrences, one faculty member from the Graduate School and Coordinator of Research .
complain too loudly or irrationally. University at large, one graduate student and one “‘ V ‘ ' '

According to Dr. William J. Carey Director of undergraduate. The members of the search committee are: Dr. V. .
Emergency Services, “Comfort, [trivacy and The appointees were chosen by Singletary from Will-lam H Wagner, professor Of Chelmlsny and
convenience are commodities not acquainted with a list of candidates submitted by the Faculty chairman of the committee. Dr. Raymond COX‘ 7 '

. 7 S t professor of mathematics: and Dr. Daniel Reedv.
emergency rooms, nor Will they ever be. ’ ena e. 5 . . ' . -.
Many problems Chairman of the selection committee, Dr. professor Of Spanish and “uh”- .

The administrators of the Emergenc Room are William F' Wagner, prOfCSSM 0f chemistry and Untenured faculty members are Dr. Robert
faced with many problems One of tile touchiest former Ombudsman selection committee Stokes. assistant professor of physics and Dr. John .7 7
Problems concerns hospital administrators chairman, said last mg“ 11 past proceduresVare Via,assistant professor 0f .F'ngliSh'. ‘- 1.3“" .
students and the Lexington Police alike That fOUOWCd. the committee W111 request suggestions The students are Cynthia Gounc. sophomore in . '
problem is drug users I from the faculty 311d then begin screening the Arts and Sciences and chairman of the Student 55 .- . _- .7."

’ V candidates. The President will have the final Advisory Committee and Billy I). Horton. ’
Continued on Page 3’ Col. 1 decision in selecting a new dean. graduate student. _
z ° kl 5 n F ‘
i P t d . l . d h C
By BONNI BROCKMAN, Kernel Staff Writer
There will be no change in UK’s open visitation change—for the worst-in the policy. Although “I‘m inclined to think that‘s the most productive ,'
policy during this school year, Vice President for open houses have been increased from three hours thing to do.“ 7'
Student Affairs Robert Zumwinkle predicted to four this year, the number of specral open Policy disapproval .'
Wednesday. houses has been limited, said Ms. Melinda Meehan, Disapproval of an expanded visitation policy by
“Prospects are not bright for rapid change in the Blanding Tower president. Unlike last year, Va the Commonwealth of Kentucky is a reason many
policy,” he said. “At best, there will be modest special open house must now be held in people are against more open houses, Zumwinkle , ’
annual revisions and annual evaluation of the conjunction with an all-campus event or an 53¢ The students” case for extended open V
Present policy.” activity such as a tea where invitations are issued. visitation would be strengthened if students had '5
. Questions answered “So if it’s an off-weekend with no all-campus “objective evrdeVnce that the Commonwealth IS not 2
Speaking to about 50 students at the Student opposed ‘ he said. - .
. . . . events, we can only have the one regular open )7 7
Government Open VISItatlon Forum, Zumwmkle house .5 said Ms Diane Naser SG Housing An audience member challenged th1s statement, »
and Centre College Dean of Women Katherine Committee chairwomen “Last yeai we had two or citing the liberalization of freshmen women's .' .7
Nichols answered questions after brief talks about ‘ ', .. hours this yeap There was no public reaction to V .- 5
, . . . . . three open houses a week. 7 7 _ 7 -. .
each schools present dormitory v151tation policy. this dCL‘lSlon, the member said. V . . 5
The Danville college’s visitation policy is more Policy review V 5 .
liberal than UK’s, Nichols said. For the second Zumwinkle promised to review the present Clarification asked V = . :
year, Centre dorms are open from noon until policy and “to work with students on developing Another student asked for a “logical statement“ . ‘V .
11:30 p.m. Sunday through Thursday and until 2 proposals.“ about Why "0 thtdl ”t Stdtt‘ ”Plum” W118 _‘
p.m. Friday and Saturday. Student government is in the formative stages of needed for changing women’s hours while ‘ , 7
0P9“ house hours developing an open visitation proposal. said Nascr. expanding open Visitation would need input from 7 .
However, at UK each residence hall C8" 118% one who presided over the Forum. Questionnaires the Commonwealth. 7
0P9" house 3 week. Each dorm can choose a about open visitation have been mailed to “Are you asking lll\‘ and thc Univ-emit to by ~
four~hour span for its open house from these Kentucky’s bordering states. and the housing logical. to be perfectly consistent?" lumwmklc .
times: Friday 7-1] p.m., Saturday l-ll p.m. and committee is planning to poll UK dorm residents asked. “You know society better than that to ~ ‘.
