xt7wh707zp0z https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7wh707zp0z/data/mets.xml  University of Kentucky 1918 bulletins  English University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. University of Kentucky Press Bulletins The University of Kentucky Press Bulletin, Vol. I No. 4, March 1, 1918 text The University of Kentucky Press Bulletin, Vol. I No. 4, March 1, 1918 1918 1918 2015 true xt7wh707zp0z section xt7wh707zp0z I v_ ____ _____   e_$:r_,____=____/:__   ,_ _ _ V __ _, _ ____EA . . if -_ in » . .~  i   "      gvyg-`.j; Jr` _ 
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li ¤- To Easter: The V ‘ — ‘   `V‘"  Ll
- Mews in this Bulletin THE UNIVERSlT\= OF KENTUCKY i E¤*s=*¤¤ ¤¤»¤==¤¤`¤~`#§§£$r£s  zv.  
is prepared for the     _Jp_ e ` ¤¤¤¤¤ matfér fat#$*35lY.;:fS§?fr§?*?;{‘¥  °’’‘ .
press and is released   post offloer :iY°:Le3<-4-in   1
for publication on or "   [ · t K *·   E
receipt.   ' ' mg On, y' `  
‘ `“E.i>-.  .. l
  I ` .... . . ._.. .... > Ktieifzs ,' ‘  
r March 1, 1918 LEXINGTON, Knnruckr S Vol. 1. N0.  
  .. _._. . 3.. ._..   __ -I%‘i*? < égzéé »
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The Senate of me Cumersity Of Kem Aqlitecriusel of Itlcre installing. of zi, vo-     Scott, B. .M. E. 1917, was at ·'[‘he_Col1ese of Agriculture, Univer- Wztsliiiigtoirs birthday was observeo  
tucky has adopted {L new System Of $;.l.§()llrE] tlrélllfllllb school 101* tenchors caller at B¥€Ch2ll11($Z1l Hull recently. olly of Ixélllutéliy, Lldll10ll1Sh€S lhilli ll; at the Unjyoysity gf Kentucky, `Vjth_‘,‘;£§€ {£ 
grading [md grouping of Students with in t ie ll;1\?lS1t§' of Kentucky, especial M-r. scott, since graduating, has been 1S at compurzitively easy matter to as- mH,H5m___, exercises addresses in cllapeiéggj   
Special x_pMh_ClMmS for graduation interest is ielt in the comcrence held with the Bnitnlo Forge Company, But- ccertoin what percentage of corn will _' " ’ " g __,.~»~·>si€fQ}j¥;?¥  `
and Special commencement honors. hist week in philadelphia. attended .by [uio, N. Y. Mr. Scott let: for Camp grow when planted. Probably it will by Lloutommt ’P¤~¤1 » P€¤f<>¤s1»,; -o¥`_.;*?Q§ 
The sy5Lem_ which the Carnegie 1¤¤¤¤¤*¤t¤¤·6l·S and eouoorors at which TiiY101’, F€lJ1`l12l1`Y 25th. HG is lll the tulie Z1. hillf h0ul' but the main point France, Zllld H. W. McChesney,  
foundation HWFOVQS) has only 5 grades, nlans lfor vocational training were dis- first call of the selective draft. is ito get 21 1‘el>reSe11tutiVe l sample tion Director of Camp Zachary  
A, B, 0, D and lc. D, which hereio— °“*“€‘· _ T· G· Taylor. B. M E 1916, who “'1u"h may redone best by gomg over lor, luncheon at 1 dclock at the  
— {Om has meant a Condition, DOW The use or public schoolslall summer went with the Buffalo Forge Company. the wm, tokmg 5 or 6 grams from Phoenix ond n military boil in the eve-_ rr 
means a_ poor p8_SS_ The HG"; Syrstgm HS C€1'lt€l`S IDF 1IlS[I‘l1C[1OI1 111 rood (1011- gfljgy graduating, ]_·g(;gjvg(]_ g_ cgnllnjg- 92lCh 40 OI` 50 BZIYS DlCk€d UD at I`&Il· _ _ h ` 7 {4 
yvhich bgcgnlgs glfgctjvg after Jung, S€}I`VHt]OH \V3.S looked OI]. \V1th fl1VO1` Sign as fjygt ]iguf‘gng_u[;’ jnf3_]]_[ry’ in {hg dO1ll,'01' SIJGH   OI`   €lll'S fI°OH1 VZ].I`i· nlug In t B a1m0r5' _   l j.}:
