xt7w9g5gc10x https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7w9g5gc10x/data/mets.xml University of Kentucky Fayette County, Kentucky The Kentucky Kernel 1928-08-10  newspapers sn89058402 English  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel The Kentucky Kernel, August 10, 1928 text The Kentucky Kernel, August 10, 1928 1928 1928-08-10 2012 true xt7w9g5gc10x section xt7w9g5gc10x THE KENTUCKY KERNEL






VAfp t








Athletic Calendars

Dr. and Mrs. Wellington Patrick,
Men Will Report to of Lexington, were injured in an autoOpening
Coach Gamage
mobile accident noar "Mexico, Mo;.,
last week, according to word received
here, when the car in which they were
returning home from a visit to Mrs.
VARSITYiFOR MOST MEN Patrick's mother and sister in and
Mo., skidded off the road
Face Tough Schedule; Line Will was wrecked.
Dr. and Mrs. Patrick were taken
Make(or Break
to a hospital in Mexico where their
injuries were dressed. Both were
bruised about the face and head. Mrs.
Although most of us are still too Patrick, who was bruised considerbusy swatting: Iflies and worrying ably, is still in the hospital. They are
about'how tSikeep cool to think about expected to return to Lexington next
any preparations for next fall or win-te- Monday.
Harr'yGamsge, coach of the UniDr. Patrick is director of the extenversity football .team, spends all his sion department of the University,
time theee days; laying plans and secretary of the local chapter of the
"werkisg on preparations which will Izaak Whlton League of America,
determine the success or defeat of and secretary of the Lexington



w-j:- '


the University chapter of Alpha Delta Sigma, national advertising fra- ternity, the privilege of putting out
the football, basketball and baseball
blotters this year according to an
announcement made this week by S.
A. "Daddy" Boles, athletic director.
The blotters are put out each year
and are distributed free to all students. It is the size of the regular
desk blotter and besides advertisements of the merchants In the city
contains a complete schedule of the
games which the University teams
play during the year.
The football blotter will be dis
tributed about September 12 to fra- ternities and sororities and the dor-- !
Students wanting desk
blotters may calls at The Kernel office for them at that time.





sxr fall.
when he calls the squad
together en thefmorning of September 3 for their
drill Mr.
Gamage will feejfaced with 35 play- tkree-foBricrs
of whom will be
their fttet year on the var- silv.
udniin ue very iraiuuisut
, akMrt. the prefects of Kentucky's
eleven. But itwill take some hard


To Issue Calendars

The athletic department has given



0 Alpha Delta Sigma

Advertising Fraternity to Have
Charge of Putting Out of

Couple Are Badly Bruised When
Car Skids Off Road Near
Mexico, Missouri



KY, AUGUST 10, 1928


in Wreck



Dr. and Mrs. Patrick










Dr. Funkhouser and Prof. Webb
Will Excavate Supposed Indian Mounds in Todd County
in Search of Relics.

McVey Announces
Withdrawal of Dr. J. E. Rush
'wark, for they wnll face the toughest
and Mr. D. S. Ross, Both of
schedule whfeWWildcat teams for
Hygiene Department.
the past ten
have had to face.


Event Begins September 18 and
Continues for Five

Program Consists of Examinations and Lectures by
Faculty Members

Freshman week will begin at the
University on September 13 and will
continue for five days, according to an
outlined program which will include
physical examination, registration,
location of rooms, entrance examinations, and other forms of training
which will familiarize the students
with University life, according to an
announcement made this week by
Prof. C. R. Melcher, dean of men. Attendance is compulsory.
All freshmen must report at 9 o'clock on the opening day, the women
at White hall and the men at the
Men's gymnasium, where they will be
divided into sections and given headquarters for the week. They will be
under the direction of faculty and
student leaders who will instruct
them in the program.
Beginning the second day and continuing for the remainder of the week,
lectures will be given on the organization, the marking system, learning
how to study and University rules
and regulations.
The regular time for freshman
classification is Monday, September
17, from 8 to 12 o'clock. All freshmen are required to attend freshman
week activities and those reporting
late are subject to an extra, fee.
The faculty committee in charge of
freshman week includes Prof. J. E.
Adams, Sarah Blanding, Prof. W. E.
Freeman, Prof. E. J. Horlacher and

