xt7wdb7vqj1n https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7wdb7vqj1n/data/mets.xml Lexington, KY Pride Community Services Organization 1993-05 This collection contains newsletters produced by the Lexington, Kentucky based Pride Community Services Organization. Included are publications from the organization through multiple name changes, such as LinQ magazine (July 2013-2016); the GLSO (Gay and Lesbian Services Organization) News (August 1986-June 2013); the GSO (Gay Services Organization) newsletter (1979-July 1986). Accession number 2016ms055. newsletters  English Pride Community Services Organization Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Pride Community Services Organization publications LGBTQ community--Kentucky LGBTQ culture LGBTQ newspapers Gay men Lesbians Bisexual people Transgender people Sexual minorities Gender identity Drag culture GLSO News, May 1993 text GLSO News, May 1993 1993 1993-05 2019 true xt7wdb7vqj1n section xt7wdb7vqj1n (445:1... $.21: 45555;,55551,kw. , II::E§E:;.:_.. . ,.;:§E=55::'::‘:vmI.""":"' 5-5:“
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Womynweavers Lively This Spring From the Outgoma GLSO Presrdent
by Suzanne and Connie by Craig Clere
Womynweave is a social grou for local women that While technically I’m sti GLSO President until the
began under U.K.Lambda and Ihas taken offwitha life end of June, in actuality it feels like it’s time to say
of its own. It is open to all women. Please join us this goodbye. I’m excited about the energy of the pro osed
Spring! new board and officers and feel confident of1 their
Saturday, May 8: We’re going bowling at Southland leadership for the future. It seems hard to believe that
Bowling Lanes at 3:50pm to be followed by a German I’ve been on the Board for five years and President for
dinner across the street at Marikka’s Restaurant at four of those years. Though at times a thankless job,
5:50pm. For more info, call Connie at 276-2554. it’s been a rewarding and enriching time for both me
Saturday, May 22: This weekend the Weavers are off personally and for the organization. I leave the
to the Rauch Planetarium in Louisville for the 1pm first organization at a time when the o portunities for
showing. The admission fee is $5.50. Afterwards, vo unteerism are at an all time high in Lexington.
maybe we can do a little shopping before popping in From the Diversity Business Coalition to the Services
for dinner at Tynker’s Bar and Grill (a lesbian bar) Network to Fairness, there are more places than ever
before heading home. We will meetSaturday morning. for individuals to donate their time, money and
For more information, call Suzanne at 299-2188. energy. I’m confident that GLSO and it’s services-
Pride Week: Womynweave will be assisting with the GLSO News, the Phoneline, the Coming Out Group-
set up for the picnic on June 12 and you can bet we’ll will continue to attract new energy and people. I’d like
be out in force for all the fun events planned! to thank all the board members with whom I’ve
Friday, Sunday, June 25-27: We leave for a camping served. A special thanks to Debbie Currie, Mary
trip to Cades’ Cove (near Gatlinburg) in the Smokey Crone, Dave Radez and Bill Loggins. Their help and
Mountains of Tennessee/North Carolina. There is support have been especially important over the
somethingforeveryone there rangingfromthe historic years. Special thanks also to Steve Savage for his
Cades’ Cove settlement to hiking trails to Pigeon support uring the first years of my association with
Forge’s shopping outlets. If interested, call Suzanne GLSO and Bruce Budge, my partner, for helping me
TODAY because reservations need to be in by the first make it through these trying last few months. Over the
week of May. past yeakr1 I’ve switched calreers, ended a long-tirm
' re ations i ,startedanew re ationshi ,moved,wor ed
walk Of Ute Draws Huge CFOWd towards bgcoming a homeowner arllDd become a new
Th? Walk for Llfe sponsored by AIDS Volunteers co-parent to three boys. I’m looking forward to
of Lexmgton drew a crowd of almost 1000 people to leading a “normal” life without my current
U-K-’s Commonwealth Stadium on Sunday, April 17, responsibilities of GLSO and the UU Church of
f0¥ a pledge walk. A group 0f lprlsoners in local Lexington (I go off that Board injune as well!) Thanks
prisonsalso parthlpated and broug tthe total number again to everyone and good luck to the new board and
of partIClpants to over 1200! The proceeds from Officers.
pledges raised over $45,000 towards AIDS education/
revention and care for eople withAIDS. Coordinated
gy the AVOL staff and3 Keith Lovan, the walk went NEXT MONTH:
extremely well with even the weather providing a
fine, spring day. Rick Pitino was scheduled to appear 0 U R LOO K AT T H E
and did produce several public service announcements
for the Walk. Unfortunately, Pitino canceled at the last
moment. Otherwise, the Walkhwas a splendid success. M A R C H O N
Owin to its success, AVOL as already announced
the and Annual Walk for Life to be held in April 1994. WAS H I N GT0 N !
Look for it and get those pledges lined up. ’

