xt7wm32n6m7r https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7wm32n6m7r/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky 1973-01-jan16. minutes English University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1973-01-jan16. text Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1973-01-jan16. 1973 1973-01-jan16. 2011 true xt7wm32n6m7r section xt7wm32n6m7r 

       Minutes of the SMeeting of the Board of Trustees of the University of
Keiituckv. Tuesday. January 16, 1973

       The Board of Trustees of the University of Kentucky nmet in regular
session at 2:00 p. In. on Tuesday. January 16, 1973, in the Board Room on
the 18th floor of the Patterson Office Tower on the University campus with
the followini.n members present: Mr. Jesse M. Alverson, Mr. Thomas P.
Bell. Mr. William R. Black. Mrs. Rexford S. Blazer, Mr. Stanley Burlew,
;Mrs. Robert 0. Clark. Mr. Albert G. Clay, Mr. Jacob H. Graves, Mr.
George W. Griffin. Mr. Garvice D. Kincaid, Professor Paul Oberst, Mr.
Zirt A. Palmer, Professor Paul G. Sears, Mr. William B. Sturgill, Judge
James A. Sutherland, Mr. Scott Wendelsdorf, and Dr. John R. Woodyard.
Mr. Richard E. Cooper and Mr. Eugene Goss were absent from the meeting.
University personnel present included President Otis A. Singletary; Vice
Presidents Alvin L. Morris, Lewis W. Cochran, A. D. Albright, Glenwood
L. Creech. Robert G. Zumwinkle, Stanley Wall, Peter P. Bosomworth,
Lawrence E. Forgy; Dr. Donald B. Clapp, Budget Director; and Mr. John
C. Darsie. Legal Counsel. Representatives of the various news media were
pre sent.

       A. Meeting Opened

       Mr. Clay called the meeting to order at 2:10 p. mn. The invocation was
pronounced by Mr. William R. Black.

       B. Admninistration of Oath of Office

       The oath of office was administered by Mr. John Darsie to Mr. William
R. Black, Mr. Albert G. Clay, and Judge James A. Sutherland. Mr. Black
replaces Mr. James H. Pence as one of the alumni Trustees; Judge James A.
Sutherland replaces Mr. Floyd H. Wright; and Mr. Clay was reappointed for
another term.

      C. Roll Call

      Mrs. Blazer reported seventeen members present and two members
absent. A quorum being present, Mr. Clay declared the meeting officially
open for the conduct of business at 2:15 p. m.

      D. Committee Appointments

Mr. Clay made the following appointments to Board Com1i tteo'S:


       Finance Committee                Mr. William B. Sturgill
       Hearing Committee                Judge James A. Sutherland
       Investment Conmmittee            MIr. Gravice D. Kincaid
       Medical Center Committee         Mr. William R. BLack

       A committee composed of Mr. William B. Sturgill, Mr. Robert 0.
Clark. and Mr. Zirl A. Palmer, with Mr. Sturgill as charilnan, was appointed
to draft a resolution of appreciation for the services rendered by Mr. Pence and
Mr. Wright during their terms on the Board for presentation at the February
me etting.

       E. Minutes Approved

       On motion by Mrs. Blazer, seconded, and passed, the reading of the
Minutes of the December 12, 1972 meeting of the Board of Trustees was dis-
pensed with and the Minutes were approved as published.

       F. President's Report to the Trustees

       President Singletary called attention to several items in his monthly
report to the Trustees. copies of which were available for each member, and
recommended that the Board members read the report in its entirety at their

       After mentioning that President Singletary had recently been appointed
as a Director of the Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland, Mr. Clay accepted the
report and ordered it filed.

