xt7w9g5gfb0x https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7w9g5gfb0x/data/mets.xml Lexington, KY Pride Community Services Organization 1985-12 This collection contains newsletters produced by the Lexington, Kentucky based Pride Community Services Organization. Included are publications from the organization through multiple name changes, such as LinQ magazine (July 2013-2016); the GLSO (Gay and Lesbian Services Organization) News (August 1986-June 2013); the GSO (Gay Services Organization) newsletter (1979-July 1986). Accession number 2016ms055. newsletters  English Pride Community Services Organization Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Pride Community Services Organization publications LGBTQ community--Kentucky LGBTQ culture LGBTQ newspapers Gay men Lesbians Bisexual people Transgender people Sexual minorities Gender identity Drag culture GSO Newsletter, December 1985 text GSO Newsletter, December 1985 1985 1985-12 2019 true xt7w9g5gfb0x section xt7w9g5gfb0x 4’? M “Q’fgia V
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V 3,} 1}} ;-_ f fl
E 2‘3
P.O. BOX 11471 LEXINGTON, KY 40575 x‘
231—0335 .
December 1985

 u: n *-----------------—-----—----------*------
If do would like to advertise in the BSD . ‘ ‘ ' t
Newsletter, please send your camera-ready ad copy ____P1ease put oe/us on the 689 “a:112fi 115
to BSD, PO Box 1l471, Lexington, Ky. 425 5. The 1PLIUdlng a {’99 5Ub55r1Pt19" 0 _E _
Deadline for ad submisSIon is the lath of each monthly BSD newsletter (delivered in an
month. Any ads recoived after the deadline will' "unmarked" envelope).
not be guaranteed to be published in that issue. r ' . ‘1 00 , $5 00 + t-derts)
Ads may be submitted camera-ready or rough. ____~"51°59d 15 0' _ ‘PF ' * or 5 d ‘
Rough copies are subject to additional charges as for each membership in BSD.
shown in rates section below. 650 will not be Please let me/us knou ho" y/ge can be more
responsible {or typesetting errors in ad after ----.‘ ‘ g ' ./1 chi
printing: advertiser is responsible for proofing | 1HVIDVEd 1" 550 9r other gay 9- -3“ 0’93”-
hengs tgey submit for puglicationfi+ t izations by calling ______________-_-__-__
1e e-i or reserves he rir - o censor - ' . -
advertisements which are deemed in poor taste and ____or writing. Phone #
to edit due to space and/or gramme ical errors. -
Erotica,_ fantasy or sexually explicit materials, _______________g___________________;________.
or ads with sexuat innuendo, W111 not be accepted Naoelsl
for publication.
RATES Street Address Apt 8
Eighth Page t 9.05 '7‘:"""“""'""""""""""""""'
Quarter Page $15.90 mi
Half Page $25.00 _____________________________ __-___________-
Epll nged :4fl.00 State Zip
assi ie 1.00 (up to 5 lines. 5 .35 - _v 1 v. in ,gfi: I
each additinnal NEH” ”all t5 BSD. P.U. 85,-- 11411, LE“, kl 4Com !
Typesetting $19.0o _________________________________________________I
Screens t 5.03
DISCOUNIS: the BSD neusletter.is Bublished aonthly by the
Lexxngton Ba; Services rganization incorporated,
lid oft tor one. P.0. Box 114 1, Lexington, Kentucky 40575. 690 is
1/3 off for 12mg. a non-profit organization whose purpose is to
1/2 off {fir nun—prfifit grguggl proVide educational, recreational, social and
reierral_services directly involving or relating to
Placement of an ad in the 853 Meesletter DUES gay/lesbian PEDPt’s . .
NET denote a person’s sexual orientation or a V‘E's or °g‘"‘°"5 expressed 1" 5t°"°5 or
busineggig Eustfiage “reference. letters are t ose oi t e writers and do not
' " ' ' necessarily represent those of the 650 board or the
13/35 newsletter staff. Publication of the naoe or
“‘RECTDPY photograph of any person, organization or other
“‘ “‘ ‘ entity in articles or advertising in the newsletter
CPU 5 .1; _ Q11_fi1:: is in no way indicative of the sexual orientation
ECO Natr;“:;-K--;‘-';;i-""""""““'33§_5;;é of such person, organization or entity.
