xt7wdb7vqn7t https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7wdb7vqn7t/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1979-03-07 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, March 07, 1979 text The Kentucky Kernel, March 07, 1979 1979 1979-03-07 2020 true xt7wdb7vqn7t section xt7wdb7vqn7t a
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\ = - (7,. ’ a? I. - ‘ . .. . 62- ' "In“: ‘ ' . student COSt increases s 1-2-91. , . f \\ "Wm v0 /5 I /' '2; t“ “'7 , KO J E . . __ /x M ‘ O - . //-,’ \ ' ‘ ' .’ “'1 ‘. lhe cost of liting will be higher at l'ls' nest year. “rich" and “poor“ dorms. with stigmas that would ' \ .. '- ' proting that campuses are no refuge from inflation. alfect students who lited iii each. 1 . Rising costs for food. supplies and sertices are just Beyond that. a multi-rate sy stem could quickly [@LAX' .n‘ CAN’T C , f “Edit I l f .‘1 as gommon at a l'niyersity as anywhere else. disintegrate into baffling complesity. If different LAST Fm y ‘ f“ E - E'— lhe Board of lrustees yesterday approted btiidings gctdiffercnt rates.whatwould hapen when 7" ‘1 1 i *: _ increases in the student actitity fee and in room and 1residents complain about hating to fiteun the 12.11. (A .‘\ - I . p E 4‘ board rates for the fall semester. Actitity fees will be floor. hating broken furniture or worn-out carpet. I ’ , S ' ii . E $.12; i.\ L:— ' - raised from SZIQS to SRIQS. to coter the cost of or windows with a poor \iew‘.’ lritiaf. perhaps. btit ' ’ / ’ i i “ y ’1 .1 “'~,',".\ /\ _- . _ building an addition to tfte Student (enter. Rooiii there would be a lot of dissatisfied residents. . i i / :"- .e i E ' and board rates willgo upanatcrageof75percent. Still. it‘s easy to sympathi/c with residents of & \ ‘ ‘ 'lherc really was little alternatite to the cost older dorms who beicte they ‘re getting ripped off. _/'©_o. . E. increases. With residence hafls.continuittg costs had and are unable to find other housing It the situation E ....42; accelerated along with inflation. and [K had to gets any worse. the l'nitersity should certainly giye *0 Ely]. ,\~ E2 1 keep up. serious consideration togiting some compensation. Arm ALL CARER’S ' I‘. , gs ' 5/ ‘U‘l 1 It's possible to take issue with the decisions to If thousands of dollars are going to be used to quND T'J’LQAVG 3;"..35‘ "- '1 . , ; maintain esisting |e\efs of quality in the cafeterias replace carpet in the Complex there should be a lot w V" 3' i: ’ ‘ o \ .- - 1L ..- and to continue charging the same rates for all of repair work also going on at the \orth t‘ampus. m AGAiN'" 04/ .,,' \ h \ ‘ , fi‘l‘ , ’ 3 3?: residence balls. I he argument is that students w ottld l he second fee increase. the higher actit ity fee for .. ’ ‘ \.'~- .97 of b: L) ‘3 77““ benefit more from sating money than they would the Student ('cnterespansion. scented to cause a lot . ‘3'“ f ' v Q5ga {aw i from getting the same food. and that dorms of of last-minutecoricern.assome studentshadsccond -. — \ x . U/ '."s\ /G ...—...J—HF— . 2'. different quality should be rented at different rates. thoughts about paying an extra Slf). ' i 1 7 " ‘ ' w 7______‘ ’ But regarding food costs. no one is certain w here But it was too late. really. to kill the increase. 1\|l §KT ' ‘ if . inflation will end. lowering cafeteria standards the correct procedures had been followed. 