xt7w6m33576z https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7w6m33576z/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1982-08-23 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, August 23, 1982 text The Kentucky Kernel, August 23, 1982 1982 1982-08-23 2020 true xt7w6m33576z section xt7w6m33576z ___.______._______—_____________________________________________
Special ADD/DROP Edition
Monday if} 7' j” VIEW—”‘7
1 9% ‘ ,
; ,// 0 “75,8, Q\ . .
KE TUCKY i 0> x
/ \ /$‘ \ <1) ‘ ”00.0 \: lt's no use avoiding it if you need to
i / _\ ’13”) l have major surgery performed on your
~ / 9 _ 1/0 schedule. On page 3. the Kernel once
. g e 47 35’ again explains the finer points of the
; e . ‘.\"I, procedure and tries to prepare you for
l / . 9 \\‘ the thousands at students that Will be
l \ {r . do ‘ // going to Memorial Coliseum tomorrow
I\ ._ ’ ._ 0 q" to change their class load. And starting
. ,\/A . / . on page 5 the schedule of available
l., k /, \ (4 \ '91? \l classes IS listed. Good luck.
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CHUCK FEIIV Kernel Svalt
W I, Triangle Park, located near the Lexington Center and Rupp Arena night, with several people strolling the grounds when the water
ate, wa downtown, has become a popular attraction Since its debut this display are illuminated. The fountains are lit until 1:00 a.m.
summer. The fountain park has turned into a center of activity at
Unive I'Si ty active during SUIIIIIIG $855.
Administration changes, selective Name change. Banahan nomination
admissions among summer actions Update . recall highlight summer SGA actions
From Staff and Wire Reports gmerican cCollege Test (ACT). Sin- By ANDREW OPPMAVN Pep rally scheduled
etary sai . :- .. . . _::‘.._.,..,.::::.E: .. .:--:;§:-:. {:33 . News Editor
__ __._ ___._.____ Specific admission criteria Will be ‘ -. x t "6325*”. . *2. _-T"..’§ijg2::5_sg=:x ’1 The summer Interim Senate. at
determined later by the University‘s '2 . ' 1. _- ".gfffgirjf:i=i 2 5 their June 24 meeting. approved a

While this summer may have been faculty senate. he said. Such criteria f 2 .5} _. ‘% . ' j'_;}.l_iff ’ 55;; 3:551:51; ' proposal by Dinkle and SGA Vice
a period Of 1'85! and relaxation for typically include college entrance 3: '- _ . . 3:}.522535- 5*; ;f3':;§i§*-ff~---f UK no longer has a Student Asso- President David Bradford. account-
some students and faculty, It. was a exam “0135. high SChOOl grades and j ';§:{...‘ 6‘ ' v-"}._:.._§:5f_;' {5.353;ng . 51. » .; ciation because of action taken by ing senior. for a pep rally welcom—
time Of actmty for the “New"! class standing. I. ¢ ;. I :st'iafiié'= 53;? ”7.532123323 . gf; 3} the UK Board of Tristees over the ing Coach Jerry Claiborne to UK on

Several . major deCiSions were The policy must now be approved ¢ . Maggiw:€::§i§_l.i.:3"‘_ 2:5};- :.I . , .: -2 summer session. 8.00 pm. Thursday. Sept. 16 at Me-
made during the summer sesSion by the .Kentucky CounCil on Higher Q Zigzaghfi I 2:59.314 . . , . Instead UK has a Student Govern- morial Coliseum.
concerning the future and operation Education. $ __ _. . Itligiliingw$22551??? .5 ‘_ .: 1...? g ment Association 50 A is ”$8"th searching for 3
0f the University. Here is a brief UK began preparing the admis- . L ':a'}=;..'5ifi5l?::s' igitfflilfl"5527273" '»':..:;:":.5'::2 V ' The name cha e a am i n “celebrit' hostiessv“ to serve as
summary of some of the more im— sions Poucy when the council . . . 5 5.:th f I ' ...-:212is':::i;i» ’ a} [-18 ‘ -c pag ) - - -