Sunday 1'8 P-m- on the housing code. expect this.“ -. ~
umwm 6 too tie major responsi i' y" or - our visitation not er reason some pcop c are against open '
Z ‘ kl k l “ bht f 24h A h l . V
the decision for no change in this year's open “Last year Student Government‘s proposal was visitation is that residence are not designed for it. V‘ «
visitation POIiCY. although he said he made the 24-hour, seven days a week open visitation." Zumwinklc said. -7 ' V~
decision in Consultation With Dean of Students Zumwinkle said. “If it is more in terms of reality “Some of the hang-ups would dissipate if the -.
Jack Hall and President Otis A- Singletary. this year and in my opinion it has merit, I will room was more like a home than Just a single 5 '
Policy Worse argue in favor of it." room.“ he said. “The way It is now, a dorm is a ' .
Students, however, charged there was a Asked about life style dorms. Zumwinklc said. bedroom. hvmg room, and stud) room." "

 Q—TIIE KENTI'CKY KERNEI.. Thursday. Oct. ‘_’l. l97l //’//— III II . ,_
. . , l V .- 1 Mi
1 In oug i . unn pi olec II I,
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. erlence {1m :1... .Pi' “..’
, Interns com me academws, exp _
' lly MADELEINE BAUGH month illlk’l'm‘hll‘ program \iliiirh I 1,}; six . . ' l ’ "“" I}. 7' . mu .ii:I.. In ~, ~.i~..I\
Kernel Staff Writer combines .nadenne Work Willi II I ' . it .M'h'x If,” a; . I , . rim». Minot-tits accuse l.
- . . .. i ., i -~ . ,1, ii a. P: 3 ~12» : i5: ‘ \. it" 3‘ ~ h P (enter of working w
I l'lx students Mark [Pet/er and practica. Mi‘irldilu .n ‘ P‘ k .a . PP." u‘arflfi ' I I ‘ ' ‘, ., I . , I. ‘ II
I‘ . - P ‘ l-ranR (‘huppe are taking ii agencies or department». I E ' I I I” - 'I 'I i.) “W0 I i 5*“ iI police . in exposingItIisIer
' t it \l-llillltl look at state “3“” and vhhl‘hh MW hhm . it. h; 322%» h “‘1'? » in» “” ‘y.. . mt LE,xmgt0n- P91)“ ht
. ,' ' P . g o x e r nnient through the in the program since June they I; ,'-- .‘K a»? ii II}.- I... gt; k 1‘ : ° 5,: _ 3..- .. ,, _v , ‘I _* MeddCCIhl‘I’vr IOl hdrIlZIOUIhl
. ' . P. I' Frankfort Administratixe intern have developed i-Illllk‘i'lhts’I ~- II.,..»"." f. . "'stI-i ’ “ . . I .. . A ministrators a ”lit
, . :- , Program. opinions of the effectiveness of , g... . - . , , I I .~ .. , 3: problem stems trc
The lP‘rankfort .P\dlllllll\‘ll;lll\'i‘ the program. . . d «I 3* . _. 3“." __I;" P : . 3:333:300’ ldWS CO
' i I V , intern Program, il product of the letrer Oilgln'dhy W35 35512“? . 5r ’3 *‘I. 3w; I ._ " ' . 311 ' i . ' _ _
‘ , Nunn Administration, is a seven as reader and researcher lOT 3‘ ’ T - . Iii-PP w. ‘i . h .5 ' Conflictinglaw:
i 7 , 1) v 1 Murrell formerlv 'lll ’ ,. - _-. ” EP’” . 7' r . - .. A Kentucky statute Sl
I . . . P‘ «tattsttttttattttastitqttttgt. d It . a I - ‘ P . PP . . I " ,’ " Ii: .: I. 71$ Ki " 9' 3 2. I} s ' ' ’
