xt7wdb7vqm8v https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7wdb7vqm8v/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1971-02-25 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, February 25, 1971 text The Kentucky Kernel, February 25, 1971 1971 1971-02-25 2020 true xt7wdb7vqm8v section xt7wdb7vqm8v ' i. 4 A .y
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Thursday. Feb. 25. um UNIVERSITY or KENTUCKY. LEXINGTON \ol. i \ll. \., ‘ll .. . ..
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l‘UI‘H‘iCl' Secretary at the ln- its high time lot the public K‘iii‘l Iktfipli‘ iiiiil thi‘ Pffiiih" 0t ”Mtg... 5“ g. - .-"""".‘-‘.’~'.Z~
terior W alter . llickel told to sav we ve had ('1h’)‘d'-’li and “W world must not stand lot It. ’»/ '- 'v -’
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into the Student Center Ball- channel the great stints which 0f th‘ I‘d-W“ ”(lllllllifitl'iltiml i“ 3.233 "M ”at 3 1,1‘,‘ 1
room yesterday that the war on are now being used to btiild his Spfl‘t‘h. although h“ hilS ht‘t’“ ”$3.3: ' f at . ' 't' .; .-
pollutioii can be won, btit that more and more en\ironmentally "H‘Hlmnfll as 11 DOSSlhlP lthl- ”3%?3333 - 4-,. » -;.:; i - . -
- . t. . . . ' . —- 43%..“ “39";‘1 A:V :- 5t.- ; ; 2' z . . 331.} ,3 _ . . . . ‘ 1
their generation would get lost destructive freeways into envtr- party candidate on a 19.2 clec» 3’33» ' ’w-‘i 'ct..£.-.- i .’ I" .n ‘ '
: - ' . - . . ”W3 . <53 :5 - ’ My ' .419}: 3. ' . .
m a backwater 0f lHStOl‘V bv trv— onmeiitally constructive 111:1ng tioii slate headed by New \ork 2;er . . i 333.1: at 2 .- ~, l._
. . ' .' ' . ' . .. . . ' .e3 M . 1.1.:g‘ '3 r ..
mg to change society Without rapid transit systems. he said. Milli“ J0l‘“ Lindsay. £33233? ,“ 333i ‘ . 3 F ’.
min the tools of rovertiment.” , . , . . ~ — : , $3 ,,,:i"";:¢‘ at “ "i' V. , {5' 6‘... _ . r
g 3‘ lhe Unlttd States alone ctut- Instead, Nickel ollvretl ‘Hlir §w333§w g} ». - ';
[tickel urged the government not solve the pollution problems port for the l)l|i'(‘iu1(‘rltti(‘ “5“,th ,33’333’1’333 .- Vt 3. . s V. .3. . V .3
3" take “ 5””“g “m“! 0” 9” lacing the world, hut it can ilSSWtins that he was “ths PM“ msxfit‘g. V A. , ’3 '..~'~fr;- ’ :11“
Hr()“m(‘m‘ll "”5”” that go bt force a historic turning point “’93 ”amp“ ”l I“ 5”“‘05- $7133!“ «Wiggif , s Nita}? ‘. .9. ., ~.
Yond "Id“‘dlldl control. 0" ‘3 iii the battle by actively engag- W'orker for 0.) months ‘3 133i§.::,~3§ “it 3» -- .V V
. - . . .. t j . , , . . . y . ~ : -‘- - 3-550 if;'2'21333'3552.13:32:.3;...:;...:-;V 33.52": -_-';_.:,..E, ,.: 3’- 3 5, é - ”1% :- " . if: ‘. , ~"V
national SWIM 1“ PFOPOSCd ll“ mg in a United l\ations conter— ”I made it \v) k f 3V, , tl V 3:13,; 3/5431? «agng.s.gt.f' 3'; . __ .. ‘VV .
formation of a Department of on“. on the environment sched- ‘ (,pr or -- "‘0“ W 3&1“. t. ”3333* "‘13.;th3:333:..;y ‘_ t t-
\" t ' l R i" ‘ ' ' (1 tl ‘ F - - - - - l showed that it vou really care. 3”»wr 3 373.. ”£3 ';...'3-- ‘3’ 3&3 . ‘. r , '» . .
A d ura ”OWL“ ‘1" K 4“ tiled for mid-1.912, lIiekel said. V l . l‘ 1. . '1 ' attentfig ‘3 2*. g .. . .‘ ., 3 '1. . .
. vironment to see that the coun- ‘1‘“ Jr“ “3 ““13“ . and want 3” 31w“ We» 535323333 3 : “3:. ’ 3 . .4 .‘ '
“ ' ' ” -. ‘ : . x s t . .. . , , ~’.’,. . , ' .3 31:33.13... '1 5:1: ., - £6,175." V t . .- :-. -. . .
trv’s resources are “put to the This is a key event, he said. soch tllt. pTOl)l( m, _\011 (an inakt wifigngc }3§§~;;3yf§i} ‘3 3333” . E. .' .‘ . , .
