xt7wh7080r6k https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7wh7080r6k/data/mets.xml Lexington, KY Pride Community Services Organization 2010-01 This collection contains newsletters produced by the Lexington, Kentucky based Pride Community Services Organization. Included are publications from the organization through multiple name changes, such as LinQ magazine (July 2013-2016); the GLSO (Gay and Lesbian Services Organization) News (August 1986-June 2013); the GSO (Gay Services Organization) newsletter (1979-July 1986). Accession number 2016ms055. newsletters  English Pride Community Services Organization Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Pride Community Services Organization publications LGBTQ community--Kentucky LGBTQ culture LGBTQ newspapers Gay men Lesbians Bisexual people Transgender people Sexual minorities Gender identity Drag culture GLSO News, January 2010 text GLSO News, January 2010 2010 2010-01 2019 true xt7wh7080r6k section xt7wh7080r6k .4 - a, The January 53 r
Lwrit ' GLSO News
A Publication of the Lexington Gay Services Organization Volume 32 Number 1
How Genders lint lls iill Tiell Iln rsre r -O u n CI
The Kentucky Premiere of the
documentary “Straightlaced: How Gen— HaPPY New Year everyone! Our Sis—
der’s Got Us All Tied UP” will be on terSound's concert season is now upon
January 9 at the Kentucky Theater, 214 us! This year we are featuring selections
E. Main St. A reception begins at 10:15 from Broadway! With 0‘" "Puttin' on
am and the film begins at 11 am. Free the Ritz" theme, we certainly hope to see
parking is available in the City Annex a great turnout for a wonderful and “1"
garage next to the Fayette County beat evening!
Clerk's office. Our first concert of the year is Janu—
The heart of Straight/iced is can— ary 23rd at The Church of St. Michael
did interviews with more than 50 teens the Archangel. Showtime is at 7:00pm.
from diverse backgrounds. With cour- The C0“ is based on a sliding scale start-
age and unexpected humor, they open ing at $10. Please note that this is an
up their lives to the camera: choosing earlier performance than we have had in
between “male” and “female” deodor- the past. St. Michael is located at 2025
ant; deciding whether to go along with Bellefonte Drive in Lexington.
anti-gay taunts in the locker room; hav- Keep an eye 0“ our website for "3'
ing the courage to take ballet; avoiding cent news and some 0f 0‘" other PC"
the restroom so they won’t get beaten formance dates. If you have not visited
up; or mourning the suicide Of a class— us online for awhile, stop in and check
mate out what's new: http:/l
Their stories reflect a diversity of www.sistersound.org
experiences, demonstrating how gender For more information about Sister—
role expectations and homophobia are Sound email info@sistersoud.org, or call
interwoven, and illustrating the differ- Patti at 859'806'0243- We're looking
ent ways that these expectations connect forward to seeing each and CV“? one Of
with culture, race and class. you on January 23rd!
Students from our local Dunbar
High School were interviewed and in- 77’ "T"
cluded in this film. These young people SPONSOR OF T HE MONT H
went through a long process to get per- 3
mission to establish a memorial garden I
as a place to grieve the death of loved élS-reréo U nd
ones. Many of them wanted to honor
their friend Josh Shipman who took his . .
own life on Oct. 5, 2006. They found fund on the Ritz
that working together on this project Saturday, Jan 23, 7 Pm
was a very healing experience. They
established a beautiful _ -7 ..
cont. on pg. 2

