xt7wh707xf5h https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7wh707xf5h/data/mets.xml University of Kentucky Fayette County, Kentucky The Kentucky Kernel 1923-05-18  newspapers sn89058402 English  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel The Kentucky Kernel, May 18, 1923 text The Kentucky Kernel, May 18, 1923 1923 1923-05-18 2012 true xt7wh707xf5h section xt7wh707xf5h The Kentucky Kernel
LEXINGTON, KY.. MAY 18, 1923


No. 31







Will Run Against Best Athletes
of Southern

Concert in Lexington Closes Successful Season After Tour




Throughout State



Freshman State Meet Will Be
Held at Same

Quartet is Feature of Program;
All Offerings Received Enthusiastically by Large Crowds

A squad of Wildcat trackmen ihcad-c- d
by Coach Buchheit and Student
Gregory, left Lexington
Thursday for Montgomery, Alabama,
IF- where they will compete in the first annual S. I. C. track and field meet, Friday and Saturday. Those who were
scheduled to make the trip were
Captain Davidson, Porter,
Gorman, Dewhurst, Caldwell, Mays,
Ogden and Wolfe. These men will run
against the best athletes in the south,
including representatives from Georgia Tech, Vanderbilt, Mississippi A.
& M., University of Georgia and other S. I. C. schools.
Kentucky runners had an opportunity to watch many of these teams in
action at the Georgia Tech Relays and
knowledge of the
are going with the
high class trackmen they will run UNIVERSITY OF KENTUCKY
against the Kentucky men arc in
the best of condition after a week of Outstanding
Kentuckian En
hard training. All of the men had to
dorses Athletics and Student
work hard to make the trip as the
Loan Fund.
competition :for places was keen.
Brandon will pre
Governor W. W.
sent the medals and trophies to win
ners after the meet. As there is no Local and County Chairmen Ap
college or university at Montgomery
pointed for Drive Throughthe meet will be under the direction of




out State.


on Page 4)

Class of 1924 Shows High Standard of Scholarship
Six juniors, a sophomore and a spe
cial student have set a high standard
in scholarship for the College of Arts
and Sciences, having made an average
1922-2of "A" for the semester
These students are: Lillian Gertrude
Collins. Roscoe Cross, Virginia Rose
Duff, George Fuller Taylor, Joeline
Gray Webb and Frances Elizabeth
Weller, juniors; Henry Elliott Neth- Scott. special.
Gertrude Collins, Mayslick, Ky., is
a member of the Lambda Phi frater
nity, which is soon to receive a chapter
of Delta Zeta. She is prominent on
the campus, being a member of the
Student Government Council and the
Woman's Administrative Council.
Roscoe iCross, Mayfield, Ky., has re
cently been honored by the University
of Kentucky with a fellowship in the
He is
Political Science Department.
a pledge of Delta Chi, social frater
nity, a member of Phi Sigma Alpha,
Political Science honorary 'fraternity,
and is pledged to Scabbard and Blade,
holding at present a lieutenantship in
the R. O. T. C.
Virginia Duff, Mt. Sterling, Ky., is
a member of Lambda Phi fraternity.
George Taylor, Mayfield, Ky., re
cently left the University on account
of ill health. He not only stood high


on page 4.)

In assigning a leader for her $200,
000 campaign for a stadium, basket
ball auditorium, student loan fund and
Patterson Memorial, the University o
Kentucky has chosen Captain C. C,
Calhoun, one of the most outstanding
Kentuckians of all time.
Kentucky will particularly remem
ber Captain Calhoun in connection
with the State Capitol at Frankfort
Sent by Governor Beckham to Wash
ington to collect a claim of about $1,
(iOO growing out of the Spanish-Amc- r
ican War, Captain Calhoun, by digging
day and night into dusty, forgotten
records, discovered that the Govern
ment owed the State of Kentucky
about $365,000 from the Spanish
American war, and an interest claim
of almost $1,000,000 originating from
the Civil War.
When Captain Calhoun finished his
job he hopped aboard a train for
with him two
It was
checks totaling $1,588,999.35.
this money that made possible the
erection of the present beautiful cap-itat Frankfort.
Friends of the University are rejoicing that Captain Calhoun has accepted the General Chairmanship, behe has never
cause, as a
Last night Captain Calhoun issued
this statement, showing why he has
made the sacrifice to do his part in the
"Although I have been absent a
great deal from the state, I have
watched with keen interest the work
and development of its institutions.
1'icm my observations, I am confident
thai through the work and influence
if the University, the greatest bless- ,"

(Continued on

pan I.)

