xt7wh7080r50 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7wh7080r50/data/mets.xml Lexington, KY Pride Community Services Organization 1996-06 This collection contains newsletters produced by the Lexington, Kentucky based Pride Community Services Organization. Included are publications from the organization through multiple name changes, such as LinQ magazine (July 2013-2016); the GLSO (Gay and Lesbian Services Organization) News (August 1986-June 2013); the GSO (Gay Services Organization) newsletter (1979-July 1986). Accession number 2016ms055. newsletters  English Pride Community Services Organization Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Pride Community Services Organization publications LGBTQ community--Kentucky LGBTQ culture LGBTQ newspapers Gay men Lesbians Bisexual people Transgender people Sexual minorities Gender identity Drag culture GLSO News, June 1996 text GLSO News, June 1996 1996 1996-06 2019 true xt7wh7080r50 section xt7wh7080r50 t '



THE FURTHER ADVENTURES or with their pets than do straight people? Maybe W
STEALTH LESBIAN because they don‘t have children?" (No, not Peter: pitaleO@ukcc.uky.edu
by Mary Sojourner (Imm- really. Why. only yesterday I was walking my Elizabeth: bee@mis. net

As a volunteer tOI‘ the GLSO Speakers dog, my ex-lover’s dog. my current lover's dog, Tammy: sappho@mis.net
Bureau, Ispeak mainly for college classes and and my current lover's ex—lover‘s dog -- and I m
at diversity training sessions for state (/0 have children!) Ialso hear, “Do you think THE CHURCH LADY
government workers. In the six years i have Frazier and Riles will ever come out?" or more by Margaret Christopher Carltvrighl
done this I have noticed some positive changes seriously, "How well do lesbians and gay tnen Believe itor not. The Bible is your friend.
in both the reactions 0f the listeners and their get along?“ Some of their information is a tad Keep in mind the Bible was written in the
questions to me, For example, I’ve been asked, out of date: “Do gays still wear different colored contxt of patriarchal, heterosexist culture. if
“Is there a local bar where straight and gay handkerchiefs or other things so you'll you can use a mental filter and get through the
people get together?” and ”HOW can 1 15k 3 recognize each other?" No. now we are more prejudice, the message read the same to all
friend from high school if they are ‘OUt' yet? i likely to just ask: “I'm a lesbian and I was people. There is a God. God loves you. God
want to be supportive but I don‘t know how to hopingyou might be, too." Not that all ofus d0 made you. God has not condemned you to
ask.“ this: we do still have code words. But we are hell. People have said that.

We have been able to move away from becoming more open, and this brings up the The Bible will soon be published (if it
black—and—white answers in expressing the point thatwe do consider itacompliment—not hasn‘t already) that will have inclusive
complexity of who we are. For instance, 1 am an insult — to call someone a lesbian. language. i.e. ”Our Father" changed to “Our
always asked, “Were you born that way, or iS it So we are becoming less invisible and Parent". We at MCC do this currently. One of
achoice?" loften ask forashowofhands from more three—dimensional to the public But ourhymns relates “God is not man. God is not
people Who feel that theirheterosexuality was it there are still offensive questions and much woman. God is both and neither." We all have
Choice. MOSt 0f the audience seem to get the need of education. After I explained (once ottr own individual concept of God. That is
point. again) that my spiritual beliefs do not conflict petsonal and intimate, and it will not be trans

Additionally. we talk flhOUt hOW with my lesbianism at all, [was still confronted gressed by our congregation. We respect each
“gayness” could be of complex derivation: with, “But even Jews believe in the ten other and we support each other, we love each
genetics, in utero hormones, social condi— commandments." Ido not know where she other. Have you ever been to a church fund—
tioning, etc. For most of us it does not feel like was going with that. because I interrupted her. raiser held at a gay bar? We have. Come and
a Choice! 1 salt but add that for some People it I try not to do that or to be too aggressive in my see us! “We talk about things like that.“
may be. Perhaps, i suggest, f0r those responses, bttt every now and then... Next month, a great lesbian love-story
individuals who are most loudly yelling at us, it Idid get a kick out of reading comedienne from the Bible. v
seems like achoice. Perhaps theydon’twant to Suzanne Westenfoefer‘s response to a high
look too closely inside. At times I throw in school boy who asked, “Do you really think you ~__,_._.,..
Robin Tyler’s joke, "I’m a lesbian, bUt it i were can be a better lover for a woman than I can
stttck on a desert island with Robert Redford be?" “Let's see," Slle replied, “you‘re fifteen and GLSO Sponsor of the Month
and Nancy Reagan, I'd have to think about it.” have braces. What do you think?” v .

