xt7w6m33586h https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7w6m33586h/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1991-09-18 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, September 18, 1991 text The Kentucky Kernel, September 18, 1991 1991 1991-09-18 2020 true xt7w6m33586h section xt7w6m33586h  

VOL XClV.No.180

Associate Editor

Calling for improved undergradu-
ate teaching and cultural diversity
on campus. the Board of Tmstees
approved UK's revised strategic
plan at yesterday's meeting.

Along with the plan. the board ap-
proved UK‘s $160.4 million opera-
tional budget request for the next
two academic years and the capital
construction request.

UK President Charles Wethington
told trustees that UK will be more
student-oriented in the future.

“We’re putting more emphasis on
teaching than we have in the past,”

Judge ends
exile for

Soviet Nobel

Associated Press

— The chief Soviet
prosecutor yesterday officially
closed the 1974 treason case
against Nobel laureate Alexander
Solzhenitsyn. and the exiled author
of life in Stalin's gulag said in Ver-
mont that he will return to his be-
loved Russia.

Prosecutor Nikolai Trubin found
“no proof whatsoever testifying to
any crime committed by Alexander
Solzhenitsyn," Tass news agency
said in a brief dispatch.

The decision came 17 1/2 years
after Solzhenitsyn was expelled
from his Soviet Union by a decision
of the Supreme Soviet.

Solzhenitsyn, now 72, is best
known for his works “One Day in
the Life of lvan Denisovich." and
”The Gulag Archipelago." chroni-
cling the lives of people sentenced
under dictator Josef Stalin to forced-
labor camps in Siberia. They are
based on his own experience.

At his farm in Cavendish. VL,
Solzhenitsyn issued a statement say-
ing: “The decision of the USSR.
prosecutor general now removes le-
gal obstacles minding my return to
my homeland. Therefore it becomes
a reality, and I will retum to my na-
tive land.“

He said he first may complete lit-
erary works already begun, and the
statement did not say exactly when
he would return.

"Upon returmng to Russia, other
problems will encircle me. and 1
will share them with everybody."
Solzhenitsyn said.

Solzhenitsyn‘s brutal arrest on
Feb. 12. 1974 and summary expul-
sion to West Germany a day later
echoed round the world as symbols
of Soviet repression under the now
reviled Leonid l. Brezhnev.

Solzhenitsyn. now 72. declined an
offer to restore his Sovret citizen-
ship in 1990.


Wethington said. UK will “pull it to
the same level of excellence” as re-
search and public service.

Wethington also pledged to make
UK more respectful of all cultures.

He also said as part of its service
mission, UK will play a major role
in the Kentucky Education Reform
Act. The operating budget requests
$2.6 million for KERA initiatives.

Access to higher education will
be improved. Wethington said “es-
pecially through the community

The strategic plan and budget and
capital construction requests will be
forwarded to the state Council on
Higher Education for evaluation.

The CHE then will revise and
submit the proposals to the govern-
or. who will revise and present the
requests to the General Assembly in

The main campus request totaled
$103.4 million. while the request
for UK's 14 community colleges
was $57 million.

The budget request includes
$800.(X)0 to gradually even Lexing-
ton Community College tuition
over the next six years with tuition
at the other community colleges.

The University's first priority in
its capital requests will be obtaining
$46 million from the state to build a
new library on Central Campus.

It also asks for $13 million to
build a new LCC campus on Nicho-
lasville Road. UK is building an ad-
ditiort to the current LCC site to
meet the growing enrollment. LCC
has 5,100 students this semester.

The request also proposes a new
community college in the London-
Corbin area.

It also asks for $800,000 for ex-
tended campus programs in
McCreary County. Whitesburg and

To improve UK's rural health
care programs in Hazard, including
building a new facility. the Univer-
sity is requesting $4.1 million. The
niral health-care programs were

Kentucky Kernel

W. September 18, 199

Trustees approve plan, call for diversity

mandated by the 1990 Health Care
Reform Act.

The budget request includes an
annual 5 percent increase to a fund
used for faculty raises based on

Tuition will raise 4.3 percent on
the main campus and 1 percent at
the community college level, ac-
cording to estimates in the budget

The trustees also authorized the
state to issue $11.5 million in bortds
for the purchase of a Woodford
County farm to replace Coldstream

UK is developing a research carn-
pus on the site that cun'ently is its




Contributing Writer

Finding a career that provides a
woman with personal fulfillment
and reliability is difficult but re-
warding said Deborah Martin.
producing manager of the Actor's
Guild of Lexington.

