xt7wm32n6p43 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7wm32n6p43/data/mets.xml Wildcat News Company 1989 Volume 13 -- Number 29 athletic publications  English Wildcat News Company Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Cats' Pause UKAW University of Kentucky Men's Basketball (1988-1989) coaches Sutton, Eddie assistant coaches Casey, Dwane players Mills, Chris Roselle, David NCAA Men's Basketball Tournament (1989) NCAA investigation (1988) statistics schedules Cats' Pause Combs, Oscar The Cats' Pause,  March 25, 1989 text The Cats' Pause,  March 25, 1989 1989 1989 2012 true xt7wm32n6p43 section xt7wm32n6p43 .a
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Sutton resigns after four seasons at Kentucky
said of his 180 turn. "I don't want anyone else     Roselle said, by TCP associate editor Mike Estep to get hurt. I certainly don't want this program        "I had thought there could be such a vote by A left inrlllHpH in
Although he claimed his innocence until the end, Kentucky basketbail coach Eddie Sutton ended months of speculation by announcing his resignation Sunday afternoon during a nationally-televised NCAA tournament broadcast.
Saying he was stepping down for the good of the program, Sutton made the announcement live on CBS Sports during the halftime of the Indiana-UTEP game, nearly one year after the NCAA launched a probe into wrongdoing in the Wildcat program.
"I'm doing so for one main reason, it's because I love the University of Kentucky and I love the basketball program," Sutton, who is not directly named in any of the NCAA's 18 allegations against UK, said at a press conference later Sunday evening from Wildcat Lodge. "I love all the great fens across the commonwealth. Kentucky basketball is very special to all the people. I think for the good of the program, for the fans, the players and my fomily, that it's probably best that I resign at this time."
The announcement came just more than 24 hours after Sutton vowed, on another CBS Sports broadcast, that he would not resign.
"I think the difference is that I went home and talked to my bride of 30 years and to my three wonderful sons and did a lot of praying," Sutton
said of his 180 turn. "I don't want anyone else to get hurt. I certainly don't want this program to get hurt anymore. It's got to go forward and upward."
UK president Dr. David Roselle, speaking to the press shortly after Sutton's announcement, called the resignation a necessary step toward rebuilding the Wildcat basketball program.
"Circumstances sometimes create a need for change that is in the best interest of the institution," Roselle said. "This is very much the case with coach Sutton's situation at UK. Eddie has decided to put the good of the program and the institution above his personal interestsand I applaud and I think him for that.
"Eddie Sutton has my best wishes in his future pursuits. All friends of UK should feel likewise and be appreciative of Eddie's willingness to recognize that his resignation is a necessary step in the process of rebuilding our basketball program."
Roselle stopped short of saying Sutton would have been fired had he chosen not to resign, but hinted that such a scenario was possible.
"We were going to meet with the athletics board on Tuesday (March 21) afternoon and present a review, not only the NCAA review but a total review of the basketball program, to discuss the future of that program with the athletics board. And I don't know if there would have been a recommendation of that sort to come forward,"
Roselle said.
I had thought there could be such a vote by the athletics board," the UK president added.
Although he said the NCAA probe was the "principal problem in the basketball program," Roselle also said that there were other other factors involved and that the resignation provides an opportunity for the basketball program to have a "fresh start."
"The NCAA problem looms large at the present time, and that remains a difficult situation for the University of Kentucky to deal with," Roselle said.
"But there are also other problems. Problems of competitiveness, as you saw this year. Problems of recruiting. And there are problems of academics in some of the students. Not the students who are here, they are excellent young people. But some of the people who were recruited have been unable to remain at the university."
"In summary," Roselle said, "we now have the opportunity to begin rebuilding our basketball programa fresh start for University of Kentucky basketball."
Sutton, who posted a 90-40 record record during his four-year stint at Kentucky, and has a 432-165 won-loss mark over his 20 years on the major college level, said he would remain in Lexington barring the event that he landed another coaching job next season.
Also included in this special 4-page TCP section:
Entire text of Sutton's press conference
page A2
UK president David Roseiie's comments
page A3
Possible candidates for UK coaching job
page A4 &ayc AS
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Eddie Sutton steps down from Wildcat post; bases decision on program's best interest
Following is Eddie Sutton's press conference at Wildcat Lodge from where he announced his resignation as coach of the University of Kentucky basketball program last Sunday evening.