 "w V—o GLSO Nominations Announced

Ck) gfiOdVE’q/VCS ‘fl The GLSO Board Nominations Committee has

Published Monthly by the announced the following nominations to the GLSO

I , I 5 CS ' Board of Directors. The treasurer’s positionwill change
“my“ 9525/ 5‘ La” “WC“ due to Mary Crone’s decision to run for President. is

. . Additional nominations may be made at the Ma
(Organization Board of Directors meeting. Elections will be held C
130- BOX 11471, Lexington, KY 40575 during June’s Pride Week. A complete profile of the f
Editors: Jeff Jones and Kristin Smith new board will be published in the July GLSO News. Q
Ad Manager: Ron Sarver IIiecogimended Nholmincées Teer Expggg Z
resr ent: ary rone " une

GLSO Annual Dues ' $1500 Vice President: Peter Taylor * June 1995 f
Dues for Couples — $20.00 Secretary: Ron Sarver June 1994 f

_ Treasurer: Thom Branscum * June 1994
W At—large (2 year term): June 1995 E
3:252:23? 35.22:“:,*:.;::.:::°.:::: .c Cole Rucker - Laura Kaplan - Terry Mullins I
of niocceocoeuomicciono ccc ccicomo. an coomicoiocc cccccc the At—large (1 year term): June 1994 r
iiiiiiiyo: G’s“:ZZTcEZXcZTSZTLQTofficafimfiifiiscifi :3: Arm 9111865 1
cc nocc punishing ccooiccmccoo, oc well as on. “on: to reject Continuing Board Members: I
:2: mt?1:“Lariat“:$322.21? ‘2; G:‘°::::.:::? At-Iarge: t
custom ccofocccco. Linda Laporte * June 1994 I

.§\§ 155‘ reg. ’7/E- Jeff Jones ' June 1994
\’\ ' ' 1’ ‘ Current Board Member 2
a Chilling Correction c
you are Going To He" If“. Commenting on the April article on the Holocaust E
under the Na21s, a figure of 6 million was reported for I

_ by J6“ Jones . the number of people killed. Horribly, this figure is
This story comes to us in part from QPI and 15 based incorrect. Concerned readers called to say that 6 .C
around certain passages 1n the Blble that extremist million is the figure forJewish Victims only. (Estimates i

Chr1st1'ans pick and choose from to condemn whatever by population experts place the entire present
behaviour (Including homosexuality). that they see fit- population of American Jews at just over 6 million for [
Examining these Blbhcal passages, It might interest afigure of comparison.) The total figure for victims of C
our readers to know what other behavrors are the Nazi Holocaust range upwards of 12 million t.
condemned: including homosexuals, Jews, disabled Germans, Slavic e
...eating fruit from a tree .1655 than 5 years 01d CL?“ populations, Gypsies,Jehovah’s Witnesses, anarchists, t‘
19:23) ...cross—breeding animals (Lev. 19:19) ...growmg communists and other groups I
two different plants in your garden (Lev. 19:19) ’ ' '1
...wearing a cotton-polyester blend (Lev. 19:19 and Remember to Remember Your Volunteers! r
cur IOUSIY also condemned in Christopher ROan’S The Tri—State Gay Rodeo Association is now selling P
Tome Of FaShIOfl Faun Pas) ...reading your horoscope tickets for its second annual Volunteers Banquet to be 1‘
(Lev. 19:26) ...Consulting a psychic on those 1—900 #’3 held Sunday,June 13, from 5:30—9:30pm at the Marriott U
(LEV. 19:51) ...tnmmtng your beard in certain ways Hotel (Newtown Pike and 1-75). This banquet honors P
04W» 19127) ...getting a tattoo (Lev. 19128) ...bearing a community volunteers who are chosen by their U
grudge (1.16“ 19117) ...collecting interest on_a loan (EX respective organizations. Tickets can be purchased at h
22:24) ”insulting a leader (Ex. 22:27) ...mistreating a AVOL’ Crossings Bar or any TSGRA member. Tickets V
foreigner (EX-_ 22121, 2519) ...spreading false rumors may also be purchased through the mail and will be }
(EX- 2311) ...drivmg a Mercury (EX- 23113 “and make no held at the door by mailing a check to TSGRA, PO Box 11
mermon of the names of other sedan”) 1576, Lexington, KY 40592. Checks should be made “
This list doesn’t even include such heinous sins as out to TSGRA and received in the mail no later than t:
eating pork _or shellfish, not marrying your former June 5. Tickets are $20 each and include dinner. The C
Sister-in-law If your brother dies Without kids or the deadline forsubmitting the name ofyour organization’s C
touching of another man’s genitals byawoman when Volunteer of the Year to the Tri—State Gay Rodeo F
her husband is inafight with this first man (punishable Association for its Pride Week (June) Volunteers n
by having the woman’s hand chopped off). Banquet is May 13. C

