xt7wh708058c_61 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7wh708058c/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7wh708058c/data/1997ms338.dao.xml E. F. Spears & Sons. 1.8 Cubic feet 4 boxes The E.F. Spears & Sons Hemp Records (dated 1886-1925, undated; 1.8 cubic feet, 4 boxes) comprises correspondence, and product and customer account information documenting the production, distribution and development of hemp and hemp seed in the Bluegrass region of Kentucky (centered in Paris, Ky.). archival material English University of Kentucky This digital resource may be freely searched and displayed.  Permission must be received for subsequent distribution in print or electronically.  Physical rights are retained by the owning repository.  Copyright is retained in accordance with U. S. copyright laws.  For information about permissions to reproduce or publish, contact the Special Collections Research Center. E.F. Spears & Sons hemp records Business records--Kentucky. Businessmen--Correspondence. Grasses--Seeds. Hemp Hemp industry--Kentucky--Bourbon County. Hemp industry--Kentucky--History--20th century. Hemp industry. Hemp--Kentucky. R.G. Dun mercantile agency records text R.G. Dun mercantile agency records 2015 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7wh708058c/data/1997ms338/1997ms338_4/1997ms338_4_1/43157/43157.pdf 1902-1903 1903 1902-1903 section false xt7wh708058c_61 xt7wh708058c ' .
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  “Ples.se note if NAIVIEI, BUSINESS wud ADDRESS correspond with your inquiry.
  CO" ' ' • * • •• •• • •     • • • • • • • •• •• g      
_ August QQ, l9g2 ..... #50 White Sgpggg,
_ This cempsny was inc0rp0r§ted under New Jersey Laws in 1886 with
&¤t&¤€g€?1ZGd Capital Of ts00,000. all peid in . William Clark· was ~
f0rmer president Of the cempeny but died recently. The officers Of
@@9 CQWPHQY 3f present are William Berbeur, President, A-?. Turner,
Vice-President; R. R. Symingtcn, treasurer; John R. Hell, Secretgry.
L 'If -Mr• Turner states that the estate Of yr. Clark still Owns
the stock fQrmerly held by him. The Officers Of the company are also
c0nnected with the Linen Thread C0, st ssmeleceticn who ect es l
selling agents BT them. `
Themrties composing this com r — ·=· ·
L - _ - pany ere t n 0 er -lleLt
character and the cempeny is regarded as strOng fingncigllgcgnd W
— in excellent stending end credit. _
    W. ,A_·1_,.
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T"? .22 D I3 G ’f $2   i*}‘iE"NI`f°`!      ‘o`‘’     L.   ZQXTZ * li,   ,
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 m»“*Phzas& mma if NAME, BUSINESS and ADDRESS corvespund with your inquiry.
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   ZL€H~PlB&S€ note if NAME, BUSINESS and   correspond Ovit; ;;;;;_§T,lfEYQT‘»2·¢_;\
    B ll 7* U C K Y RTVFR MTT,T.S,,,__y•nmjqs_T'Jvy}r,g_pRA}3yg;~ORT  
if W?] N ' FRATTILIIN CO.     Y 
‘ . T.·s$-¥A.l~UT_·€T:T , PRr€SI*>.·H?T'F. ~‘   v 
_ E · _ HARC?€.6—1905-·-·-·m·-rro reply is received to ·
recent request for a, rsta,tement.¤h?.s oompanyf is orggsntlzed and
incorporated under the laws of »·entuc}<5r authorized caprta 1
one hundred and fif't3r thousand dolls rs(?€l50..0O0.00) all of which
is olsitmed subscribed and paid upf The m;§._io;i·_~;;: gf +;}¤_g stock is A
owned hrr Drominent loca?. parties and said to he closelyt
. sf'j'i]:1slted *v·i.‘l:h local henks. In business under the above stvle
• since l8G’8. own thep ".snt which is considered s va.lue`ole one and
ca¤r·rr· sl large stock hath raw and me nuf`aotw·ed.‘;aid to have
conszi dersbls book acrwmntls and the oompa ny is he lieved to be
worth the amount of capital paid 5.n.¤hose interested msi nts in
s good I>er·sr>ns.l reputa.t5.on and in good hone stsndi.ng.A.ffairs -
seem to be capably T’1F`£lP;{"jBd and seldom inquired for. Have za well .
established trade and helieved to have good nrospects. local I
credit and standing quoted high. l
' RATE. C X 1.
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R..G- DEJN Ez CO- ‘ R.-G-1 ZDUIN &:CO. ‘ .Q.