1918, gives credit hours Whose Value and because of the greg? demand for Sgcmld Omcarsy tmmmg Camp, and is ous ports of tho ]ot_ Mix {hg com Preceding the celebration in chapel  
in points are as follows; army clothes and domestic dress man- now lgqgtgd or Camp Dix, th01t0¤ShlY Hild 00lmt 100 grams- Také Friday morning the battalion of ca.-  
A—Exceptio1ially high quality, val- }1e¤¤¤·¤g vmblems oducouonal wolk Herman \VO1`S11EL1ll, B. M. E`. 1916, &}°‘e°e ef heavy Cloth abou? H' foot dets held its first public ceremony for  
ucd at three points in c1otl1 cratt shops was discussed. recent] S Q t a fc da . Lexi _ wide, twice as long and wet 1t. Lay .’ ·  
' . The conference visited the muni- y D H W ys In ug iz th ' ' tl t th 191S’ when as Uoscort or the colors.,  
B—Good, valued at two points} cred- _ ton. Mr. Worsham is with the Car- Ou o grams In ro ooo er so at . .    
it. tion factory at Bethlehem, Pennsyl- rim Engineering Corpommm Of New they do not touch each other. Then It received the Hag f¤‘¤m P¤'€Bid€¤t‘* _1__ T  
C__Fah,’ valued at one point credit` ;’;lI`;é1{¤;’11§Y;\VgYk for the gggernment York City, whew he went immediately fol? the' sgleskot the cloth Over and MCVGY, the entire battalion of five  
D__P00r’ but passing, awed at no o e y women. e resu _ . . .` , _ . ._ ro up. oa in water for a, few com anie, ·th th b ·  
points, credit V Showed that thg Women produced more after finishing his \¥01k ln the Um hours, wrap in a Sack or towel and D S Wl 6 and and S1g]18,]. __  
E_Fai1urB· valued at no points, pieces hour for hour than men €m_ versity. · put in a warm place. See that the corps,. escorting the flag to chapel. i»1·  
credit- · _ Noyes, and because Of the Success with W. ·T. §erpente;,1B. M. E. 19·18,_ is grains do not dry out and in 6 days Entering chapel the band played the  
Following are the Commencement which women have taken up the new 2§“im;uO1` ;§ug'~2&Sto;;r;§l€iom§u&:$5;§; on tho good grains will gpygut and Marseillaise, in honor of Li'enteng,¤t,`   ·;_  
honors to be granted graduates who vocation a mzrtron has been procured M&_OrJCar Enter em-amd tig United een be Counted, If the corn does not P€1`1g0I‘d, who referred to Washing-   _    
dg (ggrtgjn accredited work; for them and also o' forowolmolr A S+a1€S Sgrgica as a Volunteer in the SDI`0llt ill this test il', will DOI; SpI‘0l1f, ton `&$ thi? "10gica1 ]€&dG1' of thg — `  
1`__Stud€ntS are graduated nvvith lunch and rest room has been installed. S auisn-American Wyar in the Summer in the ground, Anotlrer way of test- World" because rather of his purity of ~ ` ‘ Y
High Distinctionx, who attain a smnd_ All the women IH the community have O? ,98 Wh he as mustered out mg is to procure o_ box of earth or mind and purpose more than his mill- ‘~    
mg for the course Of 2 3_8 pOmtS_ been employed and the problem now _ ,99-11 h El th W _ _ f Sand and plant rho 100 grains in this, tary achievements or stzitesmanship, " ‘ — 1 '
2,--Students are graduated *‘Witn   glziugg gogsuig For they new Ones  d lieiteiant eggyittfgsgggrgd SE; Keep moist and in e warm place. The service neg of the University. _   `
Distinction" who attain e standing of r ug m" COmm_y,S Scrviéa as a Ship,S drafts 1;*** Golltaining 476 stars, was given to lSh9` r"`o 
2 1-8 points. . . · FIFTY—MINUTE PERIOD IS U11iV€1‘SilZY bY the Home Economics .¤ Fx?