2 - GLSO NEWS/ may 1993

 We Love Lawrence! amountled to “hey, I’m against censorship and don’t
5 ff Jones really li e gays either, but we re gonna run it. Thanks
) The Lexin ton IPISerJaeld—Leader has been runnin for that firm stance on human rights, eh? Anyway, If
3 segments of thg comic strip “For Better Or For Worseé you hk-e this strip and thmk that gay people are a part
_, in late March and April in which the 17 year 01 d of soc1ety and should be recognized as, such, then
5 character Lawrence Poirier “comes out” as an openly gig; C2111,$36Fiingggrjlglleflfjaeasier Railings:
a gay character. In the course of the story, Lawrence Lawrence Y
7 tells his best friend of his boyfriend Ben, a college '
‘5' student he met While skiing. Lawrence then comes Next Board Meeting:
— out to his mother who screamingly informs his father. The next board meeting of GLSO will be M on d a Ma
3 All too true to life, his parents throw him out of the 24 at 7pm In honor ofS ring we will atherinK/la )5]
2 house and then regret their hasty decision. While garden Call Craig or Mary for more Signformationry
4 fefaring their son is in some mirky gay spacg: right out ' '
. o the worst gay stereotypes, Lawrence’s est riend ' .
) finds him retreated to a table at a 24 hour donut shop. KDOXVIHB. Denver, on our poorSTep
/ Personally, some of these segments have almost made The Knox County CommiSSion (Knoxy 1116: Tennessee)
* me cry with the sincerity of the emotions I think all went .011 TCCPrd 0,“ March .22 Wlth a resolution
lesbians and gay men feel...and fear...on coming out. opposmg the inclusmn 9f 16.51313” and gay men under
It is not like the comics have not carried other gay the protection Of 316,0” Rights aFt- The vote was 14‘
4 themes including a recent Outland piece on “Gay 2 in favor of'the anti-gay resolution before a packed
4 Presidential Pets.” No, whatis unusual is the sensitivity crowd Of militant Christian supporters brought 1“ by
and reality of these pieces. Lawrence isn’t even a church bus and spearheaded by the American family
pioneer: the first “out” human newspaper strip Assoc1ation. Supporters of the resolution said that
character was Andy Lippincott in Doonesbury who hpm.°3,exu,315 d‘d “Qt need protection from
I came out in 1977 and died in the strip of AIDS in 1990‘ discrimination because: a) it was a behaVior/chOice,
‘ North Bay, Ontario, cartoonist Lynn johnson says that b) gays cause AIDS by the” behaVior, C) gays already
r Lawrence has always been gay since when she have above average incomes and education, etc. The
2 conceived of him in the strip beginning in 1979 He American Family Assoc1ation has ties to Colorado’s
is based on gay people she has known including a AmendmentZthatstrips any chance of equalprotection
St brother-in—law. Despite the sensitivity of this strip and from homosexuals. Knox County 5 “3501111109 has no
.r the good the strip may have for people just coming out immediate effect in that Knox County, Knoxvdle, the
,f or possibly suicidal, frightened kids just recognizing University 0 Tennessee—Knoxv 111? nor Tennessee
1 they are “different,” several papers influenced by currently have any protections against discrimination
’C extremist “Christians” have dropped or replaced the based on “will orientation. The resolution, however,
. toons. These papers include The Commonwealth— ‘5 $1 stumbling leCkaF any future CIVll rights actions.
’v Journal in Somerset, the Glasgow Daily Times, and It is unclear at this time if a boycott of KnoXVille Will
The Winchester Sun. Apparently the editors of these follow: If you .WISh to express your opinion to the
papers easily cave into censorship and place marginal Knoxville Tour 15m Bureau, you may call 6155257263
g profits above the well being of lesbian and gay or write: 500 Henley St" KnOXVille, TN 37901'
Kentucky kids who have suicide rates 2—3 times hi her . . .
3 than strayt kids. But heh, it’s their conscious, tgheir Cllnton Appomts Lesbians and Gays
s papers and their advertisers... It is not their number Keepingacampaign pledge, the Clinton administration
,r that got called by a 19 year old friend last week after has appointed one woman and four men who are
n his mother in Georgetown threw him out of the house openly lesbian/ gay. These leaders are:
5 when she found out he was gay. But what about the Roberta Achtenburg: Assistant Secretary for Fair
e Herald Leader here? After reading a story on Lawrence Housing and Equal Opportunity, HUD Keith Boykin:
x in the Saturday, April 5, paper, I decided that the SpecialAssistantto the PresidentandDirector of News
e “Christo—nazis" would surely be up in arms over my Analysis in the Office of Communications, White
n boy Lawrence. So, called to thank the paper for House Peter Pappas; Special Counsel to the President,
6 carrying it and found out I was the ONLY person in a White House Bob Hattoy: Associate Director of the
’5 city of 225,000 to call and say I like the strip. A few Office of PresidentialPersonnel, White House Romulo
0 phone calls changed that, but the paper is still “Romy"rDiaer; Deputy Chief of Staff and Counselor
.5 receiving subscription cancellations. The H—L’s editor to the Secretary of the Department of Energy
did make some half—hearted editorial plea that Otfielr zippointee hopefuls include other openly gay
_ an es ian people.
GLSO NEWS/ MAY 1993 - 3