1\ \ M ' : would be premature ll costs are still going to go tip. rcpresentatitc sampling two years ago showed that MWVM At any rate. cafeteria cuisine is not luxurious now; a majority fatored the expansion. and an S(i It making it worse would be a dissertice to campus telephone .surtey last fallconlirmed thatconclusioii. l I I l , residents, With no conficting etidencc to go on. Student Fab/IO gets a free educatlan 'g‘ A stronger case can be made for charging tarying (iotcrnment had little alternatite bill to report that ‘ f- ratesfor differentdorms. ltseemsto make no sense students fatored the increase. (President ()tis . .. _ . _ :1' to hate the same rents for both dilapidated Singletat‘y had said he would not recommend the “1‘ \l»\Rl\(l.‘\l)lH1.l()HT\S()Y\ lducation . H' .“imc “Humid imumc ”W “in“ knm“ hN' ”m ' buildings ike Boyd Hall and newer structures like increase unless it had student support.) hoes the sllllc‘ hate tfie right to Iulitiiiniitiiiiiiijtftiiiiiiiiii]sitslt‘eiiil‘in the tlfi]:(iiitriiitli‘i‘titlieliiiiiiti.‘iiigiiltltiilscphiipfi: i the (omplex. _ for the room and board increase. II “c “I “M" educati- iittlitiduals of do llltllfltllltlls l‘S. was born out of lltc'illdhidllal‘s lites of etertonc else. lhe recourse is I On the ”h“ hand and lhl‘ l5 ”“3 ”‘Hull‘m “'H “'0“ and 'I won‘t happen ”U“ .‘Cif' hat e the right to an cdtteation‘.’ llereiii right to an education. At times tariotts to toe the line and attempt to become administration‘s argument creating a system of for the actitity fee increase. let‘s hope it will he Iiesiheieatissiie tiiitteineaththe recent eiti/ens hate not reCCi\cd tltat equal and remain part of the ruling elite, different rates would segregate campus housing info worth it. court case intoft mg the State Board of education arid still do not. llowctcr. Matty liate attested to the peril of stich " The Antique and the ListleSS the goalis to protide it. lhe beauty of a society. \o one should expect to be g a pluralistic society is the freedom part til the select few. Rather one - . ' ' 7 families hate to choose an education should assume that eteryone‘s 4‘ 0W Ong untl Ing ear se 8 xce rln. consciously knowing what is tatight. individual choice must be maintained ; lhus. a balance is struck itt ditcrsitt to guarantee one‘s own choice. What ' “You‘re 1., new bride and \(yu'rc here ‘ it." she cscfaims. But this is soap suds. (enter. watching Iht‘s‘ttttllnuitig noon— easiest “amusement." ft makes ———————§—___—_._ 1 propositioning me!" i not life. lhe final scene suggests that time dramati/ation of l';lltlktic‘t"s I/it' coiiteisatioti superfluous. It is a . ' El "I wouldn‘t esactly call it that." the daughter has intented the abuse. Sound um/ I/lt‘ I'lll‘l‘. substitute for the intensity of learning. opinion 2‘ The conversation comes from last lhe audience arrites at a retelation; Bl” I10“ N“ teletision ht‘ "Cl”l‘iff \‘ ””s‘ ‘st‘m 's‘l‘litl‘ks‘d f‘l'ldil)~ "3 Friday 3 edition of “the Young and “So she‘s the one with all the when eicrything on it is pre~selcetetf “God. I doii‘ietenwanttothinttihmii .—————————________— g 1h“ RCS‘ICSN-"u5"“P0P9Wlh310rds‘“ l‘mhlanN “A.“ if “f‘r‘frlll ‘lW-‘P 1"" ‘hc “’19 PW‘P‘N' "f ”‘4'“an it ”W [N “"1“”31 “ll-u and a free socic!) continues. It is this stilles freedom and ereatititt is not "1' the lites ot many l'K students, lhey I spent last Friday iii tltc teletision profit? King | ear.in anguish and rage. Where does the amusement. attitude which has allowed eten parents who want to determine the arrite at the Student Center at loungeon the first floorot the Sttident \L‘I'W‘ ‘0 ‘ll‘iflllifllcl/L‘ 31” I‘WCW'” f‘f'ms'ff‘ls‘“Off-“VII“hs‘ill'l"“illllt—"-’'1iw encouraged correctionof curricular content of their own children‘s ‘ noontime. hrculhlcss front a dash ('enter. hoping to understand why headache. When ’lfit' .S'otuii/tiiii/ I/lt‘ sc\ sltotts‘.’ Maybe the expanded omissions of contributions of tarious education. but people who want to ~—"'—__—_—————’— ISN’T find“) hCL‘tHllL‘stt With ”Ps‘lil- “0 ~Sllflik'lll ('Cllls'f’ ought ll) fllClllds‘ 3| groups 0| peoplc [ti our Ctllller dclcrmmc the content (if all children's afice tower blues will cut from ( addy sdirty drawers to massage parlor. it would be more American Indians. black. female. and education, the ()sydol commercial. lhe content healthy than sitting in the Iombie others. Second. the board’s atack is a red . _. - by ”1b?" “"70"an across campus. and settle in for thirty anyone young and restless would want Maytag. Donate the ten foot screen from the EliliagiHi-erti :l:c.dhc.l.l:l. t‘lltaltdthe \llyu-c education meeting minimal standards minutes of uninterupted fantasy. to spend thirty minutes pretending to My argument. in fact. is itot eten second floor to the Society for the “dam1113:};“Lspifid(:Efilylrcgljycicxs of sttident learning and performance. lunch can wait. Books are forgotten. be antique and listless. I still don‘t withteletisioii, leletisioitisa cultural .\eaily Blind. lhe colors are always Instead it E‘ ... totalitarian AOSllltin‘ Increasingly across the country it is A late arrital asks if the opening understand. but I hate a solution. l)o reality. It can no more beatoided than sea green anyway. Remote the smaller b'ised 0.” theineed m indoctriiiiafe and becoming clear that this is not true. In scene retealed“what.lillreally wants." away with the teletision sets in the automobiles. child abuse or poison set on the first floor froin its phallus- control two re uirentcnts ‘ of court. the Kentirk'y board could not It dld. “She wants to get pregnant." Student (enter. it). But why should the unitersity like pedestal. apropriate enough for education in .E societf ruled moi-“m“ show that its basic requirements such Sexual innuendo is a soap opera If students want to exercise their cater to our most tulgar needs‘.’ If we the steaming "daytime tefetision 1| t“ lit“"t . ' l -| 'h“. , ‘d as teacher certification had any staple. but Friday‘s show was specially constitutional right toeulttiralsuieide. are truly to be a center for learning. dramas.“ and see if some guerilla :1]? fldflliit.‘ plti‘ogo‘p‘ '\ :mh .positite correlation with successfully . charged with the mysterious and why should the unitersity protide why not protitle some special theater doesn‘t appear. What about flizyrirtzttai\l.|1:.~(:l:fl'\.:l.llflatly-If,I educating children. A public school wicked. A daughter hates her father them with the gun'.’ opportunities for thought'.’ . lite debates among street corner Cdllchlltth'liltl(ntttlhcglilttltm):1th education with full state regulation is ‘ because of somethingterrible hedid to I know what you are going to say. lhate heard rumorsthat one section orators" How about sortie blues c'irri the‘ educator‘s‘ v'ilucs. .md not necessarily any better and mav be l her as a child. What can it be'.’ lhe lhat my argument is with soap operas. ofthecspanded Student('cntcrwi|l be singers strolling the corridors'.‘ "ELK“ 'c lhere ‘are In” ‘innocu‘ous decidedly worse than a home grown l father seems no? to remember. Is he not with telctision. lhat television is called an":\musement Arcade,"lt will" Substituteanything. hut remotcthe “‘53:: ' ‘ education. » playing dumb‘.