xt7w6m335d8w https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7w6m335d8w/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Teachers Association  The Kentucky Teachers Association 1956-04 journals  English The Kentucky Teachers Association   Kentucky Negro Educational Association Journal African Americans -- Education -- Kentucky -- Periodicals Official Program- Kentucky Negro Education Association 80th Annual Session, April 1956 text This publication is held at Kentucky State University Library. Official Program- Kentucky Negro Education Association 80th Annual Session, April 1956 1956 1956-04 2021 true xt7w6m335d8w section xt7w6m335d8w < OFFICIAL PROGRAM



80th Annual Session


' Z ‘ Louisville, Kentucky — April 11, 12, 13, 1956

"‘An Equal Opportunity for Every Kentucky Child ”



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E. H. Speckman, R. H. West.
President Executive V.P. and Secretary














Dr. E. T. Buford

Dr. Iohn W. Davis is a native of Georgia
and received his college training at More—
house College in Atlanta, Georgia, where
‘he received his AB. degree. He later re—
. ceiived the AM. degree from Atlanta Uni-
versity, In addition, Dr. Davis did graduate
work at the University of Chicago.

In 1931, he was honored by having con-
ferred upon him the degree, D.L'itt., from
the State College at Orangeburg, S. Car-
olina. He has received since that time the
degree L.L.D. from the following schools:
Wilberforce University in 1939; Howard
University in 1940; Virginia State College
and Morgan State College in 1952; and
from Harvard University in 1953.

Dr. Davis is best known for his develop-
ment of West Virginia State College where
he served as president for many years.

After becoming President Emeritus of
West Virginia State College, he was
chosen as U. S. Director in Education and
Technical Administration in Monrovia, and
Liberia, where he served for two years.

Since 1953, Dr. Davis has served on
many national advisory committees for
the Federal government. At present, Dr.
Davis is employed by the NAACP. Legal
Educational Fund, Inc.

Dr. Davis will be the guest speaker at
the opening general session of the K.T.A.
Convention on Wednesday night, April 12,
1956, at 8:00 PM.

One of the most modern schools in Ken-
tucky has been recently erected in Bowl—
ing Green, Kentucky, to mainly serve the
Negro youth of that city. Dr. Buford is the
very progressive principal of this school,
the High Street School,

Dr. Buford received his AB. from Fisk
University, did graduate work at North
Western and received his MS. from Indi-
ciia University. After becoming interested
in the ministry and being assigned as a
pastor in the AME. church, Wilberforce
University of Ohio, conferred upon him
the L.L.D. degree.

Dr. Buford has served as president of
the third district teachers' association,
chairman of the Principals conference of
{he K.N.E.A., chairman of the High School
Department of the K.N.E.A., director of the
K.N.E.A. and vice—president of the K.N.E.A.

At the 1955 Convention of the K.T.A., Dr.
Buford was elected as president. At the
same meeting he was awarded the Lin-
coln Foundation award for outstanding
service in education.

He is to deliver the President's annual
address at the Wednesday, April 11, 1956,
9:00 PM. opening general session of the
Kentucky Teachers' Association.


Dr. John W. Davis




















‘Who is Who on Convention Program










Supt. Verne P. Horne

Mr. Wayne Ratliff is a native of Floyd
County and received his elementary
education in the public schools of that
county. He is a graduate of the Knott
County High School and Caney Iunior
College He received his AB. degree at
Tusculum College. After studying at More-
head College, he entered the University of
Kentucky at which institution he studied
law and later received the Master of Arts
degree in education.

Mr. Ratliff was for eighteen years the
principal of the Consolidated school at
Wheelrig'ht, Kentucky, and became re-
cognized as one of Kentucky's most out-
standing principals because of the modern
educational practices he introduced.

Mr. Ratliff is now the educational super-
visor of the Floyd County Schools. He is
a member of the NBA, K.E,A., Floyd
County Education Association, President
of the Floyd County Twenty Year Club, a
member of the Kiwanis Club, and several
educational fraternities.

