xt7wm32n7m4h https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7wm32n7m4h/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky 1966 athletic publications  English University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. University of Kentucky Football Programs University of Kentucky vs. University of Houston, November 12, 1966 text University of Kentucky vs. University of Houston, November 12, 1966 1966 1966 2014 true xt7wm32n7m4h section xt7wm32n7m4h 1966
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6 Month Revolving Charge V ;
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    \v   , s     “    The "WILDCA T "
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` t  
  * * * * GameStory .......................................................................... 5
Governor Breathitt ................................................................ 6
I O ` 4 I     Homecoming Letter .......................................,,......,.............. 8  
    President Oswald ........................................,......................... 9  
    Advance Schedules .............................................................. I0 A
  Athletics At Kentucky .......................................................... I I
  Athletics Director Shively ...................................................... I2 ,
V t l` ?  l_q_ Varsity Schedule and Scores .................................................. I4  
1¤w¤Ri.¤*s mn   Coaching Staff ...................................................................... I5 I
ammo rmzzs  a t-  3
2B_GDLD Menus J j ` , Head Coach Bradshaw .......................................................... I6 i
·· I i`i’‘    ll Kentucky Player Pictures ........................ l8, 22, 26, 30, 34, 38 ,
L°ngmFS watches are Houston Player Pictures .................................................. 20, 33 j
recognized as OFFICIAL , _ _ _ s
`  _ _ ~ ‘ r Statistically Speaking ............................................................ 24 I
for timing world ,,
M championships and Olimpic u Rosters .................................................................................. 28  
sports in an fields Lineups ................................................................ Center Spread  
throughout tho worm, , Depth Chart ........................................................,.......,, , ,,,..,, 29 i
0 ° ° Houston Administration ...................................................... 37 I
  —   College Football Week ........................................................ 40 _
  l-ttc     »~‘     .
FT _,t‘, ;  What ODDOI"l€I'II“S ATE DOIYIQ ................................................., 42
u `&’iij¤_ tl’  ,l     / éj I  Meet The Kittens .................................................................. 43
‘» I l‘·s q *——»   ` I Z , 
  IC le.l _ ~» ll” EI  Southeastern Conterence Schedule .................,.................... 44
xy;. _,`» _ l!il¤*    
  C?) ,1;;:: E; I! n,,  I  The Changing Face ot U.K. .............................................. 46-47 I
,u,_‘,     4 C3 o,  ,  Homecoming Preview .......................................................... 47
%—éaTéQ ‘;t‘`t   · _  
  ` sgr [ it   Band .................................................................................... 49
 ~=>==a:l=wx¤.er@T'ItI·alches ol the Highest Character Since 1867 27l Madison Avenue! New York! N:   3  

 I £'lI»~ l”l ll'(7I/I EWS
W  ti f    d I    
t_   y5_   this tiiitt- ttrtxtiittt whitt- tht: ttll1<' Critss (`(1lItlIIf¥'llt pt.t)‘s tttt·
I`()t(‘ t>tI putt-ittittl spttilt-r.
ltIs ll()lIll‘('()lItlllg Day (lll Stott Fit-ttl this ;ttIt<’I`l1()()It ttntt In its ztttt-iitpt to turn tht- ttthlt-s tm tht- (ltntqttrs Kt-11-
tt ti11tt· tisttztlty I`(‘9(‘F\'L‘(l tI()l` l1t tt rt·\‘t1111pt·tt tll't('|1t} thttt htts rt-—
lint t·t-tt-t11‘;ttit111 will ht- put usittt- tIt11` Gt) 111i1111lt-s Whitt- tttt ttl\`t‘1'1&tt<‘(t its trt)l`t‘('¥ in tht- tatst tl1rt-t- gatmts. (Zt·t»1t2i.t lttttl
wittivss t111t- tit tht; ltmgliost htttttt-s l‘\'l‘I` to tz1tll` in tt SL`l`tttL't\lttg 111;ttt·lt nrt- II<‘\\I-tI(JlllI(t t·it111ht·tt1 l4—tlt. Tht- ('tlLlIlg(‘(t t;Lt(,'l‘ tit tit-11t11t·titL`tl Cltttrlit- ltlI1t(t>tl.t\\'
tat itist ;tIlt)ltI(’I` ttitithttlt gtttiit-. hut tltt- ('()Itt[7t(‘\ttl(‘.§ tut tht- switt-httl tttitht1t·t< L;11‘1‘y Stiptt- to \\`ttlQt}£tL't·{, mt1t·t·tl hiu Itoh
mt-t-ting in (tt‘<‘[)(`I` 1111tl 111;tt11t l'{(,‘lllllL't<}-`IS sttttittpoint. .-‘\tttl(tll§tl this gztmt- t)1`(1ll{jltt \(‘I>\tltttt_' stnptttnntittc l)it-ky Isytirts up tI1*t1111 ttt·tIt·nst-
will ht- t)llt}I tht- st-ctiiitt ti111t· tl1t· twt> st·ht2t>ts l1;t\‘t- int-t tm tt) ptzty ttt tIttllh:tt:l<.
