xt7wh707zc3r https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7wh707zc3r/data/mets.xml   Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station. 1977 journals 232 English Lexington : Agricultural Experiment Station, University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station Progress report (Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station) n.232 text Progress report (Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station) n.232 1977 1977 2014 true xt7wh707zc3r section xt7wh707zc3r   `     n x Y * T" ""
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Page V
Locations of the 1977 Kentucky Hybrid Corn .
Performance Test ................ 3
List of Tables ................... 4
Introduction ................... 5
Presentation of Data ................ 5
Testing Procedure ................. 5
Selection of Hybrids .............. 5 .
Location of Tests ............... 6
Cultural Practices ............... 6
· Experimental Design .............. 6
Planting ................... 7
Harvesting .................. 7
Corn Virus .................. 7
Tables 1-15 .................... 8
The College of Agriculture is an Equal Opport·um`t·y Organization authorxked to provide i
research, educational information and other servzbes only to individuals and institutions
that jimction without regard to race, color, sex or national origin.

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(Locations identzfied in Table 2.) `
i The authors are grateful to Mr. John Byars and Dr. Paul
Cornelius, Department of Agronomy, for their assistance in sum-
· marizing the results presented in this progress report. Also
acknowledgments are made to the following persons who aided in
the conduct of this year’s performance test:
Dr. Morris Bitzer, Extension Specialist in Grain Crops, Lexington.
Dr. john R. Hartman and Dr. Richard E. Stuckey, Department of
A Plant Pathology, Lexington.
Dr. james Herbek, Extension Specialist in Grain Crops, West Ken-
tucky Substation, Princeton.
Charles Tutt, Research Specialist, West Kentucky Substation,
Donnie Davis, Superintendent, West Kentucky Substation, Prince-
George A. Armstrong, Superintendent, Robinson Substation,
William H. Green, Extension Agent, Mayfield.
john Kavanaugh, Extension Agent, Hartford.
William Hendrick, Extension Agent, Henderson.
Don Kessler, Extension Agent, Franklin.
jack Snyder and David S. Harrison, Extension Agents, Elizabeth-
Roger C. Sparrow, Extension Agent, Hodgenville

Table 1.—Hybrids Tested in 1977 ............. 8
Table 2.—Agron0mic Information Pertaining to 1977 Test
Locations ................. 13
Table 3.—Annual Summary, Normal Population, Mayfield, Ky .... 14
Table 4.—Annua1 Summary, Normal Population, Princeton, Ky. . . . 16
Table 5.—Annual Summary, Normal Population, Hartford, Ky. . . . 18
Table 6.—Annua1 Summary, Normal Population, No-Till,
Franklin, Ky ................. 20 _
Table 7.——Annua1 Summary, Normal Population, No-Till,
Elizabethtown, Ky ............... 22 .
Table 8.—Annua1 Summary, Normal Population, Lexington, Ky. . . 24
Table 9.-Annual Summary, Normal Population, All Non-Virus
Locations, 1977 ............... 26 l _
Table 10.-Two-Year Summary, Normal Population, All Non-Virus
Locations, 1976 and 1977 ............ 28 ·
Table 1 1.—Three-Year Summary, Normal Population, All Non-
Virus Locations, 1975, 1976 and 1977 ........ 29
Table 12.-—Annual Summary, Early Hybrids, Princeton, Ky. .... 29
Table 13.——Annual Summary, High Population, Princeton, Ky. . . . 30
Table 14.—Corn Virus Test, Normal Population, Henderson,
Ky., 1977 ........... . ..... 31 _ ·
Table 15.-—Corn Virus Test, Normal Population, Hodgenville,
Ky., 19 77 ................. 32

 Kentucky Hybrid Corn Performance Test
19 7 7
By C.G. Paneleit and K.O. Evans
The objective of the Kentucky Hybrid Corn Performance
Test is to provide unbiased performance estimates of hybrid seed
corn sold in Kentucky. Every effort has been made to conduct the
test in an unbiased manner according to accepted agronomic prac-
Complete 1977 data are presented for the normal population
test at each location. Two—year and three-year averages for yield
are included in each of the single-location tables. Readers are
encouraged to consider these multiple year averages and the
averages over locations (Tables 9, 10, and 11) since these are
better estimates of a hybrid’s relative yield ability than data
gathered at one location in one year.
Comparisons between yields or other characters of any two
or more hybrids should be made only with data from one table at
a time. The testing procedures do not provide a suitable compari-
son between a hybrid grown at one location and population with
another hybrid grown at a different location and population.
The hybrids chosen for testing are those most likely to be
available for sale in 1978. Seed of each commercial hybrid (Table
l) was obtained from dealer stocks in Kentucky whenever
Those hybrids grown in the corn virus test and high popula-
tion tests are indicated in column 2 of Table l. The hybrid corn
companies were asked to nominate those hybrids known to have

