xt7wpz51ht4q https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7wpz51ht4q/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky 1963 athletic publications  English University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. University of Kentucky Football Programs University of Kentucky vs. Detroit Institute of Technology, October 12, 1963 text University of Kentucky vs. Detroit Institute of Technology, October 12, 1963 1963 1963 2014 true xt7wpz51ht4q section xt7wpz51ht4q ‘ " V ‘° 1 `   `X * 1 1 ` I ` — M 1 1 1 1 ` ·
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6 Month Revolvmg Charge

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A é ,,_ Dqmrtment Store Smce 1867
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qc $ A A .
UNDEXMQ Ke11tucky’s Fr1end]1est Shoppmg Center
The "WILDCAT" by  
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   M I 6  4 ' N
KENTUCKY y5_ DETROIT cats need only to think back to last year and a game with
I heavy underdog Xavier to consider the consequences of
Despite the loss of one of the nation s leading passers, in Oveieenfidenee The Muskges tmuneed UK, 14-9, as the ,
l the person of little ]erry Gross who kept the \lVil,dcats in heme Club lenleetl ahead te Tennessee _ _ _ The sitnatinn  
2 continual hot water during the last meeting, Detroits Titans tonight is elesely similar: Detmit will be a tleeisive under- l
I im? right buck as PQPPY and d=i¤ssr¤¤S as Ever as lh€Y in` dog in quest of a first series victory and Kentucky next week l
l vade the \\/ildcat lair for a third series meeting tonight. taees tengh SEC rival Lenisiana State
The Motor City eleven’s tutor, ]ohn Idzik, is not without Only tvvn meetings en the giidiien are ieeetded between l
individual stars at his disposal in a bid to even Detroit’s Kentnelty and Detmit Both games were played at Deti-nit  
season at the expense ol Kentucky and these standouts could with UK Winning) 32,77 in 1959 and 27-3 last yeai-_ t
prove extremely troublesome in thc event the youthful
UKats entertain any illusions of taking their foe lightly. l
l Unlike the situation a year ago in Detroit, when the vis- _____._. l
I iting Kentuckians had only the passing arm of Cross to  
  worry about and solved the threat by a score of 27-8, the
E Current Timms blg gun IS a flashy Soph qumtlgrback WhO COVER--Featured on tonight’s cover is a pictorial representation
l can also run the ball. ]ust a week ago, Tom Zientek stood _ _ I _ I _ d I A
l 10th in the nation in total offense rankings with 313 big °f U"'v°rS'tY °f Kenluckys °fhl€l_'° p°"f Slluule ° cm? venue
l yards to his credit after Dctr0it’s first two outings. To ge ¤f Ch¤mr>i<>¤s. Overseems ¤D€t¤t¤¤¤S ¤f ¤¤¤ vt the ¤¤t·¤¤¤ t¤l>
` along with the all-around, variable T play of Zientek, the sports facilities is Director of Athletics Bernie A. Shively, former
Tlmns hilve mlllthcr H'3U°na11y'{*mk€d threat in the PEISOP football All-American at Illinois. Memorial Coliseum (top) seats
i of sensational fullback Fred Bcier. Going into last weeks . , .
. . , _» ll,5OO for cage contests while UKs football stadium has a ca-
gamcs, Beier was only a few steps behind Kentucky s flash _
soph Rodger Bird in ground gained from scrimmage. And p°°'lY °f 37·5OO·  
  still another Titan, ]im \Valkosky, stood seventh in the coun- r
j try in scoring. _
g For its part, the \Vildeats will also be on the lookout for t
season victory number two to even its record. Edited by Ken Kuhn Dirscmr Of Spgts Pubhsity 1
kentucky, which the experts figured played its best foot- Publ) hed by Umvemtl Of Kfsutuckl TM jmsb fiom mn
ball of the year in the second half of last week’s Auburn Reg};;i;;€;§(;;§E;;;I°gn;‘;€OAd;IExlxlsik 5  
contest, knows that thc doing will not be easy. The \Vild- " `
ELBOW ROOM WAN`l`ED—Kentucky's sophomore quarterback, Rick Norton (`I7), seems to be looking nround for elbow room for a hand-  
off or pass-run option as Ole Miss taclrlers close in on him in a game at Lexington two weeks ago. In the photo, Norton has just faked ,
to his fullback, Ken Bocard (44), who helps along the illusion by appearing to hold the ball to his middle. Coming up fast are Rebel _
tacklers Allen Brown (80) and Rollo Moses (60). i
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»         the honorable
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  ,   . i.   V  ·v · V   BERT T. COMBS
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Closing out a four-year term as Governor of the Commonwealth of Kentucky, Bert Thomas
Combs is able to look back with a special degree of pride on a distinguished career of public service
that carried him u throu h the ranks to the chair of chief executive.
The 52-year-old public servant, who in his capacity of Governor also serves as chairman of the
Universit of Kentuck Board of Trustees be an his career as a law er immediatel u on radua-
Y Y i Q
tion from the UK College of Law in l937 and later entered political life when he became city at-
torney of Prestonsburg. He next held the post of Commonwealth Attorney for the 3lst judicial dis-
trict ot the state and from l95l to l955 served as a 'ud e on the state's hi hest tribunal the Court
l I
of Appeals.
His distinguished background also includes service as a captain in the Judge Advocate General’s
Department and he was the recipient of both the bronze star and the medal of merit during Army
During his administration as Governor, an office to which he was elected in l959, the State of
Kentucky has made outstanding progress in many fields——including education, agriculture, industrial
development, highway construction and social welfare.
Governor Combs is a native of Manchester in the Eastern Kentucky mountain area and worked
his way through Cumberland College prior to entering the University Law School. He is married to
the former Mabel Hall and the have two children Lois Ann and Thomas Gear e.

