xt7wh707xd3s https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7wh707xd3s/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky 1926-09-nov12-ec. minutes English University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1926-09-nov12-ec. text Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1926-09-nov12-ec. 1926 1926-09-nov12-ec. 2011 true xt7wh707xd3s section xt7wh707xd3s 

    1linutes of the regular monthly Meeti ng of the Executive
Corzittee of the Board of Trustees, UniversItxy of Kentucky,
Friday, November 12, 1926.

     The Executive Cormittee of the Board of Trustees of th-e
University of Kentucky met in regular monthly session in the
office of President HfcVey, Friday, November 12, 1926, at 1l:30
a. Yn.  The following members were piesent! Judge R. 0. Stoll,
Judge Robert Ci Gordon, Senator tr. 1ff. Froman and 1r. Frank

     The minutes of the previous meeting of the Executive Com;-
imittee were approved as published.

     The minutes of the Board of Trustees for its mnepting on
September 28, 1926, were,upon motion, duly seconded and adopted
as the minutes of the Executive Committee for its imeeting on
November 12, 1926.   (This action was taken because of the
fact that there was not a quorum present at the nieeting on
Septemboer 28, 1926).

     1. Report of the Business Agent. The report of the Bus-
iness Agent was read Zad ordered incorporated in the minutes,
The report was as follows:

                                                EXHUBIT "tB"

           Statement of Income ancd Expenditures
                   Honth of -Tctober 1926

                               Previously    Current     Yea
                               .e-oorted    Month       To Date

General Fund Income
  Federal Appropriation
  State Appro. - Girls' Dorm.
  State Tax
  Interest on Endowment Bonds
  Student Fees
  Student Fees - Summer School
  Student Fees - Veterans Bur.
  Student Fees - Univ. H. S.
  Studeat Fees   Univ. Exten;
  M.iscellaneous Receipts


101, 201.78

  1, 137.06
    651. 61

  l 369.15


(6.00)  4,108.00

Tot al

2783, 118 14- 104.4  M73. 08  ,5T_

  Administration Expense
  Addi'tions =-n.d Bett-erments

119,131. 60
42,877. 22
88,431 34

24, 845.78

364,176. 66

Excess of Income over Ex-

Patterson Hall Inco ie
  Room Rent - Sumner School

Exnendi tures
  Additions and Betterments
  Excess of Income over 7:x-

General Fund InLco.me
General Fund Expenditures

Excess of General Fund Income
over Expenditures.

Exodse of Receiptus over Ex-
penditures f or General Ledger

Excess of Receipts over Exx-
penditures for the Fiscal
Year to Date - General Fund

27,677.98  (9,263. 42) 18, 414. 56

14,2 15.00
 3,443. 50
 17,678. 86

1, OU. 50  15,266.50
               20. 36
     ____  3,443.50
   18 5,   18 730-.36

4,356. 65  3, 786,13
   500.00      70.90
4,856, 65  3,857. 03

12,822.21  (2, 805. 53)

8,142. 78
   570. 90
8, 713. 68

10,016. 68

295,797,00 105,524.58 401,321.58
255,296.81 117.593.53 372,890.34

40, 500.19 (12,068.95)

28,431. 24

50, 175.04 (19,246,.54)

90, 675. 23 (31, 315.49 )

Excess of Receiiis over Ex-
penditures for the Fiscal
Year to Date - General Fu::
Cash in Bank July 1, 1926 -
General Fund

Cash in Bank October 31, 1926
General Fund



Cr- 845..54





Trust Fund Income
  Student Loar, R)und
  Studont Notes Paid
         Total Receiots

  Student Notes

  Excess of Expenditures over

Excess of Expenditures over
  Receipts for the Fiscal Year
  to Date - Trust Fund
  Cash in Bank July 1,.1926,
  Trust Fund
  Cash in Bank October 31, 1926

  104.00    50.50
1,684.00  977.00
4788.0-t 1,027.5

   32.98  (259.24)

Trust Fund

2, 331.73

  154. 50  
2, 661.00

(226  26)

(226. 26)


Experiment Station Incomo
Hatch - Federal Appropriation
Milk and Butter - Cash Receipts
Beif Cattle Sales
Dairy Cattle Sales
Sheep Sales
Swine Sales
Poultry Sales
Farm Produce Sales
Horticultural Sales
Seed Test
Miscellaneous Receipts
Fertilizer - Fees
Public Service - Hiscellaneous
Feeding Stuffs - Fees
Adams - Federal Appxopriation
Serum.- Sales
       - Virus Sales
       - Supply Sales
   t - ~Miscellaneous
 Croamery - License Fees
   n _ Testers Licenses
       G Glassware Tested
Pulnell - Federal Appropriation
State Appropriation - Patterson
  Farm Purchase

