xt7w9g5gcd4b https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7w9g5gcd4b/data/mets.xml University of Kentucky Fayette County, Kentucky The Kentucky Kernel 1938-05-10  newspapers sn89058402 English  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel The Kentucky Kernel, May 10, 1938 text The Kentucky Kernel, May 10, 1938 1938 1938-05-10 2013 true xt7w9g5gcd4b section xt7w9g5gcd4b The Kentucky Kernel






Raveling." this issue, goes tnto
quite a discussion of the K. D. float
entry which was prohibited from
going down town. John Ed. we believe, covers the student attitude
pretty well, but we were not quite
clear on just why the float was censored so thought tt might be a good

ki?a to see Dean Blanding. Formerly, it was something of an
rule that plans lor all fraternity and sorority entries should
be tendered to the d?an of men and
the dean of wemen for approval be- .
fore the floats appeared on
However, in recent years, the
rule has been observed by very few
organizations and no harm done.
Dean Blanding staled that this was
the first time that any question of
"pood taste" among the sorority entries had been raised.

Feature Don McNeil,
Ninth Rankin? Amateur
And Nationr.l Indoor





K-- TO


According to Dean Blanding. the
float was taken from the parade
because it was not up to the standards of sorority entries, was not in
very good taste and would undoubtedly have caused a .great deal oi
downtown criticism to be directed
at the University and at the Kappa
Delta sorority. She said that it
would have b?en all right for a follies or musical revue but not quite
suitable to apear as a May Day
float. As it was. innumerable criticisms of the University and the
K. Di. came to the Dean from
Lexington citizens who saw or heard
about the float.


Johnson To Speak
At Chandler Rally
Meeting To Be Held In Room
111 McVey Hall At
7:30 Tonight

Bad Taste
Personally, we can see nothing in
bad Uste about a bathing-suit-cla- d
girl appearing as a part of a clevei
float idea, as long as the suit was
in any degree visible, as in this
case. But if adverse criticism is to
be directed at us for sponsoring
such a float, even though it is perfectly moral and decent, then it is
best that the float be omitted. At
an individual. Dean Blanding in
tills case didn't exist. She was acting as any Dean cf any college
would act under similar circumstances.

Lt. Gov. Keen Johnson will speak
at the Chandler For Senator Rally
to be held at 7:30 o'clock tonight in
room ill. McVey hall. Mayor Reed
Wilson will introduce the speaker.
Sherman Hinkebein will preside
at the meeting and the student public is Invited to attend.
Lieutenant-GovernoJohnson, an
alumnus of the University, was recently honored by O. D. K.. men's
honorary leadership fraternity. He
Is the ex president of the University
Alumni Association.
The Chandler For Senator Club
hopes to have Oovernor Chandler
to speak at a later meeting.

Call For More
Hie folowing note was received
imnied.t:ly after the Cwens-O.Dsing but because of the lack, of
space could not be printed until
now: "I'm Just wondering why the
president of O.D K wasn't asked tc
present the O.D.K. cup to thi winning men's group at the Campus ATTRACTS BANDS
hint Tuesday night, as the president of Cwens presented the girl's
tionhy? He certainly should have Forty High School Bands And
done it. And a word of praise to
Orchestras To Participate
both independent groups they cerSaturday
tainly put out some good music. It
Hrms to me they should be asked
Forty high school bands and orto repeat those songs on a University broadcast soon. I'd like to chestras will meet at the Uniiiuar them again." S. O. versity on Thursday, Friday, and
Saturday to participate in the inCommon Sense Need
For some time I have had the strumental section of the annual
urge to write to you . . . Usually Kentucky High School Music Fesyour "Clearing House" is a collec- tival. A grand parade and manbut euvers at Stoll field on Saturday
tion of gripes and whal-notwhat I want to thresh out with you afternoon will conclude the session.
is the artificiality of the students
The program is to be sponsored
here on the campus. All of them, by the extension department with
soon after they have entered this Louis Clifton, head of the departinstitution, acquire a talent of
ment, in charge. Events for bands,
Many of my friends orchestras,
small ensembles and
on the fact that soloists are scheduled.
have commented
students here are becoming more
Stringed instruments will open
and more hopeless as towards hav- the festival on Thursday night with
ing any common sense. What do brass and woodwinds solos billed
you think?" M. B. O.
for the Friday morning and afternoon sessions. On Friday night ouU
I n juslifird Complaint
exhiIt seems to us that the students, standing musicians will give music
bition performances and a
in this case, are coming in for some clinic will be held.
criticism which they don't deserve.
Auditions for the majority of
Certainly, in colleges as in other bands
and orchestras are to take
groups, there are individuals who
place Saturday morning. A parade
lack a sane viewpoint on everyday
and maneuvers
matters but the entire group should end the meeting. on Stoll field will
not be condemned because of the
fesSchools sending
actions of a few. We believe that tival are Henry bands to theWinthe truly representative students on chester. Madison. Clay, Model.
uus campus are each day becoming
Maryville, Bardstown. Race-lan- d,
more practical minded, perhaps due
Jenkins, Augusta. Ormsby Villo necessity as much as to any
lage, Pinevllle. Danville, Middles-borother cause.
Frankfort. Belleville. Somerset.



