xt7w9g5gc25d https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7w9g5gc25d/data/mets.xml University of Kentucky. Libraries Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky Alumni Association 1991 journals  English University of Kentucky Alumni Association Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Kentucky alumnus Kentucky Alumnus, 1991, no. 1 text images Kentucky Alumnus, 1991, no. 1 1991 1991 2012 true xt7w9g5gc25d section xt7w9g5gc25d  
A From Desert Shield
to Desert Storm
I Putting Books on
the Shelf
A A Miracle and a
I Pioneer:
I Stefanie's Story
d 'l'he Inside Track
  on International
A Research
A Psychology
of Conceit

Members of the UK National Alumni Association are now eligible to .
become members in the University of Kentucky Faculty Club at the
Hilary]. Boone Center. Opened in 1987, the Boone Center is the perfect
locale for on-campus gatherings, ideal for all your dining pleasures.
, 1
Benehls of the Club Include: i
* Luncheon services designed * Six private banquet rooms for L
for both limited meal periods all your catering needs r
and leisurely lunches * Carry-out meal service i
* Exquisite evening dining in * Reciprocal agreements with (
an intimate setting over 110 Clubs located through- ~ S
* Special member dinners before out the U.S. and Canada 1:
selected performances at the * Very affordable membership E
Singletary Center for the Arts dues q
°*‘ Breakfast Forums, Musical S L
Seminar Series, Wildcat Warm- Contact the King Alumni House I
ups before all home basketball for Membership Applications S
’ and football games, Wine  
Tastings, Courtyard Cookouts, Alumni House 257-8905 { p
and Seasonal Dinner Dances The Faculty Club 257-4136 I fp
i .»\
":”_—_ "“ L
l l  
.1 to
University of University of  
Ll L-] Kentucky Kentucky National T
Faculty Llub, mc. Alumni Association K

ii P7 /
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  __ { R  ,;_V V 1991 OFFICERS  *‘;‘;`  
   in ; Nj;   PRESIDENT e u
.       I .1 Richard Bean `69
I    2;  `EEE   Louisville Dperulien Desert Slerm Many Americans realized 6
V  FR   ’‘’`‘ ~’ ‘ PRkSIDENT`lfLE°T how little the knew about the Middle East as the deadline
g;     ’·1· 1 Myra TOl])1Il 62 y
‘ *     = New YO,-k, NY for war drew near. A number of UK professors, students
      TREASURER and alumni were available for comment.
·. `ii "*@·" Preston Art ’63
.· COVER Walton , _
I This ~·Gu]{·* ribbon, SECRETAe\R\' PIII BOOI($ OII IIIE     S lll)I`3.I`y, I`3l]l<€d 56[ll  
  tied up by Or=nn’s Bob Cv Wbil¤l<·¢¤‘ ’58 in North America, has an exciting endowment
T Fl°W“`S’ mplieseins Frankfort o ortunit if the necessar matchin funds are raised.
·, the thousands of
ea orange and yellow ASSOCIATION STAFF
" ribbons displayed SI*ef¤nie's Slory Success stories like this take place 12
~ m SUPPOH °{U‘S{‘ DIREQTOR. , re ularl in the UK Hos ital’s ediatric division and are
· troops deployed in Bob (,. Whitaker 58 _ , _
e Opemtien Desert l{l)]TOR supported by proceeds from the Children s Miracle
  Storm. Liz Howard ’68 Network T€]€[hOn_
Y .»xssT. EDITOR
1 I$N()732»(i2E)7 Kay ]()hn50n ,85 _ _ _ `
» The Kentucky Alum- OUiRi;A(;H/ The III$Id¢ TI'¤¢k In Just a few years, the Maxwell Cluck 'I6
E mls is Published CLUBS Equine Center has helped solidify UK`s international
{ quarterly by the sum Key "72 _ · · _ _ _ -
{ Umvemity Oi.Km_ STAFF statute in equine iesearch and se1v1ce.
Q tucky Alumni Associ- Brqmlgi Bain
i RUOTL 400 ROSE julia B¤‘<>llw¤`S Snobs Do you know one when you see one? 20
  SUCH, L€Xi11g\0lL Linda Brumiield
  KClIIllCl’ {ROW ART UIREUTION UK Be¤I’ A compendium of campus news. 2
  oi` the Ulli\`€l`$l[§' GY Williams Mcllride
  Kentucky or of the Dcsivrn, lnc. _ _
  UKA1um,li Assmiu- ° Sporlswalch Football s new recruits; basketball legends. 4
  tion. Postmaster:
  F~‘w=¤`<*·¤g ami CI¤ss Noles A class bv class update ol` fellow alumni. 23
2l(l(ll`CSS C()l`l`C(TIl()ll '
  requested. Send to
1 Thc K€¤¤¤’AT¤m· Fuxline Focus Second Effort: A reader survey 32
»· nus, UK/Alumni
i Association, Lexing-
i ton, Kentucky 40506.
