xt7wm32n6p2x https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7wm32n6p2x/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky (Fayette County) University of Kentucky Alumni Association 1959 v. : ill. ; 28 cm. Quarterly, Publication suspended 1922 and resumed with v. 1, no. 1 (May 1929); v. 5, no. 9 (May 1933) not published; issues for v. 37, no. 2-v. 40, no. 1 (spring 1966-spring 1969) incorrectly numbered as v. 38, no. 2-v. 43, no. 1; v. 40 (1969) complete in 3 no. journals  English [Lexington, Ky. : University of Kentucky Alumni Association, Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Kentucky alumnus University of Kentucky. Kentucky alumni 2002- Kentucky alumnus monthly Kentucky alumnus, vol. 03, no. 30, 1959 text Kentucky alumnus, vol. 03, no. 30, 1959 1959 1959 2012 true xt7wm32n6p2x section xt7wm32n6p2x  KIE NTUC KY  
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` I r ij _ _ _ _ Guy   Hu
, I 5 *1 It is incumbent upon us who l10ld a University degree or who have had R1-§¤¤gZ*<>¤
: 11 . . . . . . . . . » · · a“'$
; :1 the privilege of attending the University to participate in the planning for W1gx61>\I
~ q 1 _ _ _ _ f il en pei
Q   1 the University of Tomorrow. \Ve can do this only by complete and dedicated ]o1illia1n Deep, 11i Clay, Henderson, ken-      
ii~?£“I;¥*°‘{i <`ii`°"Sw E I, M? ihim Club Paris ROML Lexingmm Km- .~\ 16th century tapestr* valued at
“‘u'“‘“ M· G‘““» M"“°"'° Edge O‘“""b°’°’ ·»nuidi1i·im c McConnell 2106 scum mm ·. ’ ` i · `
lu'. (Immediate Past President) ‘   k. ‘_,.ii_ ‘K_mlcw ’ ‘ ` ’ lllUl`€ tllilll fpl(](),O(l(l has b€€I1 given to
"¤r¤¤¢¤*¤ M¤L¤¤g*·*i¤· 226 E- MMWCII $*·· D ‘6’ 'ifkigr ifv l743·VVest cooper om ne ti   r r t ki by M
Hlrrxington, (Life Member; honorary) rL(_`i'“gt6n‘ Kglndrbkw ' ` I HPURII O xml uc I _ I rs` `
, 'h&D£2;,n;0m’ Fmnkfom hi" (Llfc Mcmben Mr. Newton, W. Neel, City Engineers O{~f}ce, l)2lllS)’ (vl`2lIl[. ol Beaumont, Texas,
Wgiim H. Towscrid,g*`ir§ Nstiormli Bank Bidg., \,rrII"i{Q§r§§f,‘—   1925 Spring Drive The art work is a Brussels renais-
°xi"g*°"* Ki" Lic °'"’"’ °"°""y A L ‘ r‘ll' 7 K, tucky. ’ since tzwestry woven about 1580
Nba ()TEi$]1€$€   SU1III€rland, Blocrnficlds Ken-           l
tuc·y. ‘ ‘ · ~
. APPOINTIVE MEMBERS _ I\II· VIIHII W*“$°“· 1726 B€"€"lY Bl"d·· ASh‘ Great receiving homage from a van- .
lIr._Homer L. Baker, 501 South Second, Louis- land, Kentucky. _ _ . ,
“ville), Kentucky; 1409 W h Mr. R. G. \’Vells, ]r.. Pikeville, Kentucky. (lLl1Sll€(l loe t0 whom he generously .
.r. al G. Bla ·r, ]r., inc ester . . ., ·. . · · I
  AlshlanflMOil & Refining Company, kebtousflils i{u§'_It lS_COHsld€r€g the
Ilr.§Hil;ry ]. GE-ldiifiei 320 Holliday noaa, Lex- Executive Committee meets second Monday "°°[ O HS m m cxmcncc m_ was »
· ingiom Kentucky. night oi each month. September through i)ll1`(jll21S€(l. by Nirs. Grant at an original i
ML C. C. Clarke, ]r., 1203 South Green May, @:30 p.m.. Carnahan House, unless (0% of $100000.
