xt7wh708058c_35 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7wh708058c/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7wh708058c/data/1997ms338.dao.xml E. F. Spears & Sons. 1.8 Cubic feet 4 boxes The E.F. Spears & Sons Hemp Records (dated 1886-1925, undated; 1.8 cubic feet, 4 boxes) comprises correspondence, and product and customer account information documenting the production, distribution and development of hemp and hemp seed in the Bluegrass region of Kentucky (centered in Paris, Ky.). archival material English University of Kentucky This digital resource may be freely searched and displayed.  Permission must be received for subsequent distribution in print or electronically.  Physical rights are retained by the owning repository.  Copyright is retained in accordance with U. S. copyright laws.  For information about permissions to reproduce or publish, contact the Special Collections Research Center. E.F. Spears & Sons hemp records Business records--Kentucky. Businessmen--Correspondence. Grasses--Seeds. Hemp Hemp industry--Kentucky--Bourbon County. Hemp industry--Kentucky--History--20th century. Hemp industry. Hemp--Kentucky. New York text New York 2015 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7wh708058c/data/1997ms338/1997ms338_2/1997ms338_2_14/26351/26351.pdf 1904 January-May 1904 1904 January-May section false xt7wh708058c_35 xt7wh708058c • MARK ORDER NUMBER ON INVOICE
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I0 t.l1e iasuarl iwlmrge for `l'[‘I1l*2l.il‘I"l niessaiges, viz: one per cent. fur amy distziiicc 1101; exceeding 1,000 ` miles, auul two per Lent. fur amy greaiier alistamce. No responsiliililiy reg·a11*¢li11g‘ inessziges uiiaiulies to tliis Cminpaiiiy until llie Same are p1*eser11*e<,l and xieeepteil at one of its tl':LX1SI11ii·ilIlg‘Olli(JL`;5; amal if :1. inessaaue is sent ie suelieiliee by one of this Uunip:a.¤y’s inesserigers, he ziets for that 1»a11·p<»se iis the z1genL of 1lie sender. | Messages willbeirlelivc-1·e11lyl»y repeiiting a.11iessa1geL¤a1el< to the semlmg station 101* e<>1npi·1r1s0n. No eriipluyee ui°il1is (`OI11I1I'|l1y is amtliorizeil le vziry ilm foregoing. k WILLIAM H. BAKER, JOHN O. STEVENS, CLARENCE H. MACKAY, I V. P. and Gen'! Manager. Secretary. President. 