xt7wpz51gt8j https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7wpz51gt8j/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky 1970-02-feb17. minutes English University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1970-02-feb17. text Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1970-02-feb17. 1970 1970-02-feb17. 2011 true xt7wpz51gt8j section xt7wpz51gt8j 

       Minutes of the Meeting of the Board of Trustees. University of Kentucky,
Tuesday, February 17, 1970

       The Board of Trustees of the University of Kentucky met in regular session
at 2:00 p m. (Eastern Standard Time) on Tuesday, February 17, 1970 in Board
Room E on the 18th floor of the Office Tower on the University campus with the
following members present: Governor Loume B. Nunn, Mr. Jesse M. Alverson,
Mr. Thomas P. Bell, Mr. Albert G. Clay, Mr. Richard E. Cooper, Mr. George
W. Griffin, Mr. J. Robert Miller. Mr. B. Hudson Milner, Dr. N. N. Nicholas,
Mr. James H. Pence, Mr. Floyd H. Wright; non-voting faculty members Professor
Robert W. Rudd and Professor Paul G. Sears; and non-voting student member, Mr.
Tim Futrell. Absent from the meeting were Mrs. Rexford S. Blazer, Mr. Wendell
P. Butler, former Governor A. B. Chandler, and Mr. Robert H. Hillenmeyer. The
University administration was represented by President Otis A. Singletary, Dr.
Alvin L. Morris) Mr. George J. Ruschell, Dr. William R. Willard, Dr. Glenwood
L. Creech, Dr. Stuart Forth, Dr. Donald B. Clapp, and Mr. John C. Darsie. The
various news media also had representatives present.

       A. Meeting Opened

       Following the invocation pronounced by Mr. Albert G. Clay, Governor Nunn,
noting the absence of the Secretary, requested Mr. Clay to serve as Acting
Secretary for the meeting. Mr. Clay reported a quorum present and the meeting
was declared officially open for the conduct of business at 2:00 p. m.

       B. Minutes Approved

       On motion by Mr. Wright, seconded by Mr. Clay, and passed, the reading of
the Minutes of the January 20, 1970 meeting of the Board of Trustees was dispensed
with and the Minutes were approved as published.

       C. Member of Executive Committee Elected

       Governor Nunn called for nominations for a member of the Executive Com-
mittee to fill the vacancy left on the committee by the expiration of Dr. Denham's
term on the Board. Dr. Nicholas placed the name of Mr. Thomas P. Bell in
nomination, Mr. Clay moved that the nominations be closed and that Mr. Bell be
elected unanimously. The motion was seconded by Mr. Alverson and all present
voted aye.

      D. Committee Appointments Made

Governor Nunn made the following appointments to Board committees to fill



vacancies presently existing on them:

           Finance Committee -- Mr. George Griffin and Dr. N. N.
                Nicholas (Po replace Dr. Harry Denham and Mr. William
                R. Black). Mr. Hillenmeyer named chairman.

           Medical Center Committee -- Mr. Jesse M. Alverson (added
                to present committee)

           Governing Regulations -- Professor Paul G. Sears (to replace
                Professor Paul Oberst) and named Chairman.

       E. President's Report to the Trustees

       President Singletary indicated that since a copy of his monthly report on
University activities was in each member's folder, he did not feel it necessary to
summarize the report but would be happy to answer questions.

       There being no questions, Governor Nunn accepted the report, recommended
later reading of it by the members of the Board, and ordered the report filed.

       F. Recommendations of the President (PR 2)

       The recommendations for staff changes, President Singletary reported, were
routine in nature except for two retirements which he thought should be noted --
Miss Chloe Gifford and Dr. Harold E. Wetzel -- who between them had given a
total of 55 years to the University of Kentucky. He recommended approval of PR 2
as a whole.

