xt7wh708058c_23 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7wh708058c/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7wh708058c/data/1997ms338.dao.xml E. F. Spears & Sons. 1.8 Cubic feet 4 boxes The E.F. Spears & Sons Hemp Records (dated 1886-1925, undated; 1.8 cubic feet, 4 boxes) comprises correspondence, and product and customer account information documenting the production, distribution and development of hemp and hemp seed in the Bluegrass region of Kentucky (centered in Paris, Ky.). archival material English University of Kentucky This digital resource may be freely searched and displayed.  Permission must be received for subsequent distribution in print or electronically.  Physical rights are retained by the owning repository.  Copyright is retained in accordance with U. S. copyright laws.  For information about permissions to reproduce or publish, contact the Special Collections Research Center. E.F. Spears & Sons hemp records Business records--Kentucky. Businessmen--Correspondence. Grasses--Seeds. Hemp Hemp industry--Kentucky--Bourbon County. Hemp industry--Kentucky--History--20th century. Hemp industry. Hemp--Kentucky. Kentucky text Kentucky 2015 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7wh708058c/data/1997ms338/1997ms338_2/1997ms338_2_2/45255/45255.pdf 1907 September-October 1907 1907 September-October section false xt7wh708058c_23 xt7wh708058c ` wv ·_-·· rf. ¢ " : s * `
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Paris, Wy, ‘
l Gentlemen;-
Yours of the Brd,
L. & N. car 91217, flour for Jackson, Ky., was delivered to
_ us at Winchester yesterday, and will go forward on first train to-
Yours trwlgi, -
General Freight Agent,

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" Per Diem ........... days at 20 cents per day, $ ,..A............. » , . _
— Demi
Penalty ............,. days at 80 cents per day, $ .,... . ,.........4 A ‘ ‘ N v_ E
Iixingten, Ky. ,.... . ...............,..... 190 M. i_ . JEEP. BARE. »~ ·»  
` ` jfqii —‘1é=é11`ere} Manager

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Chris. Scott, »
Lexington, Ky.,
Pear Sir:-
7 WG €3I'F.C].O??€ rL'l€:3I'€Wj.‘bh COEJY of   of   2;     ©OI]_ijj_g]'J_(€j6_ 'LQ
L·¤.;,/   20. , at Jackgmn, fK‘y. These 9 m;·tit<2     Tcwét pr yO1_¤;— pgyb xg. }1_u_m~y Same
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  \i’v ; “" Form 17.·*RBViS€d may,   •
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NOTE.—The rate named herein is a reduced rate, given in consideration of the shipper enterln into the contract $$1-aw! Eli l1i*.*r l rwthrt-th rlrwr I I II b   -·
ported a_t cvarrierls risk, limited only as provided by common law and the Iaws_oI_Ihe United _Statesgand tif the several States Incsgvi as tI$ey§ aiggfylz wee gin aczompilghiglzlaiiesuii by nguligisg
the carrier s agent and shipping at a rate 20 per cent. higher than the rate Indicated herein (with a mmlmum increase of one ce tper hundred pounds.;
   -R GBIV€d                   D     (hereinafter called} the Company).
; ·\_ y `. I.- A · , ·',» •·· ‘
x      r   ‘ I · » . · ¤ z   · ‘~»-/ »’ ,»:' »·’ , ` ’
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~ from .A.-»-»»   .................   .... · ................. I .............. : ........... 32 ...........   ...........................' . 'I .·...............................................................................»................ . ....................................................................
` (hereinafter called the shipper, and who makes this contract as owner or as agent for the owner), the following/described property (contents and value unknown), in
apparent good order, exceptpas noted, and consigned and marked as indicated. .