I Ph o."?`¢f¢~( »"r‘i:nr { ii J   7 

 w by  _A [cl M _    - st.   YY V W _‘)?¤ V ` 5 _
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°*‘I’::nl:::::;r;:: C:•:‘¤:;9T¤;‘¤;s J.: y S • I A · ll lations, and governmental relations, I
Iho ¢I|y of also lho Ilrst yoar Peclu ssls unis IRIS served UK in 21 number of Capaci- ` j
¥°¤|¤9*¤¤ I•|•••d “¤¤* "¤• ¢|¤Y W¤$ ties. He was dean of students from t
Is I d . . . .
h°"d:°I°|::::::I:: _ :3:; :;;d¤‘;$ ]uamta W. Fleming, head ol UK’s ad 1974-1986, and has taken on special ad- ,
r ` . ` . . . . . . . . . ‘
m,,,,,,.y ,| bug gh, sax", hoc Committee on Minorities and an l111l1lS[I`2l[1V€ assignments, including y (
D"- M¤¤'"¤ W•h•* ¤¤M•¢°"V• Y"'; associate vice chancellor at the Albert the UK Tobacco and Health Research { 1 (
KI . Ith UK h . A . A A A A
¤ mug: 'trxlgh °;;';:x::° B. (.handler Medical (,enter, and _]oe Institute and as acting director of ath- · 1 I
gh, 4,,,,,;,w,, ..•|y|q|,,_ Above, Burch, deputy general counsel in the letics. He received both his bachelor”s r S
¤*•¤ ¤M| ¤ V"- R°¥ P°*°"*°" , legal ollice, have each been appointed and law degrees from UK. , I
program al Iho of tho Kentucky A I V v_ A _ I [ UI. Fl) A T I I _ 3 _
coun"' on mgher to nuv positions .1 x. cming tas t, I
gduqqnon, qnd ` been named special assistant to the   I
UK c'““"°"°" ` president lor academic aI`I`airs with InI`I°V¤I`I°I`I AW¢II‘d   (
Roborl Homonway I ,. _ _ __ { . . _ __ . I _ _ I
Mlm P". L lx s centt al admnnsttation, and Butch
Photo by Miehool I has been named special assistant to the The Carrollton campus of_]eI`ferson ' S
C'°"°¤9°"· president lor university relations. Community College and the City of {
A professor oi` nursing since 1969, Carrollton were awarded the Kentucky 2
Fleming has served as assistant dean Chamber of Commerce 1990 Innova- S
I A . . . . . .
lor trraduate education in nursin ‘, as- tion Award for Public and Private Part- I .
et t I
sociate dean and director of graduate nerships. The award, presented at the I 8
, studies in nursing, and associate vice statewide Certified Cities Banquet in ` i
I chancellor lor academic ttrtztim at the November, recognized the private and
medical center. community st1pport which helped {
Burch, who is now responsible for launch the Carrollton campus in jan- C
A alumni allairs, development, public re- uary 1990. 1 j
2l{t'I1Illt`l\\.\lllIIll1ll$ Sprinplt 199] i S

1} Name Change IIKCC Endowments
The University of Kentucky’s College of Major gifts have boosted endowment
{ Home Economics has a new name. ust funds for both Hazard and Prestons-
f . . .
` call it the College of Human Environ- burg Community Colleges.
mental Sciences. The Kentucky River Coal Corpora-
1 . ..
An o en house to celebrate the tion has led ed 35200,000 to Hazard
r `
{ name change was held March 10th. Community College for scholarships g O ,_ I1 Wyllh I V, M ,_ __ A4
_ The college requested the new for nursing students from Perry, Letch-   ‘{_,¢‘7';:z·. / ·   ./'7
· _ . . . . ,. . A '¤'1— ‘— ._»—   -·‘
| name to reflect ‘the human ecological er, Knott, Leslie and Breathitt counties. _ g., fj. W      -_ "
{ perspective that characterizes our re- Additionally, the Hazard Lions Club { if IL, _'   HA _ ,/-’ / °_ jr.  
search and instructional efforts," Dean has iven 10,000 to the Cam aivn for ,   V *·  ·i’ " { ' > pz
gl vb {   __ jk ,. J  
· Peg Meszaros said. Hazard CO1Dl]]U1]1[\'C()ll€0'€ toendowa { _   J {   ‘ fi  
¤¤ · ¤ . .. rg;s—·-,   : ..