2 Au. auonmous suauscr T0 cs-mwcsz WITHOUT Nornca. B.B.GRAHAM, Preér. L.F.JONES.Treas. W.W.CHu.0s, 5ec'y, Auncnscu Gmvrz. vacepresn. ¤‘§1zr¤ #`§-_ · . V V V l l T”EAM>ETRICANlMAN UFACTU’RllN V ~ i `` - '‘A l I ~ » · H ' I V ' _ ,7 _ , gl ,_ _ . . .. ; . _' r_ _ _ V . - ·· l- 1 »»=¤??"~’”*~'*’*·*.r .V ; ‘‘-‘‘‘ Q =. l .`. . » = l `- J V —~ · · » ~ rr ..,., ' ‘ ' “ M1 Qs {lj El l # .4 "*·l*Y·?*`$$E$**Ewziv "'¤* — ¤ ' ;·. ~ lb; ' ?’”#¤#&§%E¤`?3?§ ’ *M A I ` 4) ‘( 4 HJ K · / ly { 7 / 1ZE::L§S§¤?i&egL Em X ‘~*g?E;E;§}yL$ ·. 0//. 0/7/ // · · l — `;»&p;l jig; ylgigggm =l’ ' [ ///2 /y', Q fpm ,14 gOjl_____ _ B'*°°·<·—Y~ M·L·—5· ALL Dsuvzmzs sumacr TO FnRras,BREAKAGE OF MACHINERX STRIKES Arwomza uuAv0»0ABL2 cnRcuMsTANc£s. Ifessrs . .F§p ears & Sous, , 1 Paris, Ky. l G·@21’mle> · · mn: ‘ Y . gvljirmgj *.0 jour i*`:avc2* of +V l2*;E; : Af; 1; ee j»1`€%E}€3EE4G time we ara not usears of K€”“.7jll(Tk;?` Eimap . We ·* `··. ill l-cess 3; _·=<>ur &·iclre=:sss on file , =FL` L_ h0vr<2ve%z*, and if at any time: w·sa are in the isar cent for sawyvue , we will cor am;-— Hiczmfge with you . Tm rs tru]-j#, _ @:22 Afimxclir i-FG. C0. > Y}. w e. R .3 . . /D . 15;% nm; AWARDED AT _ COLUMBIAN axpesmcm, cmmxco _____l",¤\b__L__ ~ - {*‘ *?*¥'%V”g§3`)> / ' »*F¤ W - L L ·¤*€?$ ¤’¤¥.-¢AF;-- yp _, W - _ L __ ,4. _ { i . cia —*·‘?i¥$»1·*#: .L Qi: *§§.»;·e~~.i-<-»<;¤¤ ‘’‘· > ` `- * %?)‘. . \ '\@ .;.. ·— $3; .’ g"§_· ?i‘{&%"·" ····—»£» ¤ L TL ` 3;,, ._;m¤s} ‘*" ,; gw @2 g ; ~ g · L · g { . U Fr cj 4 ""?=·¤f*"‘iiZ~·=;e»5x¤·JF*f# *¤%%M—¢»¢2:¢·=f* " " -· i¥=Y*?`/X Z in /_&§aT&§i,_; `“w$ _:?¤:—Z;;i.5}) NuFqACTQ fcsvlqs j r A é !§ /"‘?··*·`$$¥¤V’L’·’ ‘ ' "` ?;¤ ·~’ ·-— "’==`—’/ qa; _·4· ·_ ` : ` € > . , _ I “""‘* 8* 7Ll§lQI`:8{;I'1S ,TéI§]33;f£:H7I5<¤.H>$i; MO.5;Q];lJHO. NETS, VALLEY FALLS,N.Y. _; ‘ : * ‘· · · · * · 2 ‘ * _· ’ Bran •{H¤L,5 BG Gl{1·Z}iNE ST1u·;1;1*. c e H3 E. 1»<1Nz|E ST., CHICAGO. V , Ln} hm LQ / . / * //7//, A/% Jem . ].?v<411, l?O4 . YY<—.:.¤::;‘;;= . E. F. 9; ¥%z.»1"s fc SONS , Pe·.1‘;L:2, FC. . M; KEJT an: ~· If $12% .00 {,:21* 1; mz da;liv.?·;·ei¤a a-Lt "’·%stL Vsllirsj Fa».}.l&‘> N. Y.; may sw? iw ag :=ea;;;»1<; ck.? cf #] R »w_.2gj}; Tiemp &¤}.1O7.? T·`eb1··;<;L1·;¤ ls L zzcaxt io et; like the swzylc f,"Q.