xt7w6m335914 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7w6m335914/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1996-09-13 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, September 13, 1996 text The Kentucky Kernel, September 13, 1996 1996 1996-09-13 2020 true xt7w6m335914 section xt7w6m335914 . ...-,...,.;...a _ - .. .. .. ..~ ....._, ‘..~.-M-..‘.- ., , ,c ‘ ‘ _ _ . ‘_ .- g _ _ ‘ ' ’ __ -. ‘,..vw.~m~m«mmzmw A..."


WEATHER Partly cloudy

today, high 77. Clear tonight,
low 60. Sunny tomorrow, big/J
BM” WARRIORS The le'u'omen}
soccer team travels to Florida and South

Carolina this wee/tend. .S'portx, page 3


By Chris Easierling
Spam Editor

and Tillany Gilmarlin
Editorial Editor

GEORGETOWN — Speaking on the same cam-
pus William Henry Harrison did when he was elect-
ed in 1840, Republican presidential candidate Bob
Dole addressed a large crowd of Georgetown Col—
lege students and Republican supporters yesterday

“Strom Thurman introduced (Harrison) that day,
and he was elected president. He didn’t serve long,
he developed pneumonia. I don’t think he got it
here,” said Dole, referring to the 93—year-old senator
from South Carolina.

In his speech, he went to great length to explain
the GOP’s 15 percent tax cut plan, as well as take
some shots at incumbent opponent Bill Clinton, call-
ing the rally a “retirement party for President Clin-

Dole warmed the crowd up by talking about his
love for Kentucky, referring to his days at Camp
Breckinridge during World War II.

“I can properly claim Kentucky as my home

state,” said Dole, a Kansas native. “And I know that
you want to support your home—state candidate, and
I’m a Kentuckian. I like the (Georgetown) Tigers
and I like the \Vildcats.”
. Dole addressed several issues during his 5 eech to
‘1 1‘ the largely pro—Republican crowd. He said t e econ—
omy has struggled since Clinton’s election in 1992,
which is contrary to Democrats’ claims.

“He says that the economy's the best that it’s been
in 30 years,” Dole said. “But a recent study by the
Joint Economic Research reports that last year, 66
countries had economic growth which surpassed

“Now Bill Clinton may think that finishing 67th
is OK, but Bob Dole does not.”

Ernie Gibble, press secretary for the Clinton-
Gore reelection campaign in Kentucky, said Dole is
slightly mistaken.

“Dole must think that quadrupling the
deficit is OK,” he said. “Bill Clinton has cre- _ *
ated 10 million new jobs in this country, ,.

1 35,000 in Kentucky alone.” _

Dole then talked about his economic campa'fl
plan, which includes a 15 percent tax cut as 6
well as credit on taxes for each child.

“With a pro— rowth plan which starts with a 15
percent across-t e-board tax cut for every Ameri~
can,” he said. “We’re going to end the (Internal Rev-


JAMES CRISP Kite/1r! vii/l

REACHING "I" Presidential candidate Bolt Dole spoke to a crowd 0f.\Tllll(’flf.\' and .i'apporterr at (fen/germ”) College

yesterday. Dole '3 speed) formed on his tax plan and connection to Kentucky.

enue Service) as we know it. We going to help every he‘s flexible. lf it sounds good, ifa poll says its good,

middle-income family with a $500 per child tax cred- then he’ll put it in his program."

it -— $500 per child under 18." Afterward, several Georgetown students seemed
Under the proposed plan, a family with one child impressed with Dole and the Republican platform.

will eta $500 credit on their taxes. $1,000 for two “He seems genuinely interested in changes that

chil ren, and so on. help the family,” said Sabrina Cook, an elementary

“If you have 10, you‘re probably too education freshman, “Q"LEH‘I‘i'llli' lliL‘ low income
busy to file your returns," Dole said, “but ones."
that’s $5,000.” Many others vented frustration at the first four

Dole, who represented Kansas in the yearsofthe Clinton administration.

U.S. Senate for 36 years, criticized the “I think President (Ilinti in has screwed up our
Democrats for always altering their opin— economy,” political science Sophomore Brianna
ions depending on what the polls say, Sassen said. “W'e need a change, a Republican presi—
instead ofstanding firm on the issues. dent, someone for the people.”

