xt7wh707xd1m https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7wh707xd1m/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky 1943-04-apr6. minutes English University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1943-04-apr6. text Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1943-04-apr6. 1943 1943-04-apr6. 2011 true xt7wh707xd1m section xt7wh707xd1m 



     Minutes of the Meeting of the Boari of Truwtees ot the Uni-
versity of Kentucky, April 6, 1943.

     The Board of Trustees of the University of Kentucky met in
President Donovan's office at 10:00 a.m. Tuesday, April 6, 1943i
The following members were present: Governor Keen Johnson, Judge
Richard C. Stoll, Mrs. Paul G.Blazer, James Park, Harper Gatton}
H. D. Palmore, R. P. Hobson, H. S. Cleveland, Marshall Barnesp
.Dr. Lee Kirkpatrick and Judge Harry F.Walters*  President Ho L.
Donovan, Comptroller Frank D. Peterson, Secretary of the Board,
and Dean Thomas Cooper were also prewentv

     A6 Approval of X14utego.

                          * * * it * * * * * *

            1, Upon motion duly made and seconded, the min-
               utes of the Board of Trustees of January 12,
               1943, and the minutes of the Executive 0~wmit-
               tee of January 28 were approved as published.

     The minutes of the Executive Committee of March 30, 1943, were
read in their entirety to the Board,

             2. Upon motion duly made and seconded, the Board
                approved the minutes of the Executive Commit_
                tee of March 30, 1943, as read.
                          * * * * * * ** * *

     B. Investment 2L Iaggin Findp

     The question of investing Haggin Fund was raised and, it apo
pearing that the investment of $50,000 in United States Government
Bonds as authorized by the Executive Committee of Maroh 30, 1943,
not having been made, it was moved, secorded and unanimously
carried to rescind the action taken as of Match 30, 1943, and it is
ordered that the sum of $52,600 be invested in rea. estate.



     C. Purchase at          Property,

     The President advised the Board that Mr. C. W. Sulier, presi-
dent of the Board of Commerce, desired to come before the Board
to make a statement concerning the work of the Citizens Committee
in assisting the University in acquiring the Vevereux property on
Euclid Avenue and Adams Street.   The Board gave unanimous consent
and kr, Sulier briefly outlined to the Board the work of the Cit-
izens Committee and explained that in his Judgment it would be
necessary for the Board to increase the offer in order to arrive
at an agreement with the Devereux heirs.   The Chairman expressed
the Boardss appreciation to Mr. Sulier for the work of his Commit-
tee and expressed the desire that they might be able to bring
negotiations to a close in the next few days, whereupon Mr. Sulier
retired from the meeting.

     Mr. Hobson suggested that the matter be disposed of at this
time and made the following motion, which was seconded and unanimous-
ly carried; That unless the Devereux property can be bought for
$55,0OO.OO by 12:00 o'clock noon, April 12, 1943, the attorneys for
the University be instructed to file condemnation suit immediately.

     D. Presidents Report.


                    H. L. Donovan, President

                          April 6, 1943

Report of Committee 2f Fifteen on All University's
     Adminigt-rat1.V& Organization

     Last September (1942) the Board of Trustees authorized the
President to appoint a committee to study the administrative
organization of the University.   A Committee of Fifteen able men
and women representing every college of the University was selected
to undertake this study,   Under the chairmanship of Dean Thomas
P. Cooper, the committee has diligently examined the practices
in the best universities of the United States, and it has prepared
a report in the light of its investigations that it believes will
work effectively and efficiently to promote the educational inter-
eat of our University,   This report I have examined with great
care and I am pleased with the recommendations contained therein.