What also happens more frequently is lYG LESBICIAY YOUTH The Tn-State Gay
that some of the audience seem to be getting to ROdeo ASSOCiatiO“
know our quirks... ”Do you think gay people 800- 3 47-TE E N
have more pets or perhaps get more involved 7p-midnight Thur5_ & Fri.

 N A WORD TO THE WISE: If any of you feel you have been the
Dean GbSO Staff: . target of police harassment, we encourage you i
_, £9 .32.. , l inst wanted to write and thank you for to a) report it the GLSO Discrimination Proiect it
LESBIAN all the information you have provided to our (276.5585) and b) file a complaint at the
_ ?: VICES community. 1 “Wild also like [0 take this appropriate agency. Contrary to the conven—
SERE; Opportunity to warn our community of tional wisdom, the police, like other public
ORG- potential harassment by the local police. servants are answerable to public criticism and
. if ton. Ketuck)’ One FEbl‘UillT 24» 1996 a friend of mine while it is most certainly true the that the law
Lexlng ' and 1 went 10 Clllb 141 10 délliCE- We 16ft Hi enforcement officers word will generally carry :
approximately 3140 filli- 1 W36 stopped by 21 more weightthanyours, establishing apattern l
Fayette County Deputy Slieriff. lie Silld [hilt l of abuse makes it difficult for the agency to it
01.50 N ews was :‘sort of weavrng". bet me say that i had ignore. v 1'
nothing to drink the entire evening (not even LESBIGAY COMMUNITY A FAILURE? 1:
PUbHShEd Monthly by the water). Of course, he ran me through the field Dear GLSO/Subscribers: y
Lexington Gay/ Lesbian of sobriety tests. The way he administered to Having lived in Lexington for the past 19 d
Services Organization thetests‘yvas not in compliance With the way years, and haying been out for 12 of those (
police officers are taught and l couldn t have years. i have seem our City trying to develop c
P.O.Box11471 .. , - . . .- 1.. ~ .
passed them. lle asked me to say my numbers into a progressive community, diverse yet j
Lexington, KY 40575 backwards from 78 through 43. The training keeping its conservative roots Unfortunately, \.
given by the Department of Criminal Justice it has failed. ()fcourse. our community hasn't y]
Editor: recommends a number span of fifteen been the only failure in this endeavor. \VEas a 1)
Peter Taylor numbers maximum. Police officers are taught lesbigay community have failed also. and not
to preface a sobriety test with a qualifying just to our surrounding “straight" counter— };
Layout Editor: question. i.e. "Do you know how to count?" or parts. but also to ourselves.“ a
“Do you know your alphabet?’ or “Do you How can we as a unified group expect to tl
Tammy D' Strong have anv reason why you cannot take '1 be accepted if we do not ourselves acceit C’ll
. , 4 . . . . . 1 (Ci c
Graphics: balance test?" other. A couple of years ago, I stopped going 1)
Elizabeth A- Gilliam l was not asked any qualifying questions. out to clubs completely. and after having gone ll
Of course, when he gave me a preliminary out recently. I know why I stopped.
Crlso Annual Dues and breath test (roadside), it showed .000, He lcan‘tbegin to tellyou howrnany timeslhave (;
Newsletter: $15 didn't even give THAT test correctly, He let me been “out on the time" and have seen and f]
go after he went back and sat in his cruiser for heard other gays ridicule and belittle others for 3
Dues and NEWSIetter for about two or three minutes. I‘m not sure what what they wear, what they drive, and who 5‘
Couples: $20 he was doing; he already had all of my they're outwith. Tell me, please, how can one
information from his dispatcher i heard it expect to be welcomed as an integral part of
Views or opinions expressed in the GLSO come across the radio while he was giving me the “normal" society if we can't even accept 0
News are those of the authors and don't necessarily the test. I have to say that I feel that the only our fellow lesbigay peers. Does it really matter 5]
represent those of the GLSO Board of Directors. reason i was stopped was because of the pink whether you have a Cadillac or a Chevette? A w
Submissions are welcome. All submissions triangle 1 have on the back of my truck. Tommy vs. a \yrflHyym-t special? Give me a 0
‘ become [he Pillllt’l‘li' 0f 0.1150111“ “mil l‘ldiwl‘. The reason that I know 1 was not weaving break. in
full name and addr‘ess‘of the author, Them“ and the sobrietv tests were improperly adininis— I cherish the fact that I am a young Gay (2
reserves the right to edit submissions and ads to . ’ , . .. ' . . . ' . ‘
‘_ .. meet publishing requirements, as we” 16 the right tered is because I m a police officer myself and man. With the ability to be very open With my 51
[0 rejectany submissions lve had over 750 hours of training, 88 of lifestyle. My family has known about my (1‘
placemem of advertising in GLSONews which was spent on DUI/Field Sobriety testing. lifestyle for twelve yearslhave some very close gi
denotes neither a person's sexual orientation nor a Be careful out there. gay friends. and I'm freely open about my y(
business' customer preference Officer Scotty Saltsman. nt
continued on page 12
CrLSO News Page 2 —