       Noting the loyalty and devotion of these two individuals recommended for
retirement, motion was made by Mr. Griffin, seconded by Mr. Milner, and carried
to approve PR 2 as a whole. (See PR ? at the end of the Minutes. )

       G. Institute for Planning and Administration Established (PR 4)

       Recognizing that the most effective use of resources could be made through
the merger of two presently established Institutes, the Institute for Environmental
Studies and the Institute for Public Administration, on motion duly made, seconded,
and carried, the Board authorized the combining of the Institute for Environmental
Studies and the Institute for Public Administration into a new unit to be known as the
Institute for Planning and Administration to become effective with the appointment
of a Director. (See PR 4 at the end of the Minutes. )



       H. Budget Revisions 1969-70 (PR 5)

       The budget revisions recommended in PR 5 being routine in nature, on
motion by Mr. Clay, seconded by Mr. Milner, and passed without dissent, the
budget revisions in PR 5 were authorized and approved. (See PR 5 at the end of
the Minutes. )

       I. Interim Financial Report (FCR 1)

       The Board members having had an opportunity to examine the financial
report for the period ending December 31, 1969 indicated they had no questions
and on motion duly made, seconded, and carried, the report was accepted as
presented and ordered filed. (See FCR I at the end of the Minutes.

       J. Management Letter From External Auditors for 1968-69
Accepted (FCR 2)

       Mr. Ruschell indicated that the Office of Business Affairs accepted
administratively the Management Letter submitted by Peat, Marwick, Mitchell.
and Company and the recommendations made were in the process of being
implemented. The Finance Committee members present indicated they had
examined the Management Letter and recommended its acceptance by the Board.

       On motion by Mr. Pence, seconded by Mr. Cooper, and carried, the
Management Letter dated September 2, 1969 from the firm of Peat, Marwick,
Mitchell and Company, Certified Public Accountants, for the fiscal year ended
June 30, 1969 was accepted and the Acting Vice President of Business Affairs
was instructed to implement as rapidly as possible the recommendations contained
in the letter. (See FCR 2 at the end of the Minutes. )

       K. Easement to Kentucky Utilities Company Approved (FCR 3)

       Mr. Darsie explained that the background statement in FCR 3 gave full
details on the proposed easement to the Kentucky Utilities Company and recom-
mended approval.

       On motion by Mr. Cooper, seconded by Mr. Alverson, and passed, the
Acting Vice President of Business Affairs and Treasurer was authorized to
execute, on behalf of the Board, and in consideration of the payment of a purchase
price based on fair market value, a transmission line easement to Kentucky
Utilities Company over University of Kentucky property on the Viley Road in
Fayette County. (See FCR 3 at the end of the Minutes. )



       L. Meeting Adjourned

       Having first determined that there was no further business to come before
the Board, Governor Nunn called for a motion for adjournment. On motion duly
made, seconded, and carried, the meeting adjourned at 2:10 p. m.

                                            Respectfully submitted,

                                            Albert G. Clay, Acting Secretary
                                            Board of Trustees

(PR's 2, 4 and 5 and FCR's 1, 2 and 3 which follow are official parts of the
Minutes of the meeting of the Board. of Trustees on February 17, 1970. )

Note: The Management Letter from Peat, Marwick, Mitchell and Company and
the copy of the deed of easement to the Kentucky Utilities Company are not
included as a part of the Minutes but copies are in the official files of the meeting.



                          February 17, 1970


      More complete registration figures for the Spring Semester
1970 reflect a total enrollment of 14,955, compared with a Spring
Semester 1969 enrollment of 14,224, or a 5.1 percent increase,
reports Dean of Admissions Elbert Ockerman.

      Selected points of interest concerning the enrollment:

      --the new student enrollment (895) replaced the December
        graduating group (859);

      --an increase in new freshmen over last Spring of 182 vs.

      --an increase in new graduate students of 293 vs. 226; and

      --an increase in Community College transfer students to
        the Lexington campus of 162 vs. 127.

