xt7wm32n9d1g https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7wm32n9d1g/data/mets.xml United States Williams Jubilee Singers  1 close score ([24] pages), illustrations, portraits, 28 cm. Call Number: M1670 .A64 1910z Mildred Chandler Sheet Music Collection, Gift of Mimi Lewis scores (documents for music) M1670 .A64 1910z English  Contact the Lucille Little Fine Arts Library for information regarding rights and use of this collection Mildred Chandler Sheet Music Collection Folk songs, English -- United States Spirituals (Songs) African Americans -- Songs and music American Folk Songs As Sung by Williams' Jubilee Singers, [191-?] text American Folk Songs As Sung by Williams' Jubilee Singers, [191-?]   2023 true xt7wm32n9d1g section xt7wm32n9d1g   

£51133. :2.

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» KL, , ..:I_ :7 f: Viki {-13:31};
raizfifigi 6:. 4, i 2,» 1 13.‘1§4§’I ‘ Ex‘ 3._I.ia§§§i4v ~



i _.~:E§(.$: :yz .,. 11(1‘1»iiiqfizufiwhuulximi‘ «ya , s‘ln..x..§._sA o.
~de gol - den gate, Sis - her Lou, Broth-er Joe, and Aunt Ma.

- ri - ar, Done gone and so must I, I feel like I will ex .


don’t get dar by and




Mabwaph. 61—!




41 I J- ' I ' r . .-. a 1
fisfizfimflE—EE E‘E‘Ei—EfiiEEigfigf— Margy: 51—:

V v- v- ~—






Den a.wake me, shake me, Don‘t let. me sleep to late, For I un a

uncluuss. .. .5. o . g a n_ ‘9'

*——L_ "3——'——— —— — 0—0— = 1' -6—:—-—-————-.-——‘_..___
2i53:?£¥5;;—g_‘—L—~£EE_F——z—g: Lf':_’.""’___'.__—_?:t§__ .——,——_.———j
v 7“ ' ‘ I




































i l l l l l _] ' A
t——._ I — -______a—_v:i:v:‘::—:_z__—.__—,__. ~__ 3 -
g}; ___:-____ "‘—‘______ —“"_—‘—““'—: :- ~ 5— _.__..___._._ *“”——.-‘ :::_—-‘-_-—-—___—1
f. '0 a , '0' -* f O ‘0'
‘ A
_ I l 1 " “ I ‘,'L__l _E ‘P ‘1 3
: i ‘ _=. = 4‘ =“4:10:23: ‘_:'* ":5 _._'__1::‘:—"-—-
5.12:1... I 4 i Ir __t i: _ ;___E_ 1' ‘ l j p
' ' r ' r ' r r




gwine a- way 1n de mom - ing, To swing on de gold en ga . a. - ate. gate.

o°ooo9, 4.9, _,

__ .I__. .._+_._.__~»—_——..-————— Y 3 _ D . 7’;
LjJ._a ..__._z__._.___}.'___. ._____-r__'__' ......_.-__._,.__ —'___,_.__J___ _ _____
1;..." _._I 4‘ (I I) ——-~----—-‘];—-—-——. ‘_ -.__ ...-'__1 _. __‘._
9“!" ' . 4—'_l[ L I -.—F-._:_"A_ :___‘ *1 " ""—""-“"
v . r _ I ,_ . ,











































