xt7wdb7vnz0n https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7wdb7vnz0n/data/mets.xml The Frontier Nursing Service, Inc. 1988 bulletins  English The Frontier Nursing Service, Inc. Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Frontier Nursing Service Quarterly Bulletins Frontier Nursing Service Quarterly Bulletin, Vol. 64, No. 2, Autumn 1988 text Frontier Nursing Service Quarterly Bulletin, Vol. 64, No. 2, Autumn 1988 1988 1988 2014 true xt7wdb7vnz0n section xt7wdb7vnz0n `t* v1\JlS1~c
Volume 64 Number2 Autumn 1988 Q ' ·§*  
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In Memoriam
Miss Betty Lester
1899 - 1988

 US ISSN 0016-2116
Table of Contents
A Salute to a Grand Lady - Miss Betty Lester -by Sharon Hatfield 1
Memo On Kentucky -by Doris Schwartz 6
FN S Hosts First Appalachian Fall Tour -by Ron Hallman 11
Field Notes -by David Lee 13 i
Courier and Volunteer News -edited by David Lee 16 `
Staff Opportunities 17 sj
School Notes -by Dr. Nancy Clark 18
Alumni News —edited by Alice Whitman 20
Beyond the Mountains -by Ron Hallman 25
In Memoriam -edited by Ruth Morgan 27
Memorial Gifts -edited by Ruth Morgan 28
Urgent needs Inside Back Cover
A Happy Ending to The"Iulie’s Van" Story Inside Back Cover
This issue of the Quarterly Bulletin is dedicated to Miss Betty Lester,British nurse-midwife, in `
grateful recognition of her sixty year association with the Frontier Nursing Service and her I
dedication to the people of Leslie County. Date of photo unknown. l
Us ISSN 0016-2116 ~ ,1
Published at the end of each quarter by the Frontier Nursing Service, lm:. Nj
Wendover, Kentucky 41775 j ~ V
Subscription Price $5.fX) a Yen: G F
Editor'; Ofllce, Wendover, Kentucky 41775 [
VOLUMNE 64 NUMBER 2 Autumn 1988 all
Second-class postage paid at Wendover, Ky. 41775 and at additional mailing offices.
POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Frontier Nursing Service, Wendover, Ky. 41775. ,
Copyright 1986, Frontier Nursing Service, Inc.

A Salute to a Grand Lady
Miss Betty Lester
p This issue of the Quarterly Bulletin is dedicated to the memory of Miss
" Betty Lester. Betty, the last surviving British nurse-midwife recruited
  in the early days by Mary Breckinridge to work in the eastem Kentucky
{ mountains, died on September 21 at the Mary Breckinridge Hospital.
` During a blessedly short illness, Miss Lester was surrounded by her
friends who rallied to offer support and love. She was 89 years of age.
Miss Lester was bom - as she was fond of saying — "on nine/nine/
ninety—nine" - in Oxfordshire, England. Her childhood dream of becom-
ing a nurse-midwife and her desire to provide health care to people in
rural areas (Betty was bom and raised on a farm) was realized in 1928
when she leamed of the Frontier Nursing Service (FNS) from a classmate
at the General Lying-In Hospital/Nurse-Midwifery School in England.
She immediately applied and, after some additional training, came to
Kentucky to join Mrs. Breckinridge as America’s 13th nurse-midwife.
Betty thought of her life " as a great adventure." Many have heard
l her describe her arrival in Krypton, Kentucky. "I remember getting off
( the train and there was amountain on one side and a mountain on the other
side and there was no one around. And I thought to myself, what have
I gotten mesebf into now?" Her tardy escort was Mr. Joseph C. Carter,
y one of the early FNS couriers, who had been sent to escort Betty on the
I 30—mile trip to Wendover. Mr. Carter recalled the episode in a recent
l letter. . " I was the tardy escort who met Betty Lester at Krypton. It rained
most of the way to Wendover. This delightful start of her "great
§ adventure" caused her some apprehension, but she was a real good sport
T, with a wonderful sense of humor. She arrived at Wendover wet, sore and
” g exhausted."
 I Her early work with FNS as Field Supervisor for the district nursing
‘ clinics sent her traveling on horseback throughout the 700 square-mile
in  FNS service area. It was a demanding job and with no roads, it took a
g week on horseback to make rounds to all the outpost centers. But, when
. asked to describe this phase of her work she always replied, "l just
r thought of myself as another pair of hands." She continued in that
° position until 1939 when she went to England to serve her country during

