xt7wpz51k74c https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7wpz51k74c/data/mets.xml Kentucky Kentucky Press Association Kentucky Press Service University of Kentucky. School of Journalism 1958 Call Number: PN4700.K37 Issues not published 1935 Aug - 1937 Oct, 1937 Jul - 1937 Aug, 1939 Oct - Dec, 1940 Jan - Mar, 1951 Aug - 1956 Sep. Includes Supplementary Material:  2005/2006, Kentucky High School Journalism Association contest 2004-2005, Advertising excellence in Kentucky newspapers 2003-2005, Excellence in Kentucky newspapers newsletters  English Lexington, KY.: School of Journalism, University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Press Press -- Kentucky -- Periodicals The Kentucky Press, March 1958 Vol.24 No.6 text The Kentucky Press, March 1958 Vol.24 No.6 1958 1958 2019 true xt7wpz51k74c section xt7wpz51k74c 5;» “WWW .WMW‘WWMM WW-F’fi'zn'5.£2567£25.55aéze'fi5éte5zeté'55'e55.5555;522:5225:51.555352355525255;5552.575.92.5155252575:?3252'5:~2"~:'5:5:5‘,-"5::53‘:="" 5.555515451555322“
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' ' public or the members of any class of persons I i!
MO e Lega Pu [cation Law of the holding of an election, or of a public I
hearing, or of an examination, or of an oppor- ;,
I tunity for inspection, or of the due date of a I}
' tax or special assessment, shall be published I,
IS Enacted By 195 8 LengIGture once a week for two successive weeks. I
((1) Whenever any advertisement is required 5
by this section to be published once a week for I
The new chapter in KRS, entitled An than 50 percent of its published price, and is three successive weeks, or o'nce.a week for two i
ACT relating to newspaper publications for paid for.by_not' less. than 50 percent of those to successwe weeks, the publication. shall be so I
. . whom distribution is made. made that the final publication Will appear not :
[he purpose 0f legal notice or advertisement; (c) It must bear a title or name, consist of later than two days before the day upon which I
5“ intillding provisions to govern publications not less than four pages without a cover, and be the advertised event will occur or upon or by .
' required by law to be made, and requiring of a type to which the general public resorts for which the advertisement contemplates that an I
3 tertain matters to be published, as enacted passing events of a political, religious, commer- act may or shall be done, and not sooner than '1‘
lb the General Assembl of the Common- cial and social nature, and for current happen- some day during the week preceding the week I
W Y . y ings, announcements, miscellaneous reading mat- in which falls the day of such event or act to be . I;
Iwealth, and Slghed by Governor Albert B- ter, advertisements, and other notices. The news (lone: provided, however, that Where any Statute ii
5‘ Chandler, is here presented in full for in- content must be at least 25 percent of the total now provides that the day for an act to be done I
Iiormation and guidance of Kentucky news- 3011mm space ihl more his“ onegihalf 0f its issues :15 to bfe detsffhlhed thcoumiihg time from tfie
urin an twe ve-mont erio . ar 0 u ica ion 0 an a vertisement, t e .‘
pipers: (2)glf, hi the case of a pulblication area smaller officer rgsponsible for hazing the publication I
Be it Enacted by the General Assembly of the than the county inlwhich it is located, there is made shall select a day for the act to be done ‘ I,
Commonwealth of Kentucky: no newspaper published in the area, the publi- and shall state. the same in the advertisement, I
cation shall be made in a newspaper published and the successwe weekly publications shall pre- I
Definitions in the county that is qualified under this section cede that day, unless the statute allows for (10ng I I:
‘ Sec. 1, As used in this Act: to publish advertisements for the county. If in the Mt a prescribed period 0f more than 30 days . ‘
’ (1) “Publication area” means the city, county, any county there is no newspaper meeting the followmg the final publication, in which event I l
‘ district 01‘ other local area for which an adver- requirements of this section for publishing ad- the publication shall be made fortllWlth for the ‘I
‘ .lisement is required by law to be made, An ad- vertisements for such county, any advertisements number of Successive weeks prescribed _by this I I '
vertisement shall be deemed to be for a parti« required to be published for SUCh county or for section, and the prescribed PerlOd 0f time fOI' I I
Imlar city, county, district or other local area any publication area within the county shall be lowing final pubilcatlon shall be allowed for I
if it concerns an olficial activity of such city, published in a newspaper 0f the largest bona domg the act, Whmh fact shall be stated 1" the E
Imumy’ district or other area or of any govern- fide circulation in that county, published in and advertisement. . ‘ . i,
'ing body, board, commission, Officer, agency or qualified to publish advertisements for an ad- (2) This section is not-intended to supersede I
mutt thereof, or if the matter of which adver- joining county in Kentucky. This subsection is or affect any statute prov1ding for notice 0f the I
Imam is made concerns particularly the PEO' intended to supersede any statute which provides fact than an adversary action in court has been I ;.