     The Committee is recommending to us a charter;  If it is
adopted by the Board, 1 believe the University can live under it
for the next half century*  The proposed plan separates adminis-
trative functions from those known as educational policy-making
functionse   It provides that the membership of the Faculty be com-
posed of both the administrator and the teacher, thereby giving
professors and administrators the opportunity to work together for
the welfare of the institution.   Special talents and abilities
of teachers can be capitalized under the proposed organization.
It will certainly stimulate professors and cause them to have a
greater interest in the University*   The plan makes the Faculty a
representative group, but through the provision for rotation in
office eventually every professor will have an opportunity to be
a member of that body.   By making the Faculty a representative
democracy, its size has been kept small enough to enable it to
transact business efficiently and without consuming too much time
as a deliberative body,

     The Committee became acquainted with the administrative pro-
cedures of America's best universities in the preparation of this
report. It has drawn freely on the experiences of the best insti-
tutions of higher education.   It has adopted some of the bettor
features of a number of our leading universities.   The proposed
organization resembles to a degree the administrative organization
of the University of Florida and Ohio State University; however, it
does not follow the exact pattern of either of these institutions.
It is a plan that fits our needs at the University of Kentucky.

     Andrew D. White*, the first president and one of the founders
of Cornell University, says In his autobiography:  "I felt that
the university, to be successful, should not depend on the life and
conduct of any one man; that every one of those called to govern
and to manage It, whether president or professor, should feel that
he had powers and responsibilities in its daily administration*
. ... . I insisted that the faculty should not be merely a com-
mittee to register the decrees of the presidents but that it should
have full legislative powers to discuss and decide university af-
fairs.   Nor did I allow it to become a body merely advisory, I
not only insisted that it should have full legislative powers,
but that it should be steadily trained in the use of them,"l

     President White, one of the greatest university presidents
of all timest in 1868 infused this spirit into Cornell University
at a time when other institutions were autocratically administered.
Today, however, this is the spirit that is to be found on the
campus of every American university that has attained a rank of
the first order,   it is a policy of this character that I think
has largely prevailed at the University of Kentucky and a spirit
I hope to see perpetuated so long as I am president of the insti.
tution.   For this reason, I am anxious to have the Board of
Trustees adopt the Committeea report for I am confident it repre-
sents the type of organization under which the University will



     The proposed plan does not greatly alter the administrative
organization of the UnLversity that was adopted by the Board in
April, 1941.

     The Department of Business Nanagament and Control under the
Comptroller has not been changed in any particular.  A few addi-
tional responsibilities have been added to the office of the Dean
of the University* The several colleges retain the maximum
amount of autonomy consistent with good university administration*
Each Dean retains as much, if not more, control over his college
than heretofore.

     The points of difference are (a) the Faculty of the University
has been enlarged so as to include professors as well as adminis-
trative officers and (b) a clear-cut line of demarcation between
administrative functions and policy-making funotions has been

     I recommend the adoption of the Report of the Committee of
Fifteen and that it become effective as of September 24, 1943,
the opening of the Fall Quarter.

                     UNIVERSITY OF KENTUCKY

            College of Agriculture and Home Economics

                 Agricultural Experiment Station
Office of the
Dean and Director

                                       March 2, 1943

     President H. L. Donovan
     University of Kentucky

     Dear President Donovan:

     On September 17, 1942, with the approval of the Board of
     Trustees, you named a Committee of 15 to make a study of
     the University's administrative organization and wreport
     its findings to the President and Board of Trustees' for
     their consideration.

     This Committee met with you for the purpose of organization
     and to discuss with you the contemplated study. Since that
     time it has held frequent meetings either of the Committee
     as a whole or Its subcommittees.  It has had the benefit
     of studies made by individiml members of the Committee and
     of the study made by Dr. Jesse E. Adams for you.



Your report to the Board of Trustees in September suggested
three approaches to the problem which you presented.    Your
primary interest Was that not only should there be a sound
administrative set-ups but that certain educational functions
and responsibilities recognized in all institutions should be
retained by a representative University Faculty. It was
with these expressions in mind and a study of the appraisal
presented by you that the Committee proceeded with the work
assigned to it.

Careful attention has been given to the suggestions made in
the report of the President to the Board of Trustees entitled
"An Appraisal of the University's Administrative Organizations
The Committee surveyed and considered in detail the experiences
of the educational institutions of first rank. It was con-
cluded that with minor changes, the suggestions in the Prep-
identsw report would provide a sound basis of organization
both from the standpoint of education and of administration.
It would also provide the mechanics to meet the problem of
promoting a cooperative democratic administration which the
President asked fore

The report of the Committee of 15, which was unanimous"y adopt-
ed and signed by each member of the Committees is transmitted
herewith. The main features of the Committee's report are:

(a) That the President of the University is the executive
officer of the institution and of all the work associated with
it and gX officio a member of all faculties.