 cont. from pg. 1 Straigbtlaced
GAYand place for all students to honor the pass- ‘
' ' ing of friends and family members. 3 ‘
Mblan SW0“ For this film, Hannah Landers can- ‘ v!
C .
didly and emotionally spoke of her love /
organuahon for Josh and her dismay at the hard-
ships Josh endured as an openly gay
Incorporated as and flamboyant individual. In 2008,
The Gay Services Organization days before Hannah and her mother
were to travel to California to continue ’
P.O. BOX 1172 Lex., KY40588 her participation in the documentary, 1 5
Hannah’s life was tragically cut short in l J
WWW-QISO-OI'Q an automobile accident. Hannah was 17 ‘ 1
GA N years old. i ‘
5‘7 “6 In an effort to continue Hannah’s v
3 work and tell Josh’s story, I 1
V°|ume 32 N°-1 “Straightlaced” be shown with no ad— ‘
mission charge. We hope to encourage ‘
News Editors and Staff open discussion of gender bias and help
Mary Crone Judy Suffer others toward a more inclusive, empow-
. ' _ . ering culture.
Ginger Moore Mlnder, This film is brought to you by the
Marc Blevms, Denn/s Wheat/9y . .
S h Ph'//' D 'd S d Jesse Higginbotham Technology Trust,
ara Hps’ _ aw p encer, an the family of Hannah Landers, and ‘
Jack/e Cobem Groundspark.org, a documentary film
— company. Donations are requested to
Office Administrator benefit the Hannah Landers Scholarship
Bill Chandler Fund and a contribution to suicide preven—
859-253-3233 tion program to be made inJosh’s name.
— Drop by the GLSO GSA table at
the film showing to find out Wliat .
GLSO BOARD LBGTQSyout/I are doing in Lexington. '
Denms Wheaf'ey’ Fres'dem Teen Networking Meeting i
Thomas Collins Vice Pres.
Jane Minder, Secretary Saturday, Jan. 16 1
Ginger Moore-Minder, Treas. Noon _ 2 pm Pizza & Soda 4'
Mary Crone, GSA . ‘1
Jackie Cobem Pride Center—389 Waller Ave 1
Mark Johnson Info at marycrone@insightbb.com .
Jessica Sucik 859 266—5904 and see page 4
David Spencer
Samantha James m Gaysualunulllaneeiorvoum
N t t' J 14 Welcomes all teens 303315—20
ex mee Ing an. , _
7pm at the Pride Center. [WW Tuesday Illullt 7'9
Pride center 289 Waller Ave.
Page 2

 ., \ ‘ A I.
, er ' “Inuum
.2a* /
L1" .7: ‘
‘- — .—-J
Lex. Lyons Levi & Leather Club Bluegrass Women’s Network
The Bluegrass Women's Network
. The Lexington Lyons meet on the is a social group for women who iden—
I second Monday of each month. In tify as lesbian. Membership is free and
‘1 January that will be on the 11th at 7 there are no obligations. We use
pm at the Pride Center, 389 Waller a Yahoo group Website to announce
: Ave., Ste. 100. and coordinate our events; it's not a
, The Lyons are humorously know as chat group. If you don't have access to
i the “Leather Junior League” for being a computer, that's ok, we also have a
a down home group for people who phone list.
enjoy the leather/levi lifestyle. Members plan a variety of activities
such as potluck dinners, plays, movies,
fl my M W I“ W parties, card games and whatever else
‘ , . , . we manage to dream up! Members
f" a Jesswa, Ginger, choose those activities that are appeal—
zf— . ,. " ' '.,~;~ " Jane, Santa, and ing to them. Our goal is to enrich our
"' i . g i' an Elf lives with great friendships and memo-
‘ ES \i _ ries of good times spent together.
w 5' if A 4 To announce events and share
, - p ' information, the Bluegrass Women's
- “a "’3, - ’3’}. Network has a private/hidden Yahoo
. ‘ -_:' :_ ‘ 1 V group website. It can only be accessed
'. .. fg‘. if“ v‘ . by group members. Interested in join—
Santa, and a -'. : in" \‘ “a ing go to http://groups.yahoo.com/
guest 3:. e. groupIthebluegrasswomensnetwork/
.’ -i' '~; . and apply to join. Facilitators are
l , . fl 7 Debby Hemstock and Lynn Matlock.
V}; ,- (fl-fig?" - _, Santa, and
l 2% S 1,45: V gueSts . 'I IV"! my“. WI! with the
4 5:29; , I, 1'," a. excellent “Meg, honesty and
‘ +3. / '/ w. 4 ‘me'mmuoneamMr
.. V- i gt, ,1
n , * or Teresa Combs
Santa, and X :1" \ 1 _, a Realtor, ABR, GR], QSC
Burley is” \ q g Cell/Text: 3594894150 m
is; f _ Office:859—422-2000
, Email: leresacombs@remax.nel ' % /l‘ ,,
.- ., . - > , , ’ ‘ Web: wlgtgfrieésacombsreallorcom : 76:55“; ééalty
h" “A; i V m"?
Page 3

