xt7wdb7vnm77 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7wdb7vnm77/data/mets.xml University of Kentucky Fayette County, Kentucky The Kentucky Kernel 1947-05-30  newspapers sn89058402 English  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel The Kentucky Kernel, May 30, 1947 text The Kentucky Kernel, May 30, 1947 1947 1947-05-30 2013 true xt7wdb7vnm77 section xt7wdb7vnm77 Best Copy Avanaoie

The Kentucky Kernel

Sunny and Cool





Student Total
For Summer
To Be 4,000

Examination Rules,
Schedule Released
One Hour Tests
Must Re Given
In Double Period


Most Veterans
Are Expected
To Remain
Willi llC MI)KII ol iht- greater part ol i he nunc than 1,21X1
now enrolled, who arc
hoi xK- ifl to withdraw during
lie summer, and ilic cxxxicd
large influx of teat hers planning
lo resume their professional
iiaining and some new students,
inrolliiKiit probably will hit at


Next Kernel
June 20

Dr. Roberts
Honor Guest



seic-ian- s

Dr. Paul P. Boyd

Dean Boyd
Will Retire
Next Month

Law Professor
Will Retire

The examination schedule and a
list of rules for the 1947 spring quarter has been announced by Dr. Maurice F. Seay, dean of the University.
No examination will be given in
other than the specified hour by any
professor unless permission is first
obtained from the registrar. If any
examination is only one hour long
it must be given during the two hour
In case of conflict, the Instructor
involved must report this fact to the
registrar at least two weeks before
the .final examination period. The
registar will then decide when the
examination shall be given.
Class tickets for a course should be
filed with the registrar within twenty-four
hours after the close of the

on any cycle starting on either
Tuesday or Thursday.
classes meeting 2nd hour
on any cycle starting on either
Monday or Wednesday.
classes meeting 2nd hour
on any cycle starting on either
Tuesday or Thursday.
5:00 classes meeting 8th hour on
any day.
7:00 night classes.
Friday, June 6
classes meeting 3rd hour
on any cycle starting on either
Monday or Wednesday.
classes meeting 3rd hour
on any cycle starting on either
Tuesday or Thursday.
classes meeting 4th hour
on any cycle starting on either
Monday or Wednesday.
classes meeting 4th hour
on any cycle starting on either
Tuesday or Thursday.
5:00 classes meeting 9th or 10th
7:00 night classes.

Commencement Week
To Begin Sunday; 600
Will Receive Degrees
Ringham To Speak

Summer Registration
Schedule Announced
Tardiness Fines
Are Increased

At Program Friday
On Football Field
The 80th annual

toiiniit'iue-mcn- t

week, and graduation

approximately t)0 candidal'
for bachelor and advaiued degrees at the University will le
held during June

