xt7wm32n6w50 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7wm32n6w50/data/mets.xml Historical Records Survey (Ky.) United States. Work Projects Administration. Kentucky 1942 "There are 120 counties in Kentucky and it is expected that a guide will be issued for each county."--Letter from Work projects administration of Kentucky dated Sept. 8, 1942. books This digital resource may be freely searched and displayed in accordance with U. S. copyright laws. Kentucky Works Progress Administration Publications Associations, institutions, etc.--Kentucky--Pike County--Directories Kentucky--Pike County--Civil defense Guide to civilian organizations. Pike County, Kentucky text Guide to civilian organizations. Pike County, Kentucky 1942 1942 2012 true xt7wm32n6w50 section xt7wm32n6w50 I   GUIDE TO   ~
. I I Compiled for
_Q BY mz

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V _Q[I_lDE TO  
PIKE coumrzr v
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LJMSVERSQETY of KF{\,*T!•Q;;;_·\ i
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War Scrvicos Scction
  Work Projects Administration, mt, _
_ Louisville, Kontucky Z
August 1942 ·

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’» The Pike County Defense Council is affiliated
with the Kentucky Defense Council I
_ Frankfort, Kentucky ’
i Honorable Keen Johnson, Governor of Kentucky
{ Chairman
5 John J. Greenleaf, State Director of
Q Civilian Defense ‘
Q A. D. Sisk, Chairman
g Dr. H. D. Flanery, Ce—erdinator {
F Robert Johnson, Secretary 4
i Ray Keesee Joe Justice E. C. Lewis
[ F. L. Leng Dreway Blankenship L. R. Hayes I
. IL E. Wheeler Rastie Runyon I. C. Justice 3
 ·‘_ Harold Fife C. E. Johnson Otto Sykes
F Clarence Dogar YL IL Lhynard Alvin Francisco
{ Tony Macchiaverna Paul Levis E. S. Hamilton
ji Dr. H. K. Bailey Tom Holland R. E. Doyle
Li Tom.Haney ` Rev. Everett Brown C. H. Farley
fj H. C. larrs Hrs. Katherine Langley Las. Thos. B. Ashley
QL Boyd Wheeler Sgt. Felt Russell N. A. Chrisman
pv LHS. W. J. Smith Hi Pauley FHS. E. S. Shurtleff
§‘ Peyton Hobson Robert Doak
l This guide is prepared for the official use of f
I the Defense Council of Pike County and other
_ agencies engaged in defense work. It should not
I be made available for commercial use. Additional
copies can be obtained only at the office of the I
I Pike County Defense Council.

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* AlERlCAN LBGION`AUXlLIARY, Pikeville Unit #85 {National American Legion
3 Auxiliary), c/b Presbyterian Church, Pikeville. Founded 1954, President,
3 lbs. J. P. Hobson, 152 Park Avenue, Pikeville. Telephone 556. Secretary, Mrs.
v Roy Shortridge, Julius Avenue, Pikeville. Telephone 547. Terms expire June,
, 1945.
C Membership: 25. Qualifications, mother, daughter, sister, wife or adopted
f ; daughter of member of the American Legion. A
` ’
i Committees; National Defense, Hrs. K, D, Flannery; Americanism, Mrs. A. D.
C Osborne; Child Welfare, Mrs. N. A. Chrisnan; Publicity, Hrs.Jesse Sanders;
T  ‘,, Legislation, Mrs. R. N. Shortridge; Rehabilitation, Mrs. J. P. Hobson, all
T _ of Pikeville,
T Purpose: Rehabilitation of disabled veterans, child welfare, and educational _
aid for children of veterans.
‘ Normal Civic Activities; Child welfare and aid to veterans. Cooperating V
with Bundles for America, Presenting copies of the New Testament to boys
entering the Service. _ ?
. ) J J
l Defense Activities: En used in Red Cross Assistance First Aid Child Care
, ,i___,_____......,..._....... .,..........e...... ..... ’ ’ ’
J Collecting Books, Discussion Leaders.
{ Local Publications; None, , {
Q AMERICAN LEGION, PTKEVILLE POST #85 (National American Legion), Pikeville.
y Founded 1919. Commander, J. P. Hobson,Jr.,_Pikeville, Telephone 55. ‘
A Ad`utant J. S. Killer Pikeville, Telenhone 265, Terms ex,ired Julr 1942.
 ` J a .v i ·•
T Iembership: 100. Qualifications, a vetcrcn ef World War 1, with an honorable
Q discharge.
3 Committees; Air Corps, Jean L, Auxicr; Army, R. D, Doak; Narine Corps, Lewis
at Francisco; Navy, E. S. Shurtleff; Civilian Morale, Clyde Sanders, all of
* Pikeville, _
E Purpose; Promoting morale of the U, S. Lrmed Forces by encouraging the send-
yi ing of letters and greeting cards by kinsnen end non-kinsmen, _
p Normal Civic Activities: Pre-war not reported. Co-Sponsor of patriotic
K demonstrations and has furnished numerous public speakers for such occasions. T
l Defense Activities; Engaged in Auxiliary Police, Pirct gid, Collection of
Scrap Metals and Other Metals, Public Speaking. Training for Air Raid
Worden Service, Auxiliary Fire Protection. Interested in Civilian Aircraft
J "Werning Service. e _
Q Local Publications; None. » . _