 the “‘76 '
ou fl” We a?” . : , . 4 . b We Q,
,w J": ‘_' H, .u_ (a r.,._» ‘x,.,,,— i__~,*,-i \.i A‘C rig. A. r; (a : .,_. ri_.._»_i , m. \71' CC;
the H ’
/en— '
th FIFTH ANNUAL AWARDS WHO PAYS FOR PRIDE Association of Choruses (GALA) and will
and BANQUET MONTH?? be performing at the GALA \7 Convention
law Please join us as we celebrate the The expenses for Pride Month include in Tampa. Florida in july. v
any achievements of our local volunteers with rental of Bell Court for the Picnic. PARENTING GROUP
tern honor and appreciation at the Fifth advertisingin the Fairness Newsletter. in the ANNOUNCEMENT
y to Annual Awards Banquet. If you have (iLSO News. printing pamphlets. and 11 seems like parenthood is growing
never been to this heart warming event purchasing items to sell. in the Gay & Lesbian Community and the
E? before you don‘t know what you have These expenses are partly covered by word is that it's time for a parenting
been missing. Where else can you get donations from a number of generous group, So, if you are a parent, are in the
[19 dinner. be entertained by the Men‘s members. Expenses are also met by the soft process of becoming a parent. or are
1059. Chorus. and celebrate the achievements drinks. bumper stickers. rainbow parapheiv considering parenthood lets meet and
310p of our lesbigay community in one place. nalia and raffle tickets sold by (11.80 and talk. Bring the kids. they can play
1'51 in one night and all for one low price. If friends at the picnic. So please bring some together. Let's connect at the Pride Picnic.
911'? you have been before you wont want to money to spend. We want to be able to rentthe Sunday. june 19th. and 1130—5250 at Bell
911.1 miss this one. The fifth anniversary will Bell House again next yearv Court Park. We can decide then what and
L311 be better than ever. BOWLING PRIDE EVENT when and where. lfyou are interested but
not We will be celebrating at the The ThOI‘OUgth‘CLl Invitational unable to make it on the 19th call and let
ter- Radisson Plaza Hotel on Stintlay‘lune 25rd 'l‘onrnament Will be 1101(1ng 21 3101110 me know and 1 will keep you informed of
at 5:50 pm. but of course we have to let (321110 NWTZTD f0!‘ 0111' Pl'hh’ MOHIh (If future plans, Laura 2763685. v
tto the hotel know how many people are joyland onjune 1‘5. The Game starts at P-FLAG SCHEDULING CHANGES
1ch coming :1 little early so tickets can be 9:00pm. registration at 8:00pm. 7 P-l“lag will not be holding regular ‘
ing purchased by close of business day (3:00 MEN'S CHORUS SEASON ”16011th during the 111011th oflune, lhh' .
)ne pin.) on \Vcdlufsdfly‘ lune 19th. FINALE and August. Be sure and watch for their
You can acquire these tickets at Lexington Men's Chorus will be display during the Pride Picnic at Bell
ave Crossings. the Pride Picnic on June 16th. ending its sixth concert season with its House. During the summer. P—Plag‘s
ind from Kenneth at The Bar, 01. by calling first full concert performed at the phone number will be 266-5954. 7
for 255—5469. We are looking forward to historic Lexington Opera House on UU CHURCH DANCE/SOCIAL
rho seeing you therev Sunday, June 9, at 7:50pm. The concert 0” Friday, 11th 14 from 7:30 - 11150 ‘
)ne ANOTHER STEP OUT will include the regional favorites "My pm. there will be a dance/social at the
of In honor of Coming Out Day, the Old Kentucky Home" and “Down in the Unitarian Universalist Church (5564 Clays
ept October issue of the GLSO News will be Valley" the popular "He Ain't Heavy... Mill Rd} We Will be showing videos
,ter sponsored by community members who are He's My Brother" “it's a Good Thing He starting at 7:30 211 the Fellowship HOUSE
A willing to have their name printed out as Can't Read My Mind" (a light—hearted (the Old farmhouse next 10 the church).
2 a OUT and PROUD. and willing to give the look at relationships), and the debut of The “1‘51 video Will be Gog/(less
newsletter a small donation ofgg‘oo or more “What If," written by LMC's own Brian Remembered, a poetic documentary that
lay (as in “queer asa...). We will have sign up Throckmorton. Tickets are $10 for examines archeological evidence 0f pre-
ny sheets available at several Pride events adults, 8 5 for children and are Chl'iShflh GOddCSS Worship, offers theories
ny (picnic, dance. etc.) If you have already available at the Singletary Center box about the nature and spiritual values of
)se given usadonation this year. feel free to add office (606 257—4929). Lexington these ancient cultures. and explores
ny your name to the list. We very much need Men's Chorus is a proud member of the contemporary WOW“ SPh'llUflle and
new subscribers so why not do that alsov international Gay and Lesbian
[2 continued on page 4
— GLSO News Page 3