 vims resistance for inclusion in the virus test. Hybrids grown in the
high population early hybrid tests were also suggested by the
parent company.
The map on page 3 shows the location for each test. The
Lexington and Princeton locations had normal, high population
and early hybrid tests, while all other locations had only the
normal population. Data from the high population and early
hybrid tests at Lexington and the normal population test at Quick-
sand are not available at this time and will be presented in a
separate publication at a later date. The Henderson and Hodgen-
ville sites are specifically chosen for the presence of corn virus.
The seedbed at each location except Elizabethtown and
Franklin was prepared by conventional tillage methods. Fertilizer
was applied as indicated by soil tests. The tests at Elizabethtown
and Franklin were planted in a fescue/red clover sod and in stalk-
land, respectively, using recommended no-tillage practices. All test
areas were treated with herbicide and supplemented by post-
emergence cultivation when necessary. Furadan was applied in the
row at planting. Table 2 shows the specific treatment for each
Uncontrollable variability of soil types, fertility, and other
factors was sampled by using three replications of a lattice design. _
Yields presented in Tables 3 through 15 are adjusted for block and
replication differences when shown applicable by statistical
The high population and early hybrid tests were planted as
four replications of an 8 X 8 lattice and RCB, respectively, in
which plant densities were confounded with replications. These -
tests were designed to evaluate a new testing procedure that
should provide more detailed information on hybrid responses to
increased plant population. Since these tests are new and are being

 A evaluated for usefulness in hybrid testing, only a portion of the
results is presented. For the high population tests an estimate of
the yields at 23,000 plants per acre, which is equally precise as
previous years’ high population tests, is presented in Table 12. The
early hybrid data, Table 13, are averages over the four plant
densities (27,500 plants per acre).
All plots were planted with a two-row, no-till planter
modified for small plot work. The planter boxes were replaced by
special planting cones which allowed planting of a specified
number of kernels per plot. Each plot consisted of two rows 38
inches apart and 22 feet long. Each normal population, conven-
tional tillage test was planted at the rate of 22,000 kernels per
acre, each normal population, no-till test was planted at 25,000
kernels per acre. Final stands were expected to be between 19,000
and 20,000 plants per acre if average stand losses occurred. The
high population and early hybrid tests were planted at rates of
20,000, 25,000, 30,000 and 35,000 kernels per acre.
All plots were harvested with a modified two-row self-
propelled corn combine. Both rows of each two-row plot were
picked, shelled, and the grain collected in a metal container. The
grain weight and moisture content of each plot were then
measured with a portable scale and moisture meter. Yields were
calculated and adjusted to No. 2 corn at 15.5% moisture. Dropped
ears were not gleaned from the plots. The number of plants were
recorded immediately prior to harvest.
Two corn virus diseases occur in Kentucky: maize dwarf
mosaic virus (MDM) and maize chlorotic dwarf virus (MCD). Both
overwinter in Johnsongrass and are usually present as a virus
complex. Preliminary laboratory tests of johnsongrass rhizomes
indicated the presence of MDM and MCD at the Henderson loca-
tion and MCD at the Hodgenville location. During the growing

 season, symptoms of MDM and MCD appeared on plants at the
Henderson location but no virus symptoms were observed on
plants at the Hodgenville location.
Visual ratings of virus symptoms were made at the Henderson .
location and are included with yield and other data in Table 14.
Even though the virus did little apparent damage to the hybrids at
the Hodgenville location the yield data are presented in Table 15
and may be used to compare the yield potential of these poten-
tially virus-resistant hybrids under non-virus conditions. The virus
ratings in Table 14 were made as follows: A
0 - No visual virus symptoms
1 - Up to 10% of the plants exhibited some virus symptoms
2 - 10-50% of the plants exhibited some virus symptoms
3 - More than 50% of the plants exhibited some virus
Three virus-susceptible check hybrids were included in the
virus tests. Their performance data are listed in Tables 14 and 15
as Susceptible Checks.
A.C.C.O. UC 8951 ABC Yellow 2X ACCO Seed, Div. of Anderson,
UC 9792 AC Yellow 2X Clayton & Co. P.O. Box 9
UC 9451 B Yellow 2X Belmond,Ia 50421
Adlers 62X AB Yellow 2X Adlers Seeds Inc.
87X A Yellow 2X Route # l
Sharpsville, Ind.46068
Asgrow RX 90 A Yellow 2X Asgrow Seed Co. _
RX 100 B Yellow 2X P.O. Box 1059
RX lOl A Yellow 3X 9001 Hickman Rd.
RX 115A C Yellow ZX Des Moines, la 50053 V
Bo—Jac X7L ° Yellow 2X Bo—Jac Hybrid Corn Co. i
X56 AB Yellow 2X R.R. # 2
X57 B Yellow 2X Mount Pulaski, 111.62548
X83 AC Yellow 2X
x56B A Yellow 2X(Mod)
X622A B Yellow ZX
X923 AC Yellow 3X
X69 C Yellow 2X
Coker 16 AB Yellow 2X(Mod) Coker's Pedigreed Seed Co. I
18 A Yellow 2X P.O. Box 340
22 A Yellow BX Hnrtsville, SC 29550
Colbert 310 A Yellow 2X Colbert Farms
315 A Yellow ZX R.R. ii! Z
Washington, Ind. 47501