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Upper left to right: A young Betty Lester in uniform; at the British Embassy in Washington, 4
receiving her O.B.E. award. Lower left to right; Betty's 82nd birthday party; Betty at work I
with the MBH Womens' Auxiliary. p
World War II, retuming to Kentucky at the war’s end.
During her long career with the Frontier Nursing Service, Betty  
served in a variety of capacities. Among them — practicing nurse-  
midwife, district clinic manager for the Betty Lester Clinic at Bob Fork, E
social service director and hospital superintendent. {
In a recent letter, Miss Molly Lee (retired FNS British nurse- ’
midwife) wrote: "My first introduction to Betty Lester was as hospital ”
supervisor in l955,when she first acquired the fitting title of ‘The p
General’...It was an appellation of honor, for it also described her °
Churchillian bulldoggedness and the British pluck by which she stood
by her beliefs and her friends, despite contrary opinions ..... as hospital ~I
superintendent she not only kept the hospital going with staff and é
medical supplies, she kept the kitchen and meals going for patients and
staff at Haggin Quarters Nurses’ Home - she saw to the cleaning and ’
maintenance of all houses on Hospital Hill — she dealt with emergencies i
of all sorts from injured patients to the frequent failure of our water 3
supply as well as the care of the horses and cows etc. etc. etc ..... As _
director of social services (1959), she used her vast background and Q
knowledge of the mountain people to full advantage. People trusted ,

 , their children to her, as she drove regu-
  _ -  `        T   larly to Cincinnati Children’s Hospital
In e "   with them. She became known and
Q III ‘   `“ .5; ;_;f admired by the physicians for her
Fl V _y_4 p ',,QQ.i;‘ devotion to the children and her cama-
    ._.<_ _ =’f·—¥   raderie with them."
’   ,_ Af,   Although Betty Lester officially
7 ii · , . I {   "retired" from FNS in 1971, she con-
f .-   if  ` , T V°_ &;;§Ti" tinued to work tirelessly on behalf of
i     it   - the organization she loved. Often
I ,15;;*;  C?  `”-#.*3; serving as a tour guide and speaker,
  A -  I"     she patiently repeated her stories of
_ , _; _   g   the early days of the Service over and
_ A “     ,  ‘ {  `;¥"  over again to visitors, students, histo-
  · ' ` . ...v -—— gg    C rians, folks from the media, couriers
  and friends who just loved to hear
them. "Tel1 us the one about the ‘haunt’ again Betty." "Surely you don’t
want to hearthat again !" "Yes, yes we do." "Well, all right then...A man
` came to tell me his wife was in labor. I saddled my horse and started out.
  It was a dark, moonless night .... "
. As Miss Kate Ireland, national chainnan of the FNS Board of
Governors stated, " The Frontier Nursing Service has lost its living oral
L history."
C Since its inception, Betty worked as a devoted member of the Mary
Q Breckinridge Hospital Auxiliary. Jean Campbell, friend and fellow
  auxiliary member, shared these thoughts. " Betty was my life-long
hi} friend, but it wasn’t until I began to work with her in the Hospital
{ Auxiliary that I gained a deeper love and respect for her because of the
»,'§ high values and fine qualities she possessed. Betty was the heart and soul
 _  of the Auxiliary. She was our monitor, director and best friend. The
Auxiliary will not ever be the same without her. To me she was the
essence of FNS."
 ‘ Betty was proud of her British Heritage and the "Order of the British
r Empire" bestowed upon her by her native land, however, it was her
  Kentucky Colonel pin she sported and, when describing the day she was
Y made an honorary citizen of Leslie County, she always spoke with an
emotion that revealed how deeply she was moved by that honor.

