xt7wdb7vnm8t https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7wdb7vnm8t/data/mets.xml University of Kentucky Fayette County, Kentucky The Kentucky Kernel 1951-09-21  newspapers sn89058402 English  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel The Kentucky Kernel, September 21, 1951 text The Kentucky Kernel, September 21, 1951 1951 1951-09-21 2013 true xt7wdb7vnm8t section xt7wdb7vnm8t The KeNTUCECY


Draft Causes
Change In
Kernel Staff

In Football Pageant
Tat Moore, UK's representative to
the sixth annual Football Festival,
flew to Los Angeles early this week
to attend the Festival, sponsored by
t'ie Berkeley Junior Chamber of
Pat. a Home Economics junior
from Miami. Fla.. was chosen last
spring to be the first representative
sent bv the University to this festi-'a- l.
Coeds from 10 schools will be
dined, danced, and entertained for
10 days by the festival committee of
the Berkeley Junior Chamber of
Commerce. Starting from Los
the representatives will tour
the costal cities in California. Each
girl will be a float sponsor daily in
the parades held In these cities.
On-of the main events on the
agc.ia for the representatives will
be the opening football game of the
Uni'ersity of Caliiornia. A queen
wri: be chosen from the 10 candidate to reign at this game.




Some of the other schools represented at the festival are the University of Pennsylvania, Ohio State
University, University of California,
the University of Illinois and South- If
ern Methodist University.
Pat is a member of Chi Omega
sorority. Cwens, and Phi Upsilon
Omicron. She was Kentuckian Beauty Queen in 1949, and Homecoming
Queen in 1950.

the Kentucky Kernel during the
summer session, has been named
acting editor of the Kernel, replacing John Wiltz, who was drafted at
the end of the summer term. Dr.
Niel Hummer, head of the Board of
Student Publications, announced the
appointment this week.
Tom Wilborn, journalism senior,
will take over as acting managing
editor of the Kernel, Dr. Plummer
said. Mansfield was to have been
managing editor for the regular
Dorman Cordcll and Bill Don
Grote will remain as news editor
and business manager for the regular terms.
Formerly an assistant news editor
and last year assistant managing
editor, Mansfield is also a senior in
the School of Journalism. He is vice
president of the Henry Watterson
Press Club and a member of Kappa
Alpha fraternity.
Also a member of Kappa Alpha
and the Henry Watterson Press Club,
Wilborn was assistant managing ed
itor during tne summer term.




Arts Series
Opens Here
On Oct. 12


After 22 Years Service
UK Professor Of Law Dies


Law of Contracts in 1938 and var- ious other articles published in law

By Dorman Cordell


He was a member of the Montana

"Rodgers and Hammerstein
Bar Association, Kentucky Bar As- - Nights" will be the first program in
sociation, Fayette County Bar As- - the 1951-5- 2
Community Concert-Lectusociation. Order of the Coif, Phi
Series, to be presented at
Delta Phi, and Templars. He is Memorial Coliseum.
listed in "Who's Who in Law."
An orchestra, chorus, and four
principal singers will perform different parts of Rodgers and Hammerstein operettas in "Rodgers and
Hammerstein Nights," which is set
for Oct. 12.
The series is sponsored by the
Central Kentucky Concert Association and the Lexington Public Forum, and will include 12 programs
this school year, including three
symphony orchestras, a chorale
group, and a drama quartet. The
drama quartet will feature Charles
Boyer, Charles Laughton. Sir Cedric
Hardwick, and Agnes Moorhead in
George Bernard Shaw's "Don Juan



Dr. Murray authored the Kentucky Annotations to Restatement of





Or. frank Murray

Died During Summer

Testing Service of
N. J, has announced
both Law School Admission
Tests and Graduate Record Exami- nations will be given four times
school year. The tests are re- of applicants for admission
to a number of American law and
graduate schools.
The Law School Admission Test
will be given at more than 100 cen- tcrs throughout the United States
on the mornings of Nov. 17. Feb. 23.
April 26. and August 9.
A candidate must make separate
applications for admission to each
trhkrw-- !