 TABLE 1 (continued)
DeKalb XL 65A B Yellow 2X(Mod) DeKalb Ag. Research
XL 72AA AB Yellow 2X
XL 7ZB ABC Yellow ZX · DeKalb, Ill.600l5
XL 75A A Yellow ZX(Mod)
XL 78 AB Yellow ZX
XL 80 A Yellow ZX
XL 390A A White 3X
’ XL 394 C Yellow 3X
Dennis DS 3l A Yellow ZX Dennis Hybrid Corp.
— DS 37 A Yellow ZX P.O. Box 487
DS 69 A Yellow ZX windfall, Ind. 46076
Funk's G-4507 AB Yellow ZX Funk's Seeds lnternet'l
G—45ZO AB Yellow ZX 1300 Washington St.
G-4525 BC Yellow ZX Bloomington, Ill.6l70l
G—4574 A Yellow 3X
0-4628 A Yellow 2X
G—4636 A Yellow ZX
G—4737 B Yellow ZX
0-4776 BC Yellow Sp X
0-4848 AC Yellow ZX
G-4747W AC White Sp X
Exp.Z779Z C Yellow Sp X
" 28189 C Yellow Sp X
" 28236 C Yellow Sp X
Golden Acres T-E 6968 AB Yellow ZX Taylor—Evans Seed Co.
T-E 6980 A Yellow ZX P.0.Box 68
T—E 6995 A Yellow ZX Tuliu, Tx. 79088
T-E 6947 C Yellow ZX
T-E 6992 AB
Golden Harvest HZ650 AB Yellow ZX Columbiana Seed Co.
HZ666 AB Yellow ZX Eldred, lll. 62027
HZ775 A Yellow ZX
HZ660W A White ZX
Gutwein 6ZA A Yellow ZX Fred Gutwein & Sons, lnc.
72 A Yellow ZX Rt # l, Box 40
86 A Yellow ZX Franeesville, lnd.47946
Hoblit XR44lA A Yellow ZX Hoblit Seed Co.
Atlnntn, lll.6l7Z3
Hulting X770 AB Yellow ZX Hulting Hybrids, Div.
X880 AB Yellow ZX of Ferry Morse Seeds
X980 AB Yellow ZX P.O. Box Z4
X8800 A Yellow ZX Geneseo, Ill.6l254
Exp.74—l7L C Yellow ZX
X99O BC Yellow ZX
Mason 7766 B Yellow ZX Mason Hybrid Corn Co.
8869 A Yellow ZX Route * l
Princeton, Ky.4Z445
McNair Xl94 A Yellow ZX McNair Seed Co.
P.0.Box 706
Lnurinburg, N.C.Z835Z

TABLE 1 (continued) `
Migro M—707Z AB Yellow ZX Migro Hybrids
M—O70lEP A Yellow ZX P.O.Box 7
M—O505 A Yellow ZX Mitchell, lnd.47446
M—5045 C Yellow ax
M—60OA C Yellow ZX(Mod)
M—7074 B Yellow 2X
M-6666 B Yellow ZX
M-0601 B Yellow 2X
M-Exp—34l6 B Yellow ZX
Muncy Chief SX777 A Yellow ZX Muncy Chief Hybrids
SXBOBB A Yellow ZX Market & High Sts. ·
SX878 A Yellow ZX Muncy, Pa.l7756
H764 B Yellow 4X
MDM 702 C Yellow 4X
M M 803 C Yellow ZX
Northrup-King PX74 AB Yellow ZX Northrup-King & Co.
PX76 AB Yellow ZX 1500 Jackson St.N.W.
PX79 AB Yellow ZX Minneapolis, Minn.554OZ
PX91 C Yellow ZX
PX95 C Yellow ZX
PX65 B Yellow ZX
PX675 AB Yellow 3X
PX7l5 C Yellow 3X
PX737 C Yellow 3X .
O's Gold SXSSOO A Yellow ZX O's Gold Seed Co.
P.O.B0x 460
Parkersburg, Ia 50665
P.A.G. SXl7A AC Yellow ZX P.A.G. Seeds
SX98 AB Yellow ZX P.O.Box 9480
314 A Yellow ZX Dept.l6
357 A Yellow ZX Minneapolis, Minn.5544O
Exp.Z46006 C Yellow
Pioneer Brand 3145 BC Yellow ZX(Mod) Pioneer Hi—Bred, Inc.
3147 BC Yellow ZX(Mod) ZZl N. Main St.
3l6l A Yellow 3X(Mod) Tipton, lnd.46072
3179 C Yellow ZX(mod)
3lB4 A Yellow ZX
3334A A Yellow ZX(Mod)
3364 C Yellow ZX(Mod) .
3368A A Yellow ZX(Mod)
3369A AB Yellow ZX
5llA A White 4X
3535 B Yellow ZX
Premier SX633 A Yellow ZX Premier Hybrids
SX655 A Yellow ZX Route l5, Box 223x
SX688 A Yellow ZX Acton, Ind.46Z59
633A C Yellow
SX64L-I B Yellow ZX(Mod)
SX695—I B Yellow ZX(Mod)
Princeton SX84O AC Yellow ZX Princeton Farms
SX9lO AC White ZX P.O.Box 319
Prineeton, Ind.4767O