 ..2.i p
AMERICAN RED CROSS, PIKE COUNTY CHAPTE  (American National Red Cross), Main ‘ E
Street, Pikeville, Founded 1950. Chairman, T. G. Parker, 425 Second Street, g
Pikeville. Telephone 247, Secretary, Mrs. Charlie Gilley, Fourth Street, l
Pikeville, Telephone 489. Executive Secretary, Hrs. Mayme Amick, 4OQ Auxier {
Avenue, Pikeville. Terms indefinite. e it _ {
Membershio; 7 OOO. ualifieations annual contributors of one dollar or over. ?
1: .1 J · , »
Committees: Production, lks. A, H. Wellman; Disaster, R. G. Wells; First Aid, g
W. C. Cassell; Nutrition and Canteen, Miss Elizabeth Stark; Knitting, Hrs. A. {
T, Ratcliff; Surgical Dressings, Mrs. Jessie Doss Jenkins, all of Pikeville;. j
Purpose:. Relief in time of war and disaster, Welfare service to U. S. Armed P
Forces. A A U .· ~ f
Normal Civic Activities: Cooperates with every public organization within Q
the charter limits of Pikeville, g
Defense Activities: Engaged in Hospital and Clinical Assistance, Sewing and §
——·•·’*"""*'*"‘*"""**"'*'*""" "" ";' ` . . . LC
Preparation of Surgical Dressings, Bed Cross Assistance, First Aid. p
Local Publications; None, . _ ‘_ j p I c f
BETA SIGMA PNI,PI CHAPTER (International Organization of Beta Sigma Phi), j
c/o Miss Willa Mae Tells, Pikeville, Founded 1940, President, Willa Maepf g
Wells. Telephone l7. Secretary, Kargaret Anne Reynolds, Pikeville. Tele- ?
phone 295. Terms expire April, 1945. Executive Secretary, Mrs. Jack Hatcher, Q
Pikeville. Telephone 34l, Term indefinite. ‘ ‘ ·  »:i
Membership: ld. Qualifications, l8 years of age and employed, Q
. ‘ . -, ‘ ~ s · .> . ` · w ‘ S
.COmmlttOOS: Social, mrs. K. B. Johnsen;`hays and Means, Mrs._C._t. Dearth, y
both of Pikeville. ` g
Purpose: Social and cultural. U I c l E
pbrmal_Ctnyil£$jvdties; Cooperating with Red_Cross, Boy Scouts. Aiding, g
UI SI OO t  ,
Defense_A£tiyities; Engaged in Entertainment, Pecreation, Collecting Books, j
Typing and Other Clerical Assistance. _Training for Red Cross Assistrnce. ‘ f
lrterested in Hospital and Clinical Assistance, Teaching Literacy Classes f
for Aliens and Others, Interviewing, g
.Locel Publications; None, O V j e · · ·s · ’~~ · E
Scouts of America), 506 Pikeville National Bank Building, Pikeville,
. Founded lO5i. President, Harry"E. Greer, Hazard. Term expires December, f
l9&2. Scout Executive, Charles E, Hudson, Central Avenue, Pikeville. I
LZllOld Y`!}-OCLub1V’G’ ESJCllL   4.1*].1 Cl‘0`i;I`Qk,¤t, ].]..E‘-C·Jl].?1.l-1. SgQ]‘€'bgI']_QS’ L[]_SS·  ,
Gussie Fuller, 155 South College Street, Miss Allegra Neville, Fourth Street, Q
both of Pikeville. Terms indefinite. Y

