xt7wh708058c_26 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7wh708058c/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7wh708058c/data/1997ms338.dao.xml E. F. Spears & Sons. 1.8 Cubic feet 4 boxes The E.F. Spears & Sons Hemp Records (dated 1886-1925, undated; 1.8 cubic feet, 4 boxes) comprises correspondence, and product and customer account information documenting the production, distribution and development of hemp and hemp seed in the Bluegrass region of Kentucky (centered in Paris, Ky.). archival material English University of Kentucky This digital resource may be freely searched and displayed.  Permission must be received for subsequent distribution in print or electronically.  Physical rights are retained by the owning repository.  Copyright is retained in accordance with U. S. copyright laws.  For information about permissions to reproduce or publish, contact the Special Collections Research Center. E.F. Spears & Sons hemp records Business records--Kentucky. Businessmen--Correspondence. Grasses--Seeds. Hemp Hemp industry--Kentucky--Bourbon County. Hemp industry--Kentucky--History--20th century. Hemp industry. Hemp--Kentucky. Maryland text Maryland 2015 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7wh708058c/data/1997ms338/1997ms338_2/1997ms338_2_5/45173a/45173a.pdf 1903-1904 1904 1903-1904 section false xt7wh708058c_26 xt7wh708058c E NEW OARRQLLT
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 0,u0TAr10Ns me sumeer TO MARKET cmmees        J    _ _ cmu; ADDRESS.
 V         "scARLETT" BALTIMORE.
.. §§ ‘   ’ :  2 éi éisk W    T? ··   ~  . g%`  ````````` “” 2  lg   *   _      ·· ·~· ...¢~,,.,._..
    ·=‘‘ W       -   £       QT  M ‘
   /  `    H01;EsA La LMS ¤*S¤·¤¤·= T¢¤¤¤*¤¤¤¤S=
A  V       , ,.         , , _ Marymnu, courmmu 1072.
;a " ` _ ·  = ¤  ATT ST. _
  _:»~ ‘ ’ wmauousasz `    7 **  
 e+? ,.—— ·   zas.7:>¤,vaz 8. ms ’ —:` _ V .
Tiff EAST pRATT 5·]·_   eT!.,7.3;_:_r 5 ji,   904 a
Ficssaraa G E. F u     54   j,
}?&;1‘is;,, Ky.
Daz? Sirgiw
    tz? ez    az   ved ? ima?. maize  . Smm me gmx;   $22   2
  r yn +· A "':#t$"?.7‘§ x; v ‘z»;·:~» 1 5;, 3 'Q   ·| gg   Ap - s ·" as 1, u, 2n ss ·. ·p mn 'K v·»·' la"'; rfa ° ·•W·¤ y- `
` 4.; ·.“..;. -.··_A M .4..;%. .,»z,€...:r{§,.=. JE.- GJ. .·.J .z.. Au ER -.4.5:i; ?gJ.z.».·., 4..»—¤C (Ln en g O}; X -» Mw ...3.* C i .l ’L{ J1 (hz.; X8
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V (2 1*;;* ’a,;m¤]..y ;-mum" 22 ,
**3  V- "”1 G SCARLETT ·
i   n • I & CO.

 quomrnows ARE Sun.4ac;T TO MARKET cmmcas   Q QQ       ;. _   CABLE ADDRESS-
ga ?;%   ·;-*‘ i;‘ »  "SCARLETT" BALTIMORE.
   2/»   3}*   ; i;;;,;i%SLr; T `T ·   w e ]  = 
       if        V   
  c LOVER,    5  " _ ... ;%.2 __
~ F  Tl MOT H Y. ’ `S ,>· 1 '``‘‘    if    ’   
  ,QBCH_AR 0 GRASS}; _   —        °§""“ g' l M/A     ..
   § _ <> .§ZY§QT € §    ;§"   E  L . J ··-¢··#~——·
  ‘ az S §=     E- S. - -. .7;;   SE   éé.6
  5   Ei;        i; »    ,_-  ·—r 
,     U        i 'T rLESArLE ; Lung Distance Telephones:
{E       _ Jr        L __ _ mmynmu, couruanu 1072.
‘ 2%;*2         gg     c. ¤= P-. Mt. vm-·»¤ sw-
  ;S·· , ATT ST
  T 3 .:—· 7 " wnmauousesz   " ET      _
‘%·—;5i.;a¢·‘_.—* 229,7;:1,733 8. 735 ‘ —   ~··. 3 >_ 1 m-.
_ TK- EAST pw 5,  ALTEI M@RE, T.· bx   1}. ,, .- ST,. Q ,,
Me zsmese G E Q F ,   6;   ,
Pax  , Ky.
f"_j€=:J‘ Qi FE S ·=·T·
WE J¤4.K't3 132 T5} $·é?j.};Ji af ;y'C¤'6,,L1.` 16 C Us T   4;;, A. Qi i_-.   e ».§;1]iU],•3 E3 div: pif {pg} KQ 31*; T ;,q;};_j,r
33.:m GT  S ivy? ·~.·}·1.i¤2}2 T·?;¤.$#T%t  Q *3iit.a·¢ cf`;i`¤;:· 5.21   ew   S c 1 127   ‘é;Q>.·z»,?;.   yr   1*
`C O ‘*~’?i.j. *Z b 8fO E" 9: 13]..%. C j.2'l;Q§ FNLIY     ri 63 i` Q     W3 $.IE1*E¥   1 L? ;.'OU. C ELI` 3 CO Z"/5·tdl2.¤’k *3  ¤f§U.I`
price E. Fsizxdl lf r+..5z<7.i;s S , we zrenaixz ,
VR I`]? ’?L1"‘uly ;{·1`§?JIl'   ,
if .
-'~¤¢»»*“3 WM. G. SCARLETT & CO.