3,750.00    3, 750.00  7,500. 00
3,123,70-   1,161.22  4,284.98
  734.02                 734,02
  435.00       78.85     513.9S5
  112.05      253.21     365.'26
               935.50   1,027.45
1 017.83      240.28   1,258.11
1,800.44      205.31   2,005.75
   792975      489.35   1,282.10
   12 00       24.00      36.00
   441.00      285,67     726.67
 2,188.88       40.12   2,229.00
 6,671.25    1, 980.00  8,651.25
     5 50                   5.50
10,635.21    5,194.57 15,829.78
3,750.00    3,750.00  7,500.00
1,427.61    1,3238.00  2,665.61
    69,85       31.70     101.55
    18.60       31.70      50. 33
    2.27       16.00      18.27
 4,240.00-      76.00   4, 316.00
   828,00       96.00     924.00
   174.06       84.11     258. 17
 7,500.00    7,500.00  15,000.00

 25,000.00_             25 000.00
 74,822.03   7-, 461. 59 1 0 2  6






Excess of Expendiitures
  over Incorae

Zt:cess o- Exnendi tures
over Income for the
Fiscal Yea.r ,'o Date -
E-cperizient , Station
0C8sh in Bank Julyr 1, 1926
Expcriniien' S--ation
Cashn in Bank Octovber 31,
1926 - Ennerir.ent Sta-
ti on

Exctension Division Incorne
  Federal Sriith-Lever
  Fe .eral Supol emnt-ax y
  County and Ot her
           Totg al

E::pendi Cures

  2Vxcess of Expenditures
  Over In cc;.-;e



25,933. 68

(5,7730. 83)

73, 1 20. 65
22, 550. 43
  ' 758.75
100,41 29. 83




100, 84=6.8-6


(27,628.73)  (5,030.74)

Excess of EXoe-nditu-"es over
Incomle for the Fiscal Year
to Date - Extension Division
Case in Bank July 1, 1926 -
:,.xtension Division
Casl- in Bank October 31, 1923 -
E:..ension Div. ision


3, .777. .49


   General Fund. Incone
   Trus' Fund Incom:le
   ]xpe i .ent Station I-cr.e
   :Xv 0.1 sioI' Div. I-cc:mzo
            i C av l-, 1

   Gencral FunO. .,xpenditures
   Trust Fus. Ep cin c'.., oUr
     3t; a~,-i.on  t')on:SS'tUrs
     Z~tonsioi  Div. Zx.

    170. 02
 74, 822.03
 100 29. 86

    104. 00
101,858. 51
77 831. 87
35,9031. 19


117, 593.53
 185, 779.38

4-01, 321.58
   - 257.51
102,283. 62
100 8;43.8e
604, 709S-.57

372,3890. 34
105 377 60
61231 70.57

(4,628.03) (31,664.51)



ExocesS of Exrendi tures
over Incone

Ixcess of Recei-ts over
Expendi tures for Gen-
er.al Ledger Accounts

S tudent Loan Fund - NCtes


50, 175.04

   (33. 64)




(8, S1.. 00

30, 928.50

  (329 . 27 )

Excess of Receipts over Ex-
penditures for the Fiscal
Year to Date - Co:,.fbined

8S, 269. 72


Excess of Receipts over Ex-
penditures for t'he Fiscal
Year to Date - Combined
Cash in Bank and on Hand July
1, 1926 - Com fbined Fund.
Cash in Bank and on Hand October
30, 1926 - Com.ibined Fund

Abos'tract of It-em Sho'm on Statement
of Income and. Expendit-ures as "Excess
of Receipts over Expendiitures for
General Ledger Accounts $30,928.50. "


Accounts Receivable

Insurance Paid in Advance

Sundry Accounts




2, 186. 62


33, 115.,12





5, 158.51

27, 596..74



     2. ReDort of tI'de Greater Kentucky Campaign.  The follow-
ing repot from. the Business Agent woith reference to the Greater
Kentucky Campaign was read and ordered incorporated in the minutes.
The report was as follows:

        Report of Croater Kentucky Campaign Fund
               as of NovemSber 1, 1926


Borrowed from Louis des Cognets Coompany
3orrowved from liemorial Building Fund
Collections on pledges received by D. H. Peak

$30, 000.00


Cold Checks
Student Loan Fund
Patterson Memorial Fund
lleimorial Bldg. Fund No-es
Louis des Cognets Notes

102S, 265.65

-  653907

Balance on Louis des Cognets Notes to University of Kentucky,
421,500.00; on Ier.morial Bulilding Fund Notes $29,000.00 and ac-
crued interest.

