xt7wm32n979d https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7wm32n979d/data/mets.xml University of Kentucky. University Senate University of Kentucky. Faculty Senate Kentucky University of Kentucky. University Senate University of Kentucky. Faculty Senate 1932-10-10  minutes 2004ua061 English   Property rights reside with the University of Kentucky. The University of Kentucky holds the copyright for materials created in the course of business by University of Kentucky employees. Copyright for all other materials has not been assigned to the University of Kentucky. For information about permission to reproduce or publish, please contact the Special Collections Research Center. University of Kentucky. University Senate (Faculty Senate) records Minutes (Records) Universities and colleges -- Faculty University of Kentucky University Senate (Faculty Senate) meeting minutes, October 10, 1932 text University of Kentucky University Senate (Faculty Senate) meeting minutes, October 10, 1932 1932 1932-10-10 2020 true xt7wm32n979d section xt7wm32n979d    


Occooer 10v 1932 1. . ,3

4' V.

The University Senate met in the Lecture Room of McVey Hall Monday, ‘ g : ;
October 10, President McVey presiding. "" 5“

The minutes of May 9n June 3 and August 17 were read and approved, fl?

Professor Webb read a report on the activities of the Student Loan
, Committee which was ordered included in the minutes as follows:

“Report of the Student Loan Fund Committee of its Activities ~"‘

-rom October 1, 1931 to October 1, 1932




Numbe? of Loans 132 (Average Loan
‘ 40.93 )
Of a Total Value of $5402.75
No. of Collectione on Principal 142
? Of a Total Value of $3913.35 ’
i Total amount of Interest collectefi ‘j l
’ since October 1, 1931 $1070.53 i
t ‘4
Notes Outstanding October 1, 1932 $31692.16 I a
H 1‘
Caeh on Hand October 1, 1932 $124.56 W x:
’1'" [17' "
( Greater Kentucky Campaign Fund $344.55 TX};
Alumni Aseociation 100.00 'rfigyj
lumni Fund (Basket Ball Game) 420.%1 glow
Scabbard and Blade fi_§0°09 if j,
$915.36 a? '{

Record of Losses on Principal as of May 24, 1932. a $788e35


{_ $.4er -.

The following courses and changes in courses recommended by the Committee g
on Duplication of Work, were aoproved: ’ ,;

' .M...‘5M'--.-«.' film; 131—!
$ ‘ :.

College of Arts and Sciences

Sociologz 11. Population MovementSo Three crelits-


Philosophy 210a» Types 2; Logical Theorla Three credits.













'_ n ‘












. A “MM a























Fhilooofihy 31“'

Three {We ? i ‘E‘: s n






Music llOejda Indépend=nt W0“k in Musics Three crediis oer semester.
HzgiethQQipoa Public Health. To replace TOrajbo Advancefi Hbgiene,
Credit changcd from 2 to three hours»

Hygiene 104° Jatornai and Child Health» Approvei April ? as a 2
credit course« Coanged to 3 creditee

German Serb» Scientific German. Three oredite per semestero
College of Agriouifiore - 1

Change égyonomy 2” Soil han:gemente to AgroQLmyrgléa Same tifile.


Practical Mechanics 9 « SheetMefial Works 2 creditse
Prerequisites a PractiCal hechanics 8a and 8b»

Drop ¥?Ch“ Eng. g (Steam Boilers), two hours per weeks 8 credits«

Expand Mocha Egg» 13 (Heating 34C Ventilation) from two h wr- pe
week, one croiit coursea first half of the second semester a to a

two hour per week:p two credit co1rse, first semestero

EXPanfi g33§o1§i5.,3 (Steam Engineering of Powew Plante) from a

two hour per week, one credit course ~ to a four hour yer week»

two credit cours ? first half of second someetere I

Notes= The new Mechanical Engineering 4 course will aboorb the subjBCt { L
matter heretofore covered in Me 1

,coanical Engineering 3.

The following recommendation from the Graduate School was refeored to the
Rules Committee:

”That all amplications for degrees moat be mafle at least one
month Drier to the date of the commencement at whiCh such degree
is to be conferrede”
On recommendation of the University Council, permission was given by the
fessional social service fraternityg
Beta Sigma Alphao

President McVey read the report of the Senate Committee appointed to
prepare resolutions on the death of Ellen Church Semple» The resolutions
were adopted and ordered spread upon the minutes, as follows:


 Minutes of the Uni ersity Senate - October 10, 1932

”Ellen Churchill Semple

In the life and career of Ellen Churchill Semple the University of
Kentucky had a real and abiding interest. A native of Louisville, a
Vassar graduate, and founder of Sample Collegiate School, She turned in
1891 to the study of the new science of anthropOageography, in which

she was destined to establish her reputation. Inspired by Frederich
Ratzel at the University of Leipzig, she returned to AmeriCa a pioneer
in the field of the relation of geography to history and huxnn progress.
Three authorative books and many articles now testify to her scholarly
attainments, while her lectures at this University are remembered by

The Senate of the University learns with regret of the death of Miss
Sample, an? wishes to record its appreciation of her scholarly con:
tribution to the State, and to make grateful acknowledgement of her
generous opirit in the gift of books and her highlyeprized Cullum Medal»
The Senate would also commend to the youth and citizens of Kentucky

her example of steadfast devotion to scholarehip and liberal support

for eduCational advancemente

Paul 30 Boyd
Jo B. Holloway
Edward Tuthill
Senate Committee
May 9, 1932”

Professors Jo W. Martin ani Amry Vandenbosch were elected Senate
representatives on the University Gouncilp succeeding Professors
J. C, Jones and J. E. Adams, whose terms had expired.