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4 - GLSO NEWS/ may 1993

 meme gag, “LIFE SONGS”
65% g???) by Steve R.

a?" HOMO (3 Congratulations goes out to the Lexington Men’s
Chorus for its first Spring Concert. The concert was
presented to a sold out crowd—yes, people were
standing. The place was decorated with large colorful

__l lfrites, caIr'ifiiles on tall white pedestals, and large green

erns. e men wore b ack tuxedos with the new

. . ' ' ' . . . . . . . . . . . . . ' . . . ' ' ' ' ' ' ceramicAIDS ribbon pins. Many people commented
By the time this column goes to press, the Supreme on the more powerful sound and improved quality of
Diva Goddess Christopher Robyn shall have returned the vorces—our eleven new members ObViOUSIY made
from a weekend of rubbing elbows with the stars in a difference! .The chorus had “3 fiISt program Wlth
Washin ton D.C. Unfortunatel due to deadlines I paid advertising—Tover 40 pages Of ads gave us
g , y, , ’ support. The musrc performed showed the groups

shan’t be able [0 give YOU the H011YW00d dISh from broad range. Songs includedamix of Negro spirituals,
D.C. until next month, but I’m sure you will all be on Aaron Copeland classics, the soft “The Pasture”, part
the edge of your seats until then as my loyal diva of the Robert Frost series, and doo wap 50’s hits. The
devotees. Brian Austin Greene, star of my diva-in- {115511115511t 0f [hf evening was the quartet that sang
training sister’s fav show Beverly Hills 90210, may be bBOOk Of Love a cap ella—they were fangs“? The

. . . asses and baritones were featured in the

€163“va Of an Emmy for havrng to k‘SS on-screen choreographed version of “Smoke Gets In Your Eyes".
IOVC Tor ! Spelling. Greene reportedly gave a 8033113 We really appreciated the standing ovation from our
hound at the Advocate such titillating tidbits like that audience. After the concert the chorus members each
Tori’s dresses looked better on him, and other hints of received long-stem l'Cd roses donated from Imperial
his alternative lifestyle. Hmmm, perhaps Miss Thing gamma-“21%?“ afdlciooJJarnhf/grttfgt $221!: to 215%?

