xt7wpz51k167 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7wpz51k167/data/mets.xml University of Kentucky Fayette County, Kentucky The Kentucky Kernel 1963-09-12  newspapers sn89058402 English  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel The Kentucky Kernel, September 12, 1963 text The Kentucky Kernel, September 12, 1963 1963 1963-09-12 2015 true xt7wpz51k167 section xt7wpz51k167 r

Physics Student Explains
Vande Graaff Accelerator



Senior Physics Major

The nuclear research team of the University's


ment of Physics is presently engaged in the installation of a
Van tie Graaff type charged particle accelerator.
The device, built by the High Voltage Engineering Corporation,


consists of a large metal sphere supported on an insulating column
and Is housed in the large cylindrical tube in front of the Chemistry-Physi- cs
The accelerator derives its name from the small friction generator
Invented by Robert Van de Graaff about 1935 to which It bears a
resemblance on a much larger scale.
The machine is designed to surmount the technical difficulties
Inherent in insulating the sphere when a five million volt potential
Is applied. The insulation Is provided by mechanically carrying the
electric charge up a rubberized belt, housed within the supporting
column; the belt moves with a speed of approximately 60 miles per
Also the sphere is surrounded by a mixture of gases at high
pressure which possesses sufficient insulating properties to prevent
lightning-lik- e
An oscillator inside the sphere ionizes heavy hyrdogen gas and
the resulting "deuterons" are strongly repelled by the metal sphere
as a consequence of its voltage.
The particles are made to move down a vacuum tube and are
bent through a right angle by a massive electromagnet which serves
to remove all particles from the stream of deuterons which do not
possess a given energy.
The monoenergetic beam of "deuterons" is then directed against
a thin metal target. The individual particles possess enough energy
to literally split the atoms in the target. The results are then analyzed on electronic computers and after much Interpretive work can
contribute to a basic undersanding of nuclear phenomena.

Vol. LV, No. 5

University of Kentucky


The Interfratct nity Council
issued a statement Tuesday
night warning freshmen that
rush is dosed until Oct. 18.
The council felt it necessary to
make the announcement
after reports of rush violations

The grant was transferred from
the University of Wisconsin to

Explains Rush Rules

from several fraternities.
Freshman rush is closed until
the latter part of October each
year in order to allow members
of the freshman class to settle
down to college work and to form
a sound study schedule before
fraternity rush for the spring
semester begins.
"If a fraternity is caught rushing a freshman during the period
designated for silence the fraternity can be placed on social probation and the freshman involved in the violation can be forbidden to pledge any fraternity
for a period of one semester,"
Gene Sayre, IFC president, said.
"Concerning the matter of rush
violations," Sayre said, "it is our
hope that all fraternities
freshmen will realize that the
set up by the IFC are for
the good of the freshmen in becoming firmly rooted in the work
schedule required in college and
for the overall academic betterment of the fraternity system."
Upperclass rushees who are
planning to pledge a fraternity

Women 's Residence Halls

Expand To Full Capacity
Assistant Campus Editor

Keeneland Hall, the largest
women's housing unit, has a
capacity of 301 women. At the
present time there are 311

World News Briefs
By The Associated Press


President Kennedy told the Senate today that the limited nuclear
test ban treaty in no way limits his authority to use nuclear weapons
for the defense of the United States or its allies.
In a letter, Kennedy also gave "unqualified and unequivocal assurances" that the safeguards urged by the military joint chiefs of
staff would be fully carried out.
The president's letter was addressed to Sens. Mike Mansfield
of Montana, the senate democratic leader, and Everett M. Dirksen of
Illinois, the republican leader.

New York
The heaviest first-hotrading in 26 years swamped the New
York Stock Exchange ticker tape yesterday, the exchange reported.
Prices continued to rise, and at 2 p.m. the Dow Jones average
of 30 industrials was up 5.74 to 743.17, well above its historic closing
high of 737.98 established last Thursday.
Volume in the first hour totaled 1.84 million shares, compared
with 1.11. Million yesterday and 2, 212,200 million shares Oct. 19, 1937.
Volume later slacked off somewhat and was estimated at 6.5 million
shares for the day, compared with 5.32 million yesterday.

