xt7wh7080t05 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7wh7080t05/data/mets.xml Kentucky Kentucky Press Association Kentucky Press Service University of Kentucky. School of Journalism 1999 Call Number: PN4700.K37 Issues not published 1935 Aug - 1937 Oct, 1937 Jul - 1937 Aug, 1939 Oct - Dec, 1940 Jan - Mar, 1951 Aug - 1956 Sep. Includes Supplementary Material:  2005/2006, Kentucky High School Journalism Association contest 2004-2005, Advertising excellence in Kentucky newspapers 2003-2005, Excellence in Kentucky newspapers newsletters  English Lexington, KY.: School of Journalism, University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Press Press -- Kentucky -- Periodicals The Kentucky Press, December 1999 Vol.70 No.12 text The Kentucky Press, December 1999 Vol.70 No.12 1999 1999 2019 true xt7wh7080t05 section xt7wh7080t05 . .' wammmwwwwwwswaw.....'...c........ .. . . . . x. . . , - ,. . ' i - .
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‘3 Volume 70, Number 12 - December, 1999 Pres S J 1
By LISA CARNAHAN was a finalist in the competition last year. how happy I was,” said Kernel adviser Mike * '
‘ KPA News Bureau This year’s award marked the second consecu- Agin. ‘ 1
' College publications in Kentucky captured tive win for the Herald and the seventh time In the daily division, 12 finalists are cho- i,
. three national Pacemaker awards this year, the paper has received the honor. sen and then six are awarded Pacemakers. ln :-_
the honor considered to be college journalism’s It was also the second straight year for the the non-daily division. 25 finalists are picked
. Pulitzer Prize. Murray State News which has been a finalist and then 12 Pacemakers are awarded. The l.
The Kentucky Kernel, the University of five ofthe past nine years. newspapers judged were from the 199899 '
Kentucky’s student paper, won a Pacemaker in College newspapers across the country SChOOl year. i
' the daily competition while Western’s College entered the contest sponsored by the “Three SChOOlS walked away With national
Heights Herald and Murray’s The Murray Associated Collegiate Press Association and Pacemakers in Kentucky...I .luSt think that
State News won in the non-daily division. the Newspaper Association of America shows the quality ofjournalis‘m education /
It was the first time since 1985 that the Foundation. here," 531d Agin. “I also think 1‘ shows how
- Kernel has won the coveted honor. The paper “It’s a tough competition, I can’t tell you See PACEMAKERS, page 12
. . ”$3" “ ‘ ”716% aw i: 9% x
Punt ourn st at j --.- ,s g, i - o , ,
~ of the Year " 1. " "” u /—-\~
Fred Paxton, pres- ,5“ t. ‘5 ‘ e * tifi‘rw W"M-~sw "
ident of Paducah- , i m i a ; VIE» 24%! k5; ”Wig? - '
based Paxton Media ,.~ , 1 ‘3 inflow" f‘ MW; '”
Group, was named i {it I; % “'"“’"" . :3- ," ., ’ :1
the Western Kentucky 3' Qt g “ fl ‘ .
Z University Print “- is ~ «i ,- . , t D '
' , Journalist of the Year. 5 ., . . —
The WKU Print g :t 06W . :5 i
. Journalist of the Year is an indi- " . SS J g ?
vidual who made a significant con- A SS ,- .j‘* I
f tribution to journalism in .‘ lBB 4 ' 3' 3'2
Kentucky or a neighboring state ‘ ‘ i. . ,n- > A
durin the ear endin June 30, V . l
I 1999.gAwar)ds also areg given for Successful J°b Fa"
practitioners in advertising, broad- The recent job fair at the UK School of Journalism and Telecommunications drew a large crowd of col-
, casting, public relations and Visual Iege students interested in pursuing a career in the media. Ahoy/er Kentucky AP Bureau Chief Ed Staats .