(Eddie Sutton's opening remarks)
Eddie Sutton: Well, as I said early this afternoon (halftime of the Texas El Paso-Indiana game) after much thought and consider .ation and consultation with my family and doing lots of praying, I have decided to resign at the University of Kentucky.
I'm doing so for one main reason, it's because I love the University of Kentucky and I love the basketball program. I love all the great fans across the commonwealth. Kentucky basketball is very special to all the people. I think for the good of the program, for the fans, the players and my family that it's probably best that I resign at this time.
This past season has taken it's toll on a lot of peopleour players, fans and my family. But I appreciate all the wonderful support that has been given to me during these trying times. The public's support has been wonderful . I guess that's what makes coaching Kentucky basketball special, is all the great fans that we have. I think I would be remiss if I didn't give a special thanks to a person who has stood behind me throughout all of this, and that's the Governor of the commonwealth, Wallace Wilkinson.
It was a tough decision, but in order for the program to go forward and for not anyone else to get hurt.. .1 guess one thing that really happened that hurt me was the fact that this weekend an untruth was told.
Anyone that knows me knows how precious I believe in loyalty and that it's a two-way streetpeople who have always been loyal to me and I always try to be loyal to my staff. Certainly, in no way, would I ever dump my staff in order to save my position. I've always defended my staff. When that came out that was hurtful.
There have been a lot of rumors, vicious rumors that have surfaced and they might continue. I just don't want to see anyone hurt or this basketball program hurt anymore than what we've already seen.
Media: Coach, had Dr. (David) Roselle indicated to you that you would be fired if you didn't resign?
Eddie Sutton: No, and I was never asked to resign.
Media: Did he in any way, shape or form indicate to you that he would fire you if you did not resign during the meeting last Wednesday?
Eddie Sutton: No.
Media: What was said during that meeting? Did he encourage you to stay?
Eddie Sutton: No. We discussed the University of Kentucky basketball program. And as I've said so many times, Dr. Roselle and I want the very same thing, and that is to run the program with integrity, a program that all Kentuckians can be proud of. That's what I've tried to do.
Media: Did he want you to stay. Did he say, "Coach, do you want to stay?"
Eddie Sutton: We discussed the pros and cons of that.
Media: Coach, yesterday (Saturday) on national television you said you would fight for your job and today on national TV you said you were resigning. What was the difference in 24 hours?
Eddie Sutton: I think that the difference is that I went home and talked to my bride of 30 years and to my three wonderful sons and did a lot of praying. I don't want anyone else to get hurt. I certainly don't want this program
to get hurt anymore. It's got to go forward and upward. I'm going to be here to try to help whoever is named the new coach, to help them in anyway I can.
I tried to call all the players this afternoon; because of spring break they weren't on campus. I made contact with most of them. I will visit with them individually tomorrow. And I would hope that you'll honor my request, and that is until I have a chance to visit with them, do not try to contact (them). I don't know if you could because they are scattered and are coming in from spring break.
I'm going to try to help whoever they name, and I tried to call CM. this afternoon to let him know of my decision. I certainly will work with CM. to help this program to make this transition.
Media: Have you notified Dr. Roselle that you have intended to resign?
Eddie Sutton: Yes I did. I talked to Dr. Roselle earlier this afternoon.
Media: What did he say when you told him you were going to resign?
Eddie Sutton: He accepted the resignation and he told me that he appreciated all that I had done for the program.
Media: Can you elaborate on the vicious rumors that you were fearing?
Eddie Sutton: I'm not fearing any rumors. That rumor this weekend, that was tragic. It hurt me a lot because in no way would I ever hurt any of my staff members.
Media: (About the story on UK assistants and some members of the basketball staff being forced out by Sutton). Did somebody want you to leave?
Eddie Sutton: I don't know that at all.
Media: What is Sean going to do?
Eddie Sutton: That will be Sean's decision. I will encourage all of the players to remain here at the University of Kentucky. The program is certainly going to need everyone of them.
When Sean made his decision to come to the University of Kentucky I tried to point out the pros and cons as a father and as a coach. He made the decision to become a Wildcat. I will probably sit down with him again and explain to him that I would encourage him to stay. But that will be his decision.
Media: What about your future?
