xt7wh707z160 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7wh707z160/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky 1951 course catalogs  English University of Kentucky This digital resource may be freely searched and displayed.  Permission must be received for subsequent distribution in print or electronically.  Physical rights are retained by the owning repository.  Copyright is retained in accordance with U. S. copyright laws.  For information about permissions to reproduce or publish, contact the Special Collections Research Center. University of Kentucky course catalogs, 1865- Bulletin of the University of Kentucky, Summer Session, Vol. 43, No. 4, 1951 text Bulletin of the University of Kentucky, Summer Session, Vol. 43, No. 4, 1951 1951 1951 2013 true xt7wh707z160 section xt7wh707z160   i
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  V ]UNE 18—AUCUST 11
  The University of Kentucky y
Q 1951
Sum mer Sesszon 1
 _ A   1_     1 V N

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1951 ·
Ex Officio Members ]
Lawrence \\'. \\,€[l1C1`l)1', Governor ,
Boswell B, Hodgkin, Superintendent of l’u|>li<* Instruction
1-larry F. \\`alters, Commissioner of i—\griculture
From the State Board of Agriculture
George M. Cheek, Frankfort. 1951
Dr. \V. M. Coffee, LaCenter. 1949
Carl Dempewolfe, llenderson. 1950
Members at Large
Paul M. Basham, llardinsburg .........   .... . ....... . ............. . .....,___ . __.___,. 1953
Mrs. Paul G. Blazer. .»\shland .... A .... . .... .. ..................... . ........ ._ _ _____, _ ,.,1950
l John C. Everett, Maysville ..... .. .. .... . ......... . ...,. . ................. . .... . __ _,__,... 195I
  Harper Gatton, Madisonville ........... . .. .. ..............................,.____,..._..___.______ 1953
I R. P. Hobson, Louisville ........................................................_.....,_,.____ __ _,__,,_ _I{)5()
1   \Voodford Howard, 1’restonsl>urg .... .   .............................,.........___.____,_____ ,_l{)5l
Alumni Members
Herndon   Evans, Pineville ........ . .................................. i .................. . ........   1953
. Guy Huguelet, Lexington .................................................i.................. . ..   .,195I
` 1-1, D. Palmore, Frankfort ....,.................................................................... . .....__ ...1951)
i Omcers of the Board \\
Lawrence YV. \Vetherby, Chairman
Frank D. Peterson, Secretary and Treasurer
, Executive Committee
Guy Huguelet, Cliairman l
  john C. Everett
i Harper Gatton A
R. P. Hobson !
  1-1. D. Palmore · E
{ 5
l `
l .

Q T . . I
r Umversuzy of Kentucky »
I.EXIN(l'l`()N T
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Summzr SESJIOH, [95] I
  June 18 to August 11 u
|)ll|)lISll(5([ IIIOIHIITI`, _]unu:u‘y Lo Supmcxnbcr i11cl11siu·, by thc U1li\'Cl`SIl}'
_ ul` Iicutucky. I.CXIllgI()Il. l·Znu·rc   I ..........,. . ....1........4..,...4..4..........,.,.,....   T
  .\cc1·ediLed Relzuious ,... . ,.,.......,4,................. . ........ . .,............. . ...... . ..........4.,. . ., ,. 8
1 l`he l‘;ll\'ll`(llllllClll of the l·lll\`CI`Sll} .,................,4,.....4.,......... .. .... , .........,...... A 8
l Studeui l`nion Building .................4.............. . .,......,..........................4.4 . .......... . .... {I
  l)l2ll`ClllCIIl Serxire ............ , ..,.......,.......>............., , .....,.......................,............,...,........, Ill
l Reereauionzil .\¢·1iviiies ................,.................,.... . ......, . ...4.........4...4,.....A.....>4...... .. .. II
l The lllll\`Cl`Sll} School und Student 'l`('ll(`lllllg ....1...4....... . .....,.,........,.....,,1,.1...... I2
l Length ol Session . ,..,.,... .. ....................,.......... . ...,. . .................1....4....,..,..4,..............,.. I2
i ;\(llIllSSl()Il ........,......................,............................,.4..   ....,........,.......4.,.,....,.....,.......... I2
Nuinhering ol` (Zourses .......... . ,.... .. .4.........1.... .. .,. 4............1..............1.......,1, I ,,.. I3
Sludenl Loud .. .... .. ..,. , ....1 .. ..,..4.,.... . ..,...,.4...... . .....1..,......,...,... . .1.4..4.,.,14............... I5
Fees ....,..... , ...................i. I ,4........ . .......,...............4.44....,.4...........,...... . .,..,. , .........1 .. . I3