      Dr. Ockerman and four of his staff (Larry Dykes, Dick Stofer,
Ed Brand and Jerry Booher) spent two days, February 5-6, visiting 17
high schools in north Kentucky. They spent two to three hours in
each school. Similar visits were to the Louisville-Jefferson County
area in December and "proved to be very successful," Dr. Ockerman said.


      Kentucky's livestock industry and consumers will have an even
stronger ally in the College of Agriculture now that the new Animal
Sciences Building is underway, says Dean Charles E. Barnhart of the
College of Agriculture. Ground breaking ceremonies today for the 6-
million dollar structure, described as one of the finest in the nation,
got things officially underway for the building, scheduled for com-
pletion early in 1972. Dean Barnhart said expansion in the college
was "timed perfectly with Kentucky's agricultural progress. Livestock
is taking a more prominent place in the state's agriculture, contrib-
uting more than a half billion dollars annually to Kentucky's gross
income. This new facility will allow us to increase our teaching,
research, and Extension support to the producers, packers, processors,
and consumers who will buy these products." The cube-shaped structure
will house, for the first time in modern history, all animal sciences
department faculty under one roof, Dr. W. P. Garrigus, department
chairman, said.


- 2 -


      A committee to seek financial support to send a University
opera company to Washington has been formed under the leadership
of Joseph Graves Jr., Lexington businessman, and Mrs. Lucile
Blazer, board member. The opera, "Wing of Expectation," authored
by Dr. Kenneth Wright of the music department, will be presented
May 14-15 in historic Ford Theatre in Washington and in Lexington
May 10 at Guignol Theatre. The opera is based on the tragic life
story of Mary Todd Lincoln. The cast will include students,
faculty, and members of the community, plus three professional
singers from New York appearing in the lead roles of President
Lincoln, his law partner Billy Herndon, and Mary Todd.

      Mr. Graves said the University will recognize as patrons
those persons who provide significant financial support. Names of
the patrons will be published in the opera programs in both Washing-
ton and Lexington. Arrangements for the Washington performance, in-
cluding tickets, are being handled by the Kentucky Society in the
capitol city. Co-chairmen of the Washington committee are Lewis A.
Moss and Ralph E. Becker. Mr. Graves and Mrs. Blazer said the
following have agreed to serve on the committee: Mrs. Courtney
Ellis, Mrs. Joseph H. Murphy Jr., Mrs. Floyd Wright, Mrs. Burton
Milward, Mrs. Roy B. White Jr., Mrs. Paul Little and Dr. Thornton
Scott, all of Lexington; Mrs. Richard Cooper, Somerset; Edward T.
Breathitt, Hopkinsville; Mrs. Harry A. Hamilton, Corbin, and Mrs.
N. N. Nicholas, Owensboro. Honorary members are: Mrs. Louie B.
Nunn, Frankfort; Mrs. Otis A. Singletary, Dr. Holman Hamilton, Mr.
William Hull, Dr. A. D. Kirwan, Lexington; Bruce Peyton, and Gale
Price, two student members. Dr. Hugh Henderson, director of the
School of Fine Arts, said "the University accepted the Washington
invitation because it offers a unique opportunity for the University
and the Commonwealth to attain national recognition of our rich
Lincoln heritage and cultural enterprise. The theatre and music
departments already are at work on arrangements." Dr. Raymond Smith
will direct the production and Miss Phyllis Jenness will direct the


      The albatross which Samuel Coleridge made famous in his "Rime
of the Ancient Mariner" will get the full attention of University
engineer-scientist Dr. Richard Birkebak, who is completing work for
NASA on the moon rocks. Dr. Birkebak recently spent two weeks on
Midway Island in the Pacific, studying the flight and behavior of
the Laysan albatross under a National Science Foundation grant, en-
titled "a collaborative study of the albatross flight and bioenergetics."
The albatross is known to American servicemen who served in the Pacific
as the "gooney bird."