WBKY Slalt

June 16. Monday. 8:00 a. reclassification Tests and Physical
Baccalaureate services vvill
Examinations for New Students. All
new students, except those entering
at 4 p. in. Sunday, June I.
The University of Kentucky's freDr. William Lewis Roberts, proquarter. Saturday, June 7. The date
the Graduate School, should report quency modulation station, WBKY,
fessor in the University College of
Memorial hall with Dr. Waltin
for filing class tickets is Monday,
to Memorial hall.
went off the air Wednesday night
Saturday, June 7
June 9, at 9 a.m.
lrast 4,000. the largest UK summer Law who is to retire next month,
June 16. 17, Monday and Tueswas guest of honor at the annual
classes meeting 5th hour. day registration of all students ac- ahead of the scheduled 9 o'clock er1 E. Groves, new president ol
school in history, Dr. Maurice P.
The examination for all colleges
classes meeting 6th hour cording to the following schedule: sign off when approximately 15 en- Centre College, delivering the serSeay. University
except law follows:
has dinner given associationnight by Lagineers and staff members quit be- mon. Dr. Jesse Herrmann, pastor
on any cycle starting on either
at the
Student Bar
Monday Forenoon
Thursday June 5
cause they said they could "no long- of the Second Presbyterian church.
fayette hotel. About 200 students
Monday or Wednesday.
8:50 A through B
classes meeting 1st hour
35 Years;
tThe figure, which University of- and the entire law faculty were
er work under the unpleasant condi- Lexington, will give the invocation
1:2:50 classes meeting 6th hour
9:00 9:50 C through D
ficials class as a conservative es- present at the
on any cycle starting on either
on any cycle starting on either
testimonial dinner.
and benediction.
timate, will surpass the pre-w10:0010:50 E through O
Monday or Wednesday.
; Tuesday
This was the second time since
or Thursday.
Dr. Alvin E. Evans, dean of the
- of 2.853 set
recordThe baccalaureate procession will
11:0011:50 H through J
in the summer of law college, spoke on
E. G. Sulzer, Head of the Departclasses meeting 1st hour
classes meeting 7th hour.
"The Future
1940-4- 1
By Charles Whaley
Monday Afternoon
by more than 40 percent and
ment of Radio Arts, has been In form at 3:30 p. m. on the plaza bealso will exceed a new record of of the School, the Faculty, and ProWhen Dr. Paul P. Boyd goes on
1:30 2:20 K through L
charge of the station that the stu- tween physics and mining buildings,
J .936 set last summer. Actual en- fessor Roberts." He reviewed the a change of status from active ad4:20 Miscellaneous
dent staff has quit because of dis- and on the drive leading to the administration building.
A through O
rollment last summer was 3.595 history .of the law college and the ministrative duties June 15, he will
agreement with him.
.registered for the first term and contributions which Dr. Roberts have served 35 years as a member
Tuesday Forenoon
About five years ago. nine memThe quarterly meeting of the
2.975 etirolled In the second term. made to it.
of the University of Kentucky fac8:00 8:50 P through R
bers of the staff were forced to reCharir Larnard, graduating se- ulty, including 30 years as Dean of
More than half of the 4.396 veterans
9:00 9:50 S
sign their jobs when Sulzer refused
enrolled in spring quarter one year nior in the college, spoke in behalf the College of Arts and Sciences.
10:0010:50 T through Z
to change the date for a recording
A reception for all graduating
ago continued in school for the sum- of the students and presented the
Since 1917, when he was elected
11:00 11:50 Miscellaneous
from Wednesday to Saturday so the
Six UK music majors will compete
their families
retiring professor with some luggage dean, enrollment in the college has
mer session, records show.
A through Z
beginIn final auditions for the Iroquois
staff could study for exams
friends, will be held 'by the Stugrown from 350 to 2830 and the
Tuesday Afternoon
1947 summer school will be as a gift from the bar association.
operettas at the Louisville
ning the next
dent Union board Sunday, im1:30
2:20 New students
Dr. Roberts received his AB from number of departments has InThe Dairy club will sponsor a trip Service Club, Monday, June 9, Dr.
operated on a two-terbasis as tn
No Strike
mediately following baccalaur2:30 3:20 New students
to Canada this summer, including Alexander Capuso, head of the Unithe past. The first summer term Brown University in 1903; AM, Penn creased from 9 to 28.