ReI`unds ...,......_...i........,..,....i......... .. ..............................44...........1..... , .e.......4.... . ...1...,.. I5
l.;ue Registration ....... , 4......   .. ii.. , ..,.......,..,.... . ......4..,.,.....,4.ii,.........,......4.....i..   I5
Nlzirkiug S}SlClll .,......... . i..i... . ............e4,.4,............................ , .....4..........i.....,...,.. .   I5
l Rooin und liozarcl ....,....4..........,......................,.I..........i.......,........4............4.............   II}
  lllll\Cl'Sll§ Health Serxice .4...........,4.................4,.............4..........4.............1......,i......... I8
  Requirements for (iruduzuion ........,,4......., . ......,........,4......,.........4....,...........,......   I8
  College ol .\l`lS und Soiences ...........,..........4...,.,......,...,.,.. . 4...............1.. . .....4..4..,..., lil
I College of :\gl`lClllllll`C und Home licouoinies ..,........i.....4......4............................. 22
I College ol` lingiueering ....... . .......,..,......,......,.......44............,...........4...,.........4....,.,.1 2fI
l College of Lzuv ...».....................,....4..4.........4...........,i.,..,.,4..............4,.........,.4....,...,.e .1 2I
  College oI` liduezuion ..............................,...,.....4......,...,...,i...,....4.......,..,.4...i.......1....... 25
  College of (louunerce .......4.4.......4.4..,........,..4............4.....,.,..,... , .,.....................i.......1.. 27
l College of l’lizu`ui;i4......,...,..........,....,4.4...,,........4.............4.....4._... I5
  Room unil Bourcl .,..........4.4..4.......,.,..........................i......................i.4....,...........4... .. Iii
  Ilniversity Heullli Service ,..i . ...,....,.,.,............,.4..,..4.........,.....4............i............,......... IS
Requirements for (irximinulion ,.......,...4...... , ...,4....,..................................,..4..44..,.,   IN
College ol .·\l`lS und Sciences ........,....................,......,......,....,4..4.,....4.......,,.....4......... lll
College ol` .·\IJ·l`lCllll.lll`C und Home lieononiics ...4........,........4...............,................ 22
7 College ol` Engineering {...... .. ,...,..........   ...........4..4....,............. , ............4.,...........,..... 2fl
{ College of Lziw .........,.........,.4,...........4......................,4....4,4....4.,.4..........4,.4................... 2I
  College ol l‘l(ll|(T2lll()Il ..,..........,.,..4.......,..4.44............,,......,..,.....4..4........................,....,.. 25
  College of Cmnnierce .....,...........4.4............,........4,....4.4......,...........,,4...4...........4.4......... 27
I College of l’l1z11‘r11:ury .....,..4.4.................,..........,.......,....4.....................,,4.............,l.,.... 2H
~ Cxmliinte School ..........,.........V............ . .....,....,...........4................ . .7.. . ...........,.,....,...V. 28
I l';n’L ll. Schedule of Classes ..,4.4..... . ....,................4...,.. . ,.... . .......4,4., . ...4...4.4. . .............. III

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_]11n1· |8— A1<)l1(lil)`. 7:15 il.1Il.— ,·\1l llC\\' students. exce]11 11111se CllUJl`11lg 1111- ·
(1I`2l(1lllll(§ 811111111, will 1·1·{111r1 111 111e A1CII1()l`12l1 H:111, for 1·1:1ss1H1i:11io11 {
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Tuesday Forenoon TU€S(1il}' A1`1e1`110011 {
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9:00 111 9:50—Ke l11I`()llg1l Ni 2:30 111 25:20-Clo 1111:1111g11 (le  
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_]llllC 20—\N’e1lnes11:1y—(21:1ss work begins.   ‘

i llerinan Lee Donovan, M..·\.. Ph.D., LL.D., President  
Leo M. Chamberlain, M.,-\., Ph.D., Vice President
Frank D. Peterson, .=\.B.. University Comptroller
y john Sharpe Chainhers, NLS., M.D.. Director of University Health Servite
1 Louis M. Clifton. M..\.. Director ol University lixtension
  Lysle YVarrick Croft, MA., l’h.D., Director ol` University Personnel ()lhert Dennis Kirwan, i\l..\.. Ph.D., Dean ol` Students
I Lee Sprowles. l\l..~\., l£tl.l)., Registrar `
Lawrence Sidney rI`ll<)IDl)SOIl. M..—\., l’h.l)., Director of Libraries
Raymond \\’esley \\’ilr   . I '~ *-4 · ·,£f@' T: .:4 · `Q   ·-‘T