 P ride C en t
Hours l0a.m. to 3pm PM 389 Waller Ave., Ste. I00 Phone 359_253_3233
Insight Group Teen Gay Straight Alliance
( One time change in meeting date) ‘ '
Friday, Jan. 8th at 7 pm Networking Meeting
Pot Luck and a Movie Saturday January 16
Pride Center, 389 Waller Ave- All high school teens are invited to a i
. networking meeting to discuss how the ‘;
GLSO NewsOn-Lme school GSAs can help each other with 1
.To receive the On-line eNews send an start .up support, program planning, l
emailto: 'eglsonews@}:a.hoogroups.corn learning leadership skills, and planning l
$1: 1117411": ”FllW'lctlfld "1 d1: SPbleC‘ 11“: comlinunfity events that cpuld ¥icludzri
e e ews w1 inc u es s ories aroun Ni t 0 Noise in Apri , a een
Central KY WhiCh may be Particularly in— Shfiw, and Pride Prom 2010.
teresting to people who do not live in Lex— GLSO GSA leaders and member of
ingtOI';h ‘ t f $20 the UK GSA Evil: provide support and
ere '5 a “3‘1““ 01' a a year trainin as nee e .
donation but you can receive the e- g
newsletter with a smaller donation or free.
TransKentucky is a support, social,
3“! \ and resource group. The group provides
. ‘ 4 a place for transgender individuals and
5 j! people who feel they do not fit the stan—
f”, dard gender norms to express their true
Though we’re not therapeutic in
“Keep the Love you Find, nature, we provide information, advise i
Ge 1‘ the Love )0” Wan f ,, and share resources from our unique ‘
-) " experiences. Family, friends, and com- [
munity are invited and encouraged to 3
Jessica Bollinger, LCSW attend meetings. l
Imago Relationship Therapist TransKentucky meets on the first Sat- ‘
EMDR T Work urday of each month at 7:30pm, doors
1'3.qu . _ open at 7pm. Meetings are free and you
COUPICS, Famlly, Inleldual may dress however you feel comfortable.
Imagoconnection.c0m For information contact TransKen-
859552.653 3 tucky@gmail.com or call 859-963-6606.
Monthly Workshopsfor Couples Every Wednesday at 7pm
check web site or call for ily’ormalion Pride Center 389 Waller, Ste. 100
All Are Weleolne
Page 4

 sisterSeund Dresenls
Duttin’ On
the Ditz ‘ _.. ‘
4 g»
. - , S‘
Dan. I of the 20“) , _ _ .1
‘ fencert Season " W " \
’ l‘,‘§\'
E '
‘V‘t ,
a, " V
Saturday, January 23
Saint Michael’s . 7 V_
Episcopal Church
2023 [Bellelvnte Drive .
Tickets: slidinu scale . - . _ ‘
stamina at 510.00 ' v ‘ ‘
wwwaistentuntlu m
Page 5

 MLK Celebrafian sial), and his trip to Viet Nam. Brown
. also promoted and practiced black en—
"arCh and Fllm treprenalship. A high point in this
On Monday, January 18 there will p’roceis ‘71:“ his recording of Say it Loud,
be a number of events celebrating the Im B ac and I m Prou ‘
life of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.
There is a morning breakfast followed
by the yearly march through downtown Kentucky Women ’5 Hca/t/v
Lexington. Fairness will be forming a Keg,;5f,y 5591-660 5urvc5
group to march together. If you want The Kentucky Women's Health
to participate, you will find Fairness Registry at the University of Kentucky's
folks in the line up area outside Heri— Center for the Advancement of .
tage Hall at about 9:30 am. The march Women's Health needs women who are
begins at 10 am. _ 1 over age 18 and living in Kentucky to
In the early afternoon, there W11 be take a confidential health survey once a ‘
a free mOVie presented at the Kentucky year. The data collected will be confi—
Theater by One World Films. The denti 31
Mg," james Brown Saved Boston is a The survey can be taken online at
documentary that focuses on a concert http:// .kywomensregistry.com or
in Boston by legendary musician James on paper. Call (800) 929-2320 to re-
Brown on the night. followmg Kings quest a paper version of the survey.
assassmation. .AS ““1” around the They will include a pre-paid return en—
country experienced riots and chaos, velope.
Brown managed to prevent the under- The information collected is used
standable anger and grief from exp IOd' by researchers in Kentucky to better
ing in the racially divided city of Bos— understand how women's health
ton. _ . _ fl changes over time. They will look at
This 15 not simply :1 Eoncert hlnail what stressors we face, who we take care
The documentary inc u es arc w of, and how these and other factors af-
footage that documents the events lead— fec t our health.
ing up to King’s assassination. There is The name and addresses of pa rtici-
cornmfntary by Rev.A1l&l Sharp ton, D: pants will be kept in a separate database
1Com; W68" Rep. an Younnglz: aln" from survey answers making your sur-
ege: ary Boston DJ James ar y vey anonymous. Your name and address 5
Byr ' h f h' hl' h are only used to remind you to take the
T ’e concerti. ootagde lg lg ts survey again next year, to send you
Browns extraor inary ance “Yes quarterly newsletters about what they ‘
that seemed to defy the laws ofgraVity. are learning and to give you the option
Browns manager Charles Babbitt COT' of participating in other forms of re-
ments on how James didn't necessarily search
agre; Wlth 3“ 1:) f MLK s ideas ablqut If you have any questions about the
Pa“ mm d in t e Viet Nam war, ut Registry please contact either Mary
respecte {m greatly. _ _ Johnson the Registry Study Coordinator
. There is also interesting,informa— by phone at 859 323 1377 or by email
tion about. how James Brown s became majohng@uky.edu or Ashley McCorkle,
more political, endorsmg Hubert H um— Outreach Coordinator at 800 929 2320
phrey, Bobby Kennedy, and Richard or by email ashleymccorkle@uky.edu.
Nixon (that one being quite controver—
Page 6