C.Vemon Cooper, Jr. is a local member of the FNS Board of Gov-  
emors. His thoughts provide insight into the local response to Betty ;
Lester that prompted folks to make her a true Leslie Countian ~ no longer  
‘from away’, but one of them: " Time may dim, but it shall never erase I
the memories of a beautiful lady giving her life for the cause of medical  
attention and care for the people she so dearly loved... The people of  
eastem Kentucky are much better off for her having passed this way. She Q ‘
_ leaves this area a better place than she found it when she came. She much
more than paid for the space she occupied in her community." ,
Betty’s family in England understood the deep love which existed  
between Betty and her mountain and FNS friends. Following her death, {
Betty’ s great niece Nicky Parker extended these words of consolation: "I {
would like to express my sympathies to all the staff of FNS and to the  
people of Hyden on the loss of Betty Lester. I was constantly amazed by  
her joy of life and, above all, her love of FNS and her ‘real’ family - the
people of Hyden - the grown-up babies she had delivered and watched  
over .... I should like to thank every person in the area for the love and care if
they gave Betty during the 63 years she lived among them. Although we L
in England were her blood family, the people of Hyden were her adopted  
family. Since her retirement we had encouraged her to retum to England,
but her true home, her friends and her family were in Kentucky and she
was so happy to spend the rest of her days with them."
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Betty Lester prepares to lead the Mary Breckinridge  J
Festival Parade.  

  We will miss Betty Lester - all of us. Still, as Mrs. Mary Biggerstaff
reminded us in her note: "We cannot grieve for the completion and
L fulfillment of a life so usefully and beautifully spent in gracious, valuable
1 service. We rejoice in Miss Lester’s life."
C Molly Lee closed her letter with these beautiful thoughts: "I can
_ almost hear the FNS reunion in Heaven with horses neighing, dogs
barking and over all Mrs. Breckinridge’s voice - tenderly welcoming and
caring. There has been so much depth of prayer and faith and giving in
. FNS history. While writing this I stopped and delved into Wide
_ "When a beloved and useful person dies ....., heads are shaken
i sadly and lips murmur, ‘What a pity!’ It is as though we thought
. of this We as all the We there is, as though there were no usefulness,
  no affection, anywhere but here. Birth and death — the coming on
  to this little planet and the leaving of it for wider neighborhoods -
  what does it matter? A jinely edged tool, forged and sharpened, is
a of supreme usefulness, there, as here."
g Mary Breckinridge
  The ‘General’ has now met her Commander in Chief Breckin-
i ridge and above, all have earned the Supreme Master’s - " Well Done."
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" Betty Lester visits with her good friend FNS President David M. Hatfield.