  7 #7*77 ~ A V » ri rirr V 7 ri r... 7 W V W nee, _, ___i, _ _
· MARKS { NUMBE,|RW0RiTlmg}g¢,%E§|g6%E%D FULLY} Description 0I Articles, Consignee and Destination. S ‘_V`tEliHT- _
  #***77 v _—_¥ ini if ri) UJJCC U1 I0rrt·ct|uu
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Charges Advanced, $ ...,, , ...................,_ _ __ ,____,,_,_,,, I".; ..,,.,.,...... · ........,. ; .,...e.e,e,,,..,..,............_.,._,,,t.,,,,,________,__,,,,,,,, ; ______ · ,________,___,,,,,__,_________________________,____,_,_____,________________________________ _ ____ _ _r,_>___4____r___________>_AA__yy___________
THROUGH RATE GUARANTEED ........................,......... t ............... . .... . ....... . .....,. I ....,   ........... . ......., . ......... . ......,,,,,....,,c,,, , ,,,, , ._., IQ _______,__,,,   ,,,,_,_,   ______t__t_ _ __ __,______,,_,_, _ ___,_____ _ >_,__________>,
From ._.. ¤”`\ X ‘ / ,-» . M   ·   I
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z ’ \ < ' ‘ yi ‘ .— . '__ .
If ~---»--»i···7—--·------- »--Y -.»..»»»..   ........... nga 100 ms. ...,,. ; ............. . ..... ,,    ......   M t he . _.__ _; .,_,. , _,,,,,,,_,,_,_,___.__________.,_,,,,.,_,___________,,_ _ I I ,,,,,_,_,,__,__,_____,_ _. _ ______ _ ,,_,,, __ »¢»» l ·1‘, 1 __ _ A
II -~»-----»·-· e 7—--·---~-»7~-·-—-------···»---·- , .--... er of lbs. ...............,.,.,......................... reffi ......................,. f.QQ._ `...,,_____ _ _,___________,,,,,,,,__,_______ f_,i;_4;;;~·c"‘··‘   i
I gr. ;‘ (   -i I
x »· ‘ I I'   I e
J} ·---~---·——---—----~---- ¤·--,- 77·-»- T   I per 100 Ibs. ...,_..._.`,__.___._____ , ________________,_____________,__________________________________________________________________________________ _   · I  { .4 ~ ~
I ~ . .’ , _ , _ r _ ·‘*‘··; *···· ··jj·j;; ···*···*····· · -~·--—-—-—··-·~·r·-·-—-· . ....................,....,...,...............
— `   g 5 ;*’   num¤grI¤¤¥;I;tra»;;|I`}?§tazsumed fir wrong Eagrtage or wrogg deyvfryeg Goods marked incorrectly, mfwnh umm or
‘ I ; . e ro 1 r ’ ‘ ' ·' ~ ’
1 '* ~···——»»-»-—~~-~------------ ~ ·~~·—-———»»·----------- ¤¤r 100 lbs. agreement II, the Company II, §§I,§w.,Z,'§,?eq‘§;~·.q‘%.:r*%’°'" "’°" “° °"‘°‘*"’ S ""° W" "°‘ 4PF°°"S‘*"¤“ as an
_________ __ _t____ .· _ _ g
I T ompany agrees to carry said property to destination, if orrfts road; if said out of or incideutto thet at * t t` f th — · I h ··
 I desti _ntion 1snotou_its road and the Uompanyguarantees a throng·li'rate to destination, erty destined to or tal: enrfrhsiiiogsggaigolif 02 wh;.XE?-iilsiihyiclgrtixciglilslgooiigggihrgrrgg-
I tlgenitagreestodeliversaidpropertyto snchothercarrieronthe route to destination as pointed agent., shall be entirely nt risk of owner when unloaded from, or until
J t_ 6 Lompany may_se1ect, but 1_t does not agree to enrry_to‘any point beyond its own loaded into, cur or vessel, and when received from, or delivered on private or other
I hneior be responsible beyond 14[S own line in any inaufier under any circumstances. sidings, or whnrves, shall be at. 0wner‘s risk until the cars are attached to, and after
I I1 consideration of all of which, and especially of said reduced rate, the shipper they are detached from, trains,or until loaded into, and after unloaded from vessel.
