xt7wh7081036 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7wh7081036/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 2007-12-10 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, December 10, 2007 text The Kentucky Kernel, December 10, 2007 2007 2007-12-10 2020 true xt7wh7081036 section xt7wh7081036 Get through finals week with sudokus,
crosswords and jumbles See 8 section



5H ll()fs














Dur‘ovaa Scimitar Bati Caner sorts llii'tltig‘l‘. a am of artifacts Friday ill the M l king library's speriai collections department, where lir'

.v'n‘uaateers 'rétiiiLgiry

85-year—old fulfills desire to learn

Donovan Scholars Program offers
free courses to senior citizens



l5or Xchar—old Donovan
Scholar Hob ('oriey. continuing
education after earrirtig two de—
grees is not about becoming more
intelligent it is about a desire
to leam. he said.

"There is always an inborn
desire and challenge to seek the
unknown in how it shapes the
reasons for our lives the
whens. the hows. and the why
riots." (‘oney said.

Coney said he is thankful for
his continued good health. the op—
porturiitrcs he has been blessed
with. and the CR Donovan
Scholars Program.

l‘K's fourth president. Her—
niati Donovan. founded the pro
grant in Nb: iii an effort to allow
those who are 65 and older to re,
ceive a free education

Donovan had a vision that
everyone would be able to have
lifelong education. said :\rlecn
Johnson. director of the Osher
Lifelong learning Institute at l'ls'
Donovan Scholars.

“The program is an ama/ing
way for the Donovan students to

learn about any topics they want
and become all they have ever
wanted to be Johnson said.

Having the opportunity to
take classes in any topic is one of
the reasons Coriey keeps learning.

"It's great being able to take
all of these ‘ology'
courses that weren‘t
offered when l was in
school. Back then.
everything was all
chemistry and
physics. Now. if you
put o~l-osg«y on the
end of the course.
I‘ve been in it." he
said with a laugh.

Cone} attended
Lycoming College in
his hotttetovvii of
erlramsport. Pa. as
a freshman in l94i , He finished
the year and then enlisted in the
Navy‘s officer-training program
in .-\llentown. Pa.

After his service in World
War ll ended in 19-16. Coney con—
turned his education on a four-
year GI Bill grant. He graduated
with his bachelor‘s degree in
chemistry from Roanoke College
in Virginia. where he met his

”I like to keep “‘
in touch
with what's
going on in
the world."


Kama" ;. ‘ ; a* The
1...-.. know ledge has alr

wife. in l‘l-lh,

“But one degree
enough." Coriey said.

He used the last two years of
his GI Bill support to get a degree
in chemical engineering front \"ir»
ginia Tech in l‘litl.

Coney and his wife. l’aula.
settled down in Winchester. Ky.
where he worked as an engineer
and she worked as an laiglrsh
teacher while raising four sons,

in l‘lts’ts. after re~
tiring. Coney decided
enroll in CR
l)onov ar: Scholars.

“I don‘t spend an
awful lot of time sit—
ting around watching
television." Coney
said. "l never have. I
like to keep iii touch
with what's going on
in the world."
pursurt of


ways been encour—
aged in his family. Cone} said.
and lie is ama/ed at how few pco~
ple use the opportunity to get a
higher education.

“Life is a learning esperr»
ence." Coney said. "Focus your
thoughts on a good education. It
will give you the opportunity to
make the right choices in life. if
not. others will make them for
you. and they may not be in your

best interests."

All Donovan Scholars are rust
as excited as Coney to continue
their education. and their younger
counterparts eriioy having them
in class. Johnson said.

About l.llltl students are cur
rolled in the program and lit” of
them are taking classes this sc~
mestcr. Johnson said

C: isses are offered to the
scholars in two different tater
gorics self~eririchnierit and
academic. Johnson said.

Self-enrichment courses are
offered offlcampus to those 55
and older with a lee of $1” per
semester. which pays an instruc
tor and the rent for the oftAcant
pus location.