Dr. W. D. Funkhouser, dean of the
Graduate School and professor of
zoology, and Prof. W. S. Webb., head
of the physics department of the University, will leave August 20 for their
annual summer exploring trip to excavate Indian mounds and search for
Indian relics. This summer they plan
to worki in Todd county close to the
Tennessee line.
Dr. Funkhouser and Prof. Webb, in
passing through the region some time
ago, observed what they believed to
be a large number of Indian mounds
and permission from county authorities has been secured to excavate Dean Melcher.
TT:e!f,r f WWc.
there. Dr. Funkhouser believes that
IV1. nU
these mounds may prove to contain
burgh, and holds degrees of S. B.,
School Officials
evidences of a people who possessed a
C. P. H. and M. D.
Another member of the faculty who ' is good at the University.
fessor of ancient and modern lan- very rare culture, traces of which
Will Convene
Dr. Rush jhad been employed as
is "on the job" for the summer ses- Dean Melcher was born in Vevay, guages at Hanover College. In 1907 have been reported found in Tennesinstructor of biology and public health
KenC. K. Melcher,
of John
April 7,
see and states farther south but University High Scheel Will Be
at the Massachusetts Institute of sion isMelcher's office isdean the men. Ind., Elizabeth 18G3, the son 1885 he he came to the University of
first and
which has not yet been .discovered in
instructor of bacteriol- Dean
Host to 30 Counties at
Melcher is chairman of chapel Kentucky.
University of Wisconsin at floor of the Administrative building. was graduated from Hanover College
ogy at the
open all day and he in-- 1 with an A. B. degree. During the
His office is
"This culture," Dr. Funkhouser
chairman of student social
Madison, Wis., assistant professor of
a" varsity schedule.
biology and public health at the Car vites all men students to bring thejr year following his graduation from affairs, member of the student counuys, .a Uuihwhi oy mounus
The University High School will be
Coach GamtiKp does not expect to
Hanover he served as principal of the cil, member of the rules committee, wiat contain ounai piw in wnicn
anu .. problems to him.
members' and of- JM74 sua. a Jiard" time finding men - to neEe insuune oi lecnnoiogy
Twenty years ago Dean Melcher high school in Vevay, the city of his
. v"
sistntii-- . nrnfpssor and in eharere of
the committee of scholarship and at uuu.C3 w
of high Schools rf 3 .KeHlBCky
n.iw li a. iii iprr nv trlllatlnp i sanitary engineering at the Carnegie came to the University as instruc- - birth. In 1886 he went abroad toJ tendance;. Ihe.
preserved ih urns
although the qual- counties who will meet in Lexingtoa,
During I study, attending tlje, .umverUieSf
. tor of modern languages.
In order to excavate this type of Saturday, August 25, for a high
mmee, anu ui uie sucuu nygiene comwil be a big Institute prevjous tocoming hereiv S.
tjirefi yeavs
He is a .fellow of the American
mound it will be necessary to re school conference mder the supermittee. Among the
- til the team gets under
advanced from the position of teach later returned to accept the positiaA
of which he is a member move all dirt from the base and make vision of the state department of edr f . tff the master coach will Public Health Association and also of er through that of assistant profes of superintendent, of schools at
Kentucky Academy of Sci- excavations below the sides of th ucation.
Carey Spicer, the American Medical Association.
Ky., and served in that ca- are the
Mr. D. S. Ross, sor, associate professor, professor,
UniThe resignation of
mounds, Drt Funkhouser says.
Tony Gentile, with
Six other similar conferences will
finally to the position of dean of pacity until 1895 when he decided to ence, Educational Association of
also of the hygiene department, was and
According to Dr. Funkhouser some be held throughout the state during
versity Professors, the Modern LanT.ne first two .named being the best made known at the same time by men, serving under four executives attend the University of Louisville.
mounds are from 20 to 30 feet the period of August 21 to August '30,
of America, and
Although these He was graduated from that institu- guage Association the Deans of Men, of the and it will be necessary to embets. Treiber has been training like President McVey. Mr. Ross has been of the University.
Conference of
the state authorities have announced.
a Trojan since he made his appear-onc- e employed at the University for the years of rapid movement by the Uni- tion with the degree of LL. B. and thewhich he is president.
ploy men with teams of horses to do
The visiting educators will hear J.
for spring football last year and last three years as hygiene instructor. versity have imposed new and in- attended the University of Chicago
the work.
B. Holloway, supervisor of secondary
1900-0Dean Melcher is a member of the
During the
Mr. Ross was undergraduate assis creased duties on Dean Melcher, he during the years