Usually we present our readers with historical material from the very` e
early days of FNS as well as with articles reflecting the organization’s  
current programs and services. We do not have a.n abundance of  
material documenting the mid-point period of our history. It is
therefore a great pleasure to share the following article by Doris »_
Schwartz. Ms. Schwartz is well-known in the field of public health as p T
_ anurse-educator. Her diary-style account of her 1949 experience with  
Mrs. Breckinridge and the FNS nurses makes wonderful reading. We ¤
have chosen to reprint the author’s introductory remarks and observa- li
tions, her recollections of Miss Betty Lester and, in view of the season,
her discription of a very special Christmas with the FNS family. _
Opening remarks and observations ¤
While still at New York University, I elected a second clinical field experience {
in rural Kentucky with the FNS (Frontier Nursing Service), the famous "nurses T
on horseback" who brought safe midwifery and public health nursing programs
to an isolated population in Appalachia. "_
This was still storybook America. I remember the stories galor - and 1
pictures in every nurse’s album — of the "stretchering" of patients into town. In »
such emergencies the neighborliness of mountain people showed at its best. A `
message would come into an outpost center, "Hiram’srburned and like to die" or
"Becky’s wasted turrible." The nurse reached the cabin in record time to find a _
patient who needed medical care · and badly. Her routine orders covered the I
treatment of emergency situations, but more than that was required. While she I
prepared her patient for a long and difficult trip, the husband or a youngster went I
for help to neighboring homes. A home-made stretcher was prepared with poles  {
and blankets. All the men available were called, for stretchering a heavy patient it
through the mountains on a slippery bitter winter night was vastly difficult. Yet   'i
it was done repeatedly. At times the litter bearers had to be relieved every four  
or tive minutes all the way, yet there was never a lack of volunteer assistants or  
personnel to man a raft - or boat - or any other means of transportation when the Ti
nurse said, "We’ll have to get him to Hyden - fast!"  7
One woman, on her own, began the Service. Mrs. Mary Breckinridge was  —
from a wealthly southem family who had contributed a vice presidentand several Q
senators to the U.S. She was divorced and a mother of two children who had died `
in infancy. This was 1920 - something, and wealthy women didn’t work. But `
she didn’t want to live on family money.  A.
Mrs. Breckinridge becamea nurse. She rode horseback through the region, tl
finding the biggest losses among patients were mothers and babies at childbirth.  ¤
Her work was cut out for her. The only schools of midwifery were in England  

I   Q       at the time, so she studied in
r ··’‘*       < -. A; ,   the Outer Hebrides and
A '       *’_     A_,i   brought back with her British
· V ” ~ A` "’ A Vi   ` fg ·` ie nurse—midwives. She used her
 , ·   ,   A JA    A influence as a woman of
i   ,           and SCI'ViCC to develop
,.       A _'Ar 1   committees of leading citi-
I     "A “ ri       A   Zeus and debutants in U.S cit-
i*   *‘ `       ‘i·~ ¥ 2 ies to raise money for the
; ,5   _ S ,   J     I   Service. She offered field
  r‘°: A   ’·   l v~-~   A;;_ r_Al     _ if experience to Bennington and
  ri r·V` ‘t   Wheaton and other colleges
 T; A - ' U ’ V t ig from which good horse-
_     AA_A . ` s   _, A- , .   women could come to teach
‘   · · i` ” F, V L     ‘ the nurses to ride and care for
    I A       Qi .     horses. It became a great
i   ,   ’ A   i i   7     . ’ adventure. The association of
. I   iil if former FNS couriers is world-
Miss Betty Lester transporting a patient to Hyden. wide.
Miss Betty Lester
December I5 - The Log Cabin, as it’s known, is a two-room structure (with
a porch and bathroom - and hot water if you want to fire up the tempermental little
pot-bellied stove.) It is perched on the side of the mountain overlooking the
I Middle Fork and the ridge across the river. And even in this season of mud and
E barren mountains, it is completely peaceful. In my room, a coal fire glows in the
primitive stone fireplace. Lovely and warm within a six—foot radius - freezing
p beyond that.
A   In Betty Lester’s room, it’s warmer as she gets a certain amount of benefit
  '”` when the bathroom stove is heated up. And though it means more work than coal,
  Betty is strictly a log fire advocate. Her room is lined with books. They - and
Qi Bruno, her dog - reflect the glow of firelight at any hour of the day or night and
M present the most restful surroundings I have ever known in which to talk, or read,
or think, or just relax and go completely blank.
Betty is appointed official guide and interpreter of the Service during my
‘ visithere. In thisparticular,I’ve hadasplendid break. She has been with the FNS
—·  since 1928 - interrupted her years here with seven spent in England from the
outbreak of the war in ’39 till ’46, and during that time served in a variety of jobs
 " that brought her entirely up to date on midwifery trends. She loves and is devoted
-‘ to the Service but her first two loyalties are much more basic: initially, to the
Q whole program of matemal care in rural areas, and, secondly, to the mountain

