xt7wm32n8z8w https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7wm32n8z8w/data/mets.xml Lexington, KY Pride Community Services Organization 1993-02 This collection contains newsletters produced by the Lexington, Kentucky based Pride Community Services Organization. Included are publications from the organization through multiple name changes, such as LinQ magazine (July 2013-2016); the GLSO (Gay and Lesbian Services Organization) News (August 1986-June 2013); the GSO (Gay Services Organization) newsletter (1979-July 1986). Accession number 2016ms055. newsletters  English Pride Community Services Organization Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Pride Community Services Organization publications LGBTQ community--Kentucky LGBTQ culture LGBTQ newspapers Gay men Lesbians Bisexual people Transgender people Sexual minorities Gender identity Drag culture GLSO News, February 1993 text GLSO News, February 1993 1993 1993-02 2019 true xt7wm32n8z8w section xt7wm32n8z8w - vv*"' v v 5 IV ' V'v vv f N *V‘Vx
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For Our Lives, For Our Children 5 Lives: mledomted culture behave 191‘s “He fom 1“ the
name of investment and profit, poor health care
women Talk Abom AIDS planning, and lack of interest in the affected lives, they
by Kate Black are watching people die...We need to be clear that no
. situation or condition is isolated from others...We
A free program on women and AIDS W11] be must recognize how our choices help us to partici ate
presented at 7pm on March 4 at the Lexington Public in taking unnecessary risks, We must face our reafilies
Library Theater on Main St. “For Our Lives, For Our and keep them in the perspective of our life situations,
Children’s Lives: Women Talk about AIDS” features We must work to change—to stop surviving and start
two advocates for women living with AIDS: Dazon living.”
Dixon of Atlanta and Jeannie Pejko of Chicago. Also, Jeannie Pejko is a mother, an AIDS activist
(In)Visible Women, a video by Marina Alvarez and with ACT UP/Chicago (AIDS Coalition to Unleash
Ellen SpirO, will be shown. The program Will be Power), and both client and volunteer at the Chicago
repeated March 5 from noon to 1pm at the Martin Women’s AIDS Project. She is also one of the women
Luther King Cultural Center at the UK. Old Student featured in (In)visible Women.
Center. Alvarez’ and Spiro’s video is a 26 min.
Before the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) documentary which focuses on the heroic and
changed the definition Of AIDS at the beginning of this empowered responses of three strong women who
year to include cervical cancer when in the presence
of HIV infection as an AIDS-related condition, women CONTINUED TO PAGE 4
died of AIDS without ever being technically diagnosed .
with it. And women with HIV-related illnesses which GLSO SUPPOIT Group meets 623"]
are not included in the official CDC definition are Beginning Feb. 1, GLSO will host a support grou
denied the government benefits granted [0 those who every Monday through March 8. These meetings will
do_ meet 'the case definition. Basrcally they are focus on coming out and general gay/lesbian issues.
off1c1ally 1nv151ble; _ , This forum is also aimed at providing a contact point
The C995 change {0 include cerwcal cancer for people just discovering the local community. Even
and OPPOTIUDISUC infections, SPCh 35 PUIITIOPZIFY if you are already knowledgeable of Lexington’s
tuberculoms and recurrent bactenal cpneumonla 1“ 113 community, there is a need for new leaders to enrich
offic1al definition OfAIDS has been eathly 310W: and and continue this forum. For more information,
comes only after years Of protest and work by women contact Mary Crone (2665904) or Cole Rucker (281-
activists, educators, caregivers and clinicians. Through 0033)
their sustained effort the once invisible women now . . . .
have a face and a voice. h f d d Have you been discriminated against
Dazon Dixon is t e oun er an coordinator '
of SISTERLOVE Women’s AIDS Project in Atlanta, a ID the commonwealth 0f Kgntgdw
non-profit organization which provides education for your sexual orientation.
and support for women, by women, who are at risk THEN REPORT (T!
or already infected with HIV/AIDS.
While SISTERLOVE addresses the problems 231-0335
of a3 wofmefn, the project particularly focuses on the
nee s o A rican—American women. Dixon writeS, igsgsgzgagzgzgggfi"1,;j"gag"'_'153*“rzsggggr""=so5::z:::::::::::::;::s;:;:::;;5:35;;-:is;55:22::«a;:::::::s:::::=:;;;;g-"-=:::::=,:22:2ggar:22;:s2:22;:-figgggggggg,
AIDS “has opened up a gigantic Pandora’s box of GLS‘SWWWHW“
social ills and o ression that women of color are 35525"'"5“‘3552"§§§§5"§_§"**’§§§75"é'“‘51“?'(ziiiéééiéiéii1:3e7:5":'*"‘*f‘ff§i§§§i§§§§'77"7353535?:g7553f;:::::'53:‘§§§§§§§§5
surviving. Nowpvffle are seeing the Western—white— 8%1‘pwea’fmn’yfl“&sun’