(b) That the President at his discretion may appoint or have
appointed such temporary or standing committees of the teach-
ing, research or administrative staff as he may deem Wise,
including an advisory or administrative cabinet.

(c) That the Faculty of the University be expanded by the
addition of certain ex officio members and forty members of
the rank of assistant professor or above elected by the
professorial staff.   This body shall exercise jurisdiction
over all matters of University educational policy, but shall
have no management or administrative functions.

(d) That the University Assembly shall be continued and shall
consist of all officers, staff and employees of the Universi-

It is believed that the organization and duties proposed
will permit the University of Kentucky to function effective-
ly9   The powers, functions and responsibilities of the of-
f ice of the President are preserved    There is segregated
to administration the powers and duties that accrue to its



   The responsibility of educational policy-making ig confided
   to the University Faculty.  As great an amount of autonomy
   remains with the individual College as is Consistent with
   the most effective operation of the institution as a wholet

                                    Very truly yours,

                                 (Signed) Thomas Cooper
                                          Chairman, Committee
                                              of 15

                       TRATIVE ORGANIZATION

                           Introduet ion

     The committee's report Is submitted in the form of proposed
changes in the Gaveraing Regulatlons Jf th Univeritj published
in June, 19366 and amended by the action of the Board of Trustees
of April 1, 1941.   If adopted by the Board of Trustees, the
regulations herein presented would supplant all previous regula-
tions in the areas covered.

     There are, however, several sections of the Go2erning Aegul&-
tions of =1 University not touched upon in this report.    It will
be imperative, therefore, if these proposals are accepted, that
a study be made of the entire regulations as published and amended
with a view to insuring that there will be one complete and con-
sistent set of governing rules for the University,   If this
report is approved, it is suggested that the President proceed
Immediately to request this or a new committee to harmonize the
remaining governing regulations of the institution with the or-
ganization herein provided.

     For the convenience of those who may be concerned, the
proposals hereinafter made are summarized as follows:

    1 The objective of the proposed organization Is to make
       possible an effective formulation of basic policies
       and a clear definition of functions, in order that
       the fundamental purposes of the University of Kentucky
       may be best achieved.   These would seem to be the
       most effective instruction of all students enrolled
       and the largest possible contribution to the state in
       the form of research and public services



   2. administrative or executive functions are separated as
      completely as possible from educational policy making.

   3. All administrative and executive furnctions, including
      all budgetary, financial and business matters and in-
      c'uding the authority to suspend or otherwise abrogate
      rules in specific cases, are definitely assigned to the
      President of the University and his administrative

   4. Educational policy raaking, orn the other hand, is made the
      responsibility of the University Faculty.   This body,
      which represents an expansion of the present Faculty of
      the University, is composed of the administrative oft.
      ficials of the institution and a number of elected mem-
      bers of the instructional staff of the rank of assistant
      professor or higher.   It has seemed wise to enlarge the
      membership of the present Faculty of the University in
      order that the administration and staff may be kept in
      closer touch with each other; in order that the fullest
      advantage may be taken of the wisdom and special abilities
      of members of the instructional staff; in order to insure
      the largest amount of coordination of the various colleges
      and divisions of the institution; and in order to promote
      the most cooperative and democratic administration of the
      Univer sity.

   5, Under the proposed organization as great an amount of
      autonomy remains with the individual college as is con-
      sistent with the most effective operation of the Insti-
      tution as a whole.

    69 Provision is made for a University Assembly which shall
       consis t of all officers and employees of the institutions
       This body has no administrative or legislative powers.
       It serves as a medium of expression for all members of
       the staff, regardless of rank, and offers to the Presi-
       dent an opportunity to address all employees on matters
       of general interest.