' ,‘ : Wm. H. King Presents ; Assistant Attorney I(,ieneral. - "“-'"P.; :4 P-I _ iII x... , I.-,P MI, I 63:1,, ..II-.;.-- I it {I a psychiatrist treating
. i ‘ “ ESATURDAY, OCT. 23, 8:30 P.M. ; When M urrell, who is blind, ’P. I fits“? ’- KI-. .. if“. , as?" " , ‘-.I », i‘ P u 5 e 1' ha 8. P 1’ 1 VI
' - ' -' z in pa... ; gmian dnd mined the .. e . g - >429 Pomedmcdmd .WP
. , ‘ ‘ a j Appalachian Research and “M“ "‘ gm ' " .I ’\ I '. P: , . p a t 1e 11 t . (P r1 v
i ‘ I, I i i i 1 Defense Fund. Fetter was his I . I“ I P -.I as. . -I 'P P. communication means
. ' i ' . 2 ’2‘”; : transferred to the office of h; a, ,' .. , " _ .-« psychiatrist has the r1gl
‘ P 5 _ . I t if .. I“ i A t t o r n e y C e neral John ’3‘ . .,_ f t... P . . ' treatment 0“ a CO
' _ . ‘ I 3 ’ I.“ 1 Breckinridge. '-P " ‘3‘“ ii ; is an -' IeVd- Reports 0“ these
' ' I . h -. : hh’ 1. i. E Research for “tome." general Lgfi'?‘ ' .,.... l f“ I II I I attainable only th“
- . . , i "h 4% '~ I‘ : He now does research for the ~ ., . ' \ - s . courts.) A Lexmgton (
" . ‘ ' . ‘ ' {mi h h 1- .. t A t t o r n e \,~ 0 e n e r al 0 n . - i: w. ' ‘ however, states that l
.‘ . z '13:...- j: .-’ j: c - ', , . 1 fi‘MN‘k. .c‘r I“ v 5 «.‘f r ’ :'.=.: h-P b l l 't‘d 'l l l
. . . , -: a e n v i r on m e n t d l c on tr 0 . / u, . I , . . .dP ' . I _ eing Nd L d 1051?
I . i 1 i . h ‘ -r-."'P Psi-57’ : C on SU ”10 r p r0 [ C C thll, lit'\\’ 5' h A. I" h!- , i i i I .-. a" V L cow‘- .. .- . i -. hwgflg~:§‘h ‘f .:; i ' = be reportEd to the p01]
. i I ' 3 M ; states. and proposed legislation. . pew . £5.52», :‘IIP‘Ii ,. " . ge-P‘ I reported to the police
. ‘ ‘l . .\ £51113} . - an“ ‘ ; x. I'..-_;-." .I -P: I -P ::‘:2‘. : - P ”i,“ . , ,
. » , ‘ P - . r—P _ . 4‘ Fetzer jomed the program ; ~ 7’; , . \ e . are obvrously m Violat
. . o " 5' ‘i i * . .. .'-.'P¢:g:";.I=~I2. P . ,.:t P ._ ‘vg- - .. .
V ‘ ‘ 3338:3331 ’ after a period of growmg WI; - a- ordinance. When a
h ' I . ‘ - . . e .
. , _ . C h i “WORLD‘S Most Famous Mentalist” t disillusionment With government UK student Frank Chuppe, right, discusses a child welfare case With Ernie Ford, a dump enters the Emergency
- ' . .' ' P : HE HAS AMAZED MILLIONS 5 to give himself a chance to work caretaker. As an administrative intern, Chuppe investigates complaints of child neglect for . is seen by a resrdent r
. . V ‘ j : ON THESE SHOWS: " within the system. the Frankfort Co. Dept. of Child Welfare. (Staff photo by Curt Niblack) Wh‘) ‘5 on call 24 he
. , . , .. . g o JOHNNY 0 MIKE o MERVE 2 System could work He is not turned
- ‘ ' a CARSON DOUGLAS GRIFFIN . ~ , “ '
Ii . ' ‘ “ ' I t : He now feels the system could has destroyed the motivation for school-age children attend determined by the Campus police. explame<
. ~ , . P. 1. BROWN THEATRE : work if “brilliant minds would hard work Fetzer said school regularly and make Coordinator administrator.