tht: grittirtm. tht- st-tit-s t>;tt·llIIitlt'(t $(‘1tS(>It. Itttf (tt`t;t‘It(t(‘II\ Lll}llt‘1tII' tt) t)t‘
rtIt\2ll[ g1llIt(*, \V(}Il   tttC CIOHQIIIIS   tl|(` Itllt()L`l‘ltl·£l])l)L‘ltII· Ill tIt)I` it   Cttilttkttgit tI[`()]ll tht-pt1i1’1t ttitppy (It)tlgitI`$. tt(}ll¥—
lll! Stjttt-(‘ ()tI   \V(`Ht (l()\\'Il Ilrl LIKIS lltSt(}I`}I t)(t(lt*(H lt$ IUI} ttLtS tl\`('I`ltQ(‘(t   t`>(>lI1tS ll gtll}t(‘ Ut (titl(‘ II} I`lt('t{IItU’ Ill`! Qt
[`»I'l1t1tlt\t}` tt1t- most t,‘XDL‘ItSt\'(‘ ttl(‘t't[Illg t>lI ttll timt- tmtt now 6-t 1t-t-tmrtt. In tht-ir t:tst two gttint-s_ tht- Ctuigttrs h;txt~
st-ts tht- stztgt- lIt11‘ t()11stt111 \'l(`tt)1`}' mtr tltt· l\;t\‘t11‘t-tt \\Iilttt·ttts tthntist VtIt](·II“ only st·thttt·t< t-t111tt: ttt tht- htmtts tit Mississippi-
t-t-rtttitily cost UK 11 hitt tt> spt-ntl Xt-w `1It-;t1‘Is l,)it}` in tht- tht- only miitiitit ttst-—wht> tl”tllttttUttt‘(t1 27-6, l{(‘Itlllt‘t·{}` \\`('tlt
(Itttttllrl t%l)\‘St·—SL`l‘tt(' ()tI ttt(’tI` ltlSl I)(PNt·$l‘LlS()Il lt]]l}t’1tI`llItL`(' Ill (ti)\\IH to it   (tl‘l(‘itt   ()tt‘  
19324 It ztlsti t·t>st ltt·
t>;1t·tt, Itit-tt N()]It(1I1, ttttt- tt> at t<11t-t- i11i111‘jv ztittt with him tt) pitt st-t11‘t·s t111 tht- ht>;t1‘(t t-tlIt·t-tit-t·ly hy ;ttltt()$l ;111y iiit-(mst
(`tt1lItt`i‘S lIUl` $lt('L'l`$$ III ltl(’ SUIINUH ltIIZll(` ttgttiitst rt4t,‘llllL‘$>L?l‘ tl St'(}lltH I`t‘t7ltt`l. Tttt* CINIEIIYS ilIIL` D1tIItI(‘tttLtI`t}I (ttl-lttllt(t\‘(t \\lltl
wt-t-tc t1lll‘1`4 spt-t-ttstt·1‘ \\Itll`I`t’I'l Xlt·\It-:1 optttttiiug .1t h.tttIh;1t·l< ztiitt Ito
this littmilizttitmii st-ts tht- stttgt- tIt>1’ t()(ttl}`I$ t)Lttttt‘—()Ilt}' Btirris tin tht- thrtiwinq t-ntt txt titi;trtt·rt>1tt-t<. ll.tltIh:tt·t< l)ttll
tlll` lI()t(’> LtII(` 1`t‘\It‘lISl‘(t. llt)lt>t(}I], \\Itll('lt tlltS T(}ttl'(l (’£tStt}I I)»t‘ttIl l}(t¥(‘$ it Nl`IIIt)ll\ ttlIIl`1tt LN lt pllttt ]'t'tttlIII ztttisi \\`t1<> lt`-
p;tst ttll hiit tmt- ()]W])<)Ilt‘lll this st-ttstm. will ht- tltt· tI;1vt>1‘itt- t111‘11t-tt hxt- t;tst wt-t-lc hir ;t 1‘t·t·t>1‘tt tl)9 §1tI`lt\.