Eddie Sutton: I would hope that some college president or some athletic director out there in our great country would see to it to give me an opportunity to coach again one time, sometime, whether it be this year or in the future.
Right now what I plan on doing is to get out and meet some of these great Kentucky people that I haven't had a chance to meet; I'm going to be doing some traveling around the state.
People have written me some great letters that have really touched my heart. I'm going to go out and visit with them.
Media: Would you want to get back into coaching next season? And if so, why?
Eddie Sutton: Well, if the right opportunity came along. I love coaching. I like working with young people. I think I do a decent job when it comes to coaching the game of basketball. It's been a part of me for so long, having coached 30 years.
Media: Is part of your reasoning to resign now have to do with further prospects rather than try to carry on?
Eddie Sutton: I could foresee this thing getting to a point where this program would be further damaged, then I don't want to do anything that's going to hurt Kentucky basket-
"I'm not fearing any rumors. That rumor this weekend, that was tragic. It hurt me a lot because in no way would I ever hurt any of my staff members."
Eddie Sutton
Media: What about hurting your decision to get another coaching job?
Eddie Sutton: No, that (resignation) didn't enter into it at all.
Media: When is your resignation in effect as of officially? Eddie Sutton: I guess as of today.
Media: Have you seen the report that the university has sent to the NCAA?
Eddie Sutton: No, I have not. I've seen parts of it.
Media: Coach, do you still maintain that you've done nothing wrong?
Eddie Sutton: I still maintain that I am innocent; I'm not named in any of those allegations. I'll stand by the fact that I have tried to run an honest basketball program at the University of Kentucky.
Media: You've maintained that you've done nothing wrong. Is that part of the problem, that you were not able to keep the program in balance...to make sure it was a clean program?
Eddie Sutton: Well, like I said, I've tried to do the very best I can. I've not done anything wrong and I stand by that.
Media: Who's ultimately responsible?
Eddie Sutton: I think the head coach is responsible to a certain degree. I would be the first to say that.
Media: Are you going to be paid for the last year in your contract? Eddie Sutton: Yes, I am.
Media: Your base salary? Eddie Sutton: They're going to honor the fact that I still had a year on my contract.
Media: Will you be compensated for any monies you would have made (shoes, TV shoe, etc)?
Eddie Sutton: No, you'll have to talk to the university about that.
Media: Have you talked to your staff yet? And if you have, what did you say?
Eddie Sutton: I talked to the staff and told them of my decision. They were (pause) you know they were sad I guess to see me step down. It's the right thing to do for the program and I think that's what you have to look
at at this point.
Media: What are their plans?
Eddie Sutton: I would hope that they can continue coaching. They're outstanding young people. I will do anything possible to help them along that line.
Media: If you wouldn't have resigned today, do you think you still would have been back coaching Kentucky next year?
Eddie Sutton: I can't answer that.
Media: You said you tried to run an honest program. In what you know now, do you think you've succeeded in doing that.. .theprogram as a whole?
Eddie Sutton: I think any coach will tell you, you try to run a program to where you have control over it. I can't see what goes on out in the community, anything like that.
Media: If you take a coaching job next season would you be inclined to take this staff with you?
Eddie Sutton: I would take members, some members of this staff if I had that opportunity.
Media: Would you stay at the college level if you were to take another position?
Eddie Sutton: What do you mean by that? What level? Go back to junior high coaching?
Media: The NBA?
Eddie Sutton: I've had offers to go to the NBA and have never accepted that opportunity. Sometime I might go to the NBA.
Media: Michigan?
Eddie Sutton: The University of Michigan is a great institution and I'm sure they'll hire a quality coach.
Media: Will you make a recomendation to the new Wildcat coach?
Eddie Sutton: No, not at all. That will be Dr. Roselle's call along with CM Newton. I'm sure they'll hire a very qualified coach who will carry on the great tradition of Kentucky basketball.
Media: What advice would you give the new coach?
Eddie Sutton: I think that would be between that coach and myself.
Media: How long do you plan on staying in Lexington?
Eddie Sutton: I plan on residing here. I love Kentucky and I love Lexington. I won't get to see you all (media) quite as much, I don't know if that's good or bad. I appreciate all that you guys have done. You've been very patient and always have very fair to me. But I'm going to live in Lexington until something comes along.