   - ·—$·· I
  I I
E Boy Scouts of America, Lonesome Pine Council #205 (continued)
S Membership: Scouts (boys) 2,245, Scouters (men) 756, Qualifications,
Q a boy must be between the ages of l2 and 18, pass l2 requirements, take the
i` Scout Oath and Law. Cubs must be between 9 and l2 years of age and pass like
i requirements.
é Com ittoes: ’Financc,‘E.`R, Price, Wheelwright; Camping and Activities,
e' A. L. Holton, Stonega, Virginia; Health and Safety, C. L. Sine,Sr., Big
°Q Stone Gap, Virginia; Leadership Training, Dr. T. D. Vaughan, Jenkins; =
Q Advancement, J. Foley Snyder, Hazard; Organization and Extension, N. M.
{ `White, Prestenburg,
2 Purpese: Training the-youth in.&merican Citizenship, patriotism, building
S character, and physical fitness. To teach the boy to think for himself and
* to act wisely,
t Normal=Civic Activities; All types of community service, including civic
.Q clubs, churches, schools, special activities as Red Cross, U. S. O. Drives,ctc.
E _Defense Activities: _§ngaged in.Red Cross Assistance, Emergency Service
I Corps, Collection of Scrap Metals and Other Metals, Training for hir Raid
`_ "Warden Service, Hospital and Clinical Assistance. Interested in Ambulance
· eService, Sewing and Preparation of Surgical Dressings. Acting as Govern-
{ ment Dispatch Bearers for delivering government handbills to homes.
. _ . ·, - ' »
i Local Publications: None. Q
i BUNDLES FOR AMERICA (American Legion Auxiliary, Department of Kentucky),
1 c/e Presbyterian Church, Pikeville. Founded 1942. President, Mrs. J. P.
f- Hobsen,_Pikeville.· Telephone 56G.Q Secretary, Mrs. Roy N, Shortridge,
] Julius Lvenue, Pikeville. Telephone 547. Terms indefinite. *
it Membership: 25. Qualifications, an American or any one interested in the
Q defeat of the Axis. _ 4 ° -
as Committees; ‘Knitting, Mrs. H. E. Hamilton; Finance, lhs. Roy N. Shortridge,
y both of Pikeville. ` .· " ` ' ' ‘ . ‘. p
{ Etrposez Knitting or otherwise producing extra garments for the boys of
Q, the U. S. Armed Forces. i
, Normal Civic Lctivitigs: Furnished a recreation room at Camp Fort Knox.
Q Defense Activitiesi Engaged in First Aid.· ,
I Local Publications: None. ‘ C ~ · . ’ ‘ ` _ `

BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL wcMAw•s CLUB (State and National Business and Pro- `
fessional Women's Clubs), c/B Mrs. John`W. Langley, River Road, Pikeville, E
Founded_l952. President, Mrs. John U. Langley. Telephone_l46. Term , ’
expires June, 1943. Secretary, Mavis Ratliff, Pikeville. Term.expired June, g
Membership: SO. Qualifications, 75% of total membership required to he C J
actively engaged i¤ business OY Profgssioni, ‘ .. ~ ` · r- A
E2mmitteesi·’None reported. A W W H _ A ' A "
Purpose: To improve the status of women in the working world. ' ` t
Normal Civic Activities; Cooperatos with Red Cross, W. P. A., Pike County
Health Department and provides lunches at conferences of county midwives. ·;
Defense;Actiyities; Engaged in Red Cross Assistance. Interested in }
Hospital and Clinical Assistance, Typing and Other Clerical Assistance,. k
Consumer Protection Activities. 1 -, _ · ·· {
Local Publications: None, - A T
Praise. Founded 1958. President, W, T, Pelphrey, Box 140, Praise, Secretary, A
Miss Katherine Smith, Pikeville. Terms expire May, l945.
Mpmpgrship: IOO. Open to teachers and patrons of'school. ~ `· · I
Cogmgjjnyisz None reported. l ,4 V— _ S
Pprpose: .To encourage a sympathetic understanding péswesa parents andt
teachers and to help underprivileged children, p “4_ A
Normal Civic Agtivities; Aiding in providing free lunches for underprivileged l
school children. ; I `
Defcnso;AEtiyities;_ Engaged in Preparation and Serving of Food. Interested
in Sewing and Preparation of Surgical Dressings, Red Cross Assistance.·
Local Publisationsz None. _ - V· ,
Daughters of American Revolution; National Society Daughters of American ·
Revolution), c/e Mrs. E. S. Shurtleff, Central Avenue, Pikeville. Founded
1925. Regent, NES. E. S. Shurtleff, Telephone 426.4·Secretary, Marion- A
Ratliff, 205 College Street, Pikeville, Telephone 227, First Regent, _ _ _ ,
Sally Detsen, AIO Third Street, Pikeville, Telephone 88. Terms ¤xpirc’ ¥ i
May, 1944. V
Membership: 40. Qualifications, direct and legitimate descent from one T
serving in the Revolution.