“\Vhat do they stand for?” Dole asked. But (libble, as expected, was more critical of
“Not much. They’ll change their minds every day Dole’s speech. “(It's) more hot air from a quickly
based on a poll. deflating campaign," (iibble said. “Same old washed

“The one thing about President Clinton is that out ‘Reaganomics' heard in the 80s."





~ . v . .. -o w .- .- _-..‘.W~‘.


September I 3, I996


(.‘latrifiedr 7 Lamp!“ 2
(.‘t'or.r'.."m‘d 7 Spam 3

l)li't-1irion.i4 Viewpoint 6





McCoy case
to grand jury

By Kathy Reding

Amount New Farm-


UK police filed a criminal complaint yesterday
against Jay T. McCoy, fortner assistant dean of
students and financial adviser to UK’s fraternities.

According to UK Police Chief VV.H. McCo-
mas, the complaint filed a rainst McCoy consisted
of 10 counts of forgery an 10 counts ofpossession
of a forging instrument.

“That’s just the initial charges," McComas said.

The complaint against McCoy stems from an
investigation into his use of an Interfraternity
Council bank account. A University audit states he
misappropriated more than $11,000 from the


A judge was not in session yesterday to review
the complaint, but it should be reviewed by Mon—
day. After a judge reads the complaint, a criminal
summons or an arrest statement will be made.

“That gets it in the system,” McComas said.
“Once it gets there, the case goes to the grand

A grand jury will then investigate the charges
and determine if the charges constitute a felony. If
so, the case will be referred to the Common-
wealth’s attorney’s office, McComas said.

When asked about the complaint filed yester—
day, McCoy said he had no knowledge ofit.

“I am not aware of anything at this point,"
McCoy said.

McCoy, 35, resigned from UKjuly 15, citing
personal reasons.

He had been supervisor of 25 to 30 agency
accounts for student organizations and served as
financial adviser for the Interfraternity Council
and (ireek Activity Steering Committee.

According to a UK audit, McCoy wrote 30
checks to himselffrom the IFC bank account from
Jan. 20, 1995 and May 5, 1996, totaling
$11,107.91. The problem came to light when
PNC bank, which holds the IFC’s account, noti-
fied the dean of student’s office that the account
was overdrawn, according to a management
review commissioned by James Kuder, vice chan-
cellor for student affairs. The review also stated
that McCoy admitted to forging the signatures of
the IFC president and the vice president ofinter—
nal relations, which he needed to gain access to the

The university audit cited other instances when
McCoy wrote checks to himself on the IFC
account and but later billed UK for meals, lodging
and airfare, constituting a double reimbursement.

Following completion of the audit, the dean of
students turned the matter over to UK police for
investigation and appropriate action.


NEW/ates The hinge and purge BVBIB

Physical signs of bulimia

. Hair Dryness i

- - By Lindsay Hendrix “1 see that women that are E Face Swollen cheeks, neck E

Pltlno "EMU“ “mum ““1“” caught uP in tht‘ “Ulimli‘ tr"1P are E DDS Chapped. cracked with oozing, open sores l

. . ' _ ' _ . _ inQflPablC, With mutual relation— i Teeth Erosion of enamel. decaying i
dlsmISSEG tram lawsult There are several misconceptions about bulimia ships,” said Laurie Humphries, a Gums Recession of gum, bleeding E
nervosa. UK psychiatrist who works wtth Cl . i

. . . . . . ., . ‘ ,, v, 1 ands Swollen salivary glands in neck 1

A . d d' . (1 UK b k b 11 h Ri k First ofall, bulimics do not come in any particu- eating—disorder patients. They re Sk' E
P' . 1“ gde Aimlfsz. CSA'EII: coac . dc' lar shape or size —— they can be overweight, under- too caught up in their own issueS." E ’n Warm, clammy. yellow 3
is")? a; fatd etics U‘CCKJT '. ‘ iewton “5 m. " weight or normal. If bulimia accompanies anorexia, to put any effort or time into E Nails Brittle. ridges i
V' ua C en ants yester 31' m a ( iscrimination the individual can be drastically under- working on a friend- E Muscles/Bones Low to high% my fat E


lawsuit filed by former men’s basketball trainer
JoAnn Hauser.

Hauser filed the suit last summer against the
two men, the university and the UK Athletics

She contended that she was discriminated
against when Newton asked her to move from
trainer of the men’s team to the same position with
the women’s team.

Hauser, the men’s basketball trainer from 1991-
95, left the university last year. According to the
suit, Hauser considered the switch to be a demo-
tion and thought it was being done to make room
for Pitino’s friend, Edward “Fast Eddie” Jamiel,
whom she thought was less qualified.