schools, speak on "Suggestions on the
Depends on Dees
Massachusetts Institute of has never been too busy to be a friend years that followed Mr. Melcher was Presbyterian church, of Delta Tau
Technique of Teaching." Mark Good
Captain Clair Dees, provided one of ,j jantw the and later assistant m- - of the students, interested in all their principal of Reynolds Presbyterian Delta social' fraternity, and of the
win will deliver an address on "Ira- i, ihe sophomore I centers doesn t come 'structor there before coming to the activities, and a promoter of all that Academy, at Albany. Texas, and pro Masonic lodge.
''provements of Teaching," and anoth
tlirOUgll, Will .Be ucjjuiucu
university, ne noma a d.
oo; tfe?
er on "Supervision by the Principal."
fim Bates College, Louistown, Me.
Former Wildcat Star Accepts The following counties will be repChicago
Doctor Noe
Position With Ashland
Clair weighs 190
resented at the conference here: Ancapably.
of it
High School
derson, Bath, Bourbon, Boyle, Casey,
Campus Book
On Simple
pounds- - Pete Drury, ot Lxingion,
tipping the scales at around 200,
McVey Paul JJenkins, of Louisville, who Clinton, Fayette, Fleming, Jessamine,
Lions Club Goods Amounting to Approxi
Garrard, Harrison, Henry,
should have little trouble making the
was graduated from the University Lincoln, Madison, Mas6fl, Menifee,
jrade on the other side of the line.
35U Are
Railway Team
Dr. J. T. C. Noe, poet laureate of
Dr. Frank L. McVey, president of in June with the class of 1928, has Mercer, McCreary, Morgan, Mont'There are also "Bull" Brown, from Defeats Southern
and Stands in Line for
the University, was the guest of hon been appointed football and track gomery, Nicholas, Pulaski, Robertson,
Kentucky and professor of education
League Honors
Ashland high school for next Rockcastle, Russell, Scott, Shelby,
ft lot Evansviue; urvai xowacK, raua,
at the University, entertained the The Campus book store, iocated in or at a luncheon he left him on the year, at was
Chicago by
Saturday before
announced this week by Wayne and Woodford.
J ill., who will come in for their share
Lexington Lions club at its weekly the Men's gymnasium, was broken the alumni of the University who live James Anderson, head coach of AshIn what proved to be one of the
ot 8e vvock ui uiumc.
Tuesday night and goods there., Dr. McVey taught at the
at the Lafayette amounting
thp xrention of Tom Wal- - most skillfully played games of the luncheon-meetin- g
land teams.
to approximately $350 Chicago University summer session.
O. B.
Jenkins was an outstanding athlete
rten will make summer, the Men's Dormitory dia- hotel Wednesday.
were taken. According to a report
University alumni who attended in football and basketball during his
for the guard positions. mond baseball team defeated the
tttoir bds
Dr. Noe spoke on the sound and made to the police, the thieves took
Candidates include Joe Thompson, Southern Railway team on Stoll Field simple philosophies of life which he $300 worth of fountain pens,six box the luncheon were: J. W. Carnahan college career, .winning letters in both
'90, V. R. Allen '97, E. C. Wurtele '03, fields. He was a unanimous choice
"Happy' Forquer, Max Colker, E. L. Tuesday afternoon by the score of
es of candy, $1.75 in pennies, a brief
C. H. Gullion '04, Max W. Powell '05,
The Southern team at present said were, "respect otfier people's jobs
Rilr, Henry Hayne, J. W. Chapman
case worth $9 and some pencils, mints F. M. Lawson '07, W. J. Dean '08, R. for an one season. basketball team
Riley and For-- ? lis tied for the championship of the and rights, be interested in your own
Dr. Oscar Bernard Jesness, of the
Last year he
and A W. Lowry.
and chewing gum.
H. Guerrant '08, M. J. Frankel '10, played quarterback on the Wildcat College of Agriculture of the Univerquer weigh 200 pounds and the fact City Twilight League, and the Dormi work, be happy in your life and life
Entrance to the building was gain A. H. Colbert '13, C. H. D. Osborn '13, football team and distinguished him- sity, has accepted an appointment as
that they did yeoman service on the tory aggregation has proven to be work and cultivate the love of read- ed by reaching through1 a broken
Kitten eleven last fall will ma'ke them the strongest outfit in the city, by ing which will prove a source of great glass in a window and turning a lock. J. R. Watkins '15, W, F. Woodson '14, self in many of the most important chief of farm management and agri'
Wolfe '10, S M. Spears '22; L. games on the Blue and White sched cultural economics, recently combined
the favorites to cop the varsity berths winning all of its eleven. games play happiness."
This is the third of a series of cal Julius
He interspersed his remarks on
ed this season most of which have
R. Burroughs '24, S. M. Cassidy '25, ule. Before entering the University into a single division, of the Univerthifc season
Lauderdale, Fla., been with some of the strongest con- - these subjects with several original amities that the book store has mejt D. S. Sample '25, and H. P. Ramey.