 r -5-
5 Daughters of The American Revolution, Pikeville Chapter (continued) U
Q fhygnitteesz Program, Mrs. J,B. DuPuy; National Defense and Americanisn,l
. Mayo Davis; Historical Research and Publicity, Marion Ratliff; Correct use
A of Flag, Ruth Harman; Conservation, Mrs. Linton Trivette, all of Pikeville.
Q Eprposea To perpetuate the memory and spirit of men and women, who achieved
I American independence and to foster patriotic citizenship.
A Normal_Qivic.Activities; Preserving public and historical land marks and »
E _cooperating with all organizations for the betterment of Pikeville and
vicinity. A [ _ .
2 Defense;Aetivities: §Egaged in Red Cross Assistance, Child Care. Training
; for First Aid. —_*_-___
i ·L2eal_Publications: None. ' '
_ Kentucky, F. & A. M.), Masonic Hall, Pikeville. Founded 1860. Master, M_ ·
5 Robert Johnson, Park Street, Pikeville, Secretary, Dr. John Adkins, Main ·- '
Street, Pikeville. Telephone 509. Terms expire January, 1945, ' `
i Membershipi SOO. Qualifications, belief in God and be a good moral eitizene
e of legal age. ` " `
P Committges:-Notstanding committees. Appointed-as needed. · `
tj Purpospz Fraternal and charitable, A · - - '
I Normal Civic Activities: Supporting Masonic Widows and Orphans Homo. S
l Defense Activities; Alnterested in Hospital and Clinical Assistance,, ,
_ Collection of Scrap Metals and Other Metals, A _
A Local Publications; None, ` ` ` ° J
Si FUTURE FARNERS OF AMERICA (State and National F. F. of A.), c/B W} W, ·
_ .Friend, Mossy Bottom. Founded 1941, President, Claude Isaac,Jr., Wales.
, Secretary, Johnny Brown, Yeager, Terms eipire September, 1942. Advisor,
_ W. W. Friend, Mossy Bottom. Term indefinite. _ T, _
1 Membership: Gl. Qualifications, must take vocational agriculture and have
average of "C" in high school. 4
A Committees:‘ Membership, Jack Brummctt; Conduct·of Ieetings, Larden Tackett;
j Cooperation, Brant Mullins; Scholarship, Raymond Little, all of Virgie;
r Leadership, Dewey Keathley, Yeagor,‘ ' V
A Purpose: To give young men training in agricultural pursuits.

Future Farmers of America (continued) 4 p p . p ;
Normal Civic Activities: Cooperating with community fairs in cattle exhibits, 3
Defense Activities; Engaged_in Collecting of Scrap Metals and_Other Metals, Q
InterviewingT**TrainiEg'for Entertainment,'Recreation, Public Speaking. Q
Interested in Salvage Demolition Service. A V _ _ —
.&2<22.1-.PLl.”¤}i2al¤.i?z@es=‘ Nm- T (   ’ T  T
GIRL SCOUTS OF flERICA,PIKEVILLE TROOP (National Girl Scouts of America, Inc.), S
Public School Building, Pikeville. Founded l958. Leader, Mrs. C. EL Grote, Q
Pikeville. Telephone 194. Sub-Leaders, Mrs. Lee Carr, Mrs. Charles Epperson, (
Pikeville. Terms indefinite. —»--·¢ · ‘:~ ~`._ — ’
Membership: SO. Qualifications, not less than lO years of age and able to pass {
tenderfoot test. ' ` 4- I·l ;
Committees: Council Women, Mrs. T. B. Ashley, Pikeville. (
Eyrpesez To train girls to b¤‘tettoi citizens and to_help the welfare of
the community. - ` “ ` , ` _ I
NormalgCivic Actiyities; Cooperating with Red Cross, Pikeville Hospital and V
P. T. A. ’ ' ·4 ;
Defense ngtivities; Engaged in,Red Cross Assistance,_First Aid, Recreation, y
Library Service, Collecting Books, Discussion Leaders. Training for Child » g
Care. Iptepestod_in Sewing and Preparation of Surgical Dressings. j
Ipcal Publications; None. S _ _ I i
Lodge; Grand Lodge of Kentucky, I} O. O. F.), I. O. O. F. Building, Pikeville. .
Founded lS90. Noble Grand, E. A. Bird, Pikeville. Telephone 586. Secretary,
W, B. Stumbe, Pikeville. Telephone 75. Terms expire December, l942.
Membership: 48. Open to white male adults of good moral character. (
CGmhi§Q;Lj§gjgm£n: B. E. Moore, E. A, Bird and W. B. Stumbo, all of Pikeville, T
i Purpose: Fraternal and charitable. U ‘ ' ‘ ` ` ~
Normal_._Civic Ae_Eiy,iEies: None. T ‘ 4 ‘ ‘ _ ‘ `
Defense Activities; Engaged in Hospital and Clinical Assistance. Interested E
in First Aid, Collection of Scrap Metals and Other Metals. A __ f
Local Publications; None. ` ‘ ‘

