xt7wdb7vqt7k https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7wdb7vqt7k/data/mets.xml Wisconsin Historical Records Survey State Historical Society of Wisconsin Wisconsin Wisconsin Historical Records Survey State Historical Society of Wisconsin 1942 1850 1851 1852 1853 1854 5 v. 1833-1869 28 cm. UK holds archival copy for ASERL Collaborative Federal Depository Program libraries. Call Number: FW 4.14:Am 3/2/ books  English Madison, Wis.: Wisconsin Historical Records Survey  This digital resource may be freely searched and displayed in accordance with U. S. copyright laws. Wisconsin Works Progress Administration Publications American literature -- Wisconsin -- Bibliography Printing -- Wisconsin -- History Wisconsin -- Bibliography Wisconsin -- Imprints A Check List of Wisconsin Imprints, no.24, 1850-1854, 1942 text A Check List of Wisconsin Imprints, no.24, 1850-1854, 1942 1942 1942 1850 1851 1852 1853 1854 2021 true xt7wdb7vqt7k section xt7wdb7vqt7k 3‘ ’EM gm 3/2/no 24 -


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N..- ' '11-:5- ..4 2,: A <

. No. 24 A Check List of Wisconsin Imprints ‘
1 _185.0- 1854

4 Madison, Wisconsin ”

‘ 1942 . ,



 b irr'v



7% 0 Lin 9 I



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ORR. fRUd .49 .. b



 ”To bring together the records of the past and

to house them in buildings Where they will be preserved

for the use of m n living in the future, a nation must
believe in three things. It must believe in the past.
It must believe in the future. It must, above all,
believe in the Capacity of its peogle so to learn from

he past that they can gain in judgment for the creation
of th future.”

Franklin Delano Roosevelt








 v‘ ‘~,~ _.
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1 .


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“.1 air

a 1


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4 ,,





1 of

15 p. l?





Office. I
15 130

Printed buff paper u


MCM. #41


_ ,-




r ‘,
J f'
ate Leg
2 cm.






the ;




held with
Uot. 2d and 5d, 1850.

11 x 19






r w .0 v ,
U131: .Li,


isconsin. 1a

2 Lhc EOLrth ,0‘
held at Suleg,

Olld ' 7









fi‘ — M4
Lt.in LO

0 ._ a1.»
JSG Vallir,




aptist C:









A v.‘




Baptists. Wisconsin. Racine baptist Assoc?


3 Minutes 1 of the 1 Fourth [should read Anniversary 1
7? of the Racine Baptist Association, 1 held a LEeting Ecuse, 1
of the 1 Baptist Church, in Brighton, 1 Sept. anfl 26, 1850. 1
[filet] 1 Kenosha: 1 Printed at the Telegraph Office. 1 1850. 1
13 p. 15 x 21 cm. 1 5 1

Mo 12;. #1409 .
NHC —s .

Baptists. Wisconsin. welwcrth Baptist
The 1 Fifth Anniversary 1 of tie 1

June 26 a:

held at Clinton, Wisconsin,
of the Association. 1 Beloi
8 p. 15 x 20 cm.



Mo M. 71404 .
HBO-S. FDA. hni. bactist.

Baptists. Wisconsin. Baptist Stet

linutes 1 of the 1 Fifth Anniver
State Convention 1 held in the Chur
Church, lfilwaukee, his. 1 October
1 ifilwaukee: J. Hamilton, Erinter,
16 p. 14 x 22 cm.


Printed brown paper wrappers. SeeifQOE.
, 1. J: “——

hch. fiéll.

EHC—S. PCA. RHi. Baptist.

Beloit College, Beloit, Wisconsin.
Catalogue 1 of the 1 Officers and 6 '
and Seloit Seminary, 1 for the academics
Journal Office Print. 1 1850. 1
‘ 19p. lélecm. E8]

'tndents 1 of 1
1 year 1 l8ét-63. 1

Printed brown paper wrappers. .ifiiiflré'
1110111. #412; Legler 3‘10. 50.
MB. MBC. WBeloC. Whi(2 copies).

Beloit College, Beloit, Wisconsin.

Proposition 1 for Endowing the Presidency of Beloit tellege 1
[double rule] 1 It is proposed that subscriptions in lilwaukee for
Beloit College, shall be for the Object, and upon the conditions





following, viz: [53 lines] J. J. Bushnell, Treasurer.
[Beloit, 1850?] .
Broadside. 20 x 24.5 cm. (16.5 x 18.5 cm.)



Sketches the history of the college since its foundation i

Eli .

Beloit Seminary.
Exhibition. Beloit Seminary. April 9, Ldeloit?]
[3] p. 20.5 Cm.


Bull, William.