Academic courses are those
that Coney attends. Scholars who
are 65 or older can choose iroiii 1
list of about 40 thv'ttlt‘it‘rlls '(‘tllst‘s
that they can take free of charge

Johnson said ill students
have received degrees llll'vtlli'll
the acaderiiic proeran' \lost
scholars audit the classes and
aren‘t trying to complete a de
gree. slte said.

('oriey is not working towazd
another degree. but he said he has
taken between l5 and 15‘ classes
through Donovan Scholars.

“It‘s a whole new world out
there right now (‘oricy said
"You have to keep learning."




lNDlANA 70, UK 5i

firlmyis Waldjpn
twalrfrondkvkernel c rim

Bl.()().’v1l.\'(‘.'l'().\. lnd tor the
first time in its short seven game season.
l‘K got a chance to break out its blue
road uniforms No color was more appro-
priate Saturday aftemoon, as l'K's trip to
Indiana left the Cats feeling exactly that


The No. l5 Hoosiers knocked off CK
7(la5l in front of 17.4ltt fans at Assembly
Hall despite playing without star fresh~
man [iric (Bordon. senior Al Ratliff and
sophomore ‘Armon Bassett. three of the
Hoosiers‘ top guards.

“I think people say. ‘Wow. this ought
to be easy.' " head coach Billy Ciillrspie
said “But until we get better at executing
and taking advantage of opportunities.
we're going to stniggle no matter who we
play against."

After losing to North Carolina on
Dec. l.l'K players said they thought they
had a great chance to win in lndiana But
the stat sheet showed a 1K team that was
a long way from competing with the

“I‘m happy for my brother But it‘s real

l'K i4 3) shot Just 33.8 percent. .drsaprxnnting.tlie way we played."

turned the ball over l9 times and was
out—rebounded .‘7-29.

“It was a tough game for tis."
(iillrspie said. “They whipped us in every
aspect. We've got such a long ways to go
in every aspect. but I think we‘re going to
get there."

The battle was billed as a series of in-
triguing inatchups. but most failed to live
up to the hype. The matchup between the
Crawford brothers » - UK‘s Joe arid [F‘s
Jordan 7 was lopsided. Jordan Craw-
ford. a freshman guard. led llT with 20
points. while Joe Crawford. a senior
guard. went rust 4-for—l5 from the field
and scored It) points.

Joe Crawford called the meeting a
“once in a lifetime chance” on Thursday.
brit the dream meeting with his younger
brother quickly tumed into a nightmare.
Joe (‘raw'ford missed his first five field
goals and didn't score until the MB mark
in the first half. Meanwhile. lL' fans took
every chance to chant “Jordan's better "

“It was tough." .loe Crawford said.


The other maror battles. both involve
ing l'K freshman forward Patrick l’atter
son. never materiali/ed. Patterson had
been spectacular through srv games this
season but hadn't eamed the same praise
as Ill freshman guard and leading
scorer liric Gordon, Hut (iordon. who
averages 24.} points per game. didn't
play because of a tailbone initiry suffered
earlier in the week.

And Patterson‘s rnatchrip with lndir
ana senior forward D]. White was hardly
noticed. White drew two foals early in
the first half and played only It! firstvhalf
minutes. and the two spent much of the
day guarding other players.

Patterson once again proved he was
lTK's best scoring option . the freshman
scored l5 points to lead the Cats and
after the game. (iillispie again said the
Cats need to get him the ball more.

"We have to throw the ball inside to
Patterson more." Cirllrspie said “We‘re


Activists want
outside study
of logging

By Jfll luster

ilasterfikykernel corn

’l‘liroughout the semester. the l'K cornmurirty has
debated the merits of logging Robinson Forest. On
Monday. a group of students will meet with the uni—
versity‘s highest gov erning body. the Board of
Trustees. to look at the issue one more time

Monday's meeting will be frorii 4 to 5 pm. in the
lb’th-floor boardroom in the Patterson ()f'fiee Tow er.
At the meeting. about eight people will present argue
merits against logging ts'tttl acres of the littooaicre
Eastern Kentucky forest. said CiaiTett Ciraddy. a geog-
raphy graduate student

"I‘m hoping the Board of Trustees will I'CttlléC
when they voted on this protect iii 2on4. they didn't
have all of the information (iraddy said. “We're hop-
ing the board realizes there is a lot on the line.”