 Etki gram MW; ‘42,) URGENT-
Pubnshed Monthly by the Contact Your Legislator Nowu
famgton gag/Isafitan 5mm:
0 t it n Right wing extremists are calling and writing

P O Box 1147113Lexin [on KY 40575 state legislators to pass a constitutional

’ ' Editors-g ’ amendment to undo the Wasson Supreme
ff dK.‘ . S ‘h Court case which guarantees the right of
Je Jones an “sun m“ privacy and equal protection to Kentuckians
GLSO Annual Dues ‘ $10-00 regardless of their sexual orientation.

Dues for Couples — $15.00 Legislators need to hear from the
- Newsletter Only - $5.00 majority of Kentuckians who don’t want their
m privacy rights taken away. Call 1-800-372-
333335335‘3111mffgig‘, 3:3 7181 and leave a message for one or more
mg: firm-g“ “Ag-ggjftofit-jjhg‘j: :51: legislators. Write to: Legislative Offices,

to TLTLMHZZZTZ‘IAL 3:1: 2:: :3" fig: Capital Annex, Frankfort, KY 40601.
2: we. . gum "1...; gamma, m . min."- When you call, you will be asked for
"KW “Mm" (a... 7 your name, address and phone number as
‘ \-\_ ~‘9 ;; f ' well as your message. Your message can be
. _ a simple, “I support the Supreme Court

Lesbians' Kids Do Just Fine Wasson case on privacy” or “I’m opposed to
A study of 37 San Francisco area children with a constitutional amendment that violates
openly lesbian parents finds that they were no Kentuckians’ right to privacy as decided in
more likely to have difficulties with social skills the Wasson case."
or sexual identity than children of openly Do not leave a message for all
heterosexual parents. Dr. Charlotte Patterson representatives and senators. Those messages
Of the Uan. Of Virginia directed the study and are placed on a large bulletin board and
says that it suggests the quality 0t parenting is seldom read by legislators. Messages for
important, not the sexual orientation of the specific legislators go to their desks.
parents. Most of the children were conceived Calls and letters have a [rgmendous
by artificial insemination. An estimated 5-10 impact! Call and write and get your friends
million children in the US. have lesbian or gay and neighbors to do so as well'
parents and were conceived in earlier Some Key Legislators (to call as well as
heterosexual relationships.

. . your local Rep./ Sen.)

There are some notable dlfferences 1n -Pete Worthington (Ewing)- House Leadershi
children raised by lesbians and by a strayt -Gre Stumbo (Prestonsbur ), Housg
couple. Lesbians’ children seem to experience L ea d§ r shi g '
more stress as shown by episodes of insomnia, D 'd Kap (L . ill ). 3 Le d h‘
anxiety and anger. But, they also show a ' av1 rem oursv .6 ' enate a ers 1p
greater sense of well-being and adjustment. ~Leonard Gray (Lou1sv111e): House Elections/

Other child psychologists have Const.Arnendme_nts
applauded the study but point out that children "Ed Ford (Cynthiana): Senate St' GOV' Cmt.
living in relatively liberal San Francisco may James Bruce (Hopkmsvrlle): House Elections/
not face the same stresses as children living in Const.Amendments _ .
more homophobic areas. Later studies on the (PIQthed by the Kentucky Falrness A1113“??-
children once they are in adolescence are This announcement W111 run regularly Wlth
planned. different key legislators.)


 - 2. Louisville, KY: Louisville B&B on Midland
Homo HOlldays Ave. in a historic home. Suitgs have kitchen
by Jeff Jones and. living area for around $ 5/75 per night
Getaways as a couple or as a single person as 113mg 1311991. (502) 459—1126 6
can be physically, emotionally and spiritually 3231935 v 6, TN: Savage House, 15’244'
invigorating. Although Kentucky has relatively .