IFC Plans
Formal Rush

In accordance with Dlans to estab- formal rush svstem for male
students interested in joining fra- Coun- tcrnities, the
cil met Tuesday night and set up
preliminary procedures to govern
such a rush program. The purpose
of the planned program is to try to
increase the percentage of frater
nity men at the University.
This program is designed primarily for those men who do not pledge
fraternities during informal rush.
The first date that any man may be
pledged is today at 12 noon. Infor
rnal rushing and pledging may con- tinne through Oct. 7. at which time
a five-da- y
formal rush period will
In order to be eligible for
formal rush, there mill be a pre- registration, at a timp and plnce
which will be announced.
Inter-Fraterni- ty

Restrictions are effective from 8
a.m. to 2 p.m. Monday through
Friday. Spaces marked prohibited
are restricted at all times.

Dr. Donald L. Weisman of Wayne
University, Detroit, has been named
to succeed Prof. Edward W. Rannells as head of the University Department of Art.
Prof. Rannels recently resigned
the position to devote more time to
writing and painting. He will remain with the Art Department as a
Dr. Weismann is a graduate of
Wisconsin State College, the University of Wisconsin, and Ohio State
University. He received his doctor's
degree from Ohio State. His are
work has been exhibited at the Fogg
Museum of Art at Harvard, Rockefeller Center in New York, at Mexico's Villa Monte Carlo, and at the
Chicago and Milwaukee art institutes. Dr. Weismann is also author
and illustrator of several children's

During World War II, Dr. Weismann served overseas as a communications instructor with the Air
Force Technical Training Command
and later as a naval lieutenant In
the Asiatic-PacifDr. Weismann is married and has
daughter. Mrs.
Weismann is also an author, and
has taught at Smith and Wellesley
coleges and at Ohio State. She was
a member of the Library. of Congress staff.

WivesMicket .Books
Are Now Available'
Last chance for married students

phony Orchestra.
The third symphony orchestra in
the series is the Pittsburg Symphony, directed by Paul Paray.
Included in the series are two
husband and. wife teams. Robert
piaand Gaby Casadesus, French
To Be
nists, and Swedish singers' Jussi and
Anna-Lis- o
Bjoerling who will be
Student identification cards will
presented in joint recitals.
Colibe distributed at
programs will be seum on Oct. 3, 4,Memorial it was
Three of tht
and 5,
Hanson Baldwin, New announced this week. The ticket
York military expert, and William windows at the Coliseum will be
Laurence, New York correspondent, open from 1 to 6 p. m. each of the
will deliver the first two lectures. days for the distribution.
The third will be given by Salva-dor- e
Students whose last names begin
Dali, the surrealist artist.
with the letters "A" through "F"
The tentative schedule for the may obtain ID cards on Wednesseries is Oct. 12, Rodgers and Hamday, Oct. 3. On Thursday, Oct. 4,
merstein Nights"; Oct. 18, Solomon,
cards from "G" through "M" will
British pianist; Nov. 11, Cleveland
be issued, and cards for
Symphony Orchestra, directed by "N" through "Z" will those from
be distribGeorge Szell, with Helen Traubel as uted on Oct. 5.
soloist; Nov. 26, The Drama Quartet
The yellow fee receipt
in "Don Juan in Hell"; Dec. 13, received at registration which was
must be
Hanson Baldwin.
presented to obtain an ID card.
Jan. 13. Robert and Gaby
If the slip has been lost, a duplipianists; Jan. 17, William cate may be
obtained at the
Laurence; Feb. 22, Pittsburg SymOffice
phony Orchestra, directed by Paul Comptroller's Building. in the AdParay; Feb. 25, Cincinnati Sym-hon- y ministration
Late registrants are to have picOrchestra, directed by Thor
Johnston, with Ljuba Welitch as tures for ID cards made from 1 to
soloist; Feb. 27, Salvadore Dali; 3 p.m. Sunday. They may enter
March 10, Robert Shaw Chorale; on Coliseum at the rear entrance,
the swimming pool side.
and April 7, Jussi and Anna-Lis- a
Bjoerling, singers.




cational Testing Service. Since
many law schools select their
freshman classes in the spring
proceeding their entrance, candidates for admission to next year's
classes are advised by the Service
to take either the November or the
February test, if possible.
Candidates for admission to graduate schools requiring the Graduate
Record Examination may take the
GRE on Oct. 26 and 27, Feb. 1 and
2. May 2 and 3. and Aug. 1 and 2.
Since the GRE is not required by
all graduate schools. Educational
Testing Service advises each stu- dent to
of his
he is PvnprVprf to
take the test and, if so, on which