ple of such city, county, district or other area. or contemplates that newspaper publication may commenced. 4 ‘ i:
(2) “Advertisement” means any matter re- be. dispensed with if there is no newspaper t . I
‘quited by law to be published, including evi- printed or-published or .of general Circulation Con ents 01‘ Form Of Advertisements j I
dtnces of official action such as ordinances, rules, In the particular publication area. _ _ Sec. 4. (1) Where any statute provides that an I I-
rtgulations, financial reports or statements, (3) If a publication area C°h515t5 Of a district act, such as the filing of a remonstrance, excep- “ I _
audits, journals, orders, and certificates, as well Wthh extends into-more than one COUhtY: the tion, protest or the like, may or shall be done I
is customary legal notices and advertisements part Of the dlstr‘Ct "1 each county shall be COh‘ within a specified period of time after the en- I
forbids or of sales. srdered to be a separate PUhhcahOh area .for actment of an ordinance, or the filing of a peti- II.
S _ _ the purposes 0f thls Shawn! and an advertise- tion or application, and it is provided by the , I
'IT Qualifications of Newspapers ment for each such separate publication area statute that the ordinance or notice of the filing ‘III
Sec. 2. (1) Except as provided in subsection shall be PUbhshed ”1 a newspaper qualified hh' of the petition or application shall be published, ‘ I
II?) of this section, whenever an advertisement der this section to PhhhSh advertisements for the advertisement shall include a statement of I
lot a publication area is required by law to be SUCh area. the nature of the act that may or shall be done
Ipublished in a newspaper, the publication must _ . . . and the date by which it is permitted or re- I
it made in a newspaper that meets the follow- Times and Periods 0f Publication quired to be done. I
iflg requirements: Sec. 3. (1) Notwithstanding any provision 0f (2) Any advertisement of a hearing, meeting I
(a) It must be published in the publication existing law to the contrary, the times and 01- examination shall state the time, place and I
sea. A newspaper shall be deemed to be pub- periods of publications of advertisements re- purpose of the same. ‘
Iished in the area if it maintains a known office quired by law to be made in a newspaper shall (3) Any advertisement of official action, or I
"l the area for the purpose of gathering news he as follows: proposed official action, or of a petition or up
“1d soliciting advertisements and other general (a) When an advertisement is of a completed plication for official action, with respect to which ]
hDSiness of newspaper publication, and has a act, such as an ordinance, resolution, regulation, members of the public are allowed time by 1
Vittond-class mailing permit issued for that of- order, rule, report, statement, or certificate, and statute within which to make objections in the
< PS. ice. A newspaper printed outside of Kentucky the purpose of the publication is not to inform form of a remonstrance, exceptions, protest, or 1
' ' Shi] not be eligible to publish advertisements the public or the members of any class of per- the like, shall state the nature of the action ‘
for any county or publication area within the sons that they may or shall do an act or exer- taken, proposed or petitioned or applied for
E (’9'. WHY if there is a newspaper printed in the cise a righhwithin a designated period or upon (except where the statute requires reproduction ‘
is?“ 95 “minty that has a substantial general circulation or by a dCSignated date, the advertisement shall in full of the action, proposal, petition or appli-
‘ " lhro“ghout the county and that otherwise meets be published one time only. cation), the kind of objections that may be made, .