. II , . . _ g , - . , ‘ . . h ec d
. ' H 3315 wagrsoahw:y 58218627 i apply themselves to” t1}: Chuppe works for the better-than-average grades. Ernie UK s coordinator 18 Dr. 82:35 :1); (Kerr), {:3
U . 1 Main no? ;5 if?" $4 : problems 0f Igovemment. e Franklin County Department Of fixed up his house when they Malcolm Jewell, chairman of the _ End include onl ins
- . ,. I 2 Mail We” ,0, 9,1,9 “@2311,“ mm 1 531d he , believeIIs the largest Child Welfare. The office serves returned. Political Science Department. x ense re orts ysa
‘V, ' . P _' ' 1 3??? {f ‘2” h E”? ' flail?” hem” 2 problem 15 a lac“ hf motivation primarily as a protective service, Government tokenism The students register at their eff, .- 1 p ’ y
‘ . _ l ‘ E silamped $3.02? MW .9 .0 mm m g l“ state employeIs. The so Chuppe spends most of his Chuppe said he regards the home colleges and universities, 0 ma S-Pol'c ositii
. I - tittttiitttitittttifittiiittttP introduction of the merit system time in the field. He is probation total program as “tokenism” on SO that transfer of credits will be Lt Franle: [:nan
f a . _ . ' . ' officer to a 15-year-old boy and the part of state government. no problem. Tuition fees for the Lexih ton Po)lice ’
-' P. l f - NG investigates complaints Of Child “The government was criticized semester must also be paid. . Narcofiics Division 8
I ",' HORSEBACK RIDI abuse or child nelect. Chuppe for not having youth Misconception about program position. P‘Psychiatri
‘ . . . ‘ said most complaints are participation in government. Jewell emphasized there has . . ' .
. I ' ‘ I‘ _ ° GOOD TRA'LS AND DIRT TRAC I unfounded and can be resolved Now they can say they do,” he been a misconception that the fglvhegwai?:fi‘:mc
. 1 ~. . i ' , - Both Western and English “Ones-"’w'e‘ and Sma“ RI"9‘ by referral to Homemaker said. program is directed only towards ' h elgverp are re uire
. ., .. I .- . For Children SerVice, Counseling Sen/ice, 0r Fetzer and Chuppe will finish political science majors. - tlfewnames of 3,, u.
' . . . . 7: ' Day Care Centers. the" ' t h‘ in December. A ii t‘ t d f om . . ‘
I. I , . . . _ I y . . lI'ln erns 1p pp ca ions are accep e r ,
. "_ V . ' HORSES AND TACK FOR SALE“ Inherent dignity The intern receives a minimum all majors and are encouraged 32:3}:th (31::ng
P. . .. ' .P ' -. Wh I s b' Chuppe said he feels he has Of 15 hours academic credit. from anyone who is interested in criminal aspects lead
‘ PIII Wagon ee to es learned middle class values Nine hours credit is for regular public service and state into their problem ,.
'_ ‘f' f i . RICHMOND ROAD 269-2513 CHnnOl be used to Judge people course work in state government. d'p t F
.~ . ’ 5 " 9 pM WhO Cfltht understand them. government. Studies include the A maximum of 15 students Accor mg. 0 I
. . . . . — OPEN DAILY 9 AM" ' ' "' “Th . . 1 td' Pt , - ~ aux1llary ordinance;
. I ,I -. ., I , I. . ere 15 an inIieren lgnl Y in structure, politics, problems and are selected from the
». P . i -. .P ‘i' all people which needs to be administration of state participating institutions. Five ———'———
I i. l " . h I h recognized,” Chuppe said. government Wllh emphasis on nominations are allowed from ,
V ' .7: ‘ '. . ‘ . ‘ An extreme example of a child Kentucky government. UK.
.' *2in . V - . .f ~ welfare I case . is that Of Ernie Six hours credit is given for an Art over-all grade point average
. . , . . . .I IP Ford. IhrnieIis the caretaker of evaluation of their work as of 2.6 or better, 3 proven record
'. ~ " ,P 'P 'l 'I the. l‘rahkhh County dump. interns and a research paper on of involvement in campus
’ ». h - . I. . ‘ meg Whh him at the dump 18 a some phase Of the work 0f the activities, a genuine interest in a
.' f - 5 ‘ l .“ - . woman and three children. .A agency to which the intern is career involving state public
I‘ . " . . 1 . W complaint was filed w‘th Child assigned. The work evaluation is service, and, preferably, a junior .