 TABLE 1 (continued)
Ring Around RAl50l A Yellow ZX Ring Around Products,Inc
RAl50Z AB Yellow ZX Research Division
RA260l C Yellow 2X(Mod) P.O.Box 1629
RA360Z C Yellow 3X Plainview, Tx.7907Z
RA260ZW C White ZX(Mod)
RA350Z B Yellow 3X
Ruff's R-287 A Yellow 3X Ruff's Seed Farms
R—334 A Yellow ZX
M®M R—434 C Yellow ZX Amanda, Ohio 43102
Security SSllZ A Yellow ZX Security Seed Co.
S7lll A Yellow P.O.Box 630
SlZ0—A C Yellow 2X(Mod) Williamsburg,Ia.5236l
SSll5 B Yellow ZX(Mod)
SSl25 C Yellow ZX
Seed Kem SKX 76 A Yellow ZX Seed Kem, Inc.
SKX 86 AB Yellow 2X 526 N.W. Fourth St.
SKX 98 A Yellow ZX Evansville,Ind.4770l
SKX 68 C Yellow ZX
SK 7lAW C White 2X(Mod)
SK 7ZAW C White ZX(Mod)
SKX 66 B Yellow ZX
SS Hybrids JX 86 A Yellow ZX S. S. Hybrids
5100 A Yellow 2x P.O· Box 54
6400 AC Yellow ZX Camden, Ind. 46917
So.States SS7Z7 A Yellow ZX Southern States Coop,Inc.
SS730—P A Yellow 2X(Mod) 2600 Durham St.
SS775 A Yellow ZX Richmond, Va.Z32Z0
SS795 A Yellow 3X
SS950W AC White 3X
SS760 C Yellow ZX
Stewarts SX 70 A Yellow ZX Stewart Hybrids
SX 77 AB Yellow ZX
5-3276 C Yellow Princeville,Ill.6l559
Sturdy Grow sG937w C White Sturdy Grow Hybrid Seed
SG957W C White P.O.Box 94
Arcola, Ill.6l9l0
Super Crost 5440 A Yellow ZX Edw.J.Funk 8 Sons, Inc.
6800 A Yellow ZX(Nod) P.0.Box 67
7772 B Yellow ZX(Mod) Kentland, lnd.4795l
6880 B Yellow ZX(Mod)
S67 B Yellow 2X(Mod)
S85 B Yellow ZX(M0d)
A Trojan TXSll4 AB Yellow ZX Pfizer Genetics, Inc.
TXSll5A AB Yellow ZX P.0.Box 367
TXSll9 A Yellow ZX Windfall, Ind.46076
TX ll9A AB Yellow 3X
T llZ0 A Yellow ZX
}mM ll6 C Yellow ZX
TXS ll3 B Yellow ZX

 V TABLE 1 (continued)
Voris V2532 A Yellow 2X Voris Seeds, Inc. .
V2642 A Yellow 2X Box 457
V2502 C Yellow 2X Windfal1,Ind.46076
Wilstar 6663 A Yellow 2X Helena Chemical Co.
7771 A Yellow 2X Wilstar Seeds
7770 B Yellow 2X P.O.Box 1393
9990 C Yellow 2X Des Moines, Ia.50303
9997 C Yellow 2X
Zimmerman ZZOY A Yellow 2X Zimmerman's Hybrids Inc
Z24Y AB Yellow ZX Route 2
Zl1W AC White 2X Evansville,Ind.477l2
Zl9W A White 2X
Z52W AC White 3X
K.A.E.S. Ky 105 ABC Yellow 4X Kentucky Agricultural
Ky 592lW BC White AX Experiment Station
Virus SynW C White Syn Univ. of Ky.
Virus SynY C Yellow Syn Lexington,Ky.40506
802WXCI66 B White 2X
* A = Performance Test—Normal Population, B = Performance Test-
High Population, C = Virus Test—Normal Population.
** 2X = Single Cross, 2X(Mod) = Modified Single Cross, 3X = Three—way
Cross, AX = Double Cross, SpX = Special Cross, Syn = Synthetic.

