xt7wm32n9501 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7wm32n9501/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1993-11-11 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, November 11, 1993 text The Kentucky Kernel, November 11, 1993 1993 1993-11-11 2020 true xt7wm32n9501 section xt7wm32n9501  



. -4...“,- ¢. A


rev 1 i" l993


Ke ntucky Kern



Vol xcvr No; 55

Established 1894


Thursday. November 1.1, I993:

Drug reduces riSk of stroke, study finds


By Melissa Rosenthal
Stall Writer


A drug originally used to lower
cholesterol can reduce the risk of
stroke and bean attack, two UK re-
searchers announced yesterday.

The drug. Lovastatin, also fights
the early build-up of plaque in the
arteries. said Dr. Byron Young,

Miller Hall

By Clarissa Blair
Staii Writer



Inhabitants of 90~year~old Miller
Hall will spend the 1993-94 aca-
demic year in cramped quarters
while the building is renovated, but
campus officials say the planned
improvements are wonh the incon-

“I‘m moving back on Aug. 9."
said Julius Power, director of the
Cartography Lab. “We’re in the
dungeon over here in (White Hall)
Classroom Building. It’s not much
space. but it's usable space.”

For many years, Miller Hall has
been the home of various pro-
grams, including the Undergradu-
ate Advising Center, the College of
Architecture, the Honors Program,
the geography department and the
cartography lab.

Jack Blanton. vice chancellor of
administration. said construction
crews will gut the inside of Miller
Hall for a complete renovation and
install an elevator handicapped ac-
cessible restrooms and side en-
trances that are wheelchair accessi-
ble from the ground level.

The $2 million project. which is
funded by money left over from
President Charles Wethington and
Chancellor for the Lexington Carn-
pus Robert Hemenway's fiscal
budgets, also will include cleaning
the outside bricks and adding new
monar. wiring the building for
computers, a new roof and minor

Charles Graves. dean emeritus
and professor of the College of Ar-
chitecture, said about eight design
studios temporarily were moved
from Miller Hall to Boyd Hall and
W.D. Funkhouser Building.

“When Miller Hall is finished, it
will be more efficient for juries be-
cause of the wide halls and more
wall space for hanging pictures,"
Graves said.

Hugh Johnson. an architecture
senior said the current classroom
arrangements are bearable because
they are only temporary.

”The studios are in the basement
at Boyd Hall. They are stuffy and
cold." Johnson said. “We feel more
alienated there At least the book-
stores and Student Center were on

0‘8? of L'I': h M I b!
the int-hem M 3%
those appreclfld mit-m
acting and dim“ M".
Page 6.

Buffalo Tom's new M
offers superbly craft“ pop
music. Review, PageO.

-Cincinnati is the new ‘hom.
of homophobia.‘ Column.
Page 8.

-Veteran's Day is a time to
remember peace. Column,
Page 8.

cSunny and warmer today; * '
high in the lower 605. ‘ ”a
-Mostly clear tonight; low
around 40.

-Partly sunny and will

tomorrow; high in tm

Sports .............


chairman of the surgery depanment
at UK‘s Albert B. Chandler Medi-
cal Center, and Dr. Robert Demp-
sey, director of the stroke program
at UK’s Sanders-Brown Center on

The study found that Lovastatin
reduced lipoprotein levels in the
blood. Young said lipoprotein parti-
cles accumulate inside arteries and
contribute to the buildup of plaque

— a condition known as athero-
sclerosis that can lead to strokes.

Participants for the study were
healthier than the general popula-
tion with the exception of their unu-
sually high cholesterol levels.

When the participants were put
on Lovastatin, Young said their
cholesterol levels dropped noticea-

Although Young said the same


(“we ’


1 ,,




Bates Restoration employees Steve Wells and Mike Smith
clean the brickwork of Miller Hall.

the same side of campus as Miller

Christine Havrce, director of the
Honors Program. complained that
the old Miller Hall was noisy and
often was either too hot or too
cold. She said she has “high
hopes" for a better classroom envi-
ronment when the renovation is
finished in July 1994.

“Next year. the building will be
soundproofed between the floors."
Havice said, “and the heat will be
climate controlled Steam heat is
always on or off. It doesn't shutoff
when the temperature is comfona-
ble so it is usually too hot in Mill-
er Hall."