p Council, Jr. O. U. A. M.§, I, O, O, F. Building, Second Street, Pikeville. _
; Founded 1952. 'Councilor,.Edward’Bcvins, Cline Street, Pikeville, Telephone
{ 126. Secretary, Jesse H. Sanders, 520% Second Street, Pikeville. Telephone
I G70._ Terms expire January, 1945.
i_ N@mbc;ghip: 40. Qualifications, native white citizen over 16 years of age.
° Committcgs:_ None reported.-
2 Purposel Patriotic and Fraternal.
E Normal Civicpdctivities: None reported. · I
A Defense Activities: Interested in Red Cross Assistance, First Aid,
i; Collection of Scrap Metals and Other Metals. Active in Pikeville Civilian
{ Defense Organization. ,
E Ifgggklpblicatiensz ·None. l I
A METHODIST HOSPITAL GUILD (National and State Divisions, M. H. G.), c/o
2 Nurses Home, 255 High Street, Pikeville. Founded 1924. President, Mrs.
T A. T. Ratliff, 511 Fourth Street, Pikeville, Telephone 210, Secretary, ‘
{ L&s, l@wtle_Walker, Pikeville. Terms expire October, 1942.
T Membership: 24. Open to anyone desiring to help advance the work of the
g _Conmdttees: No standing committces._ Appointed only as needed,
; Purpose: To aid the Methodist Hospital of Pikeville. ‘( ‘
- Normal Civic Activities: Aided in furnishing O. E. Room;linens, etc.; and
· providing Christmas gifts for patients in the Hospital.
S Defense Activities: 'Engaged_in Hospital and Clinical Assistance, Red Cross
” Assistance, Child Care. ‘ I ‘
T Local Pubigggpieisz None, . » W `Ti *Ie·`
1 MOUNTAIN DENTAL SOCIETY (State and Natiqnal Dental Associations), c/o Dr;
A O. W. Thompson, Pikeville. Founded 1926. President, Dr; O. W. Thompson, A _
, ` Telephone 257. Secretary, Dr. A. T. RatliTf, Pikeville. Telephone 155. -
i Terms expired July, 1942. _ t. l .
” N@mbcrship: 55. Open to any dentist registered by the State of Kentucky, _
Committees: Membership, Dr. W. D. Sanders, Praise; Clinician, Dr. B. VL
Kelly:*PFestenburg. · I ` `
l Purpose: To inculcate ethical practices and further the advancement of .€
. E§oTessienal knowledge.

Mountain Dental Society (continued) p __
Normal Civic Activities; Cooperates With local healthTauthorities‘in the
maintenance of dental clinics. ‘ ‘ _ “" ’· _ l ’ `
Defense Activities: Engaged in Hospital and Clinical Assistance, First Aid,
_,;,.¢.» • ·-•.;¤• __)..¢-·-r-·*" _•••b** . -
Child Care. “ ' »~ `
Local Puhlieations: None, “` " I -
Kentucky Grand Chapter, O, E. S3), Masonic Hall, Pikeville. Founded 1904,
Worthy Matron, Mrs. D. Vanhoose, Locust Grove, Pikeville. Telephone 9, _
Worthy Patron,`W. Jenning Adkins, Pikeville.» Secretary, Nancy Harp, AOC N
Cline Street, Pikeville. Telephone 550. Terms expire October,l942. _
Membepshipz 209. Qualifications, wife, daughter, mother or sister of a
Master Mason, " · ‘ ‘ A, I
Cgmpittees; Sick, Mrs. Ray Venters; Flower, Mrs. Charles Grote; Finance,
· Mrs, T.`E..Newton§—Ekamination, Mrs. Arthur Fields; Hostess, Mrs, B. E.
Elswick; Donny Drill, Mrs, N} C. Sanders, all of Pikeville. _·
Purpose: To promote good fellowship, fraternalism and benevolence; ‘
Nprmal Civic Activities: Assist in maintenance of Masonic homes in Kentucky.
Defense Agtiv;gy¥y_ Ekggged in.Red Cross Assistance, Typing and Other _
Clerical Assistance. I -` . L
Local_Ephl3£g§jfnEi; None; l . .
PIKE COUNTY BAR ASSOCIATION (State and National Bar Association), c/o`N. NL`·
Barrett, Pikeville. Founded l9l5. President, W. VQ Barrett, Telephone 275.
Secretary, Henry Scott, Pikeville. Telephone 22, Terms expire March, l945.l
Membership: AO. Qualifications, licensed attorney in good standing with
Kentucky Bar Association.
Committees: No standing committees.
Purodse: Upheld ethics of bar and profession of law, ·
Normal Civic Activities: None reported, ‘ ·
pOfGHSO Agtivitigsj None reported, ‘ " - u N »
Local Pdhlicatiens; None, * l` ‘ fr" = · A