' u - : - - ' " - ~;.:«:¢=Af:>'~:.xa;:s:v=.< .55.:qu 5, A°~.:.V* r‘ ". < M; . . . - :j i . i. » -
highest use and greatest good " It “”11 h“ an indicator 0f J“St ll work, ht‘ Silld: 33,333 - s3 a5 ls :31 , , .. .' ' 1.“
. . , t . . >:-.:. ,,:...,... e. as. .:' ..;,_..1-::~:V-.-'~ ium' .3 ..s. -. 3.; 1' _ -,A . 4 i. . .
how serious our yovernment is ., . -~ , .. ' . . _ . . . .V _:
“The De )‘trtment of Natural . 1., . . Netttrthtless, ht S‘Ud" “0 5'” In response to a question trom the tloor. loriner \etietaix ot the 5 ‘
' l ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ about taking leadership in world tem 15 any better than the men . V . . e .V ..
Resources and the Environment ollution problems 1 ‘ . 't ,, Interior \t alter Hitkel assured students that the Plans lot the ”nth _» 3:35
is more important to the future I) H “ m are iunning l ' Alaska hot oil pipeline “ere inadc Mill] (‘\t‘l‘\ tonsideiaiion lot the -_
generations of Americans in its ‘Old game 0‘ jockeying’ 1“ tell you “gm": the 5353”" natural beauty of Alaska. Hit kel lielded seit'i'al stit h questions altci Vt] 3'.“~.‘.V .'.I .
3 3’ 3 u ' ,' ' . ’ ‘ r 4 "n _ . t - ' I ‘ ‘1... 't 1' l .-
size and expenditure than the The Old game 0f lOCkeymg ‘5 great. But If you are disap a 30 minute address to an audit-me ot iiearlx 2mm. llitltcl Mas
Department Of Defense ” he for short-term national sell-in- pomted WIth 't' dont change released from his (abinet post bx President \iuiii alter twpiessituz 3."va y" ’.'
said. “\Ve must not and cannot terest Will. in the environmental the system, change the mil“, anti-administration opinions on (‘(()lt)g\ and the sllttlt’nt Ultnt'lnt’llL . “7. : .
separate resources from the en- area, be disastrous. The Amer- H‘Ckel said. (Kernel photo in Kenn) Wilsoni J." r. i.
vironment.” 1 ,
“’ould create mergers o 'V ._ V
M to o anti-war con erence
the already-existing Environ- ’ ._‘~ 1»
mental Protection Agency with ‘
‘1 Department Of Natural Re EDITOR'S NOTE: This is the plained that gig“: had recoiwtd mlttce for antiwar action rcpre- tuo groups :ii‘lt‘tlit‘l «M'A ‘hA‘ .' g? -
sources planned by the Pres— last "f a series 0f articles ex» word that ii'diViduals from scnting sthools all over the» \itlit . ':.‘:.:,.-ttl::l h: : tif’llPt‘ . .til ‘9‘! _~:j. . ::
ident as part of a major cabinet . . . l ‘ : . l . t ' ~
h Hi" Th b' amining the antiwar movement Nashville Knoxville and (‘iiiciii- Last weekend. the national or— (lt’itl()ll\tl.illti!.\ ilt‘l it‘l\t it. .t V Lg“; ,. .
x L‘ ’ ' . . . V ' 1 , lH'...V "a I"
1'95 u mg. :3 ca met ”P0“ both nationally and locally. nati would also be attending the ganizatioii 0t b\l(. endorsed new escalation ill the Vl_.ti. t. in... 3:. ‘er
would stress prevention of ‘ ' A 'l 04 , . l , 1, , f . . , ._ \V .. \\' ll m )1.“th .-V, .1 _V
ll , . d , , conference . pri .. as tit (att ot a mas .tr. a l .=. V.
p0 ution instea 0f policmg, he BY JERRY W. LEWIS W ll d 'l l l t h b sive antiwar demonstration in “l'ni posilin that it their i~ .' V. .'
-' - - - i. _ ta e- . . , .
SdldA Editorial Page Editor ]_ i : tesfiiwi w . C l \Vashington, Another group. an» sharp t'MJit‘tliuii iii ilit wit a '. . : -.
.. , - - ievet o )e te wo ma or o )- . A. . . ' _ . » .
The most pressing ecological I really d0!” think UK is all . t' tth f I h' l the People s (,oalition for Peace that stiltlt-lih here '\\tlllltl mt.- _.V "’,.
' - , - ec ives o e con erenee, w ici . V, .. . : . 3.: , ,
problem facing the U nite d that different. Theres Simply a I 'll f F 'd 'rht and Justice, ltas made plans for port .i \illlxt'. the S\l( it‘.i