To the Public. 1 [thick—thin rule] 1 In justice to

family, I feel it my duty to make a state—
facts; instead of lies, that have been



1 ment to the
in 1 circulatior

injury, respecting the treatment of a youn: nan, 1 by the


Frederick ones, for setting fire to the prairie
belonging to my son-in-law. On the 22d of Lev. i
Wisconsin river with my team; I found Jones and 1
together in the road, who I afterwards was set 1
his advisers to set he fire. I travelle‘ with Jones


:57. C?


to burn property
1 started to the
leon Graham
isfied was

miles: he left the road to the west through the woods, to 9—1 void

passing houses; though he afterwards swore three times
along the road; but on being crossed by E. C. Eastnen,
crying and acknowledged he went through the woods. 1
April, 1850. wm. Bull. 1 [Prairie du Chien? 13501
Broadside. 15.5 x 40 cm. (11.5 x 55 cm.)


Chandler, David H.
Reports of Cases 1 argued and determined 1 in the 1

of the 1 State of Wisconsin. 1 By David H. Chandler,


r' .1“... ct


[Sic] at Law, 1 Reporter for the State. 1 Vol. 1. 1 Milwaukee:

King & Fuller, Printers. 1 1850. 1
V. l. 372 p., T. I. 278 p. lé x 22.5 cm.
Vol. 1 bound with vol. 2, vol. 3 and.; published in

lhhh #417.



Uaily Wisconsin, Milwaukee, Wisconsin.
Annual Address 1 of the 1 Carrier 1 to the patrons of the 1 Daily
Wisconsin 1 January 1,1861. 1 [double rule] 1 The Year Becun. 1
[16 lines of verse] 1 The Year Departed. 1 [8 lines] 1 Lvents of the

Year. 1 [100 lines] 1 Our City. 1 188 lines] 1 The Union. 1
[24 lines] 1 California. 1 [ 8 lines 8] 1 lhe Eation's Dead. 1

[36 lines] 1 Highly important. 1 [4 lines] 1 fiilwaukee: Daily
Wisconsin Office, 1850. 1
Broadside. 13.5 x 55.5 cm. 1 13 ]

”ext in 4 columns separated by double column rules:
border :‘urrounded by florid wood-cut outer border in
Wisconsin li torical Society copy is Jri: 59o on silk. 1
local events celebrateEE1—~tnis lei Year‘s souvenir is the railwal
in construction from lfilwau:ee west“ ‘
15101.5 #418.







Democrats. W sc l

To [verti a1 rule] She Delegates 1 of
Convention, 1 [thick—thin rule] 1 Jcnts:
respectfully 1 solicit your ottenti on to '
to have at your hands the nomination ior

gra ntcd, He Will scale 1 L0 Pains Io .ecu


1 love Lo. Lexocratic
” .crsigned 'ould

Enos J. Ctis 1 [Minerali oint, Wis.?
Broadside. SO :22. 5 ca. ' 1%

Fire Ring, Ho. 2 Eng We Company, Racine,
Eecond annual festival, Lire King fio.
broadside. 15 cm.




Fourth Book of lessons for the use 3 Schools; ~Authorized by Board

of Education. in. p.] 1850
iv., 354 1)., 11 cm. [ 16 ]

Freemasons. 'Wisconsin. Grand Lodge.

Proceedings 1 01 a 1 Urand innuul Communication 1 of the 1 Grand Lodge
of Wisconsin, 1 besgun and held at 1 Platteville, His., 1 tn the second
Wednesday, being the 12th day oi December, 3. L. EGiQ, u. U. 1819.1
Ordered to be read in all the lodges. 1 Madison: 1 Eerich Lro.n, I: inter.
1 1850. 1

124. p. 11 x 18 cm. 1 .17 J

McM. 7.1381.

IaCrM. MBFM. NNFM. Wfii. 4 _







Freemasons. Wisconsin. Grand Royal Arch Chapter.

Proceedings 1 of the 1 Grand Royal Arch Jhap oer of Wisconsin; 1 at
the Organization thereof, 1 february 15th, 185?, 1 and at the 1. nsta1~
lation of its officers, 1 August 7th, lch, 1 at madison. 1 Together
with the 1 Constitution of the General Grand Chapter of 1 Royal Arch
Rhsons, 1 for the United States of America. 1 And the 1 Mules and
Regulations 1 for the Government of 1 the Grand Royal Arch Chapter of
Wisconsin. 1 Madison: 1 Beriah Brown, Pr., 1 1850. 1

36 p. 14 x 22 cm. [ 18 ]

Printed pink paper wrappers. Se e M306.


Gale, George.

Practical Forms, 1 with 1 totes and iefere= . to
levised Statutes of Wiscons in 1 beinb a o 121,
men of business, attorneys,s heriiis, cons a ‘i:

justices of the peace, 1 Ly Sec: ge Gale, 1
Ehird edition— revised and e11ls1 ed. 1 L3




Miller. 1 1850. 1
427 p. 15 x 21.5 cm. 1 15 1
On verso of title page is the imp Harder, Mar--son & hutterfield,
Commercial Advertiser foice, facine. The second ed 1 was printed
at Mibflauhee in 1848, the first edition at nlkhorn,1c:c. ‘

1M11 M4l7a.
ln—SC. CClWEi. M. Mar. Mei. Mint-L. meta. MSthF. M —L.

