xt7wm32n722h https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7wm32n722h/data/mets.xml University of Kentucky Fayette County, Kentucky The Kentucky Kernel 1949-07-15  newspapers sn89058402 English  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel The Kentucky Kernel, July 15, 1949 text The Kentucky Kernel, July 15, 1949 1949 1949-07-15 2013 true xt7wm32n722h section xt7wm32n722h ucoi uupy

Family Institute
Begins Tuesday











Music Faculty Gets
Three Mem bers
Begin Work
In Autumn

Oberlin Conservatory.
Prof. Patch, formerly from New
York State, holds two music degrees
from the Eastman School of Music, and also the second artist's diploma In piano ever conferred by
that insitution. He was formerly
on the music faculty of Peabody
College, Nashville, and has appeared
as soloist with the Rochester Philharmonic, and the Nashville Symphony orchestras.
Dr. Wright, violinist and composer, will teach strings, theory,
and composition. A graduate of
Hastings College, Nebraska, and the
Eastman School of Music, he was
formerly a member of the Kansas
City Philharmonic, the Rochester
6ymphony, and the New Orleans
Symphony Orchestras. Dr. Wright,
formerly a teacher at Arizona State
College, will come here from Mississippi State College for Women
where he has acted as head of the
music department for the past five

Profs Receive
Army Orders
Major Donald W. Glenn and Major Joseph P. Parker, both assistant
professors in the University department of military science, have received orders transferring them to
United States occupation forces, it
has been announced by Col. G. T.
Mackenzie, head of the department.
Major Glenn will be stationed in
Bramerhaven, Germany.
Major Parker has gone to the
west coast where he will sail for
Yokohamma, Japan.
Replacing Majors Glenn and Parker on the U.K. military department staff will be Capt. Frederick
D. Standish and First Lieut. John C.
Boleyn. The two new offiiers recently have completed advanced
courses at the Fort Benning, Ga,
Infantry School, Col. Mackenzie

Wilke To Give
Second Talk
Ulfert Wilke, visiting artist from
the Allen R. Hite Art Institute, will
deliver the second in a series of lectures in room 217 of the Funkhous-e- r

Biological Sciences Building at
3 pjn. today.
In the lecture, entitled "A Gallery
Talk." Mr. Wilke will explain his
different works, which contain surrealistic elements.
Mr. Wilke originally painted as a
realist, but in recent years he has
changed his art into the direction
of imaginative and abstract forms.
He deliberately avoids being obvious,
and when he explains his pictures
many of them are found to be whimsical and amusing.
His exhibit, now on display in the
Art Gallery, will continue for the
next three weeks.

Mosely Says
Pact Lifts

War Threat
The Atlantic Pact will effectively
remove any temptation on the part
of Soviet leaders to launch a sudden
surprise attack in Western Europe
Dr. Philip E. Mosely, of the Columbia University's Russian Institute,
stated in a lecture at Memorial Hall
last week.
Speaking before the UK Foreign
Relations Institute, Dr. Mosely said
he disagreed with critics of the Pact
who contend that its signing "will
provoke Soviet resentment and
counter action."
"On the contrary," he said, "the
concern of the United States with
the defense of Western Europe already has resulted in Russia's softening her manner of dealing with
us. Soviet leaders pride themselves
on' an unemotional calculation of
forces and chances, so the 'real
danger lies in their miscalculating.

With the VS. taking a clear rotation
in defense of Western Europe
that danger, and with it the danger
of war, is going to be lessened," he
Ne Russian Attack
Dr. Mosely said that there are
(ew signs of a large scale preparations for a Russian attack on the
West, but reminded that the extreme weakness of Italy and France,
plus the presence of only token
units of American and British forces
in Europe were a constant temptation to Soviet leaders.
r The Columbia professor said further that he believes that time is on
the Allied 6ide, not on the side of
the Soviets. "We must strengthen
our team," he said, "by settling our
(Continued on Page Four;

Broadcasters To Visit

WBKY Radio Studios

A group of German and Austrian
radio broadcasters will visit the
WBKY radio studios for two days
during the week of July 25.
The foreign group, touring this
country for two months, is sponsored by the American Military Government and the VS. Office of Education.
The tour conducted by the Bureau of Applied Social Research at
Columbia University, is designed to
furnish the broadcasters a view of
the social, economical and cultural
framework of various communities
in the United States.