- . . . , ,. _';e;;.,;.;_:~ gay-3;:- . ,. goal of SGA President Jim Dmkle. master of ceremonies. Admisswn to
portant actions. gdopted‘ asé‘ecomnggreiii‘ationn cealtlingf . ” . 5.5:; . V. ...;.;§.f.:,:.:32....1.2.2 '[313}:51:21:.55lii5'i1’iifi3 was made official at the Tristees‘ the rally willbefree.

ux reorganize administration £2th Jica‘i‘i’é‘n‘i'i Kentu‘é‘i’iycafldi’n 3 I ' :-= i June 22 meeting. Because of the rec-

reswnse t0 the CPIE'S Prichard ..:v‘.-:~:.: . ..-'-.v'-:-:-:¥:l:1.-:1:ii:'-‘-:‘I-I3.'ia5'~}-':».. i:4»::»:1§v:1::1::::'--. _J: ognition given [0 SGA by the Board. SGA supports Amnesty Int. Chapter

A Uhlvel'Slty reorganization plan Committee report. In Pursuit of Ex- . the name Chaim." required “39‘" .
calling for the addition of three ceuence, ments to the LmverSitys governing The Interim Senate approved a
chancellorships was approved by the 1 e regulations concermng the organiza- bill sponsored by Dinkle and Vincent
UK Boardof'l‘rusteesonJune22. Dentalschoolcouldbeclosed tion. . . Xehr graduate school senator and

The plan. introduced by President _Dinkle. ' telecommunications se- phySics graduate student. support-
()tis Singletary, called for new chan— Closing UK‘s dental school is one mor. in his recommendation to the ing the formation of an Amnesty In-
cellorships for the main campus, of two options that have been devel- Board. said he recommended the ternational campus network on the
community colleges and the UK s a e deal wi a m change “to g‘ve students a clearer UK campus
Medi lC te ”palbythettw m 3‘ 'de"fSGA‘ Th UK ht n d ted

ca en r. ofdentists statewide. i a 0 Spurposes. e . c ap er as a op

Art Gallaher was named main The other option. according to a resolved soon. has soared while population growth Mieczyslaw Bednarski. a worker'im-
campus chancellor,‘Dr. Peter 30' position paper prepared by the “If it's decided to keep both has tapered off in recent years. In Banahan nomination voided prisonedun Poland for his actions
SOIhWOI’th W95 appomtedntéhancelior Council on Higher Education. is to schools. we look forward to a collab- Kentucky. the dentist-population . . With Solidarity, the countrys sub-
for the medlca‘ center a 0:181" “a? continue reducing first-year enroll- orative relationship“ with UK. Par- ratio has dropped between 1975 and The "WNW“ 0‘ Senamr‘at' dued lab“. “m": as the." central
Wethington was named chance lor ° ments at UK and the state's other kins said. But if the ultimate deci- 1&0, from one dentist for every 2390 Large Katy Banahan as chairman of case. publicly urging Polish autho-
thecommunityco ege system. dental school at the University of sion is to keep only the UL school. residents toone for each2 342' the Senate‘s Political Affairs Com- ries for his release.

f The M190“ aregwsed foaming: Louisville. he said. it should be made soon be- ' mittee was voided by the SGA Sum- Dinkle has formally written Polish
tolrme;re;ce ”5' "a” m The position paper was mailed to cause his school already has started Griffin named [Kn-“st“ mer Judicial Board. acting on a government officials and the SGA

Under the new 5 t em the chan- council members last month. It asks athree-year faculty reduction plan. complaint by Senator~at~Large Jack Washington lobbying team talked to
cellors report direcfiy td the presi- them to familiarize themselves with Both schools have agreed to a 25 George w Griffin. a London busi- Dulworth. the country‘s embassy officials on
dent. All other officers colleges thetopic. WhiCh may be Oh the agen- percent enrollment reduction, Wthh nessman. was named Aug. 3 to the Dulworth maintained that John Bednarski‘s behalf.
schools and departments ’will report da for the council's October meet. is already under way.he said. UK Board of Trustees by Gov. John Davenport. chairman pro tempore
tothe chancellor's. “‘5' _ FaCtQFS favoring closing the UK Y Brown. of the committee. did not have the SGA lobbies in Washington.D.(‘.