Hardy, John. Comp.

A 1 Collection 1 of 1 Sacred Hymns; 1 ada
views of the Church 1 of Jesus Christ c1 1 1
‘econd Ldition. 1 Voree: 1 Gospel Pres s, '

172 p. 7.5 x 11 cm. 1

cM. M416, Legler M51; Sabin Mezcez.

Kent, Nev. Aratus.
Address 1 and Discourse 1d at the 1 incuguration of the . Rev. Ma
L. Chapin, M. A. 1 as 1 ‘Dresider t 01 Leloit ioll.e :e, 1 571; 21, 5
Published by order of the Corporation. 1 M1luac1ee. 1 c. EaMilton,
Printer, 161 East Water Street. 1 18510. 1
52 p. 14.5 x 22.5 cm. 1 :1 1

Printed buff paper wrappers.

McM.vM407, Sabin‘M-11958,M37466.

CSmH. CtY. DLC. MB. MBC<2 copies). 1M. Mdi. 1M}. 1
MoSpD. NCH. 00. V1. WBeloC. Whi. MM.


_ 5 _


Kimball House, watertown, Wisconsin.
Kimball House Soiree. 1

J. Bred. Limball, Proprietor. 1


Broadside. 8 x 4.5 cm. (7.5 x 4 cm.)

Printed in gold.

lapham, Increase Allen.
Heteorology. Ladison,'fiis., 1350.
122 p.

lathrop, John h.
Inaugural Addre

indison, January 1”

of the University

Dickson, State 1r
42 p. 14 x 22.5

‘ c.

rem »
150. sti. Njfi. 1na-

~ 1.




University, A;


th I ar 1850. 1 Ladison, Wisconsin:
‘ t o. 1 lKCCCL.
15 p. 11.5 x 18 cm.

Printed paper wrappers. Se
Tkflh #414.
WA. WHi.

Lawrence University
Catalogue 1 of t

oi study, 1 of the prenuratory m


, Agpleton,'Wisoons~

oe gleton, Wisconsii.
Catalogue 1 of the 1 Corgoration, Ea
‘ o

H ...J... ‘ .

[rule of dashes]
respectfully solicited at the opening of the 1 ”Kimball house,
watertown, on Thursday, December 19, 1 1850, at 4 o'clock P.
[5 lines] 1

L"? l 111; e

as 1 Corporation, resulty, 1

1 of


1 Your company is



1 for the year lBéQ—‘SO. 1 Appleton, Wisconsin.

Printed by Tonney, smith, Lolt a C0.
18 p. 12 x 13 cm.

hhlh 1115; Legler Ho. 55.

‘ —.~ A. (r.

EJLUL- _.1 :4.


1' e 2116




C r]






1‘ r :-
1_ .1“:
1: q
Laxufegnie ‘
an: ,
a“ or
L w;










McArthur, P. G. M. Arthur.
Address of P. G. Arthur McArthur at the celebration of the Fourth
Anniversary of the R. W. Grand Lodge of Wisconsin, held in Lilwauhee
July 18, 1850. Published by Order of the Grand Lodge. Milwaukee
Sentinel and Gazette Steam Press Printing Co. [Milwaukee] 1850.
21 p. 22 cm. [ 27 ]


Methodist Loiscopal Church, Beloit, Wisconsin.

Minutes | of the l Wisconsin Annual Conierence, 1 of the | Hethodisu
hpiscopal Church, I held at I Beloit, hock County, Wiscons' , 1 June 26
, 1 uddiso“: |

L"‘] JU1Y 3’ 5- Do 1850- 1 {short thick-thin rule]
Printed by Tenney, Smith, Holt & Co. I q:

es . 1

{1], 4-23, {1] blank p. 13 x 21 cm. i 28 ]

In ink on title page: The first published. IL pencil at 15
of line 3: 5d. Cover lacking.

hethodist Episcopal Church, Green Bay, his
Donation party; you are respectfully in to attend a donation
arty at the Rev. Bk. Ford's, of the lethodist Episcopal Church,
ommencing at 1 o‘clock, and ending at 9 o'clock ‘
he 27th of December, instant; managers: its. l3


Cr 0 ‘U


his. Bell, Mrs. White, his. Ryan, firs. Peak, Ems. Hoyte, Ems. brcen,
the. Crocker, Mrs. Hart; Green Bay, :ecvmber 21, 1850. [green Bay,
Broadside. 10 x 16 cm. L 29 ]

Milwaukee, Galena, & Chicago Telegraph Line.