people of her adopted region. I
She has delivered hundreds of babies here. (Mrs. Breckinridge says p
thousands. Betty disputes that statement, though she has never kept score.) She  
knows every family in the area and they are her friends. l
Neither Betty nor Brownie, Mrs. Breckinridge’s other assistant, has any  
theoretical preparation for her job as an administrator. Both are exceptional l _
teachers and have considerable administrative ability. They are more than "
_ adequately supplied with a natural gift for getting on with people and express ,
themselves well. Both read a great deal: professional and general literature. `,`
Betty would probably be an effective public speaker. Certainly as we sit in front I
of the fire and talk about the FNS she gets me so excited about the future of nurse- ;
midwifery in America that I want to reach for an application blank for the  
Frontier Nursing School.  
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The Big House -- peaceful under a fresh winter snow. i
Christmas  V
December 24 - At Christmas the family feeling here at Wendover reaches  
high-water level and beneath the trees are hundreds of gaily decorated packages.  I
Everybody remembers everybody. Gifts are usually jokes - with jingles. Bought  ‘
things are frowned upon and considerable premium is placed upon ingenuity. On I
Christmas eve, the hospital nurses come from Hyden. There is something 4
touching about people riding half a dozen miles on horseback across a swollen  
river to gather at a simple party. lt’s so out of keeping with the commercialized

Y sort of Christmas. But then so are all the related festivities here — the simple
j service in the small log chapel, the traditional employee’ dinner at which all who
é ordinarily sit at the Big House table, cook and serve a splendid feast, while all
  who ordinarily come in for the day from mountain homes to work in the kitchen,
  laundry, bam and gardens, sit at the Big House table.
T Russie, the new and thoroughly frightened little girl from the "holler down
  past Flat Creek" has been here just a scant three weeks. She watches the cook
ring Mrs. Breckinridge’s bell for service from the kitchen and as the whole
1 . twenty—nine "new" employees rush out with second helpings, Russie’s timidity
I vanishes and she throws back her head and laughs; her homesickness is done
  After dinner, Mrs. Breckinridge, with an actress’s sense of timing (and a
  splendid voice for in-front-of—a—fire reading), marks this, as all special occasions,
  with a story - or with poetry read aloud. She chooses the "Seven Miracles of
§ Gubbio" tonight, a lovely story built upon the St. Francis legend.
{ Christmas Day - We were up at the crack of dawn for a gorgeous winter
{ sunrise. It had frosted during the night and every tree on the mountainsides was
{ covered with an ethereal lacy ice—coat. The sun rose almost scarlet and sent
  fluffy, rose—colored clouds across the sky. For perhaps half an hour before the
i ice began to melt, the mountains were entirely pink and coral.
{ Joan and Stevie, the British nurses at Flat Creek, had invited Mary (Social
{ Service worker), Hilly, a new nurse from England, and me to come for Christmas
, dinner. Leo, the social service jeep, was scheduled for the trip and we took off
i early, dressed for the holiday in blouses, skirts and saddle shoes, instead of the
E usual jeans and boots.
  We stopped at the Center on Red Bird River to pick up the nurses there. By
  this time the sun was high, and the frozen mud was melting quickly. Would we
i _ get across the river in the jeep? Mary said yes - Minnie, the nurse from Red Bird,
Y';) did not think so. On we went in separate jeeps, we - and the giant shaggy dog
g j Bruno in the first one - Minnie, Owen and their dog Buddie in the second.
W Average speed: four miles an hour. Roads: washed out in spots and mud to the
{V ‘ hubs in others.
Came to the river: flowing fast and high. Consultation: "Yes” or "No?"
. Mary: "Yes." Minnie: "No." Minnie: "Go ahead andtryit,then." Mary: "Are
  you game to try?" We: (starved by now and practically in sight of Christmas
 Q dinner): "Sure."
 — PLOP - Leo starts across the river. Bruno begins to howl moumfully. We
 ( reach the middle of the river. Leo sputters.
, We reach the mark: Two-thirds across. Leo stops - bogs down - and starts
  again. Mary’s spine is a straight line, up and down.