. _ See P AXTON, page 3 and news editor Ann Gibson talk to two students about a career in journalism.
‘ ‘ iject WIll bring N IE tools to interested papers Wk ~-
" ., By LISA CARNAHAN designed for newspapers to solicit Jessamine Journal. “We felt strong- 'Mm=mmm "‘- ‘
KPA News Bureau sponsors to bring newspapers into 1y enough about this project to com— W “W .
There‘s no longer a reason not the schools. mit $5,000 to it which will pay for Inside '
to have a NIE program. The Circulation Division has customizing the materials and the '7 j:
‘ The KPA Circulation Division partnered with KNNIE (Kentucky illiti%l}1pr935 run." l l d d 0P92MMhhm . ' ' i
will distribute a free manual to Network of Newspaper In 9 16-page U” 0i '5”? floadlimhllrlch 3,
Kentucky newspapers that will Education representativest in the guide. With COlOt‘ on th“ “‘0'“ “ltd kmmhmdugum “
‘. allow them to establish an NIE pro- project. center. “mu-““3 '0“ language arts
. gram in local schools. “This was a major commitment and mathematics and “Ct'V'tFH 0&0: mm*'“ ‘ ..
The manual, “Ready. Set, Go” for KPA,“ said Dave Eldridge. usmg the "PWSPHPW- Th9 mild“ bw‘wm i
is customized to meet the educa- chairman of the Circulation 1‘3“ for the team” What KP‘RA 'nkmmbm ‘
tional standards of KERA and is Division and publisher of the See NIE, page 12 MM 4 “
Z . . . ..ud'tflm‘WWW’mw‘merwwm‘4‘“.’""‘""""‘“§”‘” .' .. - ‘ ' ' I- ~ t ' ~ ‘ , v" " " x no” “ff“, -. ""if““' ant-.1 ~91" A . I. . , _. . ’
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Page 2 - The Kentucky Press. December. 1999 g
P 3 ~ : ’dt \U at Kentllt‘kVV where she was editnrin- Virginia, He taught English at [hike sehonl paper was previouslv a plintir l
LUUS name 0 [UL U . . ~ , V . V . . V V . V . V - . i”
ehiet at the lu-ntiieky hemel [mn- is a I nivemty while he studied there tor a mpied newsletter with few gmphitx and t
degk at Henflttlfiadcr: graduate at Western Ki'lllllt'k)’ duetnrate and alsn taught English in nnphntns. L
l'niveisit); when- he was editnr inehiet Saudi Arabia thrayearat Nnrth(‘anilina 'l‘he sehnul's jeiiriialism class I
POOIB returns t0 leWl .il‘the ( ‘ullege Heights llemld State l'niveisity. ineieasul this fall tram 1()tn 40 students. 2
) He began his eareer with the “We decided it \VZISl.lln(‘tl)(lt).\'()l]1t‘- ‘2
I‘ll l Umb- b u“. ml“- metrn “mm All ' (‘ nri i I )UY'I] il i 1 Fr mkthrt hi ((l thin r" iid Rith l
~ . -. n ("wt iisi z ' 91s“ as; t. .