' ‘ ” . . a MONDAY Welfare asking that the woman (10“? by the agency SUPCYVlSOT in or senior classification is the
PI i ' I, " 2‘, and her Chlldren Ibe forced to Consultation with the Director criteria used in selection_
-.1 , , . Pi ,4 ”U 0‘, move. The complaint never went of Intern Programs and the “An to ram that uts
I -. % ~ thru to court and the family was academic Campus Coordinator. students and the educational
I5. m .. . . . , . allowed to stay. The two Grading of the research paper is system into a familiar
I} .l f ' _' ‘ _ relationship with government
" ‘ .- 3 .' . - , THURSDAY . . will lend itself to understanding
p _ Are You Marryan a Roman Catholic and empathy between them,”
"l -_ . Attorney General John
. . ,' ‘ 7 11 Before the EHd Of JGI‘IUCI’Y? Breckinridge said of the
_‘ . '. ; “ _ . . . program. -
,I . I, 1 ~ ~IP Father MooreIis conducting a series of pre- The Attorney General said a
I- . .I ' Cono conferences in preparation for mixed mar- large team of interns could be
I' I : .P ; I II . .I rioges (Roman Catholic and non-Roman Catholic) used in his office because of the
‘ .I 1' I . I‘I O 0 in a four week series. large backlog of work. He said
P. . , , I‘ I‘ 'zza '" many branch projects would be
‘P - ” : I. P " Where?——NEWMAN CENTER—320 Rose Lone possible in such things as
‘. , . ' ' . ‘P' . . . environmental control and
g P. . . I I , . 4H Southland Drive When?-——7:30 p.m. beginning FRIDAY, OCT. 22nd consumer protection with extra * SO
. , t'I . help-
. .v '_ ' I j , f - ' x . Application for the 1972 * Kl
. P, . . The Pertwullaby Papers by Don Rosa and Ron Weinberg 5pm.”; “"16“” mu“ be '
.. . . -P . I submitted by November 2, 1971 * K‘
- . I' . .. . I V; :P w: n: Eff/V Wren/750 (2.1/00 #0,, ,, mars ABSURD ~ 7 Jusr 7P0 5,1 rm at W prams/n am to Dr- Jewell-
P- .' ~ .- , " -. . Ed M47 W/s P597 wax/13f Ms ‘7/8 PERT'v/LL 413/ /5 OF PRES/DENT I 1414/7 To CHECK DER "———"'—"————.
. _. 'I , ’ l ‘ I f‘ L) ti: ’
.I .- ~ . . . - . ~ 1 F age/v ,4ffE/t/D/A/6 xVUc/R fflf fl/GflEST C/M/MC me ,6’ REKORDS ;\ “R “'0ng ““04 To B‘
r I. .' P . u .2 3* (/A/H/ERS/f/ Ufo/VROLLED .5 W/‘EGK/TX, IFKDBABLX 4 500A} 0/-/aoo D/D 701/ 54X Sane Kentucky Kernel; irnivmity '
.- .P .' ‘. 'I . I , L MD MVP/”DIV. _ .. A/07 .».;€55ié OF AWE/Ms Nosr 700% II E 13500905 Ex/ - wars 0) ,gtggd-gggrgggvggogugggofi fig;
-I . . . - . . ; Sr .P 5w M/i/i’k’ f’ ,. $.44" iii» srai/DM/G FAM/Ufs. P P AWN/205R NAT/'5)? Posmse paid at Lexinzton. Kentucky-
' . i .- ‘ - _ > é! , ,, <-.:, (affix: ._ <25 . \ , m Mailed five times weekly durlnfl the
1' - -, ‘ , . i i .. ° Cu. ,.. ~. J. ~~-,.“a-?'ii"»is;z ‘33,; .5 'P P in .E ') CONE Tfl/S WA/ ’ ’ ILL school year except houdays and exam
I . . ' . . W Q Q "Pd‘:'~‘-.~;._hi.s5;k’ 3AA";'}~(1; (‘5’:I”?3III’E‘ r; P 4. K , 9.2, . SHOW You Luff/4 7 . (3 53:33:. and once during the gramme:
' ' - ‘ ‘. ‘3' - . P." ‘- - )4“ Q» " , Q .' $1377 - _ €13 \e ' 3" ._ " n. v
. .. . , . , ‘ ,. 9< fife?» d.";-i;t:—.P~;<« 31‘ ' P: -223 \ 1 ”NM i .. in? 0 Published by the Board oi snide"t
i .’ ' . , ., P‘ ,i';I-P;'P 39?;- ’P; fie“ ”€511; II~,L§,\$17'< . i .l \ \I I . I at 6 5 3. 2 Publications. UK Post Otflce Box 4906.