"We are not striking, we're just
eate services, in the ballroom of
A through Z
"One of the most memorable occasuch points of interest as Washing- versity Music department, announcwill open Monday. June 16. and run sylvania State College, 1915; JD.
quitting," one first class engineer
the Student Union building.
3:30 4:20 Miscellaneous
through July 24 and the second University of Chicago, 1920; and sions in my career," Dean Boyd ton, D. C, Beltsville, Md., Rotor Lac-t- ed last week.
said Wednesday night as he took
Members of the faculty are inPlaces for registration:
Dairy at Walker Gorden, N. J.,
related, "is the term that I served
term will cov.er the period July 24 SJD. Harvard, 1930.
The students, chosen after sechis license down. "We're perfectly
(Veterans report first to AdminisNiagara Falls, Cornell university and tional auditions of vocalists held at
to August 30.
anyone who will
After practicing law for awhile. as acting president of the Uniwilling to work for
Miss Ellen Wood, president of
we just cant
of teachers, 2.000 Dr. Roberts taught at Pennsylvania versity. That was back in 1917. several other northern universities. the University are O. William Blair, tration building)
With hundreds
be reasonable, but
the Student Union board, will
Union Building
anymore of his guff."
or more veterans, and many other State college, Colby college. Water-fiel- President Barker had retired and
The trip will be made by. agricul- Akron, Ohio; Mary Margaret Berry,
greet the guests. Members of
Freshmen (new and former)
new and old students enrolled, the
Maine, and the University of I was elected to fill the vacancy. I tural students under the supervision Lexington; Jo Ann Neal, Milton;
A staff, musician asked Sulzer
the House committee and the
Law students, (new and former)
.University plans to operate full pro- Pittsburgh before coming to the served on the Joint committee com- cf Dr. Thomas M. Ludwig, assistant Jean Kesler, Shelbyville;
what all the commotion was and
Dance board will be hosts and
Graduate students (new and
grams of study in all of its six col- University. He has been here for 27 posed of the faculty and Board of in dairying. A chartered bus will Talley. Louisville; and Anne English,
replied, "Some of the engineers
Trustees to select a new president. leave Lexington .with the: group on Lexington. Blair is a tenor and the
leges and the graduate school.
are walking out before they have
Transient and Special students
The building will be decorated
A member of the American Bar We interviewed many men and made June 17 and will return by July 3,
other students are all sopranos.
to crawl."
A complete program of instruction
with peonies for the reception.
Participants.. selected after, final All new students
Listeners Inquire
teachers, supervisors, principals, Association and a Research Fellow trips to Delaware, Washington, and
trip are: auditions in Louisville will receive
The students making
Former students who were not enPunch will be served.
When TM. listeners called to insuperintendents, and attendance of the Harvard Law School, he has other 6tates in search of a suit- Jim Crowley, Bob Davis,the
Frank. Un contracts to appear in opera pro
rolled in the Spring Quarter
quire about the abrupt ending to
officers will be offered in the College written a number of articles and a able man for the job.
"Finally in Chicago we talked to ion, Carl Clifton, Harry Donoho, Carl ductions to be given in the Iroquois
the programming, it was explained
of Education. Plans also have been casebook.
William Francis, president of the the man who at that time was presi- Shearer, Walter Thomas, Jim Welch, amphitheater and rehearsals will bethat the station had left the air F'H.vers,tyJ bord of trustees wlH 66
made for a series of workshops on
group, presided at the dent of the University of North Bill Cowan, Karl Stamper, Chester' gin June 10, Dr. Capursp said. A
because of difficulties, and probably held Tuesday, June 3. in the offices
safety education, use of visual aids, student bar
Lawrence, Charles Eastin.
President H L. Donovan to
Dakota, we all agreed that he was Conrad,' Ryburri'.'.Weaktey. Russell series of six light operas, .such as
canning and housing for teachers of dinner.
(Above classes to include only wouldn't return until Monday night.
engineer with a first class Ptv "e list of candidates for