Shel-byvill- e.


Barbourville, Stanford, Simon Kenton. Bell county. Muhlenberg county. Winchester Junior, and Lexington and Morton Junior.
Orchestras representing 14 schools
will take part. Schools represented
are to be Picadome. Bryan Station.
Model. Danville.
Frankfort. Bellevue. Somerset. Henry Clay, Atherton. Shawnee. Louisville Male, and Lexington and Morton Junior. The last two will send
a combined band to the fete.

W here To W alk
"One of the slogan w inners aske1
me yesterday whether the injunction "Keep off the Grass" refers tc
ALL the grass on the campus, ot
just the plots of grass trampled
paths. It harddown by
ly seems plausible that you would
want students to keep off all of the
grass, at least in cases of emergency
and it would hardly be advisable
to suggest that the Military and
Physical Education
who regularly conduct classes on a
large portion of the campus greensward, take warning from our slogans. All joking aside, it is almost
expedient at times that one cross
over on the grass instead of taking
Uie long way around on the sidewalks." J. W. W.


Members of the University Bacteriology society will attend its annual picnic Monday afternoon. May
16. at the Lexington Water company
grounds. Cars will leave Kastle hall
at 4:45 and a fee of 25 cents per
person will be charged for transporCountry Boy?
The parade ground, naturally, is tation and refreshments.
excepted in the warnings to "keep
off". That plot has been designated
as a place for drills, parades and
sometimes, intramural competitions.
However, there is much more to the
rampus than that ground and it is
the other places where the false
paths are slowly but surely appearing. As for "cases of emergency.''
and finding it "expedient at times"
to cross over the grass, we can't
"Twenty seconds saved and sudimagine what you might be talking den death to the grass!"
about except that maybe the sideOne dollar first prize will be prewalks burn your feet?
sented to Wilson Palmer, a sophoFeed
more in the Commerce College, who
Quite a few notes have been re- submitted the above slogan to win
ceived which we do not have the the fifth of the Kernels
space to prmt. But thanks for all
contest series.
contributions and we will endeavor
'clock tomorrow night has
to include them soon. Two of the
been set as the end of the poster
posters which Friday's Kernel slat- contest in which &5.00 cash will
ed were made by the YWCA and
be paid for the best placard urgUie YMCA. were drawn by Peter
ing all comers to desist from
Gragis and submitted through the
trampling upon the sward, the
American Student Union. Syphilis
contest editor announced vester-da- y.
comes up for discussoon again on
the editorial page as does another
Number two slogan for this issue
hl was submitted by
view of the campus situation.
Nat Campbell,
and Castle indulge in Derby freshman in the College of Arts and
doings with Pearce protesting "jerk- - Sciences, who advises: "Don't
n ig of floats and so to press at 10
the grass!"
James Llii" !i. a sophomore ill