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3·Y” Z·Y8 ......... 1211-BESULIS ........
STENART gx 77 173-1 173.8 17.7 89.0 83.6
Nonrunup-Krmc PX74 150-0 175-5 168.4 17.1 86.2 94.2
TROJAN TXS 119 173-3 159.9 17.8 83.8 89.1
PIONEER BRAND 3368A 161.7 177.5 153.6 17.7 89.5 80.4
TRCJAN T1120 151.1 17.6 82.4 79.7
P-A—G 357 149.8 17.2 85.7 97.2
DENNIS 31 149.1 17.3 82.4 88.7 `
MIGRO M-7072 155-2 167-9 147.9 17.1 88.1 77.0
HILSTAR 7771 147.9 17.5 82.4 66.6
s0.$7A75$ SS775 149-3 167-2 147.4 17.5 81.0 92.4
COKER 16 153.6 169.1 146.9 16.2 88.1 61.0
S S HYBRIDS 86 141.6 153.3 146.2 17.8 85.2 80.2
DEKAL8 XL80 134.4 155.0 145.4 17.8 91.4 55.0
FUhK'S 64636 144.6 18.4 89.5 76.1
SUPER CROST 6800 143.7 17.0 81.0 96.5
RUFF'S R287 141.0 17.5 80.0 85.3
HULTING X980 147-5 l6$¤Z 140.9 18.5 82.9 74.1
80-JAC X56 139.8 18.2 85.2 95.3
PICNEER BRAND 3184 160.2 139.5 18.2 94.3 64.8
COLBERT 310 139.3 17.5 86.2 89.0
SECURITY S711 138.6 16.6 83.8 98.9
NORTHRUP·KING PX79 153.0 167.8 138.4 17.3 84.3 96.5
SEED KEM SKX—76 138.7 137.9 17.4 84.3 91.8
HULTING X880 137.0 157.6 137.6 18.3 84.8 98.4
DEKAL8 XL72B 132.5 147.8 136.7 16.7 81.0 64.3
FUNK'S G4507 139.5 154.5 136.4 17.6 85.7 95.5
ASGRDH RX 90 161.9 136.3 17.4 83.3 96.0
ADLERS 87X 152.6 169.7 136.1 18.6 86.7 83.7
VORIS SEEDS V2642 145.8 156.3 131.4 18.3 87.1 87.6
RUFF‘S R334 130.6 17.3 84.3 89.7
NILSTAR 6663 150.6 130,1 17,3 3g,c 03,0
v081$ SEEDS v2522 141-2 148-6 129.2 17.2 81.8 99.4
S S HYBRIDS 6400 128.9 16.4 82.4 84.1
S S HYBRIDS 5100 128.0 17.0 86.7 90.7
ZIVMEFMAN Z24Y 155.4 160.1 127.7 17.8 89.5 91.5
DENNIS 69 126.6 18.0 89.0 95.2
TROJAN TX 119A 126.5 16.9 86.7 70.3
FUNK'S G4520 156.9 126.2 17.0 90.5 87.5
ACCO UC 8951 125.7 18.0 85.2 91.7
ADLERS 62X 124.1 17.6 87.6 88.2
vaemxen 688 150-0 123.9 18.0 80.5 88.8
suvsa 08087 5440 157-7 148-6 121.0 17.0 83.8 79.8
HOBLIT XR441A 120.3 17.3 88.6 92.6
ZIMMEPMAN ZZOY 120.2 17.6 91.4 92.1 -
HULTING X770 119.9 16.2 80.0 97.5
GOLDEN HARVEST H2775 118.6 18.0 89.0 59.2
80105N Annes 7-8 6968 122-7 142-9 117.5 16.8 92.4 58.1
DENNIS 37 140.0 156.0 117.2 17.1 84.8 89.9
0'S GOLD SX5500 135.8 116.6 17.4 87.1 82.6
FUNK'S 64628 132.3 142.7 116-4 16.6 7l.C gg,5
DEKALB XL78 139.5 145.6 116.3 17.4 87.1 81.4
80-JAC X83 143.2 150.8 116.0 17.9 82.9 84.8
S0.STATES SS727 149.9 115.8 17.5 83.3 90.0
STEWART SX 70 115.7 17.3 78.6 90.1
NORTHRUP—KING ¤X675 149.9 115.6 17.2 84.3 91.8
PING AROUND RA1502 115.0 17.4 82.9 90.1
FUNK'S G4848 151,6 114.5 18.7 83.3 72.4
P•A-G SX 17A 145.5 111.6 18.1 75.2 87.3
GOLDEN ACRES 7-E 6995 111.4 17.4 88.1 98.9 _

