xt7wm32n6q32 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7wm32n6q32/data/mets.xml University of Kentucky. Libraries Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky Alumni Association 1998 journals  English University of Kentucky Alumni Association Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Kentucky alumnus Kentucky Alumnus, vol. 67, no. 3, Fall 1998 text images Kentucky Alumnus, vol. 67, no. 3, Fall 1998 1998 1998 2012 true xt7wm32n6q32 section xt7wm32n6q32 VV -<    · · g  VV V    ‘  V    V   ~    ;  V      V       V
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The Choice of Generations
The people who are featured in this 248 public affairs graduate programs in
issue of the Kentucky Aluinnus highlight public and private institutions.
   ~ ·  -. the diversity, success and value of a higher In addition:
   r education from the University of Kentucky UK is ranked 32nd among all public
  It is a joy to read of the interesting success- research universities in the U.S.
C  » 5 es they are making of their lives. UK is 46th nationally among the top 100
    Of particular interest is the family of public institutions in research expenditures.
f ._ U   Robert Barnett ]r. This outstanding UK ranks 36th out of 131 ranked univer-
  s ·» ‘ _ _ _  ]efferson County alumnus is the lather of a sities in licensing income and patents,
li Q,   A  dozen students who have all attended the according to the Association of University
  University. When his youngest completes Technology Managers. .
  l t lt his education in a few years, all 12 of his One-third of the 1997 entering class *
Q   {     children will have graduated from UK. ranked in the top 10% of their high school  
if This succession of generations of fami- graduating class. 1
. lies attending UK is perhaps the best testi- I pledge to you, as fellow UK alumni,  
monial of the excellent educational product that we will continue to strive for excellence
that we have to offer at the University of in all we do. As we reach new plateaus,
Kentucl\y—that future of&pring of gradu- we’ll keep you inforinedmwith pridel
» · ates show a continuing interest in coming As always, thanks for all you are doing to
gz { here to learn and grow and enjoy their edu- make the University of the Kentucky the
  cational experience. best it can be.
As we strive to increzwe the quality of
teaching, research and public service at UK,
we need to recognize the excellence that is
already here. \Ve know that we have the _
number one library facility in the \Villiam T.
Young Library. and we have the number
one mens basketball team in the country.
Here are other ways in which the
University of Kentucky excels:
Listed arrrong the 100 Best Buys in U.S.
Colleges mul Universities.
U.S. News ly Uiyrltl Report magazine
ranks UK in the top 50 schools for quality
and value. 4
US. News it llbrlrl Report ranks:
—UK College of Pharmacy third in the l
. nation. l
—UK College of Medicine. tied for 20th _
with three other schools among best prima- E
ry care medical colleges. l
—UK Martin School of Public Policy
and .-\dministrati0n was ranked 36th among I

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COVER: This quiif is 1998-99 OFFICERS ’
lenge to the Associatiorfs staff and board     i_ I 
In addressing the hoard for the first      
time at the Snmrner \\'orl£i7    I   ‘ ’£ ‘ ~
past accorrrplrslnnents and rn doing so,   V__4  Tgr  
atterrrpt to irrrprove tl1e quality of all pro-       ‘ ‘  ' 
grams and services ofIf`ered bv tl1e   .l’—·V ;   l  I
Associatiorr. \\’itl1 tlrrs guiding principle, I z; ‘  · ’ I 
see trernendorrs growth i11 menrbership.  ‘  
alumni involvernent and prograrns for the I ‘ -
UK .=\lumni Association."
I. . I . I . A/umni Director Stan Ke and wife Mci one
\rer· presrderrt for University Relations y ry]
ose rh 'I`. Burch uoints out lll‘lt Kev is well _ _ _ ._ _ _ I
    -. , l ~ _ { ; . vacancies, replacmg hunsell 111 the associ- AP/UPI polls. Key was C()-Cklptillll of leg-
rlnalrlred to talve over for Bob \\lutalt·r·g ‘     Hers are Appalashop Inc., The UK 1
Rural Challenge which errconrages v' S    Slll  ___S   Appalachian Center, the Appalachian
using rural Appalachian traditions      "*‘   x ‘ ~_ Rural Systemic initiative, the Eastern
and loeal resources to create strong i S S  °’ S   Sr._ Q;  ”   Kentucky Teacherls Network,
centersollconmurnity while prepar- ·   -- ·-     l*l?ll‘fl··l Hindman Settlement School, the
illti SU1lS- °lohnson Central High School in Paintsxille FOY m0Y€ l¤l0mlP1tl0H about the 11€lW0Fl<,  
(l"‘l'l"“ll}S lllfl Alllmluflllull '“ll“l"'ll( °°'l$lSlS ended a connrrnrricatiorr problem between par- Slleclllc S¤h¤¤l Pmgmms OY how to get i¤v¤lv€d  
(lll llllllll lllllllllllllllllll llllllllllllls llllll lll S€lllllllS` ents and teachers bv purchasing a telecornrrnr- as fl School OY Pfofesslolml Pamlen Contact l
For 1998-99.lNe\vell said the network will add Himtiom wstem ibljthe hrge School lylaytjn Ngyvgll at (524 Maxwelten Com-L .