better qualified' than anyone else Hays, Bill Lampmann, Robert Bey- -, Rose Marie. Naughty Marietta, and
home economics, organization of the
those who were enrolled in the
for the presidency of the university erle, John Bjirrjer, Jim Shaffer. Ro- Student Prince, are scheduled to be
who was leaving said. "We re sree s. The University faculty also
high school, education of handiSpring Quarter)
PProve the list at a meeting
and were very pleased when "he ac- bert smith Arthur Seelhorst. Em-ns- given during July, ending," in
capped children, guidance tn toBy freshman Is meant any stu- perfectly willing ,to, work .ere. ,In
cepted our .offer. ' That's hoW Dr.,
'.,'.,' dent who has not completed three fact I believe 'we 'all ke to WOrk:ltwdnesda- day's schools and on techniques of
Conrad, Jim CorUn. Barlan ; Judges of
auditions held at the
President and Mrs. Donovan will
here, or else we wouldn't put in as
counseling, according to Deaa-W- .
Frank L. McVey tame to 'the 'cam,- - Crenshaw. Robert. Samples. David
University were Denis DuiFor, pro- quarters of college work.
.we-- do, '.be at home to trustees, faculty.
S. Taylor.
June 18 Wednesday, classes begin. much time fo koChine,
Hatche'and John. Crutcafield.
Ihey 'alumni, seniors and guests of tbe
ducer of the summer operas; George
Dr. Homer J. Smith, outstanding
That same, spring Dean Miller
June 21 Saturday Last date on but we're fed "up with things as
"7- E. Gam, executive
graduating class at Maxwell Place.
of the Arts and Sciences college
authority in the field of curriculum
which one may enter an organized are now. engineer
Tau Sigma,
charge of production;
and Dr. class. The late registration fee is A third
remarked. "Sulz- Thursday afternoon at 4 o'clock, and
and professor of education at the ary, announces modernInitiationhonor-16 resigned, and- Dr. Boyd was elected
to fill the position.
University of Minnesota, will be
now $3.00 for the first day, $4.00 for er expects us to act like robots, just that will be the annual alumni
stop at his command, and quet
"visiting professor in the College of new members and the election of
"Girls in those days didn't have
the second day, and $5.00 for any start and feelings or do no thinking hotel in , Lexington. at the
have no
Education to teach a course of prob new officers for the coming
To Have day after the second.
The 'election and Initiation service many opportunities for good posi,for ourselves."
John B. Hutson, New York City,
lems of school curnculums.
were held at the home of the re tion after graduation because of the Officers Elected
James Hlsle, graduate electrical former assistant secretary-generShoulder
A special class for entering fresh tiring president, Carolyn McMeekin. subjects they took here," Dean Boyd
engineer, who is under contract to of the United Nations and a U. K.
men will be organized in the ColInstallation of Phi Lambda chapThe new officers are Dorothy said, "so I tried to get some courses
build the new 1000 watt transmitter graduate, will be the principal banThe ROTC soon will have a shoullege of Engineering, but otherwise Richardson, president; Jo Trapp, here in which they could specialize, ter of Phi Sigma Iota, romance lang24 Men
der sleeve insignia all its own a
said that he would continue to work quet speaker. Announcement
work similar to that given in other
Jean Stewart, secre- such as social work, library science, uage recognition society, was held gold torch superimposed on the
on the new transmitter until he got be made of the new officers of the
quarters will be offered for students tary; Betty Elliott, treasurer, and and statistical work."
last week and the following officers familiar red, white, and blue patch
Twenty-fomen were initiated it satisfactorily on the air, but University Alumni association who
Dr. Boyd also instigated the topi were elected: Jack M. Morris, Lex
previously enrolled. Dean D. V. James Wilbur, business manager.
into Phi Eta Sigma, freshman men's
president; Geraldine F. of the army ground forces with the scholastic fraternity, Charles Wha-le- y, he would uphold the other engi- were selected by secret ballot of
Terrell reported.
New members initiated include cal major as an alternative to the ington,
"Army ROTC " embroidered
members throughout the country
neer's views.
rt words
old departmental major about 15 Brock, Lexington, treasurer; Dr.
According to Dean Paul P. Boyd, Anne Button, Joyce Barker. Betty
president, announced this week.