the lexmgtnn llerald—Inider. replacing JClllllllQS [lullnctl IO StellC . . . _ r‘ . . V-
. V V b t‘(lllt“dll(in writer and hes wurked the As part ()l the ('(XDIX'I‘HUVU program 3,
lllmlllr a“ “in” .\1ar\'()l)nhen\‘. “ill” ' . ' ' ' in st M ii \‘t as in lllt [it w ' )i x r's in tin lx twei n tht [it ws ) i X! in'l sthixil tht l
~ v» ~ - \I ~ ~ {\h‘)‘l .;_ i xvl‘; i‘ i i - . I .'_" 5‘; .‘l . -
lett earlier thi.s \ear tnr an assigning edi kUlnanlllthOHS [)(NUOn l V V ‘ . l l V .l ‘ l l. j
t l t ti 1*) t Vt \, l’ U l 1 \ l . . Hlllt‘t'llll1)llL\'\'lllt‘ students will write news, teature and 5
er ma ie e mi . ews. e ‘ns iai V - V . V 4 ‘ _
l l tl ll 1 l l l V l H ‘ m“ ””1”th ”all" r} n Wm r l”: spurts stunesas wellas Lalu-thephntiistnr V
“‘11 ie er; t— .ea er.‘ rt"’1(ill.'l . ‘ .~._ ; ~ x ; . . V . . -
1: i t ll t l X; 71‘”. lih‘ l ”um” I‘llml‘d‘ H" “3 ”an ”n“ D/lCr/Bk hUnUle lUI' 7S their mnnthiy newspaper. The sehml -
M I nrm em UNIT "1&1 “I“ SHW‘: ”'1 -~ V ( inetnrnteximmunieatinns wit 1 iestate - ~~ . ‘4 V V V, , . , . V ‘ , f~
- She will he replaced as ngmnal edi- ("llilnt‘l thr Families and (‘hildren lle V V V V (uni-ill} h‘ld hum m5 and vaml N‘umml“
. ‘ l l (‘l ' p l ‘ ‘W ll ‘ l l ' I ' ] 311113 at JilehUll “IDES equipment and Quarkkpress‘ was
' ' ' t l ‘ w s' x eV x v . ' s V' - ' ~ ‘
I"; ”m m “:‘r‘ ‘5; ”ll d l 1‘“ l ‘V’r n l’lJWN ( ”7‘ 1 1m “M l‘ r termirlt I l) . k I ordered. Magnet stall members helped
v - - - . t - .. . i w - . v V . V ; - - eanne meme '. genera mana rer . . ,
v l 1" “mm“ I“ l‘ m . ‘ ‘K ( r ‘ ‘ n Wm r. “h" ”MSW” l“ l?“ Pt ll") b I _ V. . h , f“ train thestudents and teachersan its UH‘.
L39 alter a year and a halt as Similar & semnr aeenimt manager tnr the piihhe in.“ ”(lH‘YINnL‘ (“WWW 11‘ lllt"l:1“kN)Il 'l‘he Magnet Ls (Vummuv handling prndue-
lmilt-Cts editnr at the llemld-leaders sis- relatinns tirm et Shandwii'k “NW-*1\\'4t"l‘"”““‘(l “(1”‘l-lyl‘w ‘3” “m“ [inn hut hv l“(’l)I'U‘U'V hr \l'm‘h the stu— V
. .V V- ‘ - ‘V . . V . V nt'serviee tn the news )a )er. A rune itinn V ‘ ‘ -‘ . . . K
t: r papa iii ( (iliiiiihiis. (za While at thi lnti matiniiVil ‘ l l 1 l l It tll V l (l (1“.an m“ handle an“. mspinsibilities 4b- ‘
V . , V . . V‘ V. - , V g» -. . ‘ . - in ier innnrwas ie( '1 in pan mU) . . . "
Ht rald 1.». adt r. l’utirt w a. ll ginnal lt nning ri (t ixt d his hat lit lnrs ()fi' \1 h u (\l ’I ll ll well. The iiewspafxlr 15 lnflnrtkd intn mp
, .V V V . , . . - . ~.~ ~ inesml aiices r; an; ‘I‘S'mtfil‘ . . . ~
rt pert: ii (lt \( lnpm¢ nt writii and mm digrei in isyhnlegs trnm thi l mu rsit) ‘ r ‘N‘ ‘ 11L ( . Magnet mm 1.000 (,ijwplw pnnted tar
piitei»as‘s'iste(ln-pimnguxmlinatnr at Nurtlfl amlmaaiid his iiiastersdegme W“ “1 tht‘ : Hldn (IWUP pdpt’rs. free distribution at the high school The
)V V V , . ‘ . ' V - ‘ ~ ‘ V ' V‘ v - ' Manehester. Beattvville Enter )rise. ‘ - ‘ A '
lttnb is a gmduati Ill tht l mu mt} in ltiiglish trnm thi l mu rsit} til _ ~ ‘ V l BVIEWRVI suld spinsnmhip ads on the hack
l’iiieville bun. Berea and Jackson were V . V .