l ,P . . :- 1, r3 {3_i-(‘--..,.,’."’.'/ ’P . fife-14,531 >1 ‘ ‘ _ @_\, -?, P a} I, .. ' ~-.I ‘- . . V‘, ' . 4.? Begun as the Cadet in 1894 and
. . . , ‘ - i-‘P'.f.:3'«.'v‘,‘, ‘ ‘ 1:351“. can ‘ % ,_.:\.\~ P“ ‘P\ ‘ ‘ ‘3 I EEK , (""1‘? 4 published continuously as the Kernel
.i ' . ~ . 'r. iif)"‘l‘i~:‘\'.'z ._ is" Vivi?- :,P.,-G“:—P~n - ' ’ 5‘ . .. : .V. P. ,- v , saw . ‘ since 1915. P
' ' ’ I " h 3 in «$5. ‘.’\\ ‘ . ‘5‘ 33;}??? i M 5% i ’ . . ' P ‘2 . Z Advertisinz published herein il in-
. ‘ -.‘, ‘ J \‘\\\‘\\ hh‘ a . \\\§\A{2‘3 ., A0 4 “ ' , \\‘| - 3/ ‘ ‘ \ \ .I: ' .I , /' .P T2 “ C :61;de to lhle‘pdlthe rgadgi gumhA‘gg .
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, . . ~ 0 vi . . M‘ N _. ~' ‘i \\\. _ 3 ~ . ‘ /, ' KERN!!- muons —
I w) u" I) gay "I, ‘x _ *I‘Prj‘ " , ~ I I: ’ " II ‘ CW.“ P an V59 ‘fl ,4 Editor. Managing Editor 257-1755
\ 3! .IiI » '51.,“ m .P-P-_. :. .I .7 "."2. 2‘. .- I \\ , t 4:2,}, i. P E5. Pi \ 3 ; : Editorial Page Editor,
I 0‘ I I), I ’1". I , III I I 51“". “I. \ I r a, iiia‘gh .I :\\P ' \‘ 1;. I L ASSOClate Editors, Sports . . 257-17“
I W t 11 . a...“ . . .. ;_ ‘P. ' " ,\\\r~* ‘ l// I' A'flgfi'tialnt. Business. Circuit-2“

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SWU‘H/ ‘ :5 “H“: 2.1 ‘33” LEW" sliil'ntlcul liiiiiH it.‘;i-‘.'-§‘ 2i'a illicit“): \ Linux, iv - 5 '13. ;- , , - - ,i. ., 2 . I I , I" I
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(enter iii Working With the Blanket immunity wiuim'ird n, it” 4-. 1n» WW 2 ‘ C11 ; 2 , 1- ‘1 t2 . _ .1 .
- .. ,-, . . 2. ‘ _ . . 2 . 2,: .iiiz. i 2 22 52 2 A .2 . c." .,
pOhCC ill exposing UK”, Whlk ”Prom 11 llledlc‘ui slulltipibiill. “Hm 5”“:ng and huuu“ ()l‘ ()DL‘HHNili ililti .l three—tied I" "l\. .2: vi . 2: i. .~ . . , ‘, I ’ .i
the LCXlngtOIl Police 'dCCUSC the Frynlan CXpiulllL‘d. "LLCiiUll l” thcrc W115 nccd of “”nlL'dldIC pcdlatrlc “ 1rd Yet L1H!“ rs {IS-“cl, x L-1lc - . ‘ \ U . .1 . ,
fl . . ,. , . i . ' rig ,q iIi'.7i1.i'i.r: . - .
Med (enter 01 harboring users. the 1972 legislature 15 CXLNCth attention‘ Hm Student W“) often conduit their consultation L , '; ‘
Administrators admit that the to provide blanket immunity for examined by an acting intern. a with the patients m the crowded t) n e .21 the strongest .
problem stems trom two drug patients. They will be able fourth year med student serving waiting room. complaints Voiced by Emergency ' . .. ' _
contradictory laWS concerning to go into any hospital without his apprenticeship. But before Private moms Room patients is the high cost , '
drug USCIS- fear of their names being given this acting intern could treat the For example a hysterical 16 of services. Many patients leave ,2
Conflicting laws year old girl apparently a drug with bills in excess of 40 dollars. '2 .
A Kentucky Statute States that 1:51:353:5331:33!172::333:335523237351:23:32:33?11:3:5:5:323:35::'35:3:5.-:-:3:?:?:?:::i:1:523:121'1:3:1‘3135511+313:T'i":3:3:3:Z:3'3:i'1:':3:‘tT:.-.-:- 31:34:?1:312???" .1:3:-.-:3'»:1:?'-.':3""'"'I"'1‘i:':':-:11?:15.»:313:I:?:I:::2:1;::t:'-::::-;?A£:'-2:1*:' ’ However Students having the ‘ | , ‘ .