agrees that every service to be pewned by the Company hereunder shall be subject. 6_ No carrier hereunder will carry or be liable in any way for any documents
: to all the conditions herein, all of \ ieh theshipper accepts au’d`ng·1·eeg are just und specie, or for any article of extraordinary value not specitically rated in the pub;
reasonable; and further agrees that unless the other carriers to which said property lished elassitications, unless a special agreement to do so and a stipulated value of
: may be delivered in the course of transportation to destinu.tion· make different. con- the articles, are endorsed hereon. y
· $$235  `i‘é¥$§§¥fa 2‘i$Iélii‘$t?IL°I€§§*é?u“ °§Ii§ S§‘i3,§$;2l$°é‘§I%§3§§$§£ L‘§§'i{5r}L‘i‘L§1° dm.Kami?I'i‘3}}Zl';‘”i%Q€'£.1§S’€°,E§’53IL°dE”2’¤‘il ""°l2I* ““$‘““Fg i““‘ImI’lI"°‘°’ °*‘”°“2"E‘ or
_ v_ . . _ , - r wr en isc osure t `
: riercarryxng hereunder, as herebyprovided,shaI1beliablefor :my_loss or damagenot nature, shall be liable for all loss or damage caused thereby?a1iciasc1iL<;lIi1£;{lo¤1{t of Blild D1'0I>€1”LY IS Otlffwd by \vt1ter, such water carriage
. and the_ point to which the rate is given. A11 additional risks and increased ex- Hhfm be P°*`“’Fm€d Sublefni to Bm[‘{*°Y5{ MIS im? m_8U me €0¤di€i0¤¤I Wh€lh¤1‘
I penseg incurred by mason Of ghuugggof route in cugcgldf necessity Shun be borne printed or written, contained 111 this bill ofladmg, including the condition that
, by the owner- Of the goods and bg B lieu th€r€Ou_ 1/ _ no carrier by Enter shall beliable for any loss orldamage resulting from explosion,
I 3. The amount Of [my loss Or damage for Whmb“u¤ycal_ri€r may bccomajmble accin en s o Ol ers or _mac11nery, or rom any atent defects in hull, machinery,
I Shan be computed M the vuma Of thc ,.0 Q", , Lu J I d t· f h- L _ or appurtenances existing bc1'0re,4ztt the time, or after shipment or sailing on the
, dm. this bm of lading. unless 8 1O`,?el, Qmlgeuh if lpcggesgliccémglgjus (;Fl§g€g9;‘y;_ voyage, or unseaivorthmess, provided the owners have exercised due diligence to
xniiregl by the flussgimiation upon which the rv}: based, in either of which events mmigkfél%g§;‘;;i1B°i$"I`¥(;:,;llg;1§°rtHh;*11tD°g11§°‘1i° EB pmsgmed H§.mPSL mw c°{ri€r·
I suc ower va ne s !1]i)BLh8lllILXlH1llH1 ricet go ver r si ehco t t' . CI ' · *1 V mr Y 0 mus Or O m¤S‘S IP to lg WN`- to OH I M MJY
forloss or damage mnstbc made in wmB.gt thezvigeiitaltpoi11?{iiud:;Ii:ig:y*proiaigxti wt ¤ri>¤¤S· te mw Md *0 be ¤¤W¤d· @0 d¤vi¤*~¤· ¤¤ mist iessew iu dmress. no mw-
ly after arrival of the property, and if delagzd for more than thirty days after the lguw W¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤tw¤¤ t¤1¤¤<1 and discharge g°°dS at any um€·
· gelxvelryifithle pbnoperty, or alterdni time fc/r the delivery thereof, no carrier hereun- utngygggig‘;·§‘;;“3;L€;1eE$é1i;?;r`$?]l;‘8f“gtb‘i§""°"’“ ’}“Yd'¥?f mi 5**m*S 1l€"°“’ **1;**1 cnmgr
er s a G la 0 lll any event. uy carrier or irt *1IaI le o o t f l .· . ' ’ Y · ”· Ou Or ml, mgo *9 Cm'*"€T» BHC Eapilm 0
, damage to any of Said pmpeny Shall have the fuupéeuiem Ji aD?i;g%r§,?ce(ihu€;;§; package or_art1cle shall be _at the risk of the owner unmedintely upon such discharge.