Local Pastor To Talk

To Baptist Students





Dr. Phillip E. Mosely, professor of international relations at Columbia
University, spoke last Thursday afternoon in Memorial Hall. He was the
third speaker in the Foreign Relations Institute's summer series. Dr.
Mosely spoke on the Russian problem.

Bugles Blew, Sirens Wailed;
Present Bells Not Bewailed
By Joe Lee

like to be
How would you
nap by
aroused from a
a bugle call or worse, how would
any of you like to be jarred out of
your seats by a blatant siren - - -The system for beginning and ending classes by the University synchronized clockwork hasn't always
or soothing.
been so simple
Students Were Buglers
When the State University was
first established, classes were summoned and adjourned by bugle calls.
necessarily had to be musically inclined, rotated as buglers. (Members
of the bugle corps would have been
nice boys to know in case you needed five minutes extra in class on
quiz days.)
The name of the bugle can used
is not known, but according to reliable sources, the strains sounded
pretty much like reveille.
Siren Replace Bugle
In 1911 the bugle system was replaced by a hoarse siren, a monstrous affair which was operated by
students at Mechanical Hall, now
Anderson Hall. When operated full
blast, it was stated that the sirens
could be "easily heard all over the
The truth of the matter is the
thing could be heard all over Lexington. Every hour on the hour
babies were awakened, hound dogs
were disturbed, and snoozing students were blasted out of their
For the sake of higher education,
the local citizenry tolerated the
siren for 11 years.
In 1918 the Lexington Leader proclaimed the passing of the siren
with this jubilant headline "Thank
Goodness, President McVey to Relegate Siren to Innocus Desuetude."
Even if you don't know what this
means you should gather that the
people were happy about the matter.
With the passing of the siren, the
present day system was installed,
exactly 20 years ago. We now have
pleasant, jingling bells to announce
the beginning and ending of perimelodiously
ods, and a
ex-G- I's





Trip Cancelled
To Zoo Opera

The student trip to Cincinnati to
attend the opera, "The Masked
The Rev. Herbert Zackary. assis- Ball," originally planned for July
tant pastor of Calvary Baptist 26 has been cancelled, Margaret
Church, will speak at the King s Bruce Cruise, University social diHour program at the Baptist Stud- rector, announced this week.
ent Center at 7:30 p.m. today.
The cancellation was made necesThe subject of the Rev. Mr. Zack-ar- y sary because of the discontinuance
s talk will be "Prayer and the of the opera session, Miss Cruise
The Cincinnati Summer Opera
Association which has presented
grand Opera for the past 28 years
in the outdoor theatre at the Zoo
in Cincinnati stated that it would
First day for veterans to report close its current season on Saturday
3 pjn.
Operetta: "Song of Nor- for payment of graduation fees.
night, July 16, having completed
the third week of its regular
8 pjn.
Family Life Institute beseason. The Opera has been
3 p.m.
Lecture: "A Gallery gins: "New Horizons for Family Liv- "a victim of the heat wave, patronTalk."
age having been under that necesProf. Ulfert Wilke; room 200,
Dr. Gladys Hoagland Groves; Me- sary to maintain performances.
Funkhouser Building.
morial Hall.
Losses for the first weeks exceeded
$30,000," the statement said.
7:30 pjn. Lecture: "Prayer and
the Christian."
8 pjn.
Family Life Institute;
University Receives
The Rev. Herbert Zachary;

chiming clock on Memorial Hall to
proclaim the progress of the day.
Since the installation of the bell
system, there haven't been too
many complaints. Hells bells, nor
should there be I

Hamilton To Exhibit
Blue Grass Subjects
Photographs of Blue Grass subjects by W. Brooks Hamilton will
be exhibited in the Art Gallery of
the Funkhouser Biological Sciences
Building July 24, Dr. Edward W.
Rannells, head of the art department, has stated.
The" collection, requiring years for
Mr. Hamilton to secure the data,
is one of the best visual documentations of the Blue Grass area that
has been aggregated, Dr. Rannells


Kentucky River, at Boonesboro
Beach Tuesday.
With Brachear was Martha Lee
Pennebaker, also a UK student, who
heard Brachear call for help while
he was swimming across the river.
After Miss Pennebaker dragged
the student to a rock which jutted
out of the water near the shoreline,
two unidentified boys in a speedboat
took Brachear to the beach.
In an attempt to revive him, Winchester firemen administered artificial respiration for more than two
hours. He was pronounced dead of a
heart attack by two physicians.
Brachear, an army veteran from
Williamsville. 111., was a member of
Beta Sigma Rho social fraternity.
Before transferring to UK he attended Lincoln College.
With Miss Pennebaker and Brachear were Ingeborg Dederlng of
Berlin, Germany, and Yuchen Ting
of China, also students at UK.