u n ' ' , , , am , r
can drag fellow SlStg’ co—star Jason Priestly out Of their tireless efforts. The Lexington Men’spChorus is
the closet too. My Sister erbe crushed! k.d. lang now an affiliate member of the Lexington Arts and
dominated the Juno Awards this month, the Canadian Cultural Council. (Please notice our listing in their ad
equivalent of the Grammys. In interviews, she shocked in this months ACE. magazine). This is a major
the nation by saying she‘was hurt bythe Alberta accomplishment of recognition-in Lexington. ltshows
legislature’s decision not to issue a congratulations to how much the Chorus ls contributing to'the posmve
her for her Gramm award like the would an one image of gay people in our local communityrAlso, the

y , . ' y y Mayor’s office was represented at the concert. The

else. ~ Why do I have V1510” of thousands Of leather— chorus will be performing at the Lafayette Retirement
clad lesbians riding their Harlevs up to Alberta and Center onMemorial Day. We willbe at the Pride Week
causing a riot? Madonna: The Movie....coming to a Picnic on June 12, and at the Volunteer’s Banquet on
television nearyou! ltseems thatAmy Fisherhas some J6EE: 13-[ IranY 31?”?me “[6 {Iglgfldfififii [REP EC
corn etition in» the made-for—tv movie de artment cago O ear ajom concer 0 e m V 1 Y en 5
comilfi from none other than world’s most fagnous fa Chorus and the New York City Men’s Chorus, then

. g . . . . . , ‘g back to Louisville to sing at their Pride Week Picnic.
nanny. A movre‘is m the works about Madonna 3 early If you were unable to get tickets to our Spring Concert,
years before she broke on the charts with her debut you might try to see us at Lexington’s Pride Week
album in‘1984. If ChristopherAndersen’s tell-all book Picnic—you will be impressed! NEWS FLASH—The
is any indication of what her life was like, this movie Lexington MCD’S Chorus was the" Group Winner,
will sizzle! Speaking of sizzle, this month’s Quote of raismg the most “10qu at the AVOL Walk for Life .0“
the Month comes from lon -time lesbi a su orter Sunday. Congratulations tothis group of hardworking

g g y pp men!
Joan Rivers. “1 caused my husband’s heart attack. In .
. . Save Our Editor!
the middle Of lovemaking, I took the paper bag Off my Jeff Jones wants to quit G.L.S.O. News but would
head. He dropped the Polaroid and keeled over and stay on one condition- that I find him a husband!
so did the hooker. It would have taken me half an If you would like to be his husband then tell me
hour to untie myself and call the paramedics, but about yourself and save our editor! Thanks! Kris
fortunately the great dane could dial." And they say Send letter [0 (311303 FOB 11471; Lex., KY 40575
we’re deviant! ATTN: HUSBAND

 m _
@@ gga d‘fi'fiagifl .(po if $54!“, NEEDED: Volunteer editor for the GLSO News.

A "’3. Writing experience and/ or spellcheck program on
_—'———=—'—.— somewhat useful. Must have diplomatic skills and .
950 av”, wa'l'y ”/I'm a /u 25 “"1 WWW ”/ 5"“? W“ ”“1 enjoy working with a diverse, wonderful...but at times hieg
Wuwmcgfiywm/DWWQMOJVWWQOBuiflflfi'xwm crabby.i.community of homosexuals/bisexuals/ 5a
1940575mmfi'276-5353‘ heterosexuals. But, will consider opinionated old th<

. . . coot with the community—building skills of a Southern
$5M“ 55mm” Mdfiamafcfimt of gummmg’m Leona Helmsley. If interested, PLEASE, ...pretty p e
cJEfi1¢5 5/2th fife/Z mulch”? amzhzum'ty on (May 14. (Own pleaselll...call Jeff at 276-5383. :2:
co ' an ’L uf ' mu! ' Mi £12.ch .

mania n5 d ”again“ 2>amfm “7b“ a5 WANTED: Looking for sturdy, inexpensive, wooden :g
, kitchen table/chairs. Tired of eating off card table. R:

flwant to widfi. a. any speed/Dink anal/:51 1%05 anda‘fahhy Call J€ff at 276-5583.