 flfis Most Imperiafflquest ‘\
Emperor28 Wés Weison, .
errfllrtostlm en’al’fll'hy'esty . . ' .‘ a
Regent impress 28 choflz @mmomf [I “f;
fwd" T lie I mpm‘d Court of Kentucky \-
T >-“?" 2/3: /
. ' \tngould like to thank you for an
Butstanding year of fundraising!
Keep an eye out for some of QM?) //_
, . A a 7,45%,
biggest events yet In 2010!), 3:;
. 53/ ’ T\
q \' xx x,“ )// / I \ I ‘,/’/‘ . , , ‘ “\_ ' . \ \ ;‘ “5 (I:
\; n at pay/[finnmucx‘mucx‘ \a ? a,
“Inf/5' gr?» a: e #9; A \g \. ‘
44%? f/if’f _j'\= 9/ %?fi__ '{xf’
QM; JP ; ; <‘ ,
4“, iii.- A, A _ x ' 6'
\ - Page7

 I am not lost mind myself that Life is adaptable and
sustainable. When the earth moves to
By mary crone an edge, a time of imbalance, a time of
There seems to be so many crucial great extinction, Life adapts. We are
decisions being made. As I write this, in the midst 0f the with great extinc-
health care reform seems disappoint— tion. Weather humans are one of the
ingly minimal. Why do I not hear species that ceases to exist has a lot to
more often about the 45,000 Americans do With 0‘" ability to change.
that died last year due to lack of health All is not 105‘; many Will keep
care? Our infant mortality rate is the working for 0‘“ planet.
lowest of 18 or so industrialized na— Many states have seen a decrease in
tions. rights for LGBTQ people. But I work
All is not lost; many will keep strug— With GLBTQS teens and I see how :
gling for justice determined and courageous they are. .1
American wars are being fought by a All is not lost, we are moving to—
small percentage of our people. Mili— wards liberty and justice for all. .
tary families are carrying this burden. When at times I t°“Ch into the pain
Head injuries are one of the most com- carried by the children of the world, or
mon health care issues these families fear that annihilation is just around
deal with as their loved ones return the corner, I work to not succumb to
home damaged. Family members who those feelings.
quit jobs to take care of their loved Vaclay Havel “”0“ a poem entitled
ones will too often be without health It is I “”10 Must Begin. The final
care for themselves. lines read:
All is not 10“! many Will keep fight- “whether all is really/as! or not
ing for liberty and peace. depends entirely on
Our planet is stressed in so many WIIC‘IIICI‘ or not [am [05,. ’1 .
areas, its health is diminishing. I re-
I am not lost.
Dear 2010, dous defeats. Despite a progressive
by Fairness stance from Iowa, a Midwestern conser—
vative state, our most liberal bastions,
Lexington Fairness welcomes you. California, New York, and New Jersey {
We await you eagerly and hope that you refused to live up to their progressive
will serve up a whole mess 0f Fairness expectations. Marriage setbacks from ,
victories that Old Year 2009 failed to Prop 8 initiatives left Fairness advocates ,
deliver. Of course, we are willing to frustrated and angry. NoW, New Year
reaffirm various commitments of hard 2010, we ask that Washington DC, our
work to you, 2010. nation’s capital, side with Iowa and with
I tell you that Old Year 2009 did Fairness for one and Fairness for all.
not respond well to Fairness issues. We To be clear, we don’t expect you,
did experience some gains such as the 2010, to produce simply because we ask
defeat of Senate Bill 68, which would or because we dress with panache. We
have prevented gay couples from adopt— write to you now to affirm a strong com-
ing children. So, 2009 did not com— mitment to working tirelessly for what
pletely clobber us, but alongside the we ask. We will walk With you and be
celebrations, we also suffered tremen- present at all times to help you promote
Page 8