Mr. Sulzer said that he had no early this month. Chauncey Forgey,
Ryland. Lexington, cores pond- in gold in the red section.
years ago in an effort to modernize
Cynthi-an- a;
the College of Arts and Sciences will Elliott. Virginia Jessee, Elizabeth
This announcement was made by They are Graydon Bell,
comment to make in regard to the Ashland newspaper man. will prepresent a fairly complete program Reynolds. Carolyn Pogue, Mary Lynn the system in the Art and Sciences ing secretary; and Thomas G. Wolff, Colonel G. T. MacKenzie, head of
Jim Cherry, Gravel Switch; situation when approached by a side as retiring president.
New York, historian.
in all departments.
Sanders, Nancy Shearer, Jean Stewv
the Department of Military Science Harold Fleenor, Lexington; Thomas Kernel reporter.
The annual commencement lunchThrough the years he has engaged
Other members Initiated include:
A full course will be offered In art. Janice Stille, Athena Yonkos,
said that the new insignia would L. Graham, Bloomfield;
The disagreement which has been eon will be held at 1 p.m. Friday.
in a constant study of the curriculum Laura Jan McAdams, Due West. N. who adopted with
the College of Commerce in the gen- Betty Lou Terrill, H. D. McGuire, with an eye to fitting the requirethe opening of Holtzclaw. Morehead; Ernest N. brewing for some time, came to a June 6. in the Bluegrass room of the
Joe Marks, Ray Porter, and James
C; Nellie G. Tucker, Coral Ridge; school next fall. The distinctive in- King. Louisville; John B. Kuiper, head Wednesday night when Sulzer Student Union building. Mrs. Paul
eral field of economics and
ments to student needs.
Virginia Parrish, Richmond; Allyne signia of
Dean Edward Wiest Wilbur.
local Cadet Corps, a Lexington; James R. Line. Akron, banned one of the station's more G. Blazer. Ashland, member of the
"Students differ; you can't treat Higgason, Donansburg;. Margaret white "K"the
superimposed on a blue Ohio; Paul MacCarter. Lexington: experienced engineers from working board of trustees, will be the prinannounced.
them all alike, he remarked.
L. Wells, Paintsville; Lois Briskey, background, probably will be moved Stanley McElroy, Lexington;
Carl anymore, because of, as he termed
Summer offerings in agriculture Chi Omega Actives,
cipal speaker.
Instituted Special Degrees
Lake Bluff, 111.; Beverly Ann Ritchie, to the right shoulder of the uniform C. McHargue, Corbin; James A.
it, "insubordination."
and home economics, under the diDean Boyd also brought special Lexington; Nancy Innes Shinnick, whenever
Lexington; Samin Ozgur,
Bingham To Speak
new official patch is
exception of three men,
rection of Dean Thomas P. Cooper. Alpha Gam Pledges
degrees, such as the AB in music, Wilmett, 111.; Jean Duncan Hamil- placed on the
Turkey: Milton Pearson, who arethe
Barry Bingham. Louisville, pres
the left shoulder.
paid between $15 and $17
AB in journalism, BS in medical ton, Versailles; Jane Garrett, LexThe gold torch emblem was ap- Richmond; Benjamin F. Reeves,
intended to meet the needs of reg - (jiet
technology, and BS in library science ington; Carolyn Cotton, Dry Ridge; proved recently by Gen. J. L. Devers Bowling Green: Gerald L. Robinson- - a month, all the engineering and Times,of will Courier Journal and the
speak on "The Plain
announcing at Lexington's only freular students wishing to continue j
Edward P. Rowady, quency modulation station is vol- Citizen in World Affairs" at the com
Mary Pickford Hinkle, Carlisle; Mil for members of ground and service Winchester;
Chi Omega actives and the Alpha to the
their work. Some special courses '
"Many years ago I recognized the ler Davis, Jr., Indianapolis, Ind.; type Army ROTC units under his Winchester; Keith V. Slack, Louis
mencement exercises Friday evening
Gamma Delta pledge members have
untary work.
for teachers are planned.
need for some sort of freshman Jack E. Pennock, Lexington; Arch
official ville; Robert S. Smith, Hodgenville;
at 7:30 o'clock on Stoll field. Dr.
The College of Law will offer a tne highest scholastic record for the training to give new students in- S. Lacefleld; Harrodsburg; Bernard command,of and is the first worn by Kenneth C. Toomey. Lexington;
this type to be
Raymond F. Me Lain, president of
rnmnW whwliile with emnhasis in al1 nd Winter quarters.
formation "and ifndenstanding of E. Farber, Lexington; Thomas Foster ROTC units. In the past, cadets John B. Wells, Lexington; Wayne
Transylvania College will give the