South Henri, Inri.

Rock throwing and fist fights between whites and Negroes during an abortive end to a free party for 6,000 teenagers caused police
patrols at high school football
yesterday to map plans for beefed-u- p
The youngsters, worked Into a hand-clappifrenzy by the
gyrations 6"f a rock n' roll singer, started the melee when lights in
a football stadium were turned off last night for one number.

Columbia, S. C.

Three Negroes walked without incident onto the University of
South Carolina campus yesterday and drove another breach through
the South's crumbling resistance to public school integration.
In a registration procedure carefully staged by university officials, a Negro coed and two male students signed up for the fall
term cracking an
tradition that had stood for 86 years.
Forced to integrate by Federal Court decree, the university admitted Miss Henri Monteith, 18. of Columbia; Robert O. Anderson
gradJr., 22. of Greenville; and James L. Solomon Jr., a
uate student from Sumter.
State troopers and state law enforcement division agents patrolled
streets surrounding the midtown campus.



IFC Warns Freshmen
Against Rush Violation

A SI 38,000 grant has been given to Dr. Charles' I. Truax
of Psychology on psychotherapeutic treatment of the mentally
in the treatment of mental pa-


12, 196.1

Silence Until Oct. M

Professors Get Grant
For Study Of Illness
Dr. Truax, associate professor
of psychology, and Dr. Cark-huf- f,
both formerly of the University of Wisconsin, were awarded the grant by the Vocational
The main purpose cf the study.
Dr. Truax said, is to observe
group therapy of hospital mental
patients, juvenile patients, and
(those mentally ill
who do not require hospitalization i. The study is being done in
association with Eastern Kentucky State Hospital, Kentucky
Village, and the Veterans Administration Hospital.
Although the research is the
chief objective of the study, Dr.
Truax explained, the educational
value of the study is of great
importance. Through this study,
he said, therapists are trained







It is not typical of the other
women's resident units, but it is
indicative. Six of the 12 residence
units- are functioning with more
than a capacity enrollment, said
Mrs. Dixie Evans Smith, director
of women's residence halls.
The overcrowded situation does
not go unnoticed by University
In past years
steps have been taken to alleviate the overcrowding.
In 1957, Holmes Hall was
opened. At this same time plans
were already in progress for
Blazer Hall.
Blazer Hall, is functioning at
its capacity of 184 women, while
Holmes Hall, has 319 women enrolled where it should only have
293. The reason for this is Blazer,
a "study dorm" can be selective
about the women living there,
while Holmes accepts all the
women it can handle, she said.
The capacity of each unit can
and does vary. The capacities
of Patterson, Jewell, and Boyd
Halls can be changed by redesignating rooms. By changing
study rooms to either two women
rooms or single rooms, the capacities of the halls can be increased
with no decreae in the efficiency
of the hall, said Mrs. Smith.
In the same way, Holmes and
Keeneland Halls can accommodate more women.
In 1960, the Women's Residence
Halls leased three sections of
Bowman Hall, from the Men's
Residence Halls. In successive
years, the women leased Breck-enridand Kincaid Halls from
the men.
This semester, when It was
decided that the women needed
still more room, Bradley Hall,
which has a larger capacity than
Kincaid, was leased. The women
also acquired the two remaining
sections of Bowman.
Mrs. Smith said the problem
arises when using men's housing

units for women, is a problem of
space. Where formerly three male
students lived, relatively comfortably, two women feel crowded. This is clue to women having
more clothing and paraphernalia
than men.
There are advantages and disadvantages to living almost anywhere. Perhaps the facilities in
the "quad" are not those designed by Franklin Loyd Wright;
on the other hand the conditions
aren't as crowded as they are in
the other
women's residence
With the stress on academic
achievement, several women in
the freshman class asked for a
"study dorm" similar to Blazer,
she said. The Women's Residence
Halls, this year designed Jewell
Hall for this purpose. This changed the capacity level for Jewell.
At the present time Holmes
Hall has 319 women enrolled;
Patterson, 130; Jewell, 107; Boyd,
129; Blazer 184, and Keeneland,
344. Breckenridge has 165; Bowman, 138 and Bradley, 132. The
cooperative Houses, Hamilton and
Weldon are to capacity; and
which is the
has 19. Two under its capacity.
Mrs. Smith said more help to
alleviate the overcrowding is in
the future. A new dormitory complex, to be built near the Sports
Center, Is projected, until then,
overcrowding will probably continue, unless the number of women going to collese decreases.