 Fairness for one and Fairness for all. - - -
We are committed to public edu— A ctIVIt'es
cation, and we will set up booths at
various festivals and events in an ef- Regular Events:
fort to get Fairness knowledge to the
general populace. To further that Sundays
end, we will continue to do presenta—
tions on LGBTQ issues for different 103m - U-U. ChurCh Worship
classes and professional organizations Services
so that people who never knew of
discrimination against us will under- 10:30am ' St- MYChal The Martyr
stand that many of us face loss of job Services
r and home due to sexual orientation. .
Moreover, we will send information 6pm " SisterSound Rehearsal at
1 through various formats to as many LaIISdOWIle Presbyterian
, people as we can reach about pro— Church
and anti-GLBTQ legislation and the
legislators themselves so that the peo- 6 Pm " Imperial Court- 2nd 81 4th
ple may make informed decisions Sundays - PC
toward Fairness for one and Fairness
for all. Mondays
We are committed to visibility. 7pm - Lex. Lyons 2nd Mondays -PC
We know that peoples’ minds and
attitudes change when they know Tuesdays
someone who is GLBTQ. As such, we 7pm — Gay Straight Alliance (GSA) -
will continue to march in the MLK PC (call 266-5904f01‘ info)
march and the 4th of July parade,
and we will hold our banner high so 9 pm - Karaoke at Crossings
that society sees that we are a partici—
pating presence in the overall com- Wednesdays
munity. Beyond those things, we vow 7pm _ Open Discussion Group -PC
to live openly and proudly. Through
that visibility, we will achieve Fair- Thursdays
ness for one and Fairness for all. . 7pm _ Open GLSO Board Meeting -PC
r. We are committed to community
. . 2nd Thur.
cooperation and involvement. We
r will work with different Fairness Fridays
i groups to insure a unified movement. _ ,
We will gladly contribute to the 7pm —Lex' IpSlght - 18F" FI‘l. Pat-LUCk
GLSO’s Lexington Pride Festival, (exception In Ian. 't 5 on the 8th)
Moveable Feast’s Belmont BBQ, Saturdays
AVOL’s Red, and the Imperial
Comps coronation in any way we 7:30pm ist Sat. Trans Kentucky (CFP)
can. Also, we will work with groups 859‘963‘6606
not specifically LGBTQ to promote
progressive social change on all levels PC.- Pride Center
for the benefit of the entire. commu— CFI’: Contactfar Place
nity. Fairness for one is Fairness for Questions «[1253—31-73
Page 9

 AVOL Celebrates
. 0 en House
V a P
.t‘ * r ' ' . ' ' ‘ «

“u: all ' ‘ ~31” } " i;“,h_ . 3 :3 AVOL celebrated their new location at h
. 4 2“ m ‘ ‘ ‘ {J' , 225 Walton Avenue, Suite 110, by hav— 6
'u' ' O . ’ , .5 ing an open house in December. Atten— 5'