About 25 local activists and members of campus
groups contributed to what will be presented at Mori-
day's Joint meeting of the l'niversity Relations and
Student Affairs committees.

Among their recommendations. the presenters will
call for an esternal review of Robinson lorest front
scientists who would understand the “extraordinary rer
search'~ that the proposed loggrrig would prevent.
(iraddy said.

“Us is aiming to be .i top»lll university. but if you
look at all of the top universities Harvard. Yale.
tl'niversity of California at) Berkeley ecological

See Logging ar‘. rage; A3

Massages, magic
await students
under stress

By Juliann Vachon

l‘srat.‘\(tt‘- iikvker'vol i om

Students looking for a break from studying can get
trcc food and tiiri at \loiidav night's ,\lrdrii_ bt (‘riiiicti

faculty will serve students breaktast food from ‘)
pin. to midnight at Memorial Coliseum. and students
can also participate in free activ .ties. such as a game of
pool with President lee Todd tor the chance to w in a
Will tyl J'K l'hlsht'll‘tlll lle‘lvk‘h

llic seventh annual event. put on by the Division
of Student :\ll.lll"~. l‘» e\pccted to draw about Killll‘i
students this year, said event cocliair Rob Hayslctt
llic first Zfitltl students “ill get a free 'I' shirt at the
tltNtl‘. lls’ sdltl

“It‘s set up to give students a break lltiysfeti said
"It‘s lllck’ to give back to the students ”

The night will also teature magicians caricature
artists .lllvl masseiirs otterrng their services for tree.
and studcrits cari coiiipcle in .i freedhrovv basketball

.\ slittttlc will run from South ( ampus to \lemoti»
al (‘olisciini throughout the night. Hay slett said

"it’s probably one of those events \v'ierc some
people think 'lhis is too good to be true] 'hc said
"But it‘s free and there for the students to cltlllc and
get a break from studying."

.\ university in Canada retently adopted l'K's
Midnight Crunch Brunch idea and found it successful
and useful for students

.laniiic l-oster. manager ot iiiass appeals in the ()t-

s: .»- Brunch ." n i’lt‘: A3



Freshman lU guard .lordan Crawford faces “l“ agarcst his brother, UK senior guard

See Basketball on page A6

doe Crawford during Saturday's game at Assembly Hall

Newsroom: 2574915; Advertising: 257-2872


 3&5; [ Monday, December 10. 200/


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your daily dose of entertainment, pop culture and fun) Kemel ‘ 0'

m for the solution ~

and check out today's 8 section for more puzzles!




29 3



























@ Horoscopes

By Linda C. Black

To get the advantage check the
day'sr ting IUrs the eanestdai 0
the mosr cha/l enging

Aries (March 21 —April 19) Tod ay
is an 8 W .ake the wisdr urn youv
recently acquired and figure out a
way to ado it :0 your career tiehavr
ror Become even more etterttIIi
You can do more than you've .zucI;
before, and you'll love it

Taurus (April 20 - May 20) TI day
is a 7 _ Fir ish up you business so
you can ceiebrate An outing N to
friends would be perfect GI; to a
place you've never been HaIe an ex
perience s'iqhtiy spicrer than usual
Gemini (May 21 — June 21) may
is a 7 7» Its best to remain mat to
now Pay close attention There are,
be a quu ont. rs material later with
valuable prizes At a y rate its
not to argue Sliusl .