E”=*E “9r! GenE-e,;--'-£""-----'--g,,_;§gg Subaissions for the newsletter are uelcole. All
Advertf=8isn """""";;§_;9,é suboissions becoae the property of the Lexington
I” . . _,; _1"d11l”9 L15t""""""‘fi:E_F150 Say Services Urganiza ion, - nc. All SublisSions
530 59Lrfidt‘a“‘* Events..................ao J lust indicate the full naee and address at the
, p A . qr“ ,1 a author. although no byline will be published
APPS? ”095 .rouuctions...................§oe-§.ls without pereission of the author. Non-original,
D‘intny531ngtfin'"-';-""'--'--'5"---i55‘47dz saterial oust ,indicate that that person has given
imperigl‘Cogrt 9; the oleugrass EmPETE---32?'gég; gas/herbperaission fgr the use a; hislher naeet gm
'13 an 2.9515” HIIIIIIIKIIIIIIIIIIIIII-i- {Ti—U E U Hi 10”. nonleuS SU IlSSlOnS Cinno E
53$ and Lesbian Democrats of Kentucky....Ebb-3934 accep‘ed. The editorial staff has the right to
Community Health Trust...................252-1155 alter subsissions (including advertise-en s) to
lnterueave/UVUUD.........................223-1448 aeet publishing reguireeents.
Lesbian Substance Abuse Support Broug....252-5487
Louisville Crisis Hotline..........( 02) 637-4342
'Ohensboro Bay Alliance.............(502) 685-5246 . -ld
Cincinnati Bay Switchboard.........(513} 221-7800
National an ask Force Crisis LihElBQO) 221-7044
NBTF AIDS Crisis Line..............(BUOl 221-7044 2 :6


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 .A \ ' r + Caedmen
fees/y “9'; . Long a calorfut rg‘lsgurce {firrfig'i—Eghere‘iérdinqs D?
m if ,-‘ ,— '1' ‘f ,_ th.‘ U 1: man‘ - ' . .H .
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.Q I I7 ' few denmte‘; gay xe d _ _- _ “mp: unflh
‘ ' ' .: a v n nublu: effalre 1'0?ch 5.
“av empoytantg rele,a:t 1: Great Atgan 1c Radle
-fl_rA_* hearing dnd ddlic‘fgi‘g. C‘uiem 01‘ its powerful
Conspzracy 15Lr1 ULE: ua. . '+ a hile
" - - -,, .thmmn“
INTFRHFAUE SUNDAY preduetmns, a handful uf thch deal p
.-. _- issues. _ ' . H__ mm EEHE‘L
‘ ..:, 'M ‘ K ‘ , rerz’r-r- *2 actual emcefifi gee. .__e
F “FM-E" 9959“” 8th at :Q'Lewgég' ”“1?ng “F5359 Sgurwl Gertrude Stem sendxng
m “MIMI! ‘h Mm areeent m9 ,1.”sz reamng i=g-T-‘lir-E"‘H'5§rag 3" and Christa her
InterNEaVEiLeme ‘eyWrV-‘man WWW-ah“ a V315m1n§-§§,£!§£”§94 ee_eceoe:,-‘ m gm
worship sen-11:9 3-. t”- W; A IEEEFfiEE' sawng Gooflfizgjgggtgfl- SE; Hip-”E‘s
‘ ' ‘ ':" - ! = F .~ .
Dimer: ‘H rrfisp'fl' ‘- Peaflpr’s WEB-tr?! "“9 Canard reeds E15 PSEEW :m 53:; wilde’a
~-'-‘ ‘- .P‘_\—E.|_u— , 1- ‘ :l .r :: .