JUST 'BOBINI ALONG—Kentucky's Bob Windsor (38) seems set to reel ott o big gain against the Vanderbilt Commodores at the
moment the photographer caught this action last Saturday. Leading the way for Windsor are fellow Wildcats Dicky Lyons (24) and
Terry Beodles. UK won the important Southeastern Conference clash, t4—tO.
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Alumnus Governor Boosts Wildcat Gridders . . .
Edward T. Breathitt, at Al, is the nation's second youngest Governor. A Hopkinsville attorney,
he continues a family record of distinguished public service that dates back to pre-Civil War days
when an ancestor, John Breathitt, served as the state's chief executive.
Governor Breathitt, who in his capacity as Governor, also serves as chairman of the University
of Kentucky Board of Trustees, began his career as a lawyer and public servant immediately upon
graduation from the University of Kentucky College of Law in l950. At the age of 27, he was
elected to the State House of Representatives. Later he was State Personnel Commissioner and a
member of the State Public Service Commission before being elected to Kentucky’s highest office
in l963.
While a student at the University of Kentucky, where he also obtained a degree in Commerce,
he proved his capacity for leadership. While there, he was president of Lamp and Cross, senior
men’s honorary, and ODK, men's leadership ancl scholarship honorary fraternity.
His distinguished background also includes three years in the Army Air Force cluring World
\/Var ll and the state presidency of the Young Democratic Clubs of Kentucky.
A native of Hopkinsville, he is married to the former Frances Holleman of Mayfield. They
have four children—Mary Fran, who is lé, Linda, l5, Susan, 9, and Edward lll, who is 7.
Governor Breathitt continues to be one of the most enthusiastic boosters of his Alma Mater
and its football team.

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    E   I   r A 4  drink milk! A glass of cool,
2     gi     refreshing milk with meals
  *;         _ and snacks helps see you
,     T ; — ’;%_ *  through the busiest fall
   `il T   2   F t · schedule. No other beverage
  _~ . j M V   helps you get the lasting '
-     - ~ I   5  energy found only in nature s
    Vitalit drink. . . Milk. You’ll
    cheer for milk’s Vitality.
  I     a message from darry farmer members of
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Universityls President Knows Value of An Athletic Program . . .
When Dr. John W. Oswald became the sixth and later rose through the administrative ranks
president of the University of Kentucky on Sept. to the position of Vice—President for Administra-
l, l963, he brought to the position most unique tion.
¤¤¤'·f·¤¤t·¤¤S t*i¤? we me ¤·d€d ·mm€’ K I967 i
I r  ‘‘ ‘   { ·  . _
ii;    ~·r¤ I Date Opponent Site i
  Sept. 23 Indiana .............................. Bloomington  
     pp . *°‘  It Sept. 3O Mississippi ............................ Lexington  
 rig   ·  Agp , ‘ 2
4  3 rw- Oct. 7 A b ......................................  
 .   %iii / u urn Auburn I
/i ri Oct. I4 Virginia Tech ........................ Lexington ;
Oct. 2l Louisiana State .................. Baton Rouge i
    Oct. 28 G€Ot‘gtG.   ............................ Lexington ii
d ·I I   h   Nov. 4 West Virginia ........................ Lexington §
m0 9 Pl O 5 0 Cl · Nev. ii Vanderbilt .............................. nesnvriie E
Sm, me boys who gc CII Ih€__p¤dS,,gEI me high Nov. l8 Florida .................................. Gainesville I
mid hecdiiim BUI ii you WOM IO Iiyl me big Oppop Nov. 25 Tennessee .............................. Lexington
tunities are still with the aircraft that take off and -
land on several thousand feet of runway. l
Who needs pilots? TAC does. And MAC. And SAC. 1 
And ADC.