 cominuedfrom page 3
pagan movements inspired by old earth-
' based belief systems. This Video will be
A Heallng followed by Before Slonezm/l, or other
. , gfll""e'ated ““05
SerVICE i At 8:00, the Great hall (the usual
1,33 135%, place) will be opened for dancing and
F 0,, All w socializing, and will feature recorded
leg”? -. )’<”{§ music by local artists. At 9:00, we will have
AfieCted By AIDS ‘23:» 33w“? line dancing lessons, fun to learn and no
. larly pleased to have the Spirit Drummers
6'00 pum Pioneering in the light ofhape perform, which should really get you out
' EPischg‘s’mg‘mgw" of your seat.
(é, Soft drinks, beer, desserts and snacks
will be sold to help build a fund for more
For persons With AIDS pulsical events‘in the fall] There will also
re a raffle featuring a tape by Her
For their family and friends Girlfriend — the lesbian hand hailing from
~ Louisville - a Woman's Travel Guide, I-
For those in the healing professions shirts, bumper stickers and more.
There will be a $4 charge to cover
For those who are afraid and angry expenses. The price is $2 for GLSO
_ , members. (Yes, you can join and get a
For those Who WISh 1t WOUId go away subscription to the newsletter that
, . evenin ). We are )lannino more events in
For all Who seek GOd S heahng power the fall for whiclh GLSS members will
—————-——————-—-————————-———————— receive a reduced admission price.
St. Augustine Chapel This event is sponsored by
_ Interweave, Unitarian lesbigays and
472 Rose Street ’ Lexmgton’ KY friends, and by GLSO. V
Sponsored by the Episcopal Diocese of Lexington AIDS Ministry '
New Subscribers Needed
The GLSO has been dropping in
number of members - we need to keep at
'm' least 200 each month to meet the re uire-
Are you being discriminated agarnsl In Kentucky due lo ,nemsoflhebulkmmngpem q
YOUT SGXUGl orientation? ' Our goal is'to add so member during
pride month. Sign up by mailing 1n the
order form in this newsletter or talk to us at
Reporl H NOW the Pride Dace (June 14) or the Pride Picnic
(June 16). GLSO membership will give you
[all the GLSO Discrimination Project, and help to put our discriminollon on the books. a reduction 0“ admission to the dance “I‘d
other events that ar enow in the planning
276_5383 stages, in addition to having a newsletter
mailed to your home. 7
GLSO News Page 4 _

 irth- \ \

Ibe ' \ \ \%

"h“ '\\\% 0 The GLSO Board decided

sual \ ‘4 \W“ that in order to achieve true

and , I 8‘ \ ‘ financial stabili ,it would seekas onsor

I‘dEd \ x \ \\\ p

we \ \\ \% for the costs of the newsletter for one month,

I110 \ \R V and use its other advertising income for a number of

1cu— I . .

Hm W \ other ongomg pI‘OICCtS.

0m For more information, please call Mary at 266-5904.


also g .

m I The GLSO News IS proud to announce our I

. I:

If“: I supporters so far for 1996: I

M II Sue Strong, Ph.D., Licensed Psychologist .......................255~4964 II

"’1‘ I II

1.80 I Scorsone and Ransdell, Attorneys at Law .......................255—5766 I

3121 I

M I Craig Hudson, for the Catholic group Dignity II

:III II Tri—-State Gay Rodeo Association II

bv II Terry..............255—5469 II

and I Paul ...............278—8023 II
I Lexington Men’s Chorus 231—0900 II

[In I Front Runners 254-6850 II
I ,

at I Russell Beam Bookkeeping 8v Tax Services ................i....266—2903 II

re— ,
I Unitarian Universalist Church 2564 Clays Mill Road ......223-1448 I

If: seeking a diverse congregation: Sunday worship 10:45 I

I: I Metropolitan Christian Church 271—1407 II
’l u

3: II Elizabeth 81 Tammy Gilliam—Strong II

‘1 I ‘l

1g ‘I Pegasus Traveli...............................................................253—l644 I:

I” I Pegasus Travel donates i % of your ticket costs to GLSO iI

GLSO News Page 5

 W P1527...”
22 , June 1996 -@2 LE1 LP
3* Gay and Lesblan SerVIces Orgamzatmn Calendar :rr
Wednesday Thursday Saturday ‘ ' 3 " . ‘
a ./ JM ’4", _
1 f. I ‘a’, I; I
Full Moon . d u ' ‘ .
Gay Day at Disney World .
9:00 AM Frontrumlers
2 . 3 . 4 5 6 7 8 557 S. leestone
'63:! Day at ng‘s Island 7 :30 PM Prlde Ctr. 12:00 PM GLAA AIDS/HIV Sppt-Gm [Ti gluClm'sli 7:30 PM Gay/Lesbian AA NEW _ ,
WWW"), T kf 7:30 PNI Gay/Lesbian 5-00 PM Fromrunners (\Voodland 710%0 PM m‘C—Wfik" 8:30 PM Louisville Youth Lomsvdle Gender Soqcty Mtg. LGXI n gto n KY
Church as OTCC . Park) Rehearsal - « 900 AM F rontrunners '
4:00 PM TSGRA Mtg AFAIK)“ 7300 PM EPOW 11111: M‘g- 800 PM 11le AIDS 3 1 1" Grow (Falmess Om I 25 3 001 4
7:00 pm Dignity ‘ 8:45 PM Rainbow Bowling 7:00 PM MCC %——‘—~~£;—"3"~ ,, . . . ,, . , . '
7300 PM GaY’Wbla“ AA (Joyldnd Imus) +300 PM Gay/Lesbian AA 1:, r , : .,8.0M11Tm1A°°r5 Gmld) i
__.__ _.__..._.._.____._.___.W._ *
9 10 1122 [13 14 15
W _ . A sip 7:00 in rennens ‘F—WT“? WW Renowned Weekend Brunch.
11:30 AMMe o h ‘on uni ._ s - _ 0 an _ ___g__g2 _ .
i1 gulch " F: m“ L “n ‘Y 1723812$1§m1¥1111€éfi§mlmfi 603 31:11:: Frontrunnus 1w odl d L oggafiivljfgearsal '730 PM Gay/Lesbian AA* 9600 AM Frontrunners
7:200 1211 52m; A?“ Presby. 1 700 PM Morehead sr. smdeni Grp. 3 A S SPPt- GW- 1 :00 AM Men‘s Network '
. WW~——r 345 pM Ra b0 Bowlin J ian‘ 7:00 PM MCC fen/In U8 err UC ( ea
$222,:an J L“ m w gt “ 8,0013%an :. .. 1 1 1h ‘ t dim : /g y W
16 fin 18 19 ‘ 20 21 22 pancam, eggs bened/cf arno/d
Pam's Ding GLSO News Deadline *1200 PM GLAA AIDS/HIV SpptGrp. ' Summabcg‘gg ___~»rmlmog 9:00 AM Fronmmners ' l7 / I‘ll
1:30p; {EXE‘WW ““ {7:30 PM Fairness Me- 7130 PM Gay/Lesbian 6500 PM Fl‘onmmers " 13F?“ WYMM 111313??? ARES? 5’ 5’00”” ome e e”
3:33 11:3 "6111 mlh: Tu'ning' (AdarS' Gunld) 91111 g (Ag falfa's) l A}- Anon (Woodland (Park) ggg PM P1371113: ghouls Rehemal 8:30PM Louisville Youlh Group (Faimsl ore)
J ' “9“” m “ ‘ I8245 PMR ' b - B wl‘ 7:00 PMM C Pi~WM 0, h
“Wm M (Joylnndaifmig 0 mg 8:00 2.»; Gay/Lesbian AA : . ,_ 8:00 PM "All in the Timin" Actors‘ Guild : 0/7 ITIUC m or C’...
______— —
23 24 25 26 27 28 29 Wednesday is
3:12:13 (NSC) Mtg. 12:00 PM GLAA AIDS/HIV SPPLGI'P- 7100 PM Lex.Men's Chorus 7:30 PM Gay/Lesbian AA 900 AM Frontrunners
11:30 AM Metropolitan Community 7:30 PM Gay/Lesbian 6:00 PM memem ‘WMIM . Rehemal I t ti 1 N. h
Chmh Park) 800 PM HIV/AIDS Sppt. Grp. n erna ona lg t
200 PM "A” in the Timing" ( Actors’ Al—Anon 7:00 PM Morehead St. Student Grp. 9:00 12M cons Mtg.
- Guild) 8:45 PM Rainbow Bowling 7:00 PM 5ch _ _ ,. - . ~ 11 i -
7:00 PM Gay/Lesbian AA (Joyland mes) 8:00 PM Uay/Lesbxan AA . ‘ 8.00 PM All 111 the Tunm_ Actors Gulld
3 0 May I l Breads and desserts
u y
s M T w T F s i ' ' '
$133111 Meuowlimmmy __ W baked daily m our kitchen
Church 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
2:00 PM "All indie Timing'(Actors' 12 13 14 15 15 17 18 14 15 15 17 1s 19 20
Guild) 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 21 22 23 24 25 26 27
2:00 PM GLSON F 1d. 26 27 28 29 30 31 28 29 30 31