Number 32

Family Life Institute
Begins Next Tuesday
Prominent Directors To Lead
Marching, Concert Band Clinic

The music department will spon- sor a concert and marching band
clinic for Kentucky high school
students and band directors from
Included in the clinic faculty will
be Bernard Fitzgerald, concert band
director of the University of Texas,
and Hal Bergan, marching band
specialist from Lansing, Michigan.
The clinic is designed to provide
band instrumentalists in Kentucky
high schools and opportunity to learn
some of the fine points of marching
and concert band techniques.
The clinic band will rehearse under
Mr. Fitzgerald two hours each morning and will have one hour of sectionals in the afternoons. Mr. Bergan will drill the band in successful
marching band techniques for one
Today Is Deadline To Make hour each day.
Application For Degrees
Dormitory space will be provided
free of charge in the University
Today is the last day for senmen's and women's dormitories for
iors and graduate students expecting to complete their requirements the students attending the clinic.
for graduation in August to make
application for degrees. No student will be considered for graduation who has not filed an application.
Applications should be made
to room 16 of the Admlnstration
Thirty Iowa State College agriBuilding by all students who have
culture students were here Monday
NOT filed one previously.
Candidates for the bachelor's for the purpose of studying tobacco
and livestock production, according
degree will be charged a gradof $9, which will cover to Prof. Charles Barnhart of the
uation fee
the rental of cap and gown, diploma department of animal husbandry.
The students inspected experifee, the Kentuckian, and other
mental plots and beef cattle, sheep,
necessary expenses.
Candidates for advanced de- and hog production units on the
Experiment Station Farm.
grees, other than the doctorate,
The tour was supervised by Prof.
will be charged a fee of $17, which
V.H. Kerchberger. of the Iowa State
will cover the above with the exception of the Kentuckian and College animal husbandry staff.
Work Stock Coarse
in addition, the cost of the hood
Prof. Byron H. Good, visiting proto be presented the candidate.
The fee for candidates for the fessor in animal husbandry from
Michigan State College, is teaching
doctorate is $25.
Graduation fees are payable a short course in Work Stock Pronot later than Monday, August 8. duction, scheduled from July 11 to
27 in the College of Agriculture.
25-2- 9.




At UK This Week...

six-we- ek

Emergency Aid Grant


Approximately 20 Lexington bus
iness men have enrolled in a special
course in modern business letter
writing sponsored by the U.K. ex-

tension department.
The course is being taught by
William B. Toran, instructor in English.
Enrollees will study the basic
principles of business letter writing.
including good will, adjustment, collection, and sales letters.
A night class is scheduled to meet
at 7 p.m. in room 106 of Frazee Hall
on July 19. 21. and 26. according to
Gordon God hey of the evtension

Enrollment in the class can be

made by calling extension $9 or at
the first night meeting. The fee foi
the course is $3.

The K Book, freshman handbook
designed to orientate the new student to UK. will be ready for publi
cation within a few weeks. Earl
Conn, editor of the book, has stated.
Printer bids nave been received.
Conn said, and the handbook editors are expected to complete the
editing and printing decisions soon.
The book, an annual publication
sponsored by the Student Government Association, will include sr list
of campus organizations and activ
ities as well as serve as a guide for
Some of the handbook features
are a map and history of the Uni- Council,
versitv. the Fanhellenic
University awards, the dormotories,
UK sports, the grade system, and
pictures of the campus.
Working with Conn on the book
are Kenneth Wood, business manager, and Ann Macklin and Stanley
Portmann, assistant editors.
Mr. R. W. Henderson of the personnel department is the faculty

Members of the music department, under the direction of Dr.
Edwin E. Stein, will present a champ.m. July 25
ber music recital at
in Memorial Halt
In addition to the faculty members, Phillip Homer Barnes, local
pianist, will participate in the pro-