[rimmgzg‘ 'H‘Ql‘f' 3n”- there will '39 53'9”} eerforms liaels‘SéTu-eDEQELEE;
Are your wHQrEL: $11.1 Evnprientgfi. £385 em: The Impertégcg QZ 5§151__°CEE:HH twe Re are
hurt Sharlnfl ”Frau”: "1‘7“ “ 4- H'vi‘v Tr"g—éI-: .1; Reaa1ng 0:31- afe an [In 1: _, ._ '.
spear.“ d*"“"’£'ri {Unitarian meeeu‘, ‘: “d i' 'fl$v—§‘—a“-=y:'—={E:Z 'F¥'_‘dn1nscen+ regellmn 1n
Prfigfamfh TI U {he**;e . and :neakine} and HDL-fld Elna Baffler h E E,“ detydp;'- Leaks a; Bras: and
M In”? r; ' a“ h” _r_ " . 4": :59. a. r. .n nan : ____ _~_'_-—‘—- 5, ,
TIE‘IJ.;;:+E vnur gunEert. . e- -: H; :-+ E§§=-5‘.gé‘iunpi+qecs f“ Eivil Her, :53“; Eden‘s
WET” “““r'fi 3” MM” 1 Mid MT an"; ””1“”-'EL=I§‘§'€r=ra;§aa{ES"’saa Fvel‘y’fi mm;
In 3“;- I’d-d ~ ‘ ‘ H -" 7 7'3— “ \— a -,.-.e : Pf‘r ' 1 e, ‘ 1. _- \--~ '—
1 ,‘ghcl? r~ + we murch. The fume em. with” ”Um-”3%; I‘IE‘TEz'fh—‘W55E’qlectlene are an LP
HUN «1.5.4 a-.7~.u_ '59” Tr-ZE-‘ze‘v‘ BEEF-31 SEE-egg: 3 EridEShEdL 592,1“ Em.“- t I 1 4 -E,~{- $9421 {Em—E
cutting from igEEE'LflLL'Eififi‘HE"“*3 SVF‘SUGMS‘ referee :15 well as Edb:EgasbgunUd;‘;- Heed-Nan:
“ '"' “47""?‘3’13' are.» “”5" “ -' L" a S: ‘1 H..- .N 4' W ;. Java «1 . . . -.3
may) “ifffligé inxsrmetian, and 5:211: eel???» 9?; IUHELW ks. «rue 1 u .u
HUME-5 imp." Tl- f'un‘ 5-? were ifi-Dz'é‘éi-m“ 3“” ,... '.-v_-i‘= ‘. _ .fl -Ur- - R mmd nnrfrait
clarificatzmfigiaraé‘ici M ‘1’ HPF: makeeavayable d‘; hu‘; lunfiiiiEMISajréult.
Keith F... at yea-Sam. a: cantreeerezal rrench. :31ka E11.“ "1,4111%; 1‘
I I- .- _ t dr'naflrlzed blflgrdpifi’g ; LL-LE-M L1
The Lhaee par .:u.. . - ‘ . "-'t in”:
«p ' ‘ r ” . mr-fe' hebresxa novella ,. 1r.-
fi" |l wee-venue ccmmemmefia . ‘ __ -a a
- \ {Ii-l‘lhtr" “rehab!“ *"he in}? iesb1.an§e:tureu ant.~
.-E='.hi‘.; I-‘x .H{ mm? L p-L; 5155 dutumgfi E
’“T - US. eaatage sgemp.n.he +$§tfighganu B finfhnnv‘
V I. ‘ 4:; x; .. :; fr"g~__ _. .__ 3 ...N- .,_
>_A 4‘ m tfiE “22:; ‘3. :fde'?‘ Hr;fih+ aflllams. THU
‘ --— Whltmi“: “’31“: ”‘id PAY ’r‘L-‘V? {2:1 Luz-J and
' '4 ~ =- -..,: innnva’uve planlet Le“ ewe .-
-- living human d,_. .1- _ a .qu *eafureafi. I“
Fn2l551n=erfiarg1e edema3 ere :‘izLi‘i . "M” a;
-"+ T 1.7 ;. 3A-J-x'1—L-ppficin 59315;“ 1n Mums, “If“: ,_
Eifz. LdEaE‘ alt”; .ElLllALE-A In. , f -.-— ""11 1F);
l - ' A “w“: mt: harrassmen. we :.-.:u,p.-
swufilfly‘ anu :bAJi. fl _ 1 . 3:"-
E-“" 14;...— ~; NPR’: :atalau. Many new-4-.