There's a real future in Air Force flying. In years to .
come aircraft may fly higher, faster, and further than Date Opponent Slte
we dere dreern ef. But thei/ll be flying. with rnen Sept. 2l Missouri ................................ Lexington
who've had Air Force flight training at the controls, Sept.   MISSISSIPPI AWGY
Of course theAir Force also hasplenty of iobs for O  
, _ , ct. 5 Auburn .................................. Lexington
those who wont be flying. As one of the world s _
Imgesi Gnd msi cdvgnced ,9560,cIi and d8i,€IOp_ Oct. I2 Oregon State .......................... Lexington
ment organizations, we have a continuing need for Oct. I 9 LOUISICINCI SIGIE .................. BCITON ROUQE
Scientists end engineers Oct. 26 Georgia .................................. Lexington
Young college graduates in these fields will find NOV. 2 VVESI, Virginia NiOI,gGn.IOWn
***0* iter" FM *’i€.¤¤¤¤**~n**i in do W nit is unv. 9 vnnnernrir .....................   ..... Lexington
both interesting and important. The fact is, nowhere _ I
WIII you Img grew, Igiiiiidg O, ,€SpOmibIIiiy Hgh, Nov. I6 Florida .................................. Lexington  
from the starr than on the Aerospace Team—the NOV.   TENNESSEE .............................. KNOXVIIIE l
U.S. Air Force!  
Interested? The place to find out more is at the l
office of the Professor of Aerospace Studies, if l
there is an Air Force ROTC unit on your campus.  
Ask about the new 2—year AFROTC program avail-
able at many colleges and If \\ Dcte OPPONENT SII'€
universities. lf you prefer, mail the · Mw} _/·r` i`I SE I   I   n I- . I
coupon be|ow_   F) · lFl· lCI     -····............ . .........,,, , Qxing Or]
/ I _ W ;  II Sept 27 Mississippi Lexington
  `), " ·,,¤2E' . ........».».................
{/_,,,y¢~~~.--,_me eg   I , ‘i``   r  Oct. 4 Auburn ...................................... Auburn
4 igggrwci , I  A I . . .
    `- Oct. I l Virginia Tech ...................... Blacksburg
I-T-_—___——____ _—__"— Tl .. , 2
I nrrrerne more 28 I Oct. l8 Louisiana State ...................... Lexington §
I ”*¤*n¤" M iw  ’—‘=-36**2 I Oer. 25 Georgia ...................................... Athens  
I NOM I Nov. l West Virginia ........................ Lexington
I  P"' l Nov. 8 Vanderbilt .............................. Nashville
I College L4. Class ol I? ,_ I I I I
Nov. I5 Florida .................................. Gainesville .
I Andrew I  
I I Nov. 22 Tennessee .............................. Lexington  
I CiV`r’__ _SlaIc Zip l ”
i. ~#_.~.. - ......__L_ .1  

 Kentucky’s athletic program, a well—balanced development of one of the nation’s top athletic
and ambitious activity featuring inter—collegiate programs is Bernie A. Shively, a former lllinois
competition in ten different sports, is organized grid A||—American and a veteran of over 25 years
under the Department of Athletics and a cor- in the post of Director of Athletics.
l poration known as the University of Kentucky The Association’s Board of Directors is com-
Athletics Association. posed of the following:
  The program is conducted without overempha-
l sis or sacrifice of educational objectives and in Dr. John W. Oswald, Chairman
strict compliance with the rules of the University, Robert Johnson, Vice Chairman
the Southeastern Conference and the National Dr. W. L. Matthews, Jr., Secretary
Collegiate Athletic Association. Dr. Ralph Angelucci
A board of directors, headed by University Prof. David Blythe
President John W. Oswald in the capacity of Dr. Aubrey Brown
chairman, maintains overall policy supervision Dr. Loren Carlson
of the athletic program. E><—officio members, in Dr. Thomas Clark
addition to the president, include Vice Presidents Dr. Glen Creech
Robert Johnson and Glen Creech, Dr. W. L. Dr. John Douglas
Matthews in the capacity of secretary to the Dr. Lyman Ginger
board, and a student representative—al| ap- Dr. A. D. Kirwan
pointed by the president. Twelve other men, Carson Porter (Student)
drawn from the University faculty and the gen- Douglas Parrish
eral ublic also serve on the board as a ointees James l·l. Pence
p I
of the president. Dr. Douglas Schwartz
Supervising the steady growth and balanced Floyd Wright
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