xt7wdb7vqr82 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7wdb7vqr82/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 2007-04-18 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, April 18, 2007 text The Kentucky Kernel, April 18, 2007 2007 2007-04-18 2020 true xt7wdb7vqr82 section xt7wdb7vqr82 \\\\\\.l\\ M R\ll (()\l

WEDNESDAY -\l’l\’ll is

S (C

vase 3



(llllilx‘:\ll\(i it)\l.>\l\‘_\()l l\lll l’l \lll \( l


REMEMBERING i»\ ’l‘R.\( ilil)\'

Candlelight ceremony at

UK honors Virginia Tech
shooting victims

8y Blair Thomas

( iil.\l'\‘
'iit'il PM»,



strict! Ei\ (

mi i.

siizi‘, ( till?


xtilk’ \xl‘l‘i lite \s i;
'Ilicit‘ s It“ ‘t-i
It'th ili’il“ 'l\ lii'
.itp ltiiit ‘x'tmisi
kiiiil lwi iviiit
l‘Hilt'il itiii l. ill“.
lht _‘li‘l|l‘ i~i ’ a
\.ll[\\‘ 'l i'ti‘h is
(litmus ( i-is iii
'li\‘\ liill'ttH


Panelists: Community needs
awareness to understand
affirmative action

By Emily Coovert

\ll‘lx .i“ 1l\ll\'\*ilillii‘.il|"-\Et\1‘,'l' ll‘i‘lli l\l\i.l:\11wi.l'.liliiliii"i
ll]l\1\'i\'.lliL‘i th\ itaisiiiis \\|i\ .ilt'iii:.:ti'._ .itliuii :s iit'. \\\.!!'i
t'iists .il iiisl night's |)1\i'isit\ l)itilii;'iii‘

lhk' ihiilnyiii- \\ is titlt'il l‘itkiiit' lll‘ Ihk' "lL‘xx" w?
\\ llill s \iiiit \1|\\Hlli \ i‘tinii

"hi li-_'ht «it .ill tlit ll.l!i\‘l‘.ll iiist's brought up in iicrz'litmii IL" .
.i hUI i‘\li\' .itiil l ail|\ lx‘hW ll‘iI li'l \llhh'lll\ ‘1' this lllll‘n'hll‘ Milt: \l.i|ii.il‘i't ii
Rdillltllhll. iliiutivi «it \tiiilviit l)i\cisit\ ltigiist'iiit‘tit

Ihc [Mincl i iitisistul til fiw lilt‘l‘.l"v«'l\ til the !(‘\ .il titlltllllllllH unlit-litim
l k piiili-ssm .iiiil lhlk'k' l l\ ‘~lll\h'ill\ lhv giiiiip \\.t\ ll'\l\’\ l E‘l_l‘.\\\'ll tiiiist
in ltmu til illhl tiiiisv .l'J‘llllU iltllllll.|I|\L‘ ihllltll

lhll\k' stipl‘riiitiiiy .llllllllJllw‘ .lkilt‘ll .igtt'twl thtit it is Illlk iiilt'il 'ii iii lsiiivw
i'ili't' thiit lllt't‘lli!||l\ hiis iii i lllliii hath 'll\it‘ll\.l1[\ illhl I‘lk \t'llli\ iiiii is it iii.
illll‘Hl\\HCl1UCi'1‘ll\ \ ritit .il Pl.“ c \\ itliiii sm it‘tt

\s lint}; .is \w .m‘ ili\itlcil JHlHHL‘ iviiisclws .tl‘Hlll 'ht‘st nun l\\ll\\ is

long .is \w Name nutsclws, \w .ll'L‘ ili\ iilcil and \w i .ni niwi'i inky lmi k tutu
ct .inil inhlmc smiiil itistiu'." siml liin.it|i.m (ttN‘dHtilH L‘lilihhilt‘ \'ll«h‘lll in
HR‘ (‘t‘Hl‘fJC til MK till “with