“f DthEF Alanx‘q‘: .fi - :1 a P4 F4 app
”"TW‘I E'egrame are available. as ncted at :hE1EHE‘u' (3.315
- " H Y' W”! “WT-Lune 5 ‘ ”a“ ' ‘ e ‘ a, - i,..-.,- ;. .a.
32““? fiLYEhNHTHEg .94 mm). W 1 x H 1 nmad:astfi_ en MEL'MrfFfi'VIflE-Sfigs M :-+_ HAL,
a": Yvehn hi"! 1-9011-7953—U8a38 Gr HHJE LFh, “Lu 1 u- .
. H x” ~—I- . Y -x.’ ."‘ ’3'}?-
‘ -‘~"rh r- ‘Gm‘inq Haehlngten. 0,8,. “Hub.- 't" Effiai iseuee
manhfidwed ”’ mam? plan—“El: L :33" Great Miami: analz'zes CF; 1L3; .m ‘ :f. 'u,
,. t”? "'1 ”"Pin e4; 555:3}:3? authers are many duuxCI ;_ _.,: 2mg; lefl—radicax femimet {JEFSpELtHE-u:
extaiklng bran-‘2 I“ faltrn:+ m when; and gay eifim a D;_:L . ;.‘ L11 #--=.= is "The Poetrv 0* Audre
“ " w ’ "* ”“3131 ”we“ "' __:. ”pt rerenf hfimubE‘AL: ude— . . H1
whet-.5: -.. .th . I’nfld ',, 'Err'rigd gr, 1an WP grouF dgcumentad I'L‘NE
"‘5- . u .z"-— r r Lar E' r i“ ‘ , -r; as“
_ ThrPE‘ eraduetmn centers. 35:5” vff “EL-“JED; ‘1??? fiarch an Hashmgwn ‘fff Lfiisiglcerr dMEHVE ‘1‘
__ ”UH-1n," H» -,- {HEI- t0 traraemfia; ‘g’ ‘:_.dL=—j:>- 1'14. 'XF‘IB'E'FI same—553.: FE‘.a-.iDn5a I, , ._ _ -‘I‘
:‘JEEE‘ 3ux_~[!g_:3L-.?r..égev“:\(c inijrmatjm—i addictig 3nd Rat--5, Q‘E’P: 1.1—.jrrr in “The Lavender Menacefl and
are +or 1112mm]: buttwrgL embed Inb‘dnmfl h :51“ 12-1 "my mm
L ; ,. w .. fl§:‘.“IL155- ‘ r.” . f Hm ‘Phflbli BWFE'SflL-h .! ..e._ _
n ML. .4 -de . _ _ -. 19 ‘7“; .. P ‘
PEUElfi ”gt29{::_1t‘l}fiii ea‘nanuiar filth mean. by??? [Efigragwfl Hp” w ge somewhat dated! but 8?
ENE C ‘3. L |' I-‘- -' f r' . -r It}: .59 “1,. ~ 7: -.= f“.,.'_f_ _ ., ‘tg; 11, FWFFE‘E .
' “ ' '-'~“ P“ Havel U.’ LUMJ -3 - :-+n '11: lfi’xnuufif and P011 ._a 1} _L . .
“ ‘59“ mr EhFle "‘“J 7 u» E4. in? haw-rue n S y-J- “ ‘ ., -1 Bu v-r actmsf
‘7 ‘- ~ ' n ' 4 - man- With a SPEClnl new .u: qw— th Near and BlSE‘ixL‘d it: __
e‘ESLu-iny weaned. amen? + , 1; - 5mg. {c855 .mqer Arie-.7 :r -- if . £ + A. ether ‘roerams.
aural ccmpanienegip: and? ‘igigggft‘ hi2; Emmi SEGWECLHKEY ”:7:éedEkhgiggeflhwzhm-JQ facileLJ euch
4-. barf-£535! ‘ :U .UE'E S-Fa ‘Heu m :e;! : - :- The fins=1razy :3. u; ‘ 'd 1-. - _ 1‘ “h! -
Eifffhvfifinrwith ficxer readlfifi 5;::1215,_end thg‘a +jme‘w tapgcs as nutlear rafilailfifi; PDFRU?ffa:? fig:
HLUIJHDEH- fi-‘EALHGy Mme-wasting reutmee :4th a fer’ninizf icsue. Central Qmencan can: 13.72: 135
Him He . ~_I_= ::,u-xet - -‘-' ; ; - ' r an . --- ‘.‘ ‘_._‘ as: .-1: . 15L .