International Students
International students
now attending the University
are requested to report to Mrs.
Kathy White at the International Student Center In Patterson House before Sept. 20.
These students should bring a
small photograph of themselves.

this semester are required to si?n
a preference card in Room 102
of the Student Center between 8
a.m. and 1 p.m. Saturday, Sept.

Council rules provide that all
men planning to pledge this
semester must have a 2.0 overall standing or a 2.0 for the previous semester and have completed at least 12 hours of college work.
Fraternity pledge presentation
will be at 2 p.m. Sept. 15 in Memorial Hall.
The council also voted to present a scholarship award to the
fraternity with the greatest
overall grade improvement in
any one semester. The award
involve a 50 percent reduction of a fraternity's IFC dues
for the following semester.
"The fraternities pay dues to
the IFC according to the number of active members in the
fraternity and the number of
pledges they have. The rates run
at S1.50 an active member and
$3 for each pledge. A 50 percent
reduction is a fair one as an
award we believe," Sayre said.
The council also voted to present awards to all individual
fraternity men who earn a 4.3
standing in a semester.


Com-- i

Opens loriay.
Moot Court competition
gets underway at :30 p.m.
today in the I.allerty Hall
courtroom with a cisil action
for libel against a newspaper
for leporting an incident of
a basketball player shaving
A course in practice law court
is required of all third year law

students and each student argues
two trials: one civil and one
criminal. Civil trials are scheduled at 6:30 p.m. every Thursday
evening. The criminal cases are
heard at 1:30 p.m. on Fridays.
Prof. James R. Richardson, the
instructor for the course, acts as
judge in the civil cases, while
local judges and attorneys serve
as Judges in the criminal trials.
First year law students are
jurors for both actions.
The Moot Court allows seniors
to compete for a chance to argue
in the prize trial on Law Day,
for which a $300 cash prize is
presented by a Lexington law
firm. Law Day, a national observance of the legal profession,
is held early in May.
In tonight's trial. Don
and Lucien M. Hall argue
for the defendant-newspape- r.
The plaintiff is represented by
R. L. Ballou and Tex Fitzgerald.
The criminal trial Friday involves a case in which a policeman is shot during a raid on a
gambling establishment. A lamp
is overturned in the gun battle
and burns up the establishment,
thus destroying much of the evidence. Chip Rice and Clifford
Smith represent the state in its
prosecution and Dick Ward and
Jim Amato provide the defense.
The trials, which last about
three hours, are open to the
public. Trials follow the Kentucky Rules of Civil and Criminal Procedure as described in
the Kentucky Revised Statutes.

� 2 -- THE KENTUCKY KERNEL, Thursday, Sept. 12,


Placement Service
Sign Up Continues

katliuinc Kemper, director of tlic University

Sept. 19 Last Day
To File For Dejrree

18 UK Law Graduates

Students txpectlng to receive
degrees in January must file apin their respective
dean's office by Tuesday, Sept. 18
and Wednesday, Sept. 19.
Those expecting degrees In the
spring semester should file applications in their Dean's office
during the first two weeks of the
spring semester.
Students are responsible for the
filing of these applications.

Pass State Bar Exam



Eighteen June graduates of the University were among
the (iO persons who passed the Kentucky bar examination this
summer. The Hoard ol Har Examiners announced the names
Monday in Frankfort.
Elbert Tomkies, Huntington, W.