A . y 1 l .‘_ E , A J
‘ “ - J‘ ' ' ‘__- E._' _. “___J_____J_- _—:..:l::::7-* _
‘ quzita Ig'fl::§:€'Ei:—:L 1—314—9—i—f: :i:3::;L—_‘: :J—._'_r—' ii
3:: i». 1» r v v v :3; :3;
_ l
i __ —‘ :F::;:E_EL” __ __ —" :_ :: :1:J:;: 2’;2-43
i“. I I ‘ f I _ .— _'
‘b ‘5 3
Oh do ski ’5 ”no to sail on to-mom'ow, Won’t on come and ine the emognnoa.‘
Gala}: 6333 at. half rate; I data want to leage you behine;
I'll ' good-bye to son-ow We‘ll ruse a. great sensation,
When I uwing on the golden gate; When we reach dat. ha y. luppy cling
Dun will be a mighty singing and n shouting, J not hand me down dat usher,
Whonv’ngotonde Isledudty, Kmlambouudtolook'flntm;
Dave will be no Weeping and a panting. I 'must not lose my luater,
meodl'ogwinetofeellopy. , Whenllm'ngondogoldenpu.

Mahala-ah. 01-0.







M“... nmm



l The fox-es liave holes in the ground And the birds their nests in the air,

/ /-




And ev . 'ry thing has a hid - ing place. But we poor sm-ners have none.



Now ain't. them hard trl . als? great. crib - u - la-uons? Ain't. them hard tri - 313. I'm .




7 ' .
bound 2.0 leave this world. 2. Meth.o dist. Moth-o-dist l3 my name. Meth-o-dist. till I
3. Bap - tist. Bap - tist is my name. Bi'p - list till I

D 8. Che. after each verse.





ll be bap-tised in the Methoo-dist faith And live on the Meth-o-dist side.
‘ I’ll be bap-tised in the Bap - tist church,And live on the Bap . tist. side.


Adept names of different chnrcnes as In verse: 2 and 8.


 Hard Trials-l; Eabhéiluded; ‘ M N

Bass Solo.



4. You my go this a . way, you may go that ”a fwd)", ‘You'may go from door to door; -‘

D. S. Chorus. 4



But if you hven't got the grace of God in your heart. The dell ll will get you sure.


. 3
Je sus' Steal 3-way stel 3‘




Steal a - way. steal a - way, Steal a - w

my home. I










'f 1. Lord calls He calls
. 2. Green trees are benl ing. Poor sin ners stand
”3""- 8°t '"8 “my be“ is My Lord calls He calls me by we
[4. To 5 stone are b Poor all! ners stand



‘ 4‘


thund - er: l
trem- bling:
light. - mng.
' bhng-

The tram. pet sounds it in my soul. I ham! got long to stay here.

.- o L—Jiau#








. wxu. e um.

Scrum Sow.





I. I hear dem an - gels a call - ing loud Keep in do ’mid- dlo ob do road;
2. I ain‘t. got. time fo‘ to stop an' talk. Keep in do mid-o‘dlo ob do toad;
3. I come. an‘ jino in do we - ry ban'. Keep in do with dlo ob do road;
4. Dis world am full ob sin - fut thing, Keep ' do mid- dlo ob do road;


















n l A A A h A h K
.11 A A I 1* 1' K K A K 'K K . n i
1. h 1 K A A A A A‘ A l L,— ' ‘ '
v 12 A' A V V ' " ' f
11/ V V . y l v v
my fa wait. - in dar in a great. big crowd, Keep in do midodlo ob doroad;
Kaso do road am rough 'an‘ its hard to walk. Keep in do mid-die ob do road;
Kano we bound (0’ home in do hap - py land. Keep in do mid-dlo ob do road;
When do feet gets tired put on do wings. Keep in do midp dlo ob do road:
I i} on " _ ' I F?
/ k l '
V 17 fl VD









LL .i



I see dem stand round do big white gate, We must. trab his a . long 'foro we
I fix my eye on do gold -on stair. An 1'” keep on a gwino till

‘7 Turn you'r back on dis world ob am, Just a knock at. do door 311' def“.
If you lay down on do road to die An you watch dem an . gels


get. too late, For t‘ainr. no use fo’ to sit down and wait.

get dar. Kase my head am ,bound to do crown to wont.

let you in. Kaso you’ll neb - or get such a chance a . ' g’in',

in do sky. You can put. on Wings an' git. up a. fly.
ALL .Voxczs. Cnonus.

do mid- dlo ob' do and. Den - dren keep in do



 Keep In De Middle of De Road. Concluded.

chill -‘ dren keep





road. Don't, you' look to do right, don’t‘ you




Plantation Melody?" : . . Fm ‘3




me. Dre-pare me, Lord, l‘rc-parc 3 ‘me when death shall shake this frame.





