       G. Recommendations of the President (PR 2)

       There being no questions relative to the recomnm-endations in PR 2,
Recommendations of the President, on notion by Mr. Palmer, seconded by
Mrs. Clark, and passed without dissent, PR 2 was approved as a whole and
ordered made an official part of the Minutes of the meeting. (See PR 2 at the
end of the Minutes. )

       H. Amendment to Governing Regulations (PR 4)

       At the Novem!cber 21, 1972 meeting of the Board of Trustees the following
proposed amnendmeci-nt to Part XII, D of the Governing Regulations (Febrtiar\y 1972)
was received for study and action at a later meeting:

       (To replace the third paragraph in PART XII D)

Specifically, University facilities shall not be used for meetings,


       conentionls, rallies, or any campaign activities that would
       further the interests of a political party or of a candidate or
       candidates for public office. This is not to be construed as
       prohibiting the appearance of political candidates at meetings
       of registered student organizations which are open in attendance
       only to students. faculty and staff of the University, and which
       are not open to the general public. Further, the University may
       fromn time to tine invite candidates for public office to speak at
       U nive rs itv convriocations.

       'Political party' is defined as a voluntary association of
       persons formed and organized for the purpose of nominating or
       electing candidates for public office. This definition includes,
       but is not linited to. the meaning of ''political party' as
       defined in KRS 119. 010.

       Since the 30 days required between presentation and adoption of an
amiendmnent to the Governing Regulations had not elapsed by the date of the
December meeting, the proposed amendm-ient was not removed from the table at
that meeting. Since the proper time has passed since its original presentation,
President Singletary recommended that it now be removed from the table and
placed before the Board for action.

       Mr. Wendelsdorf stated his objection to the amendment since he felt there
was no justifiable reason for excluding community participation in political
meetings inasmuch as such participants were not excluded from athletics and
cultural events. President Singletary pointed out that Mr. Wendelsdorf's concern
was with the basic policy of the University which has been in effect for years and,
therefore. w-,as not pertinent to this particular amendment which had only the
effect of clarifying existing policy.

       Professor Sears moved that the proposed amnendment to Part XII, D of
the Governing Regulations (February 1972) as received at the Novenmber 21,
1972 meeting be remnoved from the table and adopted. His rmotion was seconded
bIy Mr. Griffin, and passed with only Mr. Wendelsdorf voting against it. (See
PR 4 at the end of the Minutes. )

       I. Amendment to Governing Regulations Proposed (PR 5)

       At the request of President Singletary, Dr. Alvin L. Morris explained
that the proposed amendnment to Part X of the Governing Regulations was related
to the University's affirmative action program and additionally clarifies that an
applicant for a position in an educational unit shall not be discriminated against
because of race, color, religion, sex, ethnic origin or political beliefs.

       Mr. Sturgill mnoved that the proposed amendment be accepted for consider-
ation and action at the next meeting. His motion was seconded by Nlr. Iincaid,
and passed with no dissenting votes. (See PR 5 at the end of the Minutes,



       J. Budget Revisions Approved (PR 6)

       Ha-laing determnined that there were no qLuestions, iMvir. Clay called for a
motion that the budget rtevisions for 1972-73 as presented in PR 6 be authcoriz(ed
and approved. Mr. Palm-ier so nmoved. His motion was seconded by Dr.
Woodvard and passed. (See PR 6 at the end of the N/iinutes.

       K. Summer Resident Center Established in Romania (PR 7)

       Dr. Cochran pointed out that the request for approval of a Resident
Ccentcr at the University of Bucharest was made primarily to permit the awarding
of resident credit to those students participating. The entire costs of operating
the program wvill be met by fees paid by the students.

       On mnotion bv Mrs. Blazer. seconded by Mrs. Clark. and passed. approval
was given to the establishment of a Sumnmner Resident Center at the University of
Bucharest, Romania. (See PR 7 at the end of the Minutes. )

       L. Departmnent of Music Redesignated as a School of Music (PR 8)

       President Singletary noted that the proposal to redesignate the Departmient
of Music as a School of Music has been developed by the faculty of the Departmient
of Music and had the approval of the College of Arts and Sciences and the Uni-
versitv Senate and recommended approval.