“if requirements of this section. (b) When an advertisement is for the purpose and the time when and place where the objec- I
(b) It must be of regular issue and have the of informing the public or the members of any tions are to be filed or submitted. ',
largest bona fide circulation in the publication class of persons that on or before a certain day (4) Any advertisement of an election shall
Ihai A newspaper shall be deemed to be of they may or shall file a petition or exceptions state the time and purpose of the election, and
“Elllar issue if it is published regularly, as fre- or a remonstrance or protest or objection, or if the election is upon a public question the I
luently as once a week, for at least 50 weeks resist the granting of an application or petition, advertisement shall state the substance of the j
Ihhng the calendar year as prescribed by its or present or file a claim, or submit a bid, or question. ‘,
milling permit, and has been so published in when the advertisement is of a sale, the adver- (5) Any advertisement for bids or of a sale I
Ilhelarea for the immediately preceding one-year tiseinent shall be published once a week for shall describe what is to be bid for or sold, the
,ihhi A newspaper shall be deemed to be of three successive weeks. time and place of the sale or for the receipt of I
him fide circulation in the publication area if (c) Any advertisement not coming within the bids, and any special terms of the sale. I
Ills circulated generally in the area, and main- scope of paragraph (a) or (b) of this subsection, I
“1‘“ a definite price or consideration not less such as one for the purpose of informing the (Please Turn To Page Two) h

 ' | in; ll 1' I I
‘ (Continued From Page One) Advertisements Of State Agencies tiscments for the city, county or district, Mi (continui
" ‘ l _ ' _ Sec. 8. Any advertisement which a state offi— case may be. Promptly after the publication“
. ; l , 3 Person ResponSible For Publishing Ger: department or agency is required by law made, the officer shall file a written or Printed lic utilities
’ i : 566- 5- When any statute Providing for news— to have published shall, if intended to give ROPY 9f the advertisement With Proof of Phillis discommuf‘
‘ ' g 1 paper publication of an advertisement does not state-wide notice, be published in such news. £1011, 1n the Office of the county court clerkd lhecommls
l‘ designate the person responsible for causing the paper or newspapers, to be designated by the the county. Wlthlh 30 days after publicationu" mas that V
, l ‘; ‘ publication to be made, the responsible person Department of Finance, as will provide reason- officer shall file With the Auditor of Public As 560.21: 1
' i shall be: able statewide coverage. If the advertisement counts a COPY Of the newspaper COhtaihthgllt comWSSlor
. l l, (I) Where the advertisement is 0f the filing particularly affects a local area it shall be pub- statement. The “1me
. l. i l , Of a petition or application, the person by whom lished, for each county in the area, in a news- .S_ee~ 13~ Ahy ‘oflicer Who is subject to the pro ofserwce S]
5 , the same is filed. paper qualified under Section 2 of this Act to “sums 0f Section. 12 Of this ACt may eleCltblnewspaP
. i l‘ (2) Where the advertisement is of an aC- publish advertisements for such county. The prepare and PhhhSh monthly or quarterly 5th! be affected.
_ ' ‘ l “ tivity 0‘ action he: . latter publication shall be in addition to the ments, tn he“ 0f the annual Statements requirsj 560- 22- N
‘ l i (a) Ah indiv1dual public officer, the officer former, if the advertisement affects the state at by Section 12- Ah Of the provisions 0t 586th of Motor 1
l 3 himself. large as well as the local area. 12 shall be applicable to such a montlllyuacertificate
‘ - l 1 (b) A city, the city clerk. . quarterly statement except that (1) the state lease, or f0
, l I (c) A county, the county court clerk. Alternatives To Newspaper merit shall cover only the preceding monthqment or ab:
, l ,1 (d) A district, or a board, commission or Publication Abolished quarter, as the case may be, and (2) the publia or for a ch.