1 J . . I 4 I s

I I j I 1 $2: "" {I '-
_ - x s _ . ,, : .

I go down the stream of time. When death shall shake this frame.
leave this sin ful world be hind, When death shall shake this frame. 1
you get there be - fore I do. When death shall shake this frame.( 1-
out for me I'm com - in; to '- When death shall shake ”this frame. 5 ‘
- 1'- . f" f- . l ' I a
— L- . . g 0 1
- i P I l L f h a . g
I l L ' ‘ o










..-\»w'.s.h A., . ,w. < u

h n

. mama lmu,‘

Arr. by 0. S. Grumman.











2. Why do I weep when my heart should feal no pain? Why do I sigh
g 3. Where are the hearts once so hap - py and so free, Chil - dren so dear

fixfifi ‘: 2”} i =5?

g ' - J L K .

E fitflbn A 1 E e ‘ _. I I‘ K 1 i
x l m . k

3 l - ‘l' \ ' ‘ - ‘

‘ 7“. _4 w}:_ E.— “3-— g-_Z ’7’_ ° :i::i:_j_7
: . ..- . _ , L. 71 .

E 1. Gone are the days when my heart was young. and gay. Gone are my friends
















from the cot - ton fields a - way, I .Gone' from the earth to a bet - tor
that my friends come not a . gain. Griev - ing for forms now do - part - ed
that. I held up - on my knee, Gone to the shore where my soul has





land I know. I hear» ' their gen - tle voic - es call - ing “Old Black Joe."
long a . go. hear their gen - tle voic - es call - ing “Old Black Joe."
longed to go. hear their gen -- tle voic - es call - ing ‘“Old Black Joe.”





I'm com - ing. ‘I'm; com;- ing. 'For my head is bend - ing low;


:heu thoee ‘- tle an - gels call - ing “Old Black _”





a x;—A‘::&:E..:ww_a-,v_nz— ”u. v A .A.

4 w” ‘ “eff“






F. P. Chum. ' S. C. FOSTER. Arr. by O. S. G.
















l P l

r gun I“ L 4 *4 ' i .

LI} 9:; a iF i“ 1 l‘ i i—Li' a . i‘ i+

u a W“ i—g‘ $7—

'1 {Way down up - on do Swan - ee rib ~ her. For, {an a - way,

' All up and down do whole cro - .1 - tion. Sad - ly I roam,
2. All down a - round do farm I won - dered When I was young,

When I was play - ing wid my brud - dor Hap . py was I,

3 lOno lit . tlo hut a - mong do hush - es. One 631: I love:

’ I When will I see 'do, bees a hum - ming All 'round do comb‘,’

- -‘l‘...,,-u .
EFF fitbp'


J ‘ d

:H:H 1.: III“ -























.. 1+ ' l JL l
I "i L g f1 Rf J 4 q .
Inn 1'! 1' l‘ l T Jig





Der's who my heart ‘is turn ~ in: éh-ber, Deres Wha do od folks stay. 'I
Siill Iong-ing .for do old plan - ta-tiou And for do old folks at home. I

Den ma . my hap . py days I squan-dered. Ma - ny do songs I sung.
Oh. take mo to my kind old mud . de'r Der let me live and die.
Still sad- - ly to ‘my mom — 'ry rush ~es. No mat . ter where I ' roam.
When will I hear ‘do ban - jo tum-thing. Down in my good old home. I

. - . A














_ '11


do world am sad and drezir - y. El) .- ry where l roam.