M g_—snuier.ts_ ere gi-eauerea with UNIVERSITY STUDYING fgazggs3°g?;h?;iyS‘§§fv}C9y5 has hem RECOMMENDED Fog 1913-19 Department, and was uururied at the g, 
·Spec1a1Ment1on who attain at stand- CONSERVATION OF FOOD W K Th H _ — Washington birthday services, The ·  
mg ot two points and are recommend- —;—— · _ ·_ _omeS* o _rooen_t_oa B1 at Recommendations to the members CBUWY Sm? is of gold, to commemorate  
,‘ Gd by the department concerned for Food conservators of the University the EJDITEESSY Uwuue _rrej1m;§14h}S of the University oi Kentucky Senate "Ti¤y" Smith, a student of the College   .’·‘  
i especially good work, · U of ·K€l1tHC1{Y are receiving information Soren eil e re mverciuy U; d_ in to be eonsidered at the next meeting of Law, who was washed off an Ameri- i ,·}{Y¥
This means that a, student making daily from Washington in which are re sop omore year, on wen lreo Y include as follows; Can destroyer last September. .    
V an annual average of A thru his col- many startling facts concerning con- Wlru the Packard Motor Cor Com` "No student shall be permitted to - —    
NSG C3l‘€<·>1‘ will 1‘€C€iV<-3 the fi1‘Sl3 h0¤01‘. sumption in this country and espc- Doom Detroio He entered leter rho enter 2. class of the University later UNITED STATES BEAR   :;*4
It his average is B, he will receive the ‘oio]]y in oomporjsoo with mol; of other employ or rue Remy E¤g¤¤€€¤¤g than 2 weeks after 1‘egiSt1’Hti011 685% PART OF UNIFORM COST ' V
second honor. A student i11 the Uni- oourrtrios L21b01‘&1t’JYi€S of that city. HB IIELS P8- Without Special permission of the head · . 2
~ versity prior to June, 1918, to be eligi- Thg United States cousunles an cently invented a. mechanical relay f th d _t t d Th. r.· ,  
' ble for honors must have inet the for- ave]-ago Og 3 pounds Og meat 3_ Week for Hzirley-Davidson. generators. Mr. gum eappfgrgil 1;;; i?)DC2;;;g`i¤g gi thm? rsugrgofgmsters Department qf ` ~
IDSF l'€qUil`€1'Il€11tS fOI` hOI1OI`S fOI` tllllt pg]- Capita, yvhilg [hg Gg]·1]];lH ggts only Th0H1?1$ is Cutering the Service in T-he Courses Cai€dI11(.lCCHptt(;1i§)1SIj*§rHliIy gas gommuul- __,· ,
V port or his Course token before the me—hulE pound The Ameriequ ooo- Aviation Section of the U. S. Army. UBG .` . . { · · oy en, C0m· E?