A large crowd greeted the Glee Club
of the University of Kentucky, Tues-

day night



Local, and County Chairmen
U. 01 K. Stadium Campaign;
Palmorc, H. D.
McCoy, E. M.
Atkins, Presley T
Browning, Iley B. .
Spencer, Henry L.
Studer, Mrs. Cora B.
Routt, Grover C.
Nunn, Hon. C. S
Wilson, W. C.
Wilson, Silas T
Swope, J. W.
Carter, J. C
Moore, V. Y.
McCarty, Harry
Burgess, George R.
Pendcrgras's, Geo.
Menifee, John
Proctor, E. T.
Strode, W. Hall
Babb, II . A.
Ileavrin, Cecil
Wilson, G. C.
Rooberts, V. D
Hatter, E. P.
Clem, Miss Lena
Barrows, W. D.
Denhem, E. N.

Mt. Sterling






Mrs. John M. Coleman, Grand
to Have Charge
of Alpha Theta chapter
the chapter
of which was was granted to Lambda
Phi, local, last week, will begin May
24 and extend to May 27.
Officers in charge of the installation
will be Mrs. John M. Coleman, grand
Loveland, Ohio; Miss
Grace Mason, general secretary and
historian, Muncie, Ind; Mrs. F. E.
Kirkin, Columbus, Ohio, and Mrs. F.
U. Ellis, Indianapolis, Ind., national
Visitors from various other chapters wil! also be present for installation.
A banquet and dance will be given
in the Lafayette Hotel, May 26.

of Delta Zeta fraternity




- Bath



at Woodland auditorium
closing a very
successful season. The members of
the luncheon clubs in Lexington were
present as guests and all the university students were admitted free, the
purpose of the management of the club
being to give the public an exhibition
of the musical talent contained in the
Professor Lampert deserves much
praise for the careful training and instruction of the members of the club,
as each member drew much applause
from an appreciative audience.
The university quartet composed of
Robert Clem, Earl Maxweli Hcavrin,
Earlc Baughman and Elbert DeCour-scfeatured the program which included other specialties. The' members
of the quartet have ibeen received favorably upon each appearance, and at
the performance Tuesday night covered themselves with glory as encore
after encore was demanded. The
quartet was unusually liberal jn their
responses and delighted the audience
by their graciousness.
The saxophone solo iby W. W. Dan- in its home concert,


(Continued on Page eight)



MAY 21

University Will Match Cash Contributions Raised on the

Gym Classes to Give May
At a meeting of the outdoor recrea
tional athletic council of the University
Pole Dances.
held Tuesday afternoon, plans were
The annual May Day exercises will made to launch a drive beginning May
be held by the women's gymnasium 21 to raise funds amounting to $2,000
classes on the campus Tuesday after- for developing activities in the field of
noon at 4:30 o'clock in front of the minor athletics on the campus. One
mam building, with Miss Blanding in thousand dollars is to be raised among
the students and faculty and for every
The queen, yet to be elected, will be dollar received the University will
crowned, then the following dances match one, thus raising the quota to
will be given: Valse Caprice and. Ap- the desired amount.
With the
of the Uni
Blossoms, May Pole
versity and the students, it will be
Wood Sprites and Pipes of Pan.
possible to provide facilities for outThe following girls have been nom
Gordon, door recreations such as: ten tennis
inated for Queen: Amanda
courts, basketball courts, volley ball
Helen James, Elizabeth Williams,
and croquet yards.
Frances Smith, Sarah Cole, Ida K. courts
The minor athletics will do a great
Risque, Betty Carol, Mary Dunn,
deal, in that they will bring to light
Rachelle Shacklette, Annelle Kelley,
qualities which are in the
Betty Barbour, Elizabeth Galloway the athletic
the student body. It will serve the
and Frances Ashbrook. The maid of
sports by interesting-morhonor will be the girl having the secin the various games as well as
ond highest number of votes and she
for the major
will crown the Queen.
The offer of the University does not
With the acquisition of Winslow apply to promises as it agrees only to
Quite a
church, negro church on the campus, match cash contributions.
and conversion of the property into a number will not be able to give the deseems .like a novel sired amount, $1.25 per person, but
Little Theatre
will be appreciated.
any donations
movement. But the least that can be Some have already expressed their in- said is that it is an example of the sur
(Continued on page 5.)
vival of the fittest.