He is to be a speaker on the "KEA-
K.T.A. Panel" at the general session of the
fill-51A. on Thursday, April 12, 1956, at 2:00

P595 TWO

Mr. Horne has had a wide experience
as a teacher at all levels of education in
the State of Kentucky. He attended the
University of Kentucky from Which institu-
tion he received an AB, Degree He fol-
lO'Wed this by attending the University of
Cincinnati where he received the Master
of Arts Degree. He is the present Superin-
indent of .the lohnson County Public

Supt, Home is an active member of the
Kentucky Education Association and has
served as a member of its Board of Direc—
:ors since 1951. He is also a past president
of the Eastern Kentucky Education Asso-
ciation. He was a candidate for the office
of Superintendent of Public Instruction for
Kentucky on the Republican ticket in the
recent 1956 election,

He is a recognized leader in education
and civic affairs. He has, in particular,
shown a special interest in the program
of the Kentucky Teachers Association.

Supt, Home is to be a member of a
panel on the ”Future of the K.T.A. and
K.E.A.” at the Thursday, April 12, 1956,
2:00 PM. general session of the K.T.A.


Mr. Wayne Ratliff




Miss Grace Champion

Mrs. Capers received her early educa-
tion in the public schools of Cleveland,
Ohio, and is a graduate of Western Miss—
ouri University where she received a BS.
degree in education. She later was a
teacher in the elementary and high
schools of Cleveland, Ohio, She then at-
tended the Cleveland Law School where
she received the LLB, degree; and from
that time on, she has given her best inter—
ests to the improvement of civil rights of
our Negro population She entered politics
in 1941, working in the llth Ward of her
city. She was elected as city councilman
in 1949 and was the first Negro woman
ever to be elected to the city council of
Cleveland, Ohio. She has since been
elected in 1951, 1953, and 1955~—‘her fourth
term. She now serves as vice-chairman of
the Welfare and City Planning Committee.

Mrs. Capers is noted for her investiga—
tion of conditions involving racial discrim-
ination and job assignments for Negroes
in the institutions in Cleveland Mrs.
Capers is especially interested in the
community recreation for children and has
been active in organizing a settlement for
boys and girls in her city and in the pro—
grams of the Y.M.C.A. and Y.W.C.A. Mrs.
Capers is a member of Delta Sigma sor—
ority and will be the guest speaker on the
Kentucky Teachers Association program
on Thursday, April 12, 1956, at 8:30 PM.

Miss Grace Champion is a former teach—
er at Jacob, Parkland, Morris and Prentice
Elementary Schools of Louisville, Ken—
tucky. Miss Champion was a teacher
above the average and later was named
as General Supervisor in the New Albany
Public Schools where she remained from
1943 to 1950.

She then joined the faculty of George
Peabody College for Teachers. She also
served on the staff at Teachers College,
Columbia University as supervisor of
teaching in the New York City Schools.
She returned to Peabody last year and
has completed most of the requirements
for her doctor of philosophy degree. She
has her AB. and MA. degrees from East-
ern Kentucky State College.

Miss Champion is to address the Ken-
tucky Teachers' Association at a public
session of the K.T.A. Secondary Teacher;
on Thursday, April 12, at 3:30 PM. in the
auditorium of Central High School.


Attorney Iecm Murrell Capers












Who is Who on Convention Program



Dr. Robert E. Martin

Dr. Bowen is a native of Oklahoma and
received his AB. degree from Wilberforce
University. He then attended Ohio State
University from which he received the
MA. degree After this he became a Gen-
eral Education Fellow at Columbia Univ—
ersity Teachers' College. And later earned
the PhD. degree from Ohio State Univer-

He has served as Dean of Men and Di-
reoior oi Szudent Personnel at Langston
University in Oklahoma. He served in
various educational capacities at several
leading Universities. He is at present
Chairman of the School of Education at
the Tennessee Agricultural and Industrial
State College at Nashville and Director of
Teacher Education and Certification.

Dr. Bowen has contributed to many
educational publications and journals in-
cluding Scnoui and Soc1ety and the Journ-
of Negro Education. He is a member of
the American Association of School Ad-
ministration and a member of other pro-
fessonal organizations. He is a noted
scholar and dynamic speaker.