' few bed and breakfast inns available for short 4' RzggrsKflle, TN]; 136.6 Valley mg“: .615—
trips, there are some here and nearby states. 272’ O 8’ orsebac riding, hiking, tshtgg
These inns usually provide a room and at 5' St' Andrews, TN: :OXWOOd Cottage, 15'
least one meal for relatively little money and 5985) 12’ shared bat s , 6

. make a nice anniversary or birthday gift. 6' Columbus, OH: Gardeners House, 14‘
Here are some quasi—local choices that 444—5445, mouzmfir} grlegnhl/Fifiuse4 6 6
welcome gay patronage. Only those that 7’ Bat CavezNC: e O , 70 .‘ 25-425 ’
accept both women and men are listed: near AsheVIIle and Lake Lure, lesbian fnends
(from 1991 guide books: Information may spend every anniversary here and recommend

_ have changed) it highly), grceatf Batman Inteingribfilfla tand

. 1. Russellville, KY: Stone Mtn. Estates organic rea S or con men a ma as

i recently opened with 4 rooms available in a 8' Bl40vzin'g Rock, NC: ThekiStone Pillar, 704‘

. secluded, wooded setting. Clothing is optional 295' 1 1’ in NC mtns. nears resorts, mcludes

- and includes a gourmet meal. (502) 726— breakfast, some rooms Withflreplaces

l 2559. Prices vary. Group rates available at For other options, you might contact Pegasus

' present. Travel about gay-owned or friendly bed and

‘ breakfasts.

l DON 'T






KY AIDS HOTLINE 502-564-6539
KIPWAC 281-2100

FROM PAGE 1 . . . 9
are living with AIDS. Through community Who WI“ Be MISS va‘emmes°
education, art, and activism, the women . .
shatter the notions of female complacency The Imp erial Court Of the Bluegrass Empire
and invisibility in the face of AIDS Women Will host the Miss Valentines Pageant at Club
w it it, examinations; gasses;
ifiéliiirfgfizp 2: dl [whit atreeSfioijCturflrlisireig Charities. The entry fee for contestants is $15.
them away Ellen Spiro also made the video Contact Club Underground at 281-1228 or
DiAna’s H. air Ego- AIDS Info Upfront the reigning Monarchs of ICBE, T horn and
' - ' w , - t c
The events are sponsored by AIDS Volunteers figfglefbfilazusgnzzfl for entry forms and
of Lexington (AVOL). Generous financial '
support was received from Central Kentucky Lesbian in Clinton’s Cabinet?
Council for Peace and Justice, GLSO, Second
Presbyterian Church Unitarian Universalist Donna Shalala Pres chmonis new Se creta
Church, UK Office for Minority Affairs, UK of Health and Human Services has been the
Women’s Studies Program, Women’s Center chancellor of the Univ. of Wisconsin-Madison
9f Central Kentucky, and numerous and the chair of the Children’s Defense Fund.
IHdIVIdfgs- _ . , f f h She has also been rumored to be a lesbian
Donationlsnlslfhgfllelx/sermforOIAiI/(glspigfilagle ancfi hits facedrepeatCeEd “out—ing’kby gang}?
, , . , , , ra ca gay actiVists. ay actiVist en e ,
apprec1ated. Childcare is available at the dean at City Univ. of NY and longtime Shalala
public gigglyaplrgggfirg will also speak to the {riebnd, say; thathhalCaiilabhas1 many opbenly
es ian an a men s ut as never een
prisoners inside the Federal Medical Center seen to date agnyfone. If anything, Sherrill says
(FIVE): the women’s PUSOH on LECSIOWH Rd- that Shalala could be “outed” as an asexual,
Peiko, an EX'PUSPYIQ Speaks about AIDS to a career woman, and an excellent friend for
women m51d€ 111111015 P1130113» They W111 31139 the lesBigay community in her new DC post.
attend the 2nd Annual HIV/AIDS Health Fall" Shalala put pressure on the ROTC for its ban
at FMC, ‘ _ on homosexuals while at UW—M and was a
For more information, contact Kate signer Of a full page ad in the NY Times
Black at (606) 257‘8634- denouncing the military’s ban on homosexuals
in the military.
It is hoped that she Will institute some
‘ of the recommendations suppressed by
MASS ‘ E Sullivan, Bush’s Secretary of HHS, that aimed
at lowering the extremely high and
disproportional number of suicides and
Swedish Massage Pre/Postnatal Massage attempted suicides by lesBigay youth. Under
Deep Muscle Therapy Sports Injury pressure from conservatives such asIformer
Instruction Available Home Visits 11991331133?“er (fRC‘IX) Wlho Clasmfifd 1t
wou un ermine “ amiy va ues,” u ivan
(606) 252—5271 did not include these recommendations on
Mamba “mmm‘sagflhmpwwmmn lesBigay suicide in the final report to the