 TABLE3(c¤ntinusd) V
3·Y8 2·Y8 ......... 12l1-BESULI§ ........
MIGRO M—0505 111.1 16.8 83.8 94.3
FUNK'S G4574 110.6 17.0 87.1 90.7
` BO·JAC X56B 109.5 17.4 78.1 93.1
COKER 22 108.7 18.8 89.5 82.7
-‘ PICNEER BRAND 3369A 144·” 150-4 106.8 17.2 87.1 96.1
vnsnxan sxeza 147-4 105.4 16.7 00.0 95.9
MIGRO M—0701EP 105.1 17.1 77.6 83.8
MCNAIR X194 143-B 105.0 16.9 81.9 00.4
SEED KEM SKX98 104.3 17.9 87.1 84.4
BO—JAC X923 103.8 16.6 84.3 77.5
PIONEER BRAND 3334A 102.4 17.0 73.8 86.4
SO.STATES SS795 101.6 17.7 87.6 92.3
ACCO UC 9792 101.4 17.5 87.1 80.1
PICNEER BRAND 3161 141.1 145.4 101.3 17.6 82.9 76.2
MUNCY CHIEF SX808B 139.8 100.2 17.4 77.1 83.7
GOLDEN HARVEST H2666 132.4 137.4 99.3 16.8 83.8 94.2
P-A-G SX 98 133.3 139.4 99.1 17.6 81.4 85.6
DEKAL8 XL72AA 135.1 98.0 17.7 83.8 97.2
COKER 18 140.5 97.2 19.0 91.C 90.1
1 GUTWEIN 62A 96.9 17.5 83.3 89.8
ASGROW RX 101 95.6 17.7 83.3 92.5
P-A-G 314 94.8 17.0 73.3 89.6
TROJAN Txs 114 10%-7 131-5 93.8 17.2 09.2 93.7
GOLDEN ACRES T—E 6980 93.2 17.6 78.1 87.2
PRINCETON SX 840 92.5 16.9 86.7 70.4
NORTHRUP—KING PX76 91.8 17.7 86.2 83.2
RING AROUND PA1501 90.0 17.8 78.6 88.7
PREMIER 635 89.8 17.2 82.4 84.3
GUTWEIN 72 87.6 18.1 88.1 97.8
SEED KEM SKX—86 115.2 125.0 86.2 16.6 88.6 81.7
COLBEPT 315 84.6 16.8 92.9 89.7
DEKAL8 XL75A 83.6 16.9 74.3 89.0
HULTING X8800 82.2 17.8 65.2 88.3
SO.STATES SS73OP 81.1 17.6 83.8 95.6
MASON 8869 11’·5 125-5 s0.2 18.6 79.5 86.1
KENTUCKY 105 79.2 18.6 91.9 95.4
MUNCY CHIEF SX777 76.7 16.4 72.4 86.8
TROJAN TXS 115A 110.9 118.1 74.1 17.4 88.1 91.1
GUTWEIN 86 125.6 136.0 73.2 17.2 84.3 83.5
GOLDEN HARVEST H265O 119.2 70.3 17.1 85.7 87.8
MUNCY CHIEF SX878 105.4 116.9 69.4 17.6 78.1 86.0
SECURITY SS112 128.7 67.3 16.0 58.1 86.4
YELLOW AVERAGE 137.4 149.2 116.2 17.4 83.9 86.4
DEKALB XL39OA 141.5 154.2 123-8 17.5 86.7 E0.0
PR1NCE7ON SX 910 1?9•4 144.6 11O_7 18_6 gO_5 ¤l_O
ZIMMERMAN Z52W 144.3 154.7 97.6 18.2 84.3 85.2
ZIMMERMAN Zllw 141-0 154.4 93.3 13,3 35,; 95,5
FUNK'S G4747W 134.2 137.1 81.2 18.0 86.7 93.9
PIENEER ERAND 511A 133.8 144.4 80.2 17.3 91.0 92.7
SO.STATES SS950W 130.6 71.4 17.2 75.7 95.5
GOLDEN HARVEST H2660W 122.2 128.7 71.4 17.2 66.7 84.5
ZIMMERMAN Z19W 61.9 17.5 86.2 92.5
WHITE AVERAGE 136.6 143.6 88.0 17.8 83.7 89.5
GRAND Avsnncs 13"J3 ‘ 148-5 113.9 17.5 83.9 86.7

3·Y8 2·Y8 ......... 1911-BE.SUIJS ........
PICNEER BRAND 3369A 164.5 181.4 195.2 17.7 88.6 26.4
COKER 22 194.1 18.1 99.C 19.3
S S HYBRIDS 5100 190.7 17.5 84.3 31.3
HOBLIT XR441A 185.7 18.1 91.9 30.9
COLBERT 310 177.7 17.7 95.2 74.1
MIGRO M—0505 171.1 18.2 93.8 66.0
FUNK'S G4848 168.6 171.0 19.3 95.7 28.5 —
RING AROUND RA1502 170.1 18.3 92.4 43.1
` PIONEER BRAND 3184 170.3 167.1 18.7 95.7 25.5
COLBERT 315 164.5 16.6 94.3 31.6
S S HYBRIDS 86 157.5 171.8 164.1 17.8 91.0 43.6
STEWART SX 77 164.3 162.0 17.3 91.9 27.4
DEKAL8 XL80 144.2 159.8 160.8 17.7 90.0 36.0
80—JAC X923 159.6 18.8 94.3 51.0
GOLDEN ACRES T-E 6995 157.6 17.2 91.0 57.1
ZIMMERMAN Z24Y 156.1 161.3 155.5 18.6 94.8 34.2
PIONEER BRAND 3161 149.5 169.7 155.1 17.5 93.8 37.5
BO-JAC X83 150.7 162.5 154.8 17.3 82.9 34.8
FUNK'S G4574 153.2 18.1 93.3 68.0
FUNK'S G4636 152.7 19.1 94.3 26.5
S S HYBRIDS 6400 152.4 17.8 81.0 19.5
GOLDEN ACRES T-E 6968 137.7 154.9 152.0 18.3 95.2 23.2
HULTING X880 155.7 16C.E 151.5 18.4 90.5 64.6
PREMIER SX633 179.6 151.4 17.7 82.9 64.7
ADLERS 87X 136.0 149.9 151.2 17.4 95.2 39.0
ACCO UC 9792 150.0 18.7 86.2 49.1
NORTHRUP—KING PX675 155.2 150.0 17.8 86.2 64.8
PRINCETON SX 840 149.1 17.1 91.4 8.3
VORIS SEEDS V2642 142.7 156.4 148.8 16.3 88.6 57.8
DEKALB XL78 146.0 152.6 148.5 17.4 97.1 28.1
TROJAN TXS 115A 141.1 152.4 147.1 18.5 92.4 64.2
PREMIER 688 152.2 146.9 17.4 83.3 32.8
ZIMMERMAN Z20Y 146.5 18.6 95.7 60.7
GOLDEN HARVEST H2666 151.1 161.5 146.3 17.6 89.0 53.9
KENTUCKY 105 146.2 18.6 95.2 55.1
HILSTAR 7771 144.7 18.2 97.6 33.1
TROJAN TXS 119 161.5 143.8 18.5 88.6 50.7
MCNAIR X194 149.4 143.5 17.9 86.2 58.1
MASON 8869 131.2 146.3 143.2 18.9 86.7 29.6
SEED REM SKX•86 138.0 149.9 143.1 18.4 92.4 16.9
PIONEER BRAND 3368A 140.9 151.3 143.0 18.2 87.6 23.2
TROJAN TX 119A 142.8 18.0 91.9 43.0
SO.STATES SS775 144.2 156.0 141.9 18.1 91.9 20.3 _
COKER 16 136.6 149.1 141.3 16.9 91.0 19.5
ACCO UC 8951 141.1 18.7 88.6 55.0
SECURITY S711 140.2 18.2 88.1 44.2
STEHART SX 70 139.8 18.0 86.2 56.8
BO-JAC X568 137.7 17.2 88.1 57.8
TROJAN T1120 137.6 16.8 95.7 35.9
FUNK'S G4628 130.6 137.4 137.3 19.0 79.5 67.1
RING AROUND RA1501 136.1 17.8 99.0 51.8
TRCJAN TXS 114 134.3 150.1 134.6 17.9 89.0 55.7
MUNCY CHIEF SX878 108.6 121.9 134.3 18.0 87.6 63.2
FUNK'S G4520 162.5 133.0 18.1 90.5 25.8 l
NORTHRUP—KING PX76 132.1 17.9 91.0 30.4
GOLDEN ACRES T—E 6980 131.2 18.0 84.8 30.4
PREMIER 655 131.0 16.6 89.0 21.4
P—A-G SX 17A 158.2 130.7 18.5 87.1 67.5
MUNCY CHIEF SX808B 133.0 130.4 17.0 87.1 39.7