?;uii Allen, of Ft.
Jenkins was a star athlete at the sity of Minnesota. He succeeds Dr.
with during the summer. It was the
Manual Training high John D. Black, who resigned to acsems the oest oet ior we cemer jou. tenuers ior me cuy uiamona ball poems, including the familiar and victim of two floods during the early There are .85 alumni of the Univer- Louisville
cept a position at Harvard.
popular "Tip Sams."
Len Miller has decided that his set of championship. '
part of the season, the loss from the sity residing in Chicago.
.Dr. Jesness, who was head of the
bad knees won't allow him to do jus first flood being considerably more
department of markets and rural finaloe to a backfield job, ana he is going
than the loss from the second inunda. make a try for a berth in the mid
ance of the experiment station, had
been at the University since 1920 but
A? of the line. Miller is a heady ball
a year ago was granted a leave of
&tyer and with good luck he may be
absence bysthe board of trustees to
the rlgh boy for the job which carries
study at the University of Minnesota.
quite a bit of responsibility.
Two Day
Dr. Jesness was born at Morris,
Portwood Better Than Ever
Minn., in 1889, and was reared on a
Alfred Portwood, Midway's quart
ling and
(By Martin R. Glenn)
There are many ways of travel by his "mates," as only one man is reacross Stoll farm near that place. He received
on the gridiron, will
of nitroglycerine
field daily in an effort to put them- the degree of bachelor of science at
Seventeen teachers of vocational
bo back for his final filing with the which one may encircle the globe but quired on vessels carrying 50 or less
August is usually the warmest
in their total crew. On the S. S. Wil agriculture
Wildcat and, like Man o' War run- - one of the most interesting
central Kentucky month of the year and August, 1928 selves in the peak of physical condi the University of Minnesota in 1912
ning against selling platers, he's a itable ways is to be employed and re- liam H. Doheny the crew numbered schools, eleven of them accompanied is running true to form. The humid- tion so that they will be "rairin to and was an assistant in the College of
go when Coach damage sounds the Agriculture there in 1914 and 1915,
ceive a stipend. Travel is a great less than 50 and only one operator by student judging teams, took a
100 to 1 shot to win a job in the
ity is so great that we who are tryIn spring practice Al was a education and few realize this more was required. That being the case two day course in livestock judging ing to capture the elusive bubble call for the initial workout next doing graduate work in economics.
In 1915 he joined the bureau of marvoritabie whirlwind, a much better than Lee R. Penn, of Lexington, a the operator's time is so proportioned at the experiment station of the Uni- knowledge cannot study or pause to month.
It is this courage and fighting spir- kets of the United States department
broken field runner, a much harder graduate of the College of Engineer that all the weather reports, time sig versity on Monday and Tuesday of think without picturing a mirdge of
hydrographic information, press this week.
it that is expected to carry the Wild- of agriculture and in 1920 came here.
runnel than was the case last fall. Al ing in the class of '27. Mr. Penn has nals,
shady valleys, babbling brooks and
the most successful
He will begin his new duties SepG. Ivan Barnes, state director of cool drinks. The mercury approaches cats through
i is as co3 a line plunger as one will just returned from the "briny deep" dispatches and stock market reports
McElroy, on the steamship William H. Doheny, can be received and still allow ample vocational agriculture at
fiiid anywhere, and with
Frankfort, the apex of the thermometer tube; season that a Kentucky team has ex- tember 1.
The operator must
perienced for several years. The big
when two yards of the Pan American Petroleum and time for rest.
S .good t or two yards
F. G. Burd, of the same depart- celluloid collars lose their dignified
possible and
ie neled, in the backfield, selecting Transport board this New York City. gather all the information anu ap- ment, were in general charge of the appearance and become crumpled Kentucky team may no't annex any
While on
boat Penn was about wrecks, direlecks,
this season but it will annex the
Will let his worries divert
visitors. The purpose of the course masses of
and camphor, titles
reputation of being the hardest fightand another halfback, employed by the Radio Marine Cor- proaching storms, but this is such an was to give high school teachers lesHolds
a fluarter-bac- k
and our blood literally boils at the ing aggregation of Wildcats that ever
will be given a chance to show poration of America as radio opera- easy routine that very little time is sons in training judging teams, or
very mention of football.
stepped on a football field.