Apuz corn

Cancer (June 22 — July H) Today
is a 7 You re pushed past the
breaking point, but don't worry
about it You come up With some ot
your best ideas when working under
pressure You wont break, by the
way You'll get stronger

Leo (July 23 — Aug. 22) Today is
an 8 , First figure out what you
and your sweetnea't want to ac-
complish together Yes. there Will be
work involved This IS- how you
s oIv yr iu! Tova

Virgo (Aug. 23— Sept. 22) T lay is
in and a rest‘ui morn. » y< ..'selt
winter I. itl‘y - our partner about to
ten 1 pr ircwni OI. til , I} i should
hp yl- l‘li‘ SL1: Apart iii“ l' HIE rE ‘15 'yS
Libra (SepLZB- Oct 22H: m y .s a
I Tj"t 3* am i' at you Ir:I:-t lesa
I'I‘Eilltil'it— t‘.\ it' p0 aliSkT"lt‘llillig
tor dinner wait») you Ti i: .ii in there, so
yiri can III; ii‘ ":0 taurjn tni‘iuh!
Scorpio (Oct. 23 ~ Nov. 21) Today
5 n7 WT" 1:: v... 'I' on a shop»
org ti r‘ge also cake at west

rm; Tl Yiri- r ,y\

gym with alitlf‘ llE- it)

.1 ‘7 Tryprpi ".nti VI“ ' "‘


tally yustifiable, Acquire skills you
can use soon ‘
Sagittarius (Nov. 22 — Dec. 21)
Today is an 8 — Trust yourself to
find a way to achieve your goal in
most situations. You're smart and
lucky So figure out what you want
Make a list
Capricorn (Dec. 22 - Jan. 19) To;
day is a 6 W You'll get a lot more
done today than even you expected
Keep pushing while you have the
energy and opportunities Wrap up
as much as possrble so you won‘t
have to do it later
Aquarius (Jan. 20 — Feb. 18) Today
is a 7 "7 It's back to work, and the
one of stuff that's stacked up while
you were dorng something else
Shine of :t's been there Tor quite a
with Ie No more excuses get busy
Pisces (Feb. 19— March 20) To
day is a 6 » it you're willzng to try
an unusual method or plan, great
success can be- yours Besides. your
lrieiirts Will think it's awesome Unr
1eash your creatrvrty



The Hanson brothers have grown up

'I‘I'le DiSl-I

By Chris Riemanschnaider

Star Tribune (Minneapolis)

Ten minutes into a phonc in»
tcrvicw. Isaac Hanson had to bc

Thc cldcst of thc
brothersr’bandmatcs from the
late-‘90s pop trio Hanson was
going on and on. talking pas-
sionately about Africa. Hc and
his brothers had just returned a
day carlicr front their latest hit--
titanitarian trck to the contincnt.

"We come home incredibly
inspired each time." Isaac said.
He even postulated. “Helping
Africa is the mission that cart
make our generation great. like
fighting world wars did with our
grandparents“ and great—grand—
parents‘ generations."

That‘s when he got inter-
ruptcd: "Would anybody believe
this is one of the guy's bchind
‘MMMBop‘ talking?“

ch. indccd. thc Hanson
brothers of Oklahoma have
grown up.

All thrcc of the siblings.
agcs 22 to 27. arc family mcn
now. Middle brothcr Taylor
l"thc pt'ctty‘ onc") has thrcc kids.
Evcn littlc drummer boy Zac
whose chcrubic facc and
wiscacrc smilc made it impossi-
blc to Iiatc the band a dccadc
ago . is an cxpcctant fathcr.

Morc startling is thc fact that
thc Brothcrs H also hayc a pm—
ty I’cnilc music career.

Hanson‘s latest album. “The
Walk." rose to No. 1 in lntcmct
album sales and No. 4 on thc iri-
dcpcndcnt albums chart in Bill—
board. Hcck if it‘s not a pretty
good rccord. too. Put it on

alongsidc 2007 releases by thc
similarly poppy. R&B-copping
rock acts Maroon 5 and Match-
box Twenty. and tcll mc Han-
son‘s docsn‘t stick in your head
the most.