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Sports lovors of tho world, unzto . . . lots all go W aldcat-ang.
F Face it—if you’re the rocking chair, watch—it»on—TV type, forget the wild, wild ‘64 Buick Wildcat. But if
I you like your action furious and first-hand, Wildcat is for you! You can bark your signals to a regular
325 hp \/·8 formation, or really take to the air with a 340* or 360* hp passer. Three scat—back transmissions
add to your fun: 3-speed synchromesh; 4—speed synchro stick shift on the tToor*, or Buick's new trigger-
j · quick Super Turbine 400 automatic* (very sparing with gas, tool). Four new models: 4-dr. hardtop; Qedr. i
D sport coupe; 4»dr. sedan; convertible. Give one a workout; see why we say. . .
*Oplional at extra cos!. Buick Motor Division   llug   ,8 ll   !

 KENTUCKY 33, VIRGINIA TECH `I4 down in the second 30 minutes of action to hold the visitors Q
to just one more score.  
ll mdk erlly ld Seeerlds fdr Unlyerslfy Or Kenruekyls But the outcome was sealed as the Johnny Rebs held a L
rookie—dominated Wildcats to prove that inexperience is only putentlally exploslve Kentucky Ottense ln Check all the way
a state of mind and the '63 sophomores built that premise wlth the ald Ot key pass lnt€rC€ptlOn$_ Coach Cnarllg  
lrlld a fr‘rlul"9· 33jl*‘· rr°ur‘Clr‘g Or Vlrdlrlld Tech ber°re_ a Bradshaw's sophomore—dominated force avoided the humilia-  
season·openlng audience of 35,000 at Stoll Field. The vlc- tion Ot B shutout Only through the alertness Ot tullback  
r°ry was Keruuekyls first slddd l958 is dd d¤d¤l¤d game Ken Bocard, who picked off an Ole Miss pass midway of the  
Dazzling soph scatback Rodger Bird, the Corbin Comet final quarter and scooted 22 yards to score followed by a
who bids to be the greatest of the fabulous athletic Bird successful PAT kick by John Andrighetti.
brothers, Lacs; bacdk the gamefgenlnghGobb|erKklckof; la ln the final analysts, Kentucky Went down to ns
rleaerecer yar S ld a _tOuC Own t dl put entuc y S disheartening defeat due to an inability to cope with the big
thorbéighbregls off anddrurnnlng. The il€ld·lgr and l8‘l‘ Mississippi liria (220-pound average) and because of cdstly l
Peer] dpdd Ster ddsd T ev meet dsp eelye e erlee Seen pass defense errors. Time and again, the Wildcats failed to j
In many e dddd by reekmg up enether le7 yards frem capitalize defensively on third and long yardage situations J
eerlmmege ld le mee fer en lneredible' e'3 eyerege during that Ole Miss found itself confronted with. All three of the I
the remainder ef the eemeee Rebel touchdowns in the first half came on third down with
That remarkable first score, only a mere three yards shy l0 or l2 yards to go.
pf the all—trme school record for kickoff returns, set the stage Pom pmtecnon rm, quarterback Rick Norton and bad
or a not-to—be-denied effort by the young Wildcats but vlc- acrustments to th Mr r . . d r ke t th K t k
ldd dd dd sdmd dddr alas ir. check Jimaiiyealip`aairilsewiihpihfraill Uteiayf
Virginia Tech struck back quickly to tie the score at 7-7 only 135 yards were netted for the UK cause.
in the late stages of the opening period and notched another
touchdown during the second quarter after Kentucky had
forged ahead for the second time on an 8l—yard march
capped by Ken Bocard going over from the eight.
The fierceness of the Cat-Gobbler battle was attested by
the l4-l4 halftime deadlock, but Kentucky was just getting
started. Charlie Bradshaw's young charges, who received
tremendous leadership from the older hands like Herschel
Turner, put the game beyond reach of ex—Wildcat Jerry AUBURN 14 KENTUCKY 13
Claiborne and his VPI invaders with a tie-breaking TD late I
in the there querten end e pelr ef fourth-quarter elmehlng Charlie Bradshaw and his outhful Wildcats came to win
telllee and, when the slashing battleyin Auburn's Cliff Hare Stad-
Bird picked up the third UK score as he crossed the ium had roared to a close, Tiger partisans were the first to
visitors' goal line for the second time in the evening and the admit that Kentucky had the better team at the end and the
other Wildcat markers were added by halfback Bobby Kosid home club was indeed lucky to come out on the long end of
and quarterback Talbott Todd. John Andrighetti, another a l4—l3 count.
eeehemere’ eeeeumee fer three extre Delete by kleleme After a frustrating first half of action in which Au-
Extra point pass attempts after the other two scores failed. b i .
urn s powerful backs punched away almost at will for long
yardage through a porous Kentucky defense, the Blue Grass
eleven suddenly came to life after the intermission. The
Wildcats, behind the vastly improved passing artistry of
quarterback Rick Norton and the hard running of other
"*"’;‘*"_" backs, completely dominated the second thirty minutes. i
Only the failure of a gamble (which everyone praised)
in the third period and a field goal try that came close dur-
ing the final stanza kept the Kentuckians at bay as they
displayed a vastly improved brand of play. The key play of
MISSISSIPPI 3I, KENTUCKY 7 the afternoon came after Kentucky had rallied to push over
a second touchdown. Going for broke, Norton pitched a
Defending Southeastern Conference champion Missis- lWO·DOl¤i PAT Strike td l'lallb·d€l< B0b KO$ld· Tl'l€ ball
sippi, itself humiliated a week earlier by a scoreless tie, lvdunsdd sway as l<¤s·d was