. . . . s- _ ’· ,· ;, 4,*- _ { " !‘ ' ..
{ During the past two decades, the col- scholarship fund. Both gifts were mayor 1     2; ~1! al ~  {  ___     [_,_
{ lege has developed a science-based pro- boosts to Hazard`s campaign to raise §“" .§.£"’f if { —     _P ·  
{ gram of instruction and research that $500,000 bv Februar *28 to receive a $1 "    ·H¤T`· ·,_  m__   —-
~ U # , *},977 — { · i x,.  4-
rt deals with interaction between people, million matching grant from the U.S.   El  
* * LL. .—-I-1  ‘ > j  ;_
{ and the social, cultural, economic and Department of Education. ‘   "  " ~ ’ 
_ Chandra and Mahendra Varia have V ,. _ ‘   7    __ I   '
{ established a 35100,000 endowment to ;_,,,,., . _  o  \  ’  ”    {wl
{     · » · §*l"" I "Z€‘$",., —.¢ li" .1,. V i " { ‘ t ‘i '* »··i""l’!"T‘g-
{ support no-interest loans for nursing   .¤_.s;,._   . r   V  
` ‘         ifi e     e'. . FT .¤>2·‘* 
f' 1 students at Prestonsburg Community { S, ’··.·' ·. `*.· ’~i*·§§43£e>2. ,_` ,s`  "Y_-».j.. '·: .·
` K · · .¤ i    ,-~, { , ' ifv v, · ,_(_:;Tk¥£*' lvl } •     ,.
‘{ College. Dr. (.handra Varia is a l)l1}'Sl- . 1**·?$;»*I¢ .&=;E§?.·2=’:¤;§?¤··~¤xit’y*.:¤T£J§¤!` ·’  
°l cian and operates a private clinic in   since September to perform
1 Martin. no imstsamt, nr. ixisimtttm 1 *°°°· °•<'=_¢·=··- ·¤=·=¤·¢*·_¤·····=·¤
  v_   . _ V _ _. y   ter for Applied at reducing the
·{ ·· ` Al1d,lb tl yetei maiian. Energy Research. ms, d Producing
l ' located on the Ii uids from coal
. { . q .
  north side of and exploring
{ • Lexington on Iron the environmental
1 Feudrng . .
Works Pike, has impact of waste
_ ` "` fr received grants products from
, political lives ofindividuals and families Two UK sociology professors are study- '°]“!"'9 $'°·5 ‘°“' ‘°"‘I"""°"·
. . . . § . ‘, million. Recent
lll their home, work, community and mg an Eastern Kentucky feud that isn t grams oi uhm.,
world environments. as famous as the Hatfield-McCoy feud, { $3 million will
{ Today, the college prepares its stu- but rivaled it in size, and challenges { |’°"""* "‘° ‘°"'°"
{ . .... . .
, { dents in such fields as dietetics, interi- many ideas about what Appalachian
{ . . .‘ .
  or design, family resource manage- family feuds were like.
{ ment, restaurant management, food Kathleen M. Blee and Dwight B.
{ 1 science, individual and family develop- Billings are studying lending from 1840  
  ment, human nutrition, merchandis- to 191() in Clay County, Kentucky.  
{{ ing, apparel and textiles, home eco- Based on information they gather {
` nomics education and applied child about the feud, the researchers are ex-
{ development. ploring the community conditions
The college offers four master`s de- under which violent disputes develop,
grees, an interdisciplinary Ph.D. in nu- and studying the effects of social, polit-
tritional science, and holds specialized { ical and economic changes on feuding
accreditation in dietetics, interior de- and dispute resolution among conflict-
{ sign, early childhood development and ing groups.