The summary judgment Thursday by Fayette
Circuitjudge Mary C. Noble does not pertain to
Pitino or Newton’s guilt or innocence, only their
personal liability should Hauser win a judgment.

Hauser is seeking more than $2 million in dam—
ages, lost wages and legal fees. The university has
sought a dismissal of the suit, but Noble has yet to

BAGHDAD, Iraq — Iraq and the

United States moved closer to a showdown yester-
day, with more U.S. firepower sent to the Persian
Gulf, Iraq claiming missile attacks on American
jets and both countries spitting harsh rhetoric.

After almost two weeks of conflict, each side
seemed willing to raise the stakes but neither
looked pre red to make a decisive move.

Ira saidNit fired missiles at U.S. warplanes over
a no- y zone for a second straight day yesterday,
hours after accusing Kuwait of an “act of war” for
agreeing to open its airfield: to American jets.

Pentagon officials confirmed that Iraq fired
three surface-to-air missiles yesterday, but said
they were aimed at an area near the southern “no-
fly” zone where allied aircraft were not flying.

For days, Iraq has re rted firing on U.S. and
allieg aircraft in the no- y zones in the north and
soot .

Compiled firm wire reports.

0 O ‘




People are classified as bulimic ifthey
have eating binges in which they consume
thousands of calories in less than two
hours, at least twice a week for three
months. Immediately after the binge,
their fear of gaining wei ht overwhelms
them and they purge the find out of their
systems, either by forcing themselves to
vomit or by abusing laxatives or diuretics.

In advanced cases of the disorder, bulimics may
follow this binge and purge routine five times a day,
and their lives may revolve around finding times and
places to eat where they will not be discovered. This
obsession with eating can take its toll on a bulimic’s
social activity.

fly»: roe-s ; 3,

y‘:<\ 3/11,.“

D adl
Dieting y


Unlike anorexia, it is
possible for someone to have bulimia for
years without any of their loved ones
knowing it, especially if their hinges and
purges are infrequent.

Humphries said bulimia is far more
prevalent on college campuses than
anorexia, because anorexia usually begins
at the onset of puberty. Bulimia, on the other hand,
does not discriminate against a e, and often attacks
women who stayed healthy all the way through high
school once they get to college.

“If you're a female in colle e, you're at risk,"
Humphries said. The cause of ulimia is debated,
but it almost always begins with an individual’s

O :,


nusn nmsuu km/ my

intense fear of becoming overweight. Although
bulimics consume large amounts of food at one
time, they do not always enjoy eating — it is merely
satisfying an addiction.

Although bulimia begins as a mental obsession
with weight control, in its advanced stages it
becomes a physical problem. The body begins to
reject even normal amounts of food, forcing the
bulimic to throw up even if they do not want to. In
addition, serious cases of bulimia nervosa can cause
dehydration and imbalances in electrolytes and min-
erals, which help the muscles and nerves function. In
rare cases, bulimics have ruptured their stomachs or
esophagi and died from peritonitis.

Women plan to ‘Take 030k the lllflllt' from violence

By James Ritchie
Senior Sufi Writer

several statistics on the abuse of women:
VIn 1994 alone, 4,739 women were murdered.


UK’s cha ter of the National Organi-
zation for PVomen will partici ate in
“Take Back the Night” this wee end to
protest violence a inst women.

UK NOW wil hold a re-rally in the
free speech area near the tudent Center
before walking to the ral1y in Triangle
Park on Sunday. The pre-rally begins at
5 pm; the event begins at 6 pm.

UK NOW President Laurie War-
necke said that while Lexington may


VNearly 30 ercent of those slain
were murdered) by husbands or

VMore than 1 million women seek
medical assistance for injuries caused by
batterin each year.

VFi -four percent of victims of
domestic violence sustain injury.

Organizers say the rally has been
effective in raising community awareness
of domestic violence issues in previous
years, but more still needs to be done.

seem safe compared to other parts of the “7'15ng ’5' “Since we started holding these rallies
nation, “there still is the need to keep N bf . seven years ago, there has been much
peo 1e aware.” » hmtbe ‘ rogress made to end violence in the

e rally will “call attention to male W m 813- lives of women,” said Cyndy Brown,
violence against women and protest 1".“ ’9'“ “Take Back the Night” co-chairwoman.


the widespread murder, rape and


“But there is still so much that needs to


h i-
cal abuse of an entire class of peopl’e’,’y:ccording to a
Bluegrass NOW press release. The release cited


be done."
Terry Faragher will speak in Triangle Park. She

has worked in family violence for 16 years and is the
executive director of the Domestic Violence Preven-
tion Board, Fayette County’s intengency council on
family violence.