      Dr. Birkebak holds two other NSL grants, one to study the physi-
cal properties of frost and snow and the other an equipment grant
using a computer control data acquisition system to save time in
engineering studies. While the albatross study is not for NASA, it
is Dr. Birkebak's understanding that other people in the space pro-
gram are interested in the navigational capabilities of the albatross.


- 3 -


      Women on the Lexington campus of the University are making
better grades than their male classmates. Dean of Admissions and
Registrar Elbert Ockerman reports that 69,556 separate grades for
the 1969 fall semester were reported to his office, showing a 2.51.
grade point average for all students (on a 4.0 scale). He said
females received a 2.66 average, and males a 2.39 average. Dr.
Charles Elton, professor of education who has done extensive re--
search on the academic successes and failures of college students,
said that in general, national research demonstrates that women
consistently make better grades than men.

      "We would have to research each particular campus to deter-
mine the specific reasons why females make better grades than males,"
he continued. He listed four general reasons, however, why this is

      --"Men tend to take more difficult coursework, such as science-
oriented classes in math, physics, engineering or the health pro-
fessions. These classes are usually larger and graded on the normal

      --"Men tend to work their way through college more than women

      --"Women are more dependable than men. They do what they are
instructed to do.

      --"Women tend to score higher in verbal problems while men
score higher in math."


      Some 30 students are taking "a long, hard look" at the edu-
cation of disadvantaged children in a new course, "Teaching and the
Disadvantaged," directed by Dr. Charles E. Billings, assistant pro-
fessor in the Department of Curriculum and Instruction and co-director
of research, Lincoln School. The students are being presented with
actual data-test scores, drop-out rates, and types of behavior of
disadvantaged populations. The education professor said not all
students in the class are education students. Five are in the School
of Social Professions, 14 are teaching interns in Louisville, and two
Black students are active in the Black St~udent Union and are working
on tutorial programs as graduate students. At least two field trips
are planned. One will be to Louisville to talk with people in the
community about their attitudes on the education of the disadvantaged.
The other trip will be to Breathitt county. Both tours have been
arranged in cooperation with the Teachers Corps program.


- 4 --


      The nursing program in three community colleges has recently
been accredited by a national association. Accreditation was
granted to Elizabethtown, Northern at Covington, and Lexington
Technical Institute, after visitations by nurse educators from the
National League for Nursing Board of Review for Associate Degree
programs. The educators made a joint accreditation visit with
members of the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools last
November. The criteria for national accreditation are over and above
the requirements for legal recognition within a state and they are
established by the schools themselves, according to Miss Marie Pie-
karski, coordinator, Associate Degree Education in Nursing in the
Community College System. Approximately 400 students are enrolled
in seven associate degree nursing programs in the system. More than
160 students have graduated from the program since 1963, when it was
established by a grant from the W. K. Kellogg Foundation. The nursing
curriculum is designed to provide a balance between general education
and nursing education, Miss Piekarski said. Various local clinical
facilities within commuting distance of the colleges are used for
nursing laboratories, including Ireland Army Hospital at Fort Knox.


      The Lexington Rotary Club has honored 10 University students
and four from Transylvania. Each of the 14 students was presented
a $100 scholarship from the Lexington Rotary Club Scholarship Fund,
Inc. Six of the UK students and the four Transy students--all fresh-
men--have a four point standing. All were chosen for academic ex-
cellence. The UK recipients are in the Honors Program. They are
freshmen Robert Alan Poe, Brooksville; Gary John Chellman, Indiana,
Pa., a pre-dental major; Lynne Joanna Crawfort (cq), Lexington, psy-
chology, and Margaret Rose Stone, Jeffersontown, English. Sophomores:
George Thomas Dreckman, Louisville, physics, and Ward Richard Rice,
Florence, chemistry. Juniors: Jackie Glenn Dempsey, Adairville, pre-
med, and Ann Ayres Davis, Frankfort, philosophy. Seniors: Jess Brown
Scott, Guston (Meade county), electrical engineering, and Patricia
Ann Truesdell, Miamisburg, Ohio, political science. Transylvania
University students are: Grace I. Garner, Winchester; Jeffrey C. Gaunce,
Paris; Betsy C. McMillin, Oak Ridge, Tenn., and Clarence G. Vire,