Tariff of charges. ] [wavy rule] 3 Milwaukee, Galena, & Chicago
Telegraph Line, ] [thin—thick—thin rule] 1 [...] [List of charges
to various points in Wisconsin and Illinois follows in four columns.]
[thick-thin rule] Milwaukee and Green may Telegraph Line. 1 [wavy
rule] [...] [similar list of charges follows] 8. h. hotehkiss,
President and Superintendent, [ of the above Lines. { Milnaukes,
march 1st, 1850. 1

Broadside. 21.5 x 27 cm. (17 x 22.5 cm.) E 50 1

Printed on pale blue paper.




Milwaukee & Mississippi Railroad Company.
Circular to capitalists relative to Milwaukee city loan for the

benefit of the Milwaukee and Mississippi railroad comiany; together

with the acts and ordinances authorizing said loan, July, 1850.

Milwaukee, 1850.

26 p. f 51 ]

WHi .

Milwaukee & Mississiypi Railroad Company.

First Rate Table of the First Finished Liece of Railroad I in the
State, from Milwaukee to Jaukesha. { Rate Table. | xesolutions
adopted by the Board of Directors of the Mil- | waukee and Mississigpi
Railroad Company, Dec. 1850. [ [at end:] paily Lree Democrat irint»
Milwaukee l [1850?]

Broadside. 12 x 19.5 cm. f ;z ]

"There is to be no frees list...”
McM. #420; Legler #47.
WHi 0

Milwaukee, waukesha calississippi Railr ad Company.
First.Annual Report I of the Directors of tne ; Ldlweukee, waukesha,

and inssissippi [ Railroad Company, 1 to the stockholders. ] Milwaukee,
December Slst, 1849. | [Milwaukee, 1650]
11 p. 15 x 21 cm. I 53 ]

MOM. #582; Legler #48.
run. WM.

Nashotah House, Nashotah, Wisconsin.

Mashotah House. [ [wavy rule] 1 To the members of the lrotcstart
Episcopal Church: 1 Dear Brethren:- [ In the late chance of the chief
officer of "Uashotah House," the Trustees of this Institution conceive
it to be their duty to inform the church, through her religious period-
icals and other- [ ways, of the same. ] [55 lines] [ Nashotah Lakes,
August 15th, 1850. 1 James Lloyd Brock, I Benjamin.fiker1y. i
[Delafield, 1850]

Printed on p. 1 only of a 4-page folder. 20 x 24.5 cm.

(16.5 x 20.5 cm.) [ 54 ]

Pale blue papers. Announces that fzel D. Cole has succorded
James Lloyd track in the presidency; solicits money in aid of
Nashotah House. Addressed in Me. to Lishoo Kenmc*, Delafield,







hoggle & Prichard, Janesville, Wisconsin.
Janesville, May 1, 1850. 1 bir— Isaac M. Korton having sold his

interest in the Firm of Norton and Miltimore, to lra 1 Miltimore,

and the said Miltimore having assigned to us the notes and accounts

of said 1 Firm, you are requested to call and settle the same agree—

ably to the understanding with that 1 Firm. All notes and accounts,

which, by agreement, are due, must be said immediately, or 1 sued. 1

Yours,&c. 1 [David‘i] 3..ogp;1e&Prichard. 1 [Ja—vesville, ices]
Broadside. [originally a dupage folder] 19.5 x 25 on“
(17 x 4 cm.) '



”Aug.~—8” is inserted in place of July in
is the following inscription in ink: "b’
Aeo‘t. Ag't. your father We should like
N. e P." The latter is addresSed to to»


‘m '

1 +1

‘dd follows, Independent Order of. 'Hisco;:in.
l. 0. 0. F. 1 Journal of Proceedings 1
Grand Lodge 1 of the 1 btato of Wisconsin, 1

annual session, 1 held at 1 Nilwaukee, Jan. 1‘

by order of the Grand Lodge. 1 inlwntkce: 1 r'




and Gazette. 1 1850. 1
51 p. 10.5 x 18.5 cm. 1 56 1

Frinted paper wrappers. 00ter title Li: or, 23‘1 10rder]:


., 1 7 .‘3

Journal 01 Proceedings 1 of the 1 Crard Hodg~ the 1


l. O. of 0. F. 1 of the state of fli‘oonsin, 1 at its 1 Inixd
semi-annual session, 1 held at 1 31 r«ukee, 1 January lo, 1850.

iClL w691.


dd Fellows, Independent Order of. Grand Lodj

i 1‘ t

. O. 0. r. 1 Proceedings 1 oi one 1 night Horthy &rand non e
of the 1 State of Wisconsin, 1 at its 1 Fourth Annual Session, 1



Q ’


held in Milwaukee, 1 July, 1050. 1 Published 1 order of 1.1 G‘Rnd
Lodge. 1 MibNaukoe: O


1 sentinel and Gazette h

. F v~
ilates. L 57 1


56 p. 14 x 22 cm. and S folded

Printed blue paper wragoers.
MGM. #406 .