i ' i ‘ dees enjoyed refreshments and a tour of a
the new space which offers easier access,
r ’ . . (
greater privacy, and more parking. in
AIDS Volunficcra inc. A .—-———————. 5
World AIDS Day Candlelight Vigil i i1
, . 1,“: t
I 9 ' 3.! 3 t
By Matthew Christian .i ‘2‘; 3 1:
December 1st marked the 21st an- ,l '1 385.9- a ‘ a . 7/ - i e
niversary of World AIDS Day. In Lex- I we: ’ “ ‘ V ' F
ington, AIDS Volunteers held a mndle— f l #43 ‘ ii." c
light vigil in downtown Phoenix Park \- , A i 2
to commemorate the event. V l a, F 1
Nearly 200 participants walked ‘ ! 432" " “
with candles in hand to this site from 6" ' .
various locations. The Lexington Black AVOL Staff Pictured 1'
Voices choir greeted them with Mark Royce , Director 5
‘Seasons of Love’ from the Rent sound— Angel Clark - Volunteer Coordinator t
track, symbolic for the closure of the Tammy Damron _ Life Enhancement
year and the hopes for a brighter fu— Counselor ;
ture. Brian Slate— Resource Coordinator (
Executive Director of AVOL Mark Not Pictured ;
ROY“? challenged people across lines 0f Terrell Kowal - Client Services Coordinator t
age and race and sexuality to get tested,
know their status, and practice safe sex Pictures by 0
in order to avoid the “100 percent pre— Russ and Ronn Sc hnei der -Smi th
ventable disease.” a
Contrary to popular understanding, . s
Afiimn-Amerimn females lead as one 1 '3 ,__\ g 1
of the highest rates of newly HIV— ' i '2 11.. \ . V ' ‘
diagnosed infections in the US. In i “9,: {:qu \ V a _
Kentucky, AIDS is the 10th leading , . ;.;., ‘ __ . ' , ‘
cause of death with nearly 5,000 docu— ’ ‘ ' w "7 , l " v , ' '
mented cases; those that do not come ‘ ' $3 ‘ r' ' 1
forward from fear or stigma limit this J" i‘ . , f 7’ 3' I
statistical data. Nearly half are Afri- I I “~27 . '3 ' 1
tan—American. L AVOL Volunteers Q1" ' (
A reception followed in the Lexing— Angela Gains, Emily Evans, j n ' ,
ton Public library with the AIDS quilt 1% Bethany Davenport ‘0’" '
as focal point . V I J
M —
Page 10

 W90 LO'UE’S Ya? law. Not that we don’t have moral
by Kayen Tayioy standards, but we are free in Christ.
Free to live our lives for Him to honor
I . . ’
howSSoodzfrti Ezngoxrrfilfigs ::::: Him, in all that we are and all that we
evil intents of the heart and not homo- :0. There ls no need to put GOd. ".1 a
sexuality. God is most concerned ox and say this is how a Christian
about the condition of our heart. should 100k, behave, etc. As many peo-
This month let’s take a look at ple as there are on earth is how many
Gen 1’2 th t' f M different ways it can look. The truth
bein' traiislafeclrffohjnHob man. an that unites us all together is Jesus; to
kindg or a human b ine reg as ":2; believe that He is the son of God, that
u e g- . en: ‘ He came to earth to show us the way to
states 50 God created man in His own h .
image in the image of God created He eaven, and that he died for us on the
them ’ male and female create He cross only to rise again and now can
’ live in our hearts.
them.” There’s no disputing that fact it
because God’s intent was to supply the - -Gal 5-22-23 But when the Holy
earth with people To me the k Spirit controls our lives, he Will pro-
. Cy . . n n . .
point in this scripture is that we are duce thls kind 0f ft?“ m us. love, joy,
created in God’s image. Whether we peace, patience, kindness, goodness,
are male or female we are created in faithfulness, gentleness, and self-
His ima e But wliat d es th t a control. Here there is no conflict with
The d'gt' d H 0 _ a mean. the law.” Before Jesus was crucified He
“_ 1c “E““W e nes image as, left us with 2 commandments. Matt
likeness; Visual counterpart of an ob- 22_37_40 “Jesus r lied Y tl
ject formed by a lens or mirror; mental ' CP . ' ou mus ove
. . the Lord your God With all your heart
picture; created a representation of.” all our soul and all 0 r m' d Th"
The work of the Christian is to capture - i f , d y u m ' Is
that ima e/characteristic of God is t e irst an greatest commandment.
g . . _ A second is equally important: Love
through learning about Him, His ways, - hb
His intents, and allowing the Holy your neigi or as yourself. All the other
Spirit to develop those things in us so csmman hments and all the demands Of
that we become who God intended us t e prop ets are based on these two
. to be commandments.” The Old Testament
‘ is full of laws that are impossible to
“ Go(liqgitafefdliidfizearlidalggedheo52:18:; keep. Jesus understood that and came
and Steve”. The fact that ihis is true to hf-lllhfi“ all the‘flaws (if the prophets
says nothin about sexual orientation (w m we may iscuss m greater detail
What goes the New Testament later). Then He said if we just love
H' ' h
have to say on the issue? Gal 3:28 says, $31.31;. 111103: 1:12:61 021:: rIOVZbZII:
“There is neither Jew nor Greek, there laws ry
is neither bond nor slave, there is nei- M encoura ement to on thi
ther male or female, for ye are all one by. d i g l d y- s
in Christ Jesus.” 30 es God created niont IS) on I get tang e. up m legal—
male and female to poiufate the earth ism. Let God love you like He wants
However He does not see us as we see to, let Hlm reveal Himself to you, and
0 rs l ’ know beyond a shadow of a doubt, the
u Srins'uch 0 f what we hear from the He loves you with an everlasting love.
U .
institutional church is legalism/law. hntll next morlilth, let; the P3?“ 0f GOd
Jesus came and delivered us from the t at passes a un erstan ing guard
your heart and mind.
Page 11