Serviie, lias again asked that all UK students interested
in obtaining lull time employment either in December or May
cout.M t her.
The examination was held in
January graduates in Arts and
"The Placement Service is here
Sciences, Commerce with interest
Lexington, June 25, 26, and 27.
to help the students locate emin sales and marketing; January
The University College of Law
ployment when they leave UK. graduates at B.S. level in chemhas received no official report on
There is no charge for this servical, mechanical engineering. Men
three other graduates who had
ice and the only requirement is
been tentativley scheduled to take
that the students contact us and only. Citizenship required.
OCT. 11
the examination.
fill out a form which can be
Arvin Industries, Inc.
khown to recruiters when they
Among the new attorneys are
at B.S. level in eleccome to campus," said Mrs. graduates
David Eugene Murrell, Covington;
trical, mechanical . engineering.
Philip Bedford Austin, Lexington;
Citizenship required.
At the same time Mrs. Kemper
Larry A. Carver, Minford, Ohio;
released the list of recruiters who
Howard Downing, Nicholasville;
Swift and Co. (Chicago) Anwill be here for interviews during
Marshall Polk Eldred, Louisville;
imal husbandry, agricultural ecothe first half of October. "We
William Clark Gormley, Lexingbusiton; John William Graves,
expect over 500 organizations to nomics, general agriculture;
ness administration, business
Lowell Thurman Hughes,
have recruiters here this year,"
general business,
Mrs. Kemper said. Over 200 have
Prestonsburg ; Robert
marketing at B.S. level. Citizendefinite interview dates.
Hutchinson, West Liberty.
ship required.
The Placement Service is loFrank Nisbet King Jr., Hendercated on the second floor of the
OCT. 15
son: Robert Gene Lawson, LexAdministration Building.
S. D. Leidesdorf and Co. Acington; Jefferson Vimont Lay-so- n
OCT. 1
counting. Will interview women.
Jr., Millersburg; Ronald Glen
Rural Electrification AdminisUnion Carbide Chemicals & Polly .McRoberts; William Prestration June and August GradUnion Carbide Olefins B.S., M.S.
ton Snyder, Georgetown; George
uates in electrical, mechanical
E. Stigger III, Henderson; Charles
graduates in chemical, mechanengineering at B.S. level. Citical engineering for all activities
izenship required.
other than marketing; graduates
in chemical engineering for marLoral Students Tour
E. I. DuPont deNemours and
keting activities. Citizenship or
Co. Chemistry,
physics at all
permanent visa required.
decree levels; chemical, electrical,
Union Carbide Silicones
The University's ancient relics
Chemistry, chemical engineering
are providing an historic backclear engineering at all degree
at B.S.. M.S. levels. Citizenship
ground for Lexington junior high
or permanent visa required.
school students.
OCT. 3
Seventh grade students from
Emerson Electric ManufacturTates Creek Junior High School
Kentucky Utilities Co. (Daning Co. Electrical, mechanical,
visited the University AnthropolJanuary graduates in elec(especiindustrial, engineering
trical engineering at B.S. level.
ogy Museum Tuesday to study
ally interested in electrical enEnLexington Army Depot
displays on Kentucky culture.
gineers with power option). CitThe class is studying
gineering graduates. Citizenship
izenship required.
Indians in Kentucky history.
OCT. 8
Corp., Electronics and
Ordnance Division Electrical engineering at B.S., M.S. levels.
Citizenship required.
Corps of Engineers Civil, electrical, mechanical engineering.
Citizenship required.
National Distillers and ChemWEEKEND
ical Corp. June graduates.
Chemistry at all degree levels;
personnel management, chemical,
mechanical engineering at B.S.
level. Citizenship required for research and development. Limited
opportunities for women.
ElecRepublic Steel Corp.
trical, mechanical, metallurgical
engineering at B.S. level. Citizenrancour
ship required. (Also metallurgical
engineering, M.S. level).
OCT. 9
Silent Screen Classic
Ashland Oil and Refining Co.