An alt—rock station itt (‘Itica-
go. QIUI. rcccntly turncd hcads
by spinning the trio‘s singlc.
“(ircat Divide." without naming
the act. It became the No. I rc—
qucstcd song.

“We‘ve always bclicvcd in
our music." Isaac said. "Wc said
from thc very beginning that
we’re in this for the long haul."

Onc of the keys to emerging
from the teen-pop shadow was
when the band gave up on mayor
labels and started its own inde-
pendent rccord company in

A littlc-known tidbit about
Hanson: The trio was discov-
crcd at the perennially hip and
trendy South by Southwest Mu»
sic Conference in Austin. Texas.
where it serenaded record cxccs
on the street.

The brothers” “l\‘ll\‘ll\IBop“—
buoyed 1997 debut CD. "Mid
dlc of Nowhere." wcnt on to sell
4 million copies on Mcrcury
Rccords. By the timc Hanson
madc lls second studio album.
though. thc labcl went through
consolidation and more or less
hung tltc band out to dry.

“Wc essentially wound up
on a hip-hop labcl." Isaac said.
“Imagine you‘re 20 ycars old
and trying to tcll a bunch of hip»
hop cxccutivcs how to market
your pop/rock band."

Stccring thcir own ship
nowadays. thc brothers turned to
Africa durittg thc

making of

“The Walk."

chcral songs wcrc inspired
by trips to Mozambique and
South Africa. including “(ircat
Diyidc." which fcaturcs a chorus
of childrcn recorded at an or-
phanagc. Hanson issucd thc sIn~
glc onlinc as a bcncfit track for
African AIDS rclicf. Sincc thcn.
it‘s worked closely with Tom's
shoc cotnpany. donating
footwear to African children.

Thcir humanitarian efforts
arc just one reason Hanson is
being taken more seriously.

"Wc may still bc young."
Isaac said. “but we‘re riot cxactly
grccn anymorc. Wc'vc donc
cnough i and madc cnough mis-
takes -- to pretty well know how
to guide our carccrs ourselves."

While the music biz is tough.
the celebrity/tabloid side of teen
stardom can bc cvcn roughcr.
The Hansons camc through that
roller-coaster ride without a sin-
gle blcmish on thcir good name.

"We probably benefited a lot
froin staying in Tulsa and never
moving to New York or L.A.."
Isaac theorized.

One thing you won‘t catch
the Hanson siblings laughing
about is thc single that madc them
all famous. “MMMBop” might
have been a kitschy. cutcsy'. bub—
bly piccc of pop fluff. but at [cast
it was thcir piccc of pop fluff.

“Evcn aftcr wc‘vc workcd
with famous songwriters and
big—name produccrs." Isaac said
proudly. "w'c‘rc still bcst known
for a song we wrote ourselves
while we w'crc playing in our
garage in Tulsa."

Comc on. admit it: They‘re
pretty cool guys.


Today' 5


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Monday, December 10, 2007 | PAGE A3



yott can think about is going liorire. you need
something to help you who for a bit." l~oster
said. "The idea was rust to take the edge off.”

Tlte night rati much like l'K‘s. complete
with breakfast food. free iitassages. music and
T'Shlrls. Queen's l'niyeisity had two local
aluriiiti perform tiu'otcard readings and irragrc

Student groups. including a lllpdlttp datice
group and an a cappella choir. also performed
at tile eyeitt.

“The whole irigltt was outstanding." lios
tei‘ said. “We hay‘e to thank Kentucky for iii
spiring its,"

BRUNCH .\'i«:w's‘ BRIEFS

litrntiriueif from page A1


Senate to look at rule for earning three degrees

day at ll:55 p.in. All UK students
are inyited to run in then under—
wear from WT. Young Library to
Patterson Office Tower. The event
coordinators will also accept
clothitig donations to go South-
land Christian (‘hurch’s “Helping
Through Him" ministry. For more
information. go to the
Facebookcorii event listing for
"3rd Semi Annual Undie Run."

t'ice of Adyaneement at Queen's liniyersity in
Kingston. Ontario. said the school saw the
idea posted on an oriline mailing list about a
yezu ago and was inspired.