In an interview published in the The paper contends Kentucky 5 iChQOl include same money on ad- Griffin. 55. had served on the legal authority to confirm Banahan.

1932 Summer Kentucky Kernel. Sin- dental needs can be met by reducing ministrative COStS. the paper stated. board for 12 years until his last term political science junior. as chairman A five member SGA delegation
gletary said the system is based entering Class“ from a 1930 level 0‘ “50..“ has enough Space to handle expired about two years ago. He re- became she did not receive five traveled to Washington Aug. 15-20 to
upon the administrative structure of 148 students to 11(Hl5 students a any increased enrollment. and by places Thomas Kessinger of Lexing- votes needed for majority approval. lobby "issues of importance to UK
the University of Tennessee and the year. , , . Iomb‘mhg S°h°015 1“ one Site. edu- ton. Dulworth. business sophomore. students.“

previotm model used by the Univer- The counCil. the state 5 coordinat- rational quality probably WOUld be Griffin is president of the Laurel was Banahan‘s only competition for The group. consisting of Dinkle.
sity Of North Carolina. ing agency for higher education. has enhanced because the be“ talent Grocery 03- Of 335! Bernstadt and the committee chairman‘s slot Dulworth Banahan Campus Liasion

“Basically. you have 3 president been struggling .With what to do wouldbeinonesite.thepapersaid. is a major stockholder in Appala- in evidence presented to the judi- Lawrence Bisig. business and eco-
who handles most of the statewide debgligtsl'f‘dr L[‘12:en:Jitaflev?vzzsrlgpply of Fatctolt‘s alwnfifsedt’cfiddmrgl‘l‘ Chia Computer Services. Inc. 0‘ L0“- cial board. Dulworth contended that nomics sophomore. and Cabinet Sec-
stuffand'the Chancellors who handle The PrichargaCommbittee ' a citi- dmee’tal aservice “r ”mile: eratefi don. . _ ‘ of the six members in attendance at retary Leslie Bingham. mimic se-
the '"teml armed"? and °P°ra' . . ‘ " 9,08 99, He also is director of the (umber the April 29 election meeting. onlv nior. met with members of
tions of the institution henid. zens group that studied the future by the schools. which serve their re- land Valle National Bank of Lon- - . . .

“Cl | the chancellor! will be of higher education in the state last spective parts of the state and po- do d h); F‘ \' . 1 Bank f four votes could be proven for Bana- Kentucky 5 congresswnal delegation

’ losefi‘oythe da -to—day operations year discussed the question. but tential litigation from closure. the Mn 3;: ti "St ' 3mm 0 han. “30' a record 0f the voting was and members of the Reagan admin-
fhat one presidei‘lt could ever be." made no final recommendation, pri- paper stated. Also. “friendly compe- anc es er, "0‘ entered ““0 the minutes 0‘ the istration. , ‘
Singletary said. marily because the council had not iition“ is sparked by the existence of Fitzgerald goes to Houston committee smeeting. _ . , ‘Ed‘to' 5 "0‘95 1" ‘°m°"°w 3

. . . . . . d . . . . Billy Bob Renner. chief Jmtice of issue. the Kernel will feature a more

He said one new posmon of Vice fimshed stu ying the issue twoschools.it stated. . . . . . . , .
chancellor for academic affairs That study — now in draft from so last year. the UK and UL dental Peter Fitzgerald. UK‘s special as- the_J“dlCi81 hoard. wrote in the un- indepth .0711le on SGA s washing~
probably will not be fined for anoth- is the basis for the recommendation schools had a total of 570 students. sistant for business and financial af- amimous den-“9h that “a chairman ”"10”?!“ effm't-l
eryear. toreducedental-school enrollment. Entering students totaled 134 — 57 fairs. has been appointed vice chan- cannot be homlhatEd by_ a Simple SGA 8098"“! the road"