A march through downtown will follow at 7:30

The route of the march will be Vine Street from
Triangle Park to Rose Street, north to Main Street
and back to Trian le Park.
A candle-lighting ceremony and open micro.
phone speak-out for participants will conclude the

rall .

Teresa Reynolds, education and counseling coor-
dinator at the Lexin on Rape Crisis Center, said
the rally is generally %aMc.

“It’s usually pretty 'gh-energy,” Reynolds said.

About 200 people attended last year.

Organizers expect equal or greater numbers this


The Lexington Ra Crisis Center and the
YWCA Spouse Abuse ntcr are co-sponsoring the

...-.. a {I I" n...»-

.1, .,





2 Kentucky Kernel, Friday, September :3, 1996







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The Independent Newspaper at The University of Kentucky
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026 Grehan Journalism Bldg, University of Kentucky
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BIIIIIIBI‘ l‘fllSBS iunris TDI' leukemia

By Capri Cicero

(.‘mrriburing Wn'ter

Thisjanuary, Brian Bailey, an
accounting senior, will run a
marathon for life in Bermuda.

Thirteen-year-old Jonathan
Turock (known to his friends as
“_I.B.”) is countin on him.

].B. was iagnosed with
leukemia at age 12, only a month
before he was to enter that mysti—
cal period, the teen years.

He is now 13 and perhaps
more mature than his seventh
grade classmates at Morton Mid-
dle School in Lexington.

Bailey, 3 runner since February

1994, ran his first marathon after
his grandmother died of heart dis—
ease. .
After her death, he began his
own fund—raising campaign, pre—
sented the results to the American
Heart Association, and ran in the
Disney World Marathon for
AHA’s benefit.

Bailey made it a goal to run two
marathons a year, but after the
Columbus Marathon and April's
Boston Marathon, he began to
realize that he was losing focus.

Ilis fastest time was the Disney
\Vorld Marathon, in which he had
it cause. He needed to run for :i

\Vhen Bailey saw the Leukemia
Sm ietv of America‘s commercial
«king for runners, he “saw an
opportunity to put meaning
behind the miles."

\ftev seeing the commercial on
tr‘lt‘t isittli, Bailey called the chap»
ter in Kentucky for more informa-

'1 he goal for Bailey and the
other 55 runners in Kentucky is

Almost 76 percent of the
money goes to support the
leukemia Society of America, and
II percent covers the cost of Bai»
lcy's trip to Bermuda for the

'l‘bv leukemia Society of
.‘\lilL’FIL‘:l paired him up with
lonatlniti ’l‘urock, and John‘s

Running Shop brought them

Bailey and the youngster’s
meeting and relationship since
have left Brian with a sense of

Bailey commented on J.B.’s
assertiveness, realizing how trivial
our day-to-day trials seem when
faced with a situation like his.

“You think you have it rough,”
Bailey said about college students,
“but it’s real, and it’s happening
right here in Lexington. Don’t get
down on yourself.”

].B. was dia osed with acute
lyrnphocytic eukemia, which
causes the body to create imma-
ture white blood cells.

Those cells are unable to fight
infections as well as normal white
blood cells, resulting in a reduc—
tion of the body’s red blood cell

This type ofleukemia is acute,
meaning it is mostly seen in chil-
dren, while lymphocytic means
the cells in the lymph nodes and
spleen are affected.

The Leukemia Society of
America has deemed their project
“(‘in-e .7000,” because leukemia
has no known cure.

,l B. has undergone chemother-
apy and rarli ition treatment, and
for the time being, the disease is in

lie is still undergoing treat-
ment at UK’s Children's Hospital.

The disease is like a haunted
house, and TB. said he never
knows what is around the next

He does consider future plans,
however, and he is thinking about
attending Florida State and
becoming a marine biologist.

The 12—year—old said that he
felt it was better for him to have
the disease than another child at a
different age. _l.B. explained that
he understands the pain of the
treatments, whereas a younger
child or infant would not.

TB. has learned a lot from his
disease, and the experience has
made him more mature.



lililillllliili Fill! "FE Accounting senior Brian Bailey, u'it/J leukemia patient
7011/"me 7 B. ” Turork, will lie running to mice firmly/or r/Je Leukemia

Society ofxlmerim.