. AP : ‘2 :5 titlEZ- fire “REID _' .- + , '1 Chan ,1“ me“ J :U E_l , -
leermfiq. ‘Hi 319‘}, E: “C "‘ '5" artifacts. [H .lgh;, 3mg, I‘r 5' he comnlete catazee cast: $1
11 t0 9 7 . .. 99
“www- rglm fur LG E“ H 8‘ -+ ' rr'rfi recent tep‘h ‘- ‘- A: ft - 9 ND 91319 Each
i113 fig“ max. kplp :timulate Interes. In ,J 1 - from 2743 Maryland HVE‘.‘ Ba1_1mur-, H“ _
:u a: y 2!— d_ -- .
:ersioes‘averloeked or Ignered. 8 Hf


 {E'Egg fantastic job and should be proud oi this list of
—§:; accomplishments.
y «7’ Happy holidays from oyself and the 650
~ I Board, HE hope to have “our con inued support in
' ,_ 1986 590; o A PART in IT!
From the Off iecher"
' ' l l 1
Presadent President, BSD
850: THE YEAR lhl REVlEil @
v «—
Nineteen Eighty Five should be remembered as a .3
year _ of. progress for Lexington Say Services } 1
organization. ihings started rolling early in the ‘¢. ...’
year when he announced in January tiat we had been
anarded a grant from the Chicago Resource Center ,
alter too applications and months of wort. The e
grant has enabled os to obtain office space.
purchase a coopoter, rent a billboard and support AERSBICS CLASSES BEBlNhlhB lb JANUARY
gay pride heat, as hell as iund nany other projects
and events. This tine of year we all eat just a little too
of course, by the beginning oi the year. 859’s each, and we aren’t quite as active as we have been
favorite aunt iharyl, has well under way with her through the sooner months. This tends to shoe,
nee-ioond calling of advising the readers of our creating the ever popular "hen Year’s Resolution",
newsletter. hnd narch marked the return of another to loose a fee poonds and firm up those nuscles.
source of comfort to many - the phoneline program. This year cone join the rest of us exercising those
soeething aany of us consider one of SSE s most muscles and working off the pounds.
important services, neat to Aunt hary, of coarse. Starting the second eeek oi January another 5
the phoneiine corrently has once volunteers than week beginners class in aerobics will begin.
seer betore, and provides oft-hoors information. Sponsored by 558, with all others welcome. The
A day long planning session in harch produced a c.asses will be held at the Hoodhill Hortoot
list of l? goals which 350 hoped to achieve within Workshop in Woodhill Shopping Center. The entire 6
the neat i2 nonths‘ li oi ehich have already been seeks of classes is only $25.00, if yon
acconplished. 'iEditor’s date: Social director pro-register by January A. The cost is $3D.00 on
neededli. the first night of classes [obviously an incentive
Say Pride heat in Jone shoold be considered the to ere-reaisterll. too may also pay $3.00 per
pen in the crown of accomplishoents {or the night, it that better suits your schedule. Class
Lesington gay and lesbian conmnnity in l?85. . size is limited so please let us know if you are
Sedicated yoiunteers iron seyen local organizations interested early.
contributed to the plans of a week long celebration Please send your check or noney order (payable
oi pride, the first such event in Lexington on such to ’SSQ’), to the Lexinrton Bay Services
a oassiye scale. in addition to nightly events ‘ organization tor 3553’), PO do: liéTl, Lenin ton.