All Seniors wishing to take
Day" expart in the "Take-of- f
ercises please meet in the Freshman journalism room the 5th
hour, Monday, May 21st.
This is your last chance as
the program must be arranged
in the next two or three days.



Page Two

Alumni Notes

Alumni Secretary

Chicago, May 21. (Third Mon- day Regular) luncheon at Mar- shall Field's Grill.
Detroit, May 26. (Last Saturday
Regular) dinner. Dixieland Inn.
Frankfort, May 28. (Last Mon- day Regular) evening mcctini?.
Buffalo, June 9. (Second Satur- day Regular) Outdoor meeting.
June 12. Alumni
Day Commencement Week.

Mnj. B. E. "Bruce" Brewer, who is
now located at Fort Snelling, Minn.,
will he transferred to Fort Bcnning,

Georgia, September 1, 1923.
is with How,
Prentiss Sladc
Snow & Bertles, Grand Rapids Sav
ings Bank Building, Grand Rapids,



$100 Prize Contest

Ten Alumni have offered this prize to the member of the Association
submitting the best plan for getting RESULTS with the Legislature.
There arc no restrictions as to form and contest.

Closes May 25
Seniors who have joined the Association may compete.

Inquire at Alumni Office

gar Company, is in Alhcrqucrquc, New
Mexico, address 1419 East Tijcras Ave.
Immediately after graduating Robert
B. Hunt accepted a position with the
C. N. O. & T. P. Railway and in DeBe on the lookout,
alumni I The cember, 1902, entered the drafting deWildcat is about to spring!
partment of the Florida East Coast
Railway. He is now a mechanical en'91
gineer with that company, at St. AugK
The class secretary is Professor V. ustine, Florida, P. O. Box 134.
Class Day on Monday, June 12, the
Gridiron dinner and the senior ball E. Muncy, who is dean of the School
will open Commencement week. The of Mechanics and Electricity, Ohio
W. E. Pulvcrman entered the emprogram for Alumni Day, June 12, has Mechanics Institute, Cincinnati, Ohio
not been finally completed. A meeting Address the Brittany, No. 104 West ploy of the B. F. Sturtcvant Co. soon
after graduating and remained with
of the Executive Committee Monday Ninth street.
them until April, 1904, then entering
will determine the details finally.
the employ of the Cole Engineering
The classes whose numerals end in
Richard Charles Stoll received his Company. In 1912 he accepted the
8 or 3 will hold their quinquennial reunions, also the class of '20. The A. B. degree at the University in '95 position as chief engineer with the B.
largest attendance since the Golden and completed his law course at Yale G. Carpenter Company, Wilkes Barre,
Jublicc of the University is expected. in '97. In 1913 the honorary degree Penna., and remained there until 1922,
There will be one or more special cer- LL.D. was conferred on him by the when he opened an office in his own
emonies in connection with the new University in recognition of service name, W. E. Pulvcrman Company,
to his Alma Mater. He was appoint- contracting engineers, 610 South Main
ed on the Board of Trustees by Gover- Street, Wilkes Barre, Penna.
nor BradK y in 1898 for a
R. E. Moorman was for many years
Work on History.
of all alumni is In 1908 he was again appointed' by with the Glcndeanc Loose Leaf ToThe
sought in the collection of historical Covernor Wilson for six years and re- bacco Company, at Glendeane, Ky.
data on the University and its for appointed by Governor McCreary in Since 1920 he has been connected with
Pertinent newspaper 1914. At the end of four years there the American obacco Company, at
mer students.
of the Board of Owensboro, Ky. Address 817 Fred-eric- a
clippings, news and editorial, will form was a
a valuable part of this record. Signifi- trustees to admit alumni trustees. Mr.
cant comments should be forwarded Stoll was then chairman of the ExecuMothers' Day is past but Alma
to the Alumni Secretary whether fa- tive Committee and still holds that
post. Governor Stanley reappointed Mater's day is approaching
vorable or unfavorable in tone.
has been him another six years, his term expir
Considerable progress
made already in the compilation of ing in 1924. Mr. Stoll has been acsuch data. Much more must be done, tivity connected with every movement
Frank Y. Johnson, formerly with the
however, to make the record complete, for the betterment of the University Youngstown Sheet & Tube Company,
since his first appointment.
He has Youngstown, Ohio, is now at Struth-crbuilt up an excellent law practice in
Ohio, address 3920 Fourth street.
Lexirgton and is now circuit judge in
Homer Puckett received his B. C. E.
Lexington Club Will Open Drive for Faytt county. His offices are at 605 in '04 and C. E. degree in '08. He was
CU ? Ni tional Bank Building, Lexing
Stadiumj June 18.
with the Interstate Commerce Commission for several years and afterPlans for the Lexington drive, of ton, Kentucky.