 I E Girls, and Michelle Shocked are all
Q‘\$T 09“ R R08 ’14, ’ nominated for Best Contemporary Folk Album.
0% HOMO 6‘ Despite reports that she had backed
‘ down, Barbra Streisand has once again
’ called for a boycott of Colorado. Sayeth Babs,
. “If this were against jews or people of color,
; there would be no question of a boycott.” She
. '""'°""""""""'°"' is FIERCE! Hercouragewasnotcopied,
7 Hello possums! It’s a brand new year which however, by others who are heretofore .Oh my
1 means the time has come for me to present my HOUYWOOdfiet Hlt L15“ Harry Hamlin and
l coveted “Hollywood Homo of the Year” award AlanoRachins (LA. Law), Kurt Russell and
(or the Sissy as it’s known in the industry.) GOlhle Hawn, and Cher (who has on openly
And the 1992 Sissy goes to:...why, lesbian daughter, Chastity Bono, and should
it’s a tie between Elton John for his brave know better!) Shame on all Of Youl
stance as a very open gay man in pop music A fabulously faggy new musrc release
7 and his work in AIDS charities, and to fabulous comes from Erasure, and the” retrospective
3 fag hag Liz Taylor for her tireless efforts in “Pop!fThe F1?“ 29 H1157" Whleh €011?de 311
1 AIDS charities and education. of their scorching Hi N-R-G disco Singles: Also
- Honorable mentions go to Rosanne check 01” Ru. Paul’s debut single
1 Arnold and Madonna for their use of lesBigay “Supermodel,” Wthh 15 In heavy IOIQUOH on
., Martina Navratilova for their powerful queen, has turned heads at New York clubs
3 indictments of Colorado’s infamous for the last few years. Her single 15 burning UP
>7 Amendment 2, and to queer musicians: the charts, and the accompanying VldeO
1 Morrissey, the Indigo Girls, and kd. lang featuring the 6’7"'tall Afncan—American queen
S for putting out some of the most powerful With her towering platinum bl'onde half
L music of 1992. Hugs and kisses to all the sashaying around N_eW.YOfk15 a Slght ‘0 see.
.r winners! You’d better work it girl! .
[- Now for the dish: Speaking of k.d., Finally, as QIWQYS, we must pay tribute
[1 the lovely lesbian chanteuse has been to Madonna. The ngh Priestess Of POOfS,MS
a nominated for four Grammy awards for the released her much-ant1c1pated erotic thriller
‘5 album “Ingenue,” and her haunting hit song “BOdY Of Evrdence,” and contrary to what the
is “Constant Craving.” I suppose a Sissy award New York Post said about her a few years ago,
wasn’t enough for Ms. lang, but I will graciously yes, she CAN act: A must-see! BY the W337,
e wish her luck anyway. After all, someone has after putting 01h his own bOQk Of photographs
y to put BillyRayCyrus, that tone-deaf favorite (which he dedicated to his tallywhacker),
d of 5-year olds and menopausal breeder Markie Mark rather self-righteously insulted
d women, in his place. Madonna’s book. This of course puts me in
(1 Among other family members (at least a moral quandary: to defend Her
3r the ones who admit it) nominated at the Madonnaness honor and bOYCOh M5 IUSW
3r Grammys are my two personal favorite artists: @le Klelh ads or [0 C0nhhue ogling the only
it Morrissey for his album “Your Arsenal” (by pictures of Mr. Mark where he- doesnt look
n far the BEST album of the year!), and those hke he 15 Oh the thh and runmngtto answer
h perennial party—mongers, the B-52’s f0r “Good the phone (With pants around his ankles.)
l6 Stuff.” Both nominations are for Best Check'us out next month for the answer [0 thls
Alternative Album. Joan Baez, the Indigo delectible dilemma!

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G-GLSO NEWS/FEBRUARY 1993 sword msrorzv MONTH