¤;.t gmx: sent us E0 Veil say Wallis. If re; i`i.r.u ie.: @11;:1 ity >se»t:L;.i'¤ct02‘·y, =::ilflL 21 ··*·v 3& to `iv& gum fu1*1.P;;; ¤;z·;E.cz·s. Y-ynrs ven. tmlv, Jslruceg T}1©mg,sc>m C¤m;»¤njj. (me . :.2 . > AWARDED AT [__' COLUMBIAN EXPOSITION, CHICAGO ';z_3,’*\?*,J_:£?` . ·’»& , , Q4?. 1* ~( . ,{— ov · · . N. ...w,1, . ,4¢=’°’-’ , ..,,9,, , .. . , ·.·». a J , ., . . . Hd ~ \l ¤·=···=•¤ . . ~—~·!f=»¤» — ,_. ~- -· ..» ~··:r-~.» —\§?§inq$ a , " __ rl K5 ' G rg; ik ` = r gi; " 2 . ·:” Ji _ »;T:¤°:Z¥:ZT # "">;` -7 " ·—-¤v:¤».-·r·’Vt$g·;~gg:‘·:¢—··%n@j·`¥‘»2;·=‘=·-¢ ·`·* =· ` " ' " ¤#,F »"‘ M i #·· · ` *"·—¤.»~. ‘V if ».:T, 3, I { ·= . . ....,,2,;;.9. zrajg/ I , 44,,;, ., _ NU FAr_C_T_U_RE }Q$Q"!’ 4Ll{.1:_;;· ;;.,;,,,,,,,,·;;_.;:,g4· ;»,:..5. "E W Q ··%@@’$Y‘g w` ” “ **""* ·» `` ` ~ ·-’·” ¤»—. ,¥<».;»=’ ·. =—~’ ~ . - (M `—.»<¤· · ew . _· _ ~·r-;., · `%I" 4 I ' V A. _ , M ,, '» -‘ 'rg _ ; V- . - r M"’5 5* |W$H?¢B,5;.. ,uck<¤ams.'[%¤..¤»|a1ans: ¤.¤diMQ5£]2L|1¥;®: NETS;. I ` . 16 G1{]i]iNli STH{EET. Branch Houae ns E.K1NZ|E $1, cH¤c;AG0. .» " — ’ F//C /V"/Q Jem. '7t};, 1904. J»£ss>sz·s. E. F. Speeums fe Sons, Pewi s , Ky . Gcr2tl¤r1;e;1;.: - Milf] em=1‘j.¤;c Lv.; x·ei,u,·m mail at txlixew; you would 531]. us -* ' · ‘ 4. ‘·. ‘.*.--.·. .* 1* . 1.-.. any 100 toms 01 {rl Remgjxg Hemp M0 me ;,@.LJ.x ez eu abou L 2.5 was mcnt1;l_y com- ;;1·2uc1r1g; in T.iu1·ch or Ayril, also ij ;;0s:.1`bls subraiv swnpls: lweaacis; of che mem. CTO}; to us am; Vu lisy Fail] S., N . Y. YO`f,l"S VGI`Qy‘ TL1'!.1 1}*, James 'l‘l10m;.s c Fl ci: C0mg.»¤21;r. (mc . J.B.) 5 pf] y;¢rz¤/rr//zh/v.2Lnur {QW! A/r· r /{;zwyz·-C¢¢·/7A»r¢/ »xz,0—0}·r<’ Y. ;•/`%*,• '; .· /‘// ’///%/ »— {//p ///A/ /=¤ 'L‘1·:¤.1·:s·11uN•c ..,..,.......` . ..... . .,..,. ...... . ...,. L\Yl)Ot¥A'l‘1·}S Nmw \'t)RIi w_ , II1 V (11+11 ( eeree /<>iv1*1<1s l¤LAx; HlHH’.\ND Juwm Rnuu iu)?. 'D1·;x·¤·¤1.1·z |ixvnL1»¤N<; - Rx:1·nmsn.:¤*1~z>xu WM· F- MM¤¤ —¤ ¤<>· ass IJlR1L Feb. 1, 1904. 190 Messrs. F. F. Spears & Sons, Paris, Ky. Gentlemen!