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Y cation of teachers lagged greatly during the war, and it is expected V ‘·
g that hundreds of teachers and other school oflicials will now wish :%*1 ‘
i , to continue their summer studies. 9*;  ~ 
| 4. All students, women and men. who are in college and wish to accel-   _`
crate their programs ol` study. -. ;;
5. Other persons who need certain courses to advance in their specific _§i‘${__
vocations, and to meet the requirements of the postwar economy.   i
Over and above its program ol liberal education, the University Sum-  
mer Session provides numerous opportunities for persons to prepare for   1
specific occupations. The extent of the opportunities is indicated by thc  
following vocational areas in which summer courses will be offered; In-  
dustrial Chemistry, journalism, Medical Technology, Pre·Medicine, Pre-  
j Dentistry, Pre-Nursing, Music, Library Science, Public Service, Art, liacteri-  
Q ology, Geography, Geology, Psychology, Radio Arts, Social X/Vork, Sociology, _ _
i Agriculture in its various phases, Pre-Forestry, Pre—Veterinary, Home Ecor .  ‘°
i nomics, Architectural Engineering, Aeronautical Engineering, Civil Engineer»    
l ing. Communications Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Meclianical Engl-  = 
` ncering, Metallurgical Engineering. Mining Engineering, Law, Elementary  
Teaching, High School Teaching, Educational Supervision and Administrzt  
` tion, General Business. Commerce-I.aw, Industrial Administration. and Secrc-  
tarial \Vork. I 
  The University ol Kentucky is a member of the Southern Association ol `
  Colleges and Secondary Schools and the Kentucky Association ol` Colleges ‘
  and Secondary Schools. It is accredited in its respective colleges or depart-  
ll ments by the Association of American Law Schools, the American Association `
[ of Collegiate Schools of Business, the American Association of Schools and
  ` Departments of journalism, the American Library Association, the National  
g Association of Schools ol Music, the Engineer’s Council for Professional Dc- Q
g velopment. the American Chemical Society, the National Association ol i
— Schools ol` Social Administration, the American Council on l’harmaceutical
Q Education. the American Association of Colleges of Pharmacy, the American  
  .\ssociation ol Colleges for Teacher Education, and the National University  
  lixtcnsion .»\ssociation.  
The University ol Kentucky is located in Lexington in the center ol  
, the Bluegrass. a delightful country ol` scenic beauty and ol` great Iiistorital  
. interest.  
  Many ol the famous horse [arms, some individual establishments ton-  
i taining more than a thousand acres, are open to visitors throughout thc l
  year. These [arms, with their broad pastures, sparkling streams, woody  
  lands, and paved roads provide Fayette County with a system ol` parks
l which is unique. Elmendorf; Walnut Hall; Calumet, home of Citation;
  A Castleton]; Hamburg Place; Dixiana; and Coldstream, are among ilu: beauti-
i , ful horse farms in Fayette County open to visitors.
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SUMMERTIME — A campus scene between classes.
Points of particular interest in Lexington, other than the nearby larins.
are Ashland, the home ol` Henry (llay; General _]ohn Hunt Morgan's home:
the home of Mary Todd. wife of Lincoln; the vast tobacco warehouses; the
Keeneland Race Track; the track of the Kentucky Trotting Horse Breeder`s
Association; the U11ited States \’eterans` Hospital: and the U. S. Public
Health Service Hospital.
W'ithin a relatively short distance from Lexington are Frankfort, the
_ (Zapital (Zity, with its many historical features: lrlerrington Lake: Shakertown:
j l·`ort Harrod and its adjacent Pioneer (lemetery: the Old Kentucky Home;
, the Palisades of the Kentucky River: and many other points ol` historical and
  scenic interest.
'l`he Union Building is the center of student activity on the campus.
Various rooms are available for the enjoyment of students during leisure
hours. ()ne llllly meet friends or read leading magazines and newspapers in
the Great Hall; engage in billiards or pingpong in the Game Room; play
1 cards, checkers, or chess in the Social Room: and hear the works of great
, composers in the Music Room.