 a problem with gays and lesbians adopting.
She offered international adoptions as an
alternative to the elusive domestic adoption
; option. She explained that at different times,
Esmerelda ' S Parlour various countries have been “open" for
Adoption Options: adoptions. For'many years it was Korea,
Private Domestic Adoption Vietnam and India. All these ncountnesto my
by Laura Jones knowledge are now closed. Romania was
recently in the news With many adoptions
Adoption for gays and lesbians is a occurring but again,‘l believe they too have
i deed d m “whim
understand there are two different types .of were “open” for adoptions and indeed, we
adoption: private and public. I spoke With know several women in Atlanta who have
local attorneys about both these options. beautiful daughters from South America. But
grim:gaggiisszggassasg $22.23?ng Wm
pregnafit'and Wllhngrtl‘l) give you the Cfilld [ill South America and India that point out the
iifi'pietéf i‘fiffécieeyai‘y‘ 122216533513 Yer 130W ggd ,gltgaggzog Iggeglgggnggfdogggg,
adoption. The other types of private adoption Tiles IIIDitefDnationale Adoption '
are domestic and international. On domestic ' '
adoption, 1 was told that they had never had
a pregnant woman opt for an adoptive
situation with a “single” woman or man - DC
(much less a “gay” woman or man.) Their W
explanation for this was that these women
are trying to provide their child a “family APR“; 259 1993
unit” that they themselves do not have to I” '3.
offer. This social standard apparently includes Iii‘ if, J, 4;;
a “morally” and financially solvent '7. I ' ’ 2:14.;
heterosexual couple of appropriate color. I «u d 33%}.
can certainly understand this decision by , , _( “ \
birth mothers, especially after all the years of .@ k.»
fundamentalist bad press. But, it is still so / “.‘g®/, -_~<,\
frustrating and saddening. And, this is not /.. ofA; , \\\>
just Lexington— in Atlanta we were told pretty '3 AB ’ "" ’Ei/ . \\\
much the same thing. ./ /E ’ ed ‘1
Ann and I looked into the second type \\ l’\ //.,/ '- 3 . :
> of private adoption, international adoption, \ (SIUGJ-‘v/K ’fi
while living in Atlanta. After I inseminated iFR‘NK‘ ‘71 ~‘ w »
twice without regnancy, we made an
appointment wit‘Ifi an Atlanta attorney who DON’T MISS
specialized in adoption. She had already '
spoken to one of our Atlanta “baby group” ms ONE.
meetings, so we knew Rhonda did not have

Roman CaThOIIC Qhurch $8008 Unclear AIDS Policy Advisory Councrl Created
1992 was 3 Year Of different and sometimes confliCfing The Dept. of Human Resources has created a
{figsilazfieigafrfloag‘gerggfigggg‘fhlfSggfihfie figmfi council to advise state officials on AIDS/HIV
issued a letter to US. bishops calling homosexuality an F011%$i annotunced tDEfcchIt91992 .llnClugérrig
“objective disorder” and urged the bishops and faithful our mem ers ou. 0 e eoun em 57
to oppose civil rights laws for gays. This letter brought the counC1l 15 CO‘Chalred by Michael Kretman,
about a series of protests by Dignity groups (gay support pr CSIdem 0f KIPWAC: and Dr RICC Leach, DEPE-
groups within the Catholic church) and several Catholic Of Heath SeerCCS comm1551oner. The other
bishops including the bishop of Hawaii. members are:
In the face of these protests the Vatican issued —Dr. john Van Arsdale II, Louisville
3b statement saying that [he 1€tt€f was merely 3 -Dr. Terence Collins, UK College of Medicine