Martin's speech yesterday was
pan of Kappa Kappa Gamma so-
cial sorority's Career Week. de-
signed to expose campus women
to different careers. Several more
women professionals are sched-
uled to speak this week on women
in the workforce.

“If we look insrde ourselves. we
all have creative urges," said Mar-


tin. who said she originally con-
sidered a career in acting.

But Martin said she thought her
career choice allows her to com-
bine her love of acting with a “re-
liable" job in the arts.

Martin. who earned her bache~
lor's degree in theatre at UK.
abandoned her pursuit of a profes-
sional career in acting after the
head of the Department of Theatre
urged her to study ans administra—

There is no prejudice against
women in her profession, she said,
because women founded ans ad-

“An education is your most im-
ponant tool. and it makes you

Deborah Martin producing manager of the Actors Guild of Lexington spoke on the importance of education. Several women protes-
sionals will speak during the week as pan of Career Week sponsored by Kappa Kappa Gamma social sorority.

Actor begins Kappa Career Week

competitive.” said Martin. also an
assistant professor in theatre and
an instructor at the Lexington
Children‘s Theatre.

Kim Ward Anderson. a profes-
sor of Engineering at UK. also
spoke about the difficulties of fe-
male engineering students at yes-
terday’s event. She said some
women may feel inadequate or in-
secure in a male dominated class-
room. But Anderson encouraged
women engineering students to
follow through with their plans.

Melissa Rose. president of the
sorority. said the range of profes-
sionals were chosen “to open the
eyes of UK women to opportuni-
ties available to them."



“It'll reach out to the different
women and give them an idea of
how these women have handled
their careers and motivate istu-
dents) to strive for their personal

Janet McKrndley. trade program
manager fo the Kentucky World
Trade Center. also spoke yester-

Speakers scheduled for today
and tomorrow include Paula An-
derson. Cindy Trapp, Carolyn S.
Bratt and Tracey McLamey.

Career week ends tomorrow
with with a fashion show present—
ed by Lazurus. featuring women
from different campus sororities.



Vend-Plus making big

Contributing Writer

Vending debit cards are slowly
taking over UK and other college
campuses across the country.

UK cards are used for Food Ser—
vices. vending machines. access to
security systems in Haggin and
Donovan halls. and this semester
UK has expanded its card service to
laundry rooms in the Kirwan-
Blanding Complex Commons.

“(The laundry system) got on line
in the middle of August. just before
the students arrived,” said Robert
Braun, UK's director of Food Ser-

Several colleges adopted the
Vend-Plus machines after UK, the
first university in the country to use
the machines in 1989. because they
worked so well here.

"We have had about a dozen
schools come in here and see what
we have done and subsequently

Sl’t nits

The UK volleyball team swept UC
while raising2 its record to 5- 3.

Story, Page2

have done it themselves." Braun

The laundry system at UK is the
newest addition. It allows students
with a Plus Account to do their
laundry without coins or tickets and
charges directly to the account

The laundry system is causing
fewer problems than Braun expect-
ed. but he said it will be awhile be-
fore the system spreads across cam—

"This is the largest card-operated

bucks for UK

washer/dryer system in the country
and we've only done half of the
campus.” he said. “We have some
work to do before we expand it."
Tony Ryanczak. vice president of
GrilTen Technologies. said debit
cards were the next step in the eve
lutiort of the vending machine.
Gn'ffen Technologies and Debit-
ek developed the Vend-Plus system
because it took control of its own
vending service. Now, more than
25 other colleges. including Van-

-—-—-¥UK liilitt

SGA sponsors a blood drive in the
Student Center Small Ballroom 10
am. to 3:30 pm.

dcrbtlt and Syracuse, use some
form of the Vend-Plus system.

UK‘s vending sales have contin~
ucd to improve since the switch two
years ago. UK sold over 52.3 mil»
lion from its vending machines in
1990-91 and sold about 82.1 mil-
lion the year before.

Card vending sales comprise only
5 percent of UK‘s total vending
sales. but Roger Sidney. UniverSi-

See VENDING. Page 5

" \ “*-
. i .

Killer Bees play at

Wrocklage tonight.

Preview. Page 4.

agricultural farm. The new farm.
formerly Pin Oak Farm. is about
1,500 acres.