Queen's had its first crunch brunch last
week and more than 800 students show ed up.
which was a great tumout for the college with
about l6.000 full-time students. Foster said.

“When you're studying for exams and all

The possibility of cariiriig a
third bachelor's degree w ill be on
the agenda at Monday ~s l'irryei
sity Senate meeting

lit the spring scriresier. stit-
dents who had met the qualit'ica
tioiis were allowed to recciye a
third bachelor's tlc‘g‘lt‘c .‘illlt‘e no
rules currently e\ist regarding
whether a student cart recei\e
rirore than two bachelors de
gt'ecs. the Senate “I” discuss the
possibility ol addiirg to the [in
\ersity Senate rules

.\lso on the agenda for Mon
day ‘s meeting will be the ap

and 'l‘iartspoi‘tatioti Serytces at
ukparkrngtu|s\,uky.edu at least
two business days in ad\ance
with the following information
name. campus address. campus
phone number titttlror cell num-
ber. date. time and location of
campus pickup.

A l’l S representatiy e w ill call
back to confirm the ride.


have a group of students who Also to be discussed at
feel passionately about an rs- Monday ‘s committee meeting
sue. it‘s important to address is a report from Allan
it." Williams said. Richards. chair of the West

Student Affairs ('ommrt— dent‘s (‘oitiitussion otr Dryerv

Students can apply for
Spring '08 parking permits

Sign-ups available for

Continued from page A1 Citizen Police Academy

l K Parking and Transporta~ _
Students can get a glimpse of

stewardship is what all of the tee chairwoman srty. The pt‘esettl‘ar Pt'UMIl of the 200R 0‘) acadeitirc “0.”. Seryrces " "“9””?! students wh‘t -[- l'k , y , b‘ a )0“ . . ,m-
top urity‘erstties are doing." Ann Haney also H troii will include a Nb'mli'l‘ and appr'o\al “l ‘l ilmmim buyspring—semester- L.L,rdb\l\:,,:”:, :1 for .ly-rcrcfuht.
(iraddy said. said she would 1 think any time discussion on Ll‘sllli-T‘ '0 me- “JF graduate Us" m“) .1)“ ”‘14 l‘F‘l‘mV _ “ "k. H?“ ~ ‘Ptr‘iinin “ h“ '3‘“
Monday‘s meeting fol- be willing to re» how l‘ls' will as— Ul‘.‘y”‘s‘”1l‘s‘l‘ «NV Al‘l‘f‘mls‘d Slmlcnh ““0 do” I (“"9"”) Visas; u i t— L i k.
lows a protest against log- consider the YOU have a group ‘0“ 1“ Pith-'1?“ _ Th" ”WCW‘? “ 'H h“ ”m” T h‘iw Willi”? 0" “h" want to Up U Ln}: LlK pun“ De 'irtment 1e
grng Robinson Forest last 2004 decision n. of Students WhO on dryei'sity. [05]),111. iii the ,iuditoriuin of the grade their ls l.ot permits k.aii ap- off'rin ' m (‘iii/ ‘n POT:- a “Id“
week. when about l5 stu- new information . The topic oi \\.l. \oiing Library. like all Pl} l‘" ‘I‘C‘ml'llc lottery WNW” mi f )2; If ) S 'L, ‘ sririrlstk‘i‘ i")
dents. including Graddy. sat appears about feel paSSIOHalely the presentation l'rrryeisity Senate meetings. l""‘\l'-1.\ and ”W lim- :‘l. 31M“. irriyoiie irilfhe Titrlkniind‘Leinrigtoh

deadline. l’l'S w ill draw from the

Monday's meeting will be open
applicants about two weeks iiito

to the public.