  5% _    ‘ 1 * ,5    _  W "   Z! "5cAmET1·" BALTIMORE
  E E EEE     ·¤- ¤§!·»'.-· 4 mv 
  EK 2   ;-  · V » A  . ~§é=%%¥’· A- av  A » rf
  C LOVER      
  Tm/10Tr-av, * é   A   #=?*‘
;§ QBCHARD GR/*55,; ; ¥i‘z   I M; _ Aw I { jg  
  { ??Bm§;;EeA5s,$   4>§2—~~   ·     L; -E ~ . E V    
  Y E ;REE?‘fdi¥’;i  az?     6   %=;éi1 ·‘ ii-   AE g? 3   ~~-~  °··<>~·¤·>···-·•
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  §  Ay    °        
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#&%··"’    AHHMQRE,   — , 7_—, _ z   ,4 1__ ·
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'llhis t`t¤mp:ttiy THA YRS} ITS ztntl l>l·ZL1\'l·Zli.$itt··ss;t;;¤·5¤»tt!y·»1tt;:»i1·liti·»1tsliinilit1gii>;liullilit/y,wllj¤;l1l1:wa·l>t:e·utmsuutxwlUll;yti1tes¢ei1·l¤~t‘<>ftli4_e2`·>llt;wit1g IIXQSNLQO.
l·,rr.ti·$t·;in ln·;;t1tu‘tlt··l ;l.§IIll1$l wily lty t···;¤··ztttti—; :• ii1··s>s:tg<= l»:t<·lct¤> Llllthr‘Ilt,lll1j.frxiillltrll l`<)l`\'11l1l[J11.l`l$Ull. amd the Qutripmiy will 1u»Lli·A»,l 1ts··l1` liable [nr crmrsi)rtle:l;1ys
in tr.tn;;ixtie»1i>1i ·,r »l··liv·—rg. »»t` l$xir·•·p•·ul•·tl \i;;lil )1¤·~>.a;;ses. svn: tu rt+»tt1<·t·il I‘2tl¤·$. lwytliill tx sum tgqtizil tt; r¤~nii1m·s tilts zuimtiuc pmtl for t.r:1usL;ii;si·nt.; nur in any
;~;w·   it··vt 1li·— rltttm is rmt )¤1····=¤·nt·~»l in xxrttim; `»\lllllll thirty ll£l,}`S}ll>ll‘l` tlw ll1t‘>l%JLL{Ml$lll¤*#l, with tlit: t‘<>tx1p.;my i`¤»1· Liuiisiiiissitizi.
This t~ mt l7NlLl·Zl’l*1.\'l`l·IU Nl(i1l’l` f\ll·LS5.\D Balto Md Digg 25   , .
' ' a .
E F SPGETS Ec Sons   - t
Par is Ky , 4, V ’
Wire lowest delivered Balt ` ‘i"`“i 'f/
‘ ‘ ’ O CG.? `I’J].,`U.€¢ 1‘I°8.S" ’ i - · `
Oct twenty eighth L, in 8q·1&.l. S$.HlP].@S 1*€C€1V€3d
tim G. Scarleft ap 9
.. ~ · O
8 x sz am   O ‘ ‘