- I received your letters of Jam. 12th and Jem. 215rd. I em not in s oosition to supply the Hemp Report for which you ssk me. Messrs. lie.loolm 8: Co. supply these reports to their customers, end whether or not they send them out to otner people I do not know. I f`ori+rsrded your first letter to them on Jan. 1/lth and if they wish to send you za. report you will doubtless hear from tkiem. Yours truly, X ~ , -_;>rY_ tl ` \ =\ Y\\·\ grip`, ‘». }\ out _._\ y ogy; (‘AB1.n:s: 'I`l·1l·l·J|'||4)Nl*1 ........A,,,. , ..... . ....... . .... .. T4\`l)CUA'1‘I·IH Nmw Your: _ I (}1<11 JA. (j()i\'l‘lCH l¤Lnxx. IImA1v i\NI) Jmvrm Runs: 1:05 'pl·)X'l‘ll.l'I l£¤'¤!.1¤1N<: wu. 1·~. MALc·<>mn & co. ce Iil<1()NAI{.l) S'l‘l<1uu; Feb. 5, 1904. 190 Messrs. E. 3, Spears & Sons, Faris, Ky. Gentlemeni- I beg to acknowledge receipt of yours of Teb. 5rd. I received a letter from lessrs. Wm. F. Walcolm & Co.'s Help Department this morning in which they said there is no subscription to their weekly Hemp Report and they iid not care ·bout sen·ing it to any one likely to abuse the privilege but that in consideration of my recommendation they have put your name on the list and you may no doubt exwect it in due course. I &n glad to have been of any service to you. Yours truly, Qu vu \ Q uu {YY?/;}·zz0/Pr./ZZ··z’z4.:' Jaézéu/4 A'- cjanye /(J/·?%0H/( »u.6}·r». ._ V /@ · /7 diff?/Z%%%%%·v ·\_%!JZ 77//* lf}., Ai x, »»*%r1·r/%r{·&¢·xv€wJ A `E Q? ‘ I 7/ M / /· c/6/*/N U-); O/(2/' V (K//lf V t/ (K//720//(JC' E.-J/, / = / ¤$ I 1 L _ ’ Qfj CLAY.; “:,·'// Kp {HA»~(/Ju§,L~·/ /0 ffifllllyj kjlflxliir, et-?;ré / /· / ‘ ’/ ar (J/ACT I/IIC! I·‘(LlAL/A {VII/JFJ. · // • > ’ V · • I I ,·‘ J J1 (fi *5 li , is Q ` _ __ ._. , Qe . A.,, 4 I ·»··· "?. N } ()Fl"IC’? OF? - ` _ ‘`‘‘ ; Q! *3 1 " ~` I Q a FL E E I E w w w M`HAR{A[0. l@“[m Q`! [ . } ~ &§"jg“`g”"@`g@§ Q E Q Hi m Q FEE HJ ` IS1 ‘ 7 *Z/{Thi-\'( ?(" 0 ¤<>55Q\\?¤S¥57!F}$1;#»¢ `»4 N}7/~ ‘ 2 M /7-Véf kt. rama}? __v_*· ii\1..qT·7i2g·*¤;§*r>»,.·?‘ 7 - / /, /I/·;,_»/T , _ _’> {-dwvi. ) —·»-T.; V. I /1 if /_. / I Vp 1 ·' Z/’ /, 174 . X / _ rim; Z4 . /' · ' fc ¢ -#·’‘ $7 " pz} Z- pt, .» /// yl " V ' ' I //3 Z4 %. , pa ./ww)? M · F ` ,a·*’ ,4 , , Li -0 4/L1/"0€#’?/’ #· ·’ KZCZZQ44 ~;i ipc 62/ »— J . _ _» {V, · » LL I · ‘ »2.‘ztY""Q.; - (' · r 7 ~ A - V/M /Q7;-C ’ ` . l/il., I I`-,] /'/ / I , I {IL"//A If/il ff {5 ;/· (/ *7<»· /64%%/zoc 1/ · Z V A ,/ _’/ ,, ’ · {/ C . A/;T»,·’_/if / QY J ` ’»> ` Mw · M ` ` 0 00 °` AWARDED AT K c¤LuMs1A1~1 Ex1=0smo1~1, CHICAGO _____ ., -;—L,_ L.