                                           D. H. Peak
                                           Business Agent
                                           University of Kentucky

     3. Repair of the Presidentfs House.   Upon giotion, duly raade
and seconded, it was ordered that authority be given to paint
the President's house anid to do some repapering.  The total cost
of papering and painting was estimated at $800.00.

     4. Emergency Fund for Isolation of Sick              M Uotion
was made, seconded and carried thla. an emergency fund of $200
'e made available for use of the Department of Hygiene and Public
dealth for use in case of any epideraic in the University.


     5. Tags for Experiment Station. A stateamnt was presentod
from Thonas P. Cooper saying thait it frequently happens w,,hen
printing tags that there are shortages in shipments, making it
necessary for the Zxpc5iinent Station to procure a small number
to meet the imergency.  Upon motion, duly seconded, the Ex-
periment Station was authorized tt raeet such emergencies but
the Comnittee requested that arrangements regarding such prac-
tices be made with the State Purchasing Agent.

     6. Fraternity House Mothers.  A delegation of twelve men
from the Pn-HellenlTcAssociation appeared before the Ezxecutive
Committee to discuss the matter of the requirement of the Board
that the fraternities have house mothers, effective September
1 1927. They presented a statement to the Committee setting
forth the financial burden of installing baths, paying salaries
of house mothers and providing rooms for them if such a plan
were installed.   The Executive Cormittee took the matter under
advisement and passed the following motion:  (1) That final
action regarding house mothers will be deferred until the meet-
ing of the Executive Committee in Mlay, 1927.  (2) That in the
next ten days the President of the University should. provide
detailed suggestions for the fraternities and that they would
be asked to -crry out tlhese suggestions.   It was indicated
that, if the suggestions of the President and the Board of
Trustees are observed and carried out in a manner that will
be satisfactory, the requirement for house mothers will be

     7. Boundary Dispute at the Robinson Experiment Substation.
In order to complete the boundary lines of the Robertson Ex-
periment Station, authority was given to purchase from Mr. Clay
Watkins one hundred acres of land for $75O.OO to settle a
boundary dispute at the Robinson Experiment Substation. Motion
was made, seconded and carried authorizing the purchase provided
the title is sati.:Eactory.

      8. Installation of Water at the Princeton Experiment Sub-
station. A communication woas read from Dean Thomas P. Cooper
regarding the great difficulty having arisen in securing a water
supply at the Princeton Experiment Substation.   Motion was
made, seconded and carried authorizing the installation of a
three-inoh pipe line leading from the City of Princeton to the
station at an approximate cost of $2500o.

      9. Poultry Plant for Experiment Station,   Motion was made,
 seconded and c arried authoritng the construction of a new
 poultry plant for the Experiment Station on the land recently
 purchas ed.




     10. Band Unilormis.  President !IcVey reported to the
Executive Committee that uniforms had been provided for the
band wvit h the un.erstanCing that such uniforms were to be
purchased. by the studentrs azcd thaaca eaci perscn nurchasing a
uniform shall durinS his senior year be reimbursed for the

     11. Building Plans. President 'cVey re':zrtod to t..'e Board
that he was malk-ing progress on the matter of a plan for the
campus and Lor the location of a liborary building.  He indi-
cated thatn he had studied the a ituation of libraries at a
num'ber of universities uilich he visited during the sum1mer.

     12. Wdndt Forge Shcp for the Engincering Colleg.  President
McVey reported that thre  uilding f or the :orgu shlo-p was
about completed and that .11r. Henry Trendt of Buffalo, NeW York,
was giving the equipment to tIrhe University to be installed in
the shop.   Motion was made, seconded and carried that the
shop be namted in honor of 1.U1r. 'Jendt.

     13. Deposit for Keys. A communication was re-ad fromn !ir.
Orutcaler, Suoerintendcnt of Buildings and Grounds, rocornrnonding
that each individual at t'.-e University be required to m..alake a
deoposit oLf $1.00 for a key in order to prevent loss and con-
siderable trou'ble incident to the method 6f distributing keys.
The matter was discussed and referred to President dcVey with
polver to act.