ware at quarter, while the other tor and he has been kind enough to required. The press dispatches are the teams themselves, in preparation
But not so with those gridiron
For years Kentucky has placed a
j&ition is a toss-u- p between four or relate some of his experiences which gathered from many different sources for the state-wid- e
judging contest to
to very light team on the field and each
The University chapter of Kappa
c nier, notably Will Ed Coyington, may prove of interest to Kernel read- and then compiled at the end of each be held at the Kentucky State Fair in gladiators who are determined
win a place on the varsity eleven this year she has born the brunt of de- Delta Pi, national honorary educaday and distributed to the dining the fall. The best beef cattle judging
'Swede' Johnson, Warner Ford and ers.
fall and place Kentucky on the ath- feat after defeat. But she did so tional fraternity, held initiation servcrew
The S. S. William H. Doheny is a rooms where the members of the
Juke fiienston.
team will win a free trip to the AmerWill E1 Covington will be depended very large "gas tanker" engaged in may read them. Some of these news ican Royal Livestock Exposition in letic map. The rise of the mercury in true Kentucky style. This year, ices for fourteen candidates last
goes unheeded by them and celluloid however, the team is much heavier Thursday afternoon at the Lafayette
and domestic cargoes, more items are taken from the air in tele Kansas City, Mo., and the
on to do the punting, although
best dairy
who has been trying his toe for specifically carrying naptha and gas- graphic code and others are verbal cattle judging team a trip to the Na- collars are the least of their worries and it is certain that we will not suf- hotel at the conclusion of the summer
oline, better known to the men on via some radio broadcasting station tional Dairy Exposition in Memphis, Their blood boils at the mention of fer the usual number of humiliations session luncheon.
quit a while, may come through.
football but the heat supply is de of former days. A group of smashJ. S. Mitchell, president of the local
board as "static hell" because of the which may be near the steamer's loca Tenn.
A fall list of candidates follows:
rived from a different source from
inflamable qualities of such a cargo. tion.
Profs. E. S. Good, Fordyce Ely, E. that which causes our blood to reach ing, crashing, fighting Wildcats with chapter, was in charge of the servmore nerve and courage than Tom ices, assisted by Miss Hazel Chatfield,
Naptha is carried principally to our
It is the practice among the Amer- J. Wilford. W. J. Harris and Harold
Weight Home Town
To them Heeney, will be Kentucky's contribu- A. W. Glasgow, J. T. Sweeney, Howsuch a high temperature.
neighbors on the other side of the ican ships to send out the local wea- Barber conducted the course.
George ;Trieber....l75 Lexington.
is cooling and tion to the sport of sports this fall. ard W. Barkhou H. H. Mills, C. T.
the word "football"
"Western Ocean" where it is sold as ther report at least once a day and as
165 Lexington.
Care? Spfcer
refreshing, to them it is the adventur
Such a spirit is commendable and Canton, R. S. Rudolph, Mrs. N. T.
petrol. The Doheny's cargo capacity many times thereafter as is request
JL. T. Bnughm'n 178 Stanford, Ky.
ous, thrilling and romantic call to is worthy of the support of the entire Hobbs and Mrs. May Duncan.
3,400.000 gallons, which is enough ed by ships approaching the location
ny Qsntile
.165 WilI'st'n,W.Va. it
S. Taylor, of the College battle.
vessel broadcasting. And by
gasoline to run 12,000 cars a month of the
student body. Win or lose, the Wild
Those who were initiated were: P.
using 10 gallons a day.
this means a very exact weather fore of Education, returned Wednesday
And so, while old Sol bears down cats will maintain their courageous H. Hokkins, C. J. Petril, W. F. Jones.
190 Oblong, III.
On board the steamships of the cast can be predicted on each vessel from Little Rock, Ark., where he Tield with all the heat and energy that he and undaunted fighting spirit, which H. G. Burnette, L. G. Schultz, Emma
190 Lexington.
a conference with the state depart- Has stored up for the past eleven is typical of, Kentucky sportsman- Roswell, Mary Crary Craft. Lula
American Merchant Marine the radio of the entire route.
Pete Mltury
190 Mexico City.
' (Bull BrUwn
Medical aid is availablle through ment of education on problems, of months, a handful of blue, and white ship. Win or lose, the entire student Hearn, Emma McChesney, Jessamin
operator may be called out at any
secondary education and on planning warriors, stripped to the waist and body should support them by cheer Mahin, Elizabeth Campbell, Alice E.
hours of
time during the twenty-fou- r
C fOontinued or Paee Four)
(Continued on Page Four)
of curricula in their teachers' cojlege. perspiring freely, go running, hurd ing, and urging them on to victory.
the day by the master of the ship or
Watkins and Mrs, Lucille Chanslor.