during the neat, each sponsored by a diiierent by. 465?5."For nore information call Bob lyour
organization, SSS ionded the renting of a billboard A An CEFtltlEd instructor), on Ebb-SEES or Jim and
for the month of Jone announcing, ”Someone you than John on 299-5352.
is gay...oaybe someone yoo love,” with SSD’s phone
oonber. geafl‘r"‘y,
The year had its osoal array of services and :g1) 2
events incioding ootlucts. volleyball, progran of‘ L__ )
oeetings, booting, the valentine’s Day dance, the, v,: r 1
Shoe Auction. the newsletter (whose sponsors 3;?“1LJ
increased in nonber over the near from 18 to Edi,
cards and games, the phoneline, speakers bureau, WHITE ELEFHhNT PCTLUCK
the derby Brooch. thecanoout. etc, as well as To celebrate the spirit of Christmas, the
sooe new events including a river cruise, a safe becenber ESQ potluck will include a gag gift
set seninar and a speaker on AIDS. he made the exchange. we urge ygu t5 find a gift argon; the
“Whispers“ video {the story of a teenager in the house, but it you have to buy one, please limit the
process at coming outl, available to counselors and price to $3.. .
church groups and got it aired on Lexington‘s Everyone is welcome. The potluck will be at
Telecable channel. _ hichael and Bruce’s on Sunday,_ December 8th at
a iinal thanks to all those tDD numerous} in 1:33pm. For directions or other information call
oention who hei ed make this year a success. an gee—0352, _gng
especially thanhgul to the Board of BSD tor their ’Eigfil'
support through the year. They have done a iii

‘{:%9€Q}J Dear Readers: Thanks to all oi you who have sent
(cggplzi oe cards and letters over the past year, your
“v ' friendship and support have meant so much to me.
.“ I Since 1 will he oot of town over the holidays, my
‘ coluon Hlll not appear in the Januarv issue of the
Newsletter, hut uiil return in Fehruary. Till
nSK QUHT MARY than; have a joyous holiday season!
dent hary .
Confidential to lerriiied at Transy: Think long . .
and hard before you make any decisions you may lt‘ you would like to write to hunt Mary, send
regret for the rest of your life. The {allofiing your letter t9: Aunt_Mary, ZESDE Post Diiice Box
recently appeared in min Lender’s column {author 114731, LEXlngtom lientucizy 451535. i—lll nai’tES are
untounl and should oive vou something to ponder: kept strictly confidential. it you eish a personal
THE OltENHh reply5 please include- a stamped, sell addressed
To laugh is to risk appearing a fool. envelope.
To weep is to rish appearing sentimental. 4|-
To reach out for another is to risk: ineolvement. I‘Pfl’
To exoose ieelinos is to risk rejection. 1‘29,
lo n‘fiare "our dréaes helore the crowd is to net —=§b‘¥%”$n l
.- - FLA Y " “it‘ll-5: e-—II--L ill {71: wine-Wk.-
ridicule. out-“ h_o._ c 0
lo love is to risk not being loved in return. ’
To go forward in the face of overwhelming odds
is to rish failure. honor has it {oneoo‘iroed by this eriterfi that
But rishs nest he taten because the greatest Fatsp Eline can once again he heard at the
hazard in tile is to risk nothing. The person who Bongaioe? See oi the torrent seieetioos is Eaest
risks nothing does nothing, has nothing3 is dreams. aod the other oil; reoais a oleasaot
nothing. He nay avoid soiiering and sorrow; out he surprise. Oh. its nearly enough to testers one‘s
cannot learn, feel. chanoe. area or love. Chained faith. doe it only the good tordi io his iniioite
be his certitodes, he is a slave. He has iorieited nisooo eoeid choose to do peroaneot daoage to the
his freedom. Only a persoo who takes risks is record :n the noeoer id? slot‘ 1 a ott he persoadef
tree: ' to re-eiaoioe ay thotohts on the eirgio hirth.
Good loch.
hoot hare
=:::Zus:-a--."': . ataxia-er- 1....
LL15; [gr-'53:“: ”115-5: "hnr u - “W L“ “5:; '7! ref—Mia: Li’ifli‘""‘ ELIE 13‘s.: -:1+3 ””57
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