V V page Hi the tnurspage tabloid and With the
——~ — (in hand tortheoelelmitinn. V . V . .
u . sehixii mlnr (ll myal liliie thmmi in. must
l)21erzek started wnrk at The V . V .
I' ‘k' 'l" H H I l t . 191 nttheadswemsnldhytirstprinting.
rm remit-it i-wswissNszVunsii spin.» lhstnet i‘» 1‘8““ ”“9” ‘L‘ d W U” 5‘? m - ’ -
mired mumhix lw the keniucky Press mm” “my \i‘mV mg,” l'ntt't'prise bhes worked-in se\eral pusitiniis at the M11 h 3“ I t t
\ssik‘liilhii‘i Mum l; l’nss ‘ier‘tiie, Int paper including editan publisher and 1 1 C L llcUllCd 0 0p
l‘erinda‘alylasspestage is guild at li".1lil\ll‘l‘$ . n- xn‘ter .l-iekson Times. editor Rte )lieii - - w -
. ‘ . _ l)i\lrlill-4 l ’ " ‘ l l ' ‘ 1 Id’ 1‘ ‘
ill ifI”.inxil'lT‘iarlli‘VlllVlll ill-lo“ l]? Pl»: l1?”- lla‘. iVl 'l'lwriihu‘rfi-Z L winnmimi alth lenriial HMlmL’ *illll “‘ll‘lmm. has Minted 'r‘fn‘ill IX)SIU()n (ll Cd 1/ RLtlnd
"K " i- “V". 1L 5‘ "‘ ‘ i“ “ "‘ respeet in the enmmiinitV thrnngh her \'\'mn Mitchell hits- lH-n named gen
. (""2“ r 7. i T't‘\\ l‘ i i'l‘i5lllll' I' . .lli' V ' V . i V ‘ .
s-VVpHer M 4m” ; 331;»ng than: I'\ \ ('“fl-‘NHM'N Mill llli‘nlluli her dHlieatinn eral iiianagernt thet adi/V Rt’t'til‘tl.
[hm “in“. \VVVJVVVMVVV \Hb and lti_\'alt) tnthe limes lllt‘lt‘ :in- few in Mitehell. whu ieplaeis lniigtinie ( }M
“7.5%..“ mg; Mm IV.“ Vlaeksnn whn are se £11“th admiml and Jan Witty. enmes tn (‘adi/ train
ll“ llllll‘“ llrli“ ll“ “Am“ lll‘ll‘ltl 1" ll dl’lm‘l'll‘” N ll‘et‘l‘SlHll'fJ. 'l‘eiiii i “here he \’.;i~ iie\iV\ l
l" lulu: \elsV‘n I).ii.x'i£ie \Vlmmti \tessi i.~,:er editnr (it the l)\‘ershiirg New'si’llx'er [
'l' \1‘“ VV . ‘ ('niiim 'l‘ennessean llis prnlessiniial
lV'v'V1V.1.VVi‘mnV-L'wi‘llq'iidleis”: ‘ ‘ “‘l\/'u 3 ' ) §)\' _ ‘ ' ~ ‘- l
1 \iVie. Va 2 gig-V SantLl l 1‘ICIIL1 SIX ll ( l‘ experienee int-hides awning a weekly 1
e V _. l'» "l"! lxnrx Ha t er'rier lemme . - ‘ ~ u ' ~ ~ new; m )e' a id \Uil‘l'lli“ VI) e in! iiV‘tiW l
2, ~ V r . K ‘ papa it)! local high school *I i ' ' \ ' ‘l' l ‘ V V,
Imus». twain \i i .-_sr( Vane. . H ‘ L fur a Illlllllit'l’ Ill years He and his wile