- 11393. gm} ,··’TZ»`T. · ‘; 1»,¤F»";;s-2¢>J¤» L . »f®*¥¢ . , 1 .;»?'1%);( T`] " =·V · 5·i1;.$Y&1 A ;;L»·"if ' . ‘~—»_ »·· ·‘ ‘ 511 ~·-—~ ·lV 1 »» {VQKJ @1 ·‘ fa d ` rr %·*?""" `}§‘Z¥,$=7’ " _ T E "`1Q·'Z?'-::Y’Lr1"’ ° ?"”’ . ;Ti“"C'=·, 1- ‘~¤__ \ _ v· 'VVTV LL L , NU; _' ;;$ 1. —*·· -»-— ~·- _ __ /—;—:¢ % ·Y7’“="‘? 1 ·· ·— . is . _. _ I? X _ ' ' . ` r MMS 6* TB')LelJ3£)S;;, B11E·kd3€i=m5.Ié$?—l§?{B‘H_5<¤·a¤§ MQSQUUOV VALLEY FALL$.N.Y. j ‘ " “ " * · { ··- ` ·· 1 ‘ ’· 1 ··’· BYBECQ Hémse HG (il·{E]·1N}i ‘S'i`l{]i]iT. IIB E.K1NZ1E ST., CHICAGO. . · ·' " 'L LQ" Q / / / / / T I [ 1 f. · . . _ ._ _ ///· /17 ¤, Fa, .. 1.,:: , LL . E . S]>12¤,1*¤ Fc Swxsa, P1;. , Ky . G5;‘i`$.»1 'E3`Y?·1'V Z ·· Wv mw; a1. »*.‘ zi—¢:L;sea1T1 by Q av will 1.%; L, yaw \1i'j`::j‘1e=:i tlzezztz Fvy 1;:L1·.—: ·•• .,:» ._* 1*,.,, K". ‘.*·.'.-.,... ` 47. , -. .. one C1; 3111.112 cars 111; #1 R01.».g,m rlmuy 5,1140 .00 ez 1;:,L.L .~ 1; 111. 1*% ¤»zfli·- _, 1..1-Wl I 01* was offer, out r··e;jre`i; 1111;;*; tre <;em.:10L e».c:<;@;1 L ilze as va L1; em ?>e1b?;%r in ;,1·j1 1·. . YQ ‘? 1";i V r-: Q7 I 1"nF.Lj*, Jqxif '[`Y;.~;11i1_ ;< O ;1 fc CO1.1al»'·.11j·.’ » • J- •E • ) ' .Q%/Zwza/rz/ZbvzJ Juékc//Z ec/{az-nys zarY/azz/ na/ébe. 1 K · · " ~’ 4 / x 2 ,» ‘ x { » ·»/~/ }&’/i%///-¢%/%%*» @2672/ . - · %¢1vr?Ar;·&w¢e¢<;1' `#>::`~l; nT*»<>zz'L GC t,0 '7TU.C`T~C·# H zz? L".-2 ;"i·1 you r·u<>¢:_1:Z. 1’G'UiU'€. FWF-*» T.l·2s:sv·sa -j0:¤?v·2, ?Ea1·?~<>1u* 1 ·’J0y;?>e, 0I` icU`1=st, Irc?mn harizliwgg rxszchinas and Ewxap h2‘·c’¤Z·;©1*s. j\S1"]`.8f¤f3 t?1e2;.· 0 an azcrvc ywu. /SI"¥l_L;,’ FOIITS , TCT Z·I}i·]II·.T. T `"’' FTE I \?"V, J J `?{;]»· O Q -3% ,:?i,;,i’"’“ r *3};:6 / r / I {AArw /0/~ · . - /%;///%'//'A//;'L.’/ 9//UA' — .2;/ /4/4i,, /4:,// . //7;‘r@¥77{2 February l5th49%7 4. E. F. Spears & Sons, Paris; Kentucky. Dear Sirs:- Your telegram of the lOth received. We do not wire reply as we are not interested in the offer as made. In fact, wehave made arrange- ments for moderate shipments of new crop, and with the stock in store, we do not care to increase same by further shipments. You will no doubt know by this time dealers are offering at less figures than you state, and the evident tendency of price is downwards. You may well advise us from time to time of your offers, and we will take the matter up with you when in the market. 