I want to take this opportunity to go sharpen up my golf game, do a little fishing and spend more time with my family, and get out in the state and meet some of these wonderful people that have written me and called me. I haven't had a chance to meet 'em.
Media: Is this a positive day in your life?
Eddie Sutton: Someone asked me that earlier. I have mixed emotions. Given the opportunity as I was given four years ago by Dr. (Otis) Singletary and Cliff Hagan to become only the third coach in a long, long time at the University of Kentucky, I would come back again. I think it's a great place, it's a great school and it's a great basketball program.
Media: When you got the job four years ago, what went through your mind as to the possibilities to what you could obtain here?
Eddie Sutton: You have goals. One goal that we'll not have accomplished and that is bring a national championship to the great fans of our state. I felt like we could do that. (Continued on page A3)
s $1.25 PER ISSUP
VOLUME 13  ftfUMBER<29
The Cats' Pause
......"  1 .....
Pleasure Ridge Park junior guard Andy Penlck, who likes the Wildcats, earned Most Valuable Player honors as the Panthers captured the Sweet Sixteen title last week in Rupp Arena.
Dwane Casey becomes 2nd UK basketball ach to call quits
page 14
h on 's list, leads RP past Wayne County for state tourney title
page 6
ICAA tourney' outheast legional comes to Lexington's Rupp Arena
-pages 2, 16, 18
Collegiate Sports Advertising Network
908 South Hull Street. Montgomery. AL 36104 (205) 834-8802 / FAX (205) 263-0407
PUBLICATION NO. USPS 707340 Published By WILDCAT NEWS COMPANY P.O.Box 7297 Lexington, Kentucky 40522 Second Class Postage paid at
Lexington, Kentucky 40511 and additional mailing offices
Editor and Publisher
OSCAR L. COMBS Associate Editor NICK NICHOLAS Associate Editor MIKE ESTEP Staff Writer JIM EASTERWOOD National Recruiting Columnist BOB GIBBONS
Columnist RUSSELL RICE State Columnist EARL COX National Basketball Columnist LARRY DONALD
Columnist TODD HALLUM SEC Columnist STAN TORGERSON SEC Columnist ELMORE "SCOOP" HUDGINS Kentucky Basketball Recruiting RICK BOLUS Contributing Columnist JAMIE VAUGHT Columnist DAN BRANDENBURG
Business Manager DONNA COMBS Staff Photographer
GARY CROMWELL Staff Photographer DAVID STERLING Circulation Coordinator
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Published Weekly: Sept. 3-April 8 Monthly: May. June. July. August
Subscription Price $28.50 per year in USA $40 per year in Canada Phone: (606) 278-3474 Postmaster: Send Address Changes lo THE CATS' PAUSE, P.O. BOX 7297. LEXINGTON. KY. 40522
NCAA basketball returns to Lexington this week as Rupp Arena once again plays host to the NCAA Southeast Regional Thursday, March 23 and Saturday, March 25.
Rupp Arena is part of the $53 million Lexington Center Complex that includes a convention-exhibition hall, a 50-store enclosed shopping mall and the Hyatt Regency Hotel. The nation's second-largest non-domed basketball facility, named for Kentucky's legendary former coach Adolph Rupp, contains 23,000 seats10,000 cushioned theater seats in the lower level and 13,000 bleacher-type seats in the upper level.
Rupp Arena last hosted an NCAA regional in 1984, when it was in prepararing to host college basketball's premier event, the 1985 Final Four. The 12-year-old arena is also one of the sites for the Kentucky boys' state high school basketball tournament, where in 1987, 24,041, a world record crowd for a high school game, witnessed a single session of the tournament.
For a preview look at this year's regional, please turn to pages 16 (for the Oklahoma-Virginia matchup) and 18 (for the North Carolina-Michigan matchup). A complete, up-to-date NCAA tournament bracket is provided on pages 12-13.
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NCAA tourneys back, UK's coach shopping again
?The last time the NCAA tournament played at Rupp Arena, the University of -Kentucky was searching for a new basketball coach. That was four years ago. Four years later. Kentucky is again searching for a new coach.
The job became vacant Sunday when Eddie Sutton resigned the position in the wake of an ultimatum of quitting or being fired by the UK Athletics Association board of directors two days later.