7 Z "'


?e L Test, according to



Is Monday



Over 5000 Register
On Lexington Campus

Community Leaders
To Discuss Problems
and Achievement


Organized Classes
Close Tomorrow



Bulletins of information and
plications for the Law School
mission Test should be obtained
four to six weeks in advance of the
desired date from Educational Test-th- is
ir.g Service, P. O. Box 592, Prince-quire- d
ton. N. J. Completed applications
must be received at least ten days
before the desired testing date in
order to allow the Service time to
complete the necessary testing ar- rangements for each candidate,
Application forms for the Grad- uate Record Examination and a
ministration, as well as sample
be obtained from
from the above
address, or. from P. O. Box 9896,
Los Feliz Station. Los Angeles 27,
Calif. Applications for the GRE
must reach the offices at least two
weeks before the date of the test
for which the candidate is applying,


permit should apply immediately
in Room 203, Administration Bldg.
Tickets will be written on any car
not having a current permit as
of Monday, September 24.
The Student Government Association has established the fines
for parking violations. If the fine
is paid immediately, it will be $1.
After a week's delay the fine will
be doubled. If a person has accumulated six tickets and failed
to pay anv of the fines, the fine
on each ticket will be increased to

to purchase student wives' football
books is noon tomorrow. Married
in Hell."
Soloists Helen Traubel and Ljuba students who have not obtained
Welitch of the Metropolitan Opera card certificates showing they are
will be presented with two of the married may get them at the Persymphony orchestras which appear sonnel Office, Room 209. Adminison the program. Miss Traubel will tration Building, and bring them to
appear with the Cleveland Sym- the ticket office in the Coiiaeum.
The price of student wives' footphony Orchestra, while Miss Welitch
ball books is $1250.
will sing with the Cincinnati Sym-

Educational Testing Service
To Give Law School Tests


Any person wishing a parking

Bill Mansfield, managing editor of


Dr. Frank Murray, professor of
law. died August 29 at Pray. Mont,
He was 56 years old.
Dr. Murray, who was born in Ava.
Missouri, attended the State Teach- er' College of Missouri and the
University of Montana. He received
his A3, with honors and his tj.b
with honors from the University of
Montana. He then attended Harvard
University where he wrote his doc- tor's thesis on "Legal Effects of the
Railroad Land Grants."
Dr. Murray served in the United
States Army during 1917-1In
1919. be married Genevieve Frances
Positions held by Dr. Murray include Superintendent of Schools in
Jolict. Montana; Superintendent of
Schools in Fairview, Montana; and
Superintendent of Schools, St. Regis.
Montana. He also taught in a
Spokane, Washington High School.
In 1928, Dr. Murray gave up his
Montana law practice to become assistant professor of law at the University of Montana. He became professor of law at the University of
Kentucky in 1930 and was acting
dean during 1935 and 1938. He was
visiting professor of law at Ohio
State University in 1939, and visiting
professor of law at the University
of Illinois during the summer of

Tickets Given Monday

Mansfield Named
Acting Editor



UK Represented



The. first annual Kentucky Home
Town Meeting will be held on the
UK campus Manday.
Representatives from more than
100 of Kentucky's 120 counties are
expected to attend the meeting
which is sponsored by the Bureau of
Community Service of the University In cooperation with the Agricultural and Industrial Development
Board and the Kentucky Chamber

By Jean Grant

Registration figures, as totaled at
press time, showed 5445 students had
enrolled for the fall semester. This
figure includes 5109 enrolled on the
campus. 141 at the College of
Pharmacy in Louisville, and 195 at
the Northern Extension Center in
Registration for ' both day and
night courses will continue throughout the week at the Registrar's office in the Administration Building.
Dr. R. L. TuthiU. UK's new Registrar, announced that students wall
have until tomorrow to enter organized classwork. The last day a student can drop a course without a
grade is October 22.
CLASSES for adults
are being offered by the University
Department of Extension. Prof.
Louis Clifton, director of the University Department of Extension,
A total of 52 courses will be offered this semester in the Colleges
of Arts and Sciences. Agriculture
and Home Economics. Education,
and Commerce. Classes will meet in
the late afternoon, in the evening,
and on Saturday.
"These classes have been arranged especially for the convenience of
Professor Clifton said. "The classes
open to any serious adult who
can profit from the work, regardless
of previous training."
of the
University faculty will serve as
instructors for the extension classes
except for special courses where
specialists may be drawn from
business and the professions.
Courses will be offered in art.
English, history, social work, sociology, psychology,
hygiene and
public health, physiology, library
science, agriculture extension, elementary and secondary education,
home economics education, and


of Commerce.