                  T President , the University

     The President of the University is the executive officer of the
institution and of all the work associated with it, and ex officio
a member of all faculties.   As such executive officer, he shall
have full charge of the administrative activities of the University
and all deans and directors, the Comptroller, the Librarian, and ali
other subordinate officers and agents of the University shall be
subject to his supervision and direction.    He shall also serve as
the official medium of communication between the Board of Trustees,



on the one hand, and the University Faculty, administrative officers,
individual members of the staff, student organizations, and students,
on the other. He is responsible to the Board for administering the
educational and business policies of the institution, subject only
to the law* and the University rules and regulations prescribed by
the Board of TrusteesW

     The President shall call meetings of the University Faculty
and of the Assembly and shall preside over theme He may also call
meetings of the various college faculties. It is the duty of the
President to make recommendations relating to the general policy of
the institution and to the maintenance of coordination among its
s everal functions.

     It is the function of the President to see that the rules
and the regulations of the Board of Trustees and of the Uniyersity
Faculty are enforced. It is also his duty directly or through the
various University officers, to administer ta) all budgetary
matters (other than approval of the budget by the Board of Trustees)
including all business and financial activities; (b) all personnel
matters, including appointments promotions, transfers, changes
of pays retirement, and staff discipline' (b) the application of
University rules relating to studies; (ds the admission and classi-
fication of students; (e) registrations and claus assignments;
(f) curricula and courses of atudy; (g) research and teaching;
(h) all physical facilities, including libraries, laboratories,
etc.; (i) University commencements and other convocations; (i) stu-
dent discipline; (k) student activities; (1) student social life;
(m) University publications; (n) the University calendar and modifi-
cations in it; (L) public relations; (p) athletica and military
training; and to perform all other administrative functiona, whether
expressly enumerated herein or not, necessary or appropriate for the
effective operation of the University.

     The President also shall provide for the application of the
rules of the Board of Trustees and of the University Faculty to in-
dividual cases, and may authorize In extraordinary instances sus-
pending the application to a particular case of a rule of the Uni-
versity Faculty, except a condition of admission and except the num-
ber of credits and quality points required for graduation.    It is
assumed that the authority to suspend rules in individual cases will
be delegated by the President to the appropriate administrative
officers and that these officials will be responsible for the
strict enforcement of the spirit of the regulations in all cases.
When a rule is suspended or otherwise abrogated in an Individual
case, the action shall be taken by the administrative official most
immediately concerned    If the action directly involves a member
of the teaching staff or another administrative officer9 the approval
of such person or persons shall be obtained before the suspension
or abrogation of the rule is approved.    In all cases a report of
the special action involving the suspension or abrogation of a rule
shall be made to the Re-istrar on the regular petition form.    The
Registrar shall record the action In the appropriate manner and
shall be prepared at any time to submit to the University Faculty
a report on all such actions showing in each case the rule suspended
*The word latate" before t~eX word "law' ordered stricken out by an
amendment of the Board of Trustees.



and the person or persons approving the action.

     In the event of inconsistency between the President's adminis-
trative action and the educational policy of the UnIversity Faculty,
the President shall arrange for a consideration of the matter at a
meeting of the University Faculty.   He shall then transmit to the
Board of Trustees the viewpoints represented together with his
recommendation.   Action by the Board shall not, however, preclude
further communication with the Board by the University Faculty,
provided that the Board shall be addressed in all cases through the

     The President, incident to the administration of the institu-
tion, may not only utilize subordinate administrative officers at
his discretion (subject to general Board regulations) but may also
appoint or have appointed such temporary or standing committees of
the teaching research, or administrative staff as he may deem
wise, including an advisory or administrative cabinet.   Standing
committees shall be appointed annually.

                    The Dean of the Univegglty

     The following personnel shall be under the general supervision
of the Dean of the University and shall report to that official'
the Dean of Men, Dean of Women, Registrar, Director of Personnei,
University Librarian, Director of the Department of University
Extensiont Secretary of the Y. M.GAs, Secretary of the Y.W.C.A.,
the Head of the Department of Athletics, the Director of the Uni-
versity Health Services and the Director of the Department of
Public Relations.   He shall have general supervision of the summer
quarters administering it through the deans of the several colleges,
and he shall perform such other administrative functions as the
President shall delegate to him.