Havice praised the architecture
firm involved in the renovation
Pearson Bender and Jolly Archi-

tects of Lexington, saying the build-
ing‘s reconstruction was planned in
consultation with the different
groups that will occupy the building
and will meet their diverse needs.

“The classroom will have a little
less footage. but at least we got to
choose the room," Havice said.

Graves said the renovation will
“maintain the integrity“ of the old
building since the outside will not
change structurally.

Pointing to the annex built onto
the Electrical Engineering Building.
Graves said improvements often
can change the overall appearance
of the structure.

“It‘s a nice thing that they’ve
done everything to Miller Hall
without harming the outside," he

m Officials kick off

holiday gift drive



Divm'Slonsn- W.
t V d ‘ . '3 .



Viewpoint. ., ‘~ _ ,,
“a!” ”m a...



By Britt Dykeman
Contributing Writer


UK employees and students
kicked off the annual Circle of
Love campaign yesterday at the
Student Center with the unveiling
of a commemorative wreath.

The campaign collects holiday
gifts each year for needy children
whose parents can't afford to buy

Kathy DeBoer. UK's associate
athletics director. encouraged the
audience of about 30 students and
faculty to “give with no strings at-

"This is a special campaign at
UK every year which gives all of us
the opportunity to get involved wrth
helping children in the community
enjoy the season.“ DeBoer said.

Any UK student or employee
may help in the effort by becoming

Sponsors need only to purchase a
gift from the wish list of a child and

- W ..n»..,

return the wrapped gift to 245 Old
Student Center on Dec. 6 or 7 be-
tween the hours of 9 am. and 4
pm. Wish lists are available from
UK’s Human Resource Develop—
mcnt Office.

Volunteers also will be needed to
work at the collection point Dec. 6

Ruby Ingram, an employee of
UK's Physical Plant Division. said
the joy that Circle of Love brings to
area youngsters is wonh the small
amount of time she spends volun-
teering in the effort.

“I think it‘s a very worthy pro-
gram." Ingram said. “When all of
the presents are collected at the end.
all of our efforts are wonh it."

A similar effort. to be headed by
Bonnie Hardwick. also will take
place at UK‘s Albert B. Chandler
Medical Center.

The Circle of Love campaign has
been a pan of UK since l988. ln

See CIRCLE, Page 2


results are possible with a very low-
fat diet. “Taking the pill. modifying
the diet and taking an aspirin a day
is what we recommended to the par-
ticipants in the study." he said.

Dempsey said the study‘s find-
ings have broad implications.

“In the long run, using this drug
to prevent atherosclerosis will save
money because (it lowers the risk
of) suffering disability from stroke

and (incoming) lost wages."

A generic version of the pill has
not been put on the market, but is
expected to appear soon, Young

“Our hope is that the public wrll
at least know that the drug is out
there and if they have high choleste.
rol, they will go see their doctor and
find some type of treatment to deal
with their problem." Dempsey said.

The UK College of Medicine was
one of four medical schools that
participated in the five-year clinical

The national study was. funded by
the National Heart. Lung, and
Blood Institute.

Institute officrals said more trials
involvtng larger numbers of people
Will be necessary to answer further
questions about the drug.

Set up of computer sites
eases registration woes


By Brant Welch
Senior Staff Writer


Since setting up computer tenni-
nals across campus to assist stu-
dents with class registration, offi-
cials say things are back on track.

The registrar’s office decided to
set up the sites Thursday after en-
countering numerous technical
problems with the new UK—VIP tel-
ephone registration system.

UK—VIP was billed as an end to
registration hassles, but its glitches
infuriated many students.

“The terminal sites seem to have
provided adequate capacities to get
the registration completed and get
students registered for classes," UK

Cafe Shahrazad
gives UK a taste
of Arabian fare

By Tammy Gay
Senior Staff Writer



Everyone will have the opportu-
nity today to experience Arabic cul-
ture ~ » including food, artifacts and
music w without leaving campus.

The Arab Student Union is spon-
soring “Cafe Shahrazad,” which
continues in its final day at 245 Stu~
dent Center.

“Our mission is to present our
culture in an intemational way."
said club president Omar Ayyash.
who was born in Jordan.