" 3C groun resource. . Jay Douds, Office of Policy and Budget, Frankfort
locally, this bitter may have had an,influence -Verna Fairchild, Dept. of Mental Health, Frankfort
on LouiSVille Archbishop Thomas Kelly 5 public -Theresa Gordon Louisville
opposition to the Fairness Campaign. In turn, Kelly’s M H d R’N t WKU
opposition led to the disclosure of Rev. Joseph Vest of ' ary azzar ’ a , . . ‘
the St. Ann’s inner city parish that he was gay to the -Dr. AIdlS HOVefld Lexrngton Chm? _
Louisville city council. Fr. Vest maintains his vow of —Estalene Jenkmsd Dept Of 50031 serwcesd
celibacy as do most priests of all sexual orientations. Frankfort
Fr. John Curtis, pastor at Lexington’s St. Paul —Mark Johnson, KSU, Frankfort
Church and head of the diocese’s HIV/AIDS ministry, —Kay Kirkland, Dept. of Medicaid Services,
was both “angered and embarrassed by the document” Frankfort
according to the diocesan newsletter, CrossRoads.. He —State Rep. paul Mason, (D-Whitesburg), father of
believes the letter is a departure from earlier Vatican Belinda Mason
teachings on protecting homosexuals from discrimination. - - .
The current letter says there are legitimate -Irifsfl\1\/Ilu1(1:ld, (Dept. Of Edfiatiggwfianlamrt. .11
needs for protecting homosexual people but not laws —je a Y} 40171113”th ea rust, ‘OU.ISV1 e
that legitimize homosexual behavior. Confusingly, the —Sam Robinson, I‘Y Minority AIDS COUUCIL Inc.,
letter spells out adoption, military service, housing and LOUISVIHE’ _
employment as areas that are open to discrimination -VeI’tner Taylor, Dept. of Corrections, Frankfort
against homosexuals. -Martha Vannater, RN in Ashland area Health
Bishop J. Kendrick Williams of the Diocese of Dept.
Lexington issued a statement saying that the Vatican’s
letter was not an excuse for acts of hatred nor for lea ' -
me Church, ““3 Some Rural Gays Playing Unsafely
Also locally, retired homophobic Monsignor
Harry Welp of Villa Hills, KY, called for the resignation The most com rehensive stud Of a male
of Covington Bishop William Hughes for offering Mass - p . Y g Y
at the 3rd Nat. Symposium of Lesbian 8r Gay People. sexual dpractéees (guwdeff laége urbarcii area?) firIIDds
Welp links homosexuality to witchcraft and Satanism. some istur ing acts. .‘ stu Y came 0L.“ y .r'
Local Covington priests, however, have rallied in defense Jeff Kelly at the Medical College of Wisconsm
of Hughes as having kept to Catholic teachings in his focuses on a survey Of 1,858 men 1“ gay bars in
ministry, 16 cities of <180,000 population and at least 50
Last fall the Roman Catholic Church also issued miles from other urban centers. 10% of those
its first catechism since the 1300’s. Currently only surveyed are HIV+, and a shocking 51% had
available in French and Latin, the catechism reiterates engaged in anal intercourse without a condom in
till: ghu’Ch 5 P313]: that-homosexuals 3:115“? CV11 b1“ the previous 2 months! Also, each man averaged
to éfigmxgin agallrlgtr fiofig‘efio C or an end 8 encounters in a two month span. Kelly points
As with any large, global bureaucracy, it is to 316 neid Of identifying respected community
apparent that there are different views within the Church ea er 5 W, 056 advocacy Of safer sex Wlth Change
on matters relating to homosexuality. behavror in both rural and urban areas.