He is to be the guest speaker at the Fri—
day, April 13, 1956, 10:00 A.M. session of
the K.T.A. in the Central High School
AuditorLum. He will also make appropri—
ate remarks at the Principals' Luncheon
meeting at noon on the same date injthe
Central High School Cafeteria.


Dr. Robent R. Martin, now State Super—
intendent of Public Instruction for Ken-
tucky, is a native of Kentucky having been
born in Lincoln County. He finished the
elementary schools of that county and
graduated from the Stanford High School.
He later served as a teacher, coach and
principal in the elementary, junior and
senior high schools in Mason and Lee

He attended Eastern Kentucky State
College where he received an AB degree
and later earned a MA degree at the
Lniversity of Kentucky.

He came to the State Department oi
Education at Frankfort as an Auditor in
1948. He later took a leave of absence and
aiended Teachers' College Columbia
University, where he received a Doctorate
degree in 1951. At Columbia University
he was Resident Assistant to Dr. Paul
Mari, noted authority in school finance.
Dr. Marlin has served as Director of Fin—
ance and other capacities in the State De-
partment of Education. He is highly qual-
ified to fill the position to which he was
elected in November, 1956. Dr. Martin is
io address the KTA at the Friday after—
noon general session, April 13, in the
Central High School Auditorium.


Dr. Hilliard A. Bowen


1955-56 OFFICERS

President, E. T. Buford, Bowling Green, Ky.
lst Vice—President, Mrs. Theda Van Lowe, Lexington, Ky.
2nd Vice—President G. V. Curry, Ienkins, Ky.
Secretary-Treasurer, Anita W. Robinson, Louisville, Ky.
Assistant Secretary, Robert S. Lawery, Louisville, Ky.
Historian Alice D. Samuels, Frankfort, Ky.

Board of Directors
E. T. Buford, President, Bowling Green, Ky.
I. A. Carroll, Lincoln Ridge, Ky. E. W. Whiteside, Paducah Ky.
C. B. Nucholls, Ashland, Ky. H. C. Mathis, Drakesboro, Ky.
Atwood S. Wilson, Louisville, Consultant


First, A. W. Green, Hickman Second, Mr. H. E. Goodloe, Owensboro
Third, H. H. Gumm, Franklin Fourth, Mr. I. V. Robinson, Elizabethtown
Fifth, L. L. Spradling, Eminence Bluegrass, Mrs. Clara W. Taylor, Lexington

Sixth, Mrs. Emma I. Oglesby, Covington Upper Cumberland, Mrs. Geneva Coleman, Lynch
Eastern, G. V. Curry, Ienkins


1. Legislative: Pres. R. B. Atwood, Frankfort, Room 102

2. Resolutions: Prof. H. E. Goodloe, Owensboro, Room 103

3. Vocational Education: Prof. M. W. Taylor, Paducah, Room 104

4. Rural School Problems: Mrs. Mayme Morris, Louisville, Room 105

5. Scholarship Loan: Prof. H. S Osborne, Middleboro, Room 201

6. Social Secuity: Prof. I. A. Bishop, Louisville, Room 202

7. Research: Dr. G. D. Wilson, Frankfort, Room 139

8. Necrology: Prof. G. V. Curry, Jenkins, Room 140

9. Nominating: Prof. L. L. Spradling, Eminence

10. Professional Standards: Pres. W M. Young, Lincoln Ridge, Room 203

(To meet Wednesday, April 11, 1956, at 7:00 PM in Central High School Building)

Outline of the 1956 K. T. A. Convention _____________________________________________ 6

General Public Sessions of K. T. A.
First General Session _____________________________________________________ 7
Second General Session ___________________________________________________ 8
Third General Session ____________________________________________________ 8
Fourth General Session ___________________________________________________ 9
Final General Session _____________________________________________________ 10

Twenty—Sixth Annual Musicale _____________________________________________________ 11

Departmental Sessions of K. T. A
Music Department ________________________________________________________ 12
Princxiptals' Department ____________________________________________________ 14
Principals' Annual Luncheon Meeting ______________________________________ 14
High School Teachers Conference _________________________________________ 15
Guidance Workers Conference _____________________________________________ 15
Art Teachers Conference and Exhibit _______________________________________ 16
Elementary Teachers Sectional Meeting ___________________________________ 16
Agriculture Teachers Conference __________________________________________ 18
Future Teachers of America Conference ___________________________________ 18

Lincoln Foundation Awards ________________________________________________________ 19

Exhibitors at the 80th K. T. A. Convention __________________________________________ 20













ALL SESSIONS: Central High School, Louisville, Kentucky

1030 AM.

7:30 PM.