UK dental dean Merrill Packer. at UK and778t UL—which is down cellor of administration for the minority Of those committee mem- _ .
hostess move for admissions policy and UL dental dean Dr. Frederick from a high of nearly 150 students in University of Houstion‘s central bers present at the meetings “"155 The Interim Senate approved a bill
Perkins both said they could not m5. campis effective Sept. 1. lie/she received votes totaling more introduced by Senator-at-Large John
The UK Board of Trustees voted comment on any specifics in the The surplus of dentists throughout His appointment must still be ap- than one half 0f the committee 5 Cain and Hillary Smith. PUth Pelt“
‘ '“ June 22 to establish the first admis- paper because they had not yet seen the country has come about because proved by Hotston‘s Board of Re- membership. tions director. to hold five senate
sion standards policy in the school's it. the government — concerned about gents. . Renner. third year law student. meetings at variom campus loca-
hlStOI‘Y- . . Packer said he would “hate to see a potential shortage after the post- Fitzgerald had just received a new ordered Davenport. political seience tions.

The policy Will replace one that some decision made" without an in- war baby boom — helped finance title on July 1. when he became a junior. to “arransea future meeting Keeneland Hall‘s lobby will host
"0W guarantees admission for all depth look at overall dental educa new dental schools and paid them member of Singletary‘s cabinet for the nomination of a chairperson the senate on Sept. 27; the Commons
students who graduate from 8 Ken- tion and services. stipends for each student attending. under the new L'niverSIty adminis- . . . consistent with the SGA Consti- Cafeteria on Oct 11 and Nov 8.
NICKY hlsh SChOOl "id Who take the Perkins said the issue needs to be The number of dental graduates tration reorganization. tution. bylaws andihmiecision.”

 2'MKENWCKYKERNEL-Manhy, Anal-:23, nu
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USED and New Books And Supplies
106 New Student Center 35