.1 vocational home economics. A special The Clay County feud occurred be- {
{{ accreditation is pending for a program _ tween members of apparently socially ’
° in marriage and family therapy. 1 and politically prominent families, in- {
A majority of students, alumni and cluding one ofthe principal suspects in
faculty support the name change, ac- the assassination of William Goebel, a  
. cording to polls and voting conducted Kentucky gubernatorial candidate in {
{‘ in the college during the past five years. , 1900. 1
{ Spyinpi |99| licnuicky :\llllllIlll$ Il

B th
Homo Pos. Ill. Wl. High School/Hometown Proposed Major `W  
Andy Britt OL 6-4 240 Russellville High School Environmental Engineering il
jeff Cipp LB 6-2 215 Bellport H.S., Brookhaven, NY Business/ Management   hr
Scott Crosley OL 6-4 250 Carmel (Ind.) High School *** j Cr
Steve Hall DB 6-2 185 New Haven (Ind.) High School *** I al
Dan Hicks RB 5-8 175 Tates Creek H.S., Lexington Communications L wi
Damon Hood RB 6-2 205 Warren Central H.S., Bowling Green Engineering l to
D’Andrejenkins DB 5-11 160 Murphy H.S., Mobile, AL Engineering  
Barryjones OL 6-5 275 Covington Catholic, Ft. Mitchell Biology , hz
Donte Key TE 6-3 210 Franklin-Simpson H.S., Franklin *** il Kt
Steve Langenkamp TE 6-4 225 Moeller H.S., Cincinnati, OH *** (
Tony Miller DB 5-10 175 Coatesville (PA) High School Business , fix
Matt Neuss LB 6-2 215 Bellport (NY) High School Business/ Management ., St
jeremy Niece QB 6-4 200 Estill County H.S., Irvine ***   M
Antonio O’Ferral DB 5-10 180 Bellport H.S., Brookhaven, NY Accounting   frt
Chris Page OL 6-7 275 Roswell (GA) High School Natural Resouces Mgt. E Fr
Corey Reeves TE 6-3 235 Corbin High School Physical Therapy
Mike Schlegel DE 6-4 220 jesuit H.S., Harahan, LA Pre-Med/ Pre-Dent. A mt
Leon Smith WR 5-10 180 Trinity High School, Louisville Marketing 1 Sn
David Snardon LB 6-2 205 Male High School, Louisville Pre-Medicine l Sc
james Tucker WR 6-2 195 Lamar High School, Arlington, TX *** li Te;
Emerson Wells LB 6-3 225 Tilghman High School, Paducah *** Ta
€•¤¤|¢|•f‘¤9 H10   (freshmen) will step in and play and a 1
*.;::.1: :1:;:; A Day °* Dellghlls yet there will be someone we never Hi
hug, Bm ;,,,,y   thought of who will step in and be an TF
MN. ”'|'|¤¥¤ FS ¤ Football coach Bill Curry described na- All-American.” de
%;°:I:::;:°J;':_°;x tional football letter ofintent day as an Of Kentucky’s recruits, half of them ad
gh., , ,,,,,;,;,,9 event somewhat like Christmas morn- are from the state. “There are good sig
¢|¤¤$ ¤* NWS 'YP° ing and standing by in the delivery football players in Kentucky. We feel ty
w°°:I:a;°::”°°°:t Q room. As of press time, the Wildcats about half of the team should come de
· l had "delivered" 21 recruits which had from the state and be the heart of the
  the recruiting guru’s who evaluate team with the arms and legs coming n wh
  such things rating this Kentucky class from out of state. Actually, we treat , gr:
( among the top 15 in the country. north to Dayton, Ohio, as ifit were in   kn
(Zurry said speed is the common at- state. We didn’t do as well as we wanted ing
tribute that all of the recruits share. to in areas like Chicago, Cleveland and tes
"Everyone, even the big guys, can Detroit, but we are in the door and ex-   ces
, run well. You cannot play football if pect results next year.   We
  you cannot move. I don’t care if you Actually gettingaplayer helps most, l ify.