_ S ~ · · < l gmnmg with September. 1918. mandanr or Universit or K t k  
I V now T`UhY"! ` b 7 ;`;:;,;ry·;·r;¤ five times gg ygqggh fgg gg Trevrv `Rrnmnven . snnllnmnrn engl- use ,:.:1v .r.u~¤·.l¤ small 1~¤·. 4.1 · A o ,· .· .   ~ on uc y, ‘
rt is the iuteuooo of the Uuiversuy the Germain The United States Gov neerino studentiinlihe ··= ' ‘ J mr {mer yummy www W- o Y nw m`6m;e°iOH“ruerommrnrosw oE"i_°· ’·  
_ · . . - V g .- mrms M1917. ~Fn—st hour-S;00-8:50. t 9 V - ·c  
gzarlugEr;F;;;g;rg?;{1$;;C€§11§;gtSzig; ernnienl; has dong Some exporimomol was at recent viisitor at Méchfmical "Seco11<1 hour—8:57-9245. iggpairhgrllrggeiigtl(:§i;c?c?1rs?f']l1‘;·1;§;)i§11;1é-   `III er;
` S l"01‘k with at squad of soldiers to whom Hall Mr Bromagen received com- MTMN1 hom. 9.54 10.44   st
here   for fl? tooo Ctoursoo otttomod it gave 20% below usual food require- mission of second lieutenant in the Mpourth g,Our..10;51_11;41_ tG(;,I;;SF;I_,;h;BU;;:€rS1;y' .1ThBkQuar —  
as on mg o Wo Dom S or more ments. second otiicers’ training camp, and ··Fmh hoo1—..11;4g-1g;3g_ uniforms in Jzhamsgd rgtagi ihtha  
After 6 months it was shown that is now located at Camp Shelby. Ugixth h0uI·_1·4O_2.g0 . . em » __ ·.`~  
q ¤_ _ · · · until the followm t , T ' ”  
UNIg§€‘gégYA§  t·uer;JVaSd¥Ur   (rB§i`€¤SG ff body M. Bowers Smith, recent caller at "Seventh hour——2:37-3:27. moans that all unifgmiggnsgcggt Shogi? .  
· were- im Lon mom in GVBIJ Othél the University, wais zi student 111 the "Drill und chapel shall be held at fuyuishgd under thess conditi t—-·  
. _·*·— way were better than before, and that C H X.; »h·»   —,_-1 -· · . Ons o ,  
_ _ o ege of l ec nnioal an Electiical the nfth hour. members will tb h ;~
The VVOlll?1I`l’S Committee for the in C G fin C » .· ·_ .., . _. ,_ , ,, . · no ocomet eproperty _ gg
C ,1 f t_ as O Hess Or ~u¤h SGUQUS (115 inngineeiing, IIOIII .t906 to 1909, leav- A credit represents one hour of of the institution but must be avau_ -  
°““°l 0 Na mmu DBYOHSG mt at eases as typhoid wd nueumvnm mms ni here in his ·uniei· ern and ein recitation or - - . “  
Washington Frida`, 20 _md mmm- { k _ r 1 ` __ U g J y g 8 two h0l1I’S of 1f1b0!`3·t01’Y able for ISSUE the following year. · » »
’ ·’ " ‘ _ o t e Sriuau S=1CC~mlb‘€’d whim 0¤¤€¥` into the automobile business. At work at week for one semester. Draw- _ `_  
mously Voted to Suuourt the Doparb moo died- present, Mr. Smith is a landsinan for x ing shop work gvnmasium military 2
` ment Of Agriculture in its food com The root that ro requires 10 Pounds Qumrterinaster Aviation in the U S science and olgher courses yrequiring PROE M°NEAL JAMES ‘  
¤€1`V¤·li0H Dl`0g1‘H1ll- Thé lJ1`0b1€111 of of grain to produce 1 pound of animal L V o ·. . · . ’ . r- r x ’- . - — IN UNIVERSITY SERVICE. e  
women in [Mm labor was considgmd mt in bmi and that Cows; poultry and griggisiilld is located at (heat Lakes. Q? gotggiluleg glepoaxgtgogdire reckoned M ·`P· V
at léllgth but 110 7J.CtlOll WHS t€lk€l1 lll Digg utjhzg food gugyq 3_([v3;l{gg(3gu5}y TIIG council is Gxpectéd to adopt NICNBE'1 James' graduate of Illinois o · ` _,
me mm" "'“Sb*`°“g*““““"““°°“f“""C"· Miss Sweeney Arrsups these mconrniemntions at its next Emi N°"”a‘d U¤“€*S“>’· who he ~ — .  