Street, Glagggw, Kentucky, otherwise specified. ` ·

  of the Ce
  eral benef
I Ing you at
  Your Alumni Association on june meetings where research papers and the alumni been asked to contribute [ile dcvch
  III inaugurated "`1`he Century Club." addresses are to be presented. to a capital gifts campaign for thc mm' Mci
{Z Goal of the cluh is to enroll 500 mem- 4. Continuation of LOYALTY University. names  
  Iicrs trlio will gix e $250,000 during the FUND SCHOLARSHIPS for outstand- “'l“Ch AW']
I next Iixr xc~.rr·s Im each pledging to standing students. A full $2,800 4-year Alumni (
I gixc Sltlrtl .i w~.n·. scholarship program is oFfered every A . Ilillildsomc
  \\`IImi. ai t`r~ttIzuix Club vou may ask. fall. Ay  ._ {EWS fl bl
  Ihr- r»s·..us~nitI is simple. the need acute 5. PROVISION OF RESEARCH     I me Ccmu
  , ._ , to ·r.trr~. mit an important Uni- FACILITIES which are not easily ob-     Y mem- Mc
  —·.~~r~nsim ;pu¤.o»~gn*’.un¤i of tier clopment. tainable through the usual sponsoring     of the net
I Mmmm -'t.I1nn..¤ \II..ur~r will celebrate her agencies.     UP :..   for all  
I Il<¤IIt‘»iiII¤i .mi¤t:I~r~»rrs..u··i in Itlltia and it is the 6. Continuation of the annual     X  \Illl 1`€€€1‘
  »iII·c·rIii»r:mz¢r<& puu1I¤·ots»r ull the Alumni As- ALUMNI SEMINAR. I       mlcs bear
I s¤t»..rii.m1si~=o»n¤i iw. ..tr.liiiirrc~ the quarrer—of-a- 7_ CONSTRUCTION OF BUILD. _,_y     If you
II ¤m»iIIIII1I·t¤i¤¤· gmail Im tlwn time. ING to house alumni offices and ac- . acted by
IOIIM §I*»U"*’t§¤ i ,_AA'T`  ‘···   .___ . Area ci
 if I .   y  y.. .  . ».       .   a.  4.. -     E  .... rr       I/f  s....        iii     I‘2Ii‘§Q?€‘}
· »  i n   ` ..· ·¢     ‘   . - ‘   ’‘``       :».     ‘—      ~ » ¤ * 1  ‘ ·
‘ .  #5 %  i   i k?   ._...      { I ii‘```   .· ° i   »‘·’       ‘`‘‘ s Ya   __.,.‘ 1   i 2  "#    lICCOnne
4 I I   -t·- » ·i~i— 1    A         ·-a—     _,._A-.. .     G.
      ...é é. -~ -·-»---—--   ».... . ..   ~     ’·..=.`   ,         ’ ‘     i Watkins.
 `         ».:-         `    .
= r       » s’s=.-i· » E .   ‘“"I"- L
. I ' I ` `       ’     11. Thom
 . ` ‘°. T   ....»~...   ‘   °   ‘ ’hl“"‘li
‘ I I   »i”1‘t`%   . . ~ A   B“1`°kl€Y
L I ii   ‘   .’.· * ti:i`i._ i   iii   :=’i   :-·   V -» s   r` *1**** SM
 2 I   I ` I     i`*. I I i.*i   1=‘       »‘*‘`~   X ° ij    . . Paducah;
 .   . I I 'i“’ Z ·i‘‘ "   '``' =..i»»l as .» ‘ Cant ant
i" ~   i   President Dickey addressed the alumni Ind Hom
- i` r   ,_A. ..     ....     . .   ` " leaders who attended the Leadership Iclilroy,
2* ` I ’ _ I ’ ` " ‘   _ Conference and gave a brief picture of lcld.