The morning session will be held
in the Guignol Theater in the Fine
Arts Building with Irwin T. Sanders, director of the Buerau of Community Service of UK, presiding.
Exhibits by UK departments, industrial firms and organizations,
and state agencies will be on display
in the corridors of the Fine Arts
Community Roll Call begins at
10 a.m. with Harper Gatlon, superintendent of Madisonville City Schools,
acting as master of ceremonies.
Richard Poston, author of "Small
Town Renaissance" and director of
the Bureau of Community Service at
the University of Washington, will
deliver the keynote address on "Your
Stake in Community Development."
At 2 p.m., the group will divide into 12 roundtables to discuss various
phases of community improvement.
A panel of representatives from new
Kentucky industries will explain
"Why We Came To Kentucky."
After a tour of the UK campus,
dinner will be served the representatives. The meeting will end with
the benediction at 9 p.m.




"SAY NO," said the photographer, and Don Williamson, a transof Louisville, puts on a bi? smile for his ID

card picture. The photographer promised a true likeness.

non-camp- us

Requests Being Taken
For Fulbright Awards
Applications for Fulbright schol- arships will be accepted until Octob- er 15, and all students or staff mem- bers who are interested in these
grants should apply
expense-pai- d
immediately at the office of the Ful- bright Adviser, A. E. Bigge, 303 Mil- ler Hall.
These awards cover transports- tion to and from the foreign coun- try where the work is to be under- taken, expenses of a language re- fresher course, tuition, books and
subsistence allotments for the aca- demic year 1952-5Countries included in the 1952-5- 3
competition are: Australia, Austria,
Belgium and Luxembourg, Burma,
Egypt, France, Greece, India, Iran,
Italy, Netherlands, New Zealand,
Norway, Pakistan, PlUlliplnes, Thai- land, Turkey, and the United King- dom.
Basic eligibility requirements are




Applications for committee mem
bership on the Student Union
Board can be made Sept. 25 at 4
p.m. in the Student Union Ballroom.
Activities and services of the organization include plans for social,
cultural, and recreational programs
for the Student Union.
Various chairmen will be at the
meeting to accept the applications.
The committees and their chairmen
are Activities Committee, Mary
McKinley; House Committee. Kitty
King; Coffee Chat, Barbara Way- Arts and Poster Committee,
Bryant, and Outing Club,


fer from the University

Special Meet
For Freshmen

Student Union Board



Y to Sponsor

The YWCA and YMCA will begin
their program for the year with a
special meeting for freshmen in the
at 6:15
Student Union's
p.m. Tuesday, and a worship service for the Upperclass Fellowship
at 7 p.m., in the amphitheater.
will have its
;nember:-hldrive early In the fall.
At that time a student joining will
have an opportunity to sign up for
a particular committee or commis
sion in which; he is interested.. Help
is especially- - needed in the worship
committee. publicity department,
and the social service.
The Cosmopolitan Club, under
the sponsorship of the Y. will have
its first meeting in the
tonight at 7:30. The. club is open
to all foreign and American students on campus and will continue
to meet each week for programs
and socials.
The Dutch Lunch Club, an or
gnillttuuil iui town Kiiia miu turn- mutors. is planning a Innrhpnn Fri- day, Sept. 28, in room 205 of the
fitnripnt TIninn 'Riiilriiner fiirls wish- ing to attend the 12 o'clock affair
mnv Kicm nn t a hnoth in front
of the building at noon Tuesday
and Wednesday.