wards with the Illinois Central Railthe Greater Kentucky campaign were
May 23 is the day to watch for the road. During the World War he servdiscussed at the regular monthly meeting of the Lexington Alumni Club at postman. Great news for the alumni ed his country as Captain, engineering
corps. Since 1920 he has heen with
the Lafayette hotel Saturday.
Company, 506 W.
the Mueller-MetznW. C. Wilson '13, will be campaign
Thomas L.. Campbell is acting class Jefferson street, Louisville, Ky. Our
chairman. His associates will be announced in the next few days. The secretary. After receiving his A. B. record show that his record as a condrive will be inaugurated with a din- here in '98, he studied law at the Uni tinuously active member of the Alumni
ner for the workers on the evening of versity of Michigan, receiving his LL. Association is clear and he is also an
B. in '01. He has practiced
law in active member of the Louisville AlumJune 18.
Announcement of initial gifts, the Memphis, Tenn., for many years and ni Club.
larger contributions, will be made at has offices now at 306 Union & Planters
Mr. Wilson expects Bank Bldg.
A card from Professor H. C. WilCharles Roy Wright, who received
to have 160 workers covering Lexington and Fayette county. Headquarters son, who has been teaching at Tren- a B. C. E. at the University in '05, and
have already been opened at the Phoe- ton, Ky., asks that his Kernel be mail- was for several years on the "lost" list,
ed to General Delivery, Lexington, Ky. is practicing medicine at Somerset,
nix Hotel on the mezzanine floor.
Dr. Wright is an active
A feature of the meeting Saturday
member of the Pulaski County Alumni
was an address by Col. Robert A. Bur"On a recent visit to Cape Town, I Club and of the general Association.
of Danville.
was entertained by O. B. Chisholm,
Mrs. S. L. Dorsey (Ruth Mitchell
'09, and his carming wife, formerly Bryan) is living at 424 East Maxwell
Vote For Trustees.
Miss Baldwin, of Paris, Ky. He has Street. Mr. Dorsey still finds time to
Ballots for the election of an alumni
gotten on wonderfully with the United pursue some studies at the University
trustee will be sent out in June from
Tobacco Company, of South Africa. and is numbered among the loyal supthe office of Wellington Patrick, secAlthough they appear to be fixtures porters of the institution. They have
retary of the Board.
here, I believe they still have an oc- two children the eldest John LawIn recent years this vote has been casional longing
for the old Kentucky rence Dorsey, and a daughter, Ruth
unusually light. A program formulatHome. Their address is P. O. Box Bryan Dorsey.
ed by the clubs, however, is expected
795, Cape Town, Union of South Afto make a radical change in this. The
2 5 means much to the Greater
election is to choose a successor to J.
"Probably you don't realize it but Kentucky Movement.
Irvine Lyle '96, of New York, who
there are not many weeks passing that
has been a member of the Board con
tinuously since the alumni obtained the University and the Alumni Assoprincipal theme of
James C. Nisbet was with the Derepresentation. An amendment passed ciation are not the
conversation over in South Africa. partment of State Roads and Highat ithe last session of the Legislature
When our wanderings bring us togeth- ways for several years after graduatmakes Mr. Lyle ineligible to succeed
er the question is soon asked 'Well, ing. He served as a Lieutenant in the
being a
of Ken
what is the latest from old U. K.?' engineering corps during the Worlc
Much opposition to this amendment Then we have a review of old times War. After his return to civilian life
developed during the, last three days of and prophessy great things for the old he maintained a civil and mining enUniversity.
gineering office first at Madisonville,
the legislative session. There has been
"My address in future will be care Ky., and then at New Orleans, La. He
talk of its repeal next January,
of Transvaal University College, Pre- is now assistant engineer with James
toria, South Africa. My position is W. Billingsley (consulting engineer of
Come on, Wildcat!
Chief, Tobacco and Cotton Division, New Orleans) and is at present locatUnion of South Africa and Director of ed at Homer, Louisiana.
the Cotton Institute, Transvaal University College." W. II. Scherffius.
Louise Marie Kornfeld has been
You'll hear a lot about this teaching in the Louisville public
in the next month.
schools ever since graduating and is
now instructor in Latin and English
Russell E. Travis, ex-- , who has been
in the Girls' High School. Her ad'01
located at Tulsa, Oklahoma with the
Rainbow Oil Company, is now at
Leon O. Beatty, who is research dress is 1236 S. Floyd St., Louisville,
Claremore, Okla.
chemist witli the Great Western Su- - Ky.