 " -9-
PIKE COUETY CHAMBER OF COMMERCE(Unitcd'States Chmnbcr of Cmmnerce), Pikeville.
· Founded 192%. President, TL W. Barrett, Main Street, Pikeville. Telephone 275.
Secretary, Mrs. W. W; Barrett, Pikeville. Director. K. J. Day, Pikeville. _
Telephone 13. Terms expire June, 19éB.
Membership: 60. Open to business executive of Pike Ceuntyw
Committees: None ncported. C
Purpose: To advance manufacturing and general interest in Pike County and
obtain additional business enterprises.
lEermal Civie Activities: Spenser of County Health Unit'and 44H Clubs. T
Defense Activities: Engaged in Hespital`and Clinical Assistance.; Intcrcsted‘
in Collection of Scrap Metals and Other Metals. . A
Local Publications: None. ` l A ‘
{‘· A Q v
s PIKE COUNTY FISH AND GAME nSSOCIdTION(Kentucky League of Sportsman), q/o United
. ' · . . . ,., 1 .- - ‘ · - z
Carbon CmuDan* Pikeville. Founded l95l. President E. r. Hasan hOU’R1VOT V.
- 9 A I _ A Q 3
Drive, Pikeville. Telephone 107. Secretary, Virgil C. Gray, Scott Avenue,
· - "* I . -.· r.
Pikeville. ielcphone 580. Terms exp1rc.eanuary, 19éo. A __
A Membership; éOO._Open to any good sportsman willing to do his bit. - A
Committees: Forest Fire, Boyd Wheeler; Pollution, Edgar Layne; Law Enforcement,
Jude Williamson, all of Pikeville. ` C “ “ `
Purpose: Conservation of wild life. " , A ~
Normal Civic Activitics:’Oporation of fishopond on Elkhorn Creek and assisting
in operating Flatwoods Game Farm. · .h
Defense Activities: ,Engaged in Recreation.
Local Publication: None. ·"" .· · , »
PIKE COUNTY 4-H CLUBS(State and National i—H Clubs), e/o Court House Pikeville.
Founded 1936. President, Virginia Bevins, Meta. Secretary, Lillian Reynolds,
Fishtrap. Telephone 777. Terms expire March, 1945. Executive SecretarjOg,BOyd
E. Ehccler, and Dorris K. Wheeler. Terms expired July, l9&2.
Membership: 1250. Qualifications, rural boys and girls fren IO to 2O years
interested in.bcttcr methods of agriculture and home econaiics.
Committees: Advisory, Sidney Trivuttc,.Pikevillo. ‘ M. l
‘ Purpose: Education in agriculture and hmne economics.
Nomnal Civic Activities: Home reported.

 I “-lO-
‘ Pike County 4-H Clubs (continued)
Defense Activities; Engaged in Collection of Scrap Metals and Other Metals.
Training for Preparation and Serving of Food. Interested in`Red Cross Assistance.
Local Publications: "4-H Club News Letter" (Quarterly). I S
PIKE COUNTY HOHEHAKERS ASSOCIATION (Kentucky Federation of Homemakers; Nation-
al Home Demonstration Council), Court House, Pikeville, Founded 1929, Presi-
dent, Mrs. W, J, Smith, Belfry. Secretary, Mrs. A; S. Littleton, Pinson Fork,
Terms·expire September, l9&2. Executive Secretary, Dorris K,`Wheeler, Home p
Demonstration Agent, Pikeville, Telephone 777. Term expired July, 1942,
Ngsbcrshipz 225. Qualifications, any woman interested in better homemaking.
Committees: Foods, Hrs. W. T. Brown, Shelbiana;·Recreation, Mrs. Greeley ‘
Chaney, Pikeville; Publicity, Mrs. Foster Apple, Hardy; 4-H Club and Garden,
Mrs. T. W, McKenster, Yeager; Citizenship, Nas. Frank Appleton, Stone.
_Purpose: Economics education for adults and 4-H Club work,»
Normal Ciyip*Activitips: Food conservation programs and nutrition classes.
Defense Aptiyitiesz Engaged in`Red Cross Assistance, Preparation and Serving
of Food, Family Social Service in Industrial Areas, Child Care, Collecting
of Scrap Metals and Other Metals, Collecting Books, Discussion Leaders, Public
Speaking. Interested in First Aid, Consumer Protection Activities.
Local Publications: Homemakcrs New Letter(monthly). Plan of work for Pike
County Homcmakers*(yearly),
PIKE COUNTY MEDICAL SOCIETY (State Medical Society; A. M. A.), e/O ’ _
Methodist Hospital, Pikeville. Founded 1931, President, Dr. E, P, Wright,
Pikeville, Telephone 245, Secretary, Dr, S. B. Casebolt, Pikeville. 4
Telephone 470. Terns expire January, 1945. · »V_V
_ Mcmbepship: 20. Qualifications, holder of a degree of H. D, and licensed
by the State of Kentucky. `
Cgpmitteesi No standing committees, `
· Purposei Advancement of medical science, Health service to the community.
Normal Ciyip;Aptiyitips: Conducting prenatal and post partum clinics. Ce-
operates with medical staff of Methodist Hospital,
Defensgpaetiviticsz Engaged in Hospital and Clinical Assistance, First Aid.
Local Iuplieatiens: None,