The 1990 General Assembly ap-
proved a $12.5 million bond issue
to finance the farm purchase. But
the state only recently acted on the

"There have been some times
when we didn’t think we'd get it
here.” said trustees chairman Foster

Gov. Wallace Wilkinson person-
ally negotiated the deal. which was
settled Monday. getting 81 million
cut off the price.

See TRUSTEES, Page 5
Fiji revival;
return after
eight years

Staff Witter

The conditions that have kept Phi
Gamma Delta social fratemity oil
of L'K's campus for the" past eight
years ended last week when Fiji re-
turned to continue its 25- year tradi-

A lack of student interest drove
them from UK in 1983 And oppo-
sition from one fraternity almost
kept them from returning this fall

“We did have a particular reason
for voting against them coming on
campus. but that was between Phi
Gamma Delta and our fraternity
and we straightened that out." said
Ted Supulski, president of Phi Kap-
pa PS;

Supulski was the only member of
the Interfraternity Councrl last so
mester to vote against Phi Gamma
Delta's return.

“We do support them now and
we‘re just happy that they‘re here"
he said.

With 27 new members and a wel-
come from L'K's greek community.
the once (icfuncted fratemitv L\

Phi Gamma Delta's Rush came a
week after a record-breaking num-
ber or students went through fail
formal rush for established fraterni-

The TCVlVCd interest in rush UltS
year helped the Fin colony to get
oil to a g rod sum. Sdld Shannon
\Iorgan. lir‘C president.

“We had no idea 520 guys were
going to go through rush. It turned
i-ut ciccifuoi'itiiiy well that we had
them." Morgan said

Elie group is now on colony stat-
Us but hopes to initiate into a chap-
ter next year. Arnold said.

"We have a small number or
guys. but we have the spirit. the
will and the dcstre to make this coi-
orty iiito a chapter." stud Mutt Ar‘
nold. intenm colony president.

The average time for a Fair colo—
ny to initiate into a Chapter 1) 18
months, said Bill Martin, executive
director of the Phi Gamma Delta
National Headquarters.

The colony will use this time to
increase its membership, manage-
ment system and general record of
.i. llVlUCS. Martin 5.11;!

“Our goals for this colon) arc the
same for all our colonies. To have
above average guides on the cum
pus. to help members do their best
academically. to get anOht‘d in
.orttmunriy SCfVlCC and in campus

See FIJI, Page 5


Betauyv.‘ of a cop) editing
error, a story about Habitat
for Humanity in Monday's
Kentucky Kcmcl incorrectly
stated the number of hours
that futurc home owners
must spend working on the
construction of their houses
The correct figure I\ 300





Sports..........,.,_. .,
Diversuons..., _.
Viewpomt. .. . . .. .





2- -Komucky Kernel Wednesday. September 18,1991


Senior Statt Writer

Remember playing volleyball in
gym class‘.‘

Someone smacks the ball over
the net. and a confused collection of
non-athletes watches it bounce off
the gym tioor.

The UK volleyball team wit-
nessed something similar last night
as it eradicated the University of
Cincinnati l5»1,15-11,15-7.

UC (1-8) managed a few coher-
ent volleys. but frequently UK's
Melody Sobcrak and Eunice Thom»
as would thump kills oil' the floor


amidst a half-
dozen befuddled

The statistical
chasm that ex- 7
ists between the
two teams is ex-
emplified by the
all-important at-
tack percentage.

UK (5.3). DEBOE"

notched up a .387 average for the
evening, while the Beareats could
only claw out .087.

Thomas said sometimes teams
that don't look to provide the
toughest competition are harder to



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prepare for mentally.

“When you play harder teams.
they make you boost the way you
play.” she said. “I like competition.
.. 1 have fun playing teams ranked

< higher than us."

Playing matches like last night's.
in which the Cats spent most of the
game in command. “it gets kind of
boring. really.” she said.

UK showed some signs of bore-
dom in the second game. After pull-
ing ahead 13-7. Cincinnati scored
four unanswered points. causing
Wildcat coach Kathy DeBoer to
call a time—out

DeBoer said the team got sloppy
after running away with the first

“We had Six serving errors in the
second game." she said. “If we
didn't kill the first ball. we didn‘t
play any defense."

Emotional or psychological
downshifts. the eighth-year coach
said, are what coaches of any sport
spend the most time trying to pre-

“Those kind of mental lapses will
come back to haunt you.” she said.

“Coaches are always on edge
against teams they're supposed to
beat (Because) one of the great
things about athletics is than any-
thing can happen.”

