xt7wh708058c_25 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7wh708058c/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7wh708058c/data/1997ms338.dao.xml E. F. Spears & Sons. 1.8 Cubic feet 4 boxes The E.F. Spears & Sons Hemp Records (dated 1886-1925, undated; 1.8 cubic feet, 4 boxes) comprises correspondence, and product and customer account information documenting the production, distribution and development of hemp and hemp seed in the Bluegrass region of Kentucky (centered in Paris, Ky.). archival material English University of Kentucky This digital resource may be freely searched and displayed.  Permission must be received for subsequent distribution in print or electronically.  Physical rights are retained by the owning repository.  Copyright is retained in accordance with U. S. copyright laws.  For information about permissions to reproduce or publish, contact the Special Collections Research Center. E.F. Spears & Sons hemp records Business records--Kentucky. Businessmen--Correspondence. Grasses--Seeds. Hemp Hemp industry--Kentucky--Bourbon County. Hemp industry--Kentucky--History--20th century. Hemp industry. Hemp--Kentucky. Louisiana text Louisiana 2015 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7wh708058c/data/1997ms338/1997ms338_2/1997ms338_2_4/45172/45172.pdf 1903 1903 1903 section false xt7wh708058c_25 xt7wh708058c ALL CONTRACTS TAKEN SUBJECT TO STRlK»ES OF WORK PEOPLE, FIRE, LOSS OF GOODS AT SEA, OR OTHER ACCIDENTS BEYOND OUFZ CONTROL.
¤A¤w;;.2z¤ESS MENTE & CO.,  
N- O· FACTORY O•=+=1oE Room 202.
TH§‘;`:;"‘T§p;"S:;ER, Bonne or Tmxoz-: BUILDING
New OMIANS, Aug.28th,l905. *
Messrs.E.F.Spears,& Sons,
Ky O
Dear Sirs:-
Yours of the 27th is here and we are mailing you under separate
cover a sample of baling material which we think will answer your purpose.
We offer you this at 5 1/2 ¢. We can also offer you similar material
about 29 inches wide at 5 3/4 ¢, all net fob New Orleans.
If you will send us a sample of the rope you have been using, ‘
showing exactly what you want, we will be glad to take up this matter also.
We believe we can certainly name you attractive prices on both,the
rope and baling material, if you will advmse us just exactly how many
pounds of the rope you will want, and how many yards of baling material.
Please do not failto let us heas as from you when you are in the
market for blue grass bags, as well as purlap of any description.
The baling material we are sending you is very nice but if it
does not answer your purpose we can furnish something else, but this is
A the cheapest material to use; that we know of.
Yours very truly,
MENTE & GO. “ ‘
. Ira/M - _ LV,