I Homo Hardcovers Kentucky AIDS 1-800 # Cut
by Jeff Jones
, a l- The Generous Jefferson Bartlebyjones by 90 Due to a budget Crunch, the Kentucky AIDS Education
IV yr. ,Old Forman Brown, $795 m softcover: The Program has dropped the 1-800 number that did
3g mam character, Jeff J ones, has two dads, and hls rovide recorded information on AIDS revention
friends are ealo s of all the fun he has with the p . p '
TS l u . . m. The Program (under the Cabinet for Human Resources)
I], So, he shares a dad With each friend and learns f d h h b g 1 . 1 1, iii
5t’ some lessons in this illustrated children’s book by Gun t at t e‘num er was CXpenbwe’ re anve y 1 6
er the Alyson Wonderland series by Alyson Publica— used and relied on referrals. to other servrces and
tions. Hey, the name of the main character is worth staffed hotlines. Other servrces are deemed more
the book in itself! effective. For information on HIV/AIDS, now please
2. Coming Out Conservative by Marvin Liebman, contact the staff at the Program at (502) 5646559, your
m $19.95: This autobiography relates Liebman’s local health department or other national/localAIDS/
)rt career as a conservative Republican strategist and HIV services.
his coming out as a gay man. The book has several
interesting moments such as when Ronald Reagan If
talks to Liebman about Ron, Jr.’s decision to I "WW-3'3"—
:5 become a ballet dancer: “but aren‘t dancers...aren’t @ UK; $1155.91 90¢
7 dancers sort of...funny?” L "93-
5. The Night Audrey’s Vibrator Spoke by An- '————_—.————_,T——
ts drea Natalie, $8.95 (paperback): This hilarious :fi?::v:§::dfifi;£::02;;;$:fiflag:lfiywfi::5
’ second collection of gay political cartoons by Cleis my 01 “1.1.2: 8 J ' ’ ' 4 ' g '
of Press is just a hoot and a halfl Natalie spoofs 4 mm 7 73 3'
everything from safer sex to fashion, the NEA to
Merv Griffin. Natalie’s first collection, Stonewall
E Riots (VCHUS PI‘CSS), was a 1990 Lambda Literary gif;.;.;.;.;.;.;.;.;.;.5;.;.;.;,;.;.;.;.;.;.;.;.;.;.;.;.;.;.;.;.;:;:;.;.;.;.;.;.;.;.;.;.;.;.;.;.;.;.;.;i;.;.;.;.;.;.;.;.:.;4.;.;.;.;.;.;.;.3.z.;i;i;.;.;.;.;.;.;.;.;.;.;.;.;.;.;.;.;.;.;.;i;‘;.;.;.;.;.;.;.;.;§§E
~ Award finalist. -,
7 4. Maybe the Moon by Armistead Maupin: My BULLDoG
.11 favorite gay author has come out with a new book /
[h that follows up on the continuing success of his
Tales of the Cit series. This novel follows the I ~ -
adventures of petite actress and heroine Cadence and pictorial;
Roth in Hollywood as the ultimate outsider. Has SPECIHLIZING I"
more sex scenes (largel heterosex) and a new
style for Maupin, a Nolrith Carolina native and PHINTED WORDS
le former employee of none other than Jesse Helms! “ND IMHGES O“:
is 5. Honor Bound: A Gay American Fights for _ _
if. his Right to Serve his Country by Joe Steffan, VVBhKIu thdl VHcsnctIu
in Former Naval Academy cadetJoe Steffan relates his VWindows VWood VPlustic
in story of coming out in Annapolis and being forced
30 out of the Navy. Although interesting, Steffan‘s VBonncrs- qulls VShaw Cards
se writing is quite unemotional, and the reader gains VCWCtIVQ “Incl“ mum's for
Ed little insight into his relationships. He‘s cute, but busing”, home, 0" schooL
In don’t ex ect many juicy behind-the—scenes info. .
id 6. Daisy) Fay and the Miracle Man by Fanny VPuIntcd butkdms for
ts Flagg, $7.99: By the author of Fried Green special events.
tY Tomatoes at the Whistlwtop Cafe, this bestseller
ie follows the life of sassy, truth-telling Daisy Fay as 233-14 52
she escapes 1950’s coastal Mississippi via a beauty
_ contest. Biff-22:2:2:5:2:2:3:2:s:s:s:5:=.:s:25222232222223;23:52:23:3:5:5:5:2:s:s:s:2:s:s:s3:523=2:522:22:23;33:32E2=s:5222:::a225222232222:2:a:a:a25222222:55:22:23::z:z:222222:2:222:22:3223:5232?