j weigh 8,000 pounds. lfthe guy can run however, Curry says, because "when ‘ thc
( around you, you're not going to win that player goes back home his high thc
· the game. Movement, agility and speed school coach is going to check things tin
come first, before size and strength. out with him and ask him ifwhat we’ve , firs
And we needed it (speed) at every posi- said about being a family and treating
tion," (Zurry said. each other with respect and stressing _
l (Zurry, who always prefers that per- championship performance in the   LI
  lormance rather than high school stats classroom and on the field is like we   "
  speak for a recruit, would only say that said it was. Then the coach will know.” g Fel
  he expects some of these recruits to \/Vhile the Cats didn’t sign a defensive i Un
( play as freshmen. lineman, they did get a premier player j oft
l "l have found that some of them likely to fill a most critical position —   mc
I lienturlu .\|umnus Spring [gg]   Spy

[ the very necessary, dominant linebacker Arena. The distinguished Wildcats hon-
  in Curry’s defensive system. He is Emer- ored were UK all-Americans Basil Hay-
son Wells, a 6-3, 225 lb. linebacker from den and Cotton Nash, and long-time
  Paducah Tilghman High School. radio play-by-play announcer Caywood
1} Some recruiting experts had Wells Ledford. Hayden, who lettered in 1920,
  headed for Colorado or Missouri, but ‘21 and ‘22, was UK’s first All-Ameri-
, Coach Curry said, “We felt like we had can. Nash, a UK letterman in 1962, ‘63
Q a good shot if we just stayed persistent and ‘64, was an All-American three
L without being pushy. We kept staying in times. Ledford is in his 38th season as
i touch and presenting our case.” the popular “Voice of the Wildcats.”
E It also helped that Wells’s mother A number ofother UK basketball let-
, had a favorable inclination toward the termen returned for a “Legends Lun-
1 Kentucky program. cheon", a fund-raiser for the United
The tight end position vacated by States Olympic Committee. UK’s past
, five seniors has help on the way from Olympic basketball players were afford-
.1 Steve Langenkamp from Cincinnati ed special recognition. That evening
1 Moeller High School, Corey Reeves there was an Old-Timer’s Game preced-
( from Corbin and Donte Key from ing the UK- Alabama contest in Rupp
1 Franklin-Simpson High School. Arena (Feb. 26).
The need at wide receiver will be
i` met by high school all-American Leon   V · — _ , ‘**— y y   _·
l Smith from Louisville Trinity High wCI' N¢'I'¢   _ AV'  _ . ~ n    
E School,james Tucker from Arlington,       if  fi  __,,     ,  afi
ll Texas, and Dan Hicks from Lexington Cliff Barker, a member of the Fabulous  if A       is ___  f i 
Tates Creek High School. Five basketball team which was    ·_“f - — f     ' =.  N
Kentucky Mr. Football Damon Hood, Olympic champion in 1948 and NCAA   {  V  . · .
a running back from \/Varren Central champion in 1948 and 1949, is a former L  '    · F,    
High School, did not sign February 6. World War I1 prisoner. That informa-     = 
Thus began the “Damon Watch.” Hood tion comes from Cat’s Pause columnist _; ; _
decided on UK four days later, clearly Russell Rice who reported in the Febru- "Z gi
adding to the assets of this bunch. Four ary 9, 1991, issue that Barker left school ' ,`_  `
signees had not met freshmen eligibili- after his freshman year and became an   C l ' `
ty requirements, but Curry was confi- engineer and a gunner on a B-17   ` _ ( _
dent they would. bomber. He was shot down and spent ' `{. U
“It’s our policy to only recruit those the first six months of his 16-month im-  
n who have the ability and the desire to prisonment playing basketball.
, graduate from our institution. You “We could play all we wanted,” he
, know my position on standardized test- said. "We’d go from one camp to an- Among the leg- talks with WKY1'-
}` ing that 1’ve taken since 1980. Those other, playing other teams.” Barker said f"d‘ """° '°*"""°d Tv ‘P°"’“""°'
. . tn February were Rob Bromley.
{ tests are not a good predictor of suc- his treatment as a German POW de- Rupp.; Rams, one Look hr mug
( cess for rural or for inner-city youths. pended on who was w11m1ng the war. of the most papu- coverage in the
il We expect all these young men to qual- When the U.S. got the upper hand, the I" *°""" l" uK" AP"' °|'°" ¤°°'·
i . . , . . ,, . ., basketball ltlsto- Photo by Chuck
1 1fy. But if they don t, we will work with guards began buttermg up to the ry_ Above, P-, Pe"y_
them to receive all the financial aid prisoners, he said. Riley, farmer Los
l they can qualify for including a part- "Being in the Air Force was differ- A"9°'°’ '·'k°"
timejob to make their way through the ent," he said. “1f you were in the in- :B?:°:;:;:':r'
, first year. “ fantry, they made you work. We were in
a separate compound. It was kind of a
  code between the Air Force and the
  Legends Abound tttrwarrw
{   When Barker returned to school, he
g February was a month of legends at the was the old man on the squad (26) , but
i University. Before the first home game ; made honorable mention All-Ameri- ;
( of the month (Feb. 3 vs. Georgia), three can twice — in ‘48 and ‘49. He current- l
l more jerseys were retired in Rupp ly lives in north central Florida. i
  Spring 1991 Kt·nuu’ky Aluninus 5

 i1 ’7
1 ti
1 11
‘ a
1 i V tc
conipilecl by `     1 O
Kay _]oh ll son   I T
“ ,1 it
 1 it
i` b
, . . . · P
1 Q. Never Iaefore has our power   Just brute stre11gth w1tl1 a lot of the   S(
  played flue kind of lead role if l1igl1 tecI111ology equipment we have,  1 C]
1 has ln fltis wor. How do you eval- so women ca11 be used. The reason _ at
uofe flte mlllfury sfrufegy l·l•¤l· they haven’t been used more than tl1ey 1
has unfolded so fur? 1 l1ave is because Congress feels public 1 q.