“It has opened my eyes to what
others are going through," he

Donations are always welcome
from anyone, individual or corpo—
ration. (Iall the Leukemia Society
ofAmerica at 1—800—955—2566.

If you would like to send a
donation, address it to the
Leukemia Society of America, 710
Main St., Suite 201, Louisville,
KY 40202, with “Brian Bailey" on
the memo of the check to con—
tribute to his efforts.


Absentee ballots a stamp DI‘ phone call away

By Kevin McAllisler

ifonlrilwtrng ll '77!"

If you are among the
thousands of UK stur

Any registered voter who is
elderly, handicapped, disabled, or
will not be in town on election
day, Nov. 5, is eligible to
receive an absentee bal-

dents who will be unable if; lot.
to return home to cast " UK students who live
your vote in support of Campaign too far from their hotne

your favorite presidential
candidate, don't worry.

Absentee voting bal—
lots allow students across the
country to have their say at the
polls, even though they cannot be
there in person.

district to vote can call or

write their county clerk’s

office and request an

application. Once you receive the

application, fill it out and mail it
back to the clerk’s office.

“In order to go through the





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registration process, your county
clerk‘s office must receive the
application at least one week prior
to the election," said Marilyn
Smith of the voter registration
department at the Fayette County
Clerk's Office.

Once the clerk's office receives
the completed application, the
office will send a ballot that must
be sent back by 6 pm. on election

“This type of voting is a conve-
nient and efficient way of helping
college students contribute in
elections without burdening their
schedules," Smith said.

If students will be in their
borne districts prior to election
day, they can visit their local


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lull I'\Rl\l\(. \I1.lll\ \\l [C \I \ \ll l)\\
(lh l|.ill \ums (lJTiIflI. \e\l lo l'olui ”I lit

county clerk’s office, fill out the
application and have the ballot
sent to them just before the elec-

Absentee ballots can be used to
vote in all types of elections, rang-
ing from county commissioners to
the Senate races. A separate appli-
cation, however, must be filled out
and processed each time.

Call or write your county
clerk’s office and get an applica-
tion to be included in the 1996
presidential election.

“College students are among
the smartest of the voting popula-
tion,” Smith said.

“It would be a shame not to
have such a group vote in any





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By Rob Horhst
Amman! Sports Editor

The UK women’s soccer team
will have the o portunity to make
a statement to fiellow Southeastern
Conference members this week-

The Cats, last year’s conference
champions, have the distinction of
being the team to open conference
play on the road against preseason
SEC favorite '

coaches picked the
Gators as the team
to beat, and they ,3
ranked the Cats
second in the , 4
SEC. .

Somebody who Lipka
doesn’t care about the polls is UK
Head Coach Warren Lipka. He
just wants to play the game.

“I don’t put anythin into polls
or rankings,” Lipka said. “It’s how
the game finishes up and what the
score is at the end of the game. So
we just gotta go out there and
prove ourselves.”

It is a great test to play the
opening conference game against
the favorite. But UK would not
have it any other way.

“I’d rather start off with them




llK's McCord a diamond
in the rough as ireshman


Struggling volleyball team
returns home for tourney

The UK volleyball team (1-6 overall) returns
home to host the Kentucky Conference Challenge
this weekend. The Wildcats will take on Purdue (5—
2) tonight at 7:30. Saturday, UK will play (3-6) and
Houston (1—3) at noon and 7:30 p.m., respectively.

Last weekend, the \Vildcats struggled at the Big
Four Classic, losing 0-3 in three matches against
Louisville, Indiana and Notre Dame.

This weekend, UK is looking for improved as the
freshmen and sophomores get more match experi-


Two first-half goals from Matt Wilkerson and
toby McComas gave the UK men’s soccer team a 2~
0 victory over Western Kentucky in Bowling Green

UK drew first blood 24:50 into the game when
Wilkerson scored off Michael Strickler's throw in
that bounced offa Hilltop er defender.

The Wildcats receiverfan insurance goal in the
38th minute when McComas headed in Brian
Baltzell’s corner kick for his second goal of the year.
Baltzell’s assist was his fourth as many games.

“Our guys have continued to get better each
game out,” UK coach Ian Collins said. “This was
Western Kentucky’s big est game of the year and
we went on the road witB the right frame of mind
and took care of the business at hand."