8:15 PM.

9:00 AM.

9:45 AM.
11:00 AM.


2:00 PM.

3:30 PM.

7:00 PM.
7:30 PM.
8:15 PM.

10.00 PM.

. 9:00 AM.
10:00 AM.
10:30 AM.

12:15 PM.


CENTRAL THEME: “Significant Problems in Education"

Wednesday. April 11. 1956
Annual Student Musicale (Beginning Pupils) —— Central High
School Auditorium, Room 135 — Miss R. L. Carpenter,

Annual Student Musicale (Advanced Pupils)

Principals' Department Meeting # Central High School, Room
230 — Mrs. Agnes Duncan, Newburg, Chairman

Meetings of K.T.A. Committees — See Committees outlined on
Page 5 .

Band Concert — Iackson Junior High School of Louisville, Ky.


President's Annual Address—Dr. E. T. Buford, K.T.A. President,
Bowling Green, Kentucky

Feature Address Dr. Iohn W. Davis, Director of Teacher
Information of NAACP, New York City

Thursday, April 12, 1956


Memorial Services for Deceased K.T.A. Members, Conducted
by Prof. G. V. Curry, Jenkins, Kentucky

Remarks ~ by N.E.A. Representative

K.T.A. Committee Reports

Meeting of Kentucky High School Athletic League — Room 230,
Central High School —— I. B. Brown, Executive Secretary


Panel Discussion: ”Integration and the Proposed Merger of the
K.T.A. and K.E.A."
Leaders in education of both races to participate.

Sectional Meetings of K.T.A. Groups — High School Guidance,
Future Teachers of America, and Music Departments

Band Concert—DuValle Iunior High School of Louisville, Ky.

Band Concert—Central High School of Louisville, Ky.


Secretary—Treasurer's Annual Report—Mrs. Anita W. Robinson,
Louisville, Ky.

Lincoln Foundation Award and K.T.A. Citations

Feature Address — Attorney Iean M. Capers, City Council
Woman of Cleveland, Ohio

Announcements —— Benediction

Friday. April 13. 1956

Art Departmental Session of K.T.A. and Exhibit, Room 333,
Central High School Building

Elementary Teachers' Conference, Central High School Audi—

Agriculture Teachers Conference -— Room 201

Principals' Annual Luncheon Meeting — Central High Sch001






Address—Dr. Robert H. Martin, State Superintendent of Public
Instruction of Kentucky
Final Business—Dr. E. T. Buford, Presiding
6:00 P.M. Meeting of K.T.A. Board of Directors — Central High School,
‘ Room 140

7.45 PM. Twenty-sixth Annual Musicale — Central High School Audi-

10:00 P.M. Final Adjournment of 80th Convention


Wednesday, April 11, 1956 — 7:30 P.M.

Band Concert — Jackson Junior High School of Louisville, Ky., Central High
School Auditorium — See Page 12 for program

8:00 P.M.

Seated on the rostrum: Past K.T.A. Presidents, Past Secretaries,
Officers and Departmental Chairmen

Presiding: Mrs. Theda an Lowe, First Vice—President
National Anthem __________________________ Mrs. Ruth Davis at the organ
Music — ”By the Light of the Silvery Moon” — Edwards—McLean
"When I was Sinking Down" —~ Spiritual — Hall Johnson
Boys' Glee Club, Madison Junior High School,
Mr. William R. King, Director
Invocation ___________________________________ Rev. E. D. Alston, Rector,

Church of Our Merciful Savior, Louisville, Ky.
Music — ”One World" — O'Hara-Wilson

Boys' Glee Club, Madison Junior High School,

Welcome Address ______________ Mr. Austin Edwards, Assistant Principal,
DuValle Junior High School, Louisville, Ky.
Response to Welcome __________________ Miss Emma Edwards, Principal,
Dunbar School, Owensboro, Ky.