Biliflafl on dl/lay 9 to my mom. gt cornea a4 no will-Liar. to ma
Maigmght/ZJ i Elfin cla aJEgmaf' [£518 did” if: 'L ' ' T}
, A, (W In, ”ff “9 ”5:, M ”‘9 5 ° ‘ MCC Meets In Motel...82am! he
m z 0 ‘ WE 30 (my ’ During the month of May, the Metropolitan Community 13
GLSO Treasurer's Report Church will meet here in Lexington as a pilot project f“
by Mary Crone Treasurer towards forming a permanent church here. As last W
April 1993 Income: 7 828.75 month, worshippers will meet at the Glenhaven Room [
Expenses: 551,26 of the Greenleaf Inn on Nicholasville Road. Meeting Tl
Current Bank Balance: 2327.72 times will be May 9 and May 25 at 6:30pm. For more
GLSO: 1087.00 information, contact Rev. Rex Van Alstine at 271- ar
Holding for Pride: 834.97 1407. 1"
Holding for Fairness: 405.04 $1
Jfik/ba/Kao/k/M/‘fw 0‘
cwflf/é/flhmba/pe/Mé/Mf Jana/or ALL BREED PET GROOMING Pl
—6’/é/fly4/aca farm-w: [4/ f ,{f ‘ \ I " (1:;
—Kr:m' virginity/MM 436 . m t, ) 71/1 /

MW, 1% M 3‘1: \2 EXPEExEEEEn 34}
$0M}, ant/(tat! 7/ ‘\\ _ C
fliers/2549772 m 277 9335 a
.. Pegasus Travel inc. T
:j a u 6:; “$55.? 5 e: "é ,_ AM}; mflw-Jra/w— 73M? 5|
.:::~ “:5" 4.41“ “:5" 45;: ..,.::=" ,_.:::::=-' .::«:=" .;;::- .::.=-‘ M Boog/PXV/Dcfi' 0 [7135/4 Ufa/[me 2]
' :: r: : Q
9 994*; “MW“ __ — j: ; a
. — : e n
[to mount “sage - -‘ ' - ' b
800 228-4337 606 268-433 b
2040 Idle Hour Center h
255‘6209 Richmond Road, Lexington, KY 40502 V
6 - GLSO NEWS/ MAY I993 '

 More Than a Prom...
5‘ In high school many lesbians and gay men missed LEXINGTON HAS A
3 out in sharing the special joys (...and sorrows) of the
_ high school prom. Or, if we did go, we went with
j; perhaps somegne special but nlpt quifte the gender of
' atewewante . Forsome mem erso ourcommunity,
g the idea of having a special prom for lesbian and gay GREEK
y people is a speciafl chance to share a romantic
ex erience wi a li epartner or a new interest. Yet,
soffie community members have strong reactions RESTAURANT
n against the idea of a “prom.” So, what to do?
, Fortunately for our community, the answer is the
" Rainbow Ball, an Iris Events production that is one of
Golf Anyone? ALF
The IstAnnual National Lesbian Golf Tournament will
be held August 19—22 in Minneapolis, MN. This event \ ,
y is hosted by Womens Golf Tours with prices ranging ~_ . , ‘ ~. ,‘ /’
I from $159 to $399. For more information, contact ‘ 1. III _ > »
:t WGT at 1-800—375—7244. " ~. , r...‘ '4’}; “/1? . o .
“ ICBE Announces BenefICIaries for I993 ,. , <1“) .. t,
g . . .1 , ‘ ~ -
a The Imperial Court of the Bluegrass Empire has : . i .- ._
: announced the charities to which it will donate
proceeds from the many events it has sponsored over
the last year. This year’s beneficiaries are AIDS
Volunteers of Lexington (AVOL) and Gay and Lesbian EVERY TUESDAY 5:30 PM — 9:00 PM
Services Organization (GLSO). On behalf of GLSO,
we want to thank ICBE for its generous support of
both AVOL and GLSO as well as our entire community
over the years.
iris Events Helps New Ways Ministries
Phyllis Giberson, owner of Iris Events, recently . . \ : . : : ~ ‘ x " l
discovered that the royalties paid to the author of the (’1 ”(’KLN’ SLAI OOD’ Vth l ARIA“
play, “Sisters,” were donated in part to New Ways ‘ ‘ ‘
Ministries. New Ways is an advocacy and support ° BEER AND WINh
organization for lesbian, gay and bisexual Roman
Catholics. So, if you attended “Sisters”, you are to be . HOMEMADE BREAD AND
congratulated for helping this worthy national ‘ ‘ H
organization. DE5SER1 5
All the News from 0?!
This month you may notice a listing for QPI after some
stories. QPI, or Queer Press International, is the child
of Thomas Hicks who decided a few months ago to
create a free computer news service on gay issues. , , . ., -
QPI works over Bitnet, Internet, Compuserve, GENIE 557 50 UTH LI Mhs TONE
and several computer bulletin boards and provides a 253—001 4
much needed digest of news stories on lesbian, gay,
bisexual and transgendered issues not often covered
by the strayt press. Hicks either types in the stories
himself from various sources or has “correspondents” FREE EVENING PARKING
who pass along news from their own states and
organizations. Look for more QPI in the GLSO News BEHIND THE RESTAURANT ()N PRALL ST,
in the future.
GLSO NEWS/ MAY 1993 - 'Z