We almost make the other side. Leo coughs and dies completely. Minnie {
stands on the farther bank, a definitely 'I—told-you-so' expression on her face. We  
try to divert Mary so she won’t look back and see it, not on Christmas. L
We remove our shoes and socks. "Should have wom boots," we mutter
sadly. We open the door and the river flows through. We get out. The water is I
numbingly cold — the bottom, horribly squishy. We push the jeep. Itrolls. Bruno
leaps out and frolics in the water, splashing muddy river to our eyebrows.  
"Bruno", we shriek and, pleased, he leaps again. We push some more. Minnie E
yells across the water. Buddie barks. "Merry Christmas." Hmm! Leo gets i
ashore. We relax. Mary tries to start the jeep. The spark plugs are full of river. 4
We throw back the hood and stuff in Kleenex. The mud is ankle deep - and soft i
— and cold. We put on our shoes and socks. No use. The shoes remain imbedded  
in the mud at every step. We take them off again. Our feet are blue beneath the {
coat of mud. "Merry Christmas." I
We find a boat, or reasonable facsimile thereof. It is a raft of four wide y
planks and Mary poles it across the river, using a saplin g to guide it with. It’s the  
funniest sight: grown women balancing on that tiny raft, and Bruno, in ecstasy .
at the prospect of being reunited with Buddie, leaping up and down and '
practically overtuming it. _
As the raft dwellers shout, "Stop him!", he takes off on a one-dog
committee of welcome, leaping upon his playmate. A sudden tangle of arms and
legs and heads and fur and mud scramble onto the river bank as all of us are »
We flounder back to Leo, where the Kleenex has successfully recondi- ’
tioned every spark plug. ,
At the Flat Creek Center, Stevie and Joan took a single horrified look and ·
silently brought out stacks of clothing. They piled neat stacks of wash cloths, ’
soap and towels before us.  
And eventually we all sat down to Christmas dinner. All of us, even Buddie F
and Bruno, sat- and ate - and slept. And Joan, who had never cooked a meal for -‘
company before, said we were wonderful house guests, appreciative of every  ,:.
detail. »

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I Former couriers (from left to right) Kate Ireland, Sally Butler and Eleanor Wells talk over
  old times when Sally and Eleanor returned to the area as part of the first FNS Appalachian
E Fall Tour.
  FNS Hosts First Appalachian Fall Tour
  One of the greatestchallenges forFrontierNursing Serviceis that of keeping our
* friends around the country informed about the many new and exiting endeavors
i underway here in the mountains. Through the Quarterly Bulletin , City
lx Committee meetings and correspondence from the Development Office, we are
  continually striving to "bring the FNS" to our friends beyond the mountains.
J Occasionally, however, we are delighted to welcome visitors to eastern
{5 Kentucky and show them our work first-hand. In late September we were very
l pleased to have 16 friends join us for a two—day tour of the Frontier Nursing
  Service as part of a special "Appalachian Fall Tour" organized jointly by
  Passages Unlimited of Wakefield, Massachusetts, and our wonderful Boston
§ Committee Member, Mrs. Pendleton (Julie) White.
E The tour group's visit to FNS was the finale to a week-long excursion
E through the Bluegrass State which included the famous Shaker Village in
1 Pleasant Hill; Claiboume Horse Farm and a chance to ‘pat’ Secretariat; The
jr Kentucky Horse Park Museum and historic towns such as Harrodsburg and
  Danville. From the Bluegrass, the tour moved south to Berea College and the

Boone Tavem Hotel. Dr. John B. Stephenson, President of the college and his Q
wife, Jane, hosted a lovely tea in their home on the historic Berea College *
As the tour continued south and then east through the foothills of the
Appalachian Mountains, there was just a hint of fall color beginning to emerge
throughout the Daniel Boone National Forest. FNS National Chairman, Miss
Kate Ireland, welcomed the group, which included many long-time FNS friends j`·`
V and former courier/volunteers, as well as several new supporters.  
Nearly a half—century has gone by since Sally Butler and Eleanor Wells iV_
were FNS Couriers. They were pleased to see that much of our Wendover {
headquarters remained familiar to them. Our former medical director, Dr. Frank I
Lepreau, and his wife Monny, had been away for just over 12 years. They were )
most interested in the many advances made in health care delivery at FNS during I
the past decade. Frontier Nursing Service has spanned two generations for Mrs. _
Bruce Hassinger and Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Shepherd. Mrs. Hassinger’s parents
were also generous supporters of our work and Mary Shepherd’s daughters,
Edith and Katherine Fulton, were both couriers.
Among our "newer” friends were Mrs. Fanny Arnold and Mrs. Frances t
Armytage, Mrs. W. Dawes, Mrs. Edwina Boatwright, Ms. Margaret Wolley, `
Mrs. Kingsland Van Winkle, Miss Dorothy Brown and Mrs. Chandler Robbins,
The tour proved so successful that we hope to organize another - perhaps
an "Appalachian Spring" tour? - by Ran Hallman
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After several more months " in the field", its time once again to report on life at
_ Wendover. The summer was oppressively hot. A drought stunted the growth of
I our gardens - our watermelons were only the size of cantaloupe - and we were
. forced to really conserve water. J.G. Morgan reconnected the old, spring-fed
li water cistems so that we would have a reserve should the city water run out.
‘ The drought, however, did not keep people from Wendover and we
.,2; enjoyed visitors from all over the country. Cindy Greenly and her family visited
[ from Columbus, OH on August 3rd. Cindy’s husband grew up in eastem
I Kentucky and he wanted to return to see the mountains. Courier Jodi Wenger
received a visit from her father who manages a catering service in New York.
The courier family enjoyed his culinary talents. Sandy Evenson, a nursing friend
of my wife Stacey, and two of her colleagues visited from Minnesota. Other
Wendover guests during the summer were Bill Dann, a consultant to the FNS
from Alaska, Robin Isaacs, chairperson of the FNS Boston Committee and
Health and Education Vice President Ruth Beeman.
The summer’s heat eventually abated and we experienced a beautiful
` fall. The mountains were a mural of vibrant colors and the momings were cool
and crisp. Vice President for Development Ron Hallman hosted guests at
Wendover who were participants in an Appalachian Fall Tour group. Some
group members were new friends to the Service while others have had long-time
_ associations with FNS. Everyone enjoyed Wendover in its Fall splendor.
A Present day couriers enjoyed the opportunity to compare their "courier duties"
with those of Ms. Sally Butler, who was an FNS courier in the horseback days.
, In September, Wendover hosted the FNS Board of Govemors. After
long hours of deliberation they relaxed over a delicious turkey dinner prepared
W by Wendover super-cook, Cassie Mosley, and, of course, for their departure
" luncheon, Cassie served up her traditional fried chicken feast. ln addition to the
j Board, September brought a visit from staff of the Frances Payne Bolton School
.:, of Nursing at Case Westem Reserve University. They were joined for dinner by
’ Kate Ireland, David Hatfield and Ron Hallman.
. Mary Quarles Hawkes, former FNS director of Social Services (1948),
visited Wendover in September with her friend, Ms. Holdon who works for the
‘ department of corrections in Utah. lt was interesting for our Wendover family
I to hear Ms. Hawkes reflect on the many changes that have occured along Camp
Y Creek and around Wendover - but then, some things really haven’t changed that
J much since the old days.
  FNS is still trying to overcome its financial difficulties with ingenuity

and resourcefulness. Wendover is saving money by becoming more self- Q
sufficient. Kenny, our maintenance man, is doubling these days as Kenny, the
hunter. He has provided us with several squirrel dinners! The couriers have
been delighted. I
We at Wendover have alwa