Music — "Tree Silences" _ Lackey—Lenz

“Dance, Ye Gypsies" from Hungarian Dance No. 5 — Brahms
DeNalles, Central High School
Jacqueline Ferman, Student Director

President's Annual Address ___________________________ Dr. E. T. Buford,
' President of K.T.A., Bowling Green

Solo ~— “On the Road to Mandalay" — Oley Speaks _____ Alfred Buckman,
Central High School, Louisville, Ky.

Address ___________________________________ Dr. John W. Davis, Director,

NAACP Division of Teacher Information and Security
Introduced by Dr. R. B. Atwood
President, Kentucky State College
Announcements ___________________ Atwood S. Wilson, K.T.A. Consultant
Benediction ___________________________________________ Rev. E. D. Alston









Thusday. April 12. 1956 —— 9:00 A.M.
Presiding: Prof. G. V. Curry, Second Vice-President of K.T.A.

Organ Music _______________________________________ Mrs. Susan Lewis,
B. T. Washington School, Louisville, Ky.
Invocation ____________________________________ Rev. Arville Carroll, Sr.,
Pastor of Joshua Tabernacle Baptist Church, Louisville, Ky.

Music # ”Madame Ieanette" -— Alan Murray

“Lord, I'm Out Here On Your Word" — Iohn Work
Mixed Chorus, DuValle Junior High School
Mrs. Mary Eliza Smith, Director
Opening Remarks ___________________________________ Prof. G. V. Curry,

Chairman of Necrology Committee
Music — “Battle Hymn of the Republic" — Roy Ringwald

Mixed Chorus, DuValle Iunior High School

Roll Call of Deceased Members _______________________ Mrs. M. T. Nelson,
Richmond, Ky.

Prayer ___________________________________________ Rev. Horace Green,
R. E. Iones Temple, Louisville, Ky.

Music Selection (Audience participating) _______________ Prof. L. A. Diggs,

Louisville, Ky.
Music — ”Run to My Lord"

“Beautiful Dreamer"

”onlul, We Adore Thee"

Iackson High School Chorus ~— Mrs. Doris Ferman, Director
Remarks ________________________________________ N.E.A. Representative
Report of Nominating Committee ____________________ Mr. L. L. Spradling,

Eminence, Ky.
Report of other K.T.A. Committees:

Research ___________________________ Dr. G. D. Wilson, Chairman
Teacher Retirement _________________ Mr. I. A. Bishop, Chairman
Vocational Training ________________ Mr. M. W. Taylor, Chairman
Rural Problems ________________ Mrs. Mayme S. Morris, Chairman
Scholarship Loan Fund ___________ Prof. H. S. Osborne, Chairman
Professional Standards ________ Dr. Whitney M. Young, Chairman
Benediction _______________________________________ Rev. Horace Green


Thursday, April 12. 1956 — 2:00 P.M.
Presiding: Dr. E. T. Buford, President of K.T.A.
Music — “The Star Spangled Banner”
Serenade — ”The Little Grey Church" —~ Bennett
Newburg School Orchestra
Mrs. Iessye Hamilton, Director
Invocation _________________________________ Rev. A. R. Lasley, Principal

Booker T. Washington School, Hopkinsville, Ky.
Music — March ~— “Military Escort” — Bennett

Overture — ”Ambition" — Bennett
Newburg School Orchestra
Panel Discussion — ”Integration and the Proposed Merger of the K.T.A.
and K.E.A."





Presenters: Dr. C. H. Parrish: University of Louisville, Moderator;
Superintendent Verne Horne, Iohnson County; Prof. H.
E. Goodloe, Owensboro; Mr. Wayne Ratliff, Supervisor
of Instruction, Floyd County; Mrs. Agnes Duncan,
Newburg; and Dr. G. D. Wilson, Frankfort.
Mrs. Clara W. Taylor, Principal of Carver Elementary
School, Lexington, Recorder
Music — Novelty “Elephants Tango" Bernie Landes
March - “Normal" — H. Bennett
Newburg School Orchestra
Adjournment for Sectional Meetings m 3230 PM. to 5:00 PM.