 W M
\ f o o D O o 0 CO 2
o 'r O
--= e ruary o : ; HYPNOTIC EYE e
6‘3” ‘1 ° ‘° Offerin over 50 Q
-~ 1. - - o . 9 .
3 ’ 1 February 18 Black Hlstory Month! 0 -0 ° 2 Gay. Lesbian and Bisexual E;
1 i i o o o 2 Titles 12
. 1 2 3 4 5 a 9 255-8981 21
5:30 PM Lesbian o.A. 7:00 PM WKU Lambda 7:00 PM Gay Men‘s 9:00 AM Frontrunners a? _ g
730 FM Gaymm 10.10.01. 6:30 PM MCC—L'ville 7:30 PM UK Lambda Sin'LG .Potluck 10:00 AM HIV/AIDS m 5041/2 Euclld GIVE. %
5:30 PM CAP 7:30PM Wrsofmv+ 7:00 PM GLOBAL—U of 7:30 PM Men's Chorus 730 pM Youth Group- Snt.G .. % (Next to New Morning Coffee House) 21
(AVOL) SPPIGTP- ‘ . L. 8200 PM GLSSO-EKU on Church 10:00 AM G/L Svcs. /‘ Q
Mtg. AA Sppt.Grp. 'AA
Pegasus Travel Inc.
7 8 9 1 0 1 1 1 2 1 3 fl/k/fie 72%;: - aka/3%? — 70—ch
MCC-L'vine: 11am{6:30pm 7:30 PM Gay/Lesbian 5:30 PM Lesbian o.A. 7:00 PM WKU Lambda 9:00 AM Fromm-m
4:00 PM Cm /Lesbmn AA 9' ' . _ , ~ . . 10:00 AM HIV/AIDS 5.1. .. _ _ __ . _ __ y
5-30 PM CAP AMI“ 6‘30 PM MCC L ““6 7‘30 PM Me“ 5 Chm” 7:00 PM Dignity 900 m iii-mm ~ .-, 1 .. ii; 2
5:00 PM Im ml C . 7.30 PM Partners of 7:00 PM GLOBAL-U of 8:00 PM GLSSO-EKU 8:00 PM Gay/Lesbian ‘ :f~ : .5 ~_ - .3? : .: :__
- P6 0““ (AVOL) Hlv+ Sppt Gm L. 8:00 PM HIV/AIDS AA . . .— 1. g ::; :2 . ,;;
7:00 PM NMCH 8,45 PM Rainbow. 8:00 PM Gay/Lesbian Sppt.Grp. . :j: . 2 . ‘ : -» :2?
Mtg_ I . _ AA 8200 PM POE-MSU B C1 ' BO 1' T ' ‘ '
Bowlmg Southland News as“ wmg “m 800 228-4337 606 268-4337
Iva-L M 4 m/5 3O 15 13PM Ga IL: b' A] Am 1.370PM Le b' O A I7'317M WKU Lambda 19 20 Ri (3123113 R£g%,e L:?:giorse1%tfcg02
.8. ' I - n : 3 Ian ~ n : 5 Ian . . : . ’ -
W 7:30 PM Purim” of “I“ 6:30 PM MCC-L'ville 7:30 PM Men’s Chorus 7 .00. PM Gay Men s 9.00 AM GLSO DONATION WITH EACH PURCHASE!
_ _ swims. 7:00 1:14 GLOBAL—U of L. 7:30 W UK um mg. SPmt-Grp- Frontrunners
1% PM mfiwfifin 5:30 PM CAP (AVOL) 3:45 pM Rainbow Bowling- 8:00 PM Gay/LesbianAA 8:00 PM GLSSO—EKU 8:00 PM Gay/Lesbian 10:00 AM HIV/AIDS “llllxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxu
7:00 PM NMCH Mtg. Southland 8:00 PM HIV/AIDS SppLGfP. AA Sppt.Grp. : Wednes d ‘
. . . " 3N "
Natlonal Condom Week I I
21 22 23 24 25 26 27 . G B Y D B Y! :
Home W W “ 3323 iii: 11““? $5" 7=°° PM Dignity 910° AM ' "
' ‘ . Sufi 530 FM Lesbian 0A. 8200 PM 5:35:30“? Mass Frontrunners : Gay movies all day long in our :
4=00 PM Gay/Rabin AA ' 7:30 PM Gay/Lesbian AI-Amu 6:30 PM Mcc—L'vme 8:00 PM HIV/AIDS swam. 8:00 PM Gay/Lesbian 10:00 AM HIV/AIDS I 24—seat theater .1
5:00 PM Impeml Com 5 .30 PM CAP (AVOL) 7:30 PM Partners of HIV+ 7:00 PM GLSO Board Mtg. 3200 FM FOEMSU - - ‘-
‘ Spp1.Grp. 7:00 PM GLOBALvU of L. 9.00 PM COLTS M AA SPPt-GI’P- I $5 for smgle Vlsn" I
. l . 7‘00 PM NMCH Mtg‘ 8:45 PM Rainbow Bowling- 8:00 PM Gay/Lesbian AA ' ‘g' : $8 for all day pass :
Nationa‘lfiCondom Southland I oVideo Rentals— $5 for 24-hours I
28 : 0We stock Crusin'! :
_ January March nThe Ultimate Gay Source Guide! 11
MCC-L’Ville: 11am/6: s M T w T F s s M T w T F s 11 The .1
30pm , 1 2 1 2 3 4 5 6 : . :
4:00 PM Gay/Lesbian 13 1‘11 1: 1g 1: 1g 1: 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 I Phoemx I
AA 14151617181920 I I
4200 PM Diversity Z ;2 122 33 2; 223 (21,3 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 : Bookstore :
Business Coal. 31 28 29 30 31 933 Winchester Road
. 1 Lexington, KY - (606)28111228 :
Happy Chmese New Year. The Year of the Cock 1/20/1993 “xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxv

 .I=l t ,l--,.| L —
I NEWS SHORTS :‘l :‘pt WASHINGTON, DC: The nation's first gay inaugural ball,
WASHINGTON, DC: Both The Army Times and The Air the Triangle Ball, was held at the National Press Club at Pres. B;
Force Times unofficial newspapers for these branches of Clinton’s inaugeration. The $109 a “that even ”Md money H
the military, have issued statements calling for a lifting of the for the Human nghts Campaign Fund, the Nat. Gay 8‘ U.
ban on homosexuals in the military. The Navy Times Lesbian Task Force and the Gay 8: Lesbian Victory Fund. d2
:22: Elsatédpfiigthe ban should not be enforced but ShOUId ATIANTA: The Centers for Disease Control announced that 2:
AIDS is now the 9th leading cause of death in the US. In
CALIFORNIA Over $73 million were withdrawn from other AIDS news, the Washington Post revealed that the uiI]
BankAmerica by people angry over BankAmerica’s financial Nat. Institute of Health is diverting nearly 40% of the federal 3)
support of the Boy Scouts of America. BSA ba