                      The Univeraity F"Ialtv

     The University Faculty is the agency through which the educa-
tional policy of the institution is determined.    It has no man&ge-
ment or administrative functions either in itself or through the
instrumentality of its committees, administrative matters being
expressly reserved to the President of the University and to such
other officers as he may authorize, consistent with the rules and
regulations adopted by the Board of Trustees.    The membership of
the Faculty shall consist of the President, who shall be VA Qaicio
chairman; the Dean of the University, who shall preside in the
absence of the President; the Dean of the Graduate School; the dean
of each college; the Dean of Men; the Dean of Woment the Registrar,
who shall be 1A officio secretary; the Comptroller' the Director
of Extension; the Librarian; the President of the student Government



Association; and of 40 elective members of the teaching and research
staff of the rank of assistant professor or above distributed as
  Groups                Number of         Initial Term of Office
                        Representatives   3 Iar,    2 EIA.    I Yr.

LJ terature,Phliosophy
and Arts                     7             2          3         2
Social Studies               3             1          1         1
Physical Sciences            4             1          2         1

Biological Sciences          4             1          1         2
Athletics                    1             1          0         0
Military Science             1             1          0         0

Agriculture                  7             2          2         3
Home Economics               1             1          0         0
Engineering                  5             1          2         2

Law                          1             1          0         0
Education                    3             1          1         1
Commerce                    AL            ...L        1         1.
            Totals          40            14         13        13

     After the first tern, each member shall be elected for three
years.   At the expiration of any term, a member shall be ineligible
for reelection until after one year has elapsed.   The Faculty may
cause this distribution to be restudied and adjusted after three
years and every six years thereafter.   The election of representa-
tives to the Faculty shall be by letter ballots, and shall be con-
ducted in each group for the representatives from that group 41
by a committee appointed by the President, in the case of the first
election, and thereafter, by a committee of the University Faculty*
At the first election the length of term of each member shall be
determined by lot.   The individuals receiving the highest numbers
of votes in each group shall be elected with the result of a tie
being determined by lot.   To fill a vacancy the President of the
University shall appoint a member from the eligible members in the
group affected to serve until the next election,   Individual at-
tendance redords shall be maintained and reported in the minutes.
Non-attendance shall be cause for the Faculty's dropping a member.
No alternate or substitutes shall attend nor shall there be voting
by proxy.

     Except as such functions are expressly reserved to the Board
of Trustees and the President of the University, the University
Faculty has and shall exercise jurisdiction over all matters of
University educational policy,   It is authorized to make regulations
to promote the educational interests of the University as a whole
with respect to (a) studies, including schedules of classes,

**The words "in each group for the representatives from that group"
   were added after the word "cobducted" and before the word "by",



numbering and classification of courses, credit for foreign languages
and extension work, poor work in English, probation, rtpeated failures,
student load, transfer between curricula of different colleges, un-
atisfactory scholarship and attendance, examinations, credits, marks,
and student standing; N   admission and classification of students
and requirements for graduation; (c) approval of curricula and
courses; (d) the University libraries; (e) commencements and other
convocations; (f)student discipline, including non-attendance;
(g) student social and extra-curricular activities; (h) the awarding
of honors; and other matters, whether or not enumerated hereint con-
erning the educational program of the institution as a whole.

     The Faculty may perform these functions directly or through
the use of standing or special committees which it may authorize for
appointment from personnel eligible for Faculty membership, but
neither the Faculty nor its committee shall have authority to
perform administrative, as distinguished from policy-making, func-
tions,   In case of an issue between a college faculty and the
University Faculty concerning jurisdiction over a particular func-
tion, the question of jurisdiction shall be determined by the Presi-
dent.   No degree, however, shall be conferred except on recommenda-
tion of the University Faculty.

     The University Faculty may address the President, or through
him the Board of Trustees, respecting any University matter.

     The Faculty shall hold regular meetings on the second Monday
of each month during the school year, and special meetings at the
call of the President or at the call of its secretary on written
request of ten members.