 Spotlight on the Beautiful People ence Day. Cheesy, but it worked for 1'
by Helena Handbasket. me.” d
. . . He has been partnered for 3 1/2 I
This column shmes the 5P°thght 0“ years to Andrew Tan, an architect, and ,
people in the community who deserve very right—brained guy. Jonathan says, “ 'é
recognition. Beauty is “it always skin He runs the kitchen with Anne Burrelle
deep “id these “beautiful people” either and Tyler Florence's style, and the Soup t
devote their time and energy to a wor- Nazi's efficiency. He creates the Osso v
thy muse 0‘ iii“ plain make our lives Buco and Risotto; I'm the left brain, c
better by entertaining “5- Either way, it responsible for the 30 inch microwave C
is time that they are recognized for their antenna on the roof that gives me Giga- ..
talents and efforts. bit Ethernet to the Internet at home. I
Our first spotlight of the new dec- guess you could say, ‘Opposites At— t
ade is shining on someone who devotes tract’.” t
much Of his time and energy toward He is currently on four non—profit i
making all of our lives better, while still boards. He has been chair, secretary,
running a successful business. 1 am and board member. In work, I've been r
speaking of none other than Jonathan an engineer's assistant, a Network Ad- (
Barker. ministrator — but for the past 12 years, fl
Hi5 hlh name is Jonathan Cesar the title that fits most often is ‘The
Barker (yes, he says, he is a white boy Owner’." (
with the middle name Cesar). He was Qualities that he finds most appeal— ’
conceived after a Cincinnati Reds game ing are an engaging and intriguing Pei" a
and his parents wanted to honor their sonality that can challenge him. Some— ‘
favorite player at the time _ Cesar one he can talk to for hours... a kind
Geronimo. He says he is fortunate that heart... And, most importantly, an open I
he wasn’t named Geronimo. mind. His mentor was a gentleman i

He is from a small town in Eastern named Jack Graham, “He passed a cou— (
Kentucky known as Raceland. The town Pie years ago, but in the time I knew
got its name from a grand °id racetrack him, he taught me several valuable les— 1
that used to be there in the early sons about life as a business owner. He
19005- People would line “P along US used to have the office adjoining mine '
23’ the main highway, all the way from in the Vine Center. You know, in 2002
Huntington, WV and from Portsmouth, he told me, "Always remember: a house (
OH in their old Model T5 just waiting is not an investment. It's a place where l
to get to the magnificent track. you lay your head."

Alas, the locals couldn't get things “My favorite charitable organiza— I
together enough to expand the highway, tion is, as of now, The Imperial Court. I a
and the mile's founder couldn't make a respect and enjoy the company of every .
3° of it' After selling the track, J°hii single board member and I have always A
(lack) Oliver Keene, moved west to Lex— been made to feel appreciated for any a
ington on“ like Jonathan. I think his help or assistance I give. It has so little
second track had a smidge more success: drama. Just a bunch of people who i
Keeneland... maybe you’ve heard of it. really try.” 5