With Don McNeil as No. 1 man,
Kenyon College invades Lexington
at 2 o'clock Thursday afternoon to
meet the University netmen on the
Kenyon possesses a
local courts.
record of being undefeated for the
past two years.
McNeil, ranked ninth nationally,
won the national indoor championship at New York in March and
is one of the country's rising young
net stars. His ccach, Bruce Barnes,
a tennis star who won the open
singles title from Karel Korcluh two
weeks ago. predicts that he is Davis
Cup timber and a possible successor
to Don Budge.
Beside McNeil the Kenyon group
consists of Morey Lewis. George
Pryor. Gordon Reeder, Paul Graeb-ne- r.
Bob Wuerdeman and Milroy
Olds. The first four mentioned, all
juniors, hold more thban 30 states,
regional and national singles and
doubles championships.
Kenyon thus far has met only oi2
common foe that the 'Cats have
played. Wayne University being the
opponent. The Kentucklans fell before the Tartars 4--3 while the McNeil and Lewis combination triumphed 8- -1 last Friday at Detroit.
The Wildcats, back from a successful Northern invasion in which
they won four out of five matches,
feel that they can give Kenyon a
closer match than did the Detroit-er- s
as their tennis has shown a big
Improvement on their tour.
Phil Englebardt and Dave
the Blue Grass star doubles
team, did not drop a match on the
trip and displayed better tennis at
each appearance. The other double
combinations. Botts and Evans and
Ma yand Boone have 6hown to
better advantage in each succeeding

is uncertain at this writing as
to who will play the No. 1 singles
against McNeil. Both Evans and
Englebardt have met opponents at
that position and Prof. Downing will
difficult time selecting the
man that will give the most capable performance.
Th.e other singles will probably
be handled by the same men that
played the early part of the season
namely Ragland, Boots. May. Cool-eand possibly Boone and Holmaa





de-fe- et


planning to take their mothers
to the WAC banquet Friday
night. May 13. please buy their
tickets at once as there is a
limited number. Tickets may be
secured in the Dean of Women's

7Vgi u m I


on 15







Winning In Three Competitions And Placing In
All Others. Deeds
UK Top Slot














fr ft :.