Va.; Anthony Morgan Wilhoit,
Versailles, and Herman John
Yopp, Lexington.








up ine



our reason








Lillian Gish

For Grants
Are Available
I'ulbi ifht scholarship applications arc available now at
the International Center in
Patterson House.
Applications for the foreign
study grants may be obtained
from Mrs. Kathy White, international student adviser. Only
seniors and graduate students are
eligible for the scholarships. All
applications must be completed
and returned to Mrs. White between Oct. 15 and Oct. 30.
Partial or full study (rants
are available from over 56 foreign nations. There is a quota
on the number to be accepted
by each participating nation.
Students are selected to receive
Fulbright grants on academic
abilities and interest in area
study 'in which foreign training
would be beneficial. Foreign language, technical research, and
history students lead the list of
grant receivers.
Applications for the scholarships will be screened by local,
state, and national committees.
Students selected to receive the
grants will be notified in the
Dr. Kenneth Harper, directrir
of the International Center and
assistant dean of the College of
Arts and Sciences, will serve as
the chairman of the local and
state Fulbright scholarship



Walnut Street


804 Euclid
Chevy Chase

here's bracing news!


r r 1 AjLYA IV Kj 1
EjEjUO Swing into Fall with the authentic Scottish
'Fannich' check, loomed by Guilford in brown or scarlet tones, and exclusive in shoes
with U.S. Keds. Washable wool. $5.50


Kernel Woman's Page

Edited hy
Nancy Loughridge


(Editor's Note: This Is a continuation of the review of ram-pu- s
organizations, their ob.ir rtives
and requirements for membership.)
Ti Shma Alpha: membership
in this national political science
honorary i baed on the candidate's having had at 'least ten
hours of political science in which
he has maintained an average of
3.C or above. Two formal initiation banquets are he'.d each year
for new members who are selected
from tlie fieic's of fcovernmtnt,
political science, public administration, or international relations.
Speech and Hearing
membership open to all students
interested in the fields of speech
pathology and audiology. Members gain additional education in
the field through guest speakers
and practical observation of clinics and hospitals.
Sigma Delta Chi: professional
men's Journalistic society, endeavors to maintain the high ethical
and technical standards of the
Journalism profession. The Unichapter
versity's undergraduate
selects its members on the basis
of scholarship in Journalism and
intention to become professional
journalists. The chapter sponsors
a high school newspaper contest,
produces a circular about the UK
School of Journalism.
Theta Sigma Phi: national
professional fraternity for women
in Journalism has as its purposes to unite women Journalists and to inspire members to greater individual effort.
Membership is selected on the
basis of scholastic achievement,
intention to pursue journalistic
careers, and the approval by the
active chapter and head of the
department. Theta Sig presents
nn annual award to the outstanding woman in journalism,
with SDX the high
school press clinic and participates with alumnae in the alumnae in the annual Matrix banquet.
cpen to anyone who is interested
in working or has had experience in publishine a vearbook.
The annual is distributed in the
spring and sales are made at the
time of fall registration and the
first few weeks of September.
Students may receive one hour of
credit if a journalism practicum
in yearbook editing is taken.
Kernel: the South's outstanding college daily newspaper is
published Tuesday through Friday and gives news, features, society, and sports, in eight pages
each day. Work Is done by journalism students but those students who have an interest in
working on the paper may join
the staff by taking a journalism
practicum in newspaper editing
cr by volunteering their services
three hours a week.
PI Tau Sigma: membership is
based on scholarship, recommendation of the faculty, and acceptance by members of the organization. A national mechanical
engineering honorary the University chapter has kept files of
current employers interested in
securing mechanical
and offered assistance of Engineers' Day.
Pi: new members
Tau Bet
from all phases of engineering are
elected twice annually by the
society. To be eligible, students
must have a 3.0 standing and be
of their
in the upper
Junior class or upper one-fift- h
their senior class. The national
honorary recognizes those students who have excelled seholas-ticall- y
as undergraduates in engineering, and to recognize alumni
who have made outstanding ac- Law
Student Bar Association: an organization composed of all students in the College of Law to
foster and coordinate efforts for

complishments in the field of engineering.
the common professional benefit
cf the members.
Alpha Epsilon Delta: an international honor society for
students to encourage excellence in
scholarship and to promote cooperation
among medical students,
students, and educators


in developing an adequate proeducation.
gram of
Members must have a standing
of 3.0 or above.
Society: to
encourage an interest in medicine, the chapter aids all pre-me- d
students academically and
socially, and selves as a medium through which association
can lie made with leaders in the
field of medical science.