‘l \ltiriimtiw .iitiuni is nucssni'i. hilt l \\l\h it \\il\H t llt‘xk’\\i:l\ lwt .iiist
thiit “(‘llh, mum .ill mcn .llL‘ L'k'llill hut tho 'it- not." stiiil \iiit.i lliiiiiii‘vsini
linglislt soninr iinil rtwipicnt ml the \Mlliiim (' Pinker \kht‘lill\hlp. ii st hul.”
ship with .i\\.irilci| to iiiinniitics

I'hmc against .itliimatiw .lt‘llt‘ll. hmwwt citiphnsI/cil him siliiilnisliii‘s

Diversity _ it 4

First issue free. Subsequent issues 25 cents.


VP candidate

wants equal

attention in
all fields

By Katie Saltz
._ti'v:.,..v.i ~
\hnloi‘tuiic ‘s itl\‘ .zs .itiinvit.:ii'. il‘~ st tutti
‘Mlltl lht‘iviliiic \\ HHJH‘hl the ‘r‘tlllll imil m; i? -_iiii

I:\A~‘!\ “‘1 ['l\' ‘let' ‘lfiWth‘ll'i it” li.'\'ilixll I‘l‘xlli"

ill 'l: -' - t tt-v. tucks

\Utl t_ili
i; ‘i-
\illki "\iiti tiiii t 'i‘tzisiiit \xhvli ii s’iiiét'ii"
\i‘lll\\‘ Hlt \ltn‘nqspcizit . t i,l]th"\l.t?i‘
iiiiti thinks lllill:'\ 'liux
'li.ii is :i' :~<~'t.il:‘
lriixi.':s,'\ \' .i i'i‘i'l.'?'
rs! ~ii‘sxn'uwh
V l ix ilx’llk‘\s':
l' 1'. 1’«
I'm \l\_iil~s\ in
hilt: :ii1s? .iiul \i‘k‘iill

'li; \l.\

ii. i.‘ .i


()uadriplcgic graduate student.

aVid sports on dies at 1th 27

By Alice Haymond

»:l\V\t il " i'
'viis llx \.is 3‘
"Elm I‘i liiii‘}( il!‘ iitxyihlwgzg
\'llil\:ll:'.il1 l\ -ii JHl till-l tl.i mung

lu' Thi ‘-’il\ 'liiii' “a:

i i

l\'llii il

than» itllil i.i : (
I“‘Htl lil‘l‘.i't-i ii Iiiiiiiiltitiim lll h.s ilifi'i
\“i hit \I‘ .i v ‘ i'.!i ll' it.“

it"lzl‘i.lil\iii .i A 1': ““1 ::'iil ‘\


i th.ix‘ H:
liii l \ii‘l i l" \iiiittiils ll‘i ‘Iflli Itiiiu
ll'ihf \ tl.l;i‘ if NUT? \ln‘ ‘\ W is l

Iii :i;\ Jain/viiwiit lit ‘ilzti his liivziit‘ iii
lk‘t‘i‘i ilk lws! tli:ii-_' Li li.i:‘;\ ll in ilil‘i‘ lxx il|i\( i' " :i'\
in tk'isiiii .iiiil .: ‘u't! ‘l 'iii13h' Him: s.i.l l'l xik'
1ll\l‘ll.tlli*l‘. iii \ titii.ili\ .tl}\i llk' hp i .ll‘lk :i‘i iiiiit.:t' .i 'l:

\t }{\'1t1\ ( illlltl‘» lliuli \Llll”"i. liiciit piiixi-il ‘xisl. i.
!‘.1\L‘i‘.lli.lll\i£0z: iiiiti.‘ .I tiit .iuiili'ut lll l‘N‘ \ttiiiilm; ‘« i
stun th.it mm in Jim“ in ‘.i\\s l’riiit tht‘ Hutu ( .iiinh Il;.l‘
\thiml HLW‘. spiitx'r Brent fi'il .islt‘t'i‘ \I hlh' \hl\lnL 'lit'th‘ .
t'nimil Ul :iilt lhi.‘ \ .ll tliiiix‘il tint! lht‘nt l‘ruLt' his iii'ih i i\ il‘,‘


i :u ‘ i \lii” liii' .7 _' '
thin ‘ii khn'.‘ Hit " "T \ H \n"" Hm

H 1‘ is ~ili l} .: Pl.l:‘;‘\ :ii'x il‘i .:

. Brent

Newsroom: 25.7 '07“, Advertising: 257 2822


 PAGE 21 Wednesday, April 18. Yllll/

uveku Go to wwwkykernelcom tor the solution

your daily dose of entertainment, pop culture and fun kernel ‘ GI





6y tinua L, Slat s


, i .i. 4 , s ’.
ll‘ ilr’. i't .llrlty‘lrlilf ’rM "

. ; v ‘i‘ I
'hll ‘\ "tli'l'ty .2 ’\ f‘i’
WI’ ”WV J"

ti.‘\ r‘.\' 1.13


Aries (March 21 v—"Aprii 19) '

sag [jet rent: it”

tliiitt "amt («arr szrs , ‘. :' '>
'ltwn g... ‘ ‘ ' ~r
Liii,‘w'w.»'.‘ “1‘3 .51"
Taurus (April 20 May ZDl '

l .l" .r

‘i l ttI‘i -.
ci '.' \«iit)l?'i,“1\l

Gemini (May 21 June 2n ' . l


Cancer (June 22 July 22) today ‘i\
it” 3.}:th it‘leliiiite ttiii seen
1‘ i " ‘ii * iit‘ .I‘i,’ ixi'i'a'ttts
"‘FW‘ ’t=i'iiits lli.i"- yiiii
.‘i’ ii’. .1. " ‘u it i't‘ "
. llrlltil illlllli . T’li' [until
Leo (July 23 Aug. 22) ‘. ‘la'i' xs‘ it;
Hit 'l .li” Lii"si' ‘~ yr t, With .it
lf‘i .' w' .-i"i.i"s \“l r
.t'iiiil firm i. in ’.i' IY‘.:"»i'. it‘l‘ (till
:‘ ‘il l\" W"
Virgo (Aug. 23 Sept. 22) Vii: i.


Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 21) ‘ :

.i 'i




keep a close eye on that associate.
llmves an erroialert in efleitt
Sagittarius (Nov. 22 Dec. 21)
Today is an 8 You‘re fascinated
by the relatroiishin hetween philosti
rill, .i‘iii screw 0 Don't get stile
lltll'lstlll and forgot to do an icky hut
"t‘t tassarv chine
Capricorn (Dec. 72 Jan. 19) Today
lt's been a while since \r(lli
ant Sill'ltllliillll special for the love. tli
. in 'i‘e This aaesn't have to he a
(it 's;.i> h. the way Pots can count
"Lt Tait
Aquarius (Jan. 20 Feb. 18) Terri.
: 'vs‘. yin: Verity tiriairis‘

'iiie {lien if that i'll


" lrlll this iiii the thawiiiit
I :' 1 »f 'lii' out ll‘ete Ii it‘tti ‘ilt'
Pisces (Feb. 19 March 20) ititi r.
‘ 1' L' iil H" ii'rl\lt?’t‘il iiilr‘
,riii tr‘ Pursuit] int i»
‘ .et‘i'i e. he
' .' .;i .ir‘ilailxniiii‘i ruin:




Horoscope B
Sponsored By:


lx‘t slairrarrl .lllLl iotirlet



Mo 1 litlid ,\\ e.