standing for the actives were:
trade regulations and industrial TheOmega
W. Wesley. Lexington; Allen F. Wil
the campus and to instill in them Rogers, Mt. Sterling.
have been issued only an olive drab
invocation, and Dr. Paul S. Powell,
1.678. Kappa Kappa
regulations, uean Aivin
tvans 'Chi
president of Kentucky Wesleyan
Gamma 1.674. Kappa Alpha Theta an 'esprit de corps.' Matriculation
Faculty members include Dr. John and blue shield to be worn on the son, Lexington; and William R. Two Allowances
lectures, today known as freshman E. Keller, Mrs. Alberta Server, Prof. right lower forearm of the uniform Young, Waynesburg.
1 D0' Alpna
1 uella
college, will give the benediction.
IAb8- AlPna
of Gamma
Dean William D
orientation, came about in this way. Blaine W. Schick and Prof. Margaret coat, or on the left breast pocket of New initiates were guests of honor At Same Time
Delta 1.529.
rLTni DelU Dlta Delta Delta Zeta 1.525, Final comprehensive examinations Horsfield.
The commencement procession will
at a banquet in the Union following
the OD shirt.
1521. Kappa Delta for graduation, now required
Student veterans at the Univer- form at 7 p. m. on the driveway in
in 18
the ceremonies. Professor John Kui
. t.u AiPha pi 1103, Zeu
sity, numbering more than 4.200, the rear of the Student Union
persons seeking A nho
or 20 departments of the college,
per, head of the philosophy depart
Alnha rVoli D4 9T1
ment, spoke to tne group on "The are being advised officially that they building.
advanced credits.
The standings for the pledges were (Continued by Dean Five)
have no legal right to accept readon Page
Aims of Education.
University officials reported the were: Alpha Gamma Delta 1.738.
justment allowances from the govhousing situation "better than ever," Kappa Kappa Gamma 1.589. Kappa
ernment during the same period they
indicating that students wishing to Alpha Theta 1.541, Kappa Delta, 1.526
Names Omitted receive subsistence allowances for
'stay in residences will not have too Delta Delta Delta 1.444. Delta Zeta
educational training. Dr. Lyle K. Of
in obtaining 1.436. Chi Omega 1.292, Zeta Tau Members
serious difficulties
From Honor List
Henry, assistant University personrooms. Additional details and in- Alpha 1.265. Tau Alpha Pi 1.256. Alnel director in charge of veteran's Committee
may be obtained from pha Xi Delta 1.246, Alpha Delta Pi
A large bronze trophy, the first of
Newly elected pledges of the UniDr. D. V. Terrell, dean of the affairs, announced Tuesday.
in to the Athletic office in Alumni
the registrar.
versity of Kentucky chapter of Phi a recently established annual award Gym, the Kernel News Room in the engineering college, announced the
This action is being taken in conJ. Pelham Johnston. Lexington
Beta Kappa, - national scholastic is to be presented to the man chosen basement of McVey hall, the Post emission of the names of four men nection with a state probe of un law student, was elected permanent
by a student ballot as Kentucky's
honor society, were formally initiat
Office, the checking counter in the from the list for Honors Day re- employment payments being made chairman of the campus committee
Nominee ed in a ceremony in the staff room outstanding athlete for the school Student Union, or may be given to cognition. They are Charles T. to veterans who are simultaneously for the revision of the Kentucky
ROTC Cadets
year 1946-4of the University library.
any member of the Kernel sports Maney, Ellis L. Foster, Jr., Glenn drawing subsistence, it was ex Constitution in its its regular weekly
YWCA Council
Weatherspoon, and John M. Wil- plained. No records are available meeting
It is part of a nation wide cam- staff.
The 17 new members, all in the
To Spend Six Weeks
last Thursday night. Johnupper 10th of their graduating class paign sponsored by Jack Dempsey's
All ballots must be signed by the liams.
as to the number of University vet ston replaces Ned Breathitt, former
Helen Hutchcraft, junior from
average of Adam Hat Welfare committee to sti- voter and his college listed in order
with an
erans. if any. receiving two checks. temporary chairman.
Paris, has been selected by the Unimulate sports participation through that they can be checked against the
James B. Rhody. infomational repversity YWCA as a nominee for the approximately 2.5, or higher, are:
Other officers elected at last
Thirty-fiv- e
University Air ROTC YW