stemmed from an
Oct. 5 L‘tlllt‘l'l‘dl

Robinson Forest.
She said she

9mm?“ Lil.‘ Pru'd‘m. L“ community. The class meets for
[odd s office demanding a '

about an issue,

. . . , . , . , . . ,. . . .. . . thr“ h tur. ‘a ~h Monda b‘ 'in-
meeting with him Todd. who hopes tomor— ITS important TO cartoon printed in the spring scnrcstci antlsutd ”0.. y in" 11* Ld V.” )th ‘5 Yb
was on his way to the airport row‘s meeting , u the Kentucky UK! ff h | “WNW“ ”"0“ng ”WI ‘0 Th9 :11”; h”; an “I run roug
during Tuesday afternoon s wrll clear up mts— address It. lserncl. However. 0 0 8f 5 Ian e to ricw pciitrrt lioldcis. according to UK )oli ind oter MM

‘ . . . .. .. . » ce 1 ' “
protest. helped organize the understandings the cartoon. 8'1“? Grass AIYPON “ m“) l‘ l‘d‘“ , .,, . .~ . [th 'h tth . Ltgp
meeting. about the “NW. RUSS which Irkcned "K h m in”. l llom 1W [.1 S will not require permits :TJltctifis lrtliugupuimpgm ,_ 5:1»-

. , ,. . c t c g i L‘ . . r s ‘ e C C a SS C C -

l , , . . . a. . , . i, , _ s for iarkrng in the l\ Lot at Coin- . . .

l l‘ “a” trustee Ru” “uh “ “huh" Will-”MS k ‘ (”“l‘ ‘l‘ the Holidays shuttle to students T ‘ muriication and understanding

iironwealth Stadrtirii during the
break. The lots will be controlled
for permits beginning Jan. 15.

tent to a slaye
auction. \\lll not
the focus of

there would be
clear—cutting and 7 7 _ .
how many acres be

Williams said a trip to Robin—
son Forest with other board
members last month made the

‘1 sh" try-w ’ ' ’ ' ' '
d _ t within their communities. The

course coy‘ers a tour of the facili—
ty. an oycry'iew' of criminal law

w lto need a ride to the airport this
The shuttle will run luesday

3004 board decision ntore fa-
\orablc in his eyes. but he
said he wottld be willing to
reconsider it if the presenters
bring in new information on
the forest.

would be logged.

"A lot of misinformation
has been going on through-
out the commonwealth arid
1 hope this misinformation
can be cleared up.“ Haney

the discussion. Haney said.
“The situation when it
happened was e\treniely un-
fortunate.” Haney said
“May be it opened some eyes.
made its llllllk. "What e\actly

tlt‘c‘sses at (i am

through l’l‘ltld} and will pick tip
students treat their campus ad-

.«S aiit . l0 am.

noon. 2 pin and 4 pm.

To sign up for a shuttle ride



and arrest procedures. firearm in
struction. self-defense tactics and
other police training.

Anyone interested in signing
up for the academy can go to the

Students to run through
campus in undentvear

The third seriiratriiiral l'ndie

“I think arty time you said.

are we doing " ”

to the Blue (iiass \trpoit. stir
dents should c triail l'l\' l’ai'king

Run will take place on Wednes—

LiK police Web site lwwwarky.
edti polrcei.

Northwest crabbers pursue the Pacific’s 'deadliest catch’

The Seattle Times

SEATTLE W They head out to sea
in pursuit of a crab's sweet meat.
\fonths of sleep-deprived labor can
pull in hundreds of thousands of dollars
for a top—grossing vessel. Their death
toll l7 liy'es lost in the past seycn
\cars -7 makes this the most lethal Pa-
cific hary est.

These are not the Bering Sea crab‘
‘icrs w ho gained fame on the Discoy cry
t‘hannel's reality series. “Deadliest
('atch." but the Dungeness-crab crews
w ho toll in anonymity off the Washing-
ton and Oregon coasts.