is with Snow
J. Pope Kclley
den it McSwecney Company, Breckin
ridge, Texas.







Betwixt Us



Sarah M. Carter, a life member of
the Alumni Association, is living at
334 South Limestone Street, Lexington, Ky.
James M. Wilson, who received his
B. C. E. in '08 and his C. E. degree in
Ml, has been connected with the SouthBoard of Foreign
ern Presbyterian
Missions for several years. His address is Hangchow Christian College,
Like nearly all
Hankschow, China.
other alumni in foreign lands, he is a
member of the Alumni Association
and an interested reader of the Kernel.

in 1914, Edgar II. Hollau remained
another year at the Experiment Station
as Assistant Chemist in the Feed Department. He then was in the U. S.
Department of Agriculture at Washington, D. G, for about a year, leaving there to enter the employ of the
E. I. du Pont tic Nemours Company
in their research laboratory.
He is
now with that company at Ncwburgh,
N. Y. Address 15 Bush Avenue.

Samuel E. Love, for some time on
the "lost" list, is practicing law in
Huntington, W. Va., with offices in
the First National Bank Building, according to his classmate, Ira M. Nick-el- l,
who was a recent visitor on the
campus. Mr. Nickel! is president of
the Huntington
Alumni Club and
chairman of the State organization of
Alumni in the Stadium and allied interests campaign. He is most enthusiastic over the prospect of building toKentucky."
ward a "Greater
Nickcll has law offices in the
Building, Hutiugton, W. Va.,
address p. o. box 301.
"Please credit enclosed four dollars
to my account for the balance of this'
and next year. Great work the alumni
arc doing. Best 'o luck and keep it
up." Dave P. Campbell, secretary,
Lewis Implement and 'Seed Company,
315 W. Main Street, Louisville, Ky.