Z~ :~ sVi Klara: ~~ hm V: t 'V'iV'e: “W‘sl’lll‘l'l‘l "”“ll' ”4‘91“” l‘ *l’““' riwned and Hperated the l)_\‘i‘l‘ (‘iiiiiiti
l N l, ‘rwl'l'llll . y Mm“! ll“ ll‘l‘ll llllrrl‘ “'l‘W‘l” “"“flMlVl 'l‘eiines‘sean liii‘ lli \‘eai's and suld the
|V-, ,,.‘V".V»,.,““H,- ‘1» x 7 _ ‘ ‘ -~ . V ' ‘V .V ' . '
’-‘ *l~‘~”w~' ‘ ‘m ‘ * ‘ -"' is. rill-V. V swims V‘ 'V\ m. the Buii’lx .\e\\s. named trii tlit‘fillml hiismess tn l'hist (‘nnniiiimeatuins in
g “a“. V'VV V ”LN“! lflflTV lle pi'e\'iniisl\' wnrked lni' the
‘ "' '\\V-.\\VVV\.V, u V V m i w w
‘VtViw. In. it», \.;‘r.i;i.mmV \u‘u. Vi an.“ “‘ "“‘ 1"“ "' H" “l"‘ l‘” " "“l l“ “-‘lMP‘I l““l NimteH HHHIV limes and thefit ( lniid
‘ i \ .- V . V . V V , ' . , . V . V ' , VV .
i \t.. Lia“ - ll1lltllNlth‘tl lxtwun l\im liitthini i News In l‘lnnda. 1}“. llamsdall “mm m
FrVIVVVixm- twee.» l\llh.:l!iil‘i.1llt‘lt'\!‘-li‘7l Vil manager at the Magnet. and the
{Hull V-re- r ll‘-e lLei fan i '» \tai‘staixl \t'lltlilk prineipal. Mr a le\\' years, The See PEOPLE. page 10
llVierstueVrr .‘xdurtbmg Human __________________——
lam llrivi‘lxs I ~ Hugh”: llerVild-l eadez‘
V . I o
itistritti ‘
William Mitthell, l lilizll‘i l eatler \V-ws l diturial l)I\ls1i.n art] I] r681 E; n S rom
\lVirl \t‘ll-Irlx kentiitlyl’iist
lllsh‘lxl: ;\l’i Ral Jll MartinV whn iii sum and the new teehnnlww was an
i H l ) F‘V
"~“‘ll""‘”‘*~""“”‘ D“"““‘“‘P”“‘4‘l""3"“ i fitIlVIlli‘l‘ human three \ears nsed $1 2 hillinn in apparent sticking pnint hetween
l).)'»i'll\li‘tili;i' lessVznzim»luni'iml Alahama pensinn funds in him mnre him and Brenner. whe nversees a
)1 f ‘ ' V_l | . .
l" ”‘l’ _ d.iil\ newspapers than anV nther 5.3.3 hillinn retirement hind that has
lat RHiek', Unenshem \lessengi r heinzri r ' V V . ‘ * V .
“NEH-Nit l mlwhe‘n media grunp in the i'iilllll ij\ signitieaiit investments in radii; and
”.5me l” ‘Vlell‘ll? -‘\ll"’T‘ ineliiiliiig 3 in l\'eiitiiel\'\ hVis ’li\'.t~~\\t'll.‘l5lllt‘Iii'\\.\[i;l])('l‘>Ii\\lli‘tl
(,harliel’nrtimi‘in,lranixliiilaxerite ‘l‘V‘l'rl‘l‘W'l‘ ’" l “‘“r‘m t'i‘\l:V'liv-Il as i'liiel e\er‘iiti‘Ve (it lW llNlll
('ummnmi \ Ni-\‘\ spiiier Iliil(l][];'s lii Kent iielu. ('Nlll (M in the
' e1" l(\llll‘il“ .