Agreed: Occupation Needed

He said further that democracy
is a
In Japan because of the peoples' belief in a
stratified society, ground into their
minds from birth. Communism faces
the same barrier, however, he added.
Dr. Vandenbosch Is Moderator
Dr. Logan, of the Eastminster
Presbyterian Church, Lexington;
Dr. George Brady, professor of English at the University, and Dr. Ellis
Hartford, chairman of the UK Division of Foundations of Education,
were the participants in the panel
discussion. Dr. Amry Vandenbosch,
head of UK department of Political
Science, acted as moderator.
BSU. Home Economics Building.
Complete agreement was reached
around the table that we must not
Deadline for application for dewithdraw our occupation forces from
The University has been granted Japan for several years. To do so
Last session of Family
$50,000 from Governor Earl Clem- would be equivalent to inviting the
4 p.m.
Lecture: "The Wilson Life Institute; Football Room, SUB. ent's emergency fund to be used in Russians in, the members said.
Collection of Kentucky History."
agricultural extension work, accordJapanese Needs Support
Dr. Jacqueline
(Tour of Bluegrass farms post- ing to an announcement from
Bull; Browsing
"Our continued occupation means
Room, Library.
poned until Thursday, July 28.)
Frankfort this week.
a billion dollars a year

Business Men Join
Letter Writing Class

Recital Set
For July 25


By J. T. Vaughn


Iowans Tour K Book Ready
Farming Units In Few Weeks

Prof. Harold Vinacke. Dr. Edwin Marx. Dr. Mary Sweeney, and Dr.
Amry Vandenbosch participated in the first roundt able discussion of the Foreign Relations Institute last
Friday in the Guignol theater. The subject of the dis cussion-wa"American Policy With Respect to China."
Prof. Vinarke is professor of Far Eastern Politics at the University of Cincinnati Dr. Marx, of Transylvania
University, served as an educator in China for 30 years. Dr. Sweeny has recently returned from an extended
visit to China. Dr. Vandenbosch is head of the Foreign Relations Institute and the Political Science department.

Japan would be our ally in a war
with Russia, 'fighting with her
whole heart and soul," Dr. Charles
A. Logan, veteran of 40 years' missionary experience in Japan stated
in a round table discussion of
American policy with respect to
Japan, in Guignol Theatre Tuesday

Scattered Showers

15, 1949

Gaylord C. Brachear, 23, an Arts
and Sciences sophomore, died of a
heart attack while swimming in the

Three new members have been end of the current semester, who
wish to have the Veterans Adappointed to the music department ministration billed for their gradfaculty. Dr. Edwin E. Stein, head of uation fees, may report to the
the department, announced recently. Veterans' Personnel Office, room
The new members, who will begin 204 of the Administration Build18 and August 10
ing, between
their duties in September, are Arto file application for payment
nold Blackburn, assistant professor
of fees.
of organ; Nathaniel Patch, associate
Graduation fees will be paid by
Dr. Kenprofessor of piano, and
neth Wright, associate professor of the veterans Administration only
for those veterans who report beviolin.
tween these dates.
Prof. Blackburn, a native of Oklahoma, is a graduate of the Oberlin
Conservatory of Music and the University of Michigan. A former student of Arthur Poister and the late
Palmer Christian, he has taught at
the University of Michigan, Southwestern College, Kansas, and the



Student Dies
After Suffering
Heart Attack

Vets To Report For Feea
All veterans graduating at the


arm to their economy; the Japanese can't live without it and they
fully realize it," Dr. Hartford opin'
"With (nly 40 percent of their
industry restored, with iron ore
very difficult to obtain, and almost
no outlet for manufactured goods,
the Japanese face a very bleak future, in any event, and an impossible one without our aid," he continued.
Dr Brady stated that "we cannot
hold Japan in a war with Russia,
we can only fight a delaying action."
He added that we are building
tremendous airstrips n the islands
indicating the existence of a contrary belief elsewhere. Since we
do not permit the Japanese to have
an airforce, or other armaments,
they could be of little assistance in
a war, he said.
MacArthur Is Popular
The question arose as to what we
would do if Japan asked that we
take over permanently. Dr. Logan
said that Americans are not colonists, do not like to stay in foreign
lends for long periods, and that it
is against our principles to rule a
He said that General MacArthur
is doing a wonderful job as occupation chief.
"He is very popular with the Jap