1 i , agency of a city, county or district, the Sec. 9. In any case where a statute now gives tiOh Shah be made within 30 days after the fill the departn
5 chief administrative or executive officer discretion to a public officer or agency or gov- Of the month 01‘ quarter, 215 the case maybtlreas that \
g ; or agent thereof. ernmental body as to the method of making an Ahy officer who has elected to proceed Unit 560 25~ 1
l l ‘ (e) A court, the clerk thereof. advertisement required by the statute, and in thlS'3eCti011 shall not be exempted from [ll files with tl
. i ‘ (f) A state department or agency, the head any case where a statute now provides that an i‘equli‘ements 0t Section 12 Of this ACE for an; delinquent
; thereof. advertisement may be made either by posting fiscal year unless he has caused to be prepartl134360 ani
. i 3‘ R t or by newspaper publication, the advertisement and published, in accordance with this section promptly c:
l 1, a es shall be made b news a er ublication in ac— a proper statement for each month or uartu md amount
. , . . y P P P (l
‘3 ’1 ‘ S'ecd 51-) (11) Forhall “EYSEaPeIt adveiitislng re- cordance with the provisions of this Act. Of the fiscal yeah lobe adve1
l , quire y aw, t e pu is er is entit e to re- Sec. 14. Immediately followin the ado [inlet of $1.0(
i i, ceive for each insertion, compensation at a rate Notice When N0 Newspaper Available of an annual budget by any citygother thalioli nth tax cl
i l: per linear inch, Single column, computed as Sec. 10, If no qualified newspaper exists, will- of the first class, the city clerk shall cause flimsts.
l :: solid eight-paint measure, as follows: _ ing to publish an advertisement required by budget to be advertised for the city by public} 56c, 24. E
, _ (a) In any newspaper other than a daily, statute, the advertisement shall be made by post- non of it in a newspaper. md (3) of
g l 351-00 per linear 111Ch- . ing as provided by the particular statute, or if Sec. 15. At the same time that copies oflhlmutor of
i i . (b) In a daily newspaper, $1.50 per linear posting is not specifically provided for, then by budget of a school district are filed with thnponreceip
1.: inch, except that where the newspaper has an such posting as will give reasonable notice. clerk of the tax levying authority for the hnolice to be
. 'i , established rate for general advertisers in excess Offi . 1 N Ab li h d trict, as provided in KRS 160.470, the board lllefact of}
I I of the above rate, the publisher is entitled to era ewspapers 0 5 e education of the district shall cause the budgtlmin clail
I ‘ receive compensation at a .rate not exceeding Sec. 11. No official newspaper shall be desig- to be advertised for the district by publishinglmemgvcrifi‘
I , that paid by general advertisers for comparable nated by any governmental unit for the publi- copy of the budget in a newspaper. ”no; or ex
, l - - ' - r e ‘ - - '
i1 1712:5611} an advertisement is set in type larger cation of adieitlsements for such unit. Sec. 16. Except where a statute specifically fixallltr than a
_ 1 l . . a la ' ‘ ' V '
, viii ‘ than eight-point, or is leaded between lines, the Matters Required To Be Published of :dgszrililsrélmaesntthefomiigligium fora requiremeli MEL-[ls afti
I ‘ rate per linear inch shall be according to the (SeCtiOHS 12 through 27) d‘ . . 5, no. Clty’ countyupl lcatlon
: l; 1 following scale: Sec. 12. Excepting officers of a city of the first lsmCt’ or board or commisswn Of a my «liter the rec