 THE KENTUCK YKERNEL, -Monday, Auguet23, 1982 - 3
Ad I‘ ' Kn W what to d
. I‘ 0"
. " ‘ a; . ,4. By ANDREW OPPMANN and what YOIU what to drop. Once / — Get an instruction sheet pro- w — Arrive at your appointed
._ m m - ‘ News Editor you have decided. you need to set a Vided at the entrance. It will provide time tsee schedule box). Students
' i f . » computer card ’0’ ”Ch class a detailed explanation for the entire are processed alphabetically. Al-
I ‘ .. . . , .- - ‘ .W .W .. -. - change. The COMM? cards can be add/drop pocedure. It also includes though you can arrive late and still
.‘ ' .. . PICl‘ed UP from the mdiwdual de- a map of the Coliseum showing the go throng) centralized add/drop, no
_ - .- ' B. ‘ If you are unhappy With the sched- panment tables located on the 900- location otthe different tables. student will be admitted before his
~ I ' I: . ule that the computer save you an course and central floor of the Col- .4 - Get an IBM permit card. One or her appointed time.
. ’ in ~ ' ‘ I ‘. 7 option remainstobeat the machine. iseum. . such card is assigned to every stu-
v. 1 Add/drop. the Irocedure by which lFOI‘ example: ll IYOU were adding dent. You can get your card at the You also can change your grade
.3 ‘ .1 I... P -- you can change your schedule to fit JOU 101 and dropping MA 113. you entrance; every student going option (audit. pass-fail and letter)
‘ ‘ . I , g your academic needs. is probably would need a computer card from through centralized add/drop must and adjust the number of credit
“ . - ., ' . your best bet. . I the mathmatics department and the have this card. hours for variable courses tomorrow
, 4 *5 I The Irocedure Will be centralized journalism department.) .2 — Always add a class before at the Coliseum.
IgII . - \ ~ 9 i . " , for one day — tomorrow in Memori- IYou Will also need an add/drop you drop a class. Make sure you can Tomorrow is also the last day you
3. ' al Coliseum starting at 10am. SllP to complete all you SCthUle get the class you want before you can withdraw from a class and be
1;: I \ . . Although the one-day centralized transactions. Only one add/drop slip dropanycourse. eligible for a full refund. Classes
.I‘ V. " " ‘ add/drop saves students from walk- will be needed because each slip has / — Have your UK student ID will start on Wednesday.
~‘ " . ing to the different academic depart- space for seven class changes. All with you at all times, Also on Wednesday. noncemra).
' '.‘_, ~ . ments to change their schedule. the computer cards must be filled out .2 —— You may pick up the ad- ized add/drop for Arts & Sciences
- . o: ' l "" . huge crowds and long lines may be witha Nozlead pencil. d/drop slip from your adviser before will be held in the Buell Armony; all
'. : I \ i " the source ofavery fristrating day. Here are some other things stu- coming to the Coliseum. or you can other add/drop procedures will be
. E ' t Before traveling to the Coliseum. dents should remember before going pick up one from the check-in table held in the dean‘s office of the indi-
“I . ‘fl > “ plan ahead what you want to add tocentralized add/drop: in theColiseum. vidualcolleges.
”w ' ' of ‘ . . t . ‘ .
i t ' x ‘e: ’ ' ' “ = '
.4 . A. 4... .= it.
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A : .. 2, . ; . . " f r ’ t at» .
., ~.,.... :1 {5' ;.,- .. I I w . fl .2 I ,, e . g a- .
I . ' . . ' "" “ I Q. - , ” t ‘ "3 .
I . . , i ‘92, fir” n f \ it 3.
Capacity crowd ' ”at I , « - ’ ‘ ~ ‘ t V
Well . . . not really, however about 6,000 student went through 3 l 22",” 14/ 4p. 2. .. . o, . . . '
centralized add/drop last semester and an equal number is ex- 3 '3'" W2 . .- '4 .4.” . , 75 ’ '- .fi} .4
pected tomorrow. Officials urge students to bring theii own ,4» ' ’ d ' ‘ . , at ,. ‘-
schedule books because they are in scarce supply. . ,I,' 4/ . I . . x, . it , 4, " ”' if
J Student expenses Increase by $300 per year
i I e I I I e
. Financial aSSIstance available I h bud ets
Add/Drop schedule 1 8 pl 9
l By DONNA HAMILTON creased costs and limited funds. fora guaranteed student loan. essing applications and completing
l Reporter Ingle estimated a $300 increase in "All financial aid money has been need assessments.
10:00 MC-O 1:00 Bm-Che expenses for students from last committed.“ he said. This includes Although overall funds are at
. . . __~ we..- *I year. This includes increased tuition supplemental grants. scholarships about the same level as last year.
~ 10:30 P-RI 1.30 Chf-DI l ‘ and housing along with the inflation and National Direct Student Loans. Ingles explained that he expects: to
. e 1' rate.  UK against Oklahoma. The game is World of Star Trek" will include a merit will present Eeyore'a
l ! scheduled for Sept. 18 at 1:11). The glimpse of the television seris’ orig- Christmas Present Dec.4and5.