anese and has shown great wisdom
in keeping the emperor as a figure
head. In no other way would the
enemy troops have laid down their
arms so quickly," he added.
Because the emperor asked the
people to cooperate, it is now pos
sible for as few as 24 Americans to
control a Japanese state with a
population of 1,000,000, Dr. Logan
Democracy May Be Established
The belief that there is a chance.
although a long one, for the establishment of democracy in Japan
within the next 15 or 20 years, "if
there is no outside disturbance.'
was expressed by Dr. Hartford. He
stated that great progress is being
made in representative government
and in the school system, a system
which had raised the literacy rate
to 97 percent before the war.
"You cannot ram democracy down
any people's throat," said Dr. Brady.
"A society must have a middle class
to have democracy, and Japan does
not have one."
As the discussion closed. Dr. Logan said that the spread of Christianity in Japan offered the best
chance for her peaceful future and


Feature number of the concert,
will be Schubert's "Trout Quintet," to be played by Edward Horn-owsviolist; Kenneth Wright, violinist; Frank Prindl, string bass;
Gordon Kinney, cellist, and Mr.
Lighter numbers on the program
will include trios for flute, cello, and
piano, played by Mr. Kinney, Dr.
Stein, flutist, and Jean Marie
The program will be in honor of
students and directors attending the
band clinic, sponsored by the departments, and will be the opening
major activity of the clinic.

'New Horizons' Is
Conference Theme
"New Horizons for Family Living-wi- ll
be the theme of the third annual Family Life Institute held on
the campus from Tuesday to Thursday. Miss Chine Gilford, executive
secretary of the conference steering
committee, has announced.
Dr. Gladys Hoagland Groves, director of the Groves Conference on
Conservation of Marriage and the
Family at the University of North
wiQ be the principal
speaker for the conference. She will
open the three-da- y
meeting at Me
morial Hall at p.m. Tuesday with
a lecture on "Dynamic Marriage
and Family Living."
Program Divided Into Five Parts
The program for the conference,
which is divided into five sections,
will close at a luncheon meeting in
the Football Room of the SUB
Thursday. Miss Mildred Stoves, director of Public Assistance. Department of Public Welfare of Tennessee, will speak.
The five topics and divisions of
the section groups, which will be
held in the Home Economics Building, are as follows:
Section A. room L Aspects of
Courtship. Divisions: Religious. Economic, Dr. Robert E. Bills, chairman; Psychological. Sociological.
Dean Sarah B. Holmes, chairman.
Section B. room 303, Stages in the
Child's Development. Divisions: A3
Affected by Illness, Miss Leora
Bentley, chairman; As Affected by
Mary Mumford, chairman; As Affected by Parent Attitudes, Miss
Florence Imlay. chairman; and A3
Affected by Family Crises, Miss
Margaret Devine, chairman.
Section C. room 304. Parenthood
with Youth. Divisions: Identifying
the Problems of Parents and Youth,
Miss Margaret Shipman. chairman;
The Emotional Problems That May
Arise Between Parents and Youth,
Lyman V. Ginger, chairman; Social,
Religious, and Recreational Prob- fias oi rarenis ana loum. me ev.
Harry Alexander, chairman.
Section D-nam 23. The Early
Years ef Marriage. Divisions: The
Husband - Wife Relationship, Dr.
James Gladden; A Physician Looks
At Marriage, John H. Oiven, chairman; The Lawyer Helps A Family
Plan, and Making Marriage Work,
Dr. Emily Warfield, chairman.
room 105, Marriage
Section 0-Horizons. Divisions: Interests and
Activities for Grown Children. Dewey Steele, chairman; The Health of
Husbands and Wives in Middle Ages.
Harold Weteel, chairman; The Lawyer Helps the FamHy Plan, Dr. Elvis J. Stahr. chairman; and the
Three Generation Home, no chairman listed.
In addition to Miss Gifford, the
conference steering committee includes Dr. Howard Vf. Been and Dr.
Statie Erickson,
Maurice S. Culp. Dean Sarah B.
Holmes. Dr. Earl Kauffman, Dr.
Frank A. Pattie. Dr. Ethel Parker.
Dr. Irwin T. Sanders, and Prof.
Harold E. WetzeL


KPA Office Moved
To Guignol Building
The office of the Kentucky Pres3,
monthly publication of the Kentucky Press Association, have been
moved to the Guignol Building, Prof.
Victor Portmann of the journalism
department has stated.
The office was moved with the department of Journalism from McVey
Hall in order to provide room for
the expansion of the Kernel printing plant now under construction.