1 . . , . ’
1 1 op1111on wouldn t support it. A11d so   U.
1 A. America is a high tech C()llllll`}’.   there’s a COllgl`€SSlOH2ll restriction { bi
1 Countries typically prefer to fight their   against using women i11 a11y situation i U
1 . ’ . . ` . 1 ` ` ‘ .
1 wars in a style compatible w1tl1 the daily 1 that could be called a combat ]ob. .
whe ol as. . . -   ·. . **1
,h:Il:¤r;;;;¤   life style of that SOCICI)/.‘l“()l` America,   l But, thereare those wl1o tl1111k this g O.
began asking 1 this means a high tech military capahil- 1 15 obsolete, left over from our earlier his- { q1
,‘:‘“°::;:: °:°';* 1 ity. It is true that aerial bombing has 1 tory, that those restrictions should be   q1
e e as . . . · . . . 1
u_s_ mm"'; 1 notldehyered the kind of conclusive   eliminated. There are other people who   rc
slrulegy und military results 111 the past that so111e of 1 sayjust the reverse, tl1at \V()Ill€ll CHI] do   U.
"’°"Pa"‘; ‘“‘;l "‘° the more e11tl111siastic air power fans 1 certain kinds of military tasks, but i11 i U.
e ee s ¤ wm- . . , . i
on me American have cla1med, but, here we have as1tt1a—   other respects theyre kill lIlCOIlV€— 1 in
psyche, they tion which may be made to order for   ntence, 111 the way, tl1ey C21l],t do things   zu
l3°:‘°‘l lg": 1 the sort of high tech weaponry of the l until provisions are made for them. s dj
n vers o 1 . . ’ . E 1 ‘
KeM“ky_ so dla   United States. Admittedly and obvious- 1 I So, you hear that debated both ways j (H
we. We are also 1 ly, if we’re going to be 111 l.ll1S war, we 1 111 Washington. But, we’re going to N
"°"‘l‘:"9 °_"* ll';   want to do it in such a way as to mini- find out. This war is kind ol` a research 1
OUP I IIIIIIII III 1 · . 1. . . . . . 1
swdems sup   tnize casualties and loss of life on our laboratory for testing notjust 11ew 1
lioned In the war   side. That means we wa11t to use high weapons, but for testing a lot of the Q
"“° ‘*’"l’ " "°9"' 1 tech capabilities in lieu of human be- changes in American society i11 a mili-
lar newsleller 1 . . . ./, - el
N umm bl, whom   ings tI we can, what llSC(l to be called tary context. For example, it s the first w
we have an 5 manpower. Not H121ll[)()WCI`ll] a gender war that’s come_ alo11g since A1nerica11’s gg
"'::';°“· I'; |"'°' se11se because one ofthe interesti11g quit using tobacco products in large   sl
¢ we e on . . . ‘ , L
In, ochber? To z things about this particular set of hos- numbers. It used to be ifyou were a sol-   In
edd an ulumnus tilities from tl1c U.S.y1ew1s that for the dter, they came 2l1`0Lll]Cl a11d gave you 1 PI
*° "‘° "‘“m"9 first time in the histor ` f` V ° " ·‘
_ . 1 . . y ol the U.S. we tec cigaicttcs.