. . . 66 user, entered the Emergency ., ~ 2‘
a psychiatrist treating a drug When a drug user enters the emerg- Room with her mother The girl Student Health Insurance .' I ..
U S e 1' h a 5 P Ti vile g e d . . , . ~ , - , generally have smaller fees. . ‘
. . . t was snown into a private - ; . .
communicatlon With that ency room, he ts seen by a reStdent examining mom while he, lnsu m m g ,_
. . . r e c era e '
patient. (PHVIleged ' ° ' mother waited in the waitiny ) ~ - ‘ ’2
. . 'D I I A I ). ‘. ‘ .
communication means that the PsyChlatrlbt 10,10 18 on C(lll 24 [101er room 1‘ . [arr :‘ and iaril B of this X X ,4 ‘
s chiatrist has the ri ht to keep - . " ‘ . _ g ‘ lnSUl’dllLL cow-rs a x—ray an i _ T. ’
freyatment on a cgonfidential a day. He 18 not turned Into the Atter examining the girl. H“ laboratory work done in the _ 2 4.
doctor came out to talk to her F , i . R p. .. -2 _' .- ‘_
level Reports on these cases are ° 99 , _ ; .mtrgtmy oom. art B goes .- . . .
-' Ollce mother in the crowded waiting 2 2. ( l , . _ .. -
attainable onl through the ' . on to tour 1 J oi t H. 15 dollars . .
.y . Z-l-Z-i-I-CAI-T'ZiC'I-j“I-Z-Z-.-Z-Z-Z-Zic:iii-33,01"If-:-‘-‘.vIAI-:-I-2~i-I-I:IZII:?Z"i"2..-:lti25:1“12-"_c1~:§ji;-;".;Ij c:;:-';.-_:;:;::::t;:. :-:;‘2'-:;:::;:;::i_:;';:;::;:-:;.;‘;'::;:;:;:;;::-:::_32,, :-‘.:~:- -c:;.;:,._.-:,:;.;.,.;:- : .2 area. Sh C W 218 35de qllCSiltnlS Tll i n 1 ill Ulll 1 lllei’gellc‘y R00 [ll ' "
courts) A Lexlngton ordlnanCE, 2:3:i:-:-:-:-:-:-:~;c:-;-;-:-:2:-:-:«:-:-:-:-:-:~:«.c:~:«:4:c.-Av2-:i:-:-:-:~2-'--:-.-.~.-.--:- , . ~.-.-.. .~. t b t h k d . u h t C r . S . . I. 2
h V‘ st'tes that dru users - - - d O u if ‘1 g ‘ charges. . 2
owe ”1 ‘ d _ g to police, and at the same time student, he was required to background. il‘lL‘ildS. school and .2
being ”911th at hospitals must prOViding police with certain consult with his staff advisor. former pun“. records. The l: m c- i g c n c y R o o m ‘ .7
be reported to the police. criminal information which Will Specialists on call mother began [U cry and WAS administrators are optimistic .,f
If all drug users are to be be used to stop pushers." The acting intern has at his then taken into the L‘thlllllllll‘l ”hm” “ml" “f “W“ problems. . 1",.
reported to the police. then we Other problems convenience an Orthopedic room With her daughter. Others ‘iinger. however [)r. 2'
are IObVlOUSIY m “0111mm Of the Still other problems facing consultant as well as several One man bleeding protusely (7‘41”! concluded. "The problems 2 '- i 1" .» _. J, -
ordinance. “When a drug user administrators of the Emergency other SitcCi'dirStS, including from a taunt! gunshot wound was or high W“- i“”-“' WWW“ ”“d ' " '-
enters the Emergency ROOF" he Room stem from over-crowded medical. surgical and psychiatric. Wheeled PM mu waiting room police records are being _ 2 _ '_ .