       On motion by Mr. Graves, seconded by Professor Sears, and passed.
approval was given to the redesignation of the Department of Music in the College
of Arts and Sciences as a School of Music. (See PR 8 at the end of the MIinutes.

       M. Departmeints in the College of Pharmacy Dissolved (PR 9)

       Dr. Bosomworth discussed the reasons for the recomnmendation that the
departments in the College of Pharmnacy be dissolved and stated that the recoin-
meindation had the approval of the Academnic Council for the Medical Ceanter -l id
the Senate Council.

       On motion by Mr. Graves. seconded by M/lr. Bell, and passed. approval
wals giv en to the recommirriendation that the departmental structure within the
College of Pharmacy be dissolved and that the College be administered as a basic
adacernic unit by the Dean of the College. (See PR 9 at the end of the NMinutes.

       N. Dean of College of Home Economics Named (PR 10)

Dr. Cochran prefaced his recommendation that Dr. Mar jorie S, Stewart


be ia med Dean of the Colle ge of Home Ecornomics with the state ment that the
Search Committee had made a nationw-ide canvass of potential candidates and had
co Ilctuded that Dr. Xlar jorie S. Stewart, the Acting Dean of the College, wvas the
most able and sUitable candidate for the position. Dr. Sing.letarv concurred in
the recommnelndation and I)r. Stewart. wvho ,was present at the mecting, was initro-
dLec d.

       On motion bv _Mr. Bell. seconded by Mlr. Griffin, and passed. approval
was giveni to the appointment of Dr. MarJorie S. Stewart. Associate Professor
of Vocational Education. as Professor of Home Economics and Dean of the
College of Home Economics. effective immnediately. (See PR 10 at the end of
the Minutes. )

       0. Degree Candidates Approved (PR 11)

       After an explanation by President Singletary of the need for the Board of
Trustees to approve the list of persons who completed the requirements for their
degrees prior to approval by the University Senate, on motion by Professor Sears.
seconded by NIrs. Blazer. and passed, the President was authorized to confer
upon each individual whose name appears on the list attached to PR 11 the degree
to which he is entitled. upon certification by the Dean of Admnissions and Registrar
and approval by the University Senate that the individual has satisfactorily com-
pleted all requirements for the degree for which he has made application. (See
PR 11 at the end of the IMinutes. )

       P. Recommendations of Advisory Commniittee on Student Code Revision
Tranlsi-nitted to the Student Code Rev is ion Committee

       President Singletary announced that he had receiv ed front the Advisory
Committee on Student Code Revision 25 recomnmendations to be transmitted to
the Studeint Code Revision Committee with his owVnI recomnmendations. He said
that he w-as recomm-inending approval of 16 as presented. approval of five wvith
amendmednts. and disapproval of four of the original recommriendatiols.

       N;ir, Griffin. chairmnian of the committee. agreed to call the commlittee
together prior to the next mreeting of the Board so that a report could be made at
that time.

       Q. Interim Financial Report (FCR 1)

       The re being no0 clucstions. on motion by Mr. Griffin, seconded bv Nir.
Sturgill, and passed. the interim financial report for the five nmonths' period
eending NC)ove ber 30. 1972 wvas accepted and ordered made a matter of rec ord.
(See FCR I at the end of the Minutes. )

--5 -


- 6-

       R. Recommendation for Increase in Room and Board Rates for
1973-74 Tabled (FCI 2)

       Mlr. Forgy explained that the recomm-nended increases in room and board
rates as shown in FCR 2 were necessary if the University was to break evcn on
operatingz costs in the Housing and Dining System.

       M1r. Klincaid said that he was basically opposed to increasing fees for
students unless there was absolutely no other alternative. He suggested that
action on the increased room and board rates be deferred so that consideration
might be given to possible savings that might be effected which would make such
an increase unnecessarv. He gave as his opinion that considerable savings might
be realized through refunding of the University's Consolidated Educational
Buildings Revenue Bonds at a lower interest rate.