Congresses P. T. A.), Pikeville City School, Pikeville. Founded 1958.
President, Mrs, O. S. Batten, 265 Sycamore Street, Pikeville. Telephone
45, Secretary, Miss Marie Bartley, Pikeville, Terms expire Nay, l9&5.
Membership: 225. O en to an arent or teacher interested in the welfare
of school children.
Committees: Program, Mrs. F. G. Rockwell; Finance, Mrs, Thomas B. Ashley;
Welfare, Mrs. John Culbertson; Entertainment, Mrs. E. D. Stephenson;
Hospitality, Mrs. T. W. Oliver, all of Pikeville.
t>°, °i. ' ;. e. I ,- 1,;- . ;. £7.'°€- .,-"U . -. ».·.·. 1 ’
Puroose· To b1·n. about closer relationsor betre n parents and terchors
. ____l____ P I
as effecting the child.
Normal Civic Activities; `Working with Pike County Health Department in the
maintenance and operation of prenatal and dental clinics.
Defense‘Activities: En aved in Red Cross Assistance Preparation and Servinr
..-.....--....-. -..............- _...,...€{.... ..... ’ ·~ D
of Food, Family Social Service in Industrial Areas, Child Care. .
Local Publications: Year Book,
PIKEVILLE COKMANDERY`#45 KNIGHTS TEHPLAR (Grand Ccnmandery Knights Templar
of Kentucky;‘Grand Encampment of The United States Knights Templars),
Masonic Hall, Pikeville. Founded 1926. Commander, Alex Spradling, Pikeville.
Secretary, W} W. Barrett, Main Street, Pikeville. Terms expire April, l945.
Membership: 257, Qualifications, believe in Christ and be a Mason. A
Committees: None reported.
Purpose; Fraternal, charitable and the furtherance of good citizership.
Normal Civic Activities; Supporting of Hesonie Homes.
Defense Activities: Engaged in Red Cross Assistance. Interested in
Collecting of Scrap Metals and Other Metals.
Local Publications: None.
_ PIKEVILLE KINANIS CLUB (Kiwanis International), 521 Second Street, Pike-
ville, Founded l92i. lresident, George Thornbury, 521 Second Street,
Pikeville. Telephone 545. Secretary, A. L. Danburg, New Riverview Drive,
Pikeville. Telephone 559. Executive Secretary, K. J. Day, Pikeville.
Terms expire December, l9é2. V
Membership: 56. Qualifications, business or professional men.
Committees: Inter-Club Relations, K. J. Dry; Und;rprivileged Child, Walter
Walters; Finance, Lon Rogers; Kiwanis Education, Ton Oliver; Vocational
Guidance, C. H. Farley, all of Pikeville,

Pikeville Kiwanis Club (continued)
Purpose; To give primacy to the human and spiritual rather than to the material
values of life by rendering assistance to underprivileged boys and girls,
Normal Civic Activities; Feeding the undcrnourished school children in co-
operatien with the P. T. A. Spenser Troop of under-privileged Scouts,
Defense Activities: Engaged in Hospital and Clinical.Assistance, Red Cross
Assistance, Collecting·cf Scrap Metals and Other Metals. Interested in
First Aid, Recreation, Library Service,
Local Publications: None.
PIKEVILLE ROTARY CLUB (Rotary International), e/B Pikeville National Bank, ·
Pikcvillen President, R, H. Hobbs, 505 Fourth Street, Pikeville. Telephone
151. Secretary, Rush Sword, College Street, Pikeville. Telephone 156, Terms
expired July, 1942.
Membership: 27. Open to business or professional men according to classifi— ,
cation. · _
Committees: Club Service, H. H. Hefner; Vocational Service, S. H. Hughes;
Community Service, R. H, Hobbs; Fraternal Service, R. S. Huteheson, all of »
Pikeville, - 2 A
Purpose:· Fellowship, Works for better understanding between nations.
Normal Civic Activities; Holds annual clinic for crippled children in
conjunction with Kentucky Crippled Chi1dren’s Commission. Coopcrates with
County Health Unit.
Defense Aptivities: Engaged in Hospital and Clinical Assistance, Red Cross _
Assistance. Intepested in Collection of Scrap Metals and Other Metals. '
Local Publicatiins: None, ‘
Congresses of Parents and Teachers), c/e Niss Elizabeth North, Pikeville
College, Pikeville. Founded 195C. President, Hrs, A, T. Ratliff, 511 Fourth
Street, Pikeville. Telephone ISB. Secretary, Irs, George Harp, 406 Cline
Street, Pikeville. Telephone 350, Terms expire Hay, l9d4.
Membership: S0. Open to any parent, teacher or individual interested in the
welfare of school children, ‘ ` _
Commitpeps: Program, Mrs. R. G. Hutchinson; Hospitality, Mrs. John Hiller;
Publicity and Publieetivn, Hrs, Harrison Bowles; Magazine and Membership, Mrs.
Jack Hatcher; Budget and Finance, Hrs. George Haynes, all of Pikeville,
Purpose: To bring about better relations between.teachers, parents and students.