Paper Wins Firsts On
Ads. News Story; Second
On Editorials, Features


Winning the title of the best colnewspaper in Kentucky and
placing in every competitiin. the
Kernel carried off top honors at
meeting of the
Kentucky Intercollegiate Press asIn a special challenge meet, the
sociation Friday, on the campus ot
first platoon, companv C, of the
Transylvania College.
University Pershing Rifles, was deL. T. Iglehart. Hopkinsville.
feated by Western Kentucky Teaof the Kernel, was eleccher's College at the annual Pershted president of the organization at
itmi mm n i rmii nu iw lmir.ii
.i i mi
ing Rifles drill meet of the Third
the business meeting held in Carnegie hall.
Regiment. Thursday, at Bowling
Lexington Herald floto
The Kernel won first place in
Green. .
May Queen
of Kentnc-kt'eret aticn cf Jeanne Barker As I'river-itadvertising and presented the best
Western who defeated Indiana
news story in addition to wjnmng
University, the University of Illinewspaper.
as the best
Michigan State College
nois and
Second places were taken in ediregimental drill
to win the third
torials and feature stories. In the
contest, defeated the University's
sports field the Kernel garnered a
crack riflemen by scoring 841 points
out of a possible 900 with the UniCredit for writing the news sforv
versity scoring 812 points.
which was deemed by the Judges to
In an inter regimental individual
be the best submitted goes to Maldrill challenge. Cadet Howard Lindcolm Patterson, a former Kernel
say, of Western, won first honors
staff member.
with Cadet O. R. Avery, of Indiana,
Schools represented at the consecond, defeating Lindsay, Kinnard.
ference include Eastern, Western.
Bryant of the University.
Morehead And Murray State TeachOne of the features of the meet
Roger Brown And Rae Lewis ers" colleges. Centre, Transylvania,
was an exhibition performance by Crowning Of UK May (Jueon
and the University.
Concludes Festivities In
the Confederate drill squad, comAre Presented With Much
In addition to Iglehart. officers
posed of a drummer, cadet Arthur
Annual May Day
Coveted Awards For
who were elected at the meeting
Dotson; a fife player, cadet Arthur
were Eddie Eicher. Eastern,
Service To UK
Merton. a flag bearer cadet Howard;
and Lucille Basenback.
and privates Roy W. Bachmeyer.
Morehead. secretary.
A. W. Smith. James Taul, Edward 'BEST BAM) IX DIXIE
Centre College was chosen by the
Randall. William Boaz. Albert Mof-feLEADS FLOAT PARADE
$100 SCHOLARSHIP group as the site for the next meetFrank Davis, and James Boiing which will be held in the fall.
Chi O's, Pi Kaps And Cwens
Arthur L. Meader. Lexington, The spring conference next year
will be held at Eastern in Richmond.
Win Awards For Best
Given Scholarship Plaque
The meeting culminated with a
Entries Shown
As Notable Frosh
banquet Friday night at Hamilton
hall, at which A. B. Guthrie. Jr..
Climax of the annual May Day
Following an address by Pres. city editor of the Lexington Leader,
Frank L. McVey at a general con- was the principal speaker.
The Influence Of A Life' Will1 activities was the crowning May
Barker, Louisville, as
vocation which officially opened George V. Moore, newly appointed
i Jeanne
Be Discussion Topic At
Queen by Betty Bewlay. Cleveland
May Day exercises in Memorial hall. dean of Transylvania, gave a brief
Joint Meeting
Friday. May 6. Sullivan medallions welcoming address. George CrenHeights, Ohio, maid of honor, durshaw of Transylvania, retiring prefor outstanding scholarship, leaderJ. D. Williams, Director of the ing formal coronation ceremonies at
ship and services to the University sident of the K. I. P. A., presided as
University Training School, will Stoll field Friday.
were awarded to Rae Lewis and RogThe coronation program followed
speak on "The Influence of a Life''
er Brown.
A $100 scholarship was given to
at the installation services of offi- a parade of floats entered by soroindependent
James R. Powers. Fulton, and a
cers Into the YMCA at 7:15 o clock rities, fraternities and were led by
organizations which
scholarship plaque was presented to
tonight at a Joint meeting of the the "Best Band in Dixie" under the
Arthur L. Meader, .Lexington, as
Cabinets to direction cf John Lewis.
Freshmen and Senior
the most outstanding freshman in Lawn Fete Will Be Given In
acscholarship and
be held in the "Y" rooms in the
PI Kappa Alpha was given first
Honor Of Carleton
prize for the best float in the fraArmory.
President MeVey made a brief
coming year in- ternity division and Alpha Tau
Officers for the
address concerning the uses and
clude: Campbell Miller, president; Omega was placed second. In en- Dr. James E. Byrd. head of the
care of the Student Union building.
sorority group the Chi Omega
Arthur Plummer,
He pointed out that as adults, the department of romance languages
secretary: fnd try was adjudged the best with Al- AVVhur Eicknell.
pha Gamma Delta claiming sec- Throaty IUues Sintjer With students should be willing and an- at Carleton College, will be the
Thrimason Bryant, treasurer.
xious "to accept the responsibilities guest of honor at a lawn fete given
The names of the Senior cabinet, ond place. First place in the inde- Hall's Hand Warbles For
and care of the new building and by the University romance lanituage
which will be composed only of of- pendent division went to Cwens. j
should strive to keep it as clean and department and the Alliance Fran-cai- se
ficers and committee chairmen will honorary sophomore organization.
un marred by use as possible.
of Lexington at 4 p. m. today
be announced at the meeting. The Judges in the float contest were
Dolly Dawn, throaty blues singer,
At the
chairmen include: David Scott and Freeland Hunter. Mrs. Edward Ran-r.el- ls will be featured with George Hall's President conclusion of his address on the lawn in front of the WomMcVey presented the Sulan's building.
and Mayor E. Reed Wilson.
Arthur Plummer. freshman advisthe
Dr. Byrd. who has just returned
livan medals to Miss Lewis and
Included in the May Day pro- orchestra atopens
ors; Raymond Sutherland, spiritual
Ball, which
the Student Un- Roger Brown. He said that the se- from an extensive Tour cf South
life; Charles More, social service; gram was a May pole dance by phyion Building. Saturday May 14. The lections had been made by a comAmerica, will speak on "Impressions
Howard Goodpastor. University ser- sical education students under the dance will open with a grand marci.
of Our South American Neighbors"
mittee of faculty members.
discussion direction of Mary King Montgomery
vice; David Lewis,
p. m. under the direction of
Miss Lewis. Lexington, is a major at the affair.
groups; Herman Kendall, deputa- and Margaret Warren: and an acro- at 8:30
Lieutenant Colonel Brewer.
in commerce; member of Mortar
Dr. and Mrs. Byrd are the guests
tions; Ralph Kendall, membership; batic peiformance by Bob May. Sara
Advance ticket sales will close Board: Beta Gamma Sigma, honorof Dr. and Mrs, D. E. Fogle. GeorgeVirgil Bcasley, social: publicity, to Revel! Estill. Billie Dyer. James
town, during their stay in KenHam, Murray Allen, and Edward Friday at 5 p. m. After that time ary commerce fraternity;
be filled later.
of the Association of Women tucky.
Professor Merton Oyler. chairman Blakeman. A ballet by pupils from tickets must be bought at the door.
member of the