‘ lhe daughter. now a simply a “medium." a neutral be with pin ball machines and telctision sets before the toung attd ' J“ ‘ lhe state board of educattonshould . doctor. wishes her father were dead. technolog) that can just as easily electronic games. We will be able to“ the restless diseotcr thet'ie become ”W recent “"“d‘ by me Board "f spend its time. money and energy Hippocratic oath not withstanding. broadcast lying Lear as “How the insert a quarter and amuse ourscltes .thc old and the mindless: ['1““C"‘l“" on church “Show“ may raising the standards of the public lhe father‘s act was “so sick. so World ltirns “ If Iele\ision with a machine that simulates an dcmmmm“‘“°P"im‘-Hm-‘hmi‘ schools so that parents who wish to loathesome. so contemptible." A girl programming were different. eten automobile running oter pedestrians. Robert llemenway is an English an increasing mote toward take advantage of a freely available. inthe audience can stand itno longer. hopeless high brows like linglish lhe idea of the Student ('entei's professor. His column appears every totalitarianism in the “'8' N‘“ the publicly financed education mavknow' ’ "(in on. say it? Incest. I want to hear professors would sit in the Student television set is what offends. ft is the other Wednesday. blatant dictatorship. or-a right-wing their children will receive a good ' 1 military coup. or a marxrst revolution. education. EY but a sense of elitism that is inimtcal to 1| be state should protide access to a ' «s WHY is COKE 1H5 the operation of a free society may be good education. but it is not the sole ' WW“ WE- SOM‘RIMK g / ”l” d““."lf""- lhe ”“huc encroach- source not only definition of / . //// q? a l P merits of elitism could end democracy education. lhe public school system ' / ///y/ / / ’ / '" ”"5 country. should be a possibility for education . 2/, (”J/A R55 Certainly goternment has been which we may use or reject. lhe state 017/, , ml \ useful 'in some areas such as has no right tomakea person become I// f . ‘f _ )- . eonbatting raCism. But even there the (and as is often demonstrated. no . // r t P -\ real strides have been made by ability to do so anyway . l-reedom i . / 0, r / / inditidual people. where ultimately entailsthe right to chooselct useach . f» A l if f i - . they need to occur anywaysconstant go our separate ways. confident the E Q ,’ if litigation shows the inability of a other person will be wrong in some 9 52‘ g. V Fl ‘ democracy to legislatively enforce areas. but trusting each other a little i i 5/ ‘ 2.. 2 anything with which obstructive bit and ourfrec systema lot. 1 k /,/ ill - /i individuals disagree. The alternative - .« /‘ I" $22 if ’\ to this slow' churning of peoples ‘wrth Marlt ('undlfl Johnson is in the UK . 1‘. .7 '. // / l" . .1 1 conflicting or different talues _is to Medical School .‘ .:2 x 4 // ll! //// “ , letters policy ’01? " / /// /,// ’1’17/2 . .. " ‘ 1 . //,’,1/// I //// 1/ // / , // Lettmtotlie Editor,opimoits and Edltorlll Edltor. Kern-cl, Kernel. f -, / ,1 . 4 ‘//,//“ //,//, 'commentaries may be delivered Ill Journal-II Building. Ulllvedty .‘ _ ~. ‘ l ///‘/// // "/// ,1 / 7 ’_ ///}C 7/ / personally to the Kernel newsroom, of Kentucky. Lexington. Kentucky . ’57.." a: V E? /. , 7/ . / ./ ,2 / ./21 //// l|4 .lourmlsim Blflldlnl. Some form 403“. For contribution lulled on 1‘ E 23'.--.t-':.11 R // ’ 1 1 K / ~///1 / , // 1/” _ ‘2‘ L of identification is required. La.” 00! Spud Sort number h f if: '3 _E Submissions my also be mailed to “In t 1'1. .55, ..h “#4 32:3. is we. Miss ‘ 42“” ~- 1 ‘i‘fis‘ . W .“W‘P'WW ““ 1.2.. .2 Wi*w 2 ,. . 2 ~~ ~2 ~ ~ --.......... 1 - ...—...... swig-it"?gears-:42?.-;sf;€1't‘-§“g;tfi?~--is’,~.y:3~;fzsfi';;§.".2. ‘2 .j.~~.f~‘.; .:?.?1;1 1,1; ' ,1. 1 -, ‘. . .1i};;;'»~‘;;';p»té;.$f"-;s:$513331‘3 .’- ‘51-'13 3353s.";* ’5“ “”iilgi‘tg‘t“ 5.5;“f$‘='v§1fi‘§ftg"~ii"fif‘iajta‘i‘iftrt I '3‘»? "s 1.;1 1551‘; dim . 1 - "f1 "1 2. 1 1s f‘.1‘“.:.:'.11 “‘~i"i‘};:tfi1€§3§‘1"‘-ft'~ 1 n‘ “it"s”? . - 41,? ii“*'~‘1-‘95~i}¥f~ ‘2... * 1",” " - ‘ 11.2wrii12132122. 1 -‘ 1 2 “ ‘ ~ : fi‘dfi'i"§ “ “1‘1 refit” 1‘“ ' 14: '1 BEST COPY AVAI warm arena‘zi . f12.“ . 1 , . ’ " ”‘2 ‘6‘. 2:11... : axis.