‘ , 3‘1 . ; . ' ' , , . county, may make a contract for materials, sup (2) Such
3;, . i Pomt Size IVeekly Daily class, and Of a county containing such a City, plies or equipment or for contract a] rviwlfilice to cr
,l: i .- h _ - _ ~ and of a school district of such a cit or count .’ . . 11 se . . .‘
_ , Elg t pomt, one pOint leaded $0.89 $1.34 Y Y, tl tl f '
1 ‘ 1 ' _ s . . _ o ler lan pro essional, llivolvm an ex endlmtradmlml
., 3 Nine-point solid 0.89 1.34 and exceptlng officers Of a Clty 0f the second ture of more than q$500 withou? first iriilkifl (3) The f
‘1“ i Eight-point, two-point leaded 0.80 1.20 class that.“ required by law to publish an an- newspaper advertisement, for bids [With Such
}' Ten-point solid 0.80 1.20 Dual audit Of its financial affairs, every public Sec 17 No regulation romul-ated b 311th estateP
l ‘ Ten-point, “4,01,0th leaded 0.667 100 otheer 0t any SChOOt diSttiCt: city, county, or 5111" officer board or commissiori) of a cgit courit oitllims Th
l [. diViSion or district less than a county, whose - -’ . - - . y’ . .y. - . ' E
; (3) Whenever by law or by the nature of the . . . dIStrleti Wthh ls Intended to 1m ose liablllllshcatlon wh(
,, . . duty it 15 to collect, receive, have the custody . - .- . p . .
‘ ‘ matter to be published a display form of ad- . . , or restrictions upon the public shall be vallllludlllg real
‘ , i vertisement is required, or whenever the person control ”ti” dispursement 0t Phhhc tuhdsi and ilnless and until it has been advertised by new teed $500 il
l or officer responsible for causing an advertise~ every 0 cer 0 (iii'nysboard or commission Of a paper publication. tutor or 6X
. l: , merit to be published determines in his discre- 16”? mm?” 0; “nil“ Who“; duw 1t ‘5 t° C‘.’l' See 18- Every officer whose duty it is to coltipt of his
l, i . , ti on that a display form is practicable or feas- bee" receiveif fwedt e ItihStOdY:f control or dle' lect any ad valorem tax for the state or for all! notices in tl
i ‘, ible, and so directs the newspaper, the adver- . ulttmim 0 fun 5 a; ecte rom the 1”th political subdivision of the state shall caust wurthouse
3 : tisement shall be published in display form and 1h . e 0“th rf’fltesi h firges 0r assessments for notice of the due date of the tax to be adVetSelling fort}
, 1 1 the newspaper shall be entitled to receive there— Zircilzlicefsisparl :11: its,r 65 :re ainth: explaatlon 0t tised by newspaper publication and shall no! notifying cr
1 - - - 1 mi . - ’ -
a , for ”5 established display rate. statement ofythe fgnci; collected erecia‘iveds‘heig be given'a quietus for the taxes collected ullld lhelr claims
(4) Whenever it is provided by statute that or disbursed by him during theyfiscal year 'ust he submits mef Of such publication. liall be thr
,‘ an advertisement shall'be-published 0f the filing closed, unless he has complied with Section1 13 .Sec. 19' Not less than three days before any the notices ‘
i,‘ of a petition or application seeking offic1al ac- of this Act. The statement shall show the primary or regular election the county court Sec. 25. V
i 1 uoln’ the fihqg shall not be deemed complete amount of funds collected and received, from clefrk shall cause to be published in a newspaPEr 39.5.015 or E
l 1 un (:55 there is deposrted with the petition or what sources received, the amount disbursed, pm acmslmile of the ballot or ballots, or when V31: Pllcition fo.