Robert S. Haff received his B. C. E.
degree at the University of Kentucky
in '09 and C. E. degree in '15. For several years he was in the engineering
department of the C. B. & Q. Railway
with headquarters in St. Louis, Mo.
Since 1921 he has been manager of
An item appearing recently in the
the West Frankfort Lumber Company, State Journal read, "Mr. John T.
West Frankfort, 111., p. o. box 398.
Hobcn, of Hardinsburg,
the engagement of his daughter,
Claudia Hobcn, to Mr. Russell
Wallace A. Gastincau is with the F. Albert, of this city. No date has
Midles-borPharmacy, 210 Ashberry been set for the wedding." Mr. Albert
Avenue, Middlesboro, Ky., residence is with the Department of State Roads
address 115 Ironwood Road. He is
and Highways, Frankfort, Ky.
member of the Bell County Alumni
Malcolm McCoy has been located,
farming near Owingsville, Ky., address
receiving his B. C. E. in 1910. R. R. He is quite prominent in local
Harry A. Nelson accepted a position affairs.
as civil engineer with the Interstate
Commerce Commsision, afterwards
working in the Division of Valuation
James Jackson Hume, who has been
He is now with the Chicago. Railway chief engineer with the Liberty Coal
Terminal Commission, Room 500, 140 and Coke Company at Straight Creek,
N. Doarlborn St.. Chicago, 111.
Ky., is now with the
Coal Corporation at Sassafras, Knott
county, Ky.
After receiving his B. S. in Agricul
E. F. Ellzey, who was a research
in 1911, A. C. Ball remained with chemist with the E. I. du
Pon de Nethe Experiment Station as Assistant mours Company, at Wilmington, Del.,
Dairy an Poultry Agent until 1915. He is manufacturing chemist for the Nathen accepted employment with the tional Aniline & Chemical Company,
Land and Industrial Department of 351 Abbott Road, Buffalo, N. Y. Resthe Southern Railway Company with idence address 298 Highland Ave.
headquarters at St. Louis, Mo. He re
turned to Kentucky and for a while
was connected with the Sugar Creek
Karl W. Goosman, who was with
Creamery Company at Louisville. He the Westinghouse Electric & Manufacit now farmer and breeder of pure turing Company, since April, 1922, has
bred livestock near Paris, Kentucky, been connected with the New Business
address route No. 4. Mr. Ball is one Department, Penn Public Service Corof the "regulars" on the honor roll of poration, Clearfield, Penna.
the Alumni Association.




Virginia T. Graham, who is an inShirley Dean Saunders received his structor in the Physchology LaborB. M. E. degree in 1912 and E. E. de- atory, University of California, asks
gree in 1916. He went with the West that her Kernel be sent to 3109 Colern Electric Company, of Chicago, 111., lege Avenue, Berkeley, Calif.
immediately after graduating and is
now engineer, telephone power plant,
with them. He is living at 126 N
E. G. Godbey has, for the last three
Stone Avenue, LaGrange, 111.
years, been Assistant
Professor of
A. S. Winston returned to his home Animal Husbandry at Clemson Agriat Sturgis, Ky., after graduating and cultural College,
Clemson College,
went into business which has been South Carolina.
uniterrupted except for the period he
Wm. Mason Wallace, Jr., is sales
served his country during the World engineer with the Charles Hartmann
Company, 985 Dean Street, Brooklyn,
N. Y. Residence address 479 Frank13
lin Avenue.
Logan graduated
Lulie Elizabeth
(Continued on Page 7)
first at Sayre College and then received an A. B. in English in 1913 at the
University of Kentucky.
She later
took special work in Home EconomONE YEAR $2.00.
ics and since 1977 has been in the exHerbert Graham,
tension work of the College of AgSecretary.
riculture. She is now District Home
Agent. She served
three years on the Executive CommitTHE
tee of the Alumni Association and has
always been active in alumni affairs.
FOR 1923
She is a life member of the Association. Her address is Leestown Pike,
Students who wish to submit poems
Lexington, Ky.
for possible inclusion in this year's
Do you want to see your University College Anthology (THE POETS OF
take front rank among the leading THE FUTURE, Volume VII) are
State Universities of the United States? requested to send their contributions
not later than May 15th to
The Stratford Company, Publishers,
Boylston St., Boston, Mass.
After receiving his B. . in chemistry . .