By Mara Reinstein


()nl_\ Scarlett .lohansson
could steal the limelight from
the [faster Bunn). ()n April K.
the actress. 32. drew stares at
NYt's ('ar’l_\le hotel. “here
she driied \srth actor Rym
Rc)tiolds rand three othersi
"'l'he) \ser'e delinitel} togetli
er." s;i_\s an etc-\xrtrress. l‘he
t\\o e\en posed for photos
“till a l‘llllll}~tll'c\\‘c‘tl starter.
I'he meal capped oil a neck
Clltl (ll togetherness (lit the
ire“ couple. \\ ho ate Italian at
Rao‘s and kissed at the club
.\//a on April (i. then leasted
on burgers and
()deon. near the actress apart
ment. the ne\t llllell. "She \\Lls
\er') atlectronatc.” sa_\s a tel-
()tleon driicr. Keep in
mind that ill I‘chrriars.
Rs‘Hlttltls. “l.
\\ith Jessica Biel. his costar in
lorrts lllatlc l'rinit} _loh.ins
son, \shosc rep does not corn
ment on. her lrle,
seems auatc or the iron} .\s
she told Ma) s Smenteert
.ihout celeh r‘orriancc. "You're
going to he Iinlsed \\ ith some

pasta at


\\ (ls \kCll t‘lll



“eels. its going: to he some

,ll its soniehod} one

we Disfl SWAP BOYS

Pals Johansson and Biel Share the love —
by hooking up with the other’S former flings

bod} else the ne\t. It's me or
Jessica Biel.”


Biel and .lustm
'l‘imher‘lake held hands as the)
ar'r'ixed at a l'rrend's hir'thda}
part} in Malibu. ('alrtornra. on
April 0. Things got a tad more
Niel} lrom there. "It .lessrca
was talking to a group of girls.
lustrn \sorild come mer. kiss
her' neck and start making: out
\\rth her." sa)s one attendee.
Later. as the) danced in the
middle or? a crowded room. the
l’l).‘\ continued.
ltmlsL‘tl o\er the

.lrrstrn was smiling. too. You
couldn‘t help hut look at
them"' adds the re\eler.



moon. and

So begins another chapter
or Biel and ’lirmber‘lake‘s tip-
illltl*t,l()\\n -relationshrp. Qtirck
recap 'l‘he hotrhodied pair
l\\ ho lrrst got acquainted ll‘i
l)cccrrihcr‘l appeared so errant
orcd ot each other at l’rrnce s
(iolden (ilohe attei’par't} on
.lanuar) lo that liniher’lakcs
e\ ('arneron I)r.i/. 1—1.puh|rcl\
erupted ,-\ “cc-k later. the)
had a threerda) r'cnde/\ous at
the Sundance l5rlm l-estnal in
l'tah. holine tip in l'rmherv
lakes Slflilliainrglit condo.
"l'he_\ “ere rust liming tun."

e\plarned a source. Yet. lrm
herlake. 26. \\ as soon hack in
the arms oi hrs "\\ hat (iocs
Around" \ rdeo costar. Scarlett
.lohansson. Biel. 24. mean
\\ hrle. \\ as spotted dining: \\ ith
actor R);lll Reynolds

Getting Serious

Has the romance stopped
ricochetrng’ ,-\lter all. Hie]
attended a harhecire at
'l‘rniher'lalse‘s l.os Aneeles
home on .-\pr'r| 5 i"|‘he_\
pl.i}ed Irorseshoes together
and had a hlast." sass a
source. adding that the actress
stuck around \xell rirto the
night.) him
lreedom. and .lustrn lo\es that
she‘s so athletic and laid
back " a pal. (Hrs rep
does not comment on hrs per
sorial liter l'or' Biel. it's about
time she and 'l‘rrnher'lalse start
ed lreatrne tip again ‘She is
marorl) hung; up on .l l‘.‘ sa_\s
a source, ”She hopes some
thing; \\|ll happen \\rth therrr ”
She ma) ham to nah .i bit
longer. as limherlakc lsrclss
on a [no month l‘ur'opean
totir ‘\prrl 34 But tor non.
adds the source. the) seem 'o
be \er_\ happ} "



"Jessica L'HCs






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’\[)fll l8 ‘tiu" lthiitittxs ltlilti‘
Page} ’ 'r X "
T l t