United States citizenship, a Bache- lor's degree or the equivalent, good
health, and normally a knowledge
of the language of the country for
which he applies,
Applicants who have had no pre- vious foreign study experience and
veterans are given preference, but
others are not excluded. Selections
are made on the basis of qualifica- tions for study abroad, academic
record, and value of the proposed
study or research. Grants are based
on both state and national com- petition.
scholarships are available. One
half of these are for graduate study
and the remainder for University
lecturing and post -- doctoral research. fl-Last year; ten UK staff members f J.
and students received Fulbright ap- pointments in state and national
Seventy-fou- r
University students,
including 50 men and 24 women, received ail A's in the 1951 summer
session, according to the deans of
their colleges. Those with perfect
scholastic records include:
Diogenes Allen. Emma B.
Barnhill, Oliver T. Bumgardner.
Milton T. Fisk. Robert D. Haun.
intendent of the Ohio State Bureau Edward O. Hill. Richard F. Hood,
Benjamin H. Huelsman. Masako
of Criminal Identification.
In addition to the full time stu- - Inugai. Henry J. Irvin. Donald Ivey.
Samuel C. Johnson. John A. Jones.
dents, the course is expected to at- tract a number of . Kentuckians al- - Iorrest M.O VTLawrence. ' Thelma 1.1 R.
. unrrn. 1.,
.! m I III.
reaay engagea in law euiuraiunu
w Morris tt Ann Pcrrm. shirw
State Police Commissioner Guthrie A. Porter, James L. Potts. Mary O.
Crowe has informed Dean White of Ray, David N. Schmieder, Rymon O.
tentative plans to send a small num- - Spivey. Clara M. Steele. Claude A.
ber of s'ate police to the university Taylor Jr.. Mary C. Voorhes. John E.
each semester to take one or more Wiltz. and Jack E. Woodhouse.
of the new courses,
H. Redden. Mary
have completed their lower division A. Johnson. HelenC. Spear.
Alvin C.
requirements may transfer to the M. Hollins. Jane
police administration curriculum, and
rnmnlrtp th wnrt tnr thp (ipfrfe in T ..' uwo.i,
niumi xiuuiigau.
two years. Dean White said. He
n Puri Jr Foster G Pumphrey,'
added that the courses will be open
to city and county law enforcement
and Robert Teater.
officers who meet the regular Uni-thrCOLLEGE OF ENGINEERING
versity admission requirements.
rPfillireS Douglas K. Albright. Randalli C.
Thnoo C A nr.lA IVI ,., D
candidates to complete U'8 semester
maS ,
hours. Besides the professional "f"J"
acinar n.. uiriiiau. nuuirv j.
courses, students will take work in
u- - K; 9i?stred- - wulard DEnglish, physics, hygiene and public 0eli?- health, anthropology, social work, a Dahl. Thomas L. Denton.
Bobby G. Estep. Milton Evans Jr..
foreign language, anatomy and phy-maie
Holloway Fields Jr.. Harold D. Fox.
siology, humanities, sociology,
James A. Getker. Martin C. Krimm,
chology, physical education, and
Thomas C. Little. Earl W. Meador.
itary science.
William L. Mitchell, George B.
Morgan, Robert W. Patterson. Carl
L. Pennington. Joseph H. Pulliam,
Henry A. Steilberg, Gerald L.
Stevens, John H. Sturgill. Richard
C. Tomey. and John E. Tarman.
Several of the students Vl said they James B. Bowen. Birdie A. Brown.
V. ..
.1 . .. kAUmT.
V. ..
&muf- L. Jones,
R. Mc- icans were on the whole, almost Crackcn, Ruth C. Naomi Amber C.
destitute. This has resulted from Maupin. Elmer C. Mason. Hazel W.
propaganda spread by individuals Pash, Avon N. Prater.
Josie P.
who either did not know about
MarSchenck. Emogene
conditions in this country or by garet J. Thurman, H. Scott. Van
those who are
ALL OF THE STl'DENTS felt Deren, and Eula L. West.
that Americans are much more COLLEGE OF COMMERC E William T. Clark. James M. Davis. Louis
hospitable than Europeans.
Guenther Gillessen. Freiburj . one A. Nichols," Daniel S. Smith. Harold
of the students, commented on the D. Wilson, and Harold H. WtxxielL
fact that Pres. H. L. Donovan ap- proached him on the campus and
introduced himself, asking if there
was anything he could do for him.
He was very impressed that the
president spoke to him and was
quite surprised that he should ask
Fourteen German elementary
him such a question.
school teachers will arrive on the
All of the students agreed with campus tomorrow for
Gillessen when he said, "You observation of teaching methods,
wouldn't find that type of friend- - Dr. Frank G. Dickey. Dean of the
liness on the part of an instructor College of Education, has an-i- n
any German university, much less nounced.
the president."
The nine men and five women
When they have time
i HZ.?'.?: School and other institutions ovit
ate quiic iiiipicaocu wnu tiic the state, and spend about one- yen k i.iic:j iinvc bccu miu catttauj
. v.
. i.
inira of their time in seminar
iiii tiic uiiiciiiy vaiiiuA, vi sessions.
which they already feel a part.
"The students are here to learn
The journalists all spoke English
quite well, but
Count and observe as much as possible."
Fink von Finckenstein said. "We do Dean Dickey said.
not always speak English well. I
J. B. Kelley. of the College of
had only four days to learn English Education faculty, will bo coordinacoming to this country."
tor of the group.