 All GLSO membere can vote for the
éGAY& 17/ election of five new membere of the Board each
113’? 7;}; ’8“ year. Each Board member eervee for two
tiO KLESIAN” yeare and la eligible for reelection. If you
‘ , ifjxé/"bz; S ‘ receive the GLSO Newe in the mail, there ie a
lrsd SERVICE good chance you are a member 50 we are
~ :1 , 4 ’y GIL/f including thie ballot for your uee. if there are
,, 1 OR 1 ' ' k two membere in your houeehold, you can vote
“cw/“f ” I Kentuc )’ twice b uein the n mber 2 or b makin two
, to“, 3/ 9 U y 9
. L590“g ," check marke. You can mail thie form into our
' no. eox 11471, Lex. 40575, or bring it to the
*“ picnic where more forme will be available. 5ince
h . . thie ie an unconteeted election, the outcome
i??? Candidtatee for Election to the GLSO Board ie not in queetion, but we would like to have
«ms: Rose(Rowan) Brinegar new volunteere and any commente or ideae for
; Duane Lewis activitiee that you might want to share with
- _ ue. if you would like to ace more candidatee to
—— Roman Markland chooee from, coneider running for the Board
:(hi/Et Debbie Rickard next year. Our meetinge» are open to the public
ups Michael Taylor if you would like to attend.
:w I would like to volunteer: Areae of intereet
__ Social Committee
$1.131 Name —-———————___— Advertising
iChon Phone ——__— —5upport Group
:53. Writing for Newsletter
__ _l\leweletter folding
‘— Dietribution
\IDs Comments or Suggestions


N a rn e ( s) ________#____~___,_________________#____#_______ E
Address ________fl_______,_______~_____________________ 5
City, State, ZIP #______________________________________ t
___$15 Membership and Newsletter ‘:
_”__$20 Couple Membership and Newsletter lls
__n__l do not wish for my name to be added to the Community Ill
Mailing List used exclusively by and for Kentucky 11:
Gay/Lesbian organizations. I
Please become a member: help support and A ll;
build our community and receive your ll.
newsletter by mail! _ l
. l
MAIL TO: GLSO Newsletter, R0. Box 1
11471, Lexington, KY 40575 L

 V O . O
. Pride Month Specnal Events Calendar .
listed with each event is its sponsor, the place, time and the person to contact if you have any questions ‘
Friday, June 7 Thursday, June 13 Sunday, June 16 I
‘ Rainbow Wind Pagan Celebration The Original Garden Event GLSO Pride Committee 1996 l
Jacobson Park Shelter #1 Flower Garden Originals: 226 Walton Annual Pride Picnic: “An Old— ‘
6pm — dark Ave. Fashioned Picnic” 3
Call Roman at 2778270 5pm — Bpm BeII Court Park
Call 225—9499 11:50am ~ 5:50pm
Saturday, June 5 In addition to food for your family, 1
Lexington Frontrunners “Fun Friday, June 14 bring a dish to share. Cold drinks will
Run/Walk" Dignity of Lexington Pride Mass be sold l
UK Arboretum 555 Cane Run Rd Groups wishing to rent tables should l
9am 7pm call Roman at 277-9270 ‘1
l Call Keith Lovan at 254—6850 Call Don at 299-4458 I
| Friday-Sunday, June 21-25 i
1 Sunday, June 9 Friday, June 14 Royal Sovereign Imperial Court 15th I
,l Lexington Men’s Chorus “Out and Interweave and GLSO Diversity Annual Coronation Ball Weekend 1
I About" Dance/Social A1A‘s Bar & Grilli Main St. ‘
1i Lexington Opera House Unitarian Universalist Church C3” 225‘5l5l l
7:50pm 7:50 — 11pm I
$10 admission For tickets call $4 admission; $2 for GLSO members Friday, June 21 l l
Singletary Box Office at 257-4929 Call Mary at 266—5904 Bluegrass C.0.L.T.S. Bar Night ‘ l
Crossings Bar 1
Tuesday, June 11 Saturday, June 15 10pm — 1am
l P—FLAG Regular Meeting Episcopal Diocese of Lexington ‘
I Chapel Hill Presbyterian Church AIDS Ministry’s AIDS Healing and Sunday, June 25
ll 7:50 Memorial Service Unitarian Universalist Church's
l Call Bobby & June at 266—5954 St. Augustine’s Chapel (UK Campus) Pride Service I
l 6pm 5564 Clays Mill Koad
‘ Tuesday, June 15 Call Steve at 255-17552 10:45am ;
‘ Voice of African Descent II 1
' Lexington Central Library — Sunday, June 16 Sunday, June 25 3
Downstairs Conference Room Lexington Metropolitan Community Lexington Volunteer of the Year
5:50 Church’s Pride Service Awards Banquet
$5 donation; proceeds go to benefit 159 Short Street (enter rear of Kadison Plaza Hotel
the Pride Center of the Bluegrass Actor’s Guild Bldg. on Church St.) cocktails at 5:50pm; ‘
Call Bull at 254—9512 or e-mail Willy 11:50am dinner at 6pm ‘
l at wtbodd0@pop.ul r , , _ -. '1
j/w jifllflrmw/ ms
' . I Isal
Dflexhtgton Mia/L119” 5 ii" 5”“
' ' jwfmjflaflww :_—' -—
-~ _ Egg;
I '. ,fi‘ {Rem
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WM, a" ‘
Sunday, June 23rd. @ The Radisson Hotel i