Thusdcxy, April 12. 1956 -— 8:15 P.M.

Seated on the rostrum: Board of Directors and Presidents of District
and Local Associations
Presiding: Dr. E. T. Buford, President of K.T.A., Bowling Green, Ky.

National Anthem ________________________ Ms. Mary E. Smith at the organ
DuValle Iunior High School
Invocation _____________________________________ Rev. I. E. Iones, Pastor,

State Street Baptist Church, Bowling Green, Ky.
Music — ”When Children Pray" — Beatrice Fenner
”I Love You" — Cole Porter-Stickles
“This Is My Country" — Ray-Iacobs~Scott
Girls' Glee Club, Madison Junior High School
Mrs. Wilma Streat, Director
Secretary-Treasurer's Annual Report ___________ Mrs. Anita W. Robinson,
Louisville, Ky.
Music — "I've Got Shoes" — Cain
”The Lord's Prayer" — Malotte
Les Chanteurs, Central High School
Anthony Mayfield, Student Director
Address _____________________________________ Attorney Jean M. Capers,
Member of City Council, Cleveland, Ohio
Introduced by Dr. Maude B. Porter, Assistant Principal,
Central High School, Louisville, Ky.

Award of Lincoln Institute Key _______________________ Mr. I. M. Tydings,
Director of Lincoln Foundation
K.T.A. Citations _________________ Atwood S. Wilson, Consultant of K.T.A.

Miss R. Lillian Carpenter, K.T.A. Music Director, Louisville
Mr. M I. Sleet, K.T.A. Auditor, Paducah

Prof. G. W. Adams, Retiring Principal, Winchester

Prof. C. B. Nuckolls, K. T. A. Director, Ashland

Prof. E. W. Whiteside, K.T.A. Director, Paducah

Mr. I. M. Tydings, Secretary of Lincoln Foundation, Louisville

Announcements Benediction





Friday. April 13. 1956 —- 2:00 P.M. — (C.H.S. Auditorium) -
Presiding: President E. T. Buford
Music — ”Largo" — Handel

”Bless This House" — Taylor—Brahe
Elementary Chorus of Phyllis Wheatley School, Louisville, Ky.
Mesdames Edwina McFarland, Mozelle Marr
and Miss Sallie B. Edwards, Directors
Invocation ___________________________________ Rev. I. V. Bottoms, Pastor,
Green Street Baptist Church, Louisville, Ky.
Music — "America the Beautiful" — Ward — arr. by Dykena
”Giddy-A13, Little Rockin—Horse" — Gordon-Cavanaugh-Weldon
Elmentary Chorus of Phyllis Wheatley School
Address _________________________________________ Dr, Robert H. Martin,
State Supt. of Public Instruction







Introduced by Dr. Whitney M. Young,
President of Lincoln Institute
Report of Legislative Committee _____________ Dr. R. B. Atwood, Chairman
Report of Desegregation Committee _____ Dr. Atwood S. Wilson, Chairman
Report of Resolutions Committee __________ Prof. H. E. Goodloe, Chairman
Final Business
209 South Sixth Street WAbash 6886
Louisville 2. Kentucky





Compliments of

Joe’s Palm Room

13th and Magazine Streets
Louisville; Kentucky















Friday. April 13. 1956 — 7:45 P.M.
Central High School — Auditorium
7:45 P.M.

Half—Hour Band Concert _________________ Lincoln High School, Paducah
L. Z. Milligen, Director (See Page 13 for Program)

Annual Musicale Program — 8:15 P.M.