Odd Fellows [?] , Independent Order of. Oriental Evanic
Order 1001.

Etherial lntonations, 1 pertaining to an iritiation into the 1
Sublime Mysteries 1 of the 1 O. E. 0. 1001. 1 Adopted in Grand
Counci.1, by the Grand Lodge, Yoxoni, 72,19, 872 of 1 the Order,

and of vulgar time, December 7, A. U. 1d49. 1 Janesville, Wis.:
Alden & Holt, Book and Job Printers. 1 1850. 1
11 p. 14 x 22 cm; 1 S ]

Men. #380; Legler .7154.

Orphan Asylum Associ.a tion, 111.1maukee, wisccn Six.
Constitution and by—laus. [Milne utee? 1geo ]
12 p. [ EN 1


11111111 0

Orphan Asylum Association, Milwaul- ‘
The 1 First Annual Renort 1 of the 1 Urn


‘ seeiat1on 1
in th- 1 City of Milwaukee, 1 [short rile] notation] 1
[short rule] 1 hdlwaukeo. 1 Printed at the WisconsiL Book and Job
1ffice. 1 1850. 1
8—16 p. 12.5 x 19.5 cm. 1 10 1

Half title: First Annual Report 1 of ti 1e 1 Orphan isrlum
Association. p. 12, at end: In eehalf of the Board, 1
in A. Parsons, Secretary. Tan paper cover with complete
cover title enclosed in type ornament boied border.
EEC-S. Whi.

mt Washington, Wisconsin. Citizens.

Washington' 5 1 Birth [vignette] Ds.y 1 Bell. 1 [d
Your compaiy is respectfully solicited co atteiid a 1 “a
Wisconsin House, in the village of Ozau— 1 :ee, on rriddy LVGHiL ,
February 221q 1850. 1 [double rule] ena;7 ers: 1 b. Blake,
L. Stanfn1iy 1 and others 1 1...] [lort uashington? 1850]


Broadside. E i1 1
Title tzxken from Mcpurtr‘e' "Early ’ ‘1N’1; '4 fiscon.11 ” entry
#397» ”Title from reoroduvtion in nel, ~ ::uary


19, 1922. At that time the origineal WEE"I%“L10 possession of Mr.

H. W. Bolens, of Port Washington. L. etenford, one 01 h: managers,
was Leland Stanford, founder of Stanford University. it this date,
Rhenodyne A. Bird, former State printer, with b. J. 111113, was
publishing the Washinnton County Blade at Port ;as.'1in ton. 1t is
assumed that this W6?6£EEEH§“WES printed at tlie Bled Qifice

Mo 1. #597.

_ 10 _













Protestant Episcopal Church in the Unit ed States of America.
Diocese of Wisconsin.

Journal I Of I The Proceedings Of The I Third Annu 91 Convention I

The I Protestant Episcopal Church, I In The I Diocese Uf W'isconsin, I
Held In Erinity Church. Janesvillc. I June 15th and 14th, I In The
Year Of Our Lord, I 1849: I With An Appendix, I Containing The I
Constitution And Canons, Reports or Parishes. I &c. &c. &c. I

[long wavy rule] I Milwaukee: I Power Press Print of the Sent'nel
and Gazette. I 1850. I
47, vii p. 15 x 20 cm. I 42 ]

One of 16 title pages bound in 1 volume. Pcstibly not a separate.
Man. #379 .

Protestant Episcopal Church in the Lnited states or America.
Diocese of Wisconsin.
Journal I of the I Proceedings I of th I


Io the Protestant Episcopal Church, I in the
I holden in I St. Latthew’s Church, Icrcs' a, I June in
the year of Our Lord. I 1850, I with apconéices.
Sentinel and uazette Job Office Print. I 1520. I

[181] 275 p. l5 x 22 cm.

Plinted buff page wr._rpers. Cover title reads:

Wisconsin. I rourth I 'nz al Conventivn. I LDC

pagination indicat-es tiat tliis was

sequence with otlier na oer ;1al precc

the Third #11nual Co:.1v; ti :xO. 5/

Mold. #405.

13D. MiDICh. Wfii. WM. WfiauHi. Diocese.
Sheboygan Agricultural Society.

Constitution of the Sheboygan Agricultural Society. LFLetcygan,
Wisconsin, 1850]

Broaiside. [ 4% l

Dye, NKrtostatic copy: WHi.

Smith, William hudolph.