' i a?) legiltlon-an amount Shtheteht to pay the COSt the date of each disbursement, for what purpose vofi ac mis- are to b? used, Of the face Oft' hmsll‘ator,
1 3‘ o pu lcatlon. _ expended, and to whom paid, except that only lacrég Cyst Miles 1:11:1ng the.ba“°t labelfs: “txfid, guar
, (a) The expense of advertisements in judicial the totals of amounts paid as gross salaries to filter. for 5::- le 8 ots or voting machine at] Wit)” who
, ' Proceedings shall be taxed as costs by the clerk each individual need to be shown The officer . , lous precmcts Within the countyi 'nmlte 0t th
, ' of the court. shall procure and include in or attach to th facs1mile Of each different ballot or voting ma‘ Pipel- Phhh
i ‘ ‘ Pr f 0f P b]' if statement as a part thereof a certificate from th: ellilne'fiface. shall be pUbliShed’ with appwpmlit Ctdem, or u
, , 00 _ 11 10a 1031. cashier or other Proper officer of the banks in 1 e'rdtlb catlon- The COSt Of publication Shall I)6 name 0f (ht
_ , .Sec. 7. The aflidaVit of the publisher or pro- which the funds are or have been deposited dur- {3211]. y the county. except that the cost ofpu- nature of ti
(h prletor of a newspaper, stating that an adver- ing the ast 'ear showin h ' .15 ting any ballot or voting machine face that Plate of liea
t t 1 b . , _ P l i g t e balance, if any, is limited to - 1 .- - the
i * 1:311:22 5:15 6:“ publlsgfdh 13 hls newspaper of funds to the credit of the officer making the city a Clty e ectlon shall be Paid by Sec. 26' h
p u, . cs 1 was pil is e , attached to a stat . ' ' ‘ . ortty
‘ 3‘ , . co v of the advertisement . . ement The officer shall, Within 60 days after Sec. 20_ Notices of hearin public ,tenue
(, ‘ , ‘ P _ i constitutes prlma the close of the fiscal year, cause the statement S ' ' - gs by the b mum] Shh
| ‘ 1|. 3: :tlzitEde‘iiidetgce £11322; the publication was made as to be published in full in a newspaper qualified erv1ce Commissmn upon applications by pu' Ede EXCeljl
, . , ‘ e av1 . - . _ l -
l ,5, ill, ‘ | ‘l i. under Section 2 of this Act to publish adver- (Please Tum To Page Three) S’t’um‘s}
‘ ,
, ‘ .

 ‘I I
x I 3 I
3 I ,1
r district, ash IGontinued From Page Two) tuted by the political subdivision or governmen- 4. Do not move from one spot in the I I
,e publication ‘1" f t , d t' mlsumté7 U (1 h t courtroom to another while the trial is in I
itten or {in licutlltles or 1‘3 6 increases or re 115.1011 01' ec. . pon request ma e to t e mas er I
)roof of prim]: distontlhuahce 0f SCYViCC shall be advertised by commissioner by any person who will have a progress. Choose a good SPOt beforehand, I
y court ClerktI mecomrnission by newspaper publication in the substantial interest in the proceeds of a judicial then stay there until a recess. Variety in I.
~ publicationnu areas that Will be allfiCth- sale of real estate, the master commissioner shall picture coverage may be obtained by chang- I
)r Of Public Ac- Sec. 21. Notices of hearings by theIRailroad cause the required advertisement of sale to be ing lenses, if available. Put those lenses to I
; containingut Commission upon applications by a railroad for published in display form. work rather than our feet I,
me increase or a reduction or discontinuance _ r y Y ' ‘ I
iject to the pro of service shall be advertised by the commissiOn Penalties 9' Don t work close to the subject. The i
ct may clean by newspaper publication in the areas that will Sec. 28. Any person who violates any pro- effect of close-ups can be obtained by using I
quarterly state be affected. Vis1on of this Act shall be fined not less than $50 telephoto lenses or by greater enlargement [I
ements required Sec. 22. Notices of hearings by the Department 1“: Ifnofo than hioo- ‘Ilil addition, any oflicer in printing.
isions of Se ' \iotor Trans ortation u on a lications for w o 3.15 to comp y W” any 0 “e prov1s1ons