      An associate professor of materials science has been awarded a
Fulbright Fellowship for research in New Zealand for a year beginning
next summer. He will study structural properties of wood, principally
commercial lumber. Dr. Peter Gillis, Department of Metallurgy, said
he will concentrate on the control of shrinkage and warping in lumber
during the drying process. Timber accounts for more than 10 per cent
of New Zealand's export trade. Another important potential application
of the results of Dr. Gillis' work would be the design of more effec-
tive polymers (plastics).



      The largest non-academic membership organization in Kentucky
dedicated to educational scholarship is the University Alumni Asso-
ciation. It has an active membership of 7,100 who contributed more
than $117,000 to the Alumni Fund in 1969 and an additional $39,000
to other University funds. The Association's purposes are to promote
the University, keep alumni informed, assist in interpreting UK to
the state and the nation, and encourage loyalty and closer bonds of
fellowship among its members. Contributors to the Alumni Association
fund live throughout the world, from Canada to Kuwait. In 1969,
contributions were received from 114 of Kentucky's 120 counties, 18
foreign countries, the District of Columbia, and all states except
New Hampshire. "We have the mailing address of some 38,500 people
who have graduated from UK, and we encourage people to help us locate
those we haven't heard from for several years," says executive secre-
tary Jay Brumfield. Cross indices are maintained for special mailing
purposes. For example, letters can be sent to any graduating class,
or to all law graduates, Brumfield said. He added that "we sponsor
several events which make up the social highlights of our year. A
buffet dinner is served at the Alumni House prior to each football
game, except Homecoming, and we have a homecoming luncheon in the
Student Center Ballroom preceding the homecoming football game. After
the game, the homecoming dance is traditionally held at the Phoenix

      Class reunions are held each year in the spring for former
students who were graduated50, 40 and 25 year-s previously. The re-
unions are held at the Alumni House during the week preceding the
commencement. A 36-member board of directors conducts the business
of the Association and sets policy. Twelve members are elected each
year, thus providing a turnover of about a third each year. Twelve
new members currently are being added to the board and the full board
in 1971 will consist of 48 people, with 12 being elected each year to
four-year terms. Members include the immediate past president, the
elected alumni members of the Board of Trustees, three members-at-large
appointed by the Association president, and one representative from
each of the approved professional colleges, with the rest being select-
ed by the alumni members via mailed ballot. Officers for 1970 are:
Joe C. Creason, Louisville, president; J. Paul Nickell, Lexington, vice
president; Mrs. Joe Morris, Lexington, treasurer, and Brumfield, who
serves as secretary in addition to directing the office of alumni

      Two awards programs are conducted annually by the Association.
One is for teachers, in which three teachers from the Lexington campus
and three from the Community College System are given awards of $500
each. Entitled Great Teacher Awards, recipients are chosen by an
alumni committee from a list of nominees submitted by Omicron Delta
Kappa and Mortar Board Leadership honoraries at UK-Lexington, and
by the student councils at the community colleges. The second program
is the presentation of awards to alumni members who have given time
and service to the organization beyond what is normally expected or
required. Four or five alumni are selected each yew for these awards.
Scholarship funds provided by the Association totaled more than
$30,000 in 1969, 26.6 per cent of the total contributions coming from
the membership.