 J.O.LlNTON. { _;.&.mL;,,»;;;,;rp1Y L-<>C}· VW  
Omrucg   e~ Quefaiisns Subkjecrm l mi {\.,,qTu ;.·r<"’i V
AND A g   Market Flucmatisns e    ,, --l.;-* _
Wmgucusa     ll E   LA";   L
HO @0uTHéTREm‘g/Qi. is A »  g l ° _t y  E {sk,l;;ii§;;;;;y#¢*a;s
. BOTH PHONES **1/QQ?   ,> y*°V Q     · G ’ Qi "a/""/llitnél m M _,,§E‘:  
  sw       ·   l~=   » E ~ ' e’*“ **» /;{·._ _;;- `x  ${~;,;;w =
    _ 61?{AS$·1$EED¤FEA5·BEAN5l&c· ¤  
4     I SS: / 7/ , ' <
  ·  j WSBQPAQEEQT. - A/x%//M-/7, Aug. Elst. , l90é. ·
Messrs. G. F. Spears & Sch,
. Paris, Ky.
Gohtlemeh:— A
Would be pleased to have samples of new Clover and your lowest
price delivered Baltimore. You might also quote Fancy Blue Grass.
some of which we should like to put in the cer should we decide to
buy any Clover.
Yours truly,
W. A Simpson & Go.

 ` ’ -     gi »"
0_u0rAr¤oNs ARE sueiacr TO MARKET cmmsas ·;—;- ;_ T;     _ · CABLE ADDRESS-
gi fin ___  T   {    4`SCARLETT" BALTIMORE,
A       * =   A·-    ·  ·· 
  Tc ;<>v¤=;;;  la I 3    ·i. “ . ? 2 -·  _ "Y rf?
E  CLO \" 3%;      ~·  
é   VER' 5 aa  ,é-=-  --». ?»réi¢—· ·==’    V ·\  
    T""‘OT""’· `            
  §§1H!\RD GRASS}; gf`. S     N " .     S  ,
      -   $55 . - = ‘ ; 5   g2; EE N}
  s § .·~ V  aa; E  ;·. ~  `LJ —.    "—·  N ·- 
‘        nw  Lon.: ¤¤s¤»n¤¤·rnepn¤ne¤¤
,_ mv . ,,___,__ M M. .,.V, 2,/ .  ,_*. _ vw-, l- _._m_,
u             : 1 E _ A Maryland, Courtland 1072.
    g i?   r  * *2;;;     C· & P.. Mt. Vernon 3631.
        Q  Ygéal       ST-
  n·3‘‘”` ’   S SS   SS``
   A}LTHM©RE. Oct . 24 2, 1204
Heswrz. E. Fg ipears & Suzy
  5.   , PC m     .
iii mdljr s and :s;z4.:n;·.Zi¤2 as a,·méi%;*;;; ‘ ·   ia.   ; — ~     = é       ..,- ..o . `
      SSS.          to   
; {   = <= Teri',. eénew 2 E ; ez ; ,7:;,; l;..a..;:§——+;s· .;;.-, :,..+,.;.;;:;;;.2:;;*
  ééiéiff S
z• é      /       E.— LOD! Di$t¤IlC€ Telephones Z
VE%§;;;;;.}i§;$i§. `¤é%€§?*&W:&¥;.?‘T*%‘¥f°*_ Se E MMM¤¢¢w¤¤M1WL
      ¤· & ··-- M·— V ¤r~»» M-
S \z.}¥@§%§2$*/ F2i& ¢@<' SS SS· S S
   ifi; 2/ `J - V- y ` `_ {_
\_..ng;;// .. BALTH  E, MV · '7 » 1 #04 ·
Messrs. E. F. Spears & Son,
Paris, Ky.
DG H.? S   T S : '
Your letter Oct. 26th at hand, also samples Blue Grass. On Sat-
urday, Nov. 12th, we will place an order for car load and request that you _
give ue on that day your rock bottom prices. We remain,
very truly yours,
· U 1 " 9
AS/¤*¤» _ MH. G. SCARILTT tz CO.

 r;··m¤r¤©w5 ARE suu.1EcT TO MARKET CHANGES · M ;_ r _,rr       » CABLE ADDRESS
    . -»~- 1   D  ·;’‘ " 5°*`R*m" 5**** “”°’“·
” ? `= f'   2 é 7-;-,  D4; ·;_  ; ·‘ ‘·'  ‘   ‘% » ’   - 5 ’ i-
N   DCLOVERY     »     D  
wjzag? TI M OT H Y, A   '.j:£·?‘"ii·r;D.§ ’ _   '   = '  
D?  Q ORCHARD GRASS.? ,D ii? 1    :4   M5 a P; A   F
      “       ii. Q ;;iJi 3%;,;. L  D ?
3%    J   3     L<>¤¤ Dis¤¤¤¤’¤`•=¤¢¤¤¤¤~·=¤=
“         ?;  · ’·‘”    D   E _ _ 2 m¤ry1a¤¤,c0¤m¤¤a 1012.
       Q D .;     °· 6* "·~ ’“*· "¤*¤°¤ 363*
  DDDD      " Ei; ‘” ·  ID       
\i:.a?D BALTHDEQRE. Nw. 12 , 190-4 .
Messrs. E. F. Spcars m Som, — _
Paris, Ky.
De wr S 1 ‘r s Z — l
Yeur leiher Qin received, and noted. Rcérct cannot pass you order
for cw? Blue, Gr was . `Y`©:2.r‘ sduxxplc "NI" c C»Ia4Caf}.IIsS tum much pepper {grass amd
$112;;*12 fda purse . We w21m;.i1x ,
Véfy truly Jours,
Nw ~ vnpgig [‘T'"T`   F9
AS/{EHS \J‘.E‘ai.   xQLJraexLi..¤ { ·..D. uk}.