       M/Ir. Forgv replied that the Finance Cormmittee had been working \vith the
University's fiscal agent for the past several months on the possible refunding of
the bond issue; that in order to finalize plans for 1973-74 operations a decision
on room and board rates was important at this timle; and that in his opinion any
savings which might be realized from refinancing the bonds should not affect the
roomn and board rates for 1973-74 inasmuch as these savings wsould not be imll-
mediately available for use and, when available, should be applied to programs
benefiting the entire student body rather than just that portion living in the
dor mitories.

       After considerable discussion, Mr. Wendelsdorf mroved that the Motion
for approval of the increase in room and board rates be tabled pending further
stud\. His motion was seconded by Dr. Woodyard but was declared out of order
by the c(hairman inasmuch as there was no mi-otion on the floor.

       Mr. Griffin reported that the Finance Committee had agreed to recommend
approval of the increase in room and board rates as proposed in FCR 2 and so
noved. His mo-ition was seconded by Judge Sutherland.

       Mr. Wendelsdorf moved that Mr. Griffin's motion be tabled for conside r-
ation and action at the February meeting. Dr. Woodyard seconded the motion
and a roll call vote was taken with the following results:

           Voting Aye: M4r. Alverson. Mr. Bell, Mrs. Blazer. Mr. Graves
                        Mi r. Palmer. Professor Sears, Mr. Wendelsdorf,
                        Dr. Wocodyard

           Voting Nab: M'Ir. Burlew-, Mrs. Clark, Mr. Clay. Nir. Griffin,
                        Professor Oberst, Mvlr. Black, Mr. StUrgill.
                        Judge Sutherland

           Abstaining: Mxr. Kincaid

After the secretary reported a tie vote of 8-8. Mr. Kincaid changL!ed his vott


to ''aye" and the mi-otion carried 9-8. FCR 2 was ordered tabled for consider-
ation and action at the February meeting. (See FCR 2 at the end of the Minutes.

       S. Charge-off of Uncollectible Accounts (FCR 3)

       FCR 3. Charge-off of Uncollectible Accounts, was withdrawn by the
Finance Committee.

       T. Approval Given to Proposed Tobacco and Health Research
Construction and Renovation Projects (FCR 4)

       Dr. Cochran explained the need for action by the Board of Trustees rela-
tive to the construction and renovation projects proposed by the Kentucky Tobacco
Research Board. explaining that funds for these projects would be provided from
the special cigarette tax approved by the Legislature.

       Mr. Wendelsdorf voiced his strong opposition tothe University becoming
involved in this enterprise, stating that it was guilty of "educational prostitution"
when it was willing to go to any lengths to get a research building.

       Mr. Bell moved approval of the recomnmendation in FCR 4. Mr. Graves
seconded, and all rnembers present voted "aye" with the exception of Mr.
Wrendelsdorf who voted ''no".

       U. Resolution Regarding Conversion of Dormitory Electrical
Service Adopted (FCR 5)

       After a brief explanation by Mr. Forgy of the reason for the resolution,
on motion by Mr. Kincaid. seconded by Mr. Alverson, and passed, the resolution
as presented in FCR 5 was approved. (See FCR 5 at the end of the Minutes.

       V. Mleeting Adjourned

       For the benefit of the new Board mnembers. N'lr. Clay reviewed the dates
of future meetings of the Board and the secretary was asked to send these dates
to all members of the Board. After determining there was no further business
to come before the meeting, Mir. Clay called for a mi-otion for adjournment,
which was made. seconded, and carried by an affirmative vote, and the mreeting
adjourned at 3:15 p. m.

                                                  Respectfully submitted,

                                                  Lucile T. Blazer, Sec retary
                                                  Board of Trustee s

(PRs 2, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8. 9, 10, 11, and FCRs 1, 2, 4 and 5 which follow are official
parts of the Miinutes of the meeting. )

-7 -



                         January 16, 1973


    Two University professors have been selected as Fulbright
lecturers at two South American universities during the 1973
fall semester.