To Sutton"s credit he handed in the resignation with a touch of class, praising the university, its program and the fans.
But the resignation did not come without some serious prodding. Reports over the weekend indicated there was some bitter mud-slinging behind closed doors and over telephones before Sutton finally decided his own fate.
More important though, it was the first step to rebuild the Kentucky program.
Most everyone with any knowledge of the detailed NCAA allegations and the current state of affairs concluded long ago that there would be a change in the head of the basketball program unless the university decided to deny all of the NCAA charges.
Sutton was the last key player to accept the theory.
There were three options for Sutton to take:
No. 1, he could resign, take the high road and take no shots at anyone around him, saying he was doing it for the betterment of the program and his family.
Secondly, he could have resigned and took the low road, blasting everyone from president Roselle to some fans and even the media.
Thirdly, he could have waited and been fired by the UK Athletics Association board of directors which was scheduled to meet and act on the situation Tuesday.
Fortunately, he chose the high road and Sutton is to be commended for the way he handled the last 24 hours.
? ? ?
history. And the history being written now on the former UK coach in some quarters is that he was grossly mistreated.
I've got a few personal things to say right here once and for all and, hopefully, you won't have to read anything else in the future about this nasty situation.
I would love to say Sutton's farewell was as sincere as it appeared on television throughout Sunday's live coverage, but I'm afraid the public doesn't know the entire story.
The final 72 hours leading up to his resignation was one full of threats and counter-threats by the university administration and Sutton and/or his associates.
Fortunately, when all the dust settled, a compromise was hammered out to the satisfaction of all. We'll leave it at just that. Laundering all the dirty linen will help the situation in no way.
For coach Sutton, we wish him well. It's a shame things didn't work out for him at Kentucky. There were many reasons, some of which he couldn't control and some of which were his own doing.
Eddie's problems always seemed to be ignited by off-the-court and personal issues dating back almost to the first month of his arrival four years ago.
Being the eternal optimist, it appeared he was never able to quite cope with them, choosing instead to ignore them as though they really didn't exist. Those people close to him say he's always had a tough time making a quick decision.
Personally, I think Eddie could have been one of the top three coaches, if not the best, in the nation and been here until he reached the retirement age of 65 had he dealt with some of those problems early on.
Since then, it appeared as though every crisis was played in the land of fantasy for him. Eddie often acted as though he expected everyone to accept his word was gospel, even if people knew otherwise.
The most damaging statement (and there were more than one) attributed to him was the infamous "I'm clean, I hope the rest of the program is" speech made months after the NCAA investigation started.
Those who question Sutton's loyalty to his staff start with that phrase. To implicate there was no dissention among staff members, particularly those who had past relationships with UK before Sutton's arrival, would be a gross misstatement.
To be perfectly blunt, this program has suffered immensely under Sutton's watch. The reasons may be debatable, but no one can argue that UK's image hasn't been tarnished severely from coast to coast and he must accept responsibility for that.
It will be tough for Sutton to bounce back on the big-time college basketball scene. It will be tough because many schools will shy away from hiring a coach whose program is being investigated by the NCAA.
But Eddie is the eternal optimist. When I say I believe Eddie has been treated fairly, I really mean that, but I'm just as sincere in hoping coach Sutton can learn from the Kentucky situation and bounce back to enjoy a new-found success, whatever it may be.
? ? ?
?THE BIG SHOW comes to town.
The NCAA Southeast Regional pays a visit to Rupp Arena Thursday and Saturday with a star-studded lineup of Oklahoma, Virginia, North Carolina and Michigan.
Local media types most likely will want to ask Michigan's Sean Higgins a question or two. He's the youngster who has been linked to the NCAA investigation of the UK program.
One of the allegations centered around a report that Higgins was illegally
There could be a possible rift in the works between Kentucky Gov. Wallace Wilkson (left) and UK president Dr. David Roselle.
the thought of a new coach, insisting they did not speculate on the future.
Quite frankly, I find that a little difficult to believe, not that I'm saying that couldn't have happened. For the sake of honesty and UK's already tarnished credibility, I hope UK officials are honest about this one.
If there's been one terribly missing staple over the past year, it has been a noticeable lack of total honesty. I can't count the number of times various sides have tinkered with the truth to fit a certain viewpoint. Now is the time for everyone to bury the past and start with a fresh, clean slate, one which has honesty at the very top.