’5 Ad. hb. emprewbne.






dark-lea how my heart grows wear-.y. Far from do old folks at home.



up. ..










With spirit.



llal - le - la,


llal - lc - lu,

Hal ' lc ~ In,


Hal - lc - lu,

Plantation Melody.


Hal - le - lu -jah to

Hal-1e - lu.

llal - le - lu,

Hal ; I

Hal - le - lu.

Arr. by 0. s, Gmmu.



de Lamb, Hal-lo-













































L k L . L n x m
i L‘ L‘ 1‘ l g l L n 1‘ IV A .
I} ‘ ‘ l‘ l‘ L: 3 H l
—PfiV l! l/ l
1. Come my 3i - ters and breath ren, too, Let us jme dis beav'n - ly crew,
2. Didn't old Noah build him an ark, Build it. out. of hick . ory bark,
3. Animals come in two by two, Rhi - noc - e - res and Kan - ga - mo,
4. Animals come in four by four, Nuah get. mad and shouted for more,
5. Animals come in six by six. Hyena. laughed as the mon - key’a tricks.
6. Animals come in eight. by eight, No - uh hollered "Go shut. dab gate,"
K \ '\ \ \ m
1x n .P .~ .' n J~ l x 5 3 .' .' .‘ l‘ l
(x. .l A FW 7 A F - -‘ f ' V g' F a.
' h. r r V i ‘. . z I V r" > i A '
IlLK l 14 I I v . 1‘ I_ J 5 I I v v :4 j
V V I 7 /—'/ V I
D. C.
_ k . b j A
1 L A F l‘ n 5. l h K ‘ ‘ r
l 1‘ 1‘ i o Int—P \ K
' J '7 J A
‘ y r '1 r»? g 7;, . v
, w l: b t: b 5
Lord's don beu here. paid de fare, Gwine to ride in de mid - dle of ' do tit.
Abimals come in one by one, Cow a chew - ing a car - a - way bun.
A'nimals come in three by three. Bear a bug and a. bum . blo . bog,
Animals come in five by five. Thus the an - i ~mals did a: . rive.
Animals come in seven by seven, 'Said the an: to the el - e - phant,“Who‘a you ghoving‘l”
Animals come in nine by nine. No . ah bollered “Go cut d3: line."
1* ix h h n J‘_ -
d 1 l .
Cl V [VA A
I, z , L r. n n L n l
L y I I V v 7 v j.










Withspirit. ' . Negro may.

Roll. Jor - dan . . . . . Roll. Jor - dan roll.
























want to go to Heav - en When I die. To Jor - dan to".
p F ‘ L‘Vr‘. k I
(t: B i; . IL: 1 fl 5 1' . L ‘%—_F—‘l
V V I ' o.
l O broth - ers, you ought t'have been there. You, my Lord.
2. 0 preach - ers you ought t'have been there. Yes. my Lord.
3 0 sin - ners you ought t'have been there. You. my Lord.
4 O mnur - new you ought t'have .been there. Yes. my Lord.
5 0 seek - ers you ought t'have been there. Yes. my Lord.
6 0 moth - ers you ought t'have been there. Yes. my Lord.
7 O chil - dren you ought t'have been there. Yes. my Lord.
{\né _ : T. = . :
’ F F A I
I E . I
D. C.
the king - dom. To hear Jot - dan roll.







Sow. Cuonus.

Joshoua fought. do but. lie of Jer -i . cho.‘ Jer -i - cho. Jer- i - cho;

Josh- ua fought the bat. - do of Jer - i - cho. And walls came tum-bling




- -
F1770. SOLO’

down. I tell you; down. iGood morn - ing. broth - er pil . grim. Pray
1My name it is Bold Pil - grim; To



tell me where you‘re bound; Tell me where you‘re Lrav - ’ling to
Ca . nun I am bound. Trav 'iing lhl‘o' ihis wil - defines:
I “ . l
I l l «=- 1). C. at Fine.








chant. ground; ground dis

2 You may fall: about your King of Gideon,

You may talk about your man of Soul.
But there’s none like good old Joshua
At the battle of Jericho.
Up to the Walls of Jericho
He marched with spear in hand:

“60 blow them rums‘ horns." J ushua Cried.