, have been effected upon Ol. On account Of Said property CMH?} tltHrs{1g1·eed thatt1g aliiiy goods afrettsold short ottultimzgtsildgstinatiori, each
4. Aupmpertysmubc Eubjectm HGCBSSM COO Em B bm. d i L Y I 1 ras eonip e e s par o _e ransporta Ion s xr ave earned his
avetxe priv ege 0 compressing t e same and shall not b h ld lbl f ` · ’ ,‘ · · . ' S?
deviation munsvoldrbs ¤sa,·s in procnring,such c0mpmsO%_ ‘° "”‘°°‘” ° °‘ yggyg},3;=—g,§;;;;;gC;*,g¤Q;,95,,3; ¤·;;¤·’=,*;*;,S1§·*mr¤ eemed ¤¤·¤,,’*~,5¤¤¤€¤ ¤¤f¤e¤=¤¤·
Grain in bulk consigned to a pointwhere there is an elevator may (unless oth- A12 fil GMES Of ulmumnc 5;, gOdSiHrq1LSp0lI·tH§10n as its ·e§1mc('OI?ph§i`9dg
ervvise expressly noted herein, and then if it is not promptly unloaded) be there 0`vngyé mm q`u.,_mn%¤e depot Or Bgewherenég E€;:gi.Q3r¥€ il rnsvand exgepw 0
, de11ver<=d._e¤d plaqed with wher grain cf the www kind, without respect to oayqer- or authorities, ér mr the earners dispatch or ét iiesr$$:q»;i}rt$;i1i1;€pr§1L;iR  
, ship, and if so delivered shall be subject. to a lien for elevator charges in addition 1-gcr~Sjun¤m€u;_ and in any quch case CM,-jcyé I-E; mmibgm Shall · ·] Y d
to all other charges hereunder. No carrier shall be liable for dilference in weights um EO d{`SChmPv€q 01- goods may bg 1-Emmedjgy ($·u-ygeryat Ow§§;‘i;8y§‘q]1€;?nFZ;)0 Yi
_ or fg! Sh;;g§;§fyz€];%)}Ji1‘;€2hf;Fr5;;§ig$Jiyl;}sg gnvdjaerlnsagg
session of and removed by the partyeutitled thereto within 24 hours thereafter, shall occasioned by fumigalion or disinfection, or other acts required bv quarantine
V be subject to a reasonable charge for storage, or, at the option of the carrier, may be regulations or authorities, even though same rnav have been done bv carrier`s ofli-
removeigg0;herW1§?st;)red at th; ovgiieas réslg and cos;. The dellivering carrier cers, crew, agents or employes, nor for detention,'loss or damage of any kind occa-
mny ma · r asona e c mrge per ay or e e entnon 0 any vesse or car and for sinned by quarantine or the enforcement thereof.
use of track, after the car has been held 48 hours for unloading, and may ndd such 13_ Any alteration, addition, or erasure in this bill of lading which shall be
charge to all other charges hereunder. The carrier shall have a lien for its freight made without the special notation hereon of the agent of the carrier issuing this
and for all charges advanced by it, and also for all storage ond demurruge charges, bill of lading shall be void.
alndrsuch lier; slraglnotbe defeated orrmpaired byltliestorageofsaid property,bntshall 14_ glu accepting this bill of lading the shipper, owner and consignee of the
· ¤ mue in u oree for the carrier s benefit. lhe carrier shall also have alien on goods and the holderof the bill ot lading agree to he bound by all of its stipulations
joperty lor all arrearages of fre1ght and other charges above specified arising exceptions andcomlitions. whether printed or written. I
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 `~ A U Winchester, Ky., Aug. '7th, 1907.
Mr. W. H. Harris,
b Agent., Paris, Ky.
Dear s1r:—· ` ‘
~ Returning to you papers relative to shipment consigned
to I. F. Tabb, Mt. Sterling, Ky., covered by your W-R Ky. 598 July
20th, would advise we were in error in billing same at 2800 pounds
and have this date, had correction issued reducing to 2000 pounds.
Yours truly,
A. G. Locknane, Agent,.
me/H "

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