4 Yours truly, faint JT (Knew. it t igaar ..e.i it l- _ A; KKV/t./‘&f#{?k*/?.J Ju fihwf .0· r/;;1/Myzw ¢z·n7%;»m6( »/4-0&}m».’ · / // /w:1» //r#» /rj/J 6*/ii ' I I lf · ‘/4//¢f%[;’Alf€!/F}. W/*r¢¢{;/¢¢·z{f /k»_»~,•f(?w¢·(zf1z¢Q#7f (4- ) , %Z,éné 0/50%47"/{ YI /6/l»w{0¢/A//2 /'//{ANU: V7 ,-.%4Q%*qq;g4:4; ,%Ql;¢0,,,,'. '/P., / ¢’ { if -4*/ . [(//7% , · / · rw ~r»;%, J ws: . -1. 1*. Spcwrs; if; 30:11;, Emi S , . G&f;lE-L€:1;EQD€- Ls? yet Tvve HO notice 0f the r1··ri¢7[m»/‘ an/ZL·»;. "\ /·i¢~» ,4J, .v?,, / dk (7/JH? JJYLYINLLVAI/A ('rIllJr`J. .//’ { / QW) Ax, vn',- __‘i F4. L, >_ V Airy §Q:?S:¤;:‘iJ. . Qj·,;·1.. [0.%;, Y `;11‘§:;, < Y1? ·’.>¤:·· ? ;;;; thi ij {V ;·~;-:;· 1.;i1‘c1· vt` {kc- ICU. Em;1. i dw run? *`"L*i` *::i’i Y EGG? Cl"2;` YI;1·} ··*r=9; T `;j;; j»r;»f:_ _ 'jcvrg K 1··z1 Q , *ZQ`i _‘?j`]jITZZ; JD`; IQ QC . , NL'] J9/•4~·s»1 / 1 ;{»»`€ `*·¢' I (y_,Bl_,.;,,,\i ’],`1CI-l£I’ll()NlC. ,. .. . 1 TJUDC()A'l‘l .xN1> .l11*111·1 Room 305 ’l`l'ZX'l‘II.E l£r*1L1»1Nu Run-nm»•¤:s·1·1Nu wyr. F. 1uALuo10s1 Iv (zo. (S8 L1<}()NAR]) S'1‘l{l1<1\. ~a.r0n 51, l904_ .1.N) I Vessrs. 7%. '%’·‘»e2an*s 1**: 5501%, D21.? 1 1%, §{j»r_ **011tle @11;- T f mn] · nr- 7 ‘ " • · · ·· - . ' ,r-» I bag @0 ;·41_,.·C?1O1 Lsérlre T`n:(,r?]_[)JC 0i` _ —r0·1y letter gf I1fg_yCy; ;?_;1y·d_ I $=Y¥`— 5O!”?”L`/` AEV? Zfmi (?1’1.*”1’1·1·€ Hi 1*1‘1*s»22»·14 1111 ’i`¢?`+.,£i,I{G the 1l'l;L€ILG`!" 0i` 10=11;1;i11€` in .. ._, 1 - ,_ 4_ ·\_' _ _.`. I _ A ` Y‘¤?1 OUJTIO ’w1<1Cw1»1v>1‘_y’. 1>1Y'l:‘€3 l"·*%C»E1‘>`C Oi F l~2tT1€r‘. I 1CL,',"G‘ 2"»0c@i`r·1d f`r‘:3m GSSTS. OOXFHDE ·?&I"`V“O**I` €?5’7I1iE'}~.I,€ O2'1 i C :"?8.0:iIH€3T`y {*0* yOU. ;...Y"· 2;;].50 fJ1"O”QO• ‘ ¥"?**~Dh-5 Of UM SLLTIG. I s0—1*< 7011 Q01)? 01" 511:, astizrteiea and :111:10 fi as ·n?10t0- rr 115. I ···01~ld 0?’=Ii;*0.1r5.t0 IZ}? that 01 j.]“{;Z t0 C10 110.11;*01* at- *;&1Cli@c3. *20 *;*10 ‘101·ki·1¤ 0f t‘··> ?1.02T;p 1"'3§Z,}.Cl??I" t*10jr E1z;,vra QY.O’€tE'[1 __~011 011 2. 1101:1p ¤)++ ·· N1 15V — _` ·' ~ » ( ---0 " —- ·-,1 +1 1 ‘ I- ·- — (2,..,081, Fmt .,1011.11 _f1111 _,1z1,1@; *20 l`.~‘.'<7 ‘12`€i&..»Z€?l" Lucy ‘0L1I~1 11110ie 011 it 1 *11*100 0f?;[04O. I hone 7011 2Y’!