‘- following week there is another af- inal pilot qtisode. Admission is $2 This month signals the end of the
ternoon (1:30) game scheduled be- for students and $3 for the general fall semesta', which means finals
rooo CNILDIIS KernelStatt tweenseptthe waggtgnd Kal'isasceut 'Act‘ pubselift. z; a th scheduled to :2; ChrisDtgcias geakahdli‘inalstwwk. .
' . . . . .241 t ent er lV- . - e movies ns . con miles
Mlzuakl 7, son of Yoyomlt Mleko Sato, pharmacy post-doctorate -- ' - -
TennIS tat student gets in a last tennis game at the Complex Tennis Courts lties Board mu present the movrs be shown are Casablanca and through Dec. 17'
before returning to Japan with his mother.
Summer sports ’had their moments’
Here we are back at the Universi- weakening in the area around the “Don’t you think that‘s a little mor- 18th round by the Chicago White Sox _j . .. ..
tv for all the fun things UK offers fracture and Bowie has experienced bid at this point?" and pitcher Jeff Parrett was se- ,1 :- a”
like six—hour lines at centralized ad- some swelling of his calf. But whether they want to admit it lected in the let round by the Mon- i5 _, "
d/drop and even seemingly longer “We‘ll see how it develops,“ said or not, a stress fracture is not like a trealExpos, . _
ling at the bookstores. UK basketball coach Joe B. Hall at regular fracture, especially in a leg All but Parrett, who was a junior ,“' m. .
. , ~-~~~-—~~—~ a recent press conference, with that is 41 inches long, and the tros- last year, signed with their respec- .
~ ‘ Steven Bowie looking on in earnest. “The pect that it willheal completely, or tive teams. _
3 N, major part of the bone is healed. We even at all, will have to be taken 0 . __., .2 '-
' "‘ l-OWTHER don't know how much time it will into consideration. It's been 54 Stadium expansion and new swun- . a " I
spam Educ, take. This cast will be on for six weeks mingfacilities were again the topics . t“
' \ ' 3’ t Weeks." After all. Bill Walton had a stress of discussion as the Athletics Asso- V.
= While the rest at the team goes fracture. ciation approved a'record sot mil-
_ through the grueling conditioning . lion budget. President Otis Sin- ‘ -‘ .. ,. L
_B‘" some 0‘ us have We"t ”“5 en- program, Bowie will be weight First-year football coach Jerry gletary said he .dldn't ”10W 0‘ any ‘
tire “VP“derful summer here at UK training and “paying my dues in Claibome’s “lay-down-the—law” ap— SChOOl in the P881011 that h8_d_5_“¢h “1' _ ., .
watCth .over the summer 590‘“ other ways," he said. The only tea- proach to football may be the thing adequate swimming “film‘s as , y 1 '2‘
scene. while attempting to get a mmate that Bowie had talked to be- the teamneedsthis year. UK- . _ ' ”w 5’ '
“Statistics for 305mm and E” fore meeting the press was Melvin Just before the freshmen came to But stadium clamswn stlll may , -. a"; ‘
nomios‘.’ class out of the way. Al- rpm-pm who told him jokingly, camp, Claiborne issued a warning to be somewhere down the road f .. W " I
though it hasn’t been the most exClt- “Take your time, Boo." all players that anyone reporting to way down the road. Eleven years . - g a, w ,
mg summer. lthashad “5 moments. But it looks like another “day to fall practice out of shape would not 880 when Commonwealth Stadium . w‘ ' ’
Wally the” has“ been a 10‘ 0‘ day situation” with UK’s All-Ameri- beissueda uniform. was completed. the total cost hov— - , - € .
exc1ternent. , . . can. And that's no joking matter for That just might save the Athletics ered around $11 million. Construc- I f ’
For instance. take the Cinclnatti a team that desperately needed Association money. tion costs to close in one aid of the . . '
Reds 913358;, D’d‘ Wagner 5 Bowie last year and will this year. 0 stadium would hover “around $11 .. 9
“Boys 0‘ Summer have-tumed out Although Bowie seemed to handle UK fared pretty well in various million,” according to recent esti- ’
F0 be ”BOYS °f Slumber m the race all the inquiries rather confidently, summer for professional sports. mates. ' i — l
in Fhe National League Western D“ there was a guarded tone to his Chuck Verderber was drafted in the But now that football practice has . "
viSlon; 50 what did Mr. Washer ‘10 voice when he said “basketball is seventh round by the Chicago Bulls, started, and no doubt the lines for l - V .
about ‘t? Why he made out the star” my part of life. I‘m not really con- but the odds of him making the big add-drop are starting about now, a? . ‘
ing line up for two weeks then fired sidering not playing again." leagues must have looked too low as too, it‘s time to forget about this ’ . ~ .-
manager 30h“ MacNamara. And Hall doesn’t particularly want Verderber opted to go to Spain to summer, and last year’s football Q ‘ ... ' ,
Some more bad news