lt) more, t ou r ing its size. l l l' . l ' . l Lexin on KY 405 -034ll; -2`l”- 2 -
Many of the lirst—vear projects were so Sue- llllllllls Fllllll Sclllllll lll lllllllllgl Plllllllllllll lllll mail fd: mnewellgpop.rllollellcllu. lllollgfhrdolbirt l
eessilul and generated so nmelr interest hr other 1"’“""SlS“l‘°°l"fll"` gllllllll ll€lllllllP€ll Clllllllclll more about the program visit these web sites· l
S(.]mUls gm} gu. m.t“.m.k is l0()l\»mg ut \;.u>.S to lurn units which teaches students about their http://wwwuk`,.edu/rgskppalcentel_/Edpml  
replicate thenr into transportable models to be ¤`9'11'1“1“lf}l “`l‘ll€` lmlllllllg Pllfle in th€i¤‘1>l¤¢*B1¢m1<*Ch>*¤¤~=* Its total output to the state’s economywas 8167.7   .l._ L?  cation and Re_
UK S°°1°l°@’PY°l€S$°‘"*‘“d dll-Gclol Ol the UK million. Output refers to all the goods turd ser-   fill Sewell Tmlrllrl
Center for Prevention Research. The grant . _ _ ,   ‘ _‘ g
_ vices that resulted frorrr the out—of-state money, t —· lqogmm Wlll Pm-
· given two vears ago was among the largest ever _ . _ _ ._ _ _ _ ’ _ *
· explains Mark Berger, director of the center. _ ml? clllcqec and
awarded to a rnernber of the UK faculty. It Wl su f _ . _ .1 _ 1 " " ‘_ _
Carred rr) 1_ rm ergrrevear mrecr · ren U out-o -state support rs consrc ere<— I research training
. · P · ` . federal and rivate sector money for thin s such On the dewlo -
P S p
I Dumlg the to Y""“* Clt>”*°“ Otgmtd “ ·rs instruction rescucti and ublic service—the B"°l‘°$ r -1 ·--1
13-member team of scientists from across the ( eb e {mr Sese 67 lhl) Y _ be _ S d _ , _ llllllll 0 _ Uullltdr
nation to sene as a network of scholars. The fr°“r“rr‘l °“Ir°b‘_Ssrri "B"“ Bur egg $gl°r9ggl ?€l‘Sl’ll· _ tu F"}l P"ll€‘l*r  __’f` *"P°‘“$“
team includes researchers from Brown le U IEPO lC° ug Qrgeld -7 l- 7 7` ·l0Hl;r;<.)l` dlmllldlmg PIO GTl)l;`l— l II , l
l University, Yale University and the Centers for NSF irP'°i"l"‘ ""‘;_°“€ ° ‘   ff ’l _llr‘$`
Disease Control and Prevention. Stud ‘“l_ YB ‘rl°S"" _'°'l‘ ‘"“"'l§ r’ i’l"P"Tl ’r
D . rl l r r tl rr d rl d • en s or re program wr re recrirr er
_ ‘l““g ‘€“°°F“ tw. le. ‘*‘““ _‘;"‘7’°P‘* I TI`ImI( I can--- nannnwrcteunricniprinsrson underrepresented
  a research agenda identifying important unan- I ·I·h• k I C _ _ I rv _ I _t_ _. r Tr _
r swered questions about the causes of nicotine In _ un"' _ g“"‘l’“*_Tr"Y“€l "“'l"“r'“ "“‘ "‘;‘“°;l‘ r"°P“’d
‘ ' V P. 7 I i " ` `Z
r eddrerrerr The Hexr ser years ere dedreered re If you think you cant do rt, you probably gr gn   rrdoretre ceprrtrrrcrrsto Ic rernrcr
j conducting studies to rieip answer those ques- ‘V0“*· But “°Y°“_l‘“V€ {wilt and l’€l‘€"€ ‘“ F/°“‘°‘ E"? _l“" "‘T‘ S °F‘g""f’€‘l"g*.° ""“l* r‘1 "“‘_ E j°‘
does Issues the group elees re address lrrelrrde self, your can achieve turythrng. rl r rpcad erlgrneerpng ang {liner pro essolrs xr rg
  determining the risk factors for adolescents Tldls the lellfil lvllldled Btu 9}* dlmclol Ol ‘ led I l‘ll€_ reill w _d (ml lllgflll C l€lm;i_