 .~ _A   T 2  
qemxmeme me sunwacr TO M/aR+·¥“i     ·     ·~ ———
  "       R3  L2. 5.:;; > VW
<;      Q-`Tr   L '?$‘} gé· e‘§§; ALE Long DistanceTeleph0ncs:
        · of    - ~ Q . L M 4 ¤»<= rv -1*072-
`       ’?RR*‘·"$€g’35· E"? ‘°“’“-* 5**
:5;; B%L?HM©@E, gov, 223 l=gg4_
4 Megs;. E. F. Spears 8: Sen,
Paris, Ky .
C’€1’l'Xi}.¤3!KL¥E`i`l : »
A Yours if the 14231 ixz;ax’a. received en. d muted. Regret we eeulci
nm. page gram the errfmr fear car Blue Grams, `21e·e:ev¥2;‘·, we expec  *2 :2 `me im
the mm··3.=;et fe ¤·am;>1¤her mw or two wr}. thin the next few weefae emdw ill tiaetcrz
write ` eu agzeizx fer sa.m·m].ee 311 d mace. We rem-1.11
~ l
Vergr truly gy 0:: re ,
v spa ~·
  M'!. G. SCARLEH & CO.

 ‘ ;   Q?./V
  .,.5l Ea   L ZiE‘~\,,,.   +* »’  
` E ie §"   2 ,5:-  =;;_ ·, `   ·'  2 . ;;,-1  ; ei leg;
  CLOT/E"     l ·~ if- 
Efaig Tnnornv, lie _·?*§;;§§?Q§§*@§E§?*L;l5$;iQ$§§&??*
  QBCHARD GR/*55}%       “” L3        ,»
5   ‘ éiilléiie   A7
2;;; uiizégigaéé i??2;??*ee 
c           Long Distance Telephones:
              _ L _ Mary|zmd,C0urtIand mn.
      C- *   ML V érncn  
   All 5*
.     wmanouszsz   '         _
’;”·+-·5—é_.q€*"   'L29,73I,733 8. 735 ` " ’ :
  - E,`,,,,Rm,T_ @AL?HM®R}E, Dec . 24, l%*Oe.
Mess. E. F. Spears & son,
Paris, Ky.
Dear sirs:- A
c We wired you for vrice on car Fancy Kentucky Blue Grass, and
have yowr reply stating that you have written, end we accordingly await
your letter as advised.
Hoping we can trade, and remain,
` Very inrnly f»~'OU,I'S , _
. =¥   ¢'* f*·?"· FE.   !`
Aa./JR. Mir,   oaJA,»,Ll¤ i` & CJ.

 O 5 I ~ 5 , \ E - W __}  ,;‘;         · ;,; _ CABLE ADDRESS
"        if ·~5mLm~ Bm. Mm
  c LGVER,                    
  T IMOTHY.            
  f;;£RcHAR0 ©RAss,§ C         _ "‘ ' m {     Q
      6*   ;        
2,;    / { 7   Lonsz Distance Telephones:
··e             ‘   e     »   MM "¤¤<*·°····¤*¤¤¤ *°’2·
      § ,  .  e1  c. és r>., M:. vemon scsi.
    ,e;; · e  E3 :-·   n·   2*-  ‘
    Tegéri-’2”¤?3‘·”“E’*’*’·"*?T '°“’“~ ·
‘    V   1   i f'  N"*\  
*   "ii.—·*’ ’ e ” » E r i
§ m;// QAELTHMQREEBG . gv , 1904 .
_Mes2. FL E Spears & Sons, -
Pa r 1 s , Ky . l
Dear Sirs:-
I.e1;1.er· 24th inst. received, and ccrztezztzs no ted , We await. your
further ncti ce when you are in posi ii cm no cffer Blue Grass , amd hope;
‘ can trade.
Wishing you fha ccmplimexzts cf the seascxz, we remain,
Very truly yours,
_ Ish rg Mya *153* ;j’a”'*" 4*, "¤
AS/JR. g,€g\~,, ij. 2;z·.;imiLi Z uu LU