2J4-24- 0



Omega Rho Entertains
Sunday afternoon, May 13, from 4
to 6 oo'clock, Dr. and Mrs. P. K.
Holmes entertained the Omega Rlio
fraternity delightfully at their home in
Roscmont Garden. Mrs. Lipscomb
sang several beautiful selections, accompanied by Mrs. DacrdorfT. Delicious refreshments
were served to
Mcsdamcs DcardorfT, F. T. McFar-lanHarland Scarborough, W. M.
Lipscomb, L. J. Horlockcr, 12. A. Bureau, Miss Ford, of Frankfort, Ky.;
Misses Lilly Hohl, Amlinc Thompson,
Lois Heath, Mary Graves, Edith Rowland, Cclla Taylor,, Elizabeth Miller,
Marie Collivcr, Virginia
Kathcrinc Cave, Ann Gormlcy, Mary
McAllister, Alice Bureau and Prof.
E. A. Bureau.

William Hickey, Julian Beard, Albert

Pi Sigma Alpha Initiates
Delta chapter of Pi Sigma Alpha,
political science fraternity of the University, held initiation ccrcmoii'es at
the Lafayette hotel, Thursday, followed by a dinner in honor of the
new members.
The guests of honor included Dr. F.
L. McVcy and Dr. Edvvart' Tuthill,
honorary members of the organization; Dr. J. C. Jones, instructor in
political science, and Mrs. Jones and
the initiates, Misses Kathcrinc Hodge,
Minnie Benton Peterson, Frances Rcn-icMessrs. George
Ruth Tucker,
Kavanaugh and Givens Martin. Dr.
Tuthill made the speech of the evening.
The hosts, who were the charter
Tri Delt Tea
members of Delta chapter, which was
The Delta Rho chapter of Delta Rho installed this year, are A. V. McRcc,
fraternity of the University of Ken- Miss Ann Hickman, Mr. J. C. Mcrz,
tucky cntertaine with a delightful tea Miss Sarah Blanding, Mr. Roscoe
Sunday afternoon at the home of
and Lottie Mae Rogers, on E.
Main street, in honor of Mrs. W. M.
Hudson, of Grecncastlc, Ind., grand
president of the fraternity.
A number of girls from the student
body and alumnae members of the local chapter were the other guests for
the occasion. The hosts were Rogers,
Pauline Park, Kitty Conroy, Helen
Christine Gearhart, Marie
Beckner, Gene Ward, Alice Cherry,
Elizabeth Lilleston, Elizabeth Moorman, Genevieve Kelley and Edna




Page Three

Cross, Miss Isabel Bennett, Mr. Sidney M. E. Pirkcy, of Louisville, will be
Ncal, Miss Anna Louise Connor, Mr. grand marshal.
James Darnell and Miss Mabel Ruth
Approximately 250 guests arc exCoatcs.
pected to cooinc from all of the active
chapters and from the alumni. DeleWoman's Club of U. K.
gates will ibe here to represent the
The Women's Club of the Univer- States of California, Michigan, New
sity of Kentucky met Friday afternoon York, Massachusetts, Illinois, Indiana,
for the last meeting of the year with Ohio, Maryland, Alabama, Georgia,
Mrs. Thomas P. Cooper on the
Wisconsin, Iowa, Washington, Orepike. The officers for the new gon, Missouri, Minnesota, Oklahoma
year were installed an a beautiful pro- and from Toronto, Canada.
gram of music was presented. Mrs.
Many interesting
L. L. Dantzler and Mrs. William have been planned for the guests by
Hansen each sang a group of songs in the entertaining
chapter, Epsilon,
a most delightful manner and Mrs. among them a barge party, a dance
Hudson gave two splendid piano num- and a banquet, a trip to Shakcrtown
bers. Lovely refreshments were serv- and a trip thru the Blue Grass, to
ed by the hosts, Mrs. Cooper, Miss which the various men's clubs of the
Frances Jewell, Mrs. D. J. Hcaly, Mrs. city will be hosts.
E. F. Farquhar, Mrs. Ezra Gillis and
The delegates will make their headMrs. Edward Terrell.
quarters at the Phoenix Iitocl while
in the city, heir mornings will be deAlpha Gamma Delta Here in July
voted to business and their afternoons
The ninth biennial convention of and evenings to pleasure.
the Alpha Gamma Delta fraternity will
be held in Lexington from July 5 to
11. The meeting will be presided over
All applications
by Miss Louise Leonard, of Syracuse,
N. Y., who is grand president.
Mrs. men for rooms in the Men's Dormi

