xt7wm32n9b92 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7wm32n9b92/data/mets.xml  Thomas Merton 1962-01-28 This letter is from collection 75m28 Thomas Merton papers. archival material 75m28 English  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Thomas Merton correspondence Letter from Thomas Merton to Victor Hammer, January 28, 1962 text Letter from Thomas Merton to Victor Hammer, January 28, 1962 1962 1962-01-28 2023 true xt7wm32n9b92 section xt7wm32n9b92 _+__



Dear Victor:

As we came out of our retreat I found in the file of mail you" proof and
1etter. first of all the proof is fine, I an very sorry you felt you had to do the
cut over again, as it was quite gooJ before, but now it is much better it se- ems to
me. So tlieTefore I am both sorry and glad. The new cut is lighter and more free.
seeMs to me. So by all means go ahead, everyt1ing is rigid 1nd
am concerned.
CO“j“Ihht problem as I understand it is not one that c:n be changed by
'cgering wiW Washington aaout. the phrase "pro manuscripts”. T. at may work T-1ith the
01s but it does not worl with the couyright Office. I will make some kind of an eff‘
work this out for sure sometime when I an more in the clear, but for tte moment
think we just have to fut cotvc1snt by the Abbey of Gethsemani, or Vi c+ or Iiammer,
one or the other. Let me know'vhich and I will anply to ’acnin“tor for the coan1ght
and at the same time will ask about WFO'WQNUSCTIWtO, w1h11out hop oi Iinding out
anything relevant. The copyright 1ine should read:
Copyright kg 1962 by.,.. ( whoever it is to be. )

It must be on the title page or on the reverse of Ihe title page .Thst is, probably
on the one where you have pro manuscrinto. If you think the 11h :13 t1 wing is foolish,
ohen let it go, but it will make it diificult for J. or whoever I1.ubl1shes the piece
later in a book commercially.
Frankly I think it would ruin the pro manuscripto and loot senseless, so if you
eel you want to just let it go, then please do so. I thinli the way the bags looks

more important than anything else, and hm the contriflnt. At l:ast that is what
think, really.
Jo now you have a full range of Opinions to choose from. If you just forget about

copyright you have my full approval, there is no point in ruining the book for


As for brainwashing, the term is used very looseiy about almost anything.
Strict technical brainwashing is an artificially induced "conversion", brought about
by completely isolating a person emotion lly and sr-iritually, undermining his whole
sense of identity, and then "rescuing" him from this state of near collapse by
drawing him over into a new sense of community with his persecutors, now his rescuers,
who "restore"his identity by adnitting him into their midst as an approved and docile
instrument. Henceforth he does what they want him to do ard II 565 it, indeed finds
a certain satisfaction in this, and even regards his old life as shameful 31d inferior.

In the loose sense, any mass man is a ”brainwashed " man. H; has lost his i9:ntit1

or never had one in the fiost nlace, a d he seeks security, hone, a sense of identity
in his immersion in the pressures and rrejudices of a majority, sneaking through
TV, newspapers etc. Having no real rover or meaning in himself he seeks all in identifi
cation with a n esumelly all roverful and all wise collectivity. Whatever the collec—
tivity does is right, infallible, perfect. Anyt1ing, aprroved by It, becomes lenitimate
and even noble. The worst crimes are virtues when backed up by the all nowerful collect:
vity. All that matters is to be part of the great, loud mass.

It seems to me that the great effort of conscience that remains for modern man is
to resist this kind of annihilating nressure, this defection, in every boss ible way.
The temptation fiomes unfortunately from very many angles, ever seemingly good sources.
The Cold war is the deadly influence that is leading western man to brainwash himself.


 flhen the proce s is ’ 5‘"? here will to nothing »' “. the hot war or the

decline into totalitar. n hlin -~ 5 and inertia, which al 2 ._u hot war in the end.
The prospects are very v", fi'» ' n-'? Yet I thint perhaw one orovidential
acci‘ent may happen that :‘ uale everyone up. Some kind or plague of radiation,
perhaps, something unexpect d nd unforeseen that will force peophe to come to their
senses. But can we say we have done anything to deserve this? I hardly think so.
fortunately, if we only got that we deserved, we would never have very much of anytting
good. God is not simply just, h; is also and above all merciful. I Wish that this

had not been so throroughly forgotten.

The clipping was interesting, and I had already started a note to Carolyn which
iad that book incluced in a short list of other items. The French situation is very
disturbing indeed. Much evil can come of this. Everyone expects De Gaulle to get it
this year some time, and I wonder how long he can survive. He has been a good man
in ma-y ways, yet perhaps mistakenly Messianic too. But what could any reasonatle
human being have done with Algeria? If he goes, then Erance goes too. And this may be
the spark that will finally ignite everything. The next few months will tell us a thing
or two. And the next three years, or four: well, to call them fateful is putting it
so mildly as to he ridiculous.

I wonder if there is going to be much left of the Western World by l98h, to fulfil
George Orwells prophecies? “

meanwhile, we have only to be what we are and to retain the spirit and civilizatio
which we were blessed with, and to XE keep as human as we can. I hope you and Carolyn
are well, and that Carilyn is gradually getting better. T look forward to seeing you
tMm,pah@sinMawM’ '

God bless you always. ~ith all friendship and affection to you both in Christ

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