 l ' \ _ - . .1 . . :.‘ _ “M '
ll avg-111E.” 5*)" Tickets ma be urchasedb
‘ ‘ :; L:I‘.J{..‘.i.nl‘:1'i‘-“..‘i'“1.5.2.:“11'2".'L,;‘~‘v,.“’v‘4‘,._i y p y I, l-yL-w
./ caning The Singletary Center :. ..
l LEXINGTO for the Arts @ (606)257-4929 ,5;
l a \: QM. @155 or by contacting a chorus
1 MEN S Wiggi‘i'f member ‘ y}: f, 35.:
1‘ i‘fjgfiéli'igilliii“?in, . ,_' '_ If:
i ’ w” ' " *1?“
l presents........ ” ,‘Ijj' l' '. '
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\ l
4'14. ‘ V Admission l?j3;;§_‘;_.g§
- y) .3 /, $10.00 Adults is
:’ A 44/.) ~ i iii-Eff; 155-00 Children \fI I;
. ' -053. ‘
\l new" i
3 '2 :J O T 31- l
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' ' j {t «y Raf/With Spool-(11 Guest l‘he “La- 1,.- :=
-, g 2 ':-’,_z , ’;; a j “ .. \"N,.21é:4..:.‘“737§1§§§ ‘- ~ ', .3
' 5:17. 11161,, 1, 1 lil.‘ Men 5 Chorus INDYVISIBLE "*1 1' '
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2 .' ....,, \i‘i ~
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‘l'1 l , THE 1.,
li.’ V C, ‘ ‘ OPERA i’y
Ii / ~JUNE9J996 HOUSE “ii
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li i , 1 yr \2 .
i ‘ -' ’ ‘gy‘ail if? ' "‘ xii, V I] g . / ‘2‘ .
- #—M”_H_ E
GLSO News Page 10

I - 7 —
l H |- RACK
,7 r ' >
.. .' ' V i at
f a 119 N. Limestone
A Wed, Thur - noon - 8pm
ll I Fri, Sat - noon - 1am
‘ See Us At Lexington
. and Louisville Gay ‘
‘ Pride Picnics

 continued orrlmge 2 . . _ g ‘ , ; . . . . _ _
lifestyle at work. lfeel very lucky not having _ 16' i . ' . 7 j . . ' 7: if“, A6 '
to hide who i am. I only wish that we could ,- Ill-lid ' , . 2- l .V l ‘ '
all be as fortunate, but if we can not come ‘ Q}; 33A_ ,j , 5
together as a community, we might as well ‘fdégfll'g is wags. N. {in}; ‘9
have, as revolting as it sounds, partners of the K’ If. _,;~¥fi§§ HQ 7 ‘3' "
opposrte sex. 1 out now .1 out you, mt 3a f@\§§3&‘a«x‘m ”’9 '
who i am, then you have the problem. not me. 3:; five“ Er; y; SEQ ‘ ‘- E 6r“ 3 :g -, '4: , ,
Why should i have to try and resolve your ~‘ "-~rw“—;*L* .' I ,, .
problems for you? lhave enough of my own. “W“ "A“ *v’e‘" ,. ,. . .- a, .. ,. .
j. Darrell Maines , _
MmTh There s a new race m long
Kentucky eatre distance. And we think
Schedule second place Is for losers.
That's why we Were the first long distance company in me US
for PRIDE MONTH to o’fer customers up to 50% savings. And that's wl‘ry we will
COHIfl‘rULE to go the extra mile by offering lowe-r hasic rates" and
[$67] . personal, independent representatives. Swr‘rcn your long distance
6/9-6/12 service to a winner. Choose Excel. For more informatm" on res»
, . dentiai and small busrness long dis-
tance services. call today. .Nwmuem "Epggssmn."
« . ::":.'.“=: r—
; The Cellulozd Closet , —'"—- 3
, Calling Plans for Every Part of WW Lite,
i 6/] I - 6/20 . or: Excel n, rm tor-(r stanririrl: riamr'strc rares "As almanac m at." \ '3"le simimrr: ’ri't'~
' I GLSO-Associates Excel Independent Representatives
It’SMJ] Para] Carrie Straub,MR ..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 606.233.3462
‘ ' Denise Peskar, MR,AC(Certified Trainer) . . . 606255-5462
E 6/29” 7/] Gina Baker, MR . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 606.289.8505/1800.717.4524
r'R‘ead‘ Laura E. Kaplan
«’90 112% $2 5 Licensed Clinical Social Worker
o ° 0,, Female-Oriented Cards HIV/AlDSI Personal Growth
0 Mary Soroumer Crone Relatronshrpleomen'sissues
266-5904 .
606.254.1690 I Pager: 232.0873
GLSO News Page 12