 _______.__—___________—___—.—_ _________________.________—________—
“ 0 . . .
9 May 1993
’ D fr GLSO
”ll \09 Happy Mother s ay om , D ,
$2221: :1:1112-3:;.1:i"‘7""1:1:1"""MI:l'J-"="-""1:=:i f"-"'-1:=:=:"1:1:i:1""-'1'=:I:::I.’-5:1: 5215:3521. '53!'1‘"""54:12P”“?‘5$:“‘-:=:2’ ""4":?:3"‘1""""»:'<<1:1
10:00 AM HIV/AIDS 3 LG - ,4”4,,,,’;”,f;/5z/
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AVOL) 730 PM Men S Chorus ., . - _ 4-:4-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:~:-:-:-:-:-:-:v:-:»:-P:-:-:-:-.-:-:-:-.-:-.-.4-.-:-:-.w.-.-:-:-:wt-vwfiz-z-f-z-zadaka-524.45:dart-0:044:-1-52-5520.-.n:-.>.-.-.-.-/>.-.-i-.-.-.-.~.w.
. , ( SppLGrp. 7:00 PM GLOBAL-U of L. Grou I . 3:30 PM Womynweavw
5.00 PM Impennl Court 7.00 PM NMCH ,3. . - _ . 8:00 PM HIV/AIDS . .
7,00 PM Ga ILA: b' AA . .45 PM Rainbow Bowling 7.30 PM Womens Chorus . bow :.; .
- y 9 Ian Mtg Soulhland 8:00 pM Gay/Lesbian AA Sppt.Grp. 8:00 PM Gay/ Lesbian :m 4g: r! M 5.. 55.55522: 4391/4 4 45:9,;
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5:30 PM CAP $33111"; my/lfizi?“$fmn 3rd Shift Worms Da SGRA-Vol.of Yr. Deadline 7200 PM Gay Men’s GLSO News Dwdlim! Kristin B. Smith
AVOL “‘85,- 4P‘P’5‘3°?m (AVOL) . 'sppt,Grp_ 5:30 PM Lesbian O.A. 7:30 PM Men’s Chorus Spirit.Grp.
43’" PM ”W“ W‘Fr-r. 7:00 PM NMCH 3:45 PM Rainbow mung. 6:30 PM Mcc-L'viuc 8:00 PM HIV/Aims Spit-Griz- 8:00 pM Gay/Lesbian 9.00 M M ,8 «war-- r-w- . - ~ - > ' .. , “
6:30 PMiMCC-Lex. ‘ ' Mt scum 7:00 PM GLOBAL-U of L. 8:00 PM GUESS-EKU 10:00 AM HIV/AIDS SppLG 5,, arm; ‘rmss nose NATCHDDG RAYGUN SKIN Two FILM commu- W
7:00 PM Gay/lesbian AA g. 8:00 PM Gay/Inabinn AA 1 V ‘ ' ’P‘ -~nmoan h . Mm:
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1 6 1 7 1 8 1 9 2o 21 22 r“ News fl notlc E e 8:;cc‘
MCC-L’ville: Mam/6:3 in . 7:30 PM Ga chsbinn AI-Anon 5:30 PM Lesbian O.A. - ’ . . - ~
2:00 PM Lesbian Poms: 5'30 PM CAP 7:30 PM Purine” of HIV+ 6:30 PM Mcc-L'viue :33 113% $163 “541C151: ms Partial 5012“» E01163 usms F “ms
5:00 PM Imperial Court (AVOL) Sppi.Grp. 7:00 PM GLOBAL-U of L. ' 800 PM Ga /Lesbian 9:00 AM Frontrunmrs 0,“, m, um;
7:00 PM Gay/Lesbian M 7:00 PM NMCH 8:45 PM Rainbow Bowling- 7:30 PM WORDS Chorus Sppt‘Grp' . y 10m AM EV/Ams SPPLGTP X15 IIIHERN EXPOSURE INDEX 0N CITIZENSHIP IN THESE TIMES THE
Mt Southlnnd 8:00 PM Gay/Lesbian AA 8:00 PM GUESS-EKU AA ” $9“ . ,4
g. ION 1115100 fetish YELLOW SILK SKIN ART GIRL JOCK l«"5bldn fl“
23 24 25 26 27 28 29 Pia/ass I TIMELY REFLECTION OF AN EVER-CHANGINE; R CW