8N2”: H k L t l I l‘ "““' ‘ lHi’ lx’iehmend Register, Middleslmie
a'V'it .reer, :e *iitiit‘ ‘. \ am an. 2wa 1w“ l l' ._V j :5 .t'V~ V Vi . V V V
p)” h V l I ll m: l l l‘ l “l (Nlllslwaidul rhrettniselm-,m-il l).iil\ News llarlan l)ai|\'l'VIitev'pi'ise~
" W ‘ l'A‘l‘ V‘i'isrimre \VnalV , V V . _ V ' V
l Mike l'U-t'll int My hum em“; 1.1M“ Nimei's-t ( eiiimniivVealth Vlniirnal.
[)1\[nk'fn P ' h [I ‘ , ll.lll11l(""’,‘t]lr\I‘I'llllllt'lIXII'lli (ilil\;i |\‘, l)lll\' ’l‘]lll|'\> ’[lhg ’[llfllt‘r‘
. ~t'l 'i x l' \’~"“ ll "V I i ‘ i
lllit‘i‘tlv‘. \lwniarllz Ullniinzlra l' “h V W H th. lV.VV,.~!HVHV!Vl\V~_VH,|,,.,-;},V,i‘31.. -t~‘lll'l!Vil \\Vi\iiel illlll\ llllliitlth
-VVir-. T'*»"l'Vi‘4iV V V K V
V V V ll I V . V was“signingiVV'imViV. Vila, Hm; ‘ llll l: .\lei'Viii'\ \lii.it~w-lv:iiiil\
tstri: V" V’i'V'Vi: «inf-x: r . .V-V ‘ - V V V .
lV VV r V e V _ i i\~ (llVl\ dillfi'vlltllnl laniinirei'
lkeiiw;i‘iari‘iilAViizViin.‘ mum .e- iHlVZVZ' ll ~V-Vii-z ( i :.V“. M ‘ . V V.
lair 17‘ 1' i; V-.-.i VV. gi-V' slaitairleliet me. \‘l‘VIi hr Vawiid (‘l’Ww‘le ‘ -iiiit\ \i\\~- llllll“
“WNW" I'Vi-VVIVv-VA. ’VVsV..:-: “an. ‘; ’ l mu lint lli.l‘l l’a inmx ilu "’ "\“V” ""1”“ \“"‘~“‘ii'/‘"‘“
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: The Kentucky Press, December, 1999 - Page 3 C .," 3'
; Freedom Forum 0 rs i S b1 f °
g picks Kentuckian u a n0 6 pro 6881011. ° '
i (Editor’s n ole: The following I must say I am anguished by the a sealed document and had not been
Albers named remarks by Fred Paxton icere mode way some of the members of our pro- served on the managers. It had been
'3 when he accepted the 1.9.95) WKU fession are performing their task. leaked to the Post.
5' . . Print Journalist oft/1e Year Award For instance. strip party labels off So consider the situation The Post
L Admlnrstrator and are reprinted icit/i pernnssion.) this story and listen to how The was in possession of a. lawsuit which
l. . I accept this award in the name Washington Post recently portrayed was not on the public record. The _
of all my colleagues at The I’aducah Senator Mitch McConnell in a news people leaking it surely had a motive -
Of the Year Sun and I’axton Media Group, and story dealing with campaign finance for doing so, one which was not hard '
; in honor of my father. Edwin J. reform. for the Post, to figure out.
: Jo-Ann Huff Paxton; my brother. Ed; and my The second graf of the story Most ofthe information in the Post ’
.7 Albers, director of nephew, Jack, all of whom set the describes him as the gray man with story, by the way, had appeared in
. the School of standards for the journalism we the bloodless lips. It says he resemv the pages of The I’arlucah Sun over ' ‘
‘. Journalism and practice today. bles many of his colleagues , the the years, but typically with balanc— '.