tory at the University of Kentucky
must be made by Saturday, May 26,
1923 in order to comply with the law
frc roomo for
A. C.


Supt. Bldg.



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The members of Sigma Beta Upsilon
fraternity of the University observed
Mothers' ay with a lovely tea for all
the mothers of members of the chapter, from 3 to 6 o'clock at the chapter
house on Harrison avenue.
' Delta tihi Dance
The chapter of the Delta Chi fraentertained
ternity f the University
with an attractive informal ance at
their chapter house on South Limestone street Saturday evening. The
house was elaborately decorated with
streamers of the fraternity in colors
of red and buff.
Punch and cakes
were served. The Night "Riders' orchestra from Kansas City, furnished
the music.
The hosts were the active members:
Hayncs Barr, Samuel Martin, William
Worthington, James Cammack, Ryan
Ringo, William Shclton, Colvin
Harry Chitsey, Bocn Nelson,
Ray Arnold, Paul Rouse, Harry Hoffman, Louis Riddell, Joseph Johnson,
I.. Jay Miller, Jr., Cedric Knickerbocker, Elwood Farra, A. W. Thompson,
P. K. Stewart, Curtis Saunders, Her-de- n
Wolfe, Pat Farra, Carrol Carter,
J. W. Picrson, Jr., R. W. Daniels, David McEntyre, Percy Beard, William
Kendall, John Elkins, Eugene Cochran, B. S. Taylor, Winifred Blackburn, Robert Embry, Leville Wilhoit,
F. T. Muuford, and the pledges, Edward Goodson and Harry Lykins.
The Chaperones were: Dr. and
Mrs. Tuttle, Miss Marguerite McLaughlin, Dean and Mrs. Boyd, and
Professor and Mrs. W. E. Nichols.
The invited guests were: Virginia
Kcl'cy, Mary Elizabeth Crafton, Louise Potter, Lurlene Bronaugh, Maria
McElvoy, Lillian Mitchell, Mildred
Cowgill, Lucille Arnold,, Joelyn Webb,
Loraine Monroe, Annelle Kelley, Martha Dunn, Frances Stahl, Anne May
Risen, Marie Beckner, Frances Hogg,1
A: n Hickman, Charlscy Smith, Dona
Luttr'ell, Lucy Whitworth, Grace Davis, Caroline Nicholas, Margaret Lavin,
Mary Colvin, Helen Arthur, Margaret
Treacy, Dorothy Lewis, Louise Atkins,
Ripy, Leslie
Lucille Vice, Frances
Worthington, Katherinc Evans, Kitty
Conroy; Messrs. Levin McCarthy,
Natt Hall, Charles Blocker, Mark
George Patrick,
Cross, Edwar Martin, Emmet t
Otis Jones, Snced Yeagin-- , Win.
Embry, Joe Walters, Lsonanl Treacy,
homas Williamson, Roland Roberts,
James McFarland, Jr., Thomas Uallan-tinStanley Griffith, Dick Lambert,
Daw Smith, Del Ramsey,
Snoddy, James Ki