list send lhenr . ` 1
' name and have very substantial numbers ofyoung 1 I can remember wl1e11 I was a young A_
, address to UK women who, 1f not at the front lines, are i Naval officer you got cigarettes in lots N
N°"°""l Al"""‘l cert·1i11lyin the combat tl1e·1ter i of` l' · * ` 1 · i 1 i
. . . .. 1 p aces. Thats 11ot the case any — d
Assoclullon . ‘ . = . . .. . . . ’ l
Lexanghnl KQ I \'\()l'll(fIl can do almost any ol the   longer. It s a different l{lD(l of war in   th
#$0506-6119. jobs the men can do. Smit don`t need 1 lots of ways, sort of` testing the new   bc
ti l{L'HllI(`l§\' .*\l\lll\l\ll\ Spring mt,]   SP

 I ’ I l _ -° ‘ F E A 'I' ll R E
  American life style against a very tradi- tinian problem and the basic driving
  tional adversary which doesn`t have a force behind terrorism will not really
II modern life st ile in manv res nects at be laid to rest until we have reached a Admlnl’"."v° s*"°m°'"
I I ’ I on the War
I' all. So that’s where we get back to your solution to tlte entafada (the struggle
  initial question — how will air power being waged by the Palestinians against A, · nm. wh"' ih. n-non
  work in this kind ofcontext? the Israeli government in the West Is at war, It ls Important te
I Geographical and environmental cir- , Bank — seeking political freedom.) |‘•|I\lllll ¤lll'¤•lV0$ of |ll•
. . . . I . .
cumstances favor tt, but with one provt- I If Saddam should be killed, what °rl°l°°d'l:°I"l:’ Tl ° ":l"""
sion, and that is of the weather. There would happen? Probably, Iraqi leader- S ly an ° an cu lie l °
_ , _ _ _ _ _ _ # , _ time-honored and humane
are times of the year when ttts very dtfft- ship will cotne to power that·wtll with- Prhdplos um, ch-ratio":.
cult to operate almost any kind of high draw from Kuwait and end this current university Ilte - even
tech equipment, notjust airplanes, but fighting phase of the war. ¤ll\l¢l$| il Il¤|’l¤ll¤l ¢l‘l$l$·
A something as simple as a rifle, because I How did he come to power? He came E’P°°l“"Y lll ““’ ""‘°
  ~ . I . _ _ . __ V _ _ I V ._ s _ _ the unlversity will make
  ; of the lngh wtnds and the blowing dust. ` to powet the same way his fout ptede- ovary °"°"_
  I This dust is not really sand. It`s so fine I cessors did —— by shooting the guy
P I that if you roll it between vour fingers I ahead of him. We`re talking vintage ui: ;‘::I::s:;: :2: :;r°:°°:I
. . , . . ’ . . ‘ e o a
‘ I tt s a little tnore like talcuntpowder, but I thug, here, sports. This IS not a guy members ai "IQ univenny
I tt has a very abrasive quality. If tt gets I who s a friendly, kindly, old buddy. ¢,mn“m||·y .. gfgdgnfsl ge".
_  blown in the bolt of your rifle, your rifle   First of all, Saddam came from a ulty and stall;
  probably isn’t going to work. It also ob- ° lower-middle class family. He was 2_ 1-, Prosorve me campus
I scures vision, and it’sjust a very diffi- brought up by an uncle who had been ag a place tor the free
cult situation in which to live and oper- I jailed by the British for fighting f`or •X¢l|¤¤§¢ ef NMIS lll |'l\•
I ate for any human beings. Iraqi independence and he came up in zrsl l""""°" °* d°'“°"'“'
Large parts ofthe s0—called empty the Baath party politics which is very “°u”°'
  quarter — in Saudi Arabia, ifyou pick _ rough and tumble. When he seized 3- '° '*'¤l“l'°l'* *°I°""'¢•
  up any tnap of`Saudi Arabia you’ll see a   power, he shot 2l of his closest associ- and '°’P°°I lu. an m°mh°"
i big chunk ri ‘ltt in tlte middle ofthe I ‘1l€S He had tnaneuvered for several oi the lmlversny cunmunnyl
I rv g _   ‘   . f i ‘ recognizing the sanctity ot
  country and there will be a label on tlte I years to gain power as tlte leader and ¤|| human nge, ",g."||,” ,g
 I map that says empty quarter — well, it   he shot those 21 associates simply so no race, creed, gender, religion
  ought to be called the empty three- I one would challenge him. He ltas been °" '"'"°"'l °"l!l"P
  quarters — because in about three-   brought up itt a very narrow frame- 4. To gentinuo the nqungl
I quarters ofthe country human beings   work. He has not had extensive inter- ¤¢l¤¢¤l’l•||¤l P!'•¢•$$ ll||'•¤Ql|
  really just cannot live. The demands of   national travel; he hasn`t even been to “'° '°°9°I°" m°°"”9 °l °I°“'
i the etivtt·¤tt¤tt»ttt are so i I ’ ‘ ‘¤ I B ' ‘ (`· ` ` ‘ D· · ‘ ‘ · l · l ' as and um scheduling °*
, . ( greatttat to tty I ett ut, JJIIO, ot amastus, t it ng educ-non-I and c°_cu"ku'-r
  to live there costs more than it’s worth   cities ofthe Arab world, let alone out to -¢"vl"·,' und,
I tn let ms of human misery, aggtavatton, i the \/\est to see xx h tt s going on. He had 5. Ib NWN, NI on and
.... . . . . p pp
 · and trying to survive. —— Wncwzt1)avzsz.v a fairly narrow view, a revolutionary ‘°un·•“ng hu, any"., °m°_
Y tiiwr/ang/`//tre l’a/tmsmt Salma! Q/'Diplomaqy and anti-imperialist view of world poli- |·|°n.||y ¤|{•¢|°.| by gh, wm-
  rmd lzttrtmalionril C0}72)7l{?)`(`l? and was a , tics. And that is what has driven him itself.