 TABLE 4 (continued)
3-*** 2-YR ......... 1.211-2£$u1.1s .._.._..
MIGRO M-7072 144.3 155.3 129.9 17.5 94.8 50.4
DENNIS 37 158.5 163.0 129.6 18.0 87.6 68.1
GUTWEIN 72 128.3 18.2 88.1 57.7
GOLDEN HARVEST H2775 127.7 20.5 91.4 40.5
HULTING X98O 132.6 144.8 126.9 17.3 84.3 47.4
80-JAC X56 126.8 18.4 90.0 67.2
RUFF‘5 R334 126.7 17.9 89.0 57.9
SD.STATES SS795 126.5 18.0 94.8 70.9
SO.STATES SS73OP 126.2 17.5 91.9 54.9
SUPER CROST 6800 128.9 125.3 18.4 84.3 52.2
COKER 18 124.5 18.8 96.7 46.2
NORTHRUP—K1NG PX79 137.6 140.4 124.5 17.8 91.9 52.0
HULTING X77O 124.2 16.8 86.2 54.0
SEED KEM SKX—76 132.6 124.2 18.2 94.8 40.8
GUTWEIN 86 130.6 143.1 123.3 17.1 89.5 32.9
MIGRO M—0701EP 122.2 17.6 88.6 58.0
DEKALB XL75A 122.0 19.0 93.3 76.1
P-A-G SX 98 lgs3,,3 {3;,,5 121.7 17.3 81.4 40.4
VORIS SEEDS V2532 149,* 154,1 120.9 17.8 93.3 74.9
SEED KEM SKX98 119.4 17.4 86.7 44.8
GOLDEN HAPVEST H2650 lzq,7 119.0 19.6 91.0 77.6
O'S GOLD SX5500 126.7 118.2 17.4 90.5 50.3
DEKAL8 XL72B 123.3 132.0 116.6 17.5 77.6 15.1
FUNK'S 64507 137.0 139.8 112.5 18.2 89.5 84.7
DENNIS 69 112.4 18.6 94.3 57.2
NORTHRUP-KING PX74 [40,7 148,9 111.4 18.4 90.0 76.6
P-A-G 314 110.9 18.1 79.5 61.2
$O.STA”'E$ $$727 139,; 109.5 18.3 93.3 60.6
RUFF'S R287 108.6 19.9 82.9 55.1
ADLERS*62X 108.5 18.5 91.9 35.9
GUTWEIN 62A 106.8 17.3 89.0 53.6
DENNIS 31 106.6 18.6 85.2 69.9
P-A—G 357 104.6 18.4 91.9 75.6
HULTING X8800 104.4 18.6 81.4 64.4
WILSTAR 6663 135.6 103.0 18.3 81.0 75.5
SUPER CROST 5440 129.0 134.8 102.2 17.2 92.9 45.6
ASGROW RX 101 100.0 17.7 93.3 44.7
MUNCY CHIEF SX777 99.7 18.2 72.9 60.3
DEKAL8 XL72AA 129.9 98.5 19.0 89.0 82.6
PICNEER BRAND 3334A 96.4 18.3 87.1 35.8
ASGROW RX 90 138.3 94.3 18.1 87.6 66.3
SECURITY SS112 126.8 85.4 17.2 56.7 31.0
YELLOW AVERAGE 140.9 149.¤ 136.1 18.0 89.3 47.9
SO.STATES SS950W 175.8 164.3 17.7 87.1 39.7
GOLDEN HARVEST H2660W 149.1 161.2 150.6 18.3 72.4 29.3
PRINCETON SX 910 145.1 156.0 145.7 17.2 93.8 44.3
ZIMMERMAN Z52W 145.2 160.4 145.4 18.4 95.2 51.3
FUNK'S G4747W 146.9 156.4 143.5 19.7 88.6 56.2
ZIMMERMAN Z19W 135.2 18.9 94.3 49.6
ZIMMERMAN Z11W 138.1 152.0 132.2 19.9 91.0 73.7
PICNEER BRAND 511A 121.6 131.0 110.4 19.1 96.7 61.7
DEKALB XL390A 120.2 130.4 96.0 19.2 89.5 30.9
WHITE AVERAGE 138.0 152.9 135.9 18.7 89.8 48.5
GRAND AVERAGE 140.4 150.2 136.1 18.1 89.4 48.0