A (;()nf9re3]](;(5 Of Stgtg hgmg gggym- ,___ _  . Ben aprointe DTOYBSSOT of agricurr i "  
mics directors for the Food Adminis— GEOLOGY IS ADDED T0 N. Y. FOOD CONFERENCE. meeting film} education, under the Smith. ‘ » M
tration was held at the same time in —·*·— Hl1gh6S act arrived in Lexin {mi S T.
Washington and one of the two speak- ` A wer food conference was held at " Mo¤oaY» February 25. to take up his r ’  
ers on that occasion was Professor A Course of Ggologv has bG€]lint1.0_ Columbia University Saturday, Feb- IS BORAI-PS PRIVATE outree ,    
Mary E. Sweeney, director of food nd- duced mm the Depémzmgnt Of Civil runry 23, by the alumnae of the in- SECRETARY- Professor Jemes received li d€Si`€9 ;r
ministretion in Kentucky. Miss Swee- Engineering that Should 1),.0,,9 Of Sp€_ stitution, many of whom crossed the _ ‘ i of Bachelor or Soieuoe in Agrrculturaf Y -;  
ney discussed the problems of the Cm! Value OH account Of the rich mm_ continent to attend the meeting. From MISS Ruby F1€¤¤¤¤» Arre oro and an A· B- U1 g€¤€I`¤l SGlGH06 from · ,`
South in conserving food_ Oral and Oil resources Of this State tho 48 States 1-opurts were Aruade SCIGPCG gY¤dl1i1t@ of the UHIVGYSICY the University of Illinois in 19()9_ HB _` J)  
V It was ehowu at beth oourereuoes The civil engineer groduotiog hgyg; WhiGh covered WH food work being of I"omu°1$y· 1910· has token o Posr was head of the Department of Agri· j ‘_ j  
that at the present progress of com Hfterfrom the Umvérsitvof Kentucky, done in each Bmw The Object of {1011 as private secretary to Senator cultural Education, store N0yma]`.V· _— J
sumption, the American people will Wm ham a Working `knowledge Of the conference was to und the world Bomh of Idahe MISS F1¤¤¤¤··.=WaS_¤¤ School- Vaugy City, NOYU1 D&k0t&,_-·  
have to endure 2 wheotless months geology that Wm be a Fqcful Element need ond to outline a policy which honor graduate and has been tooohmg from 19o9‘1916· and has b<%€11 3 001111tY» ,
unless they conform to the mquiI,€_ in his training The Cgilrse adopted would meet its 1,€qui1,€m€HtS· with marked success since leaving the agent for the lest two years, ` ‘ g_ · ·
ments of 12 wheat morris ood 9 Whom. is as fOuOWS_ ' Conditions govgmmg Wal, food my rmVerS1rY· Last Year She went to ;  .
les meals every three weeko The Three hours a week, running tivities in Kentucky were reported to ;;1i1S1g1;1§tg;€nfiE€r§O];fE`IiLm€§§{York CAPT· WRIGHT’S LETTERS · _  
jimrk Sltuooolr beoo“So_ or Sore ef through junior year, substituted for the conference by Professor Mary E. when the poéimm with Séugm; Boaz]; ARE WIDELY REPUBLISHED. ` o  
tizgryxvgolviigno uoiudohruruug recur three hours auweek et present devoted Sweeney, Home Economics Depart- was given to her C —·;·· _ _ ` ‘·
v S ‘ · I`€D0Y G S€r1OuS· to ggugygl Q egtyicgl g;]gjug€rjng_ 11191)]., U1ll\’€1`Slty OI IKEHUJCKY. I ' aptain F·   Vvrighto Whose 1Btt€YB -_  
— The Junior course in Elegtrjcgl En- —-—-—-— have Supplied Such interesting matter o'   or
SEED CORN T0 PRESENT gmegmlg for civil Gngiuggrs is SPECIAL FEATURES IN FJQETEEN FELLOWSHIPS for newspapers of the State, is an Arts ~ _ . If