Nine of the 12 Wildcats saw ac-
tion last night. Freshmen Sobczak
(9 kills in two games) and Krista
Robinson (7 kills. 1 error and .429
attack percentage in three games)
played key roles. while usual an-
chors Ann Hall, Yvette Moorehead
and Cathy DeBuono spent more
time than usual on the bench.

DeBoer said: “I think one of the
strengths of this team is depth.
As our season goes on. we've got
some young players (of a caliber
that) I feel real comfortable going
nine and 10 deep.”

Robinson, the team‘s only Ken-
tucky native, still seemed a bit
wide-eyed at college-level competi-
tion, said even though she. unlike
Thomas, had “fun" in last night's
contest, “We were looking towards

The Cats travel on 1-64 to their
intrastate scrap with the Cardinals
on Friday at 7:30.





UK's Cathy Debuono (5) and Angela Salvatore (9) jumped to block
3 Cincinnati volley last night. UK swept the three-game match.

Three starters quit 0-2 LSU football team

Associated Press

NEW ORLEANS — Three stan-

ers said they are quitting the Loui-

siana State football team after an 0-
2 start, but Coach Curley Hallman







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said yesterday he is giving them a
chance to change their minds.

Running back Odell Beckham.
defensive tackle Stanley Thomas
and outside linebacker Shawn King
said Monday evening that they are

Beckham was also implicated in
an incident with two other players
Sunday morning outside of a bar
near the LSU campus.

Reserve mnning back James Jac-
quet was booked for battery after an
incident in which a man‘s jaw was
broken. Beckharn and second-string
wide receiver Karl Hankton were

issued misdemeanor summonses
citing them for battery.

Hallman said the incident will be
thoroughly investigated and punish—
ment will be assessed. if warranted

He said he definitely did not want
to chase players off.

“We don't want anyone to leave.
We'd like for them to stay,” he
said. “We'd like for them to give us
a chance to continue working with

“To hang together in tough times
like these, LSU and football must
be very. very important to you. If
not. you won‘t hang."


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 Kentucky Kernel, Wednesday, September 18, 1991 - 3



Boring baseball?
You have to know-
where the action is

They —- the people that gener-
alize and generally degrade any-
thing they name — call baseball
“The Great American Pastime,”
or something like that. Only
problem with that name is that
90 percent of the American pop-
ulation can’t stand to watch base-

“It's too slow," said a friend of
mine. “Why watch a bunch of
guys stand around spitting tobac-
co and adjusting themselves for
three hours.

“Give me basketball.”

And then there is our es-
teemed, and occasionally bone-
headed, columnist Barry Reeves.
Reeves is a sports loyalist, and
his loyalties fall with football.

Reeves weaves his way
through columns each year about
why football is the best game
ever invented by the human race.
In the process, the man known
affectionately as “Joe Barry" al—
together disregards good comv
mon sense.

In his column, “A few lefto-
vers: football still the best, forget
baseball,” Reeves calls football
the “thinking man‘s sport.” He
goes on: “You have to be able
to remember literally hundreds
of possible plays."

I know Reeves has hit more
football practice fields than I
have, and thus he must know that
every football player‘s goal dur-
ing the preseason is to gain the
ability to slap thinking altogether
on the field.

Football players do have to
think when they learn the plays,
but the playbook is rammed
home — biologically and men-
tally implanted intn them — with
repetitions. Literally thousands
of plays, day in and day out, pro-
duce a playbook template within
the football player. The plays are
within them ~— the footwork, the
holes, the blocks —— and thus all
they have to do is let their natu-
ral ability elevate the plays into
works of beauty.

“I felt like a robot,” freshman
ninning back Damon Hood said
of his early days at UK. But
now the system is in me, it
comes naturally.”

I can‘t count the number of
times I've heard a football player
say that, thank God, he no longer
has to think on the field, or the
number of times a football player
has told me he wishes, by God.
he could get to the point where
he no longer has to think.

A great linebacker in the NFL
(I can‘t remember who it was)
last Sunday said, “I can feel
when they are going to pass or
run. I don't know how, but Ijust

Sports loyalty is foolish. It is a
product of feeling rather than

We all have our favorite sport,
but an argument on why that
sport is best is easy to knock
down. Each sport hm its own
unique mode of competition, its
own combination of athleticism
and mentality, its own mood and

Many people say that the
mood of baseball is flat, its
rhythm slow and boring. These
assumptions are the result of
sheer ignorance. It's like saying
horse racing is boring because
the trainers just sit in the stands,
holding a ticket

They miss the real action: the
ever-present competition be-
tween pitcher and batter.