Tm; information given on this sheet is an answer tn an inquiry . THB information given on this sheet is an. answer to nn inquiry ii"
man;   nA`$:;bi;`;i£i1l;er tedlhe ltlercintile .»\ge‘ncy, vglio-asks for tilv: made by a Subscriber to The Mercantike Agency, who asks fer the ·_ i` s
game A i to cterznine tie propriety li ).ll`r'lll}§ Cl’i’1~lYr · Simi! AS AN Alb tu determine the propriety of giving credit   ·
The information ig eeinrnunicuted uniler the conditions nl an agree V The information is communicated under the conditions of an agree- {ie i
{Tent gigneelfliy the said Slnbscrilieig wlrich expressly stipulate? that ·· ment signed by the said Subscriber, which eytpressly stipulates thm  `·
tie sm in ormation is 0 tainet y tie agents S¢|'Vi1ll(€ C Cllii , the said information is cbtuinedl by the- gt A - ‘— '°
· · · , gents, servants, cl ks., , ~
attorneys and employes ef the said Snl»scribr·r and on his lrelnill. . attorneys andiemplnycs 0f the said Subscriber and on his l>e(ii'alf ‘·
The said agreement nlsu expressly stipulates, that the said E\l»:rt·;in— A The said agreement alstrexpressly stipulates that the said Mercan- i [IY,
tile Agency SHALL. N()l Bk l\lnbl'<)h§llll,ll im anyvlnss tile Agency SHALL AOI BE RLSPONSIHL1; for any vloss V';
caused sy thbe neglect, unfaithfulncss, nr mlsC0llLli1~T* of Hfly nt ’ll¤f L €¤llS¢d.lJy the neglect, unfziilhfulncss, or misconduct of any nf·the el
said Su scri er's agents servants clerks attorneys, and empleyns said €ubscriber’s agents servants clerks att il
· I I . r l A. I V I . V _. , , ., , erneys, and employes  
in prgeuririgyeolleetiiig, and coxtirntiiiiczlliiig Of in li2\llll\g~i0 C¤ll1¤Hl- ‘ »l¤ PIOCUHDK, collecting, and conimunicatixigbr in failing to eorn‘mu.  
mcate the said inforniattnn; and neitherthe actual verity nor the V nicnte thesaid information ;` and neither the actual verity n0r”the 4
qnrreetnegs JT the said information is in any manner guaranteed. correctness nfthe said infurniatinu is in any manner gum-iniccd
'lihc nigxgnfiit {ui;;}§;(Eir£iy;;1eEb;l;;i;_;Ilge[`itif?;iXf;ti0¥i‘tl;;1S G¤lHlll\l· Tllt €}g\’CC!¥\€l`l[ further provides that the infcrmzitiiin thus e¤mnin·
nrcntc snn ge 5j A _ ‘— aix? a; s ra never   nicated shall be S'l`RIC,TLY CONFIDENTIAL· shall never tp
communicated tn the persaféwe whom it refers; and that all in- c0mmunieate,tl·t0 the persons to whom it refers‘ and that all in
. . , - . . .,r · ' • `
qnirrcglrnndc snell be enngrierl to the legxnniaic busuncsswcl thc qnirirsmade- shall be confined tu the legitimate business gf the
Subscriber’s establishment. if A _r_, Subnerilnlr i rs·..hl;;hniens_ · , .
, `   "` , 7 `· l at ,·‘ ‘ . hi; " /· '- Q ·
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 Egfvlib Please IIOJDO if NAME, BUSINESS amd ADDRESS correspond with your inquiry.
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   P}.·2a,se mote if NAME, BUSINESS and ADDRESS cormspond with ycur inquiry.
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 or   Please mobo if N.A.ME, BUSINESS amd ADDRESS correspond with your inquiry.
I R€V•
EAW;-Mm ir Cm- (1270) ······ Lj·Yi<2f1 T}*·T‘<:Z1d · ···- - —·-·—- }.'."2-if YO`?iT<` CITY,
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_ mm i`-·>.L.L.r·y A *:r:>a.m1r¤2r in
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 ‘i '>;xQf° P}v¤2z1`s© mote if I*IA.ME, BUEQNESS and- ABDRESS c0r1rcS;:r>11d vdth your inquiry.
Rev ‘ » ·
· A   ppp? M, ................ ..-rr»,;,·j_;qm; .....“.. --. —————— NEW VCP? CLTY.
· _;.· . ». ... xix n -·
William Barbour, Presidcnt, T
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Tamgg ,43. I {Egg; , K/']_g6Z—-PT€%31,C1LlNL·, -
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