Mt‘tllidtt tiditt



Allusicians' collaboration forges friendship

Singer-songwriters visit
campus to kick off Little
Kentucky Derby Fesnval

By Chris Weis

‘i’aitt'tlx ‘LkvktfH‘el t ‘i"‘

\ltitt \M’tt/‘s litcsttlc tis ti tint-ling
nittsitian liclpctl ptonipt hint to llltlhk‘ ti
\llffigt‘fllt‘ll to l).|\k' lititncs .tt .i Nit-\ittin
icsttitiinnt iii Ntislnilltx lcnn. in Litt-
Ittttl lhc) shoiiltt toiii togcthcr

"I kind ot got ttictl ot «hunt; in thc
txii tilonc." said \\cit/. \\ ho had \ll\klt\
ct‘ctl Harm's" lllllle' onhnc «luring his sc
nioi )ctti .it thc l'tii\cisit\ ot Illinois

\kk'l'l/~\ ptotiostil iiiitt.itcti ti titctttlship
that hits Listctl through llltth‘ than titt-
\c.iis ot oil and on touting .intl \‘t‘llJl‘Hl'J
tion It \\ it! \Ullllllllk‘ tonight tit N .is \\cit/
tlllkl “arms to litxitllinc ti l'K Sttttlcnt \t‘
ti\ittcs Hoard spottstitcil tontcit in thc
\ttitlt-iit (‘cntci (imntl Ballroom

lhc mcnt kitks ott thc thtl“ littlc
kk'llllh'h} l)t'i'h_\ lL‘\ll\.tl

"\M- pitlwtl i\\t-I't/ .iiitl Harm-w to
opcn up thc littlc lscnttitkt lk'tl‘} ht
ttitisc thc_\ haw \lh'l‘. .i good \ll‘L' to
thcni.“ snitl Josh Rnpp. S \H tontcrt LUUI
tlttttitot l'lic t\\o .ii‘tists‘ tiphctit .ik\‘ll\ll\
lxisctl sotititls \\1ll ”cnct‘gi/c tillKl tw lllx‘
tticl tot ithc tcstt\.ilif' thm‘ stittl

\\cit/ tit-strthcs his ltlll\t\ .is ltlllls‘,
pop rotk Hitt'iics’t‘\;t1_intitton is .1 litttc
tltUIL' toniplittitt'tl “lt's tiltit' cy‘tl sotit,
"til it‘s pop It's liltiu mt'tl pop ('oiii th.i!
fci'iit “ h: s.iitl

ltit'titls ant? lull‘ knots Hillll3\ for its
lttiitioi. hit! ht“ h.:s l‘t't‘ii t.ii;ttt§ in thc l‘.l\l
not to lg! it sccp into his soii_:.'\\:itiii;;

"I knc“ it I took that turn I \\otilti
ncxct‘ tonic thitk.” HtllllkW \«llkl “l tloii't
\Lint twoplc .isking inc. '(Lin \ott pl.:\
that ttinm song; about thc do}; uho ttltt‘»\\
thc l.t‘.\ll again " "

Htitncs. uho “it! hogiii [twinning .t
tolltm tip .ilhttiii to l.ist jtg.:t's ”(Illthlll:
\iississim‘vi" it'ltuisctl in \lto‘ lt'.tll/\'\ tht
tiiipoittiiitc ot his htiznoi oiitsitlc ot lll\

" \n_\ tii'tist l cttio}. l’iii litmus intt-i
t'stctt in st-cins hou thc_\'ic likc “ Harm-s


Unt- lltltlf.‘ hc l~|t‘lt“Attic“\.tltl.1\lllc'

Recvcge we kennel






\ “.11.“. Li,.,t,:.‘.v,, if" Nltii'. \Nii'l.’ .‘.'..,t ,.t .t Eillllkl “U,“lll titltl tpi‘flivi', llr‘iit‘ii'llr" llrtw Bdtthts 71.: (l ‘ .. 1" r f._
V " I t ”.1" Ll't‘” ‘ v :31 "‘t "‘ .ii 5

I" it. i, . it
.tl'L‘ plCII} spontancous "
Htirncs .lklllllllL‘tl to thc "ticking tiinc