The pitcher in baseball is an
artist whose resources include a
baseball, his arm and the many
different spins he can put on the
baseball with his fingers. The
skilled pitcher is also a magician
— he makes the ball do magic
turns and is a master of illusion.

The pitcher’s job is to entice
the batter, to make the man at
the plate believe he is getting the
right pitch. With his fingers,
however, the pitcher has the ball
break at the right time and the
swing meets thin air.

The batter. a Louisville Slug-
ger in hand. is the ultimate real-
ist. He is up to shatter the illu-
sion with a clean swing on the
ball -— a feeling that is inde—
scribable, the feeling of connect-
ing a baseball with the bat.

And then to watch the baseball
fly out of sight and over the

But, somebody over here says
that's all great —— except the sea-
son is too long. 162 games. Give
me a break. I can’t stay interest-
ed that long.

This is true. Staying hyped in
baseball throughout the season is
not easy. But that, too, is part of
the beauty of baseball. Even
when you no longer care who
wins, the teams play on, striving
to enter the playoffs.

And the playoffs, because they
only four teams make them, are
as intense and exciting and sus-
penseful M anything in sports.

All those at-bats, all those
pitches, all those wins, all those
losses, all those swings come
down to one at-bat. one pitch,
one swing.

And you find out who the win-
ners are.

All sports, all the games peo-
ple play, culminate at a single
point and were invented for a
single reason — to see who the
best gamesman is. To see who
rises to the occasion. To find out
who the winner really is No
sport is the winner. In each
sport, especially baseball. the
winner surfaces after long com-
petitions. And a loser, in base-
ball, shrugs it off and does a lit-
tle extra batting practice during
the of f -season.

Senior Staff Writer Bob Nor-
man is an English senior and a
Kernel sports columnist.

UK wins its eighth Lady Kat Invitational

Staff Writer

UK won its eighth Lady Kat Invi-
tational Golf Tournament in nine
years yesterday at Spring Lake
Country Club, finishing 10 strokes
ahead of second-place Nonh Caroli-

UK senior Tonya Gill, who was
chosen as Golf Week's second team
preseason All-American earlier this
week, said she was relieved when
the team was finally presented the

“It's always nice to win at
home," Gill said. “I’m glad I’ll nev-
er have to worry about losing this
one again.”

UK junior Lisa Weissmueller, an
honorable mention in Golf Week,
was leading the field going into
yesterday's final round of play, but
she shot an uncharacteristic 2-over-
par 78. Weissmueller fell to third
place in the individual standings
with a three-day total of 224.

UK head coach Bettie Lou Evans
said Weissmueller was coasting to-
ward the individual title until she
reached the 17th tee.

“She could have parted in to tie
for the lead in the tournament,”
Evans said. “But she had an unfor-
tunate thing happen to her. She hit
out of bounds on No. 17 and that
cost her.”

Weissmeuller said she “mis-
clubbed" herself and it cost her the

“I hit a little too much club and

UK, IU to continue ‘healthy rivalry’

Assistant Sports Editor

Saturday‘s football game against
Indiana is not about gut-wrenching
mental and physical warfare among
friends and family, it‘s about foot-

UK and IU will meet for the 22nd
time, in what UK coach Bill Cun'y
calls a “healthy rivalry."

But that doesn’t necessarily mean
the fans of these two institutions
will be tuning up for the game by
doing push~ups and sit-ups.

It just means the only bloodshed
will be on the football field.

Currently, Indiana leads the “Bat-
tle of the Bourbon Barrel" 13-7-1,
but the Cats have won four of the
last six games.

The fans of the two states rich in
basketball tradition are a bit more
humble and less violent than the
pigskin maniacs of the deep South.
Sure, they will get their traditional
verbal rubs in, but they‘re not going,
to kill anyone - it‘s not a baket-
ball game or anything (just kid-

Af'er all, who knows better about
abnormal fan loyalty than Curry.
who was among throngs of fanatical
football fans at Alabama and Geor-
gia Tech.



Read Sports

the Kernel







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the ball went out of bomds,” she
said “I ended up making a double
bogey there. Basically, after that I
was out of the tournament."

Wake Forest's Stephanie Neill
shot a 71 to win the individual title
while North Carolina’s Debbie Do-
ninger shot 70, the tournament's top
single round score, to finish second.