Since 2000. their death rate has

been 50 percent higher than that of

Bering Sea crabbers and four times the
.ate of all US. fishermen. federal statis~
'tcs show,

“We're the deadliest catch.” says
Mike Banks. the Oregon skipper of the
vafoot Alexa B. which this month
ioined several hundred crabbers for the
opening of the new Dungeness scasoti
off Oregon and part of Washington
“We're fishing in the Pacific Ocean.
where the storms blow 3.000 miles in
from Japan.“

These Northwest crabbers take
pride in a fishery that still has roorn for
the little guy. who can break into the
hary'est with far less capital than re
quired to fish the Bering Sea. Most
Northwest crab boats range in length
from 30 to 80 feet. far smaller than
most Bering Sea crab boats. which can
reach more than 1th feet.

Both fleets face sey'erc weather this
time of year. when the crabs are at their
prime. Bering Sea squalls can coat gear
and decks with freezing spray. making
boats dangerously top . its

Northwest fleet includes some poorly
maintained \essels. arid skippers who
scriiiip on required emergency drills
lhey .i-e troubled by tlic fatalities
"\Ac i. ookirrg at a preth triaioi prob
lerr‘. and i don‘t think wc lia\; come to
grips with i! as air agciity " said (‘rridi
('lrrrs \‘ywodley of tlic toast (itiaid's
tiis'iic! .vlfice in Seattle

lit 'zy to sbtrirl. the death toil tlic
(‘oast (maid now toriiltic's dockside
saicty cltet ks beloie the season starts
l or fruit «la\ s opening week
tors ‘_ir.:icd out to check the fleet ln
spections are 'iot riranrlator‘y 1i
ser‘rt'is leftist-.1 to let the Coast (iiiaid
K«tlllt' :lill .it‘it‘i'il

tlttt hwtlt‘ tli\'\ l‘.\

1‘ illst‘tt't'


li!’ cg were in

spired by a program that began in Alas—
ka in l‘l‘N. Those checks have more
bite because the crab yessels are re»
quired to haye stability instructions 7»
deyeloped by a naval architect A that
specify a maximum number of pots.
The checks were supplemented by yes-
sel inspections that the state of Alaska
now requires for participation in the
Bering Sea hary'ests.

Fatalities among Alaska's crabbers
haye shrttnk dramatically. Between
2000 and 2006. ll crabbers died
compared to more than 45 during the
prey iotrs sey en years. (‘oast (iuard offiA
cials note that the downturn began long
before 2005. when a new hary est .sy s—
tem ended the race for the crab by giy—
ing \essels predetermined shares of the

"The biggest strrgle preyentoe
thing we did was start enforcing the
stability rules." said Woodley. who
helped pioneer the program.

But it‘s dilfrcitlt for the (‘oast
(iuard to determine the stability of the
Northwest fleet. Most of the crab boats
are less tliait T‘) feet and thus c\empl
from liay ing to litre a tiayal architect to
deyelop stability instructions that guide
the loading of pots

The Coast tiuard is considering a
title that would require all yesscls 50
feet or longer to haye such stability
guidelines if they are new or undergo
rtta|or iciio\atroii

"The whole cr'its of the issue is to
know how much is too much." said
Michael Rosecrans. the (‘oast (iiiard
chief of fishing-\essel safety. “They
icrabbersi iltitik they understand that.
bttt they don‘t always understand "

The (‘oast (itiaid is considering
other proposals as w ell. including one
to beef ul‘ restrictions when boats at
tempt to cross the it\ er bats

.\ll this safety talk makes some
«rabbers uneasy lilie\ worry about
more bureaucracy and rtiles that they
fear will force out more small operaa

”I don‘t want an\ more
(iuartl in\ol\crnent. no way."



2578867’ ..

-Bingo at Mayfair Manor,
3:00 PM, Mayfair Manor
oVolunteering at the
Carnegie Center, 3:00 PM,
Carnegie Center

oUK Art Faculty
Exhibition,12:00 PM, UK Art
Museum in the Singletary
Center for the Arts
-Volunteering at
Landsdowne Elementary,