“Kass do battle am in my hand."
Den de lamb-ram-sheep horns begin to blow.
Trumpets begin to sound.
Joshua commanded do children to shout,
And (19 wall: mmn mmhlin' clown dat. morniuf CHORUS. I

"L‘:;t‘t1‘:‘:.:1 A .

a V

V "A.




























































. “"33
my 11.0w 5 writing all the time. misc ann $0M. '
Refrbm. '
*—T— _____‘_ _ —hs——A:__A
'éfitfi 131.35%qu Firth-“51%:- 5:;
1. Com; down (l-pme down In; lmIéJ.con‘1elulon;n 5v bord'aw tlng all the
2 3.0 ”°°cn.m{fé‘fis‘§%§"nfa 333325 323;: 35 E22}. it" 31:25 2:} 1:: 011- bmhremriae ma shine. tad give God the 31m. zlo- :7. _,
4. King Jesus rides tn the Inlddle of the all My Lord‘ "mung all the . 4
t o- , , 1. :. t t -
l;9.3&;1‘4»— -—+——--— -L—-—~l-.—p___ -—
_LV 5.’-; I
it Solo. Rpfmm. ‘ A Then you mustrise.&t.
“‘4‘ - l
in: ;’_3:-tt:€;v it: ~~r~E~E 3355—???th 3
tlme And take me up to wear the crown. My Lord' 3 wgllng all the time. a
time. I heard some talk of promise-d land My I am 'swrlllng all the time. 'i
tlme F01: Satan' 9 round you :very day My Lord}; writing all thetlme ‘ i
tune. He scalllnzslnners {rom everywhere. .32 Lord swrltlng all the lime. Rise “d shine, and give God the 81° , I”. 810 _ 17, 3‘
“ m9- - 9-. _, "‘— 23
m 8,— —rr— -~-——t~—-—E::_%- 13;: big 5
_ —§ ' Pfi '6 '1 "#5: x 3 2
7‘ 'cyong '
V t
he sees Ill you 31?. He hear: all you 3'”. J. 3*
t t '1- - o- t J. _ -
3 A
* Rise and shinemtd give God tho glory,fortheyeuof Jn-bi- leeg
L pp ‘ i O O t
A--———-§—-—M q“— '
- ——-;~—.t:_~ 2531 33:33: :33
I: Lord's "lung at the time, 3D he am all you do. Be.
133‘— v- - . 4'- ‘- ?” - +— 2—1:? ' 4!-
25 ‘7_—p:b:5-_c-=.a 3. 7‘ fi :3
—‘__,m:;&:l o_}:E_—.i_ !.
1 Don’t you wt to be a. sol-diet. sol-diet, aol-die:,Don’tyon
bears all you sax/1 My Lord's V .311 the time.
t 1. ._ . 4.,
I la E
3] want to be really;
On, Wu: m Jmumw ms'r unleoxm.
1' to be 3' sol-diet, sol-diet, sol amtDon'tm
,z" 3
I want to be read y, 1 want to be md-y..-..
t I.
. /
ft . to be 3 sol-diet. sol-diet, ool-dier For the
2 '3- o 1 _ v
,3 5' t t .
3 I want to be rad ~ y To walk in Je-msalemjustlikoJohn.
'Mflrfi‘s-Efii _£2§jfi
' '; '; I‘J‘fi- " r' '7 1 V 2
IJohI caldtbe clt we: ust fonr- ”square 2
2 Oh Johnloh. Jo nlw atdo ouuy? }WukinJevm-u- lemjlntlikeJohn; i
ancnhterwupruchiugn cntccost. ‘; g
531—--.3--.” 33:33:33
n3 3 . ”A tDoyouthtnkIwfllunkeneoldw
- -A - _ l
_ . ., 33:}. "kw 33% Farmyard Jubilee! !
- 77 V70_ '17? sYeglthlnkyouwmQAhsnoldm ‘
3:2. gendg'flhé‘mgkfi '3: *Wflk in Jen-amen Jun like John. F“ “1° ye” of Jubilee!
_ ll: Iva Moved whithefloly hoot. , 3
'3 WW anguoWuwminumMMafiavamgomh
. :31 :flzfl - mw.mwmm-mmmm"u