    Dr. Ronald Clifford Dillehay, professor of psychology, will
lecture on behavioral science at Catholic University, Lima,
Peru, and Dr. Robert W. Randall, associate professor of history,
will lecture on American and Latin American history at the Uni-
versity of Cuyo, Mendoza, Argentina. Both scholars are scheduled
to leave in July.

    The award, given under the Mutual Educational and Cultur4l
Exchange Act of 1961 and known as the Fulbright-Hays act, is de-
signed to "increase mutual understanding between the people of
the United States and the people of other countries by means of
educational and cultural exchange...and thus to assist the United
States and the other countries of the world."

    The two professors were selected by the Board of Foreign
Scholarships, which is named by President Richard Nixon and con-
sists principally of representatives from the American academic


    Two junior music education majors have been selected as student
conductors for University bands.

   William Harry Clarke, director of bands, announced that Alan
Jacobus of Danville will be student conductor of the University
Concert Band, and Janice Prichard of Atlanta, Ga., will be student
conductor of the University Symphonic Band.

    A member of the University Wind Ensemble, Symphonic Band and
Choristers, Miss Prichard is active in the student chapter of the
Music Educators National Conference, ad is pledge chairman of Alpha
Chi Omega sorority.

    Jacobus, who plans to teach instrumental music in the public
schools following his graduation, serves as president of the UK
chapter of the Music Educators National Conference. He is a member
of Phi Mu Alpha, men's honorary music fraternity, and is librarian
for the University Bands.


- 2


    Two kinds of history writers are needed today--experts pro-
ducing detailed and intricate scholarship, and writers who can
reach the public with book-length messages underscoring the
"essential freedoms of humankind."

    This was the gist of an address by Dr. Holman Hamilton, pro-
fessor of history, in early December at the 1972 Distinguished
Professor Lecture. Dr. Hamilton held the title for the previous
year, the 27th to be honored since the practice was begun in 1944.
He was elected by other faculty members in the College of Arts and

    In his lecture, "Claude G. Bowers and Popular History in the
1920's," Dr. Hamilton called attention to the importance of Bowers,
an Indiana newspaper man and politician, in communicating ideas to
the public, by analyzing three of Bowers' books.

    Bowers, he said, "sensed the drama of history, and not infre-
quently the melodrama. He depicted social background--in the nar-
row sense of the word 'social,' and sometimes in the broader sense."


   Adverse effects of bad weather on human behavior is being under-
scored in an exhaustive survey of traffic accidents being conducted
by University researchers.

   As the barometric pressure drops, accident rates go up, accord-
ing to Dr. John W. Hutchinson, professor of civil engineering.

   Traffic accidents rise during weather front passage and thunder-
storms, not entirely because of road conditions, but also because
of slowed driver reaction due to rises in atmospheric electricity
and the presence of strong infrasond.

   Concern for environmental improvement has initiated interest in
noise pollution and acoustics, in general. The Department of Mechan-
ical Engineering will offer a new course on Environmental Noise to
senior and graduate students this semester. It will be taught on an
experimental basis. A UK graduate, Dr. A. B. Broderson, of AMETECH,
Inc., Lexington, will teach the course.

    The College of Engineering Office of Engineering Research and
Services currently is developing specifications for a network of
infrasond and atmospheric electricity monitoring stations to be used
in a study of traffic accident frequency and distribution in Lexing-
ton and Fayette County. It is suspected that the clustering of
traffic accidents in various parts of the county at various times
may be due to such natural and man-made environmental phenomena as
infrasond and atmospheric electricity.



    The role of the American woman in today's society will be
studied in four new courses to be offered during the 1973 spring
semester. These include discussions of women in philosophy, art,
religion, education and literature.

    Dr. John B. Stephenson, dean of undergraduate studies, said
one course will deal with the history of the feminist movement
and a discussion of the major problems and possible solutions.
Called "Feminist Theory," it will be taught by Dr. Josephine Dono-
van, assistant professor in the Honors Program.