· PROBLEMS IN KENTUCKY. changed from at tive-hour e week to ri SUMMER SESSION COURSE OPEN T0 GRADUATES- alld SCIBHCG graduate of the Univer? .{i_,;j;
——~·— two-houraweek recitation and lect11·e l . Slty of Kentucky Siuoe going to ‘  
' In Central Kentucky fill'lllGl`S who subject, and the work in bridge design Flftcgn gmdurm fellowships are France he has Written to Old friends ` or
have had to buy seed corn hitherto shortened one afternoon eee}; week, Plums f01` W6 S‘·lmm01‘ Session of Ouon to Students who d€$¤`?*°12¤¤‘S¤€ at the University and is making all A °  
have been accustomed to buying Boone with an afternoon period i11 electrical the Uuiversity of K€¤t¤¤¤1‘<>¤-¤1‘di¤¤*i<>¤ ¤f ¤¤¤1‘S¤ with l°“YS €‘¥’“‘”“*`“l ‘“"" °“"°““’d t° ‘€‘°‘°h ‘?“"“°a“°“· has *"*‘”* "’id°‘>’ *°Pub·   liv
tained from sections where these va- ernment in the senior your. A course rhoee ¤ff¤¤‘€<1 ru 1‘=>s¤1=¤‘ Sessions or H hmlmd Humber of hOuYS’ not more hshed throughout the °0untI'Y~ U V ` 2
Tl€l.l€S GPG HHH! gl'U\Vll, ElCC()l'di]]g' t() ju Engjnggyjng G€O]()gy has been Sub. the `UHiV€I'Sity· than   oooh \V€€k'   ` Q
authorities otlthe College of Agricul- stituted for American Government for SDGGUII Y6?-lUl1`GS llhilli €11‘€ being D1`0· lAP.DhCat1OuS Shmflq be made tr the FORMER GRADUATE HONORED* ` / Z-,
ture, University of Kentucky. one-halt the second semester for . vided ure lectures on tl1e war; at coin- 'csoumrr of tha Grauuate Commmee W ° .  
St. Charles, Roper Corn, Hickory seniors, munity song week; lectures on do- Lmverslty Cf Kemuckr Honorable Douglas Felix, of Hin`? r = ·‘°·‘*
King, Tenessee Red Cob, Little Red There has also bee11 adopted at 1119SUG`1'€13ti0¤S 01` Ulf? 01`di1l211`V GVGFY- · f0rd‘ Ky" a' gmduoto of tho deport`    
Cob, Little \Villis, Red Cob \Vi1lis,Gar— course in Business Economics for all (MY IGS?} 1`€}1lU011S of U18 -CiUZG11; 21. BACK ON A WEEKIS FURLOUGH ment of Arts and Science Universitat ` ,`A· _ 
rett Corn, Huflineu Corn, and Albe— Senior engineers, two hours gi week Shakespeare week and round table C t -, E1 , , Of KenteCk¥'&laS been commissiooeo  
mario Prolific will grow in this Stnte. throughout the year. In order to in- OH €dl1Ci1li011¤1 Sl1l¤j€Ct5· 7 ;1D,mJT (Ford 1M' MCCOY Of Camp Cepgam m tra Judge Advoootor Gen` il    
, Sli- Ch¤1‘1€S, H10k01‘Y King and A1be~ trodnee this eourso jr was nocosswy Inquiries about ,11 . me muy oy ou a ummis of thé Col- erols office in Washington, to which    
. . , _ _ ‘ ·· 0 $@551011 Should 1er*e·0E Arts and Science Uni e ‘t h · ~?‘ .
_ rnzirle will grow anywhere lll ken- to shorten €H§1X19G1‘1Ilg'd€Slg'll subjects bg .oireo·erl to the Rewsp 5 h ° ’ V rsl y B was appointed as mst uoutoomur ~ ¤
tucky’ Huffman in the Southem lmm for the Senior engineers, two hours UmvOrSi;y‘ The qéqqios-ii Jagns JE Z of Kentucky, returned to Lexington Since entering the Judge Advocate J  
end Little Willis in western Kentucky. zz week. 17 and closes June   P H I on 3 furlough tha week of February Genamys Omce he has rendered im? ~ ·  
2 · · 18. [   portant decisions on legal points. "`j Y   T"