fiflvn—m‘ml wwwnw AWmmus—n-.

e hnd. View ”he! and
wedon‘t on let zonv neghbon be?
View e heav nly Inn

01:. way over Jordan. CC.



 Wrestling- 33ml)

























lgfizawb 25:73:13
1. Wrestling Jao cob, Ja- cob, day is a. breaking.
1-914 — l _ 4
h A l .1
'I L
L ‘ § ~ ~ K “it!
“ -6~———;
‘;‘——'"‘j ~—'.——"—‘—"—‘— —1—;
::a—.—::— —a '—'—-‘77—“'
Wrestling Ja cob Ja cob, I Will not let thee go
. no .- ! n .- e efi - e K eh ,
E:— l L l a ‘2 g l '—"‘—'+L9""-1|
— —---' F e = . 5 5 U; v ir v ., :
I ”v v 5 ' r '
LL m 5" ‘N
= ‘1 - -h——s
F'TP—L—V“‘—H' T3““_.._+-¢——z:_,___
—— a -o--o——o— ,
Let me go. in. cob. I will not let thee go.
o a 4‘ B
gjzb -:—-——a—. —§—:—H --—-'5 9—4— rfi—d
u v “ L J h L i, 9—d
. v ' t
m f.‘



Let me go. Ja-coh. I will not let thee go, Un-

tll thou bless me. 1 will not let thee go: Un-










1":.b 4‘ I 1
0— 0—— —— —- — 9—;

.1 Pr—r—L—T— —‘—-:L‘::_—::§—;::j
til then bless me, I will not let thee go.

I l 1 n P K N 1.1!
— 2 LK—._..._ __ _ n 1 I n "—"‘9 9-

95 " J fig 1 ,1 b—v—j—PJ-fl








n L
4 L T
"it?" 4 T f‘ e e :1 '——!—fi——r——ffl—
11 I . ‘ "t. i L V '1 “I
d v 7 fi y r . y
Wrest- ding Je cob, Js- cob, day is e ~brealt-ing.



9—sz ’ -_ 3



Wreet-ling Je-cob. Je-coh, I will not let thee ”go. I‘ll
(Or is.) I’ll


hold thee till the Break of day. I will not let thee o. On ~
wres tle till the break of day, I will not let thee 0. Un -





ttlthou tell me what's thy name, I will not let thee 30..
til thou come and bless my 30111.1 will not let thee go.

Elbe Gospel attain.
FG‘R l I J

let—Tripgj—L. era—r: ::2_.3_-*:_§:'Egfl

1. The
2.1 ear be hell and whistle.
3. No sig-nal iron on -oth-er train To 101- low on the hue,


03- e1 train is coming. I hear tt just at hand,

The comlng round the curve;



1W:— ieiliiziziifififl

I hear the car-wheels moving. And rumbling thro the land.
She' 3 playing all her steam and pow' r And straining every nerve.
0. sin ner, you' re forever lost. It once you' re left he- hind.

Get on hdfid. children. Get on board. children, Get on


hoit/rd, Children, For there's room for many a more. more

«as Alto-oo-

4 This is the Christian banner,
, The motto' s new and old,
Salvation and Repentance
Are burnished there in gold.
on. —Get on board, children. doc.

6 She's nearing new the station.
0, sinner, don' t he vain.
But come and get your ticket,