- 6 -


      A scholar in Indian philosophy, recognized as one of the
most highly-qualified Christian philosophers in all of India, is
a visiting professor this semester at the University. U. S.-
educated Dr. Frederick Kumar Lazarus for many years taught logic
bv invitation at the famous Indian Institute of Technology in
Bombay, and participated in numerous extra-curricular philosophic
programs. It always was his desire to return to the U. S. because
"here I found greater opportunity, freedom of expression, friend-
liness and love of people, and cooperation for any progressive
activity." He adds: "I am afraid I will have to say these quali-
ties were sadly lacking in the conditions under which I had to
teach in India. While India has made a lot of progress in the
economic sphere, I am afraid education still has to develop
personalities which will lead the country and the people in sin-
cere devotion to justice, honesty and fair-play."


      Twenty-four senior citizens--average aae, 74--all University
students, will join the jet set in March in the first study-
travd-study seminar sponsored by the Donovan Senior Citizens Pro-
gram. Dr. Earl Kauffman, director of the Donovan program and the
Council on Aging, said the study-travel-study seminars are a new
addition to program activities, the first sandwiching a 16-day
tour of Amsterdam, Paris, and London between classroom sessions.
Four classes will prepare novice travelers for the mechanics of the
trip "from passport applications to bon voyage parties," Dr. Kauff-
man added. "When we return, we'll study life styles, culture and
history of each city we visited." A major objective of the tour,
he said, is putting Donovan scholars in contact with retirement-
age Europeans, letting them see where and how their contemporaries
live--and investigating the possibility of forming an international
ivisit exchange" group.


      Fourteen recent graduate of the College of Law, representing
the upper 10 per cent of the graduating class, have been named to
a national honor society for members of the bar. Named members of
the Order of the Coif were Joseph Herman Miller, William Stewart
Howard, William Thomas Bishop III, and William R. Jones, all of
Lexington; Gary Lee Herfel, Ft. Thomas; Rutherford B. Campbell,
Hyden; Carolyn Stroud Connell, Paris; Donald F. Mintmire, Russell
Springs; John Perry Reisz, Henderson; Gary Smith, Louisa; Charles
Edward Glasscock, Leitchfield; Robert Lawrence Fears, Princeton;
Leslie E. Renkey, Owosso, Mich., and Douglas McArthur Bricker,
Milford, 0. The announcement of the new members was made by Alvin L.
Goldman, associate professor of law and president of the UK chapter
of the society.


- 7


      The Universitv recently hosted the National No-Tillage Re-
search Conference, bringing more than 150 agronomists, chemists,
and other ag specialists from 33 states and two foreign countries
to the campus. Dean Charles Barnhart of the College of Agriculture
told the assembly that no-tillage crop production is one of the
most important break-throughs in modern agriculture. H. M. Young
Jr., Herndon farm owner, was the introductory speaker, providing
a case study on no-tillage farming on a professional basis. No-
tillage farming in the U. S. remained in the experimental stage
until 1969, and Kentucky has led the nation in no-tillage farming
since 1968. The state boasted 50,000 acres in no-till.' land in
1968, and now is considered the world leader in advancing no-
tillage farming. The conference was sponsored by the Chevron
Chemical Company in cooperation with the Department of Agronomy.


      The Wood-Use Demonstration Center at Robinson Substation is
believed to be the only establishment of its kind and use in the
U. S., if not in the world. Since it began seven years ago, it
has attracted world-wide attention and through its doors have
passed may persons from many states and foreign lands who were
interested in learning more about wood and wood products. Ad-
ministered by the College of Agriculture, the Center has been termed
an "educational tool," designed and programmed as a place where new
wood product ideas and production techniques could be originated
and demonstrated; where assistance could be provided for firms seek-
ing a better commercial use of Kentucky's timber; where the ultimate
in modern woodworking machinery could be installed and displayed,
and where specialists in the wood and wood use industry could be

      At the time of its construction, it was prophesied that the
Center--now under the supervision of Barney G. Greenlee--would con-
stitute a major breakthrough in the overall effort to stimulate
the development and expansion of wood-using industries in East Ken-
tucky. It also was the hope that landowners with timber stands in
the region could be given a better understanding of timber stand
improvement and tree farming for immediate and future profits. In
both respects the Center has both functioned and succeeded. Scattered
throughout the area are several new firms successfully manufacturing
furniture and other items of wood. The new firms, employing hundreds
of people, got most of their ideas and stimulation through the assist-
ance of the Center and its staff. In a two-year program in forestry
conducted jointly by the Community College System and the School of
Natural Resources, students study such things as tree identification,
silviculture, forest protection, forest mensuration, logging, saw-
milling, lumber seasoning, wood preservation, wood identification
and industrial woodworking techniques.