cf the YMCA Advisory Board, will the Marjorie Hall school of dance All engineers and members of ODK Students and is
induct the officers following Pro- and the adagio dance by Carojean are requested to turn in their tic- Y. W. C. A. senior cabinet.
money to Berkley Benne-soRoger Brown. Ashland, is a senfessor William's address.
Ehey and Dick Hotaling concluded kets and is
in charge of ticket sales, ior in the College of Arts and Scienwho
the program.
by noon Wednesday.
ces: president of Alph a Tau Omega;
SuKy pep circle was in charge of
Of the half dozen radio singers president of the Men's Student
the day's activities. At formal
songs sell on the strength of Council; editor of the 1938 Kentuc-kian- :
pledging services at a dance in the whose
of ODK;
Alumni gymnasium Friday night. 13 their recrodings. Dolly Dawn heads
new members were inducted into the list. She was "discovered" by member of the Student Union com- George Hall two years ago, and is mittee: Scabbard and Blade; PerPresentation ot
the organization.
now heard over the Columbia
Continued on Page Four
There will be an important meetElection of the Sour Mash Cam- awards fcr the prize winning floats Bicadcasting System three times a
ing of all fraternity president and
were made at the dance.
pus Sweetheart will begin Friday,
week on nearly one hundred statreasurers at 7 o'clock tonight in the
May 13, when the issue dedicated
office of President Frank R. McGhaperones at the dance include:
to spring and which contains the
Dean Sarah Blanding. Dean Sarah
All 1. Y. A. student time sheets
official ballot rolls off the press and
B. Holmes. Dean T. T. Jones, Dean
of the dean
were due
goes on sale for 15 cents per copy
P. P. Boyd. Dean Thomas Cooper. tiui an
u giiiiaj of men or in the office women Montfvaim .v.iiu
the dean of
Dean A. E. Evans. Dean Edward
at the Campus Book Store and at
lharp? ui rerlorm
May 29.
Wiest. Dean W. D. Funkhouser,
other points on the campus. The
Attendance of 34 leaders in the Dean W. E. Freeman. Lieutenant
contest will close at 1 p. m. WednesAll members of SuKy are reYWCA
and YMCA marked the Colonel Brewer. Prof. D. V. Terrell,
day. May 18.
Sarah Evans, soprano, and Vir- quested to meet at i p. m.. today at
Prof. C. S. Crouse, and Dean J. H. ginia
reEdited by Cliff Shaw, former highlight of the annual spring
Tharpe, violinist, senior ma- the Alumni gymnasium.
Kemelite, the gag mag. reputed to treat held by this organization Sa- - Graham, honorary guest.
jors in the department of music,
be blgga and betta. features the turday and Sunday, at the
will b? presented in a recital at 8:15
Students planning to travel in
pictures of the five candidates who
o'clock Wednesday, May 11 in Me- Europe during the summer should
Camp on the Kentucky riare competing for the position in
morial hall. They will be assisted procur?
student .identity cards
addition to the usual filling of ver.
by Adelle South Gensemcr.
through the YMCA Immediately.
Dr. Huntley Dupre. professor in
quaint quips and bearded banalities.
Miss Evans will sing numbers by Thpfe cards give saving of up to
Those who led the field of nomi- the department of history, led the
both old and modern composers in- 50
to students while in Europe,
nees and remained as candidates Saturday afternoon discussion,
cluding B?ethoven Brahms. Schu- and may be obtained
free of
are Virginia Smith. Kappa Kappa choosing as his subject "The FuncDr. Walter A. Jessup, New York, bert. Debussy. Gretchanmow. and charge.
AssoGamma; Emily Quigley, Chi Ome- tion of the Student Christian
president of the Carnegie Foundaga; Virginia Logan, Kappa Delta; ciation."
A v?ry important meeting of De lta
Two long selections. Beethoven's
tion for the advancement of teachmeetDorothy HiUenmeyer, Delta Delta
In the Saturday afternoon
Sigma Chi will be held at 8 ocluck
ing, will deliver the address at the "Romance." and Kreisler's "Liebes-freudDelta, and Jeanne Barker, Alpha ing, definite goals for next year were University's 71st annual June Comare Miss Tharp's presenta- tonight at the home of Elmer G.
Gamma Delta.
set up. including a more thorough mencement exercises June 4, accordtions.
Sulzer. Dance plans wil be disMore than $100 worth of mer- educational job an attempt to deep- ing to a recent announcement by
cussed at the meeting
chandise will be awarded by local en the concern of the total mem- President Frank L. McVey.
Die Ehre Gottes
business firms to the winner when bership for Christian religion as reWanderers Nachtlied
All persons interested in forming
The baccalaureate services will be Feldeinsamkeit
she is announced and presented to lated to every phase of life. The
Brahms a Young Democrats for Barkley
held Friday. June 3. with Dr. M. M. Botschaft
the public at the Kernel colloge cabinets Jointly decided to emphasis
Brahms Club are asked to meet at 3 p. m.
night program Friday night. May these topics for next year's work: Lichliter. Columbus. Ohio pastor of
today in Room 111 McVey Hall.
Miss Evans
the First Congregational church, as
in20. at the Strand theater.
democracy, campus problems,
must be deposited in the ternational relations, and Christian speaker.
The old members of the YWCA
Dr Jessup was president of the
box which will be placed in the failh.
sophomore commission w'.l enterMiss Tharpe
University of Iowa from 1916 to 1934.
University station for that purpose
tain the new members with a picand has received the honorary de- "Je dis que
Only votes cast on the official balPROF ENTERTAINS CLl'B
nic supper this afternoon at thr
rien ne n'epouvante"
gree of Doctor of Law from a numlot will be counted.
Bizet Reservoir. All members plea.se meet
He has served
A Spanish dinner was served at ber of universities.
Air from Carmen
at 5 p m. at the, Woman s Building.
Ouvre Tes Yeux Bleu
the home of Mrs. Alberta Server, as chairman and director of educaMassenet
tional surveys of large cities, and has Mandoline
instructor in the Spanish departThere will be a meeting of Theta
Mr. Gayle Starnes, in charge of ment, for members of the Spanish been chairman of numerous importSigma Phi at 4 p. m. Tuesday. May
Miss Evans
ant educational committees.
the visual education department club. Thursday evening. May 4.
10. at the Woman's building
and" assistant director of the UniLiebesfreud
The menu included Spanish arroz
versity extension, will give an il- con polio, hearts of palm, pinon FIELD SECTION TO TAKE TRIP
Miss Tharpe
Members of the Student Council
lustrated lecture on "The Value of nuts and caracoles. After the dinner
will meet at 5 p. m. Wednesday.
The Tuesday geology field section The Fishers Widow.. Clara Edwards May 11. in Dean Jones' office.
Films and Slides in a Community the guests as.sembled in the salon
Health Program,"
Pearl Curran
at the third and played Spanish games and sang. will meet at 1:30 p. m. today in Nocturne
meeting of a series of four round
Nearly thirty members were pres- front of the Science building for its Slumber Song
The University Research Club wiil
tables on health problems in room ent. They were received by Mrs trip to Herrington lake unless in- The Gull
Mabel Wood Hill meet at 7 o'clock Thursday evenA Spring Fancy
clement weather threatens, accord1. Frazee hall, at 7:30 p. m . ThursDensmore ing. May 12. in the library of the
Server and her mother. Mrs
ing to Ralph Tlionws, section leader.
day. May 12.
Miss F'ans
Dairy Proflu's building