Discourse I delivered before the I Ltate Iisterical Society of
Wisconsin, I at the first annual meeting I ‘J Jcnuc ry 15th, I
1850, I at the Capitol in Nadison: I in pr tne noverior of
the State, the Heaus of Departments, I anu ant Assembly of
the Legislature of Wisconsin. I [filet] A G» V” iam R.i 0: 1th, I
lbnber of the State Historical Society. I "'
Beriah Brown, Printer. I 1850. I

55 p. 12.5 x 20 cm. [ 45 }



Also as no. 1, vol. 1 of the Northwestern Journal, Enron, 1550.

lvicM. #587; Sabin #84860.
0811111. DLC. 111mm MN. 1111Hi. PHi. Vii-Ii. m5.
- ll ..


b. lhhhrtrie.












Sons of Temperance. Wisconsin. Grand Division.
Journal of the proceedings of the Grand Division. Bliss,
[Racine9] 1850.


Sons of Temperance. he nolia Division, Ho.
[...] Constitution, ny-laws, and nules 0

Division, number 93, of the Sons of Te c

Racine: Job Press of sterling P. Rounds, «”

Division, Old Oaken bucket Job Office.
56, (2>po

ma. #415; Sabin #87102.


Sons of TemperanCG. Winnebago Rapids Div: :
Constitution, } by-laws and rules 0: ord-
Division, ] No. 76, { ions of Iemperance; }
Winnebago County, Wisconsin, 1 January lst, ld“
Purity and Fidelity. [rule] ] Hankesha: ] p Lemocrat
Office. ] 1850. 1 '

18 p. 11 i 5 cmo [ 48 ]

Printed aaper co‘er.


Star of the Vest Engine Company No. 5, Racine, Misconsin.

Constitution and by-laws of star of the test, hngihe C“. o. 3,
Racine, l850. {Racine, 1550]

8 p. ll cmo [ éS 1


University of Wisconsin.

Educational Documents. [ Wisconsin, January, 1850. 1 i. -naugu-
ration of the Chancellor of the I University, —-~--- 3. 1 ii. uejor
of the Board of Regents, ~--—-— 59. g iii. Report of the fingerinten-
dent of Pub- } lic Instruction, --——— 95. I [milwaukee, 1650]

199 p., 2 folded plates. 14 x 21 cm. [ 50 ]

Printed blue paper wrappers. Cover title. Inc imprint fiilwaukee:
Sentinel and Gazette Power Press frint, 135C" a: on the title

page for the Inauguratioi. Tne other two title pages do not bear
the imprint.




McM. #396.
CSmH. ICJ. mu. NSyU. Wfii.











WnZVGrsity oi






,wivcrsity o; If
_rule] Milwaa:







, Vnited States
ӣ03.253cubion lien

3. {3:10 {.2



'1'? isc 0113 in .
Fox and I


Q‘IU -


thout date,

was lwt to



.1. V

L. 'J



and Wisco:




n ‘1



C .


J»- a -




5‘» fir“
vile VO-

3 CL.




lfiIiscons in. Governor ,13011 Davey) .



Ierual III-s ssage I Governor 755312331; 6
of the tato of Wisconsin, I delivered. I
[ALLdisog L850] _

13 p. l: x 21 on. L CT I


See K'Iiscozsizl ACtS, 1C5 U, ch apt-31‘ 213. s93:


. . I

Wisconsin. Lows, scam ices, eto.

obs Land 501*‘08 I messed by

in too year I 81650 I tog; ebhel


IIC:LI [40.1.



C 0 IUQ 10—11. Il'l‘SC a _yTj. I.“ :103::; v T.“ -
i‘ToOC—L No-s. l‘ILl--~L. = >1;.LL'1)LL. G‘s—So. EL‘PL.


I‘I. TIBczloC “Eli . IIL’.
‘L'II=.II,~II‘-IIII. ‘L‘IRacL CL. I‘IaU. 7Llu'bh





77:30 0115 111. Laws ,
Act s inc 01" oor’at 7'

I-.iilx~‘.r0.u.‘::cr3 , S . Cha

18 p . 2 1 cm.



CSt . TIT}. :1. .


1. Laws, 3"

”w autinr‘izf? .655 C,
blue», 0; 5 o-‘
0113 i. . Cage. Lizod Dec. 0 <13:
" .'.ss, Printer, 1550.
230 0:11. L 3-5. J




I_. .1

1.130366 idc .




> v.71-

he 1d at



80] | By authority
avid T. Dicicson— 8 ate .

5;. p. 1/): z: 21 on. L 3?’

MOM. 7’7 00.
W. I‘t'BeloC .



'Z‘v'isc 011s in. Legis l'+"0111"e . 118862113137.
Liules | of l the -Lsscr1'331r l 01‘ c U

1850. I D. ‘1‘. Di(-. “ State 111151. 1 Ledison.

27 1). 9 3,; 13 0111. 1 15¢ ]


111' 02711 paper
9.1 61 . (Jon'ba '
s of the (.221.