Gill and junior DeLores Nava,
who also received an honorable
mention in Golf Week, tied for third
with three-round totals of 225.
Nava's round of 73 yesterday was
her best of the toumament.

“I was very concentrated." Nava
said. “I tried to think about every
shot. Ididn't think about my scores
I just played shot by shot."

Gill rebounded from her 2-over-
par 78 in the second round to shoot
a 2-under-par 74 in the final round.

“I decided I was going to play the
first three holes a little better than I
did yesterday aftemoon. And I did.”
she said “I was one under after
three holes and I was 3-under after
nine. I did all right except for some
careless bogeys on the back side."

Nava and Gill displayed improve-
ment over a weak showing at the
Lady Tar Heel Invitational last
weekend. The strong play brought
relief to their coach.

“Tonya and DeLores are super,"
Evans said. “They are just strong,
solid players. Frankly, they didn't
have that good a tournament at
Nonh Carolina. It’s great to see
them get back where they me be
cause those and Lisa are the nucleus

“The (Georgia)Tech-Georgia se—
ries at one time was discontinued
by the state of Georgia due to
deaths back in the teens,” Curry
said. The Alabama-Aubum series is
no different, he said

“There are husbands and wives
that don't speak to each other for a
months after those games ~— it
get’s out of hand,“ he said.

UK and IU play for the Bourbon
Barrel, an old half-barrel. mounted
on a board that either records the
score of each game between the
two teams in either blue or red.

The annual tradition honors the
distillery industry in Kentucky and
Southern Indiana.

The rivalry is one of the oldest in
college football, beginning in 1893.
But regardless of the history. the
fans just want It) see a good foot-
ball game.

To many, however. a "good
game" may mean a lopsrdcd wrn.
And last year it was Indiana's turn
to cheer the loudest, when the H00-
siers scored 28 pornts in the fourth
quarter to cement a 45-24 Victory.

The Cats’ last shining moment
came in 1989, when a gamey UK
defense stopped Indiana on its own
I-yard line late in the fourth quar-
ter, preserving a 17-1-1 win.

Although UK will play two more



North Carolina
Wake Forest

South Carolina
Memphis State
Western Ky.
Tennessee Tech




rvnoue JOHNSTOMKUW Silt'
of this team.”

Senior Laurie (ioodlet shot an 82
in the final round and fell to l0th
overall at 232. Freshman Tracey
Holmes shot 78. Evans said the writ
would boost UK's confidence, but
she said she was most impressed
with the Kats’ low scores

“More than anything, this Will be
a confidence builder," she said
“But the 10w scores we shot will
help our overall scoring average
and that's what gets you tin the na-
tional championship "


ladies Boutique

Southeastern Conference games
next season, and a possible football
series with Louisville is in L'K's to»
lure, the Battle for Bourbon Barrel
will continue. C ; '0: £939?




UK and IL’ have agreed to contin-
ue the annual series through the
yea; fofi.





Music Emporium
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Thursday Night
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 4 — Kentucky Kernel, Wednesday, September 18. 1991




10 Ft. Pole, Black Cat Bone heat Wrocklage



Contributing CrlllC

One more Saturday night at the
Wrocklage. Having talked to both
bands as they set up. 1 knew this
was going to be one hot show.

The air conditioner was out he-
catbt‘ of some large-scale construc-
tion on the back wall.

Despite this and a warning on the
tront door. Black Cat Bone and 10
Foot Pole filled the place with
enough people to throw the temper-
ature another 15 degrees upward.
Plenty of good. sweaty fun to go

The bands were mentally ready
— 10 Foot Pole recently has been
back in the studio. and those Bone
fellows were on the verge of sign-
ing With a new label.

Black Cat Bone is doing so well
that drummer Dave Fen'is said “be-
tween this and my other band. the
Lilypons, 1 can almost make a liv-

10 Foot Pole was domg what it
usually did. clowning around and
_iamming funky ‘605 sitcom-theme
quips while they set up.

Black Cat Bone. back from a Ca-











Black Cat Bone. one of Lexington's most popular local bands. is performing today at noon on the lawn
outside the Student Center. The concert, given by the Student Activities Board, is tree.

nadian tour. opened the show. For
three guys, they produce an incredi-
bly energetic sound. Straight-ahead
psychedelic, played fast with a
touch of blues-paced rock. Weird
lyrics and accompanying hand sig-




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438 S. Ashland Ave.



Mon — Thurs
Fri — Sat