UK ups its record to 3—1 while \Vestern falls to
1-3. The Wildcats travel to Peoria, 111., Sunday to
take on the Bradley. The next home game is Friday,
Sept. 20 to face Louisville.

colt teams m on this weekend

The UK men’s and women’s golf teams travel
north this weekend to begin the fall season. The
men’s team com etes in the Yale Fall Intercollegiate
Sept. 13-15, whi e the Lady Kats tee off Sept. 14-15
in the VVomen’s Wolverine Invitational at the
University of Michigan.

Compiled firm! .rraflrrporrr.



File pboru

HEAD!“ "To ENEMY TERRIIUBY Kim Lab'elle and the UK women’s

sorter team play at Florida and Sour]; Carolina this weekend.

because it shows us where we’re
at,” said UK senior defender Amy
Buerkle. “It gives us a chance to




see what the rest of the competi-
tion is going to be like."

This is only the second match
between the schools. Last year,
Florida defeated the Cats 2-] in

Understandably, then, the Cats
have revenge against the Gators
on their minds, but UK feels less
pressure than before.

“We’re ready to come out and
show them what we can do and
what we should have done last
year,” said UK senior forward
Beth Ra olds.

“Wit them as the favorite,
there’s not as much pressure on

The Cats come into the ame
with an unblemished recorr. On
Monday, UK (2-0) hammered
Dayton 5—1.

That thrashing and a win over
North Carolina-Greensboro last
Sunday has UK ready to take on
the Gators.

“I think we’re ready to go,"
Lipka said. “If it was our first
game of the year, I’d say I'm not
ready for anyone.”

Like the Cats, Florida also
comes in with a perfect 2-0 record.
They also come in with a huge
momentum lift. Last week in front
of 2,710 fans, the second-largest
home crowd in Florida history,
the Gators defeated No. 9 Vir-
ginia 1—0.

To make the win even more

. -- -......~W-—--.u _. .

Kentucky Kernel, Friday, September 13, I996 8


impressive, Florida won without
their main scoring threat, junior
All—American forward Danielle
Fotopoulos, who sat out with a
sprained right ankle. She is ques-
tionable for this afternoon’s game.

Playing at Percy Beard Stadium
in Gainesville, Fla, will be a chal-
lenge for UK. Not only did the
Gators average over 1,600 fans a
game last year, but their field has
smaller dimensions than most soc—
cer fields.

Lipka said the size of the field
can make a big difference.

“A mistake on a smaller field
can be very costly where you could
make up for one here," he said.

The next challenge for the Cats
will be on Sunday, when UK will
be in Columbia, S.C., to take on
South Carolina.

Last year USC went 0—7-1 in
the SEC and finished at the bot-
tom of the conference. One of
those losses for the Gamecocks
was to UK; the Cats defeated USC
2—0 in Lexington.

However, Lipka says that South
Carolina is “definitely better than
last year,“ and he fears that there
may be a letdown with his club.

“\Ve look to take both games,"
Lipka said. “I'm not gonna go
down there and try to just play
good or this or that. \Ve're look-
ing to win. \Ve’re going down
there to win and that's what our



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attitude is gonna be.”



By 0. Jason Stapieton
Stuff I I 'I'iter

Other than much-heralded recruit Tim
Couch. UK has had trouble getting top-
notch talent. -

As a result, the Wildcats
are forced to hunt for hi rh
school football talents w 0
have been overlooked. One
such recruit UK snagged
this year is wide receiver
Quentin McCord.

McCord went to
LaGrange High School in McCord
LaGrange, Ga., a school that has put sev-
eral players in the ranks of the NFL and
countless others in Division I college ball.

Yet, for 5 )me reason McCord went
unnoticed by many traditional college
football powers.

“Along with Kentucky, there was a cou-
ple of big schools like Georgia Tech and
Auburn,” McCord said. “And I got some
Division I-AA schools like Troy State and
Georgia Southern.”

UK wide receivers coach joker Philli s
is glad McCord slipped through t e
recruiting cracks.

“When you’re at a place like this you
have got to go out and find that sort of
guy," Phillips said. “There’s a lot of guys
out there that are playing in the NFL that
were not heavily recruited.

“just look at Jeff Brady who’s from
here. A guy who wasn’t even recruited and
he’s starting in the NFL.”

When McCord reported to camp, he
was not expected to start, but he earned a
spot in the starting lineup for UK’s season
opener against Louisville.