appearances the famous

"ptwiy" bcchhtSdj so prominent last
semen, will Have disappeared, al- . though
the diaS in this department
is below lite standard set by the Wildcat ball carmrgflnd interference run- xifcrs of last
AH TIpmimis on Line
ine wuucatNne win euner muite
or urc&K l He
mis coming season. Gamage. eSpects to have enough
good material, "io put a
front wall onthtj ;gridiron, which will
make anybody sit up and take notice,
Tlu nly trwibVseems to be that his
WC cvtl,WUU nf P.f rrn
ry, Clair Dees and possibly Tom Wal
tors, wiH be composed of sophomore
players, who ennot be expected to
l make any great showing, at least in
the early pert of the season. Fresh
ly' man stars often fall down on the var- aity because it takes them so long to
became "acclimated" to the strain of





President Frank L. McVey yesterday made public the announcement of
the resignation of Dr. J. E. Rush, director of the University dispensary
and professor of hygiene, which was
tendered the board of trustees under
date of July 1G and passed on at their
regular meeting, July 28.
Dr. Rush has been at the University for the past four years, coming
here from the Carnegie Institute of
Technology at Pittsburgh, Penn. He
graduate of the Massachusetts
Mass., New york University 7 New















hole-fille- rs




Paul Jenkins
Coaching Position!



".batotokem Dormitory

Wins Eleventh

Life to

Rules of

Break Into

Luncheon in Honor
Pres. F.L.


Accepts Position at
of Minnesota

University Graduate Tells of
Interesting Experiences Abroad

Seventeen Teachers

Sans Hot Rays Fail

U. K. Athletes Who Train Daily



back-ftalr- i-




'- -

Kappa Delta Pi
For Fourteen




The Kentucky Kernel




(After the Chinese)

Melvina Heavenridge

The 'clouds today
Are Chinese pagodas.
One is a mandarin
On a golden throne;
One is warrior
With a sword of flame;
One is a lady
In a gown of blue,
And another crowns
The summit of Fuji.