“ '- ~ ~ - 1 .1 (‘1 . - 1-1.:1; 1 ‘ . ’ ' 1 1 e flaw 2"" ' 1 1 ~ "“MW-w 1.- 1e .... .. . 1 ’ ' 1 T. i : 3’? ‘ 1114‘2/ .’ 3.1: i. 7 , . . 1 1 4 ll” Kl'\l| ( Kt lyl-RNH . Wednesday. Much 7. "79—3 I I f I I . I * . l t By STEVE MASSEY belore nest year‘s annual loans Hui 11t1111111111 1. l 1 . . . 11 1 1 .. 1 . .1 ,1 11 1., 1111 would ”IL.” ' y 1 . 1 . is 1.. 1 (opylditoi meeting. ' \L‘slk'ldH “1'1“th "1'11“ " 1 ‘ 1: 1‘11 1111. 1, " 1W» '1'\Hlllptitllltltll\|tlt‘ll(ls T In response lomcnibei ( taig Rcdiiiaii this would 11113.11. ”1. 1 ' 1 1 1 , . l( 11 1 1. 1 i 1 . . . . g ‘ | ' t1 1.1 1 11-1 .ll\'.l\1 til llly' tiltitllt‘lh 1 lhe llK (redit Union. liilangersquestionsonwliythe llllltttts polity oi 1-111111111111 . 1 . 11 11 .1 ; . 1.. 11..11 net-.1 lllts would i described by manager credit itnioii could not install among its iiieiiihtis -1 ‘ 1 1 1. . 1. - 1, .... 1 1111 11 . 1 1.111.... 11. p111h|t111s 1 mm, _- - i Margaret Strnad as a \ariable interest rates thigliei ‘ll we weie 1111iis1.111 1.11 ..‘11‘ l l 1 1 1 y. 11 .. 1‘ .111111-1~ “A“ I” 1' I coopera ive. e'en e is or ower ra es or in I\| tta s IltlL‘lL'sl tales 111,- 11.1111 111.1111 - 1111 11 1 1 1 1 1 ,1 _.._ 11.. 1-11 .. 1111.”. .3. 1, 111 \ Mn“. ”1,. ‘ 1"dlddt | it ddl) ll “ . 3 _, _ position ol conseryatiye assome banltsdo.HillWagiiei. dilleietiuatt- out 111.11111 1111- ‘1 11 .1 1 1 , ,1; 1 , g...111 1.1 1.11.. .1 11,111,1111111111111 ' ’ management at yesterday‘s chairman ol board. said the is something “t 1.111'1 1'11 '111 11 ~ . 11 annual meeting. union is not out tor piotit. Rediiiaii said ‘ ‘ '1'" I .lohn Redman. secretary- ‘lhc credit union is lot the \11\ I Is L'lllpitt‘ttt .11 ‘ 1.» l ournament t|ckets sold t 1 treasurer on the board ol benelit ot its members iiienibei 1-1 h1s 1.1111111 111 1- l '1 O" 1 directors. said the credit primai'tly those who need \\I\ltt's 111.1y ltilll 1.111. 11 '1 1 ’ union's $5 million in assets mone\." Wagner C\pl&llllt‘tl union l.1t‘1iii.1i11h1-: smut 11 ‘ ~ . 1 ,1 1 \ g , \1 l 1 suggest the union is‘extremely ‘lhe picterenee to lending an equal \Hlk 1111 11s 1:11.11 . -. _: .' ‘ 1 1 1 11 ' . 1 I, 1 \, , ,1 ' i ii .1111111.1 sound and well reseryed. should go to the lower income has the .111hi 11. 11.1111- 1111 1 .1 1- 111 ~ . . , . 1 1 ' , , i" g u . . : _ . 1 111tiiqd \loiid.t\ It is operated in a people who need II. 111 111.: h11.1111 111 111 i 1 1 1 ,1 . 1. _ 3 , ' 1 11 1.1 ‘ 111111 1 consenattte manner. he said. Do we lend money to buy the ( 111101111. '1‘11 l is l '-‘1‘ “ 1 1 1 ’ ' ' Hi 1 1‘ M \1 1H . ' 1 . _ . ‘ ' r 1 r. ‘ \ ‘ l . 'll ‘ ll ' l because when you deal with (adillac. or to the small lnioi1 has 1111111. 111.11. ‘ '1111 1 l h. 1 1 1 11 ‘ H 1 LL. I” . t" y . ’ .1.11 ti I1\i.‘."‘lllfl n. ' someone elses money. you borrower.’ Wagtici'asked. lllL'lllhsls 1 1 1 , . . : ’ 1' 1“ ... .g g . ~ 1 1 . 11-‘1 '1.11 11._/1ii: tii' '- ’ haye that responsibility. lritanger s quest ions \iiotliei question 1.11-1.11 11 111111 ' 1 . . 1.. g , ' 1pm . . stemmed trom a 11m laint li- lid. 11:1 111- l' 1111. 1 ‘11‘«1 - 1 H i. l i l ‘ His delense stemmed trom . 1.1 p .L 1 1.“ k ”I“ 111 i . ‘1 ' 1- '1 ' 1 '1 ' 1. 1:.1 1- 11.111 .11....1.1‘.1o:u . . had concerning the unions unions ielusnl 111 11111.111 1.111 ‘1 . ‘ 1 1 1 1 . . . , 1 , 1 questions concerning the . . _ g j g -1 . .11 ~1 .11 ~ .1...11.1111111.1.s.1111h\ . . , _ . . prime interest rate ot I- iiioiieaee loaiis ‘ 1 1 1 1 1 11 1. r untonslaekol \ariableinterest ‘ . ' 1 ’ 1 ‘1 ‘ 1 1 1~ ~1‘I‘ - 1 : 1"1 1 rates and first mortage loan percent. I'M MPH-mm" ‘ » . . lnlangti tound he could m: ‘ 1 polieies. 1- ‘ linance a car at a rate ol 9 I Also. Sydney lllmar. percent at a l.e\ington banls. [Nu 1,1;1- .1