02%;):‘112‘rxfl51 “Pm/3:39P": 5:30 PM CAP (AVOL) 6:30 PM GLSO News Fold... 2-33 PM 10:03:)“: 3111A 7230 PM Men's Chorus 7200 PM Dignity Mass Ascension of Baha’u'llah ,PuN {or gtoifié Eggnsno‘E-SGEING PUBLIC TO xenoxED ”A M
: varsity usuaess . 4 : - ’ e . . i o EBODV'S 5
(mm 7.00 PM NMCH Mt_. 7:30 PM Gay/Lesbian NA,“ 7100 PM GLOBALU on“ 8.00 PM HIV/AIDS 7.00 PM Gay Men s 9.00 AM Fronms in: SC $2553.13. 24:25 ”Si/11:43? is: OthERS A in?
6:30 PM moor“. . . 7:00-PM GLSO Board . 750 PM W” of HIY+ 8:00 PM Gay/Lesbian AA SPPt-Grp- Spmt.Grp.Potluck 10:00 AM HIV/AIDS smom. i; mm saecnon' OF OVER FWE HUNDRED OF THE am" i:
. M; 4_M, '9 3145 PM Rainbow BOWhDg-S--~ 8:00 PM GUESS-EKU 8:00 PM Gay/Lesbian 3200 PM POE-MSU mo mm, MOST INTERESTING. INFORMATIVE. AND imam
“’0 PM “WWW“ ’ 9:00 PM COLTS Mtg AA UNUSUAL MAGAZ'NES “*0 Bf:“§;,,f‘:3;,,;’§fi$' ”mg.
‘ ' PHOTOGRAPHY. T . " '
A" H magic, MODERN Pmm‘nvss. POLITICSE, ”my”
30 ' . 3.1. Apr" June REAP m :tLESSTAT'XSY OTHER TOPIC vou COULD b‘UUY
MCC-L’vflle: Ham/6: Membfialzgibay-W-U~‘-....;.;;.;.;.,.;4 S M T W T F S S M T W T F 8 ~ IMAGINE. THE EYE ALSO CARRIES SELECTED m E
30pm (Observed) ———""' 's'mmnr FOREIGN TITLES. BRITISH PAPERS, AZDCSA
" 1 2 3 1 2 3 4 5 l LARGE SELECT|ON OF |NDEPENDENT cor | . up MA
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lo - GLSO NEWS/ MHV 1993 ‘7

 The Culture Connection: Male Homosexuality two men arguing over who will have an initiate and
among The Sambia Of New Guinea questions them about it, then they usually say that they
by Barry James are arguing over, say, a beetlenut or some such object.
Last month we began our discovery of the male The secret society is kepta secret from women on pain
insemination rituals of the Sambia of New Guinea, a 9f death]. Eye? thpugh homosexual behaVior ‘5 begun
people that believe fertile males are not born but are m ritua, .lt. ‘5 . ar r on.“ being merely ceremony.
made via the passing of semen from adult men to HomoerotiCismis seductive and oftentimes cruel. The
boys. Let’s continue checking in with the S ambia in initiation marks a psychosexual development in males
our continuing world travels in search of how other from early Chi},dh00d to middle-age and allows for
societies experience homosexuality: We arrive at proper places i‘md outlets for all Sambia peoples. It
nighttime during the peak of the lower level initiation. $1161"? ancilbigullty ‘afnd helps to define what ‘5 truly
We see a campfire in front of the cult house with all ma § an d tru 3% eméille ' Yet, there are secret
of the init