- 8 -


      The Kentucky Municipal League and the Local Finance Office
of the Kentucky Department of Finance are cooperating with the UK
Office of Development Services and Business Research in providing
assistance in management, finance and other governmental problems
to municipalities. Primary beneficiaries are cities of the third,
fourth and fifth class. "We see the faculty as being potential ad-
visors to us in this program," says Robert V. Burt, municipal man-
agement specialist. "One of the things we are doing now is com-
pletion of an accounting manual for Kentucky cities. We will be
making visits on request to discuss a. variety of problems with
which cities are confronted," he adds. "Tax assessment techniques,
for example, seem to cause problems for municipalities. We are
looking forward to being able to help city administrative and tax
officials." Other areas of possible aid include advice and training
in purchasing, accounting, tax collection and utility operation.
The program offers, without charge, a general governmental consult-
ing service, formal training in public fiscal management and account-
ing, and a standard budgetary accounting service. Detailed studies
of the entire range of city government problems also are provided at
some cost to the cities served. The University annually conducts a
formal one-week course on one or more facets of city government.


      Administrators of the associate degree nursing program in the
Community College System say the program has appealed particularly
to the woman over 25. In the first year of the program on the Lexing-
ton campus (at the Lexington Technical Institute) 10 of 33 students
were past that age. Of 22 in the second year class, 12 were over 25,
and in 1969, ten of 21 were over 25. Some of the reasons housewives
and mothers in their thirties offered for going into a new profession:
"I feel I am extending myself; giving my children and me a common
bond," says Mrs. James R. Waters. "The nursing program has given me
an opportunity to fulfill myself as a person. I have wanted to be
a registered nurse since I was a little girl." Mrs. Waters is work-
ing part-time in surgery at St. Joseph Hospital. Mrs. Lawrence Clarke
also has established her place of employment after graduation. She
adds that her starting salary as an RN will be approximately $3,500
more than she has received in the past, working full-time in the
hemodialysis unit at the A, B. Chandler Medical Center. Her duties
will include the operation of equipment that purifies the blood of
personshving defective kidneys.  Mrs. Clarence L. Frazier is re-
entering the nursing profession. She began training at the Good
Samaritan Hospital shortly after high school, but terminated her
nursing education to get married. She enrolled in LTI in 1967 and
has taken as many credit hours each semester as she decided would
be feasible in view of the time she had to devote to her family. She
believes most women want to work after their children are grown. "I
also believe a married woman taking the nursing education program
must have her family's help and support," she adds. Currently, start-
ing salaries in central Kentucky for nurses with the degree Associate
in Applied Science in Nursing are about $640 a month.


- 9 -


      During the period of January 1 through January 31, a total
of 25 agreement awards were received by the University of Kentucky
Research Foundation, amounting to $865,456.14. Four grants received
additional funds, amounting to $11,589.04, and one other award was
received amounting to $25. Since July 1, the amount received by
UJKRF is $8,644,862.05.


      Department of Agricultureal Economics--R. Rudd, Department
of Agricultural Economics Program Development Fund, Midwest Milk
Marketing Association, $577.50.

      Department of Agronomy--C. E. Bortner, USDA Cooperative
Agreement Tobacco Research, U. S. Department of Agriculture, $5000
(additional funds-total amount of grant now $21,200). W. A.
Kendall, Clover Breeding,