    One problem she plans to have the more experienced class exa-
mine concerns the question of alternate social structures; for
example, is the family grouping the best way of dividing the


    Nearly 5,000 students are taking courses through the Indepen-
dent Study program. About half of these already are taking regular
class work. They take correspondence courses to earn extra credits
they need to graduate, or they have jobs and experience difficulty
scheduling classes around their working hours.

    Dr. Earl Pfanstiel, director of the program, said students can
complete up to 25 per cent of their requirements for a baccalaure-
ate degree through correspondence courses.

    A new policy allows high school students to enroll in college
freshman level required courses without formally entering the Uni-
versity. Dr. Pfanstiel said this is to allow capable students to
complete general course work before physically enrolling for campus-
based classes in their chosen major field. "This also helps acquaint
high school students with college level material before they enter
college, enabling them to understand what will be expected of them
when they do enroll."

    Independent Study courses may be credit or non-credit, and are
available to both degree and non-degree students.

    The director said students represent all levels of society.
"There's a lot of interest in correspondence courses among convicts,"
he said. The 25 per cent limitation averages about 32 hours.

    The program designed for high school students, in which college
credit may be earned prior to high school graduation, is open to
any student upon approval of the principal or counselor.   Called
the College Credit Program for High School students, the 50 courses
available range from biology to political science and some foreign


- 4 -


    A belgian economist-educator has been awarded a Fulbright
internship grant in the University Office of Institutional

    Dr. A. D. Albright, vice president for institutional plan-
ning, said Henri De Knibber, who heads the planning office of
the University of Brussels, is to arrive early this week.

    The grant was awarded by the U. S. Educational Commission in
Belgium and the Conference Board Committee of the U. S. Depart-
ment of State.

    The 29-year-old Belgian university official speaks four
languages--Dutch, French, English and German, and has a graduate
degree in economic sciences from Vrije Universiteit Brussel. He
served as a lieutenant in the Belgian Air Force and enjoys deep-
sea diving and swimming.

    Dr. Albright said Mr. De Knibber will work with the institu-
tional planning staff on various projects, including the develop-
ment of information systems, expenditure models, program analysis,
resources requirements and space utilization.

    Mr. De Knibber will study other segments of the University,
such as plant and physical facilities, budget planning and aca-
demic units.


    The University Press of Kentucky, which began in 1969 as a
statewide cooperative publishing venture involving nine institu-
tions of higher learning, has welcomed three new members to the

    Transylvania University, voted into membership by the Editorial
Board in mid-December, joined recently-allied Georgetown College
and Northern Kentucky State College to bring the number of insti-
tutional members in the consortium to 12.

    The Kentucky Historical Society, as an associate member, and
the 13 community colleges, make the Press one of the larger ventures
of its kind in the country.

    Designed to provide a more effective as well as more economical
approach to the publishing problems of today's educational establish-
ment with its rapidly rising costs, the University Press of Kentucky
has proved in its three years' existence that cooperation and union
of purpose can contribute substantially to success.



    The staff of the Admissions and Registrar's office has adopted
a needy Lexington family.

    The approximately 60 employees voted to give money, food,
clothing and gifts for a family of nine, rather than spend money
for "gag" gifts to exchange at their annual Christmas party, and
will continue to help the family.

    Dr. Elbert W. Ockerman, dean of admissions and registrar, said
"the initiative to help a deserving family through the office came
not from administrative officers, but from staff personnel."

    Miss Jenny Ham, supervisor of mail clerks, learned of the
family's plight through her church and asked if anyone in the
office could help her find clothes and other needed items.

    Mrs. Pat Miller, Records Division, who chaired this year's
Christmas committee, suggested the entire office "adopt" the

    Several members of the staff, headed by Miss Ham, have visited
the family to determine their particular needs, such as size of

    The family, which lives on the West side of Lexington, has
struggled for survival since a fire destroyed their home and be-
longings nearly a decade ago. A two-year-old daughter died as a
result of the fire.