Miss Alyce Holden, Louisville, Mistress of Ceremonies
The National Anthem

”Salvation is Created" ___________________________________ Tschesnokott
“Yonder, Yonder" ____________________________________________ Gaines
”Danse Atricaine" ______________________________________ Hughes-Work
Chorus — Lincoln Institute — Miss Katherine M. Bennett, Director
Concerto in A Minor — Allegro-First Movement _______________ A. Vivaldi
“E1 Bateau" ______________________________________________ C. Debussy
“Legende” ____________________________________________ H. Wieniowski

Iran Acton, Violinist; Miss Iean Cooper, Accompanist
School of Music, University of Louisville
”Dank Sei Dir" _______________________________________________ Handel

“lnvictus” _____________________________________________________ Hahn
William Pearson, Baritone; lean Cooper, Accompanist
School of Music, University of Louisville
“I Hear a Voice a Prayin' " _____________________________ Houston Bright
“Salute to America" ___________________________________________ Youse
Special Chorus, Central High School
Mrs. Alyce K. Holden, Director
Bruce Ballard and Doris Bottoms, Accompanist

Selections from Kentucky State College:

”Almighty and Everlasting God” ______________________ Gibbons
”Lasciatemi" _____________________________________ Monteverdi
”As Torrents in Summer" ________________________________ Elgar
“I Heard the Preaching of the Elders" _________________ Arr. Mels
"Ain-a That Good News" _________________________ Arr. Dawson
The Concert Choir — Richard L. Iames, Director
“Villanelle” __________________________________________________ D'Agna
Mary Ruth Holt, Soprano, Louisville, Ky.
“Finale" — From Six Pieces ____________________________________ Franck
Myrtle Gillespie ('56), Organist, Lexington, Ky.
“Rhythm of Africa” — Based on ceremonials and dances of West Africa
and Sudan
“Dark Was the Night" ___________________________________ Choral Dance
Drama of field calls, work songs, blues and spirituals of the South.
“Calypso Ioe" — Festivals, songs and dances of the West Indies

The Dance Group, Mrs. Esther Brown, Director
(Admission 50c to non—members ot the K.T.A.)












Departmental Sessions of K. T. A.

Student Musicale
Central High School Auditorium
Wednesday. April 11. 1956

R. Lillian Carpenter, Chairman

Morning Recital — 10:30 AM.

Pupils of Primary Grades —— See Mimeographed Program
Afternoon Recital — 2:00 PM.

Advanced Pupils — See Mimeographed Program

Pupils of the iollownig teachers will participate: Mrs. Clora Cosby
Mrs. Selma Flack, Mrs. Iessye Hamilton, Mrs. Mary Henderson, Mrs.
Goldie Hyatt, Misses Elizabeth and Emma Minnis, Mrs. Henrietta
Roberts, and Mrs. Mary Eliza Smith.

(Programs will be distributed at the performance)

Band Concerts
Wednesday. April 11. 1956 — 7:30 P.M.
One Half Hour in C.H.S. Auditorium
Jackson Iunior High School, Mr. E. Alan White, Director

Hymn — “Glory to God" ____________________________________ Palestrina
March — "Our Director” ______________________________________ Bagley
Clarinet Trio — "Air Minuet and Sarabande" _________________ Matheson
Novelty — “Phantom Regiment" _____________________________ Anderson
Brass Sextet — “Old Man River" _________________________________ Kern
Overture — ”Eroica" ________________________________________ Skornika

Thursday. April 12. 1956 — 7:30-8:00 P.M.
One Half Hour — C.H.S. Auditorium

DuValle Iunior High School, Mr. Russell Crider, Director



“Band Pioneer" .— Concert March

Chorale — Prelude on “Dundee" ________________________ M. C. Whitney
Rhythmoods —~ Selections ______________________________ Duke Ellington
"The Skaters Waltz" ____________________________________ E. Waldteatul
”Victorious" — Overture __________________________________ L. Brockton
“Autumn Leaves" __________________________________________ Arr. Reed




 Departmental Sessions of K. T. A.