Aseel Al-Banna, a member of the
club who is from Iraq, said prices
were set as low as possible to draw
people to the event and expose
them to Arabic life.

“It's a way to educate people
about our culture." Al-Banna said.

The café has a wide variety of
snacks, desserts and beverages.

Choices include sambousak. a
baked triangle bread pocket stuffed
with spinach. meat or cheese; bakla-
va. a delicate pastry filled with wal-
nuts and cinnamon and covered in
syrup; finger. a flaky filo dough
covered with ground cashews, syr-
up and mango juice; guava juice
and mint tea.

The club also is offering Turkish
coffee for free.

Along with the food. the club has
set up displays around the room.
One comer of the room‘s floor is
covered with a rug. and decorative
pillows lean against the wall. Al-
Banna said sitting on the mg and
leaning against one of the pillows
would be a typical way for someone
of 3 Arabic culture to sit.

Several videos, detailing subjects
like belly-dancing. and Arabic poet-
ry and singing, also are available to
watch. and music adds ambience to
the entire cafe.

Al-Banna said club members
thought it would add to the atmos-
phere to have the music playing as
guests ate their food.

Two civil engineering students
were enjoying that atmosphere yes-

Paul Johansson. a junior. tried
baklava, sambousak and mango
juice. He said he decided to sample
the fare because his wife is taking
an Arabic class this year. and he
likes the food.

Bernadette Dupont. also a junior.
said she has studied Arabic culture
and is a belly-dancer.

The club also is sponsonng a par-
ty Friday that will feature music

See CAFE. Page 2

registrar Randall Dahl said.

But Dahl added that most stu-
dents still are registering by tele-

“In fact, through (Tuesday), two-
thirds of all the people that had reg-
istered had registered by tele-
phone,” he said.

The terminal sites, however. will
remain open throughout registra-
tion. which ends as scheduled on
Nov. 18.

Students are eligible to use the
terminals only on the second and
third days of their particular regis-
tration window, Dahl said.

On the second day. students may
use the terminal sites at the time de—
termined by the last digit of their

social security numbers.

There are no time constraints for
when students may register by the
terminals on their third day.

Though students have been com-
plaining of problems with UK-VIP.
Dahl said the terminal sites have
been less than packed.

“There is not a consistent flow of
people coming up to the terminals."
he said.

“There are times we don't have
anybody at the terminals. then all of
a sudden. in between classes, we’ll
have 75 students at the termrnals."

Dahl said there is an adequate
number of terminal operators at var»

See REGISTER. Page 2



By Robin Osgood
Contributing Writer


Chad Espeland grew up With
three older sisters in his family.
but he always wanted a brother.

A year ago. the UK junior got
his wish.

Espeland became a volunteer
for Big Brothers/Big Sisters of
Lexington, and he now spends
several hours each week as a
male role model for an active
1 1-year-old boy.

Espeland said he‘s just a typi-
cal student wrth the usual con-
cerns about tight finances and
time constraints. But being a big
brother gives him something
else to focus on.

“It doesn‘t take money all the
time." Espeland said of the pro
gram. “It's something you can
work through. If you can put
forth the time. it gives you an
enjoyable experience.

“The kids really do like it
when someone is there filling
the void.“

Ernie Hatfield, director of Big
Brothers/Big Sisters of Lexing-
ton. said the program is one of
the most important services in
Lexington for single-parent fam-

“At any given time. we have



UK sophomore Jim McIntosh paints faces at this year‘s
Blg Brothers/Big Sisters Halloween Party.

Students find
new siblings


on average of 250 children wait-
ing to be matched with a big
brother or sister." she said.

Hatfield said about l0 percent
of the program‘s volunteers
come from UK and she would
like to increase that number.

“Students help stress the im-
portance of education to the
kids." she said.

This is cvrdent with Espe.
land‘s match.

“When we were first
matched." Espeland said, “my
match wasn‘t doing well in
school. But Ihi\ year. he is domg
much better. This is the biggest
change l've nouced since we’ve
been matched."

Espeland said his little brother
enjoys going to the arcade. but
he especrall) likes it when Espe-
land can attend his baseball and
basketball games.

To be a big brother or big sis-
ter. Hatfield said applicants must
have lived in Lexington for six
months and be willing to com-
mit to a child for one year.