Martha Yates. Patricia Burnett, out the country. Over 400 universi- student directory. Knil all ballots Demarcus Receives
resentative of the Kentucky Unem
southern regional council. The
meeting were Frederick Nichcadets will spend six weeks at sum- new council members will be elected Mrs. Geenwocd Cocanougher, Mild- ties and colleges across the United must be in by Wednesday noon.
ployment Compensation commission, week's
Yale Appointment
ols, commerce sophomore from
mer camp. Langley Field. Va.. begin- by the women delegates to the YW-V- red Erd, Joanne Gorham, Mary States, including the University of
Only students of the University of
Wendell C. Demarcus, senior from requested that all student veterans
publicity chairman, and
ning June 21. Mornings will be spent
co'orenc n Bennett LaMaster. Margaret Mc- Kentucky, have accepted invitations Kentucky and graduate school are Knoxville, Tenn.. who is majoring in receive an announcement explaining Beth BicknelL arts and sciences
training be held June rcnost in Eerea. The Dowell, and John Young, all of Lex- to select their outstanding athlete.
by the cadets in
eligible to vote. Ballots not signed physics, has been appointed as a their rights to the allowances.
sophemore from Lexington, secreThe trophy is to be awarded an- and those not legible will be thrown
in military subjects, and the after- members serve tor one year and help ington; Margaret Courtney, Lewis-burIt
graduate assistant in physics at Yale ment was explained that readjust- tary.
noons will be given to althletics and form regional policies and programs.
W. Va.; John Goodlett,
nually hereafter, and becomes the out.
allowances are intended only
university. He will
work toward
The business meeting also indrill. Recreational trips are planned
Mrs. Bernice Hudson, permanent property of the winner.
for veterans who are able, ready and
Participants in baseball, track, golf, a Ph.D. degree at start in SeptemSix members of the YW and four
to nearby Virginia Beach, the origi- members of the YM will attend the Fankfort; Mis. Elisabeth Kuster,
willing to enter civilian occupations, cluded further plans for the curand tennis should be considered as ber of this year.
nal Jamestown colony, and restored conference, and 150 are expected Paris; Patricia Pine, Dayton, Ohio;
but who are encountering delays rent drive on and off the campus
In the balloting, the committee well as those in football and basket
or difficulties in doing do. Among advocating the calling of a conball, with the selection being based
to attend, representing 10 southern William Raborn, Milford. Texas; asks that enthusiasm,
Members of the ROTC air unit states. Leadership training will be Lorraine Turch, New York, N. Y.; and sportmanship be considered as chiefly on enthusiasm,
the provisions of eligibility is the vention for consideration of a new
requirement that the veteran must constitution.
staff to leave June 5 for approxi- emphasized at the meetings and and Paula Wells. Tongs. Ky.
the primary qualifications in the the and sportsmanship rather than at
New Members
A banquet in honor of the new contet with attainment ranking next tainment.
Posters, forums, and lectures will
mately two months camp work at the leaders include D. T. B. (Scotty)
be available for suitable work.
Langley field with air cadets are: Cowan, pastor of Everybody's church initiates and special guests was held among requisites.
Penalties for illegally receiving re- be included in the proposed camPhalanx fraternity, sponsored by
The trophy has been on display at
A ballot has been provided on page the checking counter in the Student the University YMCA, initiated the adjustment allowances range from paign of informing University stuMajor Edward Kiser, Captain L. E. in Lexington, and Dr. Huntley Du- - Saturday evening in the Phoenix
pre. director of personnel at
seven of today's Kernel fo voting in Union building during the last week. following men May 20: Bill Voorhies, refunding the money to criminal dents of the issues involved in presSpears. Master Sergeant A. W.
ent discussions concerning a new
Marcus Seidell Goldman, the contest, which ends next Wed- and will remain there for the public Jameson Jones, Howard Pope, and penalties of fines and
college in St. Paul, Minn.,
and Technical Sergeant
(Continued on Page Five)
formerly on the University faculty.
nesday noon. Votes may be turned to see until the contest closes.
Ralph McCracken.
John C. Jones.