_ I Coal of the Century (,1ub is to enroll 000 members and raise $250,000 for UK the University today, its functions and The CI
I In 1965. the Universitjfs centennial. Expressing an opinion to the Leadership needs for the future. With him h€l‘€ tomposed
I Conference group here is Herndon Evans, member of the alumni executive are (left) Dr. O. B. Murphy and B. :\· Frank1’e·
  commlttee. Shively Iain, vice

 Those of you who become members I
of the Century Club will derive sev-
eral benefits—most important of which
ll the tremendous satisfaction of know- ,    
illg you are playing a leading role in v ' “ 2      
mbmc [ll€ development ol American educa- ‘ ‘. A *
gr my lillll. Members also will have their   lb A, ‘
‘ llllmes inscribed on a bronze plaque         ‘¢ 
llllich will be displayediin the new       { ‘   j   U V,
Alumni Center. Men will receive a   '‘‘‘’ ’‘__ y we   l A is 4 W e
llal]dSOIll€ lapel pin: women will re-  Vi   yy ,        l’,i _  
leive a bracelet charm, both bearing i ,  , ’  -         ,
llle Century Club emblem of achieve-     ~/ tre ,  V ,   · Y    M   ,2, 
lllent. Members will have first choice *,1     Q  l      °r"i“;?” ?ii?;%/  {   i
lll the new theatre—type stadium seats if   _, ‘*l          
[Or all UK home football games and      
llill receive a wallet card which en-     [  
  litles bearers to all club privileges. ivii    y l " / is   A
` lf you have not already been con- i i` ii i ·-Si "  
lllcted by a campaign chairman, you in ’ . _  
llllly send your application for mem-  4 
llership directly to the Alumni Oflice     if [_ ·
tlll campus. Subscriptions for the Cen-      -<   __   , _
llll·y Club will close on September l.   =’   . A i
S0 act now! T ._l .
O Some 65 alumni leaders attended i V  
  lll€ lll€€iinf-K _liin€ in Wiiicil kicknii Oii Alunmi leaders from throughout the state met at Carnahan House on June
  lll€ Cilmlmign- All Wiii $€YV€ as C3in‘ l3 to kick-off the Alumni Ass0ciation’s Century Club drive. Addressing the
llllgli €h?iiYln€n Cnniiiciing alumni group here is WVilliam Gam, past alumni president.
r limi lllld friends of the University through-
it $500 llut Kentucky.
limliill liis-n¤¤i1>*¤¤ G -*ii= Bennie D€i·Oiig· temporary chairman of the dinner fesioi of =is¤`¤¤¤li¤i=·l Engiiieeiing and
  lil. Thomas: Blazer and Virgil VVatson, meeriiigx iwiis eieered Presidenr Of the iwtlllg lleild of the department, was re.
  llllllmd; _.\_ ig_ rvriiker-_ ML Sterling: dub. Other. Oriifcrs elected me: cendy named departmental head, re-
  i liill`Cl¤*iSl <>i~’€¤$b.»i ‘    
·  »:      — ‘‘:ti;: ’’E   ‘i‘‘’ · t  .-     ri.      ...    -   2=·  
. l     A _>A A   ‘~ AA  A-   ` ‘  A fi    .  °" “"` as   A  
,   ’·'; Q   ¤. A,.·     A..    ·     A A A_AAA         A_ 3, . A Among the 350 celebrants at the Alliflr 2 -—=viA A AAA;
  . ‘   _»:.i ¥ ·   A     ii `·»_   ~     _   ni Reunion banquet were: Mrs. Edith   r‘`i-‘ ¥ _
 A i   I Q   A  AAAA       A 7   ,· _ Isaacs Weil, A’()9, Lexington; Mrs. AIVY · ‘'rA»  
  `:```"   »   `     ‘ · ‘   ‘ Tmll McBride, ’09, Sl1€l)l1C1`(lSVlllCr
i   l A     _ · Scott, ’()9, Santa l\Iargarita. Calli-
»   — V   ~.`’°   . .~ » ‘
?     i‘.»,» i   ‘.». :3   .  `
·   .   `‘.  —  ’'.   ,‘.· · *,*2* ..=._,_ _ ...,__» A  , -
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¥ f 6 , THE Ksurucxv ALUMNUS l"'E'

 lil the ,,v.,__ L
  ...;.»-;.». ,~   ,1 _.·"·’ 27   , .