Ellen Minihan


Martin R. Glenn
Margaret Conlon



Fred Conn
Assts.: Martin Wilson Stella Spiceri

Don Grote

Double Bill

is old;


Time is old;
The earth is old;
The stars are old,
But the moon is young
The moon is a goddess
I saw her on Fuji;
I saw her lift
The silken draperies
Of morning.
The morning star
Is her spirit.
I saw him on Fuji.
He fled at the first
Flush of dawn.
Confucius is old;
Time is old;
The earth is old;
The stars are old.
But the morning star
And the moon goddess
Are young on Fuji.

A college professor made the remark to ftne of his classes in the
summer school at Ohio State University the other day that he notices
a marked deterioration in the mental capacity of young people of
college-studeage since he first began to come in contact with them
He said they seem unable to concentrate their
some 25 years ago.
minds as they used to. What they seem to learn new, he said, they
In short, they do not think, says an exchange.
acquire parrot-likWe asked a high school teacher of long and. successful experience
if this is true. She said it undoubtedly is. Both she and the college
professor attribute the unpromising status of boys and girls to too
There are too many different things
much scattering of interest.
for them to do, their attention is constantly being diverted from one
thing to another and the result is that they cannot" fix their minds on.
anything and consequently do nothing well
Not only do they have a wide diversity of amusements, but the
school curriculum itself is given over in large measure to a wide varistudies which by the fartherest stretch of the imaginaety of
tion cannot be considered vital or fundamental
A return to simpler courses in school and to simpler living outside
is needed, in the view of our college professor and our high school



My love is an eagle.
He soars in the clouds;
He rides on the winds;
He walks over oceans


Benjamin F. Bledsoe, of California, says that any man who can
answer "yes" to every one of the following questions without doing
violence to his conscience, is entitled to be considered an educated man,
whether he has ever seen the inside of a college or not; and we are
Here are the questions look them over.
inclined to agree with him.
Has your education made you public spirited?
Has it made you a brother of the weak?
Have you learned how to make friends and keep them?
Do you know what it is to be a friend yourself?
Can you look an honest man or a pure woman in the eye ?
Do you see anything to love in a little child?
Will a lonely dog follow you on the street?
Are you good for anything yourself?
Can you be happy alone?
Can you look out on the world and see anything but dollars
and cents?
Can you look into a mud puddle by the way and see a clear sky ?
Can you see anything in the puddle but mud?
Can you look into the sky at night and see beyond the stars ?
There you are. Can you answer "yes" to all of them or to any
of them?

Education Class Finds Study

Of Superstitions


Among the interesting subjects tions of the character of the people
being studied at the University this 'from the localities in which they are
summer there is one of especial inter-- . prevalent.
Perhaps it will be of interest to the
est being conducted in the College of
Education by Dr. Jesse E. Adams, rest of the student body to glance
professor of education, in which the over the following list and see how
students are investigating current many of them are common in their
part of the state. The list includes
While there are hundreds of super- 31 superstitions which are not so
as some, gleaned from
stitions common to all peoples, all
by members of
climes, and all nations, the class has 200 or more submitted
found that many of them are identi- Dr. Adams class.
Cut your nails on Sunday and the
cal and many vary with climate, location, civilization, and the degree of devil will get you.
A wish made on a load of hay will
culture. Some can be traced to remote times, some that are current come true.
merely modernized versions
now are
Sleep with your head toward the
of old forms, a large number are gen- north and catch cold.
erally known, while others are peculiar
Turn over a chair and you won't
to certain sections of the country marry that year.
and particular localities in different
Singing before breakfast brings
bad luck.
In tracing and studying these many
Dreams told before breakfast will
and varied forms of superstitions the come true.
class has found them not only interCarrying a potato on your person
esting in themselves but as indica- n

With giant strides.
My love is an eagle;
He light on the peaks
Of pagodas;
He flies to the sun
Of mornings;
He strides to the west
Of evenings.
My love is an eagle;
He flies to my window
Virgil Leon Sturgill.
will cure rheumatism.

Any garment worn inside out will
bring good luck.