Thursday. April 12, 1956 — 3:30 P.M.
Room 230 — Central High School
Workshop i Music Education
R. Lillian Carpenter, Chairman
L. A. Diggs, Co-Chairrnan

Theme: Some Musical Activities in the Developmental Approach to Music
Music Learning

First Grade—Mrs. Aora Lilly, Douglas School

Second Gradeers. Bonita R. Harris, Iames Bond School
Fourth Grade—Mrs. Ruth Cummins, Booker T. Washington School
and Mrs. Marion Smith
Filth Grade—Mrs. Lena Warders, W. H. Perry, Sr. School
Friday, April 13, 1956 — 7:30 P.M.
Band Concert in C.H.S. Auditorium
Lincoln High School Band, Paducah, Ky., Mr. L. Z. Milligen, Director




The National Anthem ______________________________________ I. P. Sousa
Ianus Overture ____________________________________ Harold M. Johnson
“He" __________________________________________________ lack Richards
(Little) Rhapsody In Blue ____________________________________ Gershwin
To A Wild Rose ______________________________________ MacDowell—lsaac
“Unchained Melody" ______________________________________ Paul Yoder
“Rock Around The Clock" ______________ Novelty for Band and Majorette
March — ”Independentia" ___________________________________ R. B. Hall.


I 1207 West Chestnut Street Louisville, Kentucky Wa. 1021













Departmental Sessions of K. T. A.

Principals’ Department
Wednesday. April 11. I956 -— 2.30 P.M.
Central High School Building — Room 230
Presiding: Mrs. Agnes Duncan, New'burg, Chairman
Opening Remarks and Departmental Business ________________ Chairman
Greetings to the Principals _________________________ Prof. C. B. Nuckolls,
K.T.A. Director, Ashland, Ky.
Discussion Topic: “Problems of Integration in Kentucky"
(Seven Minute Reports on Local District Forecasts)
Presidents of K.T.A. District Associations
First, A. W. Green, Hickman
Third, H. H. Gumm, Franklin
Second, Mr. H. E. Goodloe Owensboro
Fourth, Mr. I. V. Robinson, Elizabethtown
Fifth, L. L. Spradling, Eminence
Sixth, Mrs. Emma I. Oglesby, Covington
Bluegrass, Mrs. Clara W. Taylor, Lexington
Eastern, G. V. Curry, Ienkins
Upper Cumberland, Mrs. Geneva Coleman, Lynch
Remarks and Greetings ____________________________ Mr. Frank Stallings,
President of the Elementary Principals Department of the

K.E.A. and Principal of Hazelwood School, Louisville, Ky.
Question Period ——————————————— Adjournment

Principals’ Annual Luncheon Meeting
Friday, April 13, 1956 — 12:00 Noon
7 Center] High School Cafeteria — Room 218
Presiding: Mrs. Agnes Duncan, Principal of Newburg School, Buechel, Ky.
*Report: “Highlights of the 1956 National Convention of Elementary
Principals" ____________________ Mr. C. M. H. Morton, Principal of
Phyllis Wheatley School, Lexington, Ky.
*Remarks: “Problems Facing the Negro Schools of the South"
_________________________________________ Dr. Hillard A. Bowen,

' A. and I. State University, Nashville, Tenn.
* Limited to 15 minutes

Panel Discussion: “Impovement of the Instructional Program"
Pesenters (10 minutes each):
1. Techniques of Modern Supervision
Prof. E. W. Whiteside, Principal of Lincoln High School, Paducah
2. Pincipal-Teacher Relationship
Mrs. Maude B. Porter, Ass't Principal of Central High School,

3. Evaluation of the Instructional Program

Mr. James Farmer, Director of Instruction, Ieiterson County

Schools, Louisville
Question Period ——————————— Adjournment

NB: The fee for this luncheon is $1.50 per plate. Reservations should be
made in advance. A principal may have the wife or husband or
fellow teacher as a guest. Send the $1.50 to the K.T.A. Secretary by
April 4, 1956.



Departmental Sessnons of K. T. A.
High School Teachers Conference
Thursday. April 12 1956 -— 3:30 P.M.
Central High School Auditorium Room 135)
Mr. Iames Washington, Lincoln Institute, Chairman
Invocation __________________________________ Mr. George A. Thompson,
Lincoln Institute, Lincoln Ridge, Ky.
Community Singing _______________________ Led by Mrs. Anna I. Ransaw,
Lincoln Institute
Symposium: ”Current Problems in Reading in Secondary Schools'
English Teachers—Miss Alice Samuels, Fran