                            The Asmbly

      The University Assembly shall consist of all officers and em-
 ployees of the institution, including the Experiment Station and
 Agricultural Extension staffs.   It shall meet on call of the Presi-
 dent or on written request of ten members.   The Assembly may ex-
 press its view on any matter affecting the University and may make
 recommendations to the University Faculty, the President, or through
 him to the Board of Trustees#

       Nothing herein shall affect, in any particular, the resolu-
  tion adopted by the Board of Trustees on the first day of Aprils
  1941t relating to the creation and functions of the Department of
  Business Management and Control of the University,*

***This paragraph was added by an amendment of the Board of Trustees.



                   Respectfully submitted,

                   (Signed)  h. E. Ligon
                             Sarah B. Holmes
                             Thomas D. Clark
                             M. M. Whi te
                             W.S. Webb
                             Statie Erikson
                             Leo i. Chamberlain
                             C. S.Crouse
                             D.V. Terrell
                             Alvin E.Evans
                             James W. Martin
                             Jesse E. Adams
                             Cecil C. Carpenter
                             Ezra L., Gillis, Secretary
                             Thomas Cooper, Chairman

             Members of the Committee of Fifteen.

             * * * * *t * *F * *F *

3. The recommendation of President Donovan that
   the report of the Committee of Fifteen (15);
   herein above set out, be approved was consider-
   ed by tne Board of Trustees. It was moved;
   seconded, and carried to amend the report as

        On page 8, paragraph 1, line 5 strike
   out thie word 1statdtafter the word  the" and
   before the word "law".

        In paragraph 2, page 10, line 7, after
   the word 'conducted" and before the word "by"
   by inserting the following words, "in each
   group for the representatives from that group."

        On page 11, by inserting after the fifth
   paragraph the following paragraph and words:
   "Nothing herein shall affect, in any particular,
   the resolution adopted by the Board of Trustees
   on thc first day of April, 1941, relating to.
   the creation and functions of the Department
   of Business Management and Control of the Uni-

        President Donovan stated that it was not
   the intent of the Committee to change, or alter,
   the Department of Business iianagement and Con-
   trol as created by the Board of Trustees on
   April 1, 1941.   Thereupon the following resolu-
   tion offered and being duly seconded was unan-
   imously adopted:



                  Be it resolved that the report of the
             Committee of Fifteen, of which Dean Thomas
             P. Cooper is Chairman, which is cc~pied here-
             in, be and it is hereby amended by striking
             out the word "state" on page 8 and inserting
             the words "in each group for the representa-
             tives from that group" on page 10, and
             inserting the paragraph on page 11, "nothing
             herein shall affect the resolution adopted
             by the Board of Trustees on the first day of
             April, 1941, relating to the creation and
             functions of the Department of Business
             Ianagement and Control of the University",
             said amendments being inserted, as designated
             auove, and, as so amended, the report is hereby
             approved and adopted,
                         * * * * * * it * * *

     E. Appreciation of thv Board Extcnded to Committee of Fifteen.

     Dean Cooper retired from the meeting after the Board had dis-
cussed and adopted the recommendations of the Committee of Fifteen.
Upon motion, duly made, seconded and carried, the Board requested
the President to express to Dean Thomas Cooper; Chairman, and to
each member of the Committee their appreciation for the fine work
of the Committee and the splendid report submitted.

     F. Gifts tp the Universitv:--Libr&ry of Cale Young Rice; Bust
of General Cassius Clay Pintings b    ColonelA. A. Anderson; i1adden

     President Donovan made the following statement to the Board
relative to the gift of the library of Cale Young Rice; the gift
of the bust of General Cassius Clay by Mir. and Mrs.W. F. Marsteller
of Cleveland, Ohio, and Richmond, KentuckZf; the gift of two paint-
ings oy Colonel A,A, Anderson, by his daughter, Mirs. Eleanor A.
campbell, of Scarsdale, sew York; and the madden File of STARS AND
STRIPFS by kirs. Winifred ikadden of Lexington, Ky.

     pale Young Riq kibrary.    The late Cale Young Rice, one
     of Kentucky s distinguished literary men, has b