Jonathan has lived in Lexington When asked what his most embar- (
since August of 1994. “I came here to [using moment was, he responded, _
8° to UK but, being closeted, i 1'in “Hmm... It's so embarrassing, I can't I
didn’t come to Lexington till my com- answer this one honestly.” [Miss Helena i
ing out day —July 4‘“, 1996 —- Independ— _

Page 12

 is more intrigued than ever.] ing nothing like partner, or family

Favorite Dream: “One of my should go here. The first would be
dreams would be to perfect Nuclear Jonathon Allen from Colonial House.
Fusion power for humanity. With For 6 months he roughed it in Maine,
unlimited energy, all things are POSSi‘ living on nothing but what a 16th cen—
ble... Imagine knowing no one on the tury colonist would have and what they
planet ever need go hungry or thirsty. 1 could grow with their bare hands. If
would like to move to Hawaii but I you've never seen Colonial house, the
can't say that's a dream, as I'll likely PBS series, I highly recommend it.
one day do it.” Jonathon is one of my Facebook

Biggest misconception: Friends—even thoughwe almost never
“Somehow, People find me to be in- talk anymore. We hung out for a while
timidating, or hard to approach. That's in LA a couple years back. Chris
the biggest misconception about me. Pemberton from my office, he's one Of
I'm really just very shy till I get to my best friends. We can talk for hours
know people, unless I'm 'in my ele- about almost anything. He's brilliant.
ment'... then I can command the room. So much 50 I trust him With my Com-
(But telling Chris / Christina how pany. And he's caring, sweet, and very
amazing he /she looks performing.._ ethical. The third... That one, I need
That's a challenge)” to keep to myself.”

Favorite music: “Pop, 705, 805, The world would be a better place
905, I love me some Gloria Estefan. I if: “People were more tolerant towards
also love Shinedown's new song, Sec— things that do not affect them. Why it
and Chance.” would matter to any str8 person

Favorite book: “I find I read the whether or 110‘ a gay person can get
Internet too much to settle down with a married is beyond “16-”
book. The Internet can cause ADD; I'm Lastly, what WOUld you most want
convinced.” to be remembered for? “I would most

Favorite color: “Blue. There's want to be remembered for being gen-
nothing like a clear blue sky or beauti— erous and 1“?lefill ‘0 those around me.
ful Azure waters off the shore of Ha- If I've been able to enhance the life of a
waii.” person, I'm happy.”

Dream vacation: “I've been on my Jonathan, You have 333$th many
dream vacation 12 times: Honolulu, Pimple W“ by your charitable kind—
HI.” ness; your calm, even demeanor; and

Favorite movie: “I love 9 to 5. by being who you are and living your
Dolly Parton, Lily Tomlin, Jane Fonda authentic life for all to see. You are a
are hilarious.” role model to many and I am blessed to

Favorite TV show: “The Twilight can you ‘friend’.

Zone from the 605. Rod Serling had an If there is someone in the commu-
amazing mind.” nity whom you feel deserves to be hon-

Favorite actor: “Daniel Radcliffe ored in this column, send your request
has a lot of courage to star in Equus... ‘01
so does Neil Patrick Harris, just being AdvicefromHelena@aol.com and
out.” let’s be myspace friends. Look me up at

If you were stranded on a desert http://www.myspace.com/helenah
island the three people you would want
there with you would be: “I'm assum—

' Page 13

 - - -
5p Ir-Itual b: er-u I (:33
The Unitarian Universalist Church St- Mychal The Martyr
® 3564 Clays Mill Rd. www.stmychalthemartyrorg
Publ" Support for GLBT Rights You are invited to our worship ser— g
The U_U. Church has worship ser- vices every Sunday at 10:30 with Rev Ken G
vice at 11am each Sunday. We are a Waibel performing mass. We are at 1033
welcoming congregation that celebrates Industry Rf“ 5“?“ #5, “ff Winchester Rfi' D
our GLBT members. We are located at We are.a liturgical Chm-d" our W°“*E'P G
3564 Clays Mill Rd., just inside Man 0’ filled With ritual and our hearts filled With G
Waerlease pay us a “Sli- . . . l y The Mission of St. Mychal is to pro— 8
urs is a liberal religious tradition . d h h th t l l . all §
with room for many beliefs. Our con— w ? a c urc a we com.“ Peop e m B
. . , , their uniqueness and giftedness. Our C
gregation- includes people W130 identify Church performs blessings of gay unions, ..