: H ‘
, 18‘ O. (-mi‘uns
. 1.17 w ,
11,225 .
‘,"I13"'o;_s 11-. Lerislaturm 11336,.1 ,3 .
J .1

Wise 0115 12:1 .



"51520.131'1. Leg1slr“1re. 20.0-1, 0315
”0313351 1‘01“ .
'1‘ 7 y 0111?; 61’ ,


Probably 31 inoe 171131 Q21?:l 1115 1;; '11 Quizit.


'sconsin. Legislature.
oad 0 01111321137.

State 01‘ fiscotfisin.
the committee “"0
Zfiilwaukee and "EIe..1fl..:eslm
Lexi: 61161:] '1
Johz1 Ii. Time


.‘Jn 1:. ”010013;.

[:1]; 11 p0




sconsi; 413203103 Soc 13' caged 111 pe;1:1350.






[In senate.] I Zamora

and ;Liversity 1 la‘


Committee on the Lnivers
oraered to be printed. l January 22, 1850. 1
David I. Dickson, State Frizber. l 1;;Q, 1 —



n ‘7 . IT a
9 17. a .x 13.“! CA. L


l 1550.

rv r. _ ‘ 1
.3 5. lo :2 :1 (3.5.. L , J



“*SCODSiH‘ Secrofi
Census, i 03
An abstract of the
cothies and towns,
of the lst of
of state. I
frinters, Madison,
Broadside. 22 x 5£.5 (17 : 2L.5 on




Wisconsin. Superintendent of Public Instruction (Eleazer

December 51st, 1849. E [Madison:
79 p. with errata on verso of p.

Caption title.
Ltit #682a.




u’ 0


20 x 24 cm; [ 76

Wisconsin. Treasurer (Jairus C. Fairchild).


‘ .‘ 3, ,‘J— A.
L. Mienson, ocaoe


,1 'r- . .. C' _V \ ., .. . -. ,
state of Wisconsin. 1 (in we-RCe; neport 1 of tne [ iron
Wisconsin. } hhdison, Wisconsin: Livig I. Dickson, state 11

1850. 1
17 p. 14 X 18.5 cm.


I". 7’1383 u

Almanacs. R s c
Farmers‘ Alma*

Nagro & 00., so.


L2] 25 [1] p.


Almanacs, Wisconsin.
Genesee Valley Almanac for 1852.
Partridge. £1851]

Milt-S .

Association of Surviving Members 0?

Constitution for the State of Wisconsin.
meeting of the members of the first Constitutional conventior

begun and held at the xapitol, in Madison, hisconsin, daLNHry 1

1851. madison, 1851.
21 p.

'z'u‘Hi .

rend du Lac, his.: 300: &

first Convention to






Foot )3
Wisconsin Legislature. 1 Report { of tle I State Sunerittendent.





l 5
.LA ‘

2' L-.i,




Baptist. Wisconsin. Dane Baptist Associat C

Minutes of the second annual meeting of the Dane asst iation of
Baotist churches. Madison, Carpenter & Benney, Brinters, 1251.

Bound in Minutes of Baptist denomination.
101. Baptist.

Baptists. 'Wisconsir La F‘ayette Eaptist / ssociation.
Minutes 01 the fiith annitersary of the La Layette 1
held with the Baptist Church at Centei, La rayette cour'w

17 and 18, 1851. [1851] [n. p. 1 ,
8 p. 20 cm.

Bound in Linutes of Baptist dcioiin‘tion. L t”

Baptists. Wisconsin. Kilwaukee baptist.



hinutes [ of the j sixtha anniversary .aihe; tawtist
Association, 1 held with the 1 Baptist . kee, 115., i
‘ October 8th and 9th, 1851. 1 Cor. Uec’y. nev. T. S. Griffit: of
liluaukie [sic] 1 Port Jas11n.tcn, } Bird anfi Vail, Llaie Cffioe,
E1_nters, [ 1851. 1
12 p. 19 cm. [ 83 ]


Baptists. Wisconsin. State Convention.
I.inutes of the si} :th anniversary 01 the .
held with the Baptist Cnurch in Racine, Wis., 0o
1rwau1ee, Starr 5 Job Cifice. 1851.
14, [2] p. 21 cm.


‘1:L5, 321'-“ 16, 3:151-

54 1


Bound in Iinutes of Baptist denomination, 1858~1859.
PCA. Baptist.

Baptists. Wisconsin. Walworth Baptist.issociution.
Minutes of the sixth annual session of hal:orth E.t


hold with theb Sugar Cre ek Baptist Church, on tJJ q Xth
days of June, A. D. 1851. Janesville, his.: A
Job irinters. 1851.

9 [l] P- 20 cm. E SE 3


P01. Baptist.




10 p. 16 cm.

Beecher, Catherine Esther.
An appeal to American women in their own behalf.

Miss Beecher we 3 a teacher at the lilwaulee lerale seminary

Milwaukee-Downer College).