from rush
radio club meets at 5 p.m. in Anderson Hall
Preference Night
sign preference cards after last party
Fraternities entertaining with theme parties
Fraternity rushees sign preference cards during the morning
Spindletop Hall Dance
Sorority bid day and pledging
Fraternity bid day and pledging


Amateur Radio Club
The UK Amateur Radio Club
will meet at 5 p.m. today in 130
Anderson Hall, the electrical
power lab. All persons interested
in ham radio operations are invited to attend.
Prni e I'hysics Club
The Peine Phy.-ic- s
Club will

hold its first fail meeting today
at 4 p.m. in Room 155 of the
Chemistry-Physic- s
Building, a
demonstration of the use of an
electronic analog computer will
be followed by a discussion and
refreshments. All interested persons are invited to attend.



to attend an informal

Sh owing



featuring famous


Kappa Alpha Theta
Miss Lexington




Butte KLnit

Delta Delta Delta
Miss Southeastern


lovely beauty queens pictured
here will model the newest Fall crea-








a.m. to 4 p.m.
September 14th


at our store


One out-

fit from each of these two famous


"Becky" SNYDER

designers will be given away. No purchase necessary, you need not be

Miss Owensboro

present to win.
Kappa Alpha Theta
Little Kentucky
Derby Queen

us. And, if
and you're in
wich and rest

in and enjoy a Coke with
you're downtown shopping
sanda rush, stop in for
a moment






at Rear of Store

This week's winner of the Wondamere Sweater Outfit was Miss Vol Kish
from Blazer Hall.



Day off

are cor iaiiy



Campus Calendar

Campus Organizations Reviewed


sure and watch our ad next week for the names of next week's

� The Kentucky Kernel

Prepare Carefully
Incoming Ticshmcn are usually
eager to establish a line moid at
the University, hut they aren't always
sure how this is ilonc. To this eiul,
the Kentucky Kernel offers a recipe
lor success.
As is true with most recipes, this
set of directions is failure-proof- ,
the cook (in this case it's you, student)
is only human anil susceptible to

error. Prepare carefully.
The basic ingredients are industry,

The directions are

three write



Step four do assignments immediately. Falling behind is the downfall
of many freshmen and upperclass-men- .
Step five establish regular study
Step six turn in neat and accurate papers. Spell correctly.
Step seven see your instructor during his office hours if you have difficulty.

as follows:

assign- -

Step eight find the library and
learn how to use it. This step is essentialnow and all through one's education.
Follow the directions, using the
basic ingredients, and the result is
more than likely to be a piece de resistance that's French for a
top-notc- h

Success comes in cans. Failure
comes in can'ts. Jean Batiste Moliere
Doubts are more cruel than the
worst of truths. Jean Batiste Moliere
Necessity is the plea for every infringement of human freedom. It is
the argument of tyrants; it is the creed
of slaves. William Pitt


For the maintenance of peace, nations should avoid the
which forerun cannonshots. Napoleon

Those who never retract their opinions love themselves more than they



Nothing is politically right which


morally wrong. Daniel O'Connell



Caul Modecki, Campus Editor
Sue Emmcott, Managing Editor
John BuiiKHAnn, Advertising Manager
Editorial stuff: William Crant, Elizaljeth Ward, Richard Stevenson, daily editors; Tom
Woodall, Russ Weikel, and John Townsetul, associate daily editors; Peter Jones, editorial
assistant; David Hawpe, James Curtis, nnd Nick Pope, associate editors; John Pfeiffer,
arts editor.
Thomas Finnie, Circulation Manager
Kernel telephones: News, extension 2302; Advertising and Circulation, 2306


Year-Aroun- d
Each year more colleges and universities in the United States are operating on sorne kind of
basis. With some variation of method
this is true also of high schools and
junior high schools in many parts of
the country.
Some of the higher institutions
do it with the trimester system pioneered at the University of Pittsburgh. After five years of this system at the postgraduate level, Dean
Courtney C. Brown of the Columbia
University School of business says it
"has won a growing degree of acceptance and support of faculty as well
as students."