Frank 4*   ’‘=:·.    
cy It W  if    ‘'»  ( V·;V» · V--;V 1- —   »     ;._  
· ·        A‘     . ’AA . .      ,.~;·     ,vv= 3      
u UK · A   _   i je   ~           '
'· Miss ‘      ~ . ; -   I    ‘ .AA       . V   \   V; ~ V  . _ e .
1 was   ‘ ·:;,       °   4*      :·, \   V  " ·V;_.     * 'V . ?‘·   ‘
€S€ll[{l-      . i ` ‘  `   { '    _; VV._     { I _' Y -r i !’ 9
    '·‘·V   " — ¢i··   ··..   l ' i' U, ·’§}""·‘=i   ` HW;. e  E
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I   2.%*;,-+Zt-  ·r     ·     f \_ W-, ‘i~.n~t]¢’;  2 2V *2éQV
?mql1€l tg {-V4 ,·»’ ·   .·.’   ‘,·4{     % ~ =.z:    ·   ‘ A v _ ;. LW W
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`Hr°°‘“ itll/’  ;~» V ¥'       za?  w e   -
 4-   ’_.-uy: =._   hl V     jglg-égga;   ‘ ga.   I V    It  _
liumu r (   Q   L     VV·‘‘_ i   " ._ *1*%   . “$   _  V
ai Izumi 4 '»~s.2rI  Qi   ‘: "    rl, .,‘_ ·   1  V.: .2,;   gui ’” "   V
-nts at- V   ~¤·~  » - M  -   ’V//   ‘‘‘‘' - y é· V,__ V   ? '   V
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 .  /VV/ ~  ‘‘‘ " V -·     , rs"'   x .·   q
IS \\’il- \         VV,,.  V V-V;‘- -   · ..VV .    ·*   / yi 3 VVV.,
    ·-VV»       »  V.    . w .V‘-·   ‘ 
mdume r     ‘‘`’   »·‘=·’     »» VM '`VV'   ` ’= ( i V    
. -    M-¢¤¤;:·:z-r~    /· ·   · gr? .,~ " V  
elumm   ·.VV  V .VVV..-.VV.. ~    V4?    V. “ =  -. at   ~ ~ -.2  . ··*A·=    
—CC0,,m_   gy.     ’ /,,V ; ag; _,   . W —   V‘V“  
¤   ’...f 7 ‘’t=·v   V., V           '    
behalf ···· ~·-~-    V               4 ·     A   ·~ -.   Q
  =;V· * ’’‘. i   ` ‘   E€5° V V,-=»;-`   ” (           ‘       T i
V AIIUC- Q? '     __         ; 3:; I   . {
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jcuuou {Q V    '  ,        »‘·· _   *Z ·$»i   »   .  
lubilee   I   ‘‘°   °       'V         _ s
` V *¤*"· ``‘‘` ‘ t' V       Q  " -   .  V"   _
Oi thc   .3./ · . .       . .. ··*‘  “-~.      [ ~   i  —   1
ic [him, P L f`   .4.; - Vvvv       _       i   _V ‘   H       i ·  5  ‘VV·f ··   X · ‘_  
Cturued I .   ‘*‘’ _   Vj/{2 I ,    ":,   ~; 3 Z‘        V   ;    ‘~ ‘ i
" ‘V‘V·   '*€;g;’”·‘%f'L~V   t ‘ *r     gé     °* V_    ’
den i`€· $     -—VV   ..—··‘ ‘     at    V.».§ .  " - V.§J.j.  ` »V‘·· -   ‘
:V‘*~ s   {=- .     V ~V"-V V ‘’V‘‘`’     `   .·‘` ·~ " V
    _ »— ,VV. ; ·_ ·tiV.:t*¤. .  M ;  ‘=‘‘’»   ,-  _ 5
(V35 PIE- l (yn   in ‘ `   J:.  V}   ) ` '·=i;     Iv'-, ` > 5
ASS¤¤i¤·           ¤         V....   ’          
¤‘~‘¤l€<‘     .-    V ·»·;<‘€?T:¤r-2 t
IO ALxhO` i __ V.     `       v· S`: ‘   l l `
Marguc-     ` J   - .S _ p
gift M  gte  Q . E
st clasi .   .- V i
CS I @$5}  · ; 1
:1 190n ;
irualism   Bottom left: Mrs. Lysle Croft (Daisy
reunion   SNAPPED AT THE REUNION Taylor), ’25, (center) appears in serious L
  .q_   BANQUET; mood in conversation with other ban- V
  ` =   ‘ quet g`U€S($·
M iit  2..  cl;    *V_»`   Top left. Sisters Susan Grey Akers and TOP right: MISS mmm Gm)- Akers of
  Q  g   Q  $t‘   Mmv E¥¤Z¤b¢¤h Akers <>f Chapel HM Chapel nm. N. c., and nr. pmiiip ·
  an   TV       N· Cj were Presented Gulueu lubuee Blumenthal and his son of Indianapo-
I       V   (.€l`[lil(C2l[CS {110lIg \VI{h O[ll€I` IH€IIlb€I`S lis` Iudu `ycrc Seated at the   Class
    ( gg A` Oi the 1909 eu*SS_“[ the banquet l”`0' table and looked pleased with what
le Alum- i              gran" The ccruflcmcs were Preseuteu they saw and heard. V
d- I `'``V E   »‘'_i QV.;       `  I__`€!§¤i by President Drckev and Dr. Angelueu.