Broadcasting at They have asked us to limit our ones in the oil portraits from 7:") ing comments from state government '
~. Westem Kentucky ' ”y .7 remarks to five minutes, which is not years ago. inspectors, properly framing the '
,' University, has 2%: a lot oftime, but an allocation which The story goes on for :30 inches on problems and dangers involved It is _
been named The Pigs ; :53 . I'm sure our audience appreciates. I this complex and important national important information, vital to public ' _‘
Freedom Forum’s V » - would like to put a couple of points issue, to the best of my knowledge safety, and many issues remain ‘
Joumalism Administrator ofthe Year. before you, but first let me tell you a with no inaccuracies. But the read unresolved. But the information is
The award recognizes outstand- little about our operation. er's mind is poisoned by the insult— only credible if it is handled in an
' ing administrative leadership in the Our company has been blessed by ing, demeaning description of the even-handed, dispassionate way. ‘L
advancement of journalism educa- continuing growth. When I meet senator‘s countenance at the top of The point of' these two examples is ,
tion. The honoree receives a medal with an employee group of a newly the article. Is this an accident? What that advocacy journalism practiced
accompanied by a $10,000 award acquired newspaper, I tell them they do you think? in the news columns pollutes this 4,
and a matching $10,000 grant to the are part ofa noble profession. What possible relevance is the noble profession to which we are -
honoree’s school or department. I remind them that we live in the color of the man's skin, or the called. .
i Albers was named head of greatest country in the world, made amount of blood or lack thereof in It exacerbates where it should _
WKU’s journalism department in so by its people and its government. this lips, to the important issue of clarify. ‘
1987. In July, the school’sjoumalism If we don't like our leaders, we can campaign reform? What then was It agitates where it should edu-
and broadcasting and mass commu- throw the rascals out and go get the purpose of including these cate.
nications departments were merged some more. If we don't like their suc— descriptions? It distorts what it should explain
and Albers was named director. cessors we can repeat the cycle. The same newspaper has recently In the process. it endangers us all. I
Under her leadership, WKU’S The process is slow, sometimes printed a series of news stories about When journalists become cynical.
photojournalism program has glacial, and usually painful, but over the charges of radioactive contamina- readers become jaded l
attained national recognition win— time it produces a government that tion of workers. waste materials and When Wt‘ become spin doctors. our
ning the William Randolph Hearst is more in touch with its people and ground water in I’aducah It is an readers get dizzy.
Intercollegiate (‘hamj‘iionship 10 more in step with the times. But this important and vital subject, deserv» When We erode our professions .
1 years in a WW. process can work only if the people ing of the highest level of attention credibility. we become indistinguish» fix
I “I‘m almost Spi’i‘Chli‘SS...ilt'S know what's going on around them and remediation. able from the grocery store tabloids Z
I quite an honor, something I never —» who's doing what, and how it's But the Post articles left many What Wt‘ do is important. indeed
i ever thought I would receive so I'm working. That's where our job as readers with the impression that the vital I say to the journalism >illr
‘ thrilled," said Albers. journalists comes in. We provide air around the plant is rife with dents at Western Kentucky .
Albers plans to spend the award them with the information they need deadly radioactivity and that the liniversity and to my colleagues in \ ‘
money on a much-needed retreat for to cast intelligent ballots. storage areas, the landfills and the the news business We should put \
her family. In addition to telling them about ground water were worse, and that all public activities under the searing ,
“I’m going to take my their govemment, we let them know all of this was done by greedy plant searchligbts of truth. We should
family...including my four grandchil- what's happening in their school, managers who knowingly placed peo— expose the warts in our system. We '
dren, my mother and I hope, my their churches and the economy. We ple in jeopardy in the interest of should help tofind solutions. /
mother-in-law, on a trip of some give them health advice, tell them increasing profits. But we should do it in a balanced
kind. Maybe 3 cruise 01' renting a how to cope, give them tips on man And what was the source of these way. Only then do we serve our read- 3
cabin in the mountains,” she said. “1 aging their finances. charges? A whistle-blower lawsuit ers, serve our profession and become
just want my family together for a Nor is it all drudgery. We ShOW that will bring millions to the plain— noble. .