Pikeville Training School Parent—Teacher Association (continued)
 : -Sponsor of health clinic for children and ee-
operates with Pike County Health Department:_Also, sponsored Girl Scout
Defense_Acttvities: None reported,
Local_§nblieations: None, , P
ROYAL ARCH HASONS, PIKEVILLE CHAPTER #1ss (Grand Chapter of Kentucky,
R, A. M,§, Masonic Hall, Pikeville,. Founded 1894. `High Priest, Dave
Chaffins, Pikeville,. Secretary, Ed Wells, Pikeville,. Telephone l7,—
Terms expire November, l9A2,
Membepshipg 150. Qualificetions,_believe in Christ and approved by members.
Committees: None reported. · .
A Eygpeses Promoting good citizenship and fellowship,
_ , Normal;CivieéAgtigities: Support of Masonic Home.
t Defense_Aetivitics: Engaged in Red Cross Assistance, Collecting of
, T Scrap Metals and Other Metals, · _ 4
Leeal_Publicatiens: None,. V ·
SHELBIANA‘PARENT-TEACHER ASSOClATION}(State and National Congresses of ‘
P. T, A.), c/b Everett Brown, Box 65, Shelbiana. Founded l959, President,
Everett Brown, Secretary, Jessie J, Brown, Box 51, Shelbiana, Terms ·
expire March, l945,
Membership; l5. Open to any parent, teacher or individual interested in
the welfare of school children.
Committees: Membership, Mrs.C. M, Sullivan.
Purpose: To promote the welfare of children and closer relationship
between home and school.
‘ _ Normal_Civie Activities: Sponsored school lunch program. ,
Defense4Aetivities: Engaggd in Salvage Demolition Service, Red Cross
_ Assistance, Preparation and Serving of Food, Collection of Scrap Metals
and Other Motels, Recreation,
`!n¤.¤—t~.1 PJ?l%¢;i2i<22n= AMG- T T

P, T. A.), Box 75, Williamson,`West Virginia. Founded 1959, President,
Mrs, M, M; McEwen, Box 75, Williamson, West Virginia, Telephone 5754R,
Secretary, Miss Virginia Dotson, South Williamson, West Virginia, ‘Telephone
760. Terms expire September, 1942, · V ·
Membership: 45. Open to all persons interested in the cause of child
education and welfare. , ` _
Com ittees; None reported. . I _
Purpose: To encourage sympathetic understanding between parents and teachers
and to.help underprivileged children, ‘
Normal Civic Activities: Helping to furnish food and clothing to needy_ "
children, . - _
-Defen:e Activities; Engaged in.Red Cross Assistance, Interested in
Hospital and Clinical Assistance, `
Local Publications: None,
Presbyterian Church, Pikeville, Founded l895, President, Mrs; Linton _ p
Trivctte, Auxier Lvenue, Pikeville, Telephone 156. Secretary, Hrs, Lon
Ro ers dl5 Auxier Avenue Pikeville, Teleohone 576, Terms ex ire March 1945,
.¤ s : I P :
Membership: 150. Open to any woman member of the Presbyterian Church.
Committees: No standing committees,
Imrposc: Maintain and stimulate interest in church work and Christian social
activities. . , ,, .
Nornal Civic Activities: Cooperates with Red Cross and County Health Depart-
ment in childrens clinic, Provides a,mecting place for Boy Scouts,
Uefense Activities: Engaged in Red Cross Assistance, Child Care.
Local Publications; None,
WOMLN'S CLUB OF PIFEVILLE (Kentucky Federation of Wemon‘s Clubs; General '
, Federation of Women*s Clubs), c/b las. Frank B, Auxier, huxicr Apartments, `
Pikeville; Founded l9l9. President, Hrs, Frank B, huxier. Telephone ll,
Secretary, Hrs; Charles W. Gilley, Pikevi