M3 . Wl‘flilfl) .

Beloit College, Beloit, Wisconsin.
”Beloit College Commencement." Order of

[...] July 9,
[3] po

20.5 cm.

Printed paper wranpers.

w’.".'13'?'1CJC c

Beloit College, beloit,

academical year 1850-51.
19 p. 21 CH-

Sabin fiiSQ . See 3286
LbBaT. hiD-B.


Carroll College, wankesha,

of Wisconsin, speciallv of
es ed ; in tho loca



purpose of takin5 into 0031
prospects of the I i11stitu

the village of npuLcsha.
Wankesha, Feb. 26th, 1851.

.lue paper.

and g

-4. UBelOo.



ion, and in connexion
of 1 1rustees to consider the expedieno e and prac
speedy erection 01 a buildin.o


College 1 Circular.

[Belcit, 1351]

Catalogue of the officers aid


I Lthick-1”
1 lil‘naukee and
t ion establisliment a1d

allege, are solicited to convene at { La11:e
at 2 o'clock I P. L., or fhursday, the 1‘


lerioitn the



211 rul'

exercises of



adapted to 0011856

[11 lines]



V ‘1

John A o
15.5 x 25.5 cm. (12.5 x 22.5 cm.)

site dona- ] ted to the institution by hessrs. Darin and

Live r


i G


1 a9






Carroll College, Waukesha, Wisconsin.

Carroll College. Ireparatory bepartment [...]
1851. [Wisconsin, 1851?]

4 p. folder with 1irst & third p. printed (in blue}.

15 x 19. 5 cm. r F ]

Waukesha, July

Caption title. Added caption title, p. [3]: Institute for 11



Ladies, at Waukesha, Wisconsin. [...] Waukesha, July 1&51.


The company of yourself and Ladyi s1esoeotfully
Beaver Dam Assembly room this evenin; at 0 o'clock.
1851. Wm. Converse. [Beaver Dam? 1851?]

Broadside. 8.5 x 10.5 cm.


Cotillio:1 I-arty, I at i The Assembly Room of flew: um
[filetj } .Jednesday bvening, Jan. 8, 1851. 1 Lfile
pleasure of [Jas. Richard dson & Lady in: rtei in Ls.
company is reapectfully solicited : 3:1agers. } .
J. ornell, V.m. J. Seabury, I. Enn;ons, 1. Iartman. 1
homes in two other columns] 1 Room .anage rs——-D. Fit
thic---Pritohard’s L111tcharl'sx] be .rd. 1 [1851]

Printed on p. 1 only of‘ a i—page folder. 9 x lé c


(7 x 7.5 cm.)

NH '1 .

C, 1

r..forl CountV, Wis sconsin. Crawford County oar
[border 01 type ornaments] } Died. 1 in Prai
on lon— ] day morning, August 11th; 1851; Col. 1 L:
59 years I and 7 months, I [thick-thin rule] 1 [ine
follows is in two columns with column rule] Proceedinqs
of the Members of the Bar 1 of Crawford 00., i




Upon to

of the 1 Death of Judge Fenton. I [at end: J. 1.
Chairman. 1 James CadWGll, { Secretary. 1 [brace at at

right of preceding two lines] 1 [Prairie du Chien

Double column broadside. 22 x 27.5 cm. {12.5 x

Printed on White silk.



Crawford County, Wisconsin.


17 p0

Petition of Crawford county, relative to b

ort Crawford.
Jan. 25, 1851. Madison, 1851.

in Senate,

Wisconsin Legislature. We?

WHi .

Daily Wisconsin, The.


orts of committees, 1848-57.

\“ [ornamental border. Smaller inside border of
Fourth Annual Address I of the
Daily Wisconsin I Januarv l, 1851.



[thin—t:1ck rule]

following text, in poetry1 is in four columns v
It ends as follows:] Highly Important. M
ere we part, I a lonr established custom- ’tis no more

happy day, to opo Vour M1e rt,
silver store.

Iith column rules.


snore with me, your pocket’s

Four column broadside. circa 42 x 52 on

Printed in gold and Flack
to t1oir patrons in home
was printed at Nilwnukce
(ECM. UaiJ:; Printinr; in


Di HOOV red correspondence.
1. [1lion. Moses M. utrong:
your mos t obedient servant,



1 would suggest

the proariety of destroying this
assurances to those vno may wish

null be am1>1y sufiicient. D.
Broadside. 11.5 L 31.5 cm.




O>poses issue of paper money; sur1orts only banks
[sic] and exchanlo;”w oulo repeal M“is‘im liquor la:s;c
can straddle the bani: issue sufficie ntlv to
Sides; is under obligation to Strong for



SCTViCCS pcr:o

lhe Drummer, or New 1orl: Clerks


Sabin #20971.

and Country Lbrohant,


'r w“ "‘1” -
gov“; 111.151.