I Navy [zi/nt during {/Il? Vietnam l/Wu: against, in effect, the I/Vest and to play a U _d h I h_
II hattd that is very anti-Western and to I LI;Xf;°$,L:fg§m°;:®:,£a\:'\;°‘;;IlL’;g'°n’
I try to wrap himself in tlte flag ofthe Rgb€r,EgHem8nw5y Medicalcemer
I Q. Will the threat ol terrorism Palestinian issue and anti-imperialism. Chancellor pete, R Bosomworfhl and
end when the war does? . . . or, Now, why do people follow him? It’s Community College System Acting
with Saddam Hussein's demise not clear that they do follow him per Ch°'”°‘=`”°' Ben W· C0"-
I if that should happen. Explain se. In fact, by wrapping hintselfin this h b ' hl
Q S dd . . l . ._ V _ . Just ours e oro t s maga-
  a am Hussein to us - who ns Palestinian flag, this may be the most zh. wu", I. PN"' Fandom
EI he, what is he, and why do peo-   people he’s had behind him since he 3,,,-,, gum ,|,e|.".| . N,.
I ple follow him like they do? I took power. He has a lot of sympathy satlon ot hostilities. What
  I from the Palestinians who would go :° "'*;"°" ‘*""• *:12;*
A. The threat will diminish with the I with anyone who promised a resolution °·°' ul"' wl" un ° ng
. I . . ,. Is no loss Interesting to us
end of the war and certatttly be re- I to their problems. He has, in effect, now ul W. ',•.d ull, ln I,•|,_
` duced with Sadclam’s death, but the I seized upon this issue to try and keep I-°;P•q|, W. hg,. yu, ¤g.·•,_
I threat of l\tIiddle—Eastern terrorism is I himselfgoing. Although I think he's an — l.I·I, KJ
I born of the frustration over the Pales- I honest believer in it up to a point, it’s
  Spying 199] Kentucky .»\lutnnus 7

 clear he certainly didn’t invade Kuwait serving way using television t0 provide ` D
to hel the Palestinians. That was a information to each sides res ective cit-
P P l
Ile'; My Brother post-hocjustification. He’s a very prag- izens as well as attempting to influence [2
matic and foxy guy. —]o/m Stemple, Pal- public opinion. — Douglas A. Boyd is tt
"I'm slttln there ln the · · · · · A
9 lerson School rjlhplomazy and Interrlalzon- dean of the College of Commumcatzons. He p
mud'. °* um nigh, looking al Commerce is a former career di 1l0ma/ has lived and worked in the Middlelfr sl his
atthe'I'VandI'mthlnkIng _ _"` _ ’_ I ’_l ' `“ __   " al
ho umu hav, b°°n m. and wlth exten.s2veex]1e12en1’ezrzl/zeMzddleEa.sl. most recent vzszl bemgfrom December 27, g;
I could have been hInp,” 19901v]cmuarv 3, 1991. I C;
Kenny Walker told Mlke ; SI
I·\•PI¢¤» ¤ ¢°I¤¤‘I¤I|I I°' TM Q. Is television an insfrumenl I te
N°"°"°'° ui Imp, wanmng in the war‘·‘ Q Would ou ex Iain chemical l
TV thlnklng about Jerome. ° ' oy P , C