 J . ' II :65 _

E + I *

' _ G>RDEN W 3-
' . t-I - §Iif 3

event ‘ w"
226 Walton Avenue THURSDAY
I june 1 3
1-800-944-3620 5pm - 8pm

GLSO Board 0111102665904 Bluegrass C0LTS(1\1:1rk)2557266
GLSO Discrimination Project (Jeff) 2765;233 Cumberland Care5561-6765
GLSOZ News (Pele1)375-5845 E-Male(ju110)252—2%55
Advertisements (Sue) 2554864 Fairness 0f Lexington H0TLINE-~--~~~->-~~-~~v~~----~-~~~-~275“7812
Calendar (Jemgmfig; Fairness of Louisville.......1...,..11....11....1..1.1..,....1....,..1..1.(502) 893-0788
Folding (Mall) 2665904 Front Runners (Keith) 2546850
Layout (1‘21111111y)225-%95% G/L AA (Charlie) 3241-4067
GLSO PRIDE COMMITTEE (Mike)11..W,,..1..W....,.....‘....,..,.11..235-1828 G/L Defense FufldGOZ) 589-2396
GLSO Speakers Bureau (Milly).WWW.“..,1.‘....,..W.,.,,,,1.1....‘266-5‘)()4 IGBOlSlth’)276-7)058
GLSO Support Group 011107665904 Kentucky Legislature
Bill Status L1ne(8()0) 58272455
STU DENT G R0 U PS Legislator Message Line1...H..._...,1“.....1..11...,,,.1(8()()) 57277181
‘ Meeting Info Line(o0()) 653-9650
ACE League:Berea (hd) 6237212 Lexington Men’s Chorus (Sheihy) 2310090
AG“: NKU (PM) 7756‘“ Louisville Youth croupbov) 635-1502
B-GLAD:CenLre'College(Mykol)”111..n.1,..1....11...14...111....,1,..11.238-5552 Names Project, Lexington (Katie)1....11..........1........11..,.H..._....272-2588
GUESS: EKU (N611) 62278i6 Newcomers Group (JOE) 337%“
Morellead State (A11ge1:1)7852950 P-FLAG (Bobby&june)....11.,....,.....11....1..,.....111....,..21.W,,,.,...11..,,266~3934
UK Lambda 0u11e11)be1'ore10p1112727333 Pegasus Trave12551044
ANONYMOUS AIDS TESTlNG Rainbow Bowling League (Sl1:1\\'11)255757‘)
. _ , RISC (1\111\e)2255151
Jessamme County8854149 (luck) 2728554
Lexmgton-Fayette County28é>2157 Tri-State Gay Rodeo Assn. (1461,13,) 2555469
Madison County 7257412 (Paul).1...1,..1..1.1.,....1.1.”2.0.278-8023
Woodford County/8754541 The Womenis Chorus (Connie)1......1........1....1,.1.11.,....1..1.,..
“”5 “om“ 7217545 Dignity [Catholic] (1)0107994438
AIDS Volunteers of Lexmgtonu,,...1”.1.....1..1.....11....1,....1....,..127§-7494 Episcopal Diocese AIDS Ministry (Steve) 23%1782
AVOL Legal Advocacy Program 2757494 Honesty [Southern Baptist] (Eddie)1......,....1, 637-7609
"can“ ”epme‘“ “W “FPO“ “014m“ (Dorothy).1.....1...u....(502) 458-5392
(”@7887277 Interweave [Unitarian] (Davina)1,.2....“,,,..,.w