    The father and a 15-year-old son work to support the family in
which the youngest child suffers from epilepsy and two other
children are mentally retarded. Only two of the seven children
are in school.


    Progress Commemoration Day is being observed today at the Medical
Center. Vice-President Peter P. Bosomworth said the day's activities
include a seminar on family medicine, at 1:30 p.m., and a dinner
later today honoring Dr. William R. Willard, the facility's first
vice-president. Dr. Bosomworth will moderate a panel at 5 p.m. on
"Expansion Inauguration Program," which will concentrate on the Medi-
cal Center's progress over the past decade.

    The program and new building plans for the hospital addition and
the new Family Practice-Student Health Service building also will be


- 6 -


     More than 100 students and faculty members from the College
of Pharmacy have been lecturing throughout Kentucky to civic groups,
church and school audiences, on the subject of drug abuse. Dr.
Gerald Sherman, chairman of the college's drug education committee,
said the goal was to develop an on-going drug education program
for all ages of society at the community level. They have spoken
to over 1,000 adults and school children in the last six months.


     The private papers of former U.S. Senator John Sherman Cooper
have been given to the University library and currently are being
readied for cataloguing.

     Although some of the papers will be kept apart from public view
until several years have elapsed, because of their private nature,
the collection is the largest in the manuscripts section of the li-
brary, Dr. Stuart Forth, director of libraries, said. The Chief
Justice Fred M. Vinson collection, for example, numbers more than
435,000 pieces and took more than two years to categorize. Other
papers in the collection include those of former U.S. Senator
Thruston B. Morton.

     Archivist Charles Atcher was in Washington just before Christ-
mas overseeing the packaging of the papers at Senator Cooper's office
and many of the papers have arrived at the University.

     Senator Cooper also said he plans to make a series of tape re-
cordings which could be of interest to historians. He said a number
of institutions had sought the papers, but he chose the University
because he "thought it best to have them in my home state."


     Dr. B. C. Pass, chairman of the Department of Entomology, has
received a $50,000 grant from the U.S. Department of Agriculture to
study the effects of insects on alfalfa.

     He will attempt to determine the most effective controls of al-
falfa pests and when to apply them. Alfalfa is considered one of
Kentucky's most valuable cultivated forage crops and is an ideal food
for almost all classes of livestock.


     The Community College System has received grants from the Ken-
tucky State Real Estate Commission to help establish programs leading
to an associate degree in real estate. The money comes from what is
called the Recovery Fund, created by the last session of the Kentucky
General Assembly, which provides $200,000 annually for education




     Another grant worth $22,375 from the National Archives and Record
Service for the Henry Clay Project, and a grant of $92,929 to the
Civil Defense program in University Extension, led amounts given
through the University of Kentucky Research Foundation last month to
a number of campus research projects. Awards during November amounted
to $382,992.62. This amount, with a total of $275,545 for December,
brings the total for research awards through UKRF since July 1 to


     Animal Sciences--N. W. Bradley, Effect of a Methane Inhibitor on
Performance of Feedlot Cattle, Smith, Kline and French Laboratory,
$7:000, Entomolojg--R. Hemken, Potash Requirement of the Dairy Cow,
Potash Institute of America, $500. H. W. Dorough, Metabolism of
Selected Velsicol Pesticides in Plant and Animal Systems, $8,500, and
Efficacy and Residual Nature of Chlordane Insecticide on Corn, Al-
falfa, and in Soils, Velsicol Chemical Corp., $5,500 reduction. W. W.
Gregory, Dursban R Insecticide as Granular and Hopper Box Treatment
for Control of Various Soil Insect Pests in No-Till and Minimum-Till
Corn, The Dow Chemical Company, $1,500 additional. 4-H Projects--
C. Feltner, 4-H Community Pride Projects, Standard Oil Company,
$2,000 additional. Plant Pathology--H. E. Wheeler, Pathological