Counseling Course Will Begin
As Education Workshop Ends

Dr. Gertrude Whipple, head hu- pervisor of the language and educa- - :counsfiors wno plan to work and whe
tion department of Detroit public j
working wjth the department
scnoois. ana ur. raui t. oiacuwooa, o( Economic Security.
specialist in elementary science, u.s.
Mr. Nichols is supervisor of emOffice of Education, are the last two ployment
and counseling for the
V1 TaTA nf M
Ann..l,nnf (n.
01 Kentucky.
workshop now in j
ucation elementary
The workshop which opened June
20 and will close Saturday, has been
supervised by Dr. Charles R. Spain,
director and chairman of the Bureau of School Service in Kentucky.
The second of two groups of 50
Dr. Whipple and Dr. Blackwood engineering
students will begin a
are serving as special consultants
course in surveying at
on leadership for improvement of six weeks
Camp Robinson under Prof. R. E.
elementary education.
Shaver August I.
Two Week Course Planned
The first group of students will
Homer W. Nichols of the Bureau
of Employment Security will conduct complete the six weeks course offerThe roundtable was sponsored by a course in "Counseling in Action,' ed hp the Department of Civil Engineering and return to the Uni- the University of Kentucky Foreign for two weeks beginning Monday.
The course Is designed to help I versity by July 30.
Relations Institute.

well-bein- g.


Engineering Students
Enter Survey Course

� vpy rvvanauic



The Kentucky Kernel







Alt tiijnnt article mnd columnt are to be
coitxifiwd the opinwm of the writer Kentucky Intercollef iate Press Association
thrmirtiw, and do not ncruanly reflect
Lexington Board of Commerce
the vptmtnm f The Kernel.
Kentucky Presa Association
National Editorial Association
nTa wmm mtwwol asw.tism






fmUitktn ktrmtmlHf

Iiiiii im ihaii




M. T.


prr irmrstrr

and Dudley
Ben Reeves
Editor Kent
Saunders Associate Sports Editors
Managing Editor
Reporters: Ruth Adams, Joe Lee,
Nell Blair
News Editor
Hardingly Lowry, James L. BarSports Editor
Earl Conn
low, Porter P. Brumagen, Charles
Dorroh, Mat Downer, Win. J.
Joan Cook
Business Manager
Fluty, Rodney R. Ford, Ralph
Advertising Manager
Bob Clark
Graves, Harvey V. Johnston, LawBetty Mastin
Proofreader rence May, Ramon Morgan, Boyce
Asst. News Editor
Otis Perkins
C. Napier, Wilbur Simon, John
Bob Cox. Earl Conn
E. Thompson, James T. Vaughn,
Associate Managing Editors
Kenneth L. Wood.








don't give this little old suggestion
the old cold shoulder.

,i Y


Your pal,
Editor, The Kernel:
We all know that the University
has hundreds of traditions. (Do we- Ed.) A fond remembrance of the
"Blue and White" has been taken
into all parts of the United States,
and has even spread to a great part
of this hemisphere, by departing
alumni. The spirit of UK Is indomitable.
But there is one aspect of the
University of Kentucky which cannot be passed over too lightly. It
just doesn't look like a college.
There is no architectural kinship
between any of the buildings. There
are as many types of architecture
represented on campus as there are
buildings, and most of those are




(Continued on page four)


Soldier Clark Describes
'Leisurely9 Monmouth Life

Browsing Room Lectures


it is more of a pastime than a

KILL- TIME, pre- -

In other words, thev are

The lectures which the Margaret I. King Library has been
sKinsoring in the Browsing Room this summer have proved highly
s.itisfactorv. Calling attention to phases of Library activity other
in.iii mj nun. Housing n somt r
illinium uiiiinuiiii ximiiuis,
the lectures thus far have been well attended and unusually rewarding.