? ? ?
?HITS AND MISSES ... A flurry of activity preceded Eddie Sutton's resignation last week. Sophomore Reggie Hanson held an impromptu press conference to say the team supported coach Sutton, but at least four players said they were not aware of such a vote. One prominent UK player left town so he wouldn't be caught in the "web" of controversy ... Former Wildcat ace Rex Chapman said in a North Carolina newspaper that the university would be wise to address the NCAA allegations because they are something you can't ignore. He said if the university didn't clean up the situation, someone else would. It was the first time a former Sutton player at UK had come forth and addressed the issue ... Sutton said he plans to make his home in Lexington until something else comes along. However, sources close to the situation said part of the compensation package offered Sutton included the remaining year's pay on his contract plus an allowance expense for "relocation." In most cases, the new employer picks up the tab on a coach's moving expenses ... Despite his leaving, Sutton still calls the UK job the best college coaching job in America ... Although the program can now begin its (Continued on page 20)
recruited by UK assistant Dwane Casey.
I doubt reporters will be able to get very close to him during the Wolverines' stay in Lexington.
? ? ?
?ON TO THE future.
Rebuilding the Kentucky program will be a monumental job, to say the least.
CM. Newton's arrival in Lexington will signal the beginning of a search for a new coach and it could be one which will be long and hard.
Before a top-notch candidate will consider the job, he will make sure the university is ready to make a full committment to having a first-class program.
Kentucky's best move in that direction was the hiring of Newton as the athletics director. Now that Newton is in place, his job will be to find that right person.
Names have been popping up all over the place. You start with the first one mentioned several weeks ago in New Jersey Nets assistant Lee Rose, although president Roselle said there was no truth to the rumor that Rose has been guaranteed the job.
Other names mentioned include Gary Williams of Ohio State, Paul Evans of Pittsburgh, Mike Krzyzewski of Duke, Rick Pitino of the New York Knicks, Pat Riley of the Los Angeles Lakers, Dan Issel and Jeff Mullins of UNC Charlotte, among others.
Just how long the process will take is unknown. It could happen very quickly or it could be a long, drawn-out situation.
Dr. Roselle admitted that some of the candidates might want to wait and see the results of the NCAA hearing, which isn't likely to come down until the first of May.
But president Roselle also indicated that Newton could be involved in the interviewing and hiring process even if he hasn't officially become employed by UK as per the April 1 date.
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Louisville's PRP holds on to capture Sweet 16
Wayne County falls by two to favorites
Compiled by Cats' Pause staff
LEXINGTONLouisville Pleasure Ridge Park. which.had suffered tough defeats in recent state tournament play, held on to defeat 12th Region champ Wayne County 75-73 in the finals of the 72nd Boys' Sweet 16 Tournament.
The win by PRP meant that for the second year in a row a school from Louisville had captured the state championship. It was three years ago when Dale Mabrey's club dropped a close decision to 12th Region champ Pulaski County. This time around, the 12th Region couldn't do in the Panthers.
"When Wayne County kept getting closer and closer, all the memories of '86 came back to me." said Mabrey. whose voice was crackling in his postgame interviews. "It was terrible. I'm just thankful we held on this time."
Trailing by two with 23 seconds left. Wayne County had a chance to tie the game or win it with a three-pointer. Julius Green, who hit six of nine three-pointers, looked for the golden opportunity. However, he was heavily guarded. As the clock ticked inside 10 seconds, the Cardinals' David Clark got possession. On the left wing, Clark took the open 17-footer, drew iron but it didn't fall as PRP claimed the victory and the championship trophy.
PRP had led by 12 points in the second half and held on to a four-point advantage with a little more than one minute remaining.
Despite the final rush by Wayne County, a school with an enrollment of 580. PRP finally landed in the championship chair.
"Clay County beat us by two points last year," said Mabrey, remembering back to last season's loss in the semifinals. "Our juniors and sophomores got together and said that our goal is not only to return to the state tournament, but our goal is to win the state tournament."
Green was the game's leading scorer with a 28-point and 12-rebound performance. Jimmy John Owens. Wayne County's battling inside threat, scored 10 points.
Sean Hammonds powered the Panthers with 20 points and a game-high 15 rebounds. Tournament MVP. juni