74 Students
Make All A's


ClimmK ip

University Adds Courses
In Police Administration
The University has added to its
course lead- curriculum a four-yeing to the bachelor of arts degree
with a major in police administra- H.
tion. Pres. rwn L. Donovan-I has an- .
nouncea. lne course is Deing 01- time this se- Jereu Ior "le
tne new program is pro- Aim
fessional training for law enforce- ment work and the provision of a
steady supply of graduates qualified
for employment with local, state, or
federal law enforcement agencies.
A separate academic uepartment
was not required for the addition of
the new course, according to Dr.
M. M
ri..n f tho rnllooo
of Arts and Sciences. Special police
work courses will be taught bv the
Depaitment of Political Science,
Other required courses, including
in the College of Law, are of- foroH romilorlv atv tha TTniifortitfl
...u .vrwowj
ICOLRSES police administration,
nnlinp and th nnhlip nolicp sripnre
laboratory, and traffic regulation
will be Capt. O. H. Cornwell. head of
the Kentucky State Police Bureau of
Personnel and Training. Capt. Corn- well is the former police chief of
Kenis, Ohio and has served as super- ar










,.-7- ,;







mil-Cart- er

West German Journalists Say UK Is Very Different

Bv Jean Grant and Dorman Cordcll

Everything about an American
university is different from a Euro- ipean university, according to eight
ct iHort c n'hn fchnnlH lrnniv
They are West German journalists
who will be studying in tne &cnooi
of Journalism for the next nine
e auspices of the
State Department.
"There is no campus life in our
universities. We have just the
buildings." said Harold Bauer, one
of the eight. He explained that
they have fraternities, but none of
After you enroll at a Oerman
university, you are uidependent.
he added. "You live where you
please, do what you please, and
have only to pass the examination."
A German
student does not
necessarily go to a university for
fOUr years, as in the United States.
any icvti
.nc suurai van ucSm
which he thinks himself capable of
BELOW the uni- versity level are also organized dif- ferently from our own. Elementary
school lasts four years, and the
student attends high school for
eight years. At the end of the
man student's high school career,
he has completed an equivalent of
the first two yp.irs of col)p"o in
United States.







The average German university
student is about 26 vears old. which
is a higher average than in the
united States. This is because the
war interrupted the education of
r . m..
lUuiu.. ana iney are
onjy beginning to resume their





lack of funds,

the journalists said.
Four of the eight have had university training in Germany. All



Gassmuel-tn- e
ne woman- - Mlss
j included in the group. Three
f the men ftre marriP(i Bn(1 two
nave children. All of their families
remained in Germany,




with the
state Department, the visitors are
to receive a program designed to
ive them a "knowledee of Amer- lcan pnnclpies 0f journalism, an
opportunity to observe operation of
a free press in a democratic coun- try.
limited amount of work in
social sciences, and the chance to
oecome acquainted with American
l"e in general.
Every member of the group agreed
that the student-exchang- e
plan is
"the greatest thing in the world"
for promoting Rood will nmons

Stlldv at University




















UK. MKL I'Ll'MMEK head of the Scliuol of Journalism, explains the "ins" and "outs" of American
college life to eight West German journalists. They are, seated left to right: Werner Marquardt tiuen-th- rr
GilUscii, Miss Trika Gussinui'llrr, ami llans-WrrnCount Von Kincki'iistfiii. SLimliiif;, li ft In rivlil:
Werner I'cinor, ticrtl Luilenian, Dr. I'Ih inner, ILirolil P. liauer, and Otto Dluhostii.