Step one go to class. Instructors
want to see you in class. Besides, it's
necessary for the next step.
Step two take notes, lots of 'em.
How else to study for exams?

University of Kentucky

Entered nt the post office nt I.exlniitim, Kentucky a necond cIiim mntter under tlie Act of March 3, 1879.
Published tour times
wick dnrinu Hie re'uiiliir iilnml vear exe rt diuintt holidays nnd exanu.

ments. You may think you'll remember them, but following an afternoon
Grille session you won't.

Many universities have arrived at
a roughly similar result in undergraduate work through gradual expansion
of summer school programs in response to demand. This also is by far
the prevailing tendency in secondary

Thus far the best summer school
work is in suburbs or small cities,
not in the congested centers where
program would make
most sense and help solve juvenile
problems. The reasons for this lag
are largely linancial; it takes extra
teachers or extra pay to set up such
But in many parts of the South
and West new high schools are being
built with air conditioning or older
ones being equipped with it. This
is economy in the long run, for then
the plant capacity can be increased
by fuller utilization.

school calendar repThe
resents a trend that has established
itself in graduate education, is very
widespread at the college and secondary level, and is ripe for consideration even in many urban elementary


The Christian Science Monitor

With the transition of North
America from an agricultural to an
urban society the original reason for
a long summer vacation to help with
farm work has gone. Hut in high
school planning another factor has
taken its place. That is summer family travel. For this reason high school
summer work has to be devoted largely to makeup courses, accelerated
courses or auxiliary rather than essential subjects.

A little nonsense now and then is

relished by the wisest man. Anonymous

The foolish and the dead alone
never change their opinion. Lowell
The pain of the mind is worse
than the pain of the body. Syrus


Red China Baiting Russia But To No Avail
The Chinese who carried out the


Associated Press Writer
China's current
Russian-baitincampaign apparently
is aimed at provoking the Kremlin
to break state or party ties with
Peking. So far Moscow has not risen
to the bait.
Seeming to sense clanger, the Russians itre displaying a patience that
Premust be galling to
mier Khrushchev.
Aside from propaganda attacks
Jinking Khrushchev with the "imperialist enemy," the Red Chinese put
on a rowdy
demonstration on
border in Siberia
last week that outraged the Russians.
The government newspaper Ives-titold its leaders yesterday what it
said went on at Xaushki, a border
point, when the
ess ciossed fioin China Fiiday.
Chinese passcngeis openly
contempt lor the Russians by
dc l ing list on is ollic ials, toughing
a clowning
passcisby aiid-i- n
initiating in public i,i the
esiia repotted.
lailway station,
Instead of jailing the Chinese,
the Russians, on instructions lioin
Moscow, sent the Chinese back to
China Saturday. Soviet bolder guauls








anti-Sovie- t

at Naushki were not private citizens engaged in s)ontaneous hijinks.
squads Peking
sends abroad with even the most insignificant details of their behavior
and conversation outlined would be
incapable of creating such a scene
without orders.
The impression left by this and
other provocative actions by Chinese
in recent months clearly indicates a
deliberate attempt to infuriate the
China might want a break in party
or even government relations, and
hopes to force Moscow to take the
step or to give the Chinese the pretext for rupturing relations.
But Soviet propaganda organs in
heaping abuse on the Chinese, keep
well within guidelines laid down by
major patty statements on the
The major Soviet leliain is Russia's avowed dedication to peace and
its opposition to alleged Chinese demands lor war.
kicmlin propaganda chiefs ate
now believed wot king on a leply to
Peking's virulent
charges against
Khrushchev last week.
hey will have
to answer Chinese allegations that:
The Russians "enticed and

well-drille- d




coerced" several thousand members of
a Chinese National Minority Group