     14. Machineoy for Dcpartment of Buildings and Grounds.
A communication was read from M711r. Crutcher requsting authority
to spend $300.00 for the purchase of a cabinet and also for
authority to purchase a sanding machine for floors.   The mnatt er
was discussed and motion was r:madc, seconded and adoDted that
the purchase of these iteems be deferred until the next budget
is available.

     15. Van Deren. Hardrar_ Clomrny's PRequest for Interest on1
Their Account. A communication Was read f rom thc Van Doren
Hardware Company stating that they should have interest   il nthe
open account which they had rith the Universilty for the supply
of hardware to the Basket Ball Building.   Liasrmuch as the matter
has been in the courts the Executive Cor:mittce thought it best
to consult an attorney and authorized Presidernt I.McVey to take
the matter up with 11r. Polhan Johnstlon.



     16. Purchasing a Regimontal Flag.  A coymiunicvtion was
road from Colonel Hobbs rca.csting authority to purchase a
regir.iental flag to cost an.c-roximately 5:250.00.  M1otion was
mtad'.e, seconded and carried referring the matter to President
McVcy with power to act.

     17. Appointments, Resignations and Leaves ox Absences.
The following list of appointr1ments, resignations and leaves of
absence was recommended by President M.IcVey and, upon motion,
duly seconded, approved as recommended.

     Appointment of Miss Helen Kiefer as student assistant
in zoology at asalary of -P200&00 for the year, appointment to
be effective Sentember 1, 1926.

     ADpointment of 'MrA C. A. Poole as student assistant for
nine months beginning October 1, 1923, at a salary of $30.00
a month.

     Appointment of Mliss Curtis Buehler as stenographer in the
Registrar's office at a salary of $85,00 a month, beginning
November 1, 1926.

     Appointment of M1iss Jane Shackelford, technician, -epartment
of Pubflic Healt-h and Hygiene,for the remainder of year at a
salary of $130.00 per month, effective w,.?hen she reports for duty.

     Appointment of 1.J:e Thompson as assistant coach in
football for the 1926 season at a salary of $500pf

     Appoint ment of Mr. Clement D. Veler as instructor in
chemistry at the rate of $1600.00 per year on a ten-months
basis. Appointment is effective October 1, 1926, for a period
of nine months.

     Appointment of 'Miss Mary Potts as clerk in the Experiment
Station, effective October 1, 1926, at a salary of $80.00 a
month, half time to be devoted to the Creamery License Section
and the other half to the Department of M.arkets, and Rural Finance.

     Appointment of fir. B. P. Ramsay as graduate assistant in
English at a salary of $540.00 for the year, beginning October
1, 1926.  This statement corrects statement made in Minutes
of Executive Committee September 28, 1923, regarding Mr. Ramsay's

     Appointment of Ottr. J. Ed. Parker, Assistant County Agent
in Owen County, Kentucky, at a salary of $125.O0 a month from
September 1, 1926, to December 31, 1926.

     Resignation of Miss Frances Xriegel as stenographer in t Le
Registrar's office, effective October 30, 1926.



     Resignation olf Er. B. P. Ramsay as student assistant in

     Resignation of Miss Mildred A. Schneiderhan as technician
in the Department of Public Health and Hygiene, effective
November 1, 1926.

     Resignation of Mi'ss Glarys -!addell, home demonstration
agent in Lee County, to become effective October 10, 1926.

     Resignation of fir. Homer J. Kline, county agent in Hardin
County, to become effective December 15, 1926.

     Resignation of Miss Nellie A. G-ard, assistant professor
of home economics.

     It was reported that Sergeant John J. Kennedy, instructor
in military science, had made application for an honorable dis-
charge from the Army. -This was granted to Sergeant Kennedy.

     Indefinite leave of absence, W7ithout pay, was granted to
Mrs. Ruby M'.'urphy, stonogranher in the Extension Department, ef-
fective December 15, 1926.

    18. Appointment of Auditing Committee for Experiment
Station.   Upon motion dulle seconded and c arried the following
persons were appointed to audit the books of the Experiment',
Station: and EBxtension Division:

                  Senator H. H. Froman
                  I.r. Frank McKee

     19. Gift of Lar Books b' Judgze Humphrey.  The President
announced to the Committee t'hat Judge Alex Humphrey, of Louis-
ville, had. made a gift to the Law Library of a collection of
2nglishi law books.  A motion was made, seconded and carried
that the gift be accepted and that an appropriate note of
thanks be sent, to Judge Humphrey.

                             Respectfully submitted,

                                 Wellington Patrick, Secretary
                                 Board of Trustees