Volunteers also are required
to go through a six-month
screening period. which consists
of background checks and visits.

"We like getting student vol-

See PROGRAM. Page 2





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2 - Kentucky Kernel, Thureday, November 11, 1993



Continued trom Page 1

ious sites to register Studans.

“This system was designed
specifically to resolve and sup-
plement the telephone piece at
this time," Dahl said.

“We’re trying to make sure we
get services delivered not only in
a timely fashion, but an equita-
ble fashion."

Dahl said that. periodically.
some of the 48 UK-VIP phone
lines are being taken down. but.
for the most part, they all are op-
erating simultaneously.




Student records employee Wanda Brooks help political sci-
ence junior Jamle Mlller register earlier this week.





By Terence Hunt
Associated Press



WASHINGTON —— President
Clinton suggested an outright ban
on socalled cop-killer bullets yes»
terday and promised to develop a
“sustained. organized, discrplined
approach" to curbing violence in

Clinton said that crime is “the
No. 1 personal security issue for
most Americans."

Referring to bullets that cnch
say are intended only to maim and

House approves 1-69 proposal


Associated Press


House of Representatives approved
and sent the Senate a resolution that
would route proposed Interstate 69
near westem Kentucky communi-
ties along U.S. 60.

The resolution specifies the inter-
state would follow “a Kentucky
com'dor centered on the cities of
Henderson, Sturgis, Smithland, Pa-
ducah. Bardwell and Hickman."

US. Rep. Tom Barlow, D-lst
District, said, “the tnain thing is that
by designating these locator towns,
it locks (1-69) into Kentucky" in-
stead of southern Illinois.

“This is just the one-yard line,"
with 99 yards to go, Barlow said by
telephone from Washington.

Union County Judge-executive
Jimmy Veatch said an interstate
would boost economic development
in the area.

“We do not have a good transpor-
tation system,“ Veatch observed,
noting that the only federal high-
way in Union County is the narrow,
two-lane US. 60.

The precise route won‘t be
known until engineering and feasi-
bility studies and an economic anal-
ysis can be performed.

Barlow said that may not begin
for three or four years.

“We're looking at roads that

probably won‘t be fully completed
for l2 to l5 years,“ Barlow said.

The project is pan of a multi-
statc campaign to extend 1-69 from
Indianapolis to Houston.

Officials in eight states along the
route are awaiting word as to
whether the I994 federal fiscal year
budget includes money for a 12- to
l8—month-long I-69 feasibility
study. said David Smith, Ken-
tucky‘s assistant state highway en-
gineer for planning.

If the study is funded, he said,
“By early to mid-1995, we ought to
have some idea of the feasibility of

declares war on high crime in America

kill. Clinton said, “Some of that
ammunition, it would seem to me.
there might be a consensus that we
ought not to make it at all In this

At an afternoon news conference
in the East Room of the White
House. Clinton also claimed
progress in his uphill fight to win
House passage of a trade agreement
with Mexico and Canada. He said
four more congressmen had come
out for the agreement and predicted
that “by the time we get to vote-
counting, we‘ll have enough to


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The House will vote on the pact
next Wednesday.

Defending his foreign policy
team Clinton said he had not meant
to give a lukewarm endorsement to
his national security advisers in a
televised interview Sunday. He said
they deserve high marks for their
work on the most important foreign
issues, including Russia. the Middle
East and nuclear nonproliferation.

The president said he was pleased
by progress in peace talks between
Israel and Jordan but discounted re-
ports in Jenisalem that an accord
would be signed when Israeli Prime


Continued from Page 1


past years, the effort has collected
thousands of gifts for deserving cen-
tral Kentucky students.

This year, the main campus pro-
gram is expected to benefit 640
Fayette County children. Young-
sters are selected for the program if
they participate in the free lunch
program at Fayette County Public

For more information or to get
involved, contact UK Human Re-
source Development at 25 7-185].



Continued from Page 1

from all cultures.

“Our party is going to be more
than an Arabic party but an intema-
tional party,“ Ayyash said.

Ayyash said everyone is invited
to attend and bring music.

Tickets are $3 in advance at the
cafe and S4 at the door of the Stu-
dent Center Ballroom. The party is
scheduled to begin at 9 pm.