SOlid week. That would be a real them how to enjoy themselves in tiffs if they are successful. We all I would like to thank Western
treat for me." their leisure time with features on know what the claims in such a law- Kentucky University for selecting me
Albers has been involved With the sports, entertainment, travel, hob- suit look like. as this year's recipient, but more
Accrediting Council on Education in bies and such. And what did the newspaper do for importantly for setting up these
Journalism and Mass Communications That's our job, and how well we balance: get a rebuttal statement awards which encourage the best
for 19 years. She served as national do it determines in no small measure from the plant managers? This was performance of all who toil in the .
president of ASJMC and as chair— the quality of life ofour readers. impossible, because the lawsuit was vineyards ofjoumalism. ./
woman of the Professional Freedom ‘
and Responsibility Committee for P WPSD—TV in 1961, president of Previous winners with connec— ,
AEJMC. aXton WPSI) and publisher of the Sun- tions to Kentucky newspapers are: i
In 1992, the Kentucky Press _ Democrat in 1972 and president of 1998: Jamie Houchins Sizemore,
Women named her Communicator of Continued from page 1 the parent corporation, then New Ventures manager, Landmark,
Achievement. She was awarded the journalism. . Paducah Newspapers, in 1974. His Advertising Practitioner of the Year;
Bingham Freedom Of Information With several acquisitions I" oldest son Jim is editor of The Bill Estep, state general assignment
Award by KPA in 1989- She IS the 1998 and 19,99' Paxton S third-gen- Paducah Sun and his youngest son reporter, Lexington Herald-Leader,
journalism education representative eration, family-owned busmess now Richard runs the TV station. Print Joumalist of the Year.
on the KPA/KPS Board Of Directors owns 26 daily newspapers m the Paxton sits on several boards 1997: Donna Stinnett, features
m 1998-99“ Before her academic Soutlh and‘MI‘dwfiSt Wighoove}: 1’89]? that support education, business editor, The. Gleaner, Henderson, Print
care?" She spent 20 years at The emp oyees. n ay 2 0’ e W] development and the performing Journalist of the Year; C. Thomas ,
Cincmnati Enqmrer. In 1979, she turn over the company preSidency . . . . .
. . - - - - arts. He was the 1998 moment of the Hardin, retired photo editor, The
was appomted Kentucky executive to his middle son, DaVId. Chief - . . ; . .
editor for the newspaper. She later financial officer of Paxton Media. LeWis Owens Community Service Detroit News and The Courier—
served as editor and publisher of Paxton started his career as Award. _ . Journal, Visual Journalist ofthe‘Year.
the Sturgis (Mich) Journal and the associate editor, sports writer and Bill Luster, picture. editor at .1996: Al Cross, political
Public Opinion in Chambersburg, reporter for the Paducah Sun- The Courier-Journal, was'honored writer/reporter, The Courier—
Pa. She also worked as a general Democrat. He became managing as the 1999 Visual Journalist of the Journal, Print Journalist of the
news executive for Gannett. director of the family-owned Year 1999. Year.
i \ ' ‘ ' ' " ‘
‘ ‘ i
g ,3 . . . '

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.. ‘ __” 94.4.“--. I"
Page 4 - The Kentucky Press, December, 1999 3
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See DESIGN- Page 7 I\r»1x~nn\1n;‘huItI" Rmadrrs mu mtrh m mm the See HEADLINE, page 7
LG V Kentuck Standard ’lrtner to cover Nelson Count
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