‘5 seen by a resuqlent psychiatrist conditions and an over-worked who are on call at all times. only to wait m the hallway until eliminated. but the long waiting _ f; -.'. .
who is on call ..4 hours a day. staff. And patients are quick to Other problems, associated an operating “mm could be periods louis as [iiUUgil they are ’ 22
He . is ”0t turned into the complain. with the increase in patients clearcd_ here to stay ,
pglice} t explained another A student with a lacerated - ’ '; .j‘
n [1111115 rd Ur. ' i 3 ‘ .. \ v ‘ ..-"‘->:'-'J'.‘ :-~":15:1.1-i:1:1;3£;1.1.3:’ .2 ' '. 32... .>van;122:.21:-:1.»;'.=.’>.<5$:"Satin‘;5'i’-?‘ik‘f’3",:5:’»i::,.- 4J;55‘c“3‘”-’-‘33- '1"-s’ve?,;"\ '“." Stu -..J.' ' ""'-'Z-$,‘;.;t::4': ‘fl‘y: ' ‘WL‘D ' 2'
Also other records on these 10 WOT hp thCTLd the Emergency mé%~}v 4 2.1,‘:‘;}_:5.:2X'_4 2:?-Iif;.23:gig-1.5532521. 2 ”5.2233. tflwcgg‘ifiM’ES X Y “git‘%*?f€/ . a .‘ .
. 2 . . Room and asked to see a doctor. cmcc... cccccf , cg . : .
Patients W ‘9 a "Tmm‘m‘A Since the accident had happened cccc 1pc . -- ' ~ 3:-
and include only insurance and in '1 campus resident hall he was “WcWWHc’w’ih’firmc csicgc» 2‘ ,4; " 5% ; --
ense re orts sa Med Center ‘ ‘ .’ (”8%ch Macsc‘hc w cgcc* 1224;, ,, T x.
0 ice p05‘ ‘0" Security Department. “ACX b é, ‘ " WE???“ ‘ ‘
Lt.‘ Frank “Want head Of the After completing the police ifwf‘ézgw‘ ecgv‘ ' ' cg“ 2']? *a”\ I . ,
Nam“ ””1510“ ”mam“ “15 fill out an insurance report. He ccA’c ' ' cg » .
position. “Psy chiatnsts do have saw the doctor two hours later. ‘Itccé’v A2 3 3: :5: g A g g”? '_ . 3“ch ,5 "-
privileged communications With Expediate matters .2 ¢ . i cc «i : .
' ' - Ph sicians, , ~. , 1133;321:1113?“9'252'493,9;»..‘31151-5; 2 ; . '2'» Acc’ 3;,7,“ .4; so; I j -
htoivlerverp 32:23:21“ toytum in I“ an attempt to ”pm“ Ferrmccscc it “$13”th c -:...- 138?: ‘.
the names of the users not for matters, w en a student With d octom 9tht¥tf0u§129th ‘31 i 2 5% fix?“ Q 1
. . 2 poss1ble sprained or broken foot -' . - : .. = -. fibSt'zj} ”33°29 M ' c .3: c. *- c . ' .. r
indictment purposes, th to entered the Emergency Room, ‘ , ' \.__ _ =S~ '6 W. ' -‘t- it "“’ £1. 3
enable the 901‘“ ‘0 exam” the he was screened by the head 1212:5322; - . " U’ . 9 ”3‘ c {c w ' .. . ~
criminal aspects leading the users nurse on duty. She determined .;.: .; -. 2 2 :Lexmgton _ 3‘.':v:$;-::‘- - ' ‘ i. -
' I ” "9"”;51 : J51: ’2 - 2 2 . c ' . ... v. ‘ 3 9' :2 3 'J'-- _ ::~ :;-:§-:;:3::;;I."' ’
““0 the“ problem. “ whether the student needed “5.}?:2;;,.‘.,._g;g‘,:;i=12, . ; 2- _ N0 racmg on Mondayc X22143; s fiffi’mg 2-, ,1 -
According _ to Fryman, An immediate attention, or whether . , -- . tny :I- g" ; ; ‘
auxillary ordinanceis now under he would be able to wait until , '
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 V eterans 9,; gm
0 o o o A k k k€”n€/ . .
. A lack of initiative + e en?‘ J
. . . , . \\
l l d '
)y t 1e a ministratlon ’
When you stop t0 think ilbOUt it secretary who is overburdend with I A
the 1300 veterans enrolled 1“ UK the job of handling applications for I..,;~;,_., . I
I make up Isliglitly less than 10 the (ll benefits. There is no i/‘Qk \ \ '
' pereent “l the student ”“1.“ A counseling for veterans other than ;’ I_I__,,.I.I_._,.-_:;§;E§§;§§;§i§§i5§ifj§3,ii'iii‘iiiiii;.I;
- . ~ . .