Quits Studio






Dairy Club
Music Majors
To Sponsor To Audition
Canada Trip









Tau Sigma
Initiates 16









Chapter Installed,




Freshman Honorary



business-administratio- n.



Veterans Can't


?dU.?JlJ IfLl







UK Athlete To Receive
Jack Dempsey Trophy




Johnston President


At Langley




Lawr-encebur- g;

Phalanx Initiates



� Friclar, Mav 30, 1947

Page Two





d r'M

ra school tmab

wnsxr Dumna



l tfca Pact one at Lertaftoa, Kantaakr,
mMr andcr tha act o! March t, U1R,

Pat Burnett


mucky IntaraollefiaU Praat aaaoalatioa
Lartnrton Board of Oomnwrea
Kentucky Praaa Aamlatloo
national Editorial AxocUtloa
VPftaeNTBD ro

I tUtn PmUakm






on Quarter



Tom Gregort
Dim Stoffr

ktntnfttf N. T.

u Min -





tl M

i!ic .iiixim'




Out Tear




to rule



k I(


,.u.,..-,.We fail to see the dillereme lwtween a non- profit organization wliuh gives a dance to raise
funds and one whiih sells llowers or produces
a magazine for the same puiK)se. At that, it
seems that the latter two require more effort and
coordination within the individual groups.
The constitution was changed recently, but
nothing was done about the ruling. It would
seem that, with thorough investigation of
and funds of a student
wishing lo sell a commodity in the Union, the
new Union Hoard could retain the right to decide, but not be lound by a rule like this one.
A veto by the Board . an be the kiss of death ,o
an organization which might, if encouraged, do




us i
the remaikable fallacy
'MiuiiK tl iii ilie Siiulcnt Union Board

nilinir slates that no one can
miiirxlii irs in the I'nion building. The
Ii v. .in made approximately five year
"imi.'I ivnvm for existence, hut the or- A

!''i-in- .


j'i'ijHise seems to have been misinter-- .
to prevent non-stu- !a.:s to hae
t ni.iliii
onessions from moving in.
if iv the tide has miiic in conflict with
:i;d ii!(.iK of the Union, Vihich should
::- - ii i
student pat ti ipation in University- m.I .iiiiiiies and to build tradition on
iiij ttv I wo ioiis that we know of, active
hi all airs. Iiae sufl'eied as a result, and




wuai aa

Practical jokes to end all prac- jokes are being played on Liz
Smith, Jr., of the law college. Whe