l becoming addicted, the stages of acquiring a the UK (iovemol S Mmmlty Colltgs Awalilless ieusor reserilc ll sel;   Plc Fswr? ugneuel
r eleerree rrddreden and the sreees ef eesserderr Program rolds. {The program, M§]APrfor s rort, pale coml rrrrec t   I mr rprrrn unc ng rom r
r The Reberr Weed Jelmserl Fermdederr is serves ps an eary rnterveptron el upatronal pro- ec l ant lnctus   gran s. r r r I rl NSF
r based le Pdeeerenl   ded ls the eederrs gganr or mrnonty yout  It reps improv? lr   ng pprrptlras Ii€(lllGS errargl Isc rd
lereesr Plrrlerrdlrepy devered exeluslvelr, re a rmrttance, rretentron an grgduation ratgzs o   rec nge ,   dirererrsarrepr r or   .gr.r -
l ricarai ana treatin care. rr concentrates on truce ‘l‘t"°“l““;‘“ 'S °1?‘*“ *0 slu "’“Fs "‘r§lr*‘ F?4 lift"? L‘““.r °l§°ll‘f‘l*' _lT‘l""]$l Pl°g'll`"
r. areas; assuring that all Americans have access to ttsmsr1—·ImP¤lr¤*gr¤¤=¤télitittlss Sd] Srls Its     iillllrllrs Tl°l‘l§rrl‘u{r` _. rllm; rllrlll
besle lreelrlr eeres lmerevrrre lrew semees ere ngam ocus gverr rt rougr paerrltrcrpants · so   grrr ga eplrr lcrndre rrrl mp tr-clscrlilrrrprynre r s
· organized and provided to people with chronic a Olilselfen S“’1"°*$·‘“C“ ns Computers S Wl 6 0 Hgl" ut O ug 17 GL l lm Us ly
health problems, and reducing the harm caused *m°l_ llstmy _ _ ,_
bydmeebuse Students perceive math to be difficult,
I Bailey said.   . . we have to change their atti-
Z tudes about math if they are going to succeed.
p many mrnonty stu en s
l Bad rnatlr skills sto t ` ' r d t
dead when they get to college."
ll FALL 1998 Kl*ZN'l`U(JKY ALUMNUS 7

The Sports Experience crt UK l
By Aqron Scmderford ’99 Within a few short months, the time had
, _ _ _ _ _ come to take the Big Blue plunge. I swallowed   _.
Ihere is a blue trnge to the zur you breathe. my lide and swore to tell H0 Omg Ofmv dee _ _ 4 .  
The cloud is only visible after years in Seéfid lmtmd for UK S mts · I P  . ‘ ‘
Lexington. Dorr’t worry. It is infectious, not I Hgumd desigmtjnlg m{,S€H~ as A Cmujim Z  _-     
(lOOgOmOO' _ . fan would be like putting a bulls eye on my face     IO  
It causes lrrrracy rn the fall and rnadrress long that Said ..5 it Here .» ‘   — ~ » "“·~'  
past March. It is the source ofelation and exas- Befoge Cass WOT}; WIS _1 Week Old I Sh I   V ;a—~c;/
_ _ _ . I . ( , ppec.     it
peratron. It is the root of what brought you Sittin in my H4 . Hm d _ _ I _   [ .
here even those ofvou who rrri ht claim ac·r I- g O Oggm ( mm lOOm’ com   ` ‘
_ ` _ _ · g ‘ O fessed my drsdeun for the Cats to my roorrrmate 1
enrrc nrotrvatrons. ‘
Welcorrre to a place where students, faculty
and adrninistrators live and die by the ball. .
Welcorne to a school where the bottom line is Being G   fan
NWI l1}’1`¢*S<*¤1‘¢‘l1 mil "‘;l"’““(l$· I ISTI if G ChOIC€,` pick between mv school and the school I was
\\’elconre to Ulx. iour world will never be HIS G ru/Q raised to Suppojstl Close mends jmew I was
tl"` OOmO‘ . tom