cious hours and days that will re- turn no more- Their devotion to recreational act- jvjtjes sucn as swimming, parties.
staying up late In the dorm rooms
and annoying others, is an adequate
indiratinn of the trend of their ftt- I)r. Thomas D. Clark's lecture on research in Kentucky history titudes.
and Dr. Lawrence Thompson's on certain industrial uses of hu- - And I say it is shameful. Perhaps
l m acting the "old fogey" but some
man skin have lieen worthwhile events.
of us are here for a serious purpose.
Two additional lectures are scheduled in the Browsing Room. and can only be annoyed and dis- Dr. Jacqueline Bull is scheduled to speak on the Library's Wilson tracted by such a collective out- -



collection of Kentuckiana on Monday and Dr. Thomas Stroup
is to lecture on renaissance and restoration humor on August 1.
These last two lectures should prove as stimulating as the others
in the series.
The Library is to be congratulated for ts sponsorship of
these events.





if if

The proposed new amendment to the state constitution is in
itself oor enough. It, too, fixes salary limitations, alleit at a
figure leasonably higher than the present $.r)(M)0 mark. It is the
jHHirest sort of arrangement for any constitution to concern itself
with mailers which are the projier province of the legislative IxkIv.
The fixing of salaries is clearly a prerogative of the General Assembly, and ought not properly to be tolerated in the constitution
at all. But unfortunately, we must take this projjosed new amendment or nothing. Perhaps some way can be found to butter it
up enough to allow us to swallow it.
At any rate, the amendment should be adopted when the
voters of the commonwealth go to the jxJls this November.
All-Americ- an

The University of Kentucky, which has been previously men-tioncd in the nation's press a time or two for the quality of its
basketball and football teams, may now be pardoned for its pride
in Dominic Fucci, who was this week named to the American
Association of Baseball Qjaches' All America baseball team.

Dear Sir:
After enduring considerable stress
D till ctrajn fnr ahrail fniii nwnVe n nip
durlnB which time I have refrained
any comment on the present
situation, I feel that the time has
come when I can restrain myself

no longer.
My comment, if I can keep my
blood pressure at the level at which
it will be only a comment, has to
do with summer school at the Uni
versity of Kentucky.
I feel qualified to speak, not only
because I am an elder to most of
you students and an observer dirEditor, The Kernel:
ectly on the scene, but also because
The premature folding of the Cin- I am aparticipant in this summer
cinnati opera prompts me to write session.
you concerning the possibility of a
My comment has not to
University-sponsore- d
appearance of the session proper, which do with
I feel is
company in
the Metropolitan Opera
Lexington during its annual tour but
with the attitude which ap
late next spring.
parently prevails among practically
The cost is the only logical argu- all of the young students with whom
ment which could be set forth I have had any contact.
against such a plan, but I feel sure
This attitude, as prominently and
that even that would prove no instumbling
block. flagrantly displayed, is one of obvious
Other universities in this general frivolity and lack of serious purarea, such as Purdue, have sponsor- pose. In a word, these young pered an appearance by the Met com- sons are enrolled in the University,
pany, and have shown no indica- when they could be at their homes
working; they are enrolled with the
tion of bankruptcy yet.
With so little good music in the money of their perhaps
parents, and to what purpose?
vicinity, I feel that the students
Not a serious one, assuredly. To
would respond in sufficient numbers
to justify the effort of bringing the spend a summer taking three or
our courses six days a week is hard
company here.
ly an activity which serves to
rich these valuable summer months.


As a student and a
Dear Editor,
reader of the campus newspaper,
may I make a small suggestion?
The Kernel comes out too seldom.
Other schools no larger than the
University of Kentucky
papers every day. Indeed some
schools a great deal smaller than
UK have daily papers.
The very least that could be done
is to publish twice a week.
Perhaps it would be a bit stiff
to leap into this measure with the
large fall issues. So my suggestion is
to experiment with a
Kernel during the summer months
when you have only a small paper.
Start this summer without delay,
and I think you'll find that it will
not be so difficult. There is a plethora of news on campus in the summertime, so much so that your
four-paKernel can
scarcely take care of it all.
To give the campus adequate news
coverage, let's have a
Kernel, beginning next week.
How's about it, huh? Give the
students a break.
It was done before the war, so

By Thomas J. Clark
N. J. (Special)
Things have been rotating at high
velocity for the pa