  For the convenience of students, the building maintains an information
I desk, telegraph and telephone service, a modern barber shop, a cafeteria serv
f ing foods of quality. an attractive soda grill. conference rooms and comfort-
f able lounges.

 The Student U11ion lioard is eager [or all University students to take
advantage ol the services and facilities of the building.
'l`here is a constantly growing demand for the services ol the graduates
ol the University ol` Kentucky. Placement services are maintained by several
colleges on the campus and every attempt is made to procure lor the students
and for the graduates ol the University the type ol` eniployntent which will
enable each one to achieve the best results_
ln the College ol` Cointnerce is the Senior—(1onnner¢e lintploynient .\s»
sociation which is sell-supporting and is headed by a permanent secretary.
The Association has been very successlul in placing graduates with nationally
operating industrial concerns. credit investigating and reporting companies,
wholesale houses. banks. insurance companies. chain store companies. gov~ T
ernniental agencies both lederal and state. and in teaching positions. These
positions included secretarial work. accounting. advertising. selling. personnel. p
and statistical work.
The Teacher l’lacentent Bureau ol the College ol` liducation is designed
to assist in the placement ol superintendents. principals, and teachers. Each
student in attendance at the University who desires a teaching position should
BEFORE THE BELL — Relaxing in the Student Union Grill.
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FUN FOR ALL—One of the .   -· ·v_·   —· · ·     'gté
many recreational facilities ’ I   _   ' "?” l,   
available to U.K. students is the V _ .   .-,· A I A '  H     
swimming p o ol in Memorial     '   ),,__     _, » 6. 4 IQ  "     ,.»e·  "   I   
·  Y 'i‘" QI~2“ »_». ra r_»)= c #A  A ·’‘   A A 5  _· ,
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register with the I’lutt·ment llureuu. Room IIB, litlucution lluiltling. Superin-
temlents uml college uclministrutors who desire cupuhle teuchers shoultl write
tlirectlv to the hureuu lor recommemlutions uml tretlentiuls.
The long list ol` successful x\lumni of the (lollege ol` Engineering is
imlitutive ol` its reputution lor eclucuting men lor cureers in the engineering
y uml imlustriul worltl. Its grutluutes ure continuully in tlemuml uml tontuct he-
twcen imlustries uml the (Zollege is muintuim·tl through un lfmployment
l‘lucement Service. This service is consicleretl us purt ol` the (Iollege`s ohligu-
  tion to its stmlents uml every ellort, is mutle to give euch grutluute the oppor-
E tunity lor u position ol` his prel`eremAt·.
I The summer months ure vucution uml recreution time. Provision is mucle
|`or Summer Session stmlents to purticipute in numerous recreutionul uctivities
uml to leurn the Iumlumentul skills uml techniques involvetl. The Physicul
liclucution l)epurtment is ollering recreutionul courses lor men uml women
stutlents in urchery, hutlminton. tennis. sociul uml Iolk tluncing. volley bull.
howling. swimming. cumping. uml intrumurul sports, This is un opportunity
g lor every summer session stmlent to receive expert instruction in uny or ull
ol the uhove mentionetl uctivities. ll` you ure u novice it is your chunce to
leurn; il` un ex >ert ierlormer. it is your chunce to iurtici iute umler whole-
_ _ . I
I some uml en_|oyul>le circumstunces.
I The primury purpose ol the recreutionul courses is to provide pleusunt
I uml prohtuhle leisure time uctivity lor ull stmlents uml to improve their per·
Iormunce uhility. Teuchers uml supervisors ol` physicul eclucution uml class
room teuchers will fiml the courses vuluuhle in orgunixing teztching muteriul
uml methotls. Recreutionul Ieutlers uml tlirectors will get new icleus on prov
moting leisure time uctivities. `

 I _.
I .
  During the sun1111er, many features will he added. The weekly movies
  will be continued. Musical programs, faculty recitals, lectures, summer opera ¤
  in Cincinnati and Louisville, Blue Grass tours, picnics, dances. receptions, .
  .and teas are examples of some of the extracurricular offerings.
I   ln addition to the overall program, departmental programs are many and
  varied. For instance, both the music and dramatic departments conduct pro-
grams for summer school students. All Summer School students will Iind these
I activities profitable and enjoyable. The fourth animal Family Life Institute
will be held _]une 26-28. with headquarters at Memorial Hall. 'l`he Institute
will be open to students and other interested citizens. Programs may he oli-
- tained from the Department of University Extension.
The University Elementary School will be in se