YS- E IU fg »’*_   ~  _` .  f  ( Center right: Happy school-day mem- .
MTS- _I"? ‘ j ‘—’t·   -V`i-- _  *“`*?”'  A  k w,   Center left: Herndon  Evans, ’2l. anti ories could be the conversation topic
€1`d$"*u°i ‘ H      ze qa; Mrs. Evans (Mary Elimbeth Downing) for (left to right) Louise YVallace, ’33, »
Tl¤<>m¤5 _ p °        greet Smith D. Broadbent, jr. (right) Lexington; Francis Le Baron, ’34, End-
·*hf· i ,      4; ,,;  ,—.   s ==` of (ladiz, Kv, Broadbent was president icott. N. Y.; [oe Reister, `S4, and Mrs.
-   A .—  at  iw  -VV. aj; . _ · . . . . ~ ,_ -
    ol the 1954 class which celebrated its Rerster (Alice Doughertv). $(1, of Lex- `
_, -»     V__ -.a;;(;§° 2uth reunion. mgttm.
_,_,.--   i
. V V`>
~ .- , · _ . » __ ' . . _V._ . . ..   ,,§ ,.       ..     .   VV.   ,.·     .,-.           ....   ._;,, ..V.z:.,:··.`. ··¤.`.*,‘i?'

i Richard Rushmg Is Appointed UK   _____V__ — -_—V     , 
  Alumm Field Secretary » __  NIVM 3  
1 _.,,     ww  »·-<  .j  ,_.: F i _ V- "r
I Richard Alan Rushing, Lexington, Rushing will coordinate the activi- V  ‘=‘‘ `  `   Y1
Z is the new field secretary for the Uni- ties of the more than 90 organized UK     __ e:
f versiti of Kentucky Alumni Associa- alumni clubs throuvhout the state and `Z    _ · ‘   »¢_`  
> . l . ’ . . . ? . .  2 ¤  -  
{I tion, Miss Helen G. King, director of nation and will asstst in the organiza-  gg   _ .  
  alumni affairs announced his appoint- tion of additional clubs. He also will 4      A   if
‘· . . . »  §< ~   ss » · "'.=l,_
  ment as of july 1. serve as liaison man between the Uni-   (  ar   ;;:;,___
»_ A native of Camden, Ark., Rushing versity and Kentucky high schools. E-     ’
i as rad 1at¤d f·o 1 the Uni *ersit in . . . .   .  .--`.. f
» “`,,g . li ° 1 H . l Y He will help in organizing a speak-   ~·¤s,J»* \  
i mw with H B`S` degree m COmm€1_Cc` ers bureau of cam nfs re )l`C$€1l['l[l\'CS  if  
* He holds three letters in UK varsity ` . ( V .` l ` I Q _ A S   "'   `;'`  
It . · who will be axatlable for engagements ·»:; .. _ M _  ._· · M .5.
J football and was a member of the . . . . »..» t ;_   t
, . , at high schools, civic club meetings »-~..      