3*YR 2·Y8 ......._. 1EZ1..B55ULI$ .._.....
TROJAN TXS 114 166.9 185.4 194.9 18.1 98.1 15.6
GUTHEIN 72 194.6 17.5 98.1 15.1
VORIS SEEDS V2532 172.8 175.0 181.8 17.6 95.2 23.3
DENNIS 37 _174.9 177.6 179.6 17.1 94.8 15.3
MUNCY CHIEF SX808B 152.5 179.4 19.8 95.7 13.0
S S HYBRIDS 6400 179.2 16.9 87.6 10.3
PIONEER BRAND 3161 160.3 169.0 178.9 18.2 91.9 4.2
VORI5 SEEDS V2642 155.4 167.1 174.5 18.0 93.3 16.7 I
MIGRO M—0505 173.2 18.1 85.7 7.0
S S HYBRIDS 5100 170.5 17.1 91.9 15.5
COKER 18 178.1 169.8 20.0 92.9 13.8
PRINCETON SX 840 169.7 19.4 97.6 1.0
DEKALB XL72B 155.7 160.5 169.4 16.8 79.5 8.1
PIONEER BRAND 3369A 163.9 161.6 166.5 18.4 86.2 9.3
P-A—G SX 17A 171.7 164.2 17.7 87.1 43.9
BO-JAC X923 163.3 20.5 94.3 17.7
ZIMMERMAN ZZOY 163.1 18.7 96.2 14.3
STEWART SX 77 158.8 162.3 18.9 91.9 8.2
DEKALB XL72AA 163.7 161.1 17.4 87.6 9.3
ADLERS 87X 153.1 161.1 161.1 18.0 91.4 11.0
HOBLIT XR441A 161.1 19.3 91.9 15.8
ZIPHERMAN z24Y 164.3 1*1.0‘ 160-1 17-9 91-4 9-9
RING AROUND RA1502 160.1 19.2 85.2 18.0
PIONEER BRAND 3184 161.3 158.2 19.7 90.5 2.5
MIGRO M—7072 161.9 161.6 157.8 17.6 88.6 12.3
BO-JAC X56 157.5 17.1 85.2 14.1
ACCO UC 8951 157.5 18.8 87.1 8.6
ASGROH RX 101 156.9 16.7 86.7 11.0
DEKALB XL78 153.8 150.5 155.7 18.6 94.3 6.0
COKER 16 154.4 160.1 155.7 18.3 85.2 9.0
SO.STATES SS727 168.3 155.7 17.6 90.5 9.5
NORTHPUP·KING PX79 159.7 154.6 155.5 16.9 92.4 9.1
GOLDEN HARVEST H2666 157.4 160.2 155.1 18.9 88.1 22.7
COLBERT 310 154.4 17.7 86.7 12.7
WILSTAR 6663 159.7 154.3 17.2 79.0 15.1
TROJAN TXS 119 156.0 153.0 17.9 89.0 16.2
P—A-G SX 98 147.4 142.7 152.7 19.3 75.2 8.8
COKER 22 152.5 19.9 88.6 7.1
NILSTAR 7771 152.3 17.5 91.9 11.9
FUNR'S G4507 156.1 156.4 152.1 17.8 90.5 28.7
ACCO UC 9792 151.0 19.7 90.5 6.4 ·
SUPER CROST 6800 149.7 17.4 91.0 13.6
SO.STATES SS795 149.4 17.4 90.5 18.0
FUNK'S G4848 161.7 148.8 21.5 89.0 10.2
GUTNEIN B6 164.5 164.0 148.7 16.4 87.6 11.2
PREMIER 655 148.6 17.1 87.6 16.7 ‘
NORTHRUP·K1NG PX74 158.8 161.2 148.1 17.8 95.2 18.0
OERAL8 XL75A 147.6 17.6 85.7 10.2
STEWART SX 70 147.5 18.0 83.8 19.6