‘1;.' bc :131112 *:0 $00 ;.10=11· 1~.111;r 10 =11~111ar +;*15 1·10.<~T·ir`<:r;r “z',1"0u¤F°-*1 21112 iii TELTW (¥'5.T`].4`·' 132-1*363. Y¢'}`1Y`S t11·11I_,r` - ’ `1 rr }r1c:l0$111·#as_ \\ 7* 1'\‘ `— 11 1· -1) x1 31 1;.,11 gi". g»1»‘”K>.. . { I -'”3 ·f »“ Teri., ? (waits r;*r·i.j1="¤¤rs, ".'·7T'iT@I`S, ‘ TUC" ciiggxctr r, owe "'¢0‘V`*r·r 1/1 ", T"~e211_ 1B" diurg in cir-11w>r· 1*1/O z. `rv slcet or box, rm d<21iv=.···y r011¤r, . we wc lr of *°1ute;r;i rn11¤=~~s ?we·"‘¤»·e fell read, Wy *~€r'11lF’ F. wi*;*~ P`;/*1i.r;<;<2r ¤.v·r1 e -11 rollers ;sf;·2·*1. {·&C(·%`-l,•u••=:Jaa.a••••••••••••••|•••••|•••»;9•••••••2r7;`L`-(U'-O 1 Giamt Hzrrigyyjvar Pam ??:mk1i11g: Ti;x.C`i’11T1€, ··*ii* f` @201.; camit 14" 10i1;t, c©ve1·i>1.<2f<2 vrit?1 stra;1:*?;t ri=·‘*1r·r1 slide, » . 1 rw ·*‘1 t ·ms ~;>;mr~E<0d ;...m1 ui·21iv@>re·;E F`.T}.?5. Livezrrgmmyl. TC?*`ii5 OFA 11 _jf·1E"* @2 (Fw? 1, ‘r‘*’v "*j_t*‘ t Qrsxezr, ;-;=T¤‘¥ *;**70 f”·i=~‘$_5 of each CC‘1`!·5':?”"*‘@U1» U1 *1 *0211 ia rzaxwr 1¢‘i·i*1·t vw 1, . NV I-/*()1_1 =··_(jCk()H Vp"T(g ···wy·i_(·;{;€5 gif rw ·T`Oj_]_[j·v€_J·,»~· yafigs wiv-Q Q/·C,q`l pace c~s’? cf pw ·;;2m*:1»·v’vs 111 rw011:irs riaelrrrrad Trac on C1OC1‘(`¥€·E‘.*.’iY'.OY`i{ CL`l.`l1;T/V 1331d, V12?- T~F?§’T'11Q) "T·¤tt;<%r 350 :O1.1.5E.?"5 F;f3E'i`g'1 *§~i`*,{-z1*1¤¤;1·· 1¤l"f $10111rge »"rr2&l:·?r T‘;»,r=;i 1+€9" ·:011;;rs e1c1i1inr* 1`&iC11111€ 1125 :11011. ms. (!Al5`l.I£S: 'L‘m1.1c1·uuNm_ ,, H , ._ . ,,.,A.. .. ..,. LUn0<§*1*ms Nmw Yuen; N . (1 , 4 - _ (rl+]R,A Ll) A. 4( )ATlCS _ WLAX. [”Il .lw1*1c Runs; :st`>5 ']‘1·:x·1·11.1c lhvxnxuxwc: Rn:1·nu>u¤s·x·1xu V wm. 1·*. MAm¤<>m¤ & <><>· us LlG()N;&R]) s'1‘1{1uN ‘ Nrew Yomc, ‘··‘E_yCh 7, lgO4_ 190 VT. T. Speazams 3* Wmv-2 - P ·- samplc 0* tow for ycvwr i:¤;w©ctir;·n. I am ‘vritin · to Icssrs. ·"¤~1be B&r·`¤c;‘·:.r· and irill Turni.;11 you ‘.*fi’¤-3: *: pir eas‘c,irrv· tes as soon as ¤¤s;i,i`¤Te, :1l*:`·w’>“¤‘T ’a it will pr0?>· bl_" be ‘©?@r©@ *v@c;f.:; ?>@*"`©r© I Gem szami t“=2m to ymz. YOU? 5 T, Vu ` ` ‘/` ,A\ /\i)\\\§w ~. _ MQwD (·Au|_ES, 'D|C|4)*}1’1l¢)NE. . . . , U ,. Lun¤,`:A·1·1·:s Nmw Yum: (e` A (l` J ‘ I]ul\AT1l) I. 4()A 1 lub _ I NLAx.lImMp Axn Juwm 4 Room HOB 'FlCX'l'll.1C IHTILHINH WM. xs`. MAnuo1.s¤ .m un. _ G8 LIGONARD STl‘R1·Jl=‘·?‘.·‘=’¢ ‘j.