UK Unit Bows To Western
Kentucky In Meet
Of 3rd Regiment










Brown And Lewis Are Awarded
Sullivan Medallions; Chi Omegas,
Pi Kaps And Cwens Floats Win





Williams To Speak
At YM Installation

Byrd To Be Guest
Of Language Group


Dolly Dawn To Sing

At Union Opening




AWS Will Sponsor Week End
Beginning Friday With
Beginning Friday afternoon.


registration and a tea to
be given; by Cwens. honorary sophomore organization,
the mother-daught13, with


sponsored by
the Association of Women Students,
will officially open.
Friday night
they will be the guests of their

daughters at the annual

WAC ban-

quet at 7 o'clock in the University
Commons. Saturday's program includes
conference period to be held in Patterson hall at 10:00 a. m. President Frank L. McVey will open the
session' with his address on "A Parent's Stake in the University." Following this
panel discussion will
be held in which two mothers, two
daughters, and two faculty members will participate. Their subjects will be: "What I Want the
University to Do For My Daughter."
What I Want the University to Do
For Me," and "What I Want the
University to Do For the Student."
At the close of this conference
questionnaires will be given each
mother present.
Phi Upsilon Omicron. honorary
home economics organization, will
entertain all
with a picnic luncheon at noon Saturday on the lawn in front of the
Agriculture building. Leaving there
the mothers and daughters are invited to attend the dedicatory exercises at the Student Union building.