. V arsitv Lettermen s Club and of ‘ V . V   .      
f , # , . . and other gatherings. and generally   ,; ==· -·
1 Kappa Sigma social fraternity. He ‘ _ ` ‘ ’ ·· ·,*, =   - —·=*=‘
r· serve as contact man between the --»—·--.  
— ,~ served on the board of the Student . . . . . · »·»· _
; . . . . Alumni Association. the University and
5 Governmnet Association during his . . r
, the people of kentucky.
(V sophomore year and was a squardron ·
ll commander in advanced ROTC. The son of Nil`, and Mrs. \\'. R. — . ’
Upon graduation he was commis- Rushing of Memphis, Tenn., Rushing I V
sioned a second lieutenant in the U.S. is married to the former Margaret R_ I I A { I _ wr
. Air Force and served three years on Ford. a former UK student from Lex- Ksmu * ‘ I Us ““g· ”·’
l active duty. He returned to Lexington ington. They are the parents of two
-. in january and has been district man- boys, Richard Alan jr., 2. and \’\lilliam
. a er of an insurance com anv. Robert. —1 months. A §€*""g€
i 8 P I .
1 ,\lumni A
l » ·‘‘‘ - r" -,¤~ s ,. .  . ‘·=‘   ....   ‘ ~¤»·~» ¤*<>···<
· ’ .3*;       V   xi   .-·   ==r     ‘'’yy To the friends of the late Dr. Char- i New York
i` if .  “.   A , ‘ A , .    ·` ._ , .· 1* `   les Barkenbus:
M ’-»·‘° *        if   A . * · ` a , "?· . `
» ll ‘   ~ - ’‘i   { "‘T}:-*·  sz  ‘        ’— A .
, .   -...           - t · , J       , , .
    I, `*»  Vg,. V __ ’"    __ . _ ..‘j·=_   » { · 4) \ou have probably rightly con- _ V_' 
4 * ’ A _ fj  ., I   _ ’ c V s   ’ ,   V M    ____ _, Q V_  _  Q, •   _ cluded—that the notice of the Alum- ` ‘  
V ·· '*   .`‘·  V  ..‘‘·  agi `, . V - ’   , V J is 3,:*     ~ ,___ V nus in regard to a gift for Dr. Bar- V  
i II Vie t V· V e   y··. . ·‘j    ,-6-s , A  ie?  V,   I   klenbus was already in print at the V‘  
4  —' · ,   ,, »=     . % time of his sudden death. I will if 
·_  x, g , . , , xg   ,, , _ _ _ .. ._.  
*   ’   , . ‘       always remain deeply grateful for ’   ‘t,.  
; ` ,V   ·   ;   , t ’ V V , _ ‘ this wonderful teacher_ A few have  
`   _ - ._  j¤" , “ V / .V . ’ sent in contributions for the in- ,  
I §l V     V‘V ` ’   V_ (M tendedVpurpose. l am holding these    
$7   . ·V; — }   to await your pleasure as to further  
p _   7   __ plans. lt seems to ine. that a llar- — \ _
V. ‘ » \     [Ve `     ‘  )_ kenbus (lltyemistry Scholarship in \V  
V r _   ‘‘*  ; .2 tw   V ‘ _  . c _ ’ { the sum of three to five llllll(ll`t'(l ‘  
.   .§ .:-·     = a si  M. N  dollars. to be awarded annually to
`   `     V ‘     ‘ the outstanding high school grad- \~
‘    ..., , __ ·= ; s·"_ V Y   I '  Qi " ·   ~ nate on the basis of character. abil-
, " VVV,   _, V V   ity in chemistry. and hnancial need.
. 6 _ __     `·.i”   V _.  would be a fitting memorial. l’lca$<‘ .
V V Q   --.,    ._,._:.   /   "" ""‘ l‘°"" f""‘“ ’l‘“‘ "* “""“ "”
» `A ._ ‘ _.   t._.§   ‘ _ iossible in this regard. _
. I · . ·:·;. ·:     ·:.  '... . l U
Dr RHI I A 1 . . . . . _-\_   \\’hitehouse. Nfl)   i
. p1 nge ucci (seated lef