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Minister Yitzhak Rabin visits the
White House tomorrow.

“I would be pleased if it did, but
the truth is we have no reason to be-
lieve that anything will be happen-
ing Friday," the president said.

He said he had asked the Justice
Department to review a request
from Rabin to cut the life sentence
of spy Jonathan Pollard to 10 years.
Pollard, a former US Navy intelli—
gence analyst. was convicted in
1987 of espionage for selling classi-
fied documents to Israel.

Clinton opened the news confer-
ence by reading a long list of ad-
ministration accomplishments, in-
cluding enactment of the family
leave law and his deficit-reduction

”We are finally tackling issues
that are central to the lives of all
Americans, replacing gridlock and
inaction with progress and pursuit
of the common good,” the president

With crime a politically potent is-
sue. the president indicated that he
would make crime-fighting the cen-

terpiece of his State of the Union
address in January.

“What you will see from us over
the next several months is a sus-
tained, organized. disciplined ap-
proach so that we don‘t just respond
to the honor we all feel when a lit-
tle kid gets shot or when these
children plan their funerals," the
president said.

He said the crime bill being de-
bated on the Senate floor would
help by authorizing 100,000 police
officers on the street.

“But we have to rebuild families
and communities in this country,”
the president said. “We‘ve got to
take more responsibility for these
little kids before they grow up and
start shooting each other. We have
to find ways to offer hope and to re-
connect people." He said a key to
solving the problem was making
sure jobs are available for everyone.

Clinton said the administration
was giving “a lot of consideration"
to a proposal from Sen. Daniel Pat-
rick Moynihan, D-N.Y., for huge
tax increases on ammunition like

.50-calibcr bullets and “talon” bul-
lets that have razor-sharp petals and
travel sideways through soft tissue.

However, the president wondered
“whether we ought not just to get
rid of those bullets" if they are
made solely for having a devastat-
ing effect on their targets.

On foreign policy, Clinton indi-
cated there was little he could to re-
duce the suffering in Bosnia and

He said none of the parties in
Bosnia is willing to make peace on
terms acceptable to the others.

“All we can do,” Clinton said, “is
to try to make sure that we mini-
mize the human loss coming on for
this winter." If Sarajevo is seriously
shelled, Clinton said. a NATO op-
tion to use air strikes should be “an
actual live option and not just
something on the books."

On Haiti, Clinton showed no
willingness to relax a UN. embar-
go. “I grieve for the people of Haiti.
We feed almost 700,000 people a
day in Haiti. i don‘t want any-
body else to be hurt down there."



Continued from Page 1

unteers the second half of their
freshman or beginning of their
sophomore year," Hatfield said.

If a student feels he or she can’t
give up three to five hours per week
or is unsure about whether he or she
would really like being matched
with a child, Big Brothers/Big Sis-
ters has another option.

A new program for children on
the waiting list, called Escapades,
allows volunteers to participate in
activities with youngsters once a

Louis Ward, 3 case work super-
visor for Big Brothers/Big Sisters,
said the program has been especial-
ly beneficial for the children.

“Escapades has been real suc-
cessful in helping these children not
feel left out or forgotten while they
wait to be matched," he said. add-
ing that it takes about two years to
match a child with a volunteer.

Requirements to be a volunteer
for Escapades are basically the
same as being a big brother or big
sister except the volunteer is not
matched with one child. and Esca~
pades is only once a month instead
of once a week.

Fred Reeder and his wife. Kim.
both UK business students, are for-

Sherman‘s Alley 9;. T 993 “s’ to at

mer Big Brothers/Big Sisters volun-
teers who now panicipate in Esca-

“I probably enjoy the activities
more than the kids,“ Fred said of
the program.

“It's fun to do things that you're
only allowed to do when you’re
with a child. that if you did on your
own you‘d get locked up in a rub-
ber room for."

Kim agreed: “I love it; it's a lot
of fun. I’ve been with other pro-
grams, but I enjoy the one-on—one
experience that you get with this
program versus others programs
that you have a l3-to-l ratio."

For more information. call 23]-

Testimony Continues




35w o. to .5 where
you Jot the giart magnet?

From the Acme Mail
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good IUCK With their jet
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tauncner and the 'E-Z To
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And you built the
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My uncle and l are quite
the do~t