If you go hotnh" nutut‘c ot' Itt‘i’t'oi‘nnng togcthci spo





What: Dave Barnes and Matt Wertz "\M-‘xc pttitctt sonic o! thcst' songs
in concert Stttt timcsi And I tloii't “tint to tic th-c out
When; Tomght at 8 \\ho lllk‘\\C\ onc ot thcin up" ht' \Jlkl

Where: Student Center Grand Both .iitists spokc comp]inicnttii‘il}
Balirttom .ihotit thc othci tl\.1ll‘.l|\t\'l.1lltt?l\l.lll'lk'llkl

"t\\ct't/I has got it ll'k'Jlxhll ttilcnt tor
\ki'ittiig pop songs” Harm‘s s.i1tl "llc's .in
.mcsonic tltitlc "

"l'n‘i ti'til} lll‘Pllel .intl thtillcngctl ti)
Ilitirnt-s‘i songmtting Hc‘s Mist-d thc
"VH'JH‘H‘ “”Ss't “‘11:!“Hls't” UPC hat tot \\htit I want to tlo ‘Allll ”1‘- son:

li‘t \\t'lt/ lllU\l\ \\tts .t \lt‘\L‘lHtitllj.‘ “1””): .. \\c|'[/ \tltl "[t\ tt lL‘Jl Vltk“|‘ to

Tickets: 85 tor Students, 310 at the


guission 'tti’l t“s'\‘t:;!i|\\tl hohht' loin toiccs .XL'dlll "
throughout tollcyc ()tit ot school. \M‘it/ tonight thc shtm \[Jf[\ mth pop rock
ht-gttn plating .it jmtith stitiinici lellP‘ [\t‘tlttsl lon _\1tl “tightly \thtm- tit-hut
"I rutll‘» tlitln't knou \xhtit l \\.1\ fit“ tccoi‘tli ”liitiitina ” is st‘lit-tltilt'tl tor i‘t'lmsc
ting Il‘._\\t'll into,“ hc said in _\].i\
.\o\\ that his sitittmct t'tinip gigs h.i\\: [‘ttkus .itt' \i to] \llltlL‘lll\ ‘iint \ltl
tlt'\c'lt\t‘t'tl ttttti ti ittll stdh‘ titlhtk (.tt't‘t‘t. titiIIJrs in; min stink-ms \Il [lxlxk'l\ \\ill
\\ci‘t/ totilti not l‘k"ll.1}"plk‘l.llk‘ s.tttl m \ltl .it thc tltioi
Although he has not talkctl \\itti \\cit/ .\\ [nut o1 l_ittlc Kt-ntttt‘kt Hutu. ti
titllkll ttl‘otit th ~Hllxt‘tltc i't tlts‘ \ht’“. Ping Pong: “All Dit‘t‘ \\lll rttkc g‘hitt- tit
l’ititltt‘s .tsstitt‘it's titlldltnt‘ttttttti “Ill «tutti, 11min lt‘iiJ} “lin‘l'x’ ltltttl l‘llljl tum}; tnilis
ht- \.t!t: uill thop tron: the l’ttllL‘iM‘ll ()ttitt‘ lo\\ ;
'“v't‘t t‘tiil‘xli‘h its" \IHIILL‘ Ht “'1 C-lslt ct liu- ot thcsc l‘dlls \\iil tic gin-n .intl ‘
ottict‘s stiitt ‘ \‘Mtt/ :ttwwtl "\\t"\c thc \lllklx'lll\ \\ho ,riitk thosc ttj‘ “ill \\lll l
pilot-ti ciiottgh togt'thct llltl't thcsc things ticc ilk-kc“ to thc “unfit [{Ums mitt l






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‘Maintenance private patios and batcorties l ghten “3va a“: “38*be it 'f-ntti i
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 PAGE 4 | Wednesday, Apnl 18, 2011/



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Page 5


Tailback making strides

Smith put on weight, honed skills during
offseason to impress coaches in spring

By Matthew Gemge .11111111 111.11.” 1’111111111 s.111l

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Baseball searches for ways to end slump


By Eric Lindsey


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