Wilson Palmer To Collect
On Kernel Slogan Contest








10. I'l.W

Coronation Ceremonies On Stoll Field

Women Students
TO MEET KENYON Must Purchase
WAC Tickets Now
All women students who are
V. sitors









May Day


the College of Arts and Sciences,
submitted the following little rhyme
to take third honors: "Be mature.
Don't manicure the verdure."
Honorable mention was given to
Jo Mitchell, a freshman in the Arts

and Sciences college, who alludes to
military science among other things
when he advises: "Shine brass. Cut
class; But spare the grass!"
Entries should be written on the
coupon printed elsewhere in the
Kernel and should be dropped into
the box marked "Kernel Slogan
Contest" in the University Station.
Contributions may be either rhymed
or unrhymed, but should not exceed two lines in length. They are
judged on the basis of originality,
cleverness and pertinence to the




Campus Sweetheart
Election To Be Held
By New Sour Mash

Two Music Majors
To Present Recital

YM, YW Leaders
er Retreat

For Year's Finale




Walter A. Jessup

To Deliver Address


At June Graduation








at the





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of Marrh







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Before every date this girl would
sonally conscious of his part. During the past
sit down and write out everything
years an extensive building program has tnade
she Intended to talk about on a slip
of paper. What's more, she followed
However, now that the
landscaping difficult.
this outline rigidly. And she wa.s
scars of construction are being removed, the
one of the two most popular girls
in a high school of 2.600
lamptts should le able to blossom forth.
The I'niversitv authorities are aware of the
Tidbits: KA Jack Shanklin exKentucky Student Union Constitution
plaining the intricacies of his moEd. Note: The final installment of the
need of additional planting around the foundadernistic pipe which is reversible
printed below.
tions ol buildings. In front of IjtfTerty Hall, the
body shall bo posted ...when it rains, all one has to do
of interest to the general student
4. All events
is turn the bowl around and it is
new law structure, shrubs of hemlock. taus. and
sheltered from the precipitation by
in the Student Union Building.
jtmiHTs have leen planted, indicative of the
some siun
5. Gambling, drinking 01 intoxicants, mining me utuiaing in an in- - j lne stem . .
kind to Iw used around all of the buildings. toxicated condtion. and bringing intoxicating liquors into the building j B'"ley. Kiboee Vogt. and Louis
Berman. seen tooting all over Lake
These ate very censive shrubs but when are each and all absolutely prohibited.
HerrinEton last week-en- d
when they
Anyone infringing this rule in any respect shall be subject to an im- took time off from their steady
planting is once made, with a reasonable amount
building, and on a majority of the Board of hunt for fresh mint leaves . . Jack
mediate ejection from the
ol atv and anention. ihrv should last a long Directors may be suspended or expelled from membership in the Union. Ctain's drivingback from Knoxville
unset the equilibrium of various
6. No book, journal, paper, picture, furniture, trophy, work of art,
merrbers of the track team... seen
may be taken from .the building, or taken from together last week-enor article of equipment
I'icM'iit pi. ins are to plant around lluwere Lillian
Gaines Webb and Jesse Wilmott...
building. Memorial hall. Student I'nion one part of the building to another.
week-en7. Destruction of the building and its properties and possessions will T. Riley wa.s in town this
building, and the north end ol the I.ihrarv. I In
with a slew of guests . . C. T. Fork-ne- r
not be permitted.
in throws of ecstasy after meet-in- s
tampus (ommitiee lias also planned lor the
Anyone infringing this rule in any respect shall be subject to an imJoan Bennett. . .Bob Singleton
constitution of more sidewalks.
the building, and on a majority of vote of the Joyfully exuberant because he had
mediate ejection from
board . .
This group of iiKii