� Pajre 2





21. 1951


Kernel Policy Same
Despite New Building

Good Will, Wisdom Are Fruits
Of Foreign Student Contact

Tin l'oinp'''' 1,1,1 f
tlw twiiif 'rs of tlx-- '
dripping "Iiirti,,0i in

Murihn K ileus
seems so upturn
to expect
great thinus of the new crop" of
freshmen. It's like the natural
faith a farrier places in the seod
he sows to brini; him a harvest and
reward for his labor. With the assurance of the farmer
in the excellence of the seed, the best hiyh
school graduates to be had: in the
correct irethoJ.: of so'.v-nand cere,
courses and well- qualified professors, the Univ ersity
of Kentucky looks forward to a time
of plenty in 19r5.
Put it this way. Mountains of
chanc-- for education have come to
us UK Mohammeds. in the form of
numerous students from foreign
parts. The good will and good wis-- I
dom that we, as seekers after
knowledge, and peace on earth, can
gain from acaimintance with them
is invaluable. Throuuh the
Cosmopolitan Club, which features foreign students membership,
to say nothing of outright friendliness in class and Union, we can pet
a proper insiyht on life in other
than these United States.

i"'W journalism







murky, steaming
of McVey Hall.

the elitoiial st.i.'i dodge dripping grease from
presses upstairs of suffer from lack of heat during all four
seasons of the year.
No longer xwv



But the addetl conveliier. ces have brought with them added
responsibilities for the new. stiff. We are charged with publishing
a paper worthv of the new building and of the equally new
School of Journal ism. WY'have accepted this responsibility with


serious misgivings, for past staffs have produced Kernels difficult
even to equal, much leTs'f'xcel.
To add to our difficulties. Uncle Sam deckled during the summer that he was in gmrtej need of John YVihz than the Kernel
and acted accordingly, leaving us without tlto leadership and
knowledge of our editor elct. John's loss will be felt keenly by
the Kernel, not only lvwause of his journalistfc ability, but also
liecause of his personality and constant good lrtimor.
As to the matter of Kernel policy, we feel that the Kernel can
So you flunked the draft test
have onlv one policy to endeavour to preent the news and
opinions of the student lxxly in the most impartial manner
Tin's policv, as simple as it may sound, will at times lx difficult
to carry out and the staffs, judgment may ti(t always lie correct.
If at any time any student feels the Kernel has erred we invite
liim to state his views in the letters column. (All letters must lx
Since the Kernel believes that authority in relations among stu- the University handbook for freshwithheld on request.) We can only
signed, but names will
this had been
evenone who is a member of tin dents and among student organiza- men. Previously Personnel Departaccomplish our aims if we know what your desires and wishes are, organization should hare at least tions; to act jointly with the Uni- handled by the
and your letters, lxth pro and con. will lie a great help to us in some knowledge of its structure and versity staff in matters affecting
SGA also appropriates money to
achievements, and since event stu common interests; and to advise, worthy campus activities such as
request, and recommend action orientation week. In the spring
This year's staff will attempt to produce a paper worthy of dent at the University is autosemester of last year they donated
matically a mrmlter of the Student with respect to matters reserved to sufficient money to Vague, the
the University. However, ve remind you that as with any paper, Government Association, we arc
University staff."
campus literary magazine, to assure
The president of SGA is auto- its publication.
the Kernel can only have influence in proportion to the interest
this brief outline of SGA. It
matically an
The project best known to
of its readers. The Keriiel can never 1k really successful without is our hope that it trill Rive the stu- the University faculty member the dents is probably the regulationstu- and
dent a clearer picture of just what Athletic Association and has a full student parking. To accomplish
vonr interest and aid.
SGA can do and what it has done.

Kernel Had Scooped Ledger
Tlie "reliable source" who gave the Columbia Ledger's sports
editor the scoop on Babe Parilli's ineligibility was quoted as
justifying his accusation ty saying: "All you have to do is look
at his record."
The editors, along ttrji several hundred coaches, have already
looked. Tlie unanimous decision: Parilli is about the most
"eligible" player we've cyer seen.

ration to take his hat off in
the Journalism Building.




Entered at the Post